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NAME:_____________________________________ SECTION:__________ SCORE:________

SUBJECT:__________________TEACHER: Mrs. Christine Jane J. Balase DATE:_______

Learning Activity Sheet No. 6

Lesson/ Topic: Expand the content of an outline using notes from primary and secondary sources.
Learning Target(s): 1. Identify primary and secondary sources.
2. Familiarize one’s self with information taken from primary and secondary sources.
3. Give examples of primary and secondary sources.
Reference(s) : English 8, Quarter 1, Module 2
Value Emphasis:
Review activity: What is a primary source?

Directions: Choose the correct modal for each sentence. Give a first hand, unaltered information of a topic under
investigation. These materials are created by people who actually
1. (May/ Could) you please pass me that book over there. witnessed or experienced an event or may provide evidence of
2. (Might/Can) you speak Chinese? particular events or conditions by the fact that they have been
3. She (can/could) drive but she takes the bus to go to work. written at or around the time the event being studied occur.
4. I don’t know yet but I (may/ might) come with you after all.
5. (May/ Could) you please let me know your answer by the Autobiographies, memoirs, letters, news footages, manuscripts,
end of the week? speeches, and official record

Activity 1 What is a secondary source?

Directions: Identify if the given is taken from a primary source It is a document or material produced or created after an event has
or a secondary source. taken place or after a phenomenon has occurred. In short, they are
second hand documents written about an event, a topic or a person.
_____________1. A biography about a President.
_____________2. The declaration of independence. Example; textbooks, reviews, articles, and encyclopedias
_____________3. A news explaining what happened in Israel.
_____________4. A veteran talking about a war.
_____________5. A letter from a soldier describing World War What primary sources/ secondary sources can we use if the
II. topic is about “ A Modern Filipino writer who stands as a
_____________6. A journal article written about how Filipinos model for others”?
_____________7. A friend describing the storm he experienced Primary sources:
last year.
_____________8. An actor describing what it was like on a set _____________________________________________________________
of a movie.
_____________9. A website describing the first World’s Fair
was like. Secondary Sources
_____________10. A history book about the Philippine
colonizers. _____________________________________________________________

English 8 Activity
Topic: Context Clues

Name:_______________________________ Score:__________
Grade and Section:_______________ Date:____________

Answer the activities in a ½ crosswise.

Activity 1
Directions: Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word and the type of context clue. Write the letter of your answer.

1. Our baseball team’s pitcher has a few eccentric habits, such as throwing exactly thirteen warm-up pitches and never
wearing socks.
a. Normal b. strange c. messy
2. After the heavy rains, the stream became murky; in fact, the water was so cloudy you couldn’t see the bottom.
a. Cloudy b. bottomless c. clear
3. The debris on the stadium floor included numerous paper cups, ticket stubs, and cigarette butts.
a. Products b. papers c. trash
4. The coach takes every opportunity to censure his players, yet he ignores every opportunity to praise them.
a. Approve of b. criticize c. choose
5. The newlyweds agreed to be very frugal in their shopping because they wanted to save enough money to buy a house.
a. Economical b. wasteful interested
6. Although Alex usually looks unkempt, he had a very neat appearance at his job interview.
a. Orderly b. handsome d. messy

In the sentences below, which type of context clue is provided for the underlined word?
7. I’m looking for a unique gift for my mother; she appreciates unusual things.
a. Example b. synonym c. antonym/contrast
8. Expecting that his license would be renewed, the pilot was surprised when it was revoked instead.
a. Example b. synonym c. antonym/contrast

Activity 2
Directions: Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the given choices below. Write the letter of your choice.

a. Rain
b. award for outstanding achievement
c. Acting or speaking in a rude manner
d. putting the needs and welfare of others
e. dislikes intensely
f. main point
g. well-educated; well read

1. Because there was so little precipitation this year, the crops dried up and died.
2. Although I was unable to understand all of the details of the presentation, I did get the gist of it.
3. At a special ceremony, the police chief gave the officer a commendation for bravery.
4. One brother is an erudite professor; the other brother, however, has never shown any interest in books or learning.
5. Night is the time when many animals forage or search for food.
6. The store specializes in cutlery, such as forks and knives, that has unique designs.
7. The waiter was so brusque that we left only a small tip. He was impolite and impatient, and seemed annoyed whenever
we asked for something.

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