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1.1. Background

Language is defined as a means of communication between people. Language can

be in written or spoken form. Language is put together into words and creates

interactions between people. Usually use language to convey their messages, ideas, or

feelings. The beauty of language as a tool for communicating and sharing ideas is

poured into speech. Language builds a conversation that occurs between two or more

people. Therefore, According to Chomsky, Noam (2006) said that language can be

anchored as a sound-dispensing process and grasp the meaning of what people say.

In principle, language is related to understanding what the other person is saying

and producing a signal with an intended semantic interpretation. Where usually the

conversation contains messages, ideas, or feelings that you want to convey to each

other as opposed to stories. In a conversation, people usually enjoy the conversation

to the point where it influences their way of thinking and even impacts changes in

their lives. In today's technological world, people's communication is unlimited.

Communication between people is not only between one or two people, but even

more than that. Through technology, we can have a conversation with anyone in

written or oral form. Many media that can help us be able to communicate with many

people and reach people who are far away from us.

Language can be conveyed to people around the world with the help of

technology. One of them is social media, which can reach everyone in this world.

Social media has many types, namely Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok,

Twitter, Snapchat, and many others. Through social media, we can get information

about what is happening in the world. Social media plays a significant role in our

lives today, where everyone at least has a type of social media account for their own

interests. Through social media, communication occurs indirectly among us. With

social media, language can easily be conveyed to all people who use it.

One of them is social media like YouTube, which has a big role in the process of

language itself being conveyed to people. YouTube is a profitable media platform for

its users. We can get all kinds of information from it, and not only that, we can

explore ideas and creativity that help complement the needs of our daily lives. And

even yotube is used as means of entertainment because of the various types of content

shared by its users. The benefits we can derive from YouTube can influence our

mindset and even change global social conditions. We can digest the language that is

conveyed verbally in YouTube videos and even influence our previous way of

thinking. With the advantage of YouTube, it is possible that this platform has a

negative influence in every spoken language. Every word and phrase contained on

YouTube can affect our actions. One of the impacts of the positive and negative

influences of YouTube videos is the mindset about being childfree.


According to Susan Stobert and Anna Kemeny, "childfree" is someone's decision

or intention from the beginning not to have children. Childfree is a term used for a

husband and wife who decide not to have children after marriage. One of the factors

that led to the existence of the term childfree is a world problem regarding the

increasing human population in various countries. The idea of childfree has begun to

be studied from various perspectives, according to several experts or researchers who

have previously examined the existence of the term childfree. With the phenomenon

of childfree This makes researchers interested in analyzing the critical discourseof the

use of derogatory and euphemistic words and phrases conveyed.

CDA, or critical discourse analysis, is a type of discourse that examines how

social abuses of power, domination, and inequality are enacted, reenacted, and refuted

through writings and conversations in social and political contexts. . CDA seeks to

examine discourse and power in texts (spoken and written). This approach is

essentially based on a critical dialectical conception of theory that is not limited to

formulating and examining general statements about the laws of social reality. In

addition, historical and social conditions are criticized. There are many CDA models

suggested by some experts, but I chose the Van Dijk model to analyze the data. This

theory provides a clear elaboration of positive self-expression (euphemism) and

negative representation of others (contempt). It is a way of perceiving and expressing

one's actions, roles and positions in the world. There are many models of critical

discourse analysis from several experts, but the researcher chooses the Van Dijk

Model, which provides a clear elaboration of positive self-expression (euphemism)

and negative representations of others (contempt). It is a way of understanding and

expressing one's actions, roles, and position in the world.

Euphemization and derogation are common linguistic strategies used in critical

discourse to influence opinions and manipulate perceptions. These techniques not

only reflect the power dynamics of societal structures but also serve as tools for

persuading individuals towards a specific point of view. The researcher explores this

rhetoric of language use in line with van Dijk‟s model which he termed “positive self

and negative other representation” (van Dijk, 2005). According to van Dijk, (2005,

p.103) “CDA research is often interested in the study of ideologically-biased

discourses and the ways these polarize the representation of “us” (ingroup) and

“them” (out-group). Both at the level of global and local meaning analysis, we thus

often witness an overall strategy of positive “self” presentation and negative “other”

presentation in which our good things and their bad thing are emphasized and our bad

things and their good things are deemphasized.”

They want to persuade people to follow them or just support them. In the age of

social media technology, insults and euphemisms are clearly marked on all social

media platforms, including YouTube. Through the media and euphemisms in words

and phrases, be an effective strategist to influence others. So the researchers want to

discuss the devalued euphemisms of the time based on what the media and dominant

groups are saying. Statement from The owner of the real name Gita Savitri Devi has

become hotly discussed throughout the country. This is because of his confession,

which caused a public uproar, regarding childbirth being associated with natural ways

of preventing anti-aging. Because of the controversy, YouTuber Gita Savitri reaped

public attention and became a trending topic on several social media platforms.

Gita Savitri Devi first created a YouTube account in 2009 by sharing cover song

content. She started to pursue the world of YouTube in 2016, to be precise, while

studying in Germany. She actively shares education in Germany, opinions on current

issues, daily vlogs, beauty tips, and questions and answers (Q&A). Increasingly

active in creating content while in college, Gita revealed that she was looking for

additional money apart from her parents. Due to his busy college schedule, he chose

to earn money via the internet. This is proven because Gita currently has 1 million

Instagram followers and 1.23 million subscribers on YouTube. Recently, Gita has

been sharing more content with her husband, Paul Andre Partohap, starting with

opinions, vlogs, and stories of her experiences while living in Germany. Not only

that, the figure of Gita Savitri has also appeared on television in a program titled

Muslim Travelers, which was broadcast by NET TV.

1.2. Formulation of the research

Based on the background of the research above, the problems that can be

formulated in the form of questions as follows:

1. What are the words and phrases of derogation used in Gita’s Savitri Devi video

youtube channel

2. What are the words and phrases of euphemization used in Gita’s Savitri Devi video

youtube channel

1.3. Limitation of the research

In this research, the researcher just focused on analyzing what are the words and

phrases used in derogation and euphemization appearances on Gita’s Savitri Devi

video youtube channel. The researcher uses Van Dijk approaches about derogation

and euphemization to get a more in-depth analysis.

1.4. Objective of the research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of studies are:

1. To find out what are the words and phrases of derogation used in Gita’s Savitri

Devi video youtube channel

2. To find out what are the words and phrases of euphemization used in Gita’s Savitri

Devi video youtube channel

1.5. Significance Research

1.5.1 Theoretically

the results of this research are expected to contribute to the development of

scholarship, especially in the field of critical discourse analysis, which focuses on

Van Dyck’s devaluation and euphemism theory. Additionally, researchers hope that

the next researcher can use his CDA theory to understand the linguistic happenings

around us and as reference to the next researchers. This research may lead to a new

understanding of devaluation and euphemism.

1.5.2 Practically

the results of this study are expected to provide an understanding of tactics based on

devaluation and euphemism. In addition, it is expected that the results of this research

will deepen our understanding of the use of computers. So by instilling ideological

understanding and making us more critics.

1. Reader

It is believed that the findings of this study will help readers comprehend

devaluation and euphemism methods. Furthermore, it is intended that the

findings of this study would expand our awareness of proper social media

use, inculcate ideological understanding, and make us more critical.

2. University

This can aid the university with research analysis, especially for future

students who will be looking for references for assignments, papers, and

research titles connected to critical discourse analysis, derogation, and

euphemization in a newsletter, speech, video, and others. This can assist

students in obtaining knowledge that they can use to contribute to the

campus and support the student lecture session on campus.


3. Writer

This research will be a valuable lesson and source of information for

authors in the future. Related to the existence of the phenomenon of

childfree and also the use of derogation and euphemism in every statement

of the Gita Savitri influential in the writer's life in the future because in the

end we will get to the point where we enter a more mature level and our

life begins faced with choices that should support our next life. with

exceptions and This euphemism analysis assists the writer in discovering

new ideas that may be practiced in life, as well as the good actions taken

by the author over the process of doing this study. In the goal that this

research would help us build social skills in our community.

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