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Amasifuén Vasquez Lina Melina
Velasquez Guzman Aaron
Ticse Rengifo Claudio Sebastian
Rojas Huamán Whignny Allisson
Geraldo Salas Dewinson Piero
Anglo-Saxon literature is the first
manifestation of a vernacular
language in the Middle Ages. This
literature is expressed in Old
English, the Germanic language that
the Angles, Jutes, and Saxons
brought with them when they
invaded Britain.
Historical and cultural context
The Anglo-Saxon society
developed in a complex scenario.
Following the end of Roman rule in
Britain and the arrival of Germanic
tribes to the island, a new society
would develop among many
different cultural identities. This
would be reflected in their
All surviving examples from this period come from manuscripts,
these were often written for educational and preserving

These books and documents contain crucial evidence for the

development of society, economy, literature, government, art and
religion during the transformative period between the 7th and the
11th centuries.
Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Almost all of the literature of this period
was orally transmitted, and almost all
poems were intended for oral
performance. As a result of this, Anglo-
Saxon poetry tends to be highly
Literary Analysis
To have a more clear idea, we can
deconstruct the general characteristics
found within Old English literature through
the study and analysis of some of its
most representative and influential works.
The Battle of Maldon:
The poem teaches us the attributes that
constitute a good warrior and leader according
to their cultural norms, because of this, the
poem is a great way for us to see how the
Anglo-Saxons viewed these topics and situations,
and what their ideals were as a people within
their time.

It would be impossible to talk about

Anglo-Saxon poetry without
mentioning Beowulf, possibly the most
influential and important poem not
only for the time it was written, but for
English literature as a whole.
We wouldn’t know as much as we do about English without
all the written works that the Anglo-Saxons left.

Anglo-Saxon literature gives us an idea of what life was like

for the people who lived at that time.

The establishment of a unique cultural canon and identity

would have been impossible to such an extent without the
contributions that Old English literature made to both
preserve and expand many of the most important aspects
of Anglo-Saxon society as a whole.

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