Paper #1 Weak and Strong

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Phonetics, Diction and Laboratory work III I.E.

S La Quiaca -
Prof. Jorge Orlando Cari
Paper N 1
Name: Arrieguez Jos Gabriel
Subject: Phonetics III
Institution: IES N 1

1. Transcribe the following sentences.

Phonetics, Diction and Laboratory work III I.E.S La Quiaca -
Prof. Jorge Orlando Cari

Phonetics, Diction and Laboratory work III I.E.S La Quiaca -
Prof. Jorge Orlando Cari
2.- Why and How to teach weak and strong form?
The use of the weak form is a common feature of spoken English; however, students
dont know how to use it. Teaching weak forms is very important because without it, many
students cant understand the speech of native and fluent speakers of English.
For this reason, we must develop how to teach weak forms. In my opinion there are three
main points to consider:
Know the correct meaning of weak forms and it importance, When is it use and some activities
that can be used in teaching weak forms.
So that we can say that WEAK FORMS occur only in unstressed positions. STRONG
FORMS are used chiefly when the word is stressed, but they also occur in unstressed positions.

According to this we have to emphasis the change in meaning that an utterance acquires when
it is spoken in weak from, for example:
John thinks that man is evil. /+4/
This version of the utterance, with the weak (unstressed) form of that, means "John thinks
all humans are evil."
John thinks that man is evil. /t/
This version of the sentence, with the strong (stressed) form of that, means "John thinks a
specific (male) individual is evil."

Phonetics, Diction and Laboratory work III I.E.S La Quiaca -
Prof. Jorge Orlando Cari

How to teach weak and strong forms, it can involve the use of contextual phrases or situations,
predicting the use of function words in different context.
For instance:
Teacher gives two utterances where students compare weak and strong forms.
At: weak form /C) ) 4 4 4/
Strong form /`4 44 4/
Or we can use the same utterance to underline only weak from;
Sf/C)4 ]4/ or Wf /C)4 ]4/
To add, teachers should introduce real dialogues with audio materials, but above all using
examples to compare sounds through natives speakers materials.
For example: the teacher has to write in small letters function words in order to introduce the
new topic.


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