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Tuvasa the sunlit

sythis, harvest's hand

light-paws, emperor's voice
Sram, senior edificer
argothian enchantress
aura gnarlid
kor spirit dancer
femeref enchantress
sage's reverie
mesa enchantress
umbra mystic
ajani's chosen
transcendent envoy
hero of iroas
starfield mystic
eidolon of countless battles
invisible stalker
nomad mythmaker
graceblade artisan
alseid of life's bounty
mother of runes
sliperry boggle
aegis of the gods
sanctum weaver
setessan champion
herald of the pantheon
jukai naturalist
archon of sun's grace
siona, captain of the pyleas
mist-cloaked herald
slither blade
pridemage quasali

unquestioned authority
eel umbra
sage's reverie
mantle of the ancients
aether tunnel
timely ward
hyena umbra
spirit mantle
daybreak coronet
aqueous form
all that glitters
ethereal armor
staggering insight
felidar umbra
curious obsession
faith unbroken
belevolent blessing
rune of sustenance
cartouche of knowledge
cartouche of solidarity
glaring aegis
sentinel's eyes
arcane flight
vow of flight
wild growth
unflinching courage
armadillo cloak
shielding plax

flaming fist
enchantress's presence
oblivion ring
sigarda's aid
sphere of safety
ghostly prison
sigil of the empty throne

brokers charm
heroic intervention
austere command
winds of rath
sword to plowshares
path to exile
settle the wreckage
karameta's blessing
hindering light
slip out the back
teferi's protection
heliod's intervention
divine reckoning

estrid, the masked

narset, partner of veils

swiftfoot boots
helm of the gods

rogue's passage
reliquary tower
serra's sanctum
command tower
temple garden
sun petal grove
glacial fortress
hinterland harbor
seaside citadel
eviolving wild

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