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Quirk: Heritage

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki (mentioned), Toogata Mirio
Additional Tags: Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has Multiple Quirks,
Midoriya Izuku Has All for One Quirk, As in he can use other people's
quirks, but it's a bit more complicated than that - Freeform, Quirk
Discovery (My Hero Academia), Quirk Analysis (My Hero Academia),
Quirk Theory (My Hero Academia), QUIRK IDEA, My beta is future me
after a good night's rest, Written in a scientific computer OS style, One
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Quirks Galore, Part 1 of One-Shot Ponies
Stats: Published: 2020-11-01 Completed: 2021-03-21 Words: 1,572 Chapters:

Quirk: Heritage
by NotMasonPines


A doctor checks and updates a patient's files on the computer after a long day of work, for
better or for worse.


So recently I've been talking with a friend about creating quirks, since they've created over
100 quirks for their own fic, and I decided to challenge myself and flesh out 100 unique
quirks of my own. The one in this fic is the most interesting one from those 100, and my
friend thinks it could have a fic of its own. I don't actually trust myself with writing
narration or dialogue though so I decided to write a short one shot in this style. Anyway this
quirk is up for grabs, if anyone wants to use it that is.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

Booting up Jaku General Hospital Paediatrics Clinic Registry…

>Access registry file ID #4718975

Registry file #4718975 has several follow-up entries and addendums, access all?

no >Yes

Registry ID #4718975
Patient name: Midoriya Izuku, age 4
Visitation date: Sunday 17-01-2230
Priority: Low priority
Visitation reason: Quirk manifestation

Patient was brought to the clinic after a standard quirk manifestation. Standard blood tests and foot
X-rays affirm the presence of a quirk. Of note is that the patient is a slight late bloomer, their quirk
manifesting over half a year late. Much more intriguing however is that the patient’s quirk gene has
a perfect 100% match with their mother’s. Even perfect one-to-one quirk inheritance shows some
degree of mutation in the DNA sequence, though not to the point of altered function, see registry
ID #3957471 Togata, M.

Recommended course of action: provide standard quirk counselling.

Addendum: Quirk Registry file:

Name: Midoriya Izuku, age 4
Submission date: Monday 18-01-2230
Quirk: Minor Attraction (focus/miscellaneous activation; kinesis type)

Description: User can attract small objects within range to their hands by repeatedly making
grabbing motions with their hand. Size limit is around the size of a standard football and the range
is about 20 meters.

entry 1/3 >next entry

Registry ID #4720045
Patient name: Midoriya Izuku, age 5
Visitation date: Friday 27-08-2230
Priority: Medium priority
Visitation reason: Quirk mutation
Patient was brought to the clinic after their quirk spontaneously mutated during kindergarten
recess, resulting in the injury of one of the patient’s friends, currently admitted to the polyclinic for
3rd degree burns, see registry ID #4720102 Bakugou, K. The patient’s quirk was originally
thought to be a one-to-one inheritance of their mother’s quirk, however, their quirk further
manifested to include the father's quirk. Dual quirks are rare but not unheard of, a dual quirk
manifesting separately with a lag period of half a year is not. Blood tests show that the previously
undiscovered section of the quirk gene again has a 100% match with the corresponding parent
quirk gene. How a good portion of the patient’s quirk gene was missed during prior tests is
unknown and should be further investigated.

Recommended course of action: provide further standard quirk counselling, schedule regular
monthly follow-up visitations for blood tests to monitor for any further mutations or other

Addendum: Quirk Registry File [Updated]:

Name: Midoriya Izuku, age 5
Submission date: Monday 18-01-2230
Update date: Monday 30-08-2230
Quirk: Minor Attraction + Fire Breath (focus/miscellaneous activation; kinesis,
generation/elemental type)

Description: Dual quirk. User can attract small objects within range to their hands by repeatedly
making grabbing motions with their hand. Size limit is around the size of a standard football and
the range is about 20 meters. User’s lungs also generate a combustible gas that can be ignited
through a special organ near the roof of the mouth. Fire can reach regular temperatures for fires,
overuse can result in smoke filling the lungs. Additionally, user's oral cavity and lips are heat

previous entry entry 2/3 >next entry

Registry ID: #4732029

Patient name: Midoriya Izuku, age 5
Visitation dates: Friday 24-09-2230 through Friday 24-12-2230
Priority: Medium priority
Visitation reason: Regular quirk monitoring

Friday 24-09-2230: Patient has shown no further mutations or otherwise irregular behaviour. Blood
tests have not yet shown how half of the patient’s quirk gene was missed during their first visit.
Full genome sequencing should commence within the week.

Friday 26-11-2230: Results of the genome sequencing have arrived two days ago. Results were
originally discarded due to the sequenced genome being shorter than the genome found in the most
recent blood tests. Upon closer inspection the DNA sequence appears to be exactly the same,
barring a portion of DNA that was originally assumed to be part of a junk DNA section that’s often
seen neighbouring the quirk gene, which seems to have grown in length between the time the DNA
was sampled for sequencing and the most recent blood tests.
Friday 24-12-2230: [Note: Only one qualified doctor was available on site for taking and
processing the blood tests due to it being Christmas Eve] The previously assumed junk DNA
section has expanded once again. At first glance the section seemed to be highly mutative but on
further scrutiny it appears that several portions are perfectly preserved from the same section
present in the original blood tests, being interspersed with new sequences. As a final effort to try
and understand this enigma the portions that weren’t present in the original blood tests will be
digitally brought together and compared to all available genomes in the patient’s family. This
process will likely take a large amount of time.

previous entry entry 3/3

Add new entry?

no >yes

Registry ID: #4723010 [Draft]

Patient name: Midoriya Izuku, age 5
Visitation date: Friday 25-02-2231
Priority: High priority
Visitation reason: Regular quirk monitoring

It’s remarkable, the matching results have finally arrived and the DNA fragments are shown to be
part of the patient’s maternal grandmother’s quirk gene. The additional DNA fragments created
during the past two months seem to match perfectly with sections of the maternal grandmother’s
quirk gene as well. I can only come to one conclusion, the patient’s quirk isn’t the currently
registered one at all. In fact, the originally assumed junk DNA is the patient’s actual quirk, which
presumably activated around the normal manifestation timeframe. This quirk gene has somehow
figured out how to perfectly reverse engineer itself to recreate the quirk genes of its own parent
quirks, even where the child's quirk is an anomaly, suggesting that this process can be applied to all
other types of quirk inheritance. Most excitingly, the quirk does not seem to stop at recreating its
own parent quirks, but has started recreating the parent quirks of the patient’s mother’s quirk. It
can be assumed that this will go back until the era where quirks were coming into existence. For
the patient, who is a 5th generation quirk user, this means they can potentially have access to a
maximum of 30 different quirks, given there are no quirkless ancestors in their heritage.
Furthermore, anomalies arise due to the recombinant DNA being extremely malleable, which is
normally the result of a wide variety of quirk types in the individual’s ancestry. A search through
the patient’s ancestry shows that this is definitely the case for the patient. Comparing the current
quirk fragments with that of the patient’s maternal grandmother’s quirk indicates that there is an
estimated 6 months left before completion of the current reconstruction cycle. I wonder what would
happen if a foreign quirk gene is inserted into the patient's quirk gene.

Recommended course of action: remove the patient’s latest registry files and notify supervisor of
these recent developments.

Addendum: Quirk Registry File [Draft]:

Name: Midoriya Izuku, age 5
Submission date: Monday 18-01-2230
Update date: Monday 30-08-2230
Expected update date: Monday 28-02-2231
Quirk: Heritage (passive/connection; meta/stockpile type)

Description: This quirk passively reconstructs parent quirks with the DNA sequence of the
corresponding child quirk, including itself. Heritage appears to work its way back through the
generations, reconstructing the parent quirks one child quirk at a time, presumably starting at the
side with the most maternal bloodline and working its way to the most paternal bloodline before
moving on to the next generation. Heritage also grants the ability to wield said quirks with no
apparent additional physical or mental drawbacks beyond the quirks’ own drawbacks. The
reconstruction of one parent quirk from a child quirk seems to currently take between half a year
and a full year, most likely dependant on either the complexity of the parent quirk or on how much
of the parent quirk’s DNA is present in the child quirk gene. Quirk enhancing drugs might shorten
this timeframe.

Entry is ready for submission, submit?

>no yes

>send all selected entries and addendums to []

>delete draft

>delete latest entries

>log off

Have a pleasant day Dr. Garaki

New fic thingy, check it out

Hey guys, I'm surprised there were actually 17 separate people who liked this little fic thingy
enough to bookmark it despite me not having had any plans of doing anything else with it. I hope
you don't mind but if you liked this I've posted another quirk based prompt one-shot that you might
also want to check out. It's in the series this fic is in but if you want a direct link here you go of

Unlike this fic I tried to write the new one in a more traditional way. I say 'new' but I actually wrote
half of it around the same time as Quirk: Heritage and never got to writing the second half because
of study obligations...oops.

If you just like these quirk ideas in general I've also created another 'fic' where I'll post
straightforward descriptions of the 60 other quirks I don't mind showing to others. So if that's more
your cup of tea then check that out right here

Since I don't want to make this update fully about another fic how about something related to this
one: I'm actually thinking of writing a little follow-up of Quirk: Heritage, nothing too much but I
have a vague plot outline as well as a writing style planned (I'm sticking with more scientific
writing for this fic) so look forward to that at some point. Anyway, see ya later.

End Notes
In case the description of Heritage's processing order was a bit unclear, here's a scheme for
clarity. Each semicircle is a generation, blue indicates male and pink indicates female.
Heritage processes the ancestors' quirks in the order of the arrow.

So I hope this fic serves well as a one-shot and as a prompt. As for the quirk theory terms
that pop up all over this text: Anomaly is my term for a quirk that doesn't resemble any
quirk of their ancestors like Eri's rewind, instead of Mutation, which the show uses, since
that's a bit too vague for my liking. Meta type quirks are my term for quirks that affect other
quirks, like Aizawa's Erasure, or All For One. As for the extra tags after a quirk name:
about 10 quirks into the challenge me and my friend decided to start guessing each other's
quirks, and I decided to make a tagging system that would give a bit more general
information per quirk. They will probably want to incorporate it into their fic as well at
some point so here's just a basic overview of the formatting.

As an example have Hagakure's invisibility quirk, which has a passive invisibility aspect
and a manipulable light refraction aspect:
Quirk: Invisibility (passive, focus; mutation, manipulation type)
The underscored and italicized tags describe activation whilst the solely italicized tags
describe general quirk type.

As mentioned at the start, this is a prompt and can be picked up by anyone who wants to.
You can cover the events described in this one shot and go from there, you can have Izuku
have this quirk but ignore the events described in this one, you can give the quirk to an OC,
and the details of the quirk can be changed as well. Hope this might be useful for someone.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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