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·Language lives as much in our gestures as in our words, With its unspoiled nature, Masuria is currently a
I a new study shows. Certain languages are richer in wonderful tourist attraction in Poland. it offers
-gestures, and such unspoken communication is so strong tourists boating and fishing opportunities with its
that .biltngual people often use gestures from one numerous lakes and clear streams full of fish. it is
ıanguage even when speaking the words of another. also an attraction for hikers due to its hiking trails
TEST1 1 Simone Pika, at. the University of Alberta, and her passing through forests, remote villages and rolling
cofleagues experimented with a bilingual group who hills. Masuria was a former part of Eastern Prussia,
spoke a gesture-rich language, like Spanish or French, as which fell to Poland after World War il. it is only just
TEST2 8 their mother tongue, and English, which is a gesture-poor beginning to cater to a wider cross- section of
language, as their second language. The team also visitors. Upon the fail of communism, it became an
TEST3 ıs gathered a group of English-only speakers to use as a
control group. Each person was shown a Pink Panther
attraction for elderly German tourists seeking out
nostalgia and places of childhood memory. Now,
cartoon to describe in each of the languages they spoke. however, it has become a hot point for boating
TEST4 22 The result was clear: while discussing the cartoon, enthusiasts, hikers, cyclists and bird watchers. lts
bilingual speakers gestured more frequently, even when countryside has meadows where dozens of storks

they spoke English. This was a surprising discovery for circle in the clear blue skies. Masuria is home to
TESTS 29 Pika and her team. it suggested that "gesture" vocabulary almost a quarter of the estimated 200,000 white
was an important aspect of communication alongside ali storks in Europe. lts meadows and fields provide
36 languages spoken by the speaker. this endangered species with plenty of insects,
TEST6 rodents and reptiles to feed on.
1. The passage is mainly about ----.
TEST7 43
A) the reasons why some languages have a
larger 'gesture' vocabulary than others
TEST8 50 B) the benefıts of being bilingual 4. We understand from the passage that
C) a study which showed the dominance of E: Masuria ----.
gestures in communication over spoken

TEST9 words Oı A) is a great holiday resort in Poland famous

D) Simon Pika, who is an expert in languages .::;
..ı:: for its winter sports facilities
TESTl0 64 and who has conducted many experiments
� B) has approximately 200,000 storks, which
on communication .ı::ı are endangering the insects, rodents and
E) some communication barriers that lead to ::ı reptiles living there
TEST11 71 misunderstandings between individuals -o
C) was an appealing resort for nostalgic
:,,.., German .tourists after the fail of communism
2. The finding of the experiment mentioned in ;;: D) was more popular when it was a part of
TEST12 78 the passage surprised Pika and her team :s::
Eastern Prussia
because ----. E) is popular only for boating and fishing
85 enthusiasts
TEST13 A) the group whose second language was
English did not use gestures even when they
TEST14 92 spoke their mother-tongue
B) neither of the groups was able to describe the
Pink Panther cartoon clearly enough 5. The passage includes no information on
TEST15 99 C) English speakers gave a better description of Masuria's ----.
the cartoon since they used very few gestures
D) the members of the control group began to A) surroundings
TEST16 106 use gestures after listening to the descriptions B) landscape
made by the bilingual group C) inhabitants
113 E) the people in the bilingual group often made D) history
TEST17 use of gestures when speaking a gesture­ E) beauty
poor language
TEST18 120
3. We can understand from the passage that

TEST19 A) Spanish people use gestures a lot when 6. We understand from the passage that
they speak Masuria may not appeal to tourists who love
TEST20 134 B) English people consider using gestures
C) the English and the Spanish use very A) nature and solitude
similar gestures B) outdoor sports
C) shopping and casinos
ANSWERKEY 141 D) words are more important than body
D) a peaceful ambiance
language in communication
E) gesture vocabulary is harder to learn than E) fish and birds
spoken vocabulary

it continued to rain all that night and the next day. A 45-year-old resident of La Vista, George C. Costa, was in the 1930s, Chester Carlson was working in the üne reason people give money to charities is
The rain was so heavy that he couldn't move about convicted of theft for spending ,the money that was patents department of a large electronics firm in altruism, the unselfish desire to help others and
and his tent was almost beaten down with it. But, his accidentally deposited in his a'ccount. He was charged ·· N�w York. üne of the major problems in his work
with theft of lost or mislaid property. The amount he had �ake the world a better place. Hospitals receive the
mind being more composed now, he began to think waş the length of time and expense involved in hıghest percentage of donations. Colleges and
about what he had to do. lf the island was subject to spent was $80,000. According to the law, it is a erime to getting patents copied; patents were lengthy legal universities often receive gifts from successful
these earthquakes, he couldn't go on living in his take money that has been delivered under a mistake. A • documents, and the only way to get them copied graduates who want to widen educational
tent. "And lf I stayed in the cave, it could fail on my bank employee had mixed up account numbers and was to take them to a typist or a photographer. opportunities for other students or support research
head. 1 must consider building a hut in an open deposited $106,000 into Costa's account between August Carlson came up with the idea for a machine that on an issue they feel is important. Hospitals and
place, and surround it with a wall. That would 2006 and February 2007. The bank then realized that would copy documents quickly and efficiently. He medical research organizations are supported by
protect me from wild animals or men," he said to there had been a mistake. They were able to recover developed a machine that used light, an donors who have been affected by a medical
himself. With those thoughts in his mind, he $26,000, which had not been used by Costa. The attorney electrostatically charged plate, and powder to problem, either directly or through the experience of
removed his tent from where it stood just under a claims that the doctrine "Finders, Keepers" is not a legal duplicate images on paper. The result was a family members or friends. Charitable donations can
hanging cliff on the hill, which would certainly fail one. Actually, this is a principle that says when something machine that produced the first xerographic copy in also be made for reasons involving personal
upon his tent if the earth shook again. And he spent is abandoned or is not owned by anyone, whoever finds it 1938. He named the process "Xerox," which means interest. Under tax law, an individual does not have
the next two days scheming where and how to can claim it. Costa's lawyer says that Costa is willing to "dry writing", an idea that would be extremely helpful to pay income tax on money that is donated. in
remove his habitation. He spent the nights lying pay the money back, but he shouldn't be charged in the business world. He tried to sel! his idea to a addition, donors often receive favourable publicity,
awake with the fear of being buried alive in the case criminally. He argues that if someone puts money in your number of large corporations, but they were not and they have an opportunity to influence the world
of another earthquake. pocket and you spend it thinking it's yours, you can't be interested in his machine. A few years later, he sold around them. New buildings at colleges are often
convicted of theft. his invention to a small family-owned company that named after important donors, which means that
grew into the giant Xerox Corporation, and both they will be remembered for their generosity for
7. According to the passage, the man ----. 10. One can understand from the passage that Carlson and Xerox became rather wealthy in the many years to come.

A) decided to stay in the cave for his safety

----. process.
16. As stated in the passage, some university
B) had been living in a tent A) Costa was convicted because he stole graduates donate gifts to their colleges in
C) decided to build a wall around the tent $106,000 from a bank in La Vista 13. The passage is mainly about ----. order to ----.
D) planned to build a hut under a cliff B) the money was deliberately put in Costa's
A) why Carlson was not satisfied with his job in A) show how unselfish and generous they are
E) considered the territory quite safe bank account by a member of the bank staff
the electronics firm B) have some unfinished research completed
C) the bank didn't become aware of the C) have their children admitted to them
mistake until Costa had used all the money B) why Carlson's Xerox machine was a
E complete failure D) provide betler chances of education for the
o D) Costa had left some of the money in his account, E coming students
C) how the Xerox machine works o
(.) which was recovered by the bank later (.)
E) pay a lower income tax
O) E) Costa is accused of robbing the bank in D) how the Xerox Machine was invented

..c: which he has an account himself E) what pieces a Xerox machine consists of -�
8. it is clear from the passage that ----.


o.. o..
A) there had just been an earthquake on the (fJ
island ::,., ::,.,
B) the cliff had fallen on the man's tent and � 11. it is clear from the passage that ----. 14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in � 17. it is stated in the passage that donors who
destroyed it
s: s: support hospitals and medical research are
s: A) Costa spent all of the money that had been
the passage as a problem that Carlson
s: usually those who ----.
C) there was a village nearby where the man encountered in getting patents copied?
could get help accidentally deposited in his bank account
D) the man was completely familiar with the B) "Finders Keepers" is a legally valid doctrine A) the time needed for copying A) want to show their gratitude to the doctors
island C) Costa's lawyer claims that it is not just to B) the expense of the copying process who saved their lives
E) the man felt quite secure in his present consider him a criminal C) the length of the patent documents B) have either personally or indirectly
habitation D) Costa informed the bank of the money in D) frequent power cuts experienced a health problem
his account before he used any of it E) lack of a quick and efficient way to copy C) want to improve the sanity conditions of
E) Costa refuses to pay the money back as he documents poor hospitals
holds the bank responsible for the error D) feel sorry for the sick people in hospitals
E) hope to get better treatment in case they
get very ill one day

9. From the passage, we can understand all of 12. it is obvious that the author of this passage
the following except that the man----. ----. 15. According to the passage, the large
corporations that Carlson tried to sell his 18. According to the passage, which of the
A) thought he might be attacked by wild invention to ----. following may NOT be a reason why people
animals A) is of the opinion that Costa is guilty and make donations?
B) was making plans to help him stay alive in should definitely be penalized A) were all family owned
case of an earthquake B) seems to support Costa and his attorney B) were non-profit institutions A) the desire to make the world a better place
C) had already taken all kinds of precautions C) has clearly aimed at warning bank B) good intentions and generosity
C) were deeply interested in his invention
to protect himself employees to be careful when depositing C) their wish to be remembered after they die
D) helped improve the process of copying
D) was feeling calmer now and making plans money in clients' accounts D) personal interest and the desire for publicity
E) did not want to buy his machine
for survival D) conveys Costa's case using a totally E) their wish to provide better living standards
E) considered living in the cave first but then objective and informative tone for themselves
changed his mind E) is trying to prove to the reader that Costa's
conviction is not fair

2 3
Lit by fluorescent strips that had become coffins for The wild tiger is one of t he world's most endangered The old man delayed setting out until an hour after Workers may soon see a major c hange
. work.ıng 1.ı es. An Ame in t he ıengt h
insects, the kitchen of the old village house was in a species. ünce, wild tigers wer� spread across Asia , dark, moving c'autiously and acting as if surroun ded of theır � rican expert on society
disastrous state. Frank and Lisa had not brought but now their number has go�e down to 5,000, and by jnvisible enemies. Together we left t he town and work h as claımed that t he age at which people
any of t heir kitc hen equipment to the village. T here they live in just 7% of the hpbitat t hey once . mak,ing sure nobody s aw us, and after travelling retire might one day be 85 instead of 65. This
were only old pots and pans. The oven was so old occupied. Poaching is the biggest threat to wıld over rough, difficult ground, with only the stars to means the idea of early retirement may disappear
that cooking required a mixture of guesswork, tigers since t here is a great demand for tiger skins • light us, we s aw t he moon disappear not long before completely. He has also stated that modern
attention and luck. Baking the French-style apple and bones in the black market. This cannot be dawn: Our course. had been a nort h-easterly one at medicine and technology will mean people wili live
tart Lisa would serve after dinner took a lot of effort. prevented despite ali intern ation al or domestic bans. firsf, but then we were due east, with patc hes of to be much older than now, whic h would greatly
There weren't enough plates, teacups or even in fact, C hin a is the world's leading consumer of open forest as .far as we could see before us. it was reshape our image and reality of work. He believes
enough chairs; she had to borrow them from the tiger products with its growing economy, human very tiring to walk on the first night, and even more once scientists unlock t he key to t he gene t hat
neighbours. She'd realized the only table big population and ancient traditions of using tiger parts tiring to wait on the first day when we sat in t he makes us age, society will change dramatically.
enough was the one she was using as her desk, so as medicine and clothing. Fortun ately, in 1993, t he shade during t he long, hot hours, persecuted by However, economies would not be able to support
she had to clear it. Now her PC and printer were C hinese government took some action, b anning the small stinging flies. But t he days and nights tha t so many retired people. Some people believe we
stacked on t he floor wit h her office papers and files. domestic trade of ali tiger products. And demand for followed were far worse because of t he intense heat are on the brink of being able to extend human
The evening started in panic. in the city, Lisa was tiger products has been cut b ack thanks to public and frequent heavy r ainfall. We sa w villages during lifespan significantly. The expert also warned that
used to entertaining guests who t houg ht the later awareness campaigns. However, China's new 'tiger the journey but carefully avoided them. Likewise, m any workers would discover their pension
you arrived, the cooler you were. So, she didn't farms' now present a bigger t hreat to t he species. whenever we caug ht sight of villagers travelling or companies do not have enough money to fund their
expect her viliage guests to arrive on the dot. But at These farms, currently used as tourist attractions, camping at a distance, we'd change our course or retirement. He added that dreams of early
seven, before she'd even c hanged her clot hes, they / are speed-breeding tigers .hoping t hat t�e sal� of hide from them. retirement would remain just dreams.
were all at the door. tiger parts and products wıll be allowed ın C hına
again. 28. The passage points out the fact that ----.
19. We can understand all of the following from
the passage, except that ----. 22. The passage states that ----. 25. We understand from the passage that the A) early retirement seems unlikely in the future
old man and the narrator ----. B) people will have shorter life spans in the
A) the fluorescent lamp casings were full of A) t here has been a 7% decrease in the future
dead insects number of wild tigers in Asia A) were actually surrounded by enemies C) people will have to work until the d ay they
8) Frank and Lisa had just started living in an B) there have been no bans against poac hing 8) were travelling on a road that was brightly die
old house in t he village wild tigers in Asia lit by street lamps E D) employers will soon offer better retirement
C) it was not very easy for Lisa to bake the C) tiger parts and products are mostly used in C) set out at broad daylig ht to avoid travelling o facilities

tart in the oven China in the dark Oı E) American people do not want to retire at an
D) the guests were going to have French-style (.) D) public awareness campaigns have not D) talked to many travellers an d campers on .:; early age
apple tart for dessert Oı been effective at ali the way .c:
E) t he guests arrived much later t han Lisa .:; E) tourists are hardly interested in visiting t he E) travelled in unpleasant weat her conditions �
.c: .cı
was expecting them 'tiger farms' in C hina ::ı
� Q.

::,... :s: 29. According to the passage, human life span

s::s: 23. We learn from the passage that ----. :s: ----.
26. it can be inferred from the passage that the
20. The passage implies that Lisa ----. :s: A) the C hinese use tiger p arts to make clot hes old man and the narrator ----. A) will increase and eventually affect the
A) wasn't able to do any office work in t he and medicine structure of our working lives
village house because s he had no writing 8) currently, t he sale of tiger parts and A) were travelling in a truck towards the open B) has risen from t he average of 65 years to
equipment t here products is allowed in Chin a forest 85 years
8) was having guests for the first time in her C) the 'tiger farms' in China will help protect B) were looking for someone to help them C) mainly depen ds on the economy of the
life, so she had a very difficult time tigers from extinction escape from t he village society people live in
preparing everything D) t he tigers that are bred at 'tiger farms' are C) were looking for a village nearby to spend D) has doubled in the last century
C) gave big dinner parties in her village house sold to tourists t he night E) ha s been extended since t he discovery of
very frequently E) the sales of tiger products in Chin a have D) were running away from someone or the gene t hat makes us age
D) usually had guests who arrived at her gone up since 1993 something
parties late so that t hey woul d look cool E) were both on a hiking trip in the forest
E) was ready to greet her dinner guests long
before they arrived

24. The passage has placed greater emphasis

on ----. 30. it is implied in the passage that when people
27. it is clear from the passage that the old man live to be much older than they do now,
A) the increasing numbers of wild tigers, and the narrator ----. early retirement ----.
21. The best title tor this passage would be ----. especially since 1993
B) Chin a 's role in the extinction of wild tigers A) h ad been friends for a long time A) will mean higher pensions paid to workers
A) A Typical Day in Lisa's Life in Asia B) were fin ally caug ht by the villagers B) will be supported by many governments
B) Making French-style Apple Tart C) t he recent rapid growt h of C hinese C) were able to reac h their destination sa fely C) will have a negative effect on a country's
C) Lisa and Her Old Oven economy D) .had difficulty walking due to the weather economy
D) A Dinner Party in the Village House D) ancient traditions in C hina, which also conditions D) will be made possible by discoveries in
E) Life in the Village involve tiger parts E) walked during t he day and rested at night genetics
E) t he negative effects of public awareness E) will help to improve t he quality of life and
campaigns on the protection of tigers standards of living

4 5
31. - 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere 36. - 40. soı:ularda, cümleler sırasıyla
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
ı:ıetirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
/' c;,kunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
� cümleyi bulunuz..
31. The Chinese language contains thousands 34. The lnternet in Asia ixperienced serious
of idioms that crystallize aspects of Chinese problems following the earthquake off
society, politics, art and literature. These southern Taiwan in October. Although the 36. (1) Venice, called Venezia by ltalians, is one of 39. (1) The idea of a car that knows where to go
idioms, still rolling off the tongues of quake caused little damage to buildings and ;, the world's most famous and unusual cities. (il) may seem impossible. (11) However, new
Chinese people today, spring from the roads, it broke six of the seven undersea it is Venice's location on the water that makes it technology may soon make this a reality. (111) A
colourful pages of China's long history. The lnternet cables. ----. Banking services across unusual and interesting. (111) However, it has number of different car manufacturers already
tales of the idioms reveal aspects of Chinese the region were badly hit and millions of serious problems because it is a city of islands. seli electric cars, for example. (iV) Scientists
thought and ancient customs. ----. people could not even use an ATM to (iV) For example, water often floods the have been working on cars which wili have
withdraw cash. buildings and squares during winter rainstorms. computers to teli drivers which roads have the
A) As a language family, Chinese has an
estimated nearly 1.2 billion speakers (V) in addition; the Venetian people are very least traffic. (V) in that way, drivers will not
A) The North Asian Loop is a 38,000 kilometre friendly and helpful. waste time in traffic jams.
B) The relationship between the spoken and
link that stretches from South Korea around
written Chinese is a complex one
C) Therefore, for those who wish to lndia to Holiand
B) Earthquakes can also create a lot of
A)1 B) il C)111 D)iV E)V
understand Chinese culture, Chinese
idioms and their stories is a must-read damage on the seabed and cause things to A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V
D) However, throughout history Chinese move long distances under the sea
culture and politics has had a great C) As a result, millions of people in the Asia­
influence on unrelated languages Pacifıc region could not use the lnternet
E) Moreover, native speakers of English use D) Communication companies, however, are
idioms ali the time, often without realising now using a more expensive satellite
that they are doing so technology
E) However, this shows that earthquakes can
32. Almost every society now has a money devastate the lives of human populations
economy based on coins and paper notes of E
one kind or another. However, this has not o
always been true. in primitive societies, a E 37. (1) Stress Management is exactly as it sounds. Oı
system of barter was used. Barter was a o .:;
u (il) it is a way of managing your stress. (111) it
system of direct exchange of goods. ----. ciı involves the individuals becoming much more
However, barter was a very unsatisfactory �
.:; aware of themselves and their lives as weli as .Q
system because people's precise needs -t::
the people around them. (iV) 43 per cent of us

seldom coincided. � o..
.Q suffer adverse health effects due to stress. (V) it -o

A) üne of the reasons for the rapid spread of � urges individuals to take an active role in :,.,
the use of coins was their convenience caring for themselves. �

B) in China the issue of paper money became ;ı:

common from about AD 960 onwards �
C) AII sorts of things have been used as ;ı: A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V
money at different times in different places
D) Somebody could exchange a sheep, for
example, for anything in the market-place 35. According to a home protection and security
that they considered to be of equal value company in England, nearly 70 per cent of
E) Until the 18th and 19th centuries, coins homeowners feel more at risk from violent
were given monetary worth based on the burglaries today than 10 years ago. Almost
exact amount of metal contained in them 60 per cent keep some form of weapon or
sports equipment to use tor defence in case
33. Nico, who is a ten-year-old schoolboy, of break-ins. And most people worry about
spends every Saturday and Sunday their family's safety when they are away
afternoon on his motorbike. lt's a specially from home. ----. For example, at least 25 per
designed bike tor cross country riding. More cent routinely torget to lock their back
and more boys and girls aged between six doors.
and sixteen are taking part in this exciting 38. (1) There are many ways to prepare eggs for 40. (1) The stork has often been regarded as a sign
sport. They have to ride a rough course, A) Because thieves are opportunists, they will eating. (il) You can fry them, boil them or of good luck. (il) it has white feathers, black
including hills, streams and rocks. ----. And scan your house and take a mental scramble them. (111) lt's the protein in the egg wind quills, and a red beak. (111) Whenever a
the one with the fewest points becomes the photograph of what they can see through whites that causes eggs to become hard when pair of storks built a nest on a housetop, the
winner. the windows boiled. (iV) Or, if the eggs are very fresh, you Romans regarded it as a sign of good fortune
B) However, many people stili forget simple can even eat them without cooking them. (V) given by Venus, the goddess of love. (iV) The
A) But, this is not an easy sport for children to
safety measures Whatever way you choose to eat your eggs, stork was also regarded as a good-luck bird in
C) lnstalling an alarm system may not help if it however, you must always break the sheli first. Germany and the Netherlands. (V) These
B) The more points you get, the better
is not serviced and checked regularly superstitions persist even today.
C) Nico started learning this sport four years
D) However, theft is a cowardly act which
victimizes innocent people A) 1 B) il C)111 D)iV E)V
D) Each time they put a foot on the ground,
E) A former thief confessed that his own house A) 1 B) il C)111 D)iV E)V
they are given a point
is secured by hi-tech cameras, electric
E) The fees to ride in a competition are low,
gates and security lights
but motorbikes are very expensive
6 7
The Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology has Two weeks ago, 10-year-old Jonas was adm
TEST 2 produced a laptop computer powered by a wind-up hospital ! n Germany for routine surgery. in
itted to a
- mı;ıchanism that will seli for $65. The machines wili p �eparatıon for the operation, he was accidentaliy
Even though they had been robbed twice, people The fire fighters in Clevela9d wili cut grass a �d trim revçılutionize learning for children in developing gıven an overdose of medication. He became very ili
working at the boarding school had done almost shrubs while on duty in order to help the servıce countries, some of which have no electricity. Their but fortunately recovered afterwards. However this
nothing to improve security. Two of the three main department look after parks and other public areas, • aim is to distribute millions of the new laptops to the case iliustrates the serious problem of medicaı ' errors
doors could easily be opened by anyone with upon the mayor's orders. "There are 45 fire fighters we:ırld's poor children. üne minute of winding up a caused by staff who are suffering from sleep
enough hand-eye coordination to push or pull. The in our city and they have a lot of downtime," said the hahd crank produces ten minutes of power. They deprivation. The intern who ordered the medication
fire escape exit was usualiy left open, plus one mayor. "lnstead of sitting around the station when �re foldable in more ways than a normal laptop. that night, as well as the nurse who administered it
window was completely missing. lnstead there was they are not calied for an emergency, they will be They are also covered in rubber to make them had both been on duty for 18 hours. Just before
a gaping hole in the wall covered by a black trash assisting us as we beautify the city." However, the sturdier. The laptops wili be able to do almost checking on the boy, they had spent five hours in the
bag. To puli off the robbery, Rainey took help from fire fighters' union opposes the mayor's plan, everything a $1,000 model can do except store operating room working on victims of a car accident
an attractive woman who posed as a coliege arguing that noise from city lawnmowers, and huge amounts of dçıta. They have colour screens, emergency. Nowadays, many hospitals are instituting
student looking for a friend. She distracted the other protective headphones worn by fire fighters might 1GB of memory and four USB ports. The institute is a new rule that prohibits staff from giving medication if
students at the front door long enough to let him prevent them from hearing their radios when an aiming for one laptop per child rather than per they have been on duty for more than 12 hours. With
climb up the fire escape and get into the building. emergency cali comes in. The union vice president community, as they want computers to be personal this new restriction, hospitals hope to reduce the
Dressed in baggy cargo shorts, basebali hat on says, "We are fire fighters, not service workers." He learning tools. number of errors made by sleep-deprived staff
backwards, and carrying a backpack, the youthful­ argues that it jeopardizes their citizens and wili members.
looking Rainey easily wandered the halis
/"'absolutely hinder their response time. According to
unchallenged as he opened door after door. the mayor's plan, though, fire fighters will go to their 7. We learn from the passage that the institute
assigned work site in a fire truck and have their fire ----. 1O. The purpose of the passage is to ----.
1. it is clear from the passage that Rainey ----. fighting equipment with them while doing service
work. Hence, they can proceed directly to the scene A) inform readers of the recovery of a young
A) will provide Third World children with
A) would never have managed to rob the of a fire if calied. recycled laptop computers boy who was given an overdose of
school without getting any support due to B) wili aliocate one computer per school medication
the strict security measures 4. According to the passage, the fire C) is trying to make profit from the new laptop B) discuss how lack of sleep may affect
B) was assisted by a woman whose role was medical professionals
department of the city ----. sales
to draw the attention away from him C) warn people not to trust ali hospitals and
D) thinks each child in developing countries
C) used the fire escape to run away from the E A) and the mayor have made a joint plan to medical staff
should be given an individual computer
school after the robbery
beautify the city E) wants poor children to improve their D) announce the new regulations at hospitals
E) discuss the inefficiency of interns and

O) chose not to break in through the main Oı 8) has volunteered to help the service mathematical skilis
doors as they weren't easy to open
C: nurses employed in hospitals
..c: department with their duties
E) walked into the school building without cıı C) has assigned its men to do city service
being noticed by the students talking to his .Q work when they are off duty
friend ::J
Q. D) wants its men to cut grass and trim bushes
cıı in the city parks 11. Which of the following statements is true
::,., E) wili help the service department because about the in_cidence mentioned in the-­
s: the mayor has said so passage?
2. The passage clearly draws the reader's �

attention to ----. 8. As can be understood from the passage, the A) The intern and the nurse gave Jonas the
institute probably produced a computer medication together.
A) how skilful Rainey was at breaking into powered by a wind-up mechanism as ----. B) The nurse had worked longer hours that
places and stealing things 5. it is implied in the passage that ----. week than the intern.
8) the lack of security measures at the A) there is no electricity in some Third World C) The nurse and the intern overdosed the ten­
boarding school and how easy it was to rob A) the fire fighters' union claims that the plan countries year-old patient soon after they
it wili put citizens' lives at risk B) it is the latest technology in computers had assisted in a car accident emergency.
C) why the security at the boarding school was B) the vice president of the union is in fuli C) it uses less electricity D) The intern had an off day after having worked
so poor agreement with the mayor D) they didn't want children to be electrocuted 1 8 hours per day for a week.
D) how a thiefs physical image could make his C) fire fighters wili wear headphones to receive E) such computers would last longer E) The nurse administered the medication without
job more difficult emergency calis on their radios the intern's consent.
E) the ignorance and the recklessness of the D) the plan has not met any opposition from
students at the school the union
E) fire trucks won't be necessary when the
firemen are going to their service-work sites 12. The passage informs us that with the new
hospital regulation, ----.
3. it can be understood from the passage that
the way Rainey was dressed and how he 9. According to the passage, the new laptops A) interns and nurses wili not be aliowed to check
looked ----. are more convenient than expensive models on young patients
6. The passage is mainly about ----. because ----. B) surgeons will not perform operations in a
A) attracted the attention of other students at consecutive fashion
school A) difficulties that fire fighters face in general A) they can store more data C) staff members who have been on duty for
8) was what gave him away B) the importance of keeping a city beautiful B) they have colour screens longer than 12 hours will not give patients any
C) was always criticized by the people working C) a plan imposed on the fire fıghters of a city C) they are more durable medication
at the boarding school O) the responsibilities of a city's fire fighters D) they are completely made of rubber D) hospital staff will change shifts every 12 hours
O) helped him do his job more easily E) the role of fire fighters in providing safety in E) they are lighter in weight E) doctors will not be aliowed to give patients any
E) attracted the attention of a college girl who the city medication if they have just come out from a
was looking for a friend surgery

8 9
After they left home, they walked the two blocks to Americans' weekly demand for gasoline has not Some urban planners are designing ecocities; that Dolphins are mammals, not fish. They are warm
the bus stop. Robert pretended to be very happy for decreased despite the increaşe in the average is, cities that are built to be environmentally friendly. blooded lıke _ man, and give birth to one calf at a
taking Grace out tor the fırst time after the accident. national price of a gallon. M6st Americans have Th�se cities provide easy access to public time. At birth, a bottlenose dolphin calf, tor instance
He tried to look as if it was natural to be walking so difficulty giving up their driying habits even as the · trarisportation, so residents don't need to own cars. is about 90-130 centimetres long and will grow to
slowly. The girl's eyes were locked on the sidewalk prices rise. "I drive 55 miles each way to work every Moreover, the community is connected by many approximately 4 metres, living up to 40 years.
ahead, surveying its surface tor traps. She was day," said Sandy Golden of New Jersey to a � bicycle and pedestrian walking paths. in addition, Dolphins are highly sociable animals, living in
concentrating hard on placing the rubber tip of her reporter while loading her grocery bags into her car. ecocities use sustainable energy by incorporating groups, called pods, which are fairly fluid, with
cane and puliing her leg behind it. When they got to "So I really don't have a choice." Golden isn't solar and wind power rather than relying solely on dolphins from other pods interacting with each other
the stop, despite the cold, she was sweating. She alone as most Americans drive to work and despite fossil fuels, which poliute the environment. Ecocities from time to time. Dolphins carry their young inside
was worrying about whether she would be able to all their complaining, few have reached the point a(so have green space, including parks and torests their womb tor about 12 months. The baby is bom
climb in the bus. When the bus came, she did of cutting down. And, experts aren't sure how high that provide a natura! habitat tor wildlife, and tail first, and its mother will feed the calf tor up to 2
manage, though, as if she had been doing it tor prices have to rise before consumers will start to community gardens where residents can grow fruits years. However, the calf will stay with its mother tor
years. it was crowded, so they stood near the front. drive less, at least temporarily. Some reaction is and vegetables. Furthermore, the buildings in an 3-6 years, during which it will leam all about feeding
An old man saw Grace's cane and leg and offered expected when they have to pay more than $3.5 a ecocity are constructed using ecological building techniques, social interaction and group hunting.
her his seat. Robert wanted to scream at him with gallon. However, even $4 a gallon doesn't make any materials, such as recycled materials and wood
anger, but signalied his daughter to sit. Grace difference tor people like Jennifer Hoover, of San from certified sustainable torestry operations. By
yielded and sat down, blushing. She looked up at Francisco, who said she was shocked when she incorporating all of these features into ecocities,
her father and gave him a little humiliated smile. paid $58.69 to fili up her car with $4.09 a galion urban planners believe we will be able to start
premium gasoline. But she was late tor an restoring our environment so that there will be
appointment and had no other choice. something left tor our grandchildren. 22. it is clearly stated in the passage that
13. We understand from the passage that dolphins ----.
Robert and Grace ----. 16. in the passage, the writer refers to Sandy 19. The passage points out that with the
Colden and Jennifer Hoover to show that ----. implementation of ecocities, ----. A) give birth only once in their lifetime
A) always enjoyed taking short walks together B) are the biggest fish in the sea
B) are father and daughter A) American people are likely to cut down A) people won't have to use public transport G) do not mingle with the dolphins of other
G) were happy to leave the hospital to go their gasoline consumption due to rising any more groups
home prices B) people will no longer be able to drive their D) have a 12-month pregnancy period
D) were both victims of a serious accident B) women in America tend to spend money cars E) hardly enjoy the company of man although
E) were grateful to the old man who helped recklessly G) all the old buildings will have to be pulled they are sociable animals
Grace climb in the bus down E
G) some people in America consider driving o
as the only altemative for going to places D) there will not be any roads tor traffic (.)

D) gasoline is especially expensive in New E) people will be able to walk and cycle more Oı

Jersey and San Francisco easily -�

E) most American women use their cars to go �
shopping .Q
14. it can be inferred from the passage that ----. Q.
17. The writer of the passage is trying to point 'tJ
A) Grace was used to getting on the bus with out that most Americans ----.
a cane 20. According to the passage, ecocities are s: 23. One can understand from the passage that

B) Robert appreciated the old man's special claimed to be environmentally friendly due � adult dolphins naturally ----.
treatment tor Grace A) have been reacting seriously to the rising to the fact that ----.
G) Grace felt embarrassed when the old man prices of gasoline A) stay with their babies all through their
B) shop at markets which are far from the city A) residents have to grow their own fruit and lives
gave his seat to her
D) Robert and Grace had taken the bus many centre; theretore, they have to drive their vegetables B) stop caring tor their babies as soon as they
times despite her condition cars B) they use altemative energy sources, which are two years old
E) it was a typical, routine day tor both Grace G) now prefer smaller cars in order to pay less do not poliute the environment G) feed their babies until they are two years
and her father money tor gasoline G) torestry operations wili be banned old
D) may continue to drive no matter how high it altogether D) set their babies free as soon as they are
costs them to fili up their tanks D) they contain a wide range of wild animals bom
E) are very likely to stop driving to work soon E) they only use tossil fuels to meet their need E) give birth to several young ones at a time
and use public transport instead tor energy

15. The passage can best be summarized as ----. 18. We understand from the passage that ----.

A) problems that physically disabled people A) Sandy Golden works at a grocery shop
may have on public buses which is about 27 miles away from her 21. it is stated in the passage that the buildings 24. it is clear from the passage that ----.
B) the kind of treatment that should be given home in ecocities ----.
to the physicaliy disabled B) Jennifer Hoover refused to pay her $58.69 A) dolphins hardly ever interact with the
G) Grace's first experience going out in her gas bili because she thought it was too A) will be constructed in parts members of other pods
new condition, using her cane much B) wili be constructed with environmentally­ B) all dolphins are tour metres long
D) the effect of Grace's handicap on her G) the price of gasoline per gallon is very friendly materials G) some dolphins hibemate in winter
relationship with her father likely to rise as high as $3.5 or even more G) will not be as tali as today's high rise D) dolphins may hunt in groups
E) the reaction that people give to Grace due D) Sandy Golden doesn't drive to work alone buildings E) "calf' is another name tor a bottle nose
to her physical condition as she gives other people a lift to their D) will be located far from public places baby dolphin
workplaces E) will all have gardens tor the dwellers to
E) Americans never complain about the rise in grow vegetables
national gasoline prices

10 11
A collection of letters from the renowned artist Shopping centers emerged in America before the 31. - 35. s�rularda, boş bırakılan yere
Vincent van Gogh to a colleague are now on display mid-20th century. These were mostly ou�door
� parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
for the first time at a New York museum. The letters centers built away from dovılhtown. The fırst such �.etirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
reveal the beliefs and routine challenges of the shopping center was Cou; try Club Plaza, which
artistic genius, who committed suicide in 1890, at opened in 1924 in Kansas City. The next
age 37. Van Gogh wrote the letters to Emile generation, fully-enclosed and eventually called 31. ----. They present us with information about 34. Basketball, like some other sports, is a big
Bernard, a much younger artist and poet, starting in malls, started to be built in the early 1950s. The all areas of our lives from practical tliings business in the United States. The teams are
1887, shortly before the tortured artist's suicide. The concept was pioneered by the Austrian-born like solutions to homework, potential car owned by people who view them as a
20 letters are frank, humorous and profound and architect Victor Gruen. Currently, however, as more problemı;, and troubles in our relationships financial investment. Each owner tries to
relate to 22 paintings, drawings and watercolors modern facilities are built, many of these early to healing, inspiration and creativity. make his team as profitable as possible. ----.
also in the exhibition, which the two artists enclosed malls have become abandoned, due to Moreover, people who dream during a good Then many companies will want to advertise
discussed or exchanged. Van Gogh complains decreased traffic and tenancy. They have failed to night's sleep are more likely to master the their products on television during
about his eyes getting tired from painting and about attract new business and often sit unused for many newly learned skills. basketball games. When a team is profitable,
the challenge of keeping his easel from being blown years until restored or demolished. Until the mid- the players profit as well.
away by the wind in the fields. in the 1920s, the 1990s, the trend used to be building enclosed malls A) Dreams can have a positive impact on our
letters ended up in the possession of a baroness, since they had advantages such as temperature lives A) Some basketball players are paid more
who kept them in her home in Berlin and then control and weather protection. Since then, B) Sleep is a biological need, but your brain than a million dollars a year
passed them on to her descendants in Paris. They however the trend has turned and it is once again never really sleeps B) Winning is important because it will bring
now belong to two collectors in New Mexico, who fashionable to build open-air malls or renovate C) Certain people can control some of their attention to the team
have promised the collection, worth millions of / enclosed malls into open-air ones, as in the case of dreams C) For example, among the fans of the Los
dollars, to the museum. the Sherman Oaks Galleria. D) Even though everybody is known to dream, Angeles Lakers are many big names of the
28. According to the passage, ----. some people claim that they never dream entertainment industry
25. One can understand from the passage that E) Sometimes dreams are terrifying, and you D) For this reason, most basketball teams are
the letters mentioned in the passage ----. may wake up exhausted, sweating, and based in large cities
A) the first generation of shopping centres in
with a rapid heartbeat E) Today, the NBA has reached 30 franchises
America, built in 1920s, were ali enclosed
A) were only about Vincent van Gogh's and continues to evolve as one of the
complaints about his mental condition premier sports leagues in the world
B) the first open-air shopping centre was
B) are on display along with 22 paintings 32. Salt is the flavour we crave on everything
designed by Victor Gruen in 1924
C) were exhibited before, in Paris and New from potatoes to popcorn. lt's also a major
C) fully-enclosed shopping areas are stili
Mexico seasoning in many of the pre-packaged
popular since they offer weather protection E:
D) were handed over to two collectors in New foods and a permanent guest at most o
D) Country Club Plaza, built in 1924, was an
Mexico by a baroness who lived in Berlin people's dinner tables. ----. And high blood (.)

outdoor shopping centre away from

E) are being kept by the heirs of a baroness pressure increases your risk of heart attack Oı

downtown and stroke. .:;
E) the Sherman Oaks Galleria used to be an
open-air shopping centre before the mid- �
A) A little salt is added to most of the sweet .Q
1990s :::ı
meals like chocolate cakes and puddings o..
B) The human body needs salt to function
26. One can infer from the passage that "t:ı
Vincent van Gogh ----. C) Sodium in salt helps regulate blood volume ::,,._
29. The passage states that the enclosed malls D) But too much salt in the diet may cause 3:
A) faced no difficulty painting in the wind built in the 1950s ----. your blood pressure to rise s::
B) always painted indoors, where it was A) have more traffic of shoppers now E) The eating plan must be based on 2000 35. According to a new study, large forest fires
peaceful B) now have more shop rentals than before calories a day can release as much carbon dioxide into the
C) and Bernard usually got together to discuss C) can be put into use only after they're atmosphere in just a few weeks as cars do in
the new trends in the art of painting renovated those areas in an entire year. The study,
D) never mentioned his daily problems in his D) have ali been knocked down 33. lndonesia is a highly populous nation. lts conducted by a team of scientists from the
letters to Bernard E) have become tourist attractions now population is spread over the islands of University of California, estimated just how
E) suffered from serious psychological Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, New Guinea and much carbon dioxide is released based on
problems Sulawesi, with the largest percentage on the amount of vegetation that is burned. ----.
Jawa. The population of lndonesia is 88 Overall, they estimated that fires in the
percent Muslim and the official state nearby states and Alaska release about 290
30. We understand from the passage that today
language is lndonesian, which is a modified million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year.
more open-air malls are being built because
27. According to the passage, ----. form of Malay. ----. This is not surprising
when considering that the country contains A) The sun reaches through the barren
A) ali of Vincent van Gogh's letters to Bernard A) shoppers don't like the temperature control approximately 300 different ethnic groups. branches and promotes faster
had an insincere, shallow and dull tone in enclosed malls
decomposition, though
B) Bernard and van Gogh discussed and B) enclosed malls can only appeal to A) lndonesia also has a vast number of rice B) But this can complicate scientists' efforts to
exchanged paintings businesses that want to open up offices in fields ultimately fight global warming
C) the exhibition in New York displays them B) lndonesia's currency is called the rupiah, C) As a result, in the higher latitudes of
Bernard's letters to van Gogh, as well C) they don't need to be renovated so often as currently at 9,300 to $1 Canada, Alaska and Siberia, vegetation
D) Emile Bernard committed suicide just like enclosed ones do C) The capital, Jakarta, used to be a small port tends to grow back fast over the burned
van Gogh, but at a much younger age D) there has been a change of trend since the town but is now the centre of the nation area
E) the collectors in New Mexico refuse to give 1990s D) But there are around 520 different dialects D) Vegetation refers to the ground cover
the letters to the museum in New York E) shoppers, in general, find enclosed malls spoken in lndonesia provided by plants, and is, by far, the most
too small for their needs E) At the beginning of the 1 J century,
abundant biotic element of the biosphere
lndonesia was a colony of Holland E) To do that, they used satellite observations
of the fires and a special computer model

12 13
36. -40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü - 'l;'EST 3
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
36. (1) The "Potato Famine" was a terrible period in 39. (1) People whose homes have been burgled
lrish history. (11) Potatoes are not native to once become obsessed about home safety. People have always been interested in bees. This People usually build their houses out of the materials
lreland but probably originated in the Andes (il) We make it very easy for thieves to break in interest may have begun with the honey that bees that are easily available to them. in some areas, most
Mountains of Peru, South America. (111) in the our homes, according to a reformed burglar, make. in fact, archaeologists have found evidence people build their homes out of wood. This is true in
_ that people have been eating honey for many
early 19th century, many lrish people were very who is now a home security expert named parts of South America and in Scandinavia. These
poor and they had little to eat except potatoes. Michael Fraser. (111) He says that's mainly thousands of years. in the more recent past, people areas have large forests, so wood is easy to get and
(iV) Then, in the 1830s, a diseas� killed most of because our habits are so predictable. (iV) For were mostly interested in the way bees made honey. is inexpensive. in many other areas of Europe, there
the potato plants in lreland. (V) Wıth no example, we often forget to lock our doors, or They admired the way bees seemed to work so hard. are few forests left. Stone and brick are cheaper, so
. we let into our apartment building anyone "'."ho Some languages even developed expressions about
potatoes to eat, over a million lrish people dıed most people build their houses of these materials. in
of hunger and another million were forced to buzzes the intercom and mumbles someth ıng people working like bees. in English, for example, we tropical regions, houses are sometimes made from
_ talk about a "busy bee." Now scientists have a new
flee the country. into it. (V) Michael recommends that we thınk plants that grow there. For example, in parts of Africa
like a burglar and see where our weaknesses reason to be interested in bees. They have discovered or Asia, houses may be made out of bamboo. Finally,
lie. that bees are able to communicate with each other. in the very coldest areas near the Arctic, people make
A) 1 B) i l C) 111 D ) iV E) V Research has revealed some surprising facts about their homes out of blocks of ice.
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V this, but there are stili many mysteries.

1. it is pointed out in the passage that, recently

----. 4. The examples given in the passage ----.

A) prove how difficult it is to find building

A) scientists have been conducting research materials these days
to discover the way bees make honey B) are mostly from the countries in Europe
B) archaeological excavations have been carried C) give clues about how economic conditions in
out to learn more about bees a region determine building materials
37. (1) Looking at the definition of mass medi� , it is C) bees' ability to communicate has interested D) are used to distinguish between the different
clear that a mass medium must communıcate a scientists types of houses in the Arctic
message to a large group. (ll)Therefore, until D) some languages have included expressions E E) aim to show that people build their houses
recently a celi phone or any phone wa� not about bees o with what they have around them
typicaliy considered to be a mass medıum. (111) E) bees have caught the interest of people for

However, modern celi phones are no lenger a the first time ·==
single use device. (iV) Similarly, video games ..c::
are played in highly sociable places like -�
arcades, bars, arenas, and the like. (V) Most ..Q
celi phones are now equipped with lnternet 2. We can understand from the passage that o..
C/) 5. According to the passage, people in Europe
access and capable of connecting to the web the expressions in some languages ----. "O
which is, in fact, a mass medium.
A) have been developed by some scientists in s: A) and those who live near the Arctic have a
recent times s: great deal in common
A) 1 B) il C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V B) are another reason why people have always B) use stone and brick to build their houses as
been interested in bees they cost them less
C) give clues about how bees are able to C) prefer stone and brick as their building
communicate with each other material as they are much stronger
D) are so rare that they don't have any D) wish they had more forest areas than they do
significance at ali now
E) indicate that people consider bees as hard E) do not generally like living in houses made
working and appreciate them out of wood

40. (1) Germany has the second largest

population in Europe and it is the seventh
38. (1) When your heart works like it's supposed to, . 3. We understand from the passage that ----.
largest in area. (il) The German language ıs a 6. We can infer from the passage that ----.
it keeps you alive and well. (il) But when the West Germanic language and one of the world's
heart fails, people can get very sick or even die. major languages. (111) it is closely related to and A) we stili know little about bees' communicative A) bamboo houses in parts of Asia and Africa
(111) Now, scientists are experimenting on rats to classified alongside English and Dutch. (iV) skills are mostly for temporary use
find a way to turn dead hearts into living ones. Around the world, German is spoken by about B) bees are more hardworking than all other B) houses that are made out of wood are
(IV)They injected these living celis into the 1 00 million native speakers and also about 80 animals healthier than the others
hollowed-out hearts. (V) So far they seem to million non-native speakers. (V) Also Standard C) English has the most expressions about bees C) Europe lost most of its forests mainly
have succeeded on rats and they hope that German is widely taught in schools and D) some abilities of bees will always remain to because people made their homes out of
eventually their finding will aliow them to make universities around Europe. be a mystery to scientists wood
new hearts from patients' own cells. E) bees are the only animals that are able to D) nature and climate has an effect on the
communicate with each other materials people use to build their houses
A)1 B) il C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V E) in tropical regions, it is almost impossible to
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V see a house that is made of stone

14 15
The first guitarist to become k� own ""'.orldwide was Most people do not think as a drug. But, in A nine-year-old maths genius from Hong Kong has
fact, it is a drug which has in,;ıportant effects on your A nagging wife paid off big-time for a New Jersey
Andres Segovia, bom in 1 893 ın Spaın. Before the been accepted fo study mathematics at a loca! man, who won $ 100,000 a year for life in the ıottery
20th century, the guitar was not taken very serıously body. Some of the effects ate good whıle some are üniversity. For the child prodigy March, the university
not. Coffee can help you;, tay awake when you are thanks to his insistent spouse. Jeweller Rasen Patel
as a classical instrument. Most people thou� ht that will c�eate a specially designed five-year course,
driving or working. But it can also keep you awake at was very reluctant to go to work in Manhattan on
the guitar was suitable only for popular musıc or folk which will see him gain a Bachelor's and Master's March 5 because of bad weather. Forecasters had
music. Few classical composers wrote musıc _ for the night when you want to sleep. Coffee makes some 'deg ree. The decision about accepting the student was predicted a big blizzard for that day, but the snowfall
guitar, and it was never included in classıc _ I conce s. people feel more energetic, so they work more made after a two-month discussion among various
� � was light, so his wife insisted he go. Unwillingly,
But Segovia changed all this. He belıeved ın the guıtar efficiently. Other people feel too nervous when they dep� rtments of the university and Ma:ch's parents.
drink coffee. After a large meal, coffee can help some . Rasen left the house and walked to the subway
as a classical instrument, and he was a great There has been-concern from educatıonalısts that
. people to digest food easily. On the other hand, station as usual and he picked up a New York State
musician. He used his genius to prove that the guıt_ar March will miss out on social skills by attending Lottery instant ticket in the subway. A few scratches of
could produce beautiful classical music. Segovıa dıed _ drinking too much coffee can also cause a stomach university so young. His new classmates will all be ten a coin later, Patel was screaming with joy and ended
in Madrid of a heart attack at the age of 94. ache in some others. or more years older than he is. March said this would up never making it to work that day. lnstead, he
not be a problem as he already experienced studying phoned home and told his wife, "l'm a rich guy!" They
with older students when he passed his advanced can now pay for their children's colleges, and they
Maths tests in Oxford. His professors are confıdent also plan to help people who aren't as fortunate.
that March can cope.
According to the rules of the State Lottery, they'II keep
10. We can understand from the passage that collecting the money as long as they live.
7. ıt is pointed out in the passage that before
the 20th century, ----. ----■

A) classical composers weren't competent A) coffee is as harmful for your body as any 13. We understand from the passage that
enough to write music for the guitar other drug is authorities ----. 16. According to the passage Rasen Patel might
B) there were few people who could play the B) people should be warned against the bad not have won the lottery if ----.
guitar well effects of coffee A) accepted March as a university student as
. . C) you can have a good night's sleep if you A) there hadn't been a heavy snowfall that day
C) people were more interested ın popular musıc soon as they found out that he was a genius
than for classical music drink coffee before going to bed B) didn't allow March to study at a university B) his wife had not pushed him to make his
. D) drinking coffee can have different effects on usual commute to work
D) it was impossible for anyone to hear classıcal outside Hong Kong
guitar in a classical concert different people C) thought long and hard about whether or not to C) he had had the necessary change in his
E) some composers had tried to include the E E) coffee is a healthy drink for everyone admit March to the university E pocket to buy a ticket
guitar in their classical concerts (.)
D) gave March his Bachelor's and Master's o D) he hadn't used a different form of transport to
go to work
degrees in two months O:ı
E) his wife hadn't insisted that he should buy a
.c: E) will decide to accept March after he has -�
-� completed his five-year-course ticket
..Q �
:::ı ..Q
o.. o..
8. We can understand from the passage that -o
11. We can infer from the passage that ----.

Andres Segovia ----. ::,... ::,...

� A) you should never drink coffee after a large 14. According to the passage, the education �
� meal �
A) had also doubts about whether the guitar � experts fear that because of his young age, 17. We understand from the passage that on
could be played at classical concerts or not B) many people are ignorant of the fact that March ----.
� March 5th ----.
B) influenced almost all the guitarists that came coffee is a drug
after him C) you should avoid drinking coffee if you want A) may not be able to develop valuable social A) there was a terrible snowstorm
C) was the first person to write music for the to stay awake skills B) many people couldn't make it to work due to
guitar in the 20th century D) drinking coffee has more bad effects on B) will not be able to cope with the difficult bad weather
D) encouraged people to play the guitar your body than good ones lessons at university C) there were delays in public transport services
although he wasn't good at _ıt E) most of those who drink coffee do so ın order C) will be very shy in front of a crowd of other D) the light snowfall in the morning turned into a
E) changed people's thoughts about the guitar to stay awake at night students and professors blizzard in the afternoon
as a classical instrument D) will most probably fail behind his classmates E) the weather wasn't as bad as it had been
E) will not be taken seriously by his classmates predicted

9. We can infer from the passage that ----. 12. The passage is mainly about ----. 15. From the passage, it can be inferred that ----.
18. We can infer from the passage that Rasen
A) Segovia is considered the greatest guitarist A) why so much coffee is consumed around A) the nine-year-old has no experience of and his wife ----.
Spain has ever produced the world today being with older students
B) Segovia was also good at playing many other B) whether coffee is actually a drug or no� . B) the boy is worried about not being able to A) were already well off before winning the
instruments C) how to overcome nervousness after drınkıng communicate with his classmates lottery
C) in spite of all his success, Seg�via was lıttle coffee C) the college has tailored a plan to help B) bought a lottery ticket for the first time in their
known in his own country, Spaın D) the various ways to stay awake when you March's personality and learning lives
D) in the 20th century, the guitar began to be are driving D) educationalists and March's professors C) had worries about their children's education
played in classical concerts_ E) the good and bad effects of drinking coffee share the same concerns before winning the lottery
. on our body D) will save up the money that will be paid to
E) after Segovia's time, the guıtar lost ıts . E) there have been other students at that loca!
importance as a classical instrument agaın university who were as young as March them as long as they live
before E) will receive their $100,000 any time before
they die

16 17
Montgolfier brothers developed their first hot-air Most of us probably find it hard to imagine how · Whe� young P��ple break the law, they are put in a
_ He was staring out, his eyes set on .
balloon in 1783. The two brothers worked in the family different our lives would be if�e couldn't read simple specıal kınd of ıaıl. These are for juveniles, people the small bırd on
the snow covered, barren branch of the .
run business, a paper factory in a small town in instructions, understand stories in newspapers, fiil in a who 9re very young. However, a group of experts tree ıust
outsı'de h'ıs cı assroom window. He yearned
France. Their experiments were inspired by the rising form, or even sign our naı,ıes. We refer to people who think.that these special jails are full of dangers as the for the
days when the same tree would be covered .
of a shirt that was drying above a fire. They threw can read and write as 'literate', and those who can't 9lder children may teach the younger ones bad habits. • . He could hear Miss ın green
1 eaves ın
• sprıng Brown th
scraps of paper in the fireplace, which shortly as 'illiterate'. There is some disagreement about the They point out that some kids there even commit teac�er, speaking loudly, but her words we(e af
afterwards could be seen leaving the chimney. From exact definitions of these words. Take the huge sui?i1es. �hey fear that t�ese jails are becoming most
comıng from a distance. He thought of his mother
this they mistakenly concluded that smoke had the number of people who aren't unable to read and write ıunıor versıons of adult prısons. According to these and
how she rushed out of the house and set out tor the
power to lift. Despite their mistaken belief, the but find both activities difficult and tiring, and therefore experts, juvenile·criminals must be kept in different factory at dawn every day. The poor woman rose
brothers' experiments led to the invention of the hot­ tend to avoid them: there isn't really a category for settings that r�semble homes, in smaller groups, 50 when it was stili dark and before she left, she would
air balloon. On April 4, 1783, the brothers gave the them, although sometimes people might describe that they can ımprove themselves and live in safety. ın _
boıl vegetables so that supper would be ready tor her
first public demonstration of the hot-air balloon. This them as 'semi-literate'. UNESCO defines literacy as these homes, counsellors can speak to them and boys when they came home. "I wish she could stay
unmanned balloon flew a distance of nearly 2 'the ability to read and write with understanding a teach them that erime. is bad. So, when they ıeave, home ali day and cook or sit by the kitchen fire
kilometres and reached a height of almost 2 metres. short simple sentence about one's everyday life', and they can mak_e better choices and be betler people.
_ knitting, like she used to," he thought with a sigh. He
The balloon was made of fabric and was coated with a estimates that there are around 800 million illiterate Some states ın Amerıca have already put this method remembered the old days when he walked into the
layer of alum, which served as a fire resistant layer. people in the world, which is about 12% of the total in u�e. H�wever, there are also some groups that are
_ warmth of the kitchen filled with the smell of brewing
global population. The majority of them are in Sub­ agaınst thıs practıce. These people believe that tea on the stove and cookies his mother had just
Saharan Africa and South Asia. More than 60% of juveniles will keep on breaking the law if they are not baked for them. Suddenly, he felt Miss Brown
/ them are women, because in some parts of the world put in jails. standing by his desk and looking down at him angrily.
19. According to the passage Montgolfier women have less access to education than men.
brothers decided to develop their balloon ----.
25. Accord�ng to the passage, a group of experts
A) in a paper factory in their hometown 22. The passage above mainly discusses ----. 28. We can understand that the main character in
are agaınst juvenile jails because ...•.
B) with the money they earned from the family
the passage ----.
business A) the meaning of the concepts 'literate'
A) they are not safe places for young people A) �orks at a factory in the mornings
C) although a lot of people did not support and 'illiterate' and provides the reader
B) they are like homes B) ıs a young school boy
them with some basic statistical figures
C) �hey �ave counsellors to advise the juveniles C) comes from a rich family
D) after they experimented with a shirt over B) why people are called illiterate although
D) !uvenııes can be kept in smaller groups there D) is very interested in the lesson
the fire they can read and write E) ıuvenıles can learn to improve themselves E) has no brothers or sisters
E) after they were convinced that smoke had a E
o C) why women have less access to education there E
lifting power (.) in developing countries o
D) why some people choose to be called

.:: 'semi-literate'


� E) the importance of being literate by giving ..ı::
relevant examples
::ı .Q
Q. ::ı
Cf) Q.
"O Cf)
:,,.., "O
3: 23. The writer is of the opinion that ----.
� 26. We can understand that the writer of this 3: 29. According to the passage, ----.
� passage ----.

20. The first flight of the balloon took place ----. A) it is not fair to assume that a person is �
unintelligent because he or she writes badly A) there were green leaves on the branches of
A) harshly criticizes juvenile jails the tree
A) in front of the people in town B) people are literate if they can sign their
B) is definitely against juvenile jails B) it was a warm spring day
B) 2 kilometres away from the town names
C) anyone who has access to elementary C) supports experts on their attitude to juvenile C) the "".'riter's mother spent her days either
C) with one of the brothers travelling in the
education achieves basic literacy prısons cookıng or knitting
D) oppressive governments usually try to D) �resen�s the issue of juvenile jails objectively D) Miss Brown was in a distant room, where she
D) after the brothers themselves practised _
reduce the level of literacy in their countries E) ıs defınıtely against the idea that juveniles was speakıng loudly
flying in it
E) being literate requires much more than should stay in special home-like settings E) the writer's mother used to be a housewife
E) on the roof of the factory near the chimney
simply being able to read or write

24. According to the statistics given in the

passage ----.

A) twelve per cent of the total female

population are stili deprived of their right to
27. The passage aims to present ----. 30. Which of the following ideas can we infer
21. We can learn from the passage that .----.
be educated about the boy in the story?
A) a description of juvenile jails
A) the brothers made a lot of mistakes when B) nearly a quarter of the world's population
cannot read or write B) the problems of juvenile criminals, as A) He wanted his mother to go to work.
designing the balloon
C) exactly halt of the world's illiterate people reported by some experts B) He was not very content with his life at the
B) the balloon was made from old coats
are in Sub-Saharan Africa C) certain ways to become a betler person time.
C) the balloon was not fire-proof '
D) fewer than halt of the world's illiterate people according to juvenile counsellors C) He could stili find cookies and freshly brewed
D) the brothers were able to invent the hot-air
are men D) the reasons juveniles break the law tea in the kitchen.
balloon even though they had drawn wrong
E) illiteracy rates are falling in the majority of E) a better alternative to juvenile jails, suggested D) He had a more miserable childhood before.
conclusions from their experiments E) He loved having boiled vegetables for supper
developing countries by some experts
E) smoke has a lifting power every day.
18 19
31. - 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere 35. Short storiı;ıs tend to be less complex than 38. (1) Every single day in the life of an athlete
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için novels. Usually, a short story will focus on revolves around his training schedule. {il) But a
only one incident, has a single plot, a single you�g p�rson can usually relax by playing a
J;1etirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
I setting, a limited number of characters, and musıcal ınstrument or surfing on the lnternet as
covers a short period of time. ----. These are well. (111) Athletes never have a day off unless
31. Hotels in Britain are very expensive, in 33. Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we . exposition, complication, climax, resolution, they are unfit or ill. (iV) They spend most of the
general. But there are some cheaper hear of yet another problem affecting the �nd moral. Because of their short length, day with their coaches, either on the track or in
alternatives. For example, 'Bed and environment. ----. Nowadays, we are ali aware . sho_rt stories may or may not follow this the gymnasium. (V) They have to look after
that these threats exist and they were
Breakfasts' are private houses that offer . pattern. Some, in fact, do not follow any themselves and rarely go out in the evenings.
accommodation and breakfast. Many of caused by humans. Therefore, we are ali patterns at ali.
these offer excellent service at affordable very worried about the future of our planet,
prices. -- --. They vary greatly, but those but we certainly mustn't despair. A) Oral narratives were often told in the form of A)1 B) il C)111 D) iV E)V
that belong to the Youth Hostel Association rhyming or rl:ıythmic poetry, often including
(YHA) guarantee certain standards of A) So, if you think about it, much of what we recurring sections
comfort and cleanliness. throw away could be used again B) Early examples of short stories include the
B) it is endangered by pollution, acid rain, Brothers Grimm Fa iry Ta/es or Nikolai
A) That's why I never stay at a fıve- star hotel global warming, the destruction of rainforests Gogol's Evenings ona Farm Near Di kanka.
during my visits and other wild habitats and so on C) However, in lenger forms of fiction, stories
B) However, people visiting Britain must bear C) For example, many things we buy have tend to contain certain core elements of
in mind that British weather is very unnecessary amounts of plastic and paper dramatic structure
changeable and can't be trusted around them D) Every short story represents an imaginary
C) lf you see 'service included' on your D) So, it's better to use unbleached, recycled world with specific people, places and events
restaurant bili, you don't need to tip the paper whenever you can E) Short stories were a staple of early 19th
waiter or waitress E) And rainforests are valuable habitats since century magazines and often led to
D) Youth hostels are even cheaper, if you don't nearly halt of all the animal and plant recognition, fame, and novel-length projects
mind sharing with other people species in the world live in them tor their authors
E) in fact, staying at a hotel in any European
country costs a lot of money E 39. (1) Paper is so common a material that it is
o hard to imagine life without it. (11) However,
E (.)
o 36. -40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla o, men lived tor thousands of years without paper.

o, okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü .:: (111) The ancient Egyptians were the first to
.:: bozan cümleyi bulunuz .
develop a kind of paper from papyrus plants. (iV)
..Q Today, some types of paper are stili made from
� ::ı old cloth or a mixture of cloth and wood. (V)
::ı 36. �I) Fog is a major cause of accidents on highways
Ancient pieces of Egyptian papyrus can stili be
o.. ın some areas. (il) Therefore, drivers should be ::,._ seen in museums.
twice as careful in foggy weather as they are in s:

s:s normal weather. (111) Every year many thousands s A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V
of people lose their lives because fog can s
s dangerously reduce visibility. (iV) Fog is a cloud
in contact with the ground. (V) in other words,
drıvers cannot see very far ahead, so they do not
have time to avoid accidents.

32. ----? The answer is not so simple. Yes, 34. _it is quite usual tor us to laugh at apes when
English is the international language of we see them in a zoo. But we rarely laugh at A)1 B) il C)III D) iV E)V
commerce and science. lts utility has spread lions, tigers or other animals there. The
because it has been the language of the expressions on monkeys' faces and their
lnternet as well. However, this is beginning to gestures seem surprisingly familiar and we
change. Languages like German, Russian cannot help thinking about how they
and Spanish are spreading at a great speed resemble human beings. ----. in fact, there
on the Web. are many other similarities between men
and apes. For example, the bone structure of
apes is very similar to that of human beings.
A) Is learning English easier than learning 37. (1) The Japanese love to eat raw fish. (il) Outside
other European languages So is their brain structure. 40. (1) On� vitamin that you need to have regularly is
of Japan, sushi is sometimes misunderstood to vıtamın C. (il) On the other hand, Vitamin B is
B) Will the language diversity help learners mean the raw fish by itself. (111) Dishes of
A) That's why the mental superiority of men is good tor healthy eyes, hair, skin, and nails. (111)
around the world
widely accepted uncooked fish, called sushi and sashimi, are Certain fruits and vegetables which are rich in
C) What are the drawbacks of having English prepared at most Japanese restaurants. (iV)
as the language of instruction at the B) One important difference is that they have vitamin C are oranges, lemons, and grapefruits,
a limited memory Japanese cooks use many kinds of fish or as well as red peppers and tomatoes. (iV)
universities shellfish tor these dishes. (V) Whatever kind of
C) However, most children like going to the However, since this vitamin can be destroyed by
O) Has English become the global language of
zoo just to see the monkeys there fish they use, however, it must always be very heat, it is a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables
communication and education
O) Monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, fresh. uncooked. (V) Vitamin C is required tor the
E) How many French-language sites are there
orangutans and gibbons are classified as growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your
on the web
apes body.
E) This resemblance supports the belief that A)I B)il C)III D)iV E)V
man may be a descendant of the ape A)1 B) il C) 111 O) iV E)V

20 21
Extreme sports, which are always very exciting, even The lrish celebrate the 1 y of March as St. Patrick's

to watch, may be very dangerous. For example, motor Day wherever they live. This joyful, religious day is
TEST4 /' raci�g can cause serious injuries and even deadly also celebrated ali over Australia because of the huge
I accidı,ınts. Carina Burns, who has been a racing car lrish population living there. Various kinds of novelties
driver for many years now, has once come very close take place in ali the states. There are parades in
'to death. Carina, now 25 years old, started driving go­ which people dressed in traditional lrish costumes
carts at the age of ten and she became the best junior march down the streets. Most people, including
For many people hip-hop is synonymous with rap Time magazine has chosen a list of people called the driv�r in her country at age twelve. She actually had a Australians, wear clothes with the colours green,
music, but in fact it refers to a whole subculture that Time 100. These are people who, the magazine very serious acoident last year. She was trapped white and orange, like the lrish flag. The parades are
emerged with rap in the United States in the late believes, have an enormous impact on today's world under her car after it turned over and caught on fire. followed by concerts. Both locals and natives to
1970s and has since become truly international. and who inspire millions of people. The category She was rescued and taken to a hospital where she lreland perform lrish folk rtıusic at these concerts.
Rapping and DJing are the two main components of Heroes and /cons includes a whole variety of people had serious operations. She couldn't drive for several Many kinds of traditional lrish food are eaten and
hip-hop music. Maybe you could describe rap as a from a queen to a footballer, from politicians to a months after that. Ca_rina says," 1 was afraid of having people drink a lot of beer, which is the traditional lrish
form of expression that is somewhere between multi-millionaire rock star. Thierry Henry, one of the to stop racing. lf I had stopped, 1 would be doing drink. A lot of humour is displayed to reflect the
speech, poetry and song. Other parts of hip-hop world's greatest footballers, has used his hero status another job now. And I wouldn't be satisfied. 1 wanted cheerful nature of the lrish. For example, many pubs
culture are specific styles of dancing, clothing and on the pitch to fight racism in football. After he saw to race so much; so, 1 am back now, despite my put green dye in their beer during the celebrations.
graffiti art, and even a specific form of English slang. black players from the England team being insulted by parents' concern." Although she was a little afraid of With the speeches, dramas, jokes and music, St.
Hip-hop originally came out of African-American spectators in an international match, he started the racing again at first, she has got over her fear now. Patrick's Day is a colourful celebration of what it
communities in New York, and it's true to say that in campaign 'Stand up, Speak out'. He has raised nearly means to be lrish, even in lands as far away as
countries such as the US and Britain it is stili quite / $16 million for anti-racism groups from the sales of Australia.
closely connected with the young black population, black and white bracelets. 'You probably can't change
though of course there are hip-hop fans from every the racists,' he says, 'but you can make the silent 7. According to the passage, ----.
background, and indeed some famous non-black majority stand up and speak out against them. That 1 0. The passage indicates that - - --.
rappers such as Eminem. way we will make them feel less comfortable. in a few A) the accident caused Carina to stop driving
years' time I want to be able to watch a football match for two years A) lrish food is very popular in Australia
and not hear a single racist insult.' B) Carina's car caught on fire after she was B) people who are not of lrish origin cannot
rescued from under it join the celebrations
1. The author of the passage believes that C) the accident hasn't stopped Carina from C) ali the pubs are closed on St. Patrick's Day
rapping ----.
o 4. We learn from the passage that the Time 100 racing again due to the celebrations
(.) people were chosen according to ----. D) Carina started driving a racing car last year E D) lrish people are generally humorous and
for the first time
A) is not really part of hip-hop culture
Oı cheerful
.:: A) the degree of their fame E) Carina gave up racing after the accident

E) the concerts are performed by only the lrish

B) is one of the elements of hip-hop music .ı:: Oı

C) helped Eminem become probably the most � B) how much positive effect they have had over ·== people
members of public
famous performer in the world .Q
::ı �
D) arrived in the United States after it had o.. C) their neutral political beliefs .Q

emerged in Britain

-o D) the preferences of a particular age group ::ı
E) is typical of the United States only
:,... E) the number of campaigns they started vı
� :,...
s 8. We can understand from the passage that
s �
11. One can NOT find information in the passage
Carina - - --. about - -- -.
A) has been interested in driving since she was A) who St. Patrick was
5. The author tells us that footballer Thierry a child B) special activities that take place during the
2. it is stated in the passage that what we hear Henry ----. B) was encouraged by her parents to race celebrations
in rap music - - - -. again after recovery C) the food and beverages that are consumed
A) sold bracelets to earn a living C) doesn't mind having another job D) costumes worn by people celebrating
A) is a combination of speech, poetry and song B) used his fame in a bad way D) Carina is the only woman racing car driver E) the date of ST. Patrick's Day
B) is basically words from English slang C) fought with racists wherever he met them in her country
C) is an imitation of traditional African music D) raised money for a cause he believed in E) is stili in hospital due to her serious injuries
D) is hardly related to the way rappers dress. E) has suffered because of his colour ali his life
and move
E) is identical to what we see on walls as graffiti

9. The passage talks about Carina's unfortunate 12 . The passage mainly deals with ---- in
experience in order to show ----. Australia.
6. One can conclude from the passage that ---- is
3. it can be inferred from the passage that ----. Thierry Henry's main goal. A) that some young people do not listen to A) the reasons why St. Patrick's Day is
their parents' advice celebrated
A) Hip-Hop actually originated in Africa A) changing the way black people treat racists B) why people should not give up their careers B) the number of lrish people living
B) Hip-Hop cannot be considered a subculture B) providing the black population with a more C) how important it is for young people to do C) how people celebrate a special day
C) Hip-Hop is considered a form of art comfortable and luxurious life what they really want D) influence of lrish culture on everyday life
D) Hip-Hop fans are always black people C) increasing the number of anti-racism groups D) how exciting it is to watch an extreme sport E) various religious celebrations held every
E) there are more fans of Hip-Hop in Britain than D) playing against white footballers E) how dangerous extreme sports can be year
in the USA E) getting people to speak out against racists

22 23
Modern Japanese weddings are celebrated in a Two years ago, a young bricklayer named George · The average age of the population of many countries No one really understands why flowers open and
variety of ways. Many contain traditional Japanese Smith and a young secretary named Dolby, both living is getting older. That means that businesses in those close at particular times. But, at present, some
and Western elements side by side. Traditionally, the in Toronto, Canada, got 1engaged because they were cöuntries must adjust to older customers. in fact, interesting experiments are being done to find out the
religious wedding ceremony is held in Shinto (ancient deeply in love. Then .ıaeorge went to Australia to work ri,any ı:;ompanies are working to respond to the reasons for this. i n one typical experiment, flowers
Japanese religion) style at a shrine. Nowadays, this for a year and save money for their marriage. He got special needs of the elderly. üne example of this is that have already started to open are placed in a
shrine may be located inside the hotel where the a job as a bricklayer on a building site in Sydney. But the medical industry. Many medicines and laboratory in constant darkness. One might predict
event takes place. A Shinto priest conducts the last Christmas, he decided to go home to Canada and technolôgies are being developed especially for the that those flowers, not being exposed to any light,
ceremony which only the couple's relatives can surprise Dolby as he missed her very much. He flew health problems of older people. Another business would stop opening, unlike what they would normally
attend. The groom drinks Sake from a special bowl, to Canada and went to Dolby's house with a wedding that offers services for the elderly is the tourist do. But, in fact, they continue to open as if they were
which is filled again so that the bride can drink from it, ring and flowers. When he was on his way to her industry. Many travel agents offer special trips for in an ordinary garden. This suggests that flowers have
too. Then the groom reads the words of commitment. home, his phone rang. it was Dolby at the other end, groups of older people. And, finally, there are many some mysterious way of keeping time. They have, in
The couple is dressed in traditional kimono. However, and she was calling him from Sydney! "I thought she different kinds of products made for the elderly. These other words, a kind of 'biological clock'
in recent years, brides have started wearing white was pulling my leg when she said that," he told include everything from shoes and shampoos to
gowns. After the ceremony, a party is given for all the Dolby's parents who were also shocked. Dolby had magazines and furniture.
guests, including friends, bosses and co-workers. flown to Australia to surprise George at Christmas!
Afterwards, a meal is held and some guests make She later said, "it was as though somebody was
speeches or sing songs. During the celebrations, the playing a cruel joke on us. " The couple managed to
groom and especially the bride may change their miss each other after their 30,000-mile flights across 19. One can understand from the passage that
costumes several times. The couples are given cash the globe! ----. 22. it is stated in the passage that ----.
instead of gifts. At the end of the celebration, the
couple thanks everybody, giving them a speech. A) the tourist industry has had very little to A) almost all flowers open and close at exactly
offer to the elderly population so far the same time everyday
B) many industries are adapting themselves to B) experiments on flowers are mostly conducted
the requirements of an aging population in constant darkness
1 3. Which of the following statements describes 1 6. After his engagement to Dolby, George left C) we don't have the necessary technology to C) the reasons why flowers open and close at
modern Japanese weddings? Canada for Australia because he ----. develop medicines for older people certain times are stil! not fully understood
O) most industries fail to introduce new D) nothing is known yet about when the flowers
A) They are always celebrated in a standard A) was from Australia and wanted to live there products to attract old people normally open and close
way. E: B) wanted to make and save money E) medical industry is gaining more E: E) scientists have not begun doing experiments
B) They are usually a combination of both o C) had been offered a job in Sydney importance thanks to new medical on flowers yet

traditional and western elements. D) didn't want to be in the same city with Dolby

C) AII the guests, including friends and work

ciı Oı

-� E) owned a building in Sydney -�

partners, can attend the religious ceremony. ..c:: C/)

D) The bride and groom drink Sake from �

different bowls.
.Q :::ı
:::ı o.
E) The religious ceremony takes place after the o.

wedding party and feast. ı::ı


:,,., :,,.,
� 2 0. One can infer from the passage that - - --. � 2 3. The results 'ot the experiment mentioned in
s:: s:: the passage -- --.
s:: s::
A) older people are becoming a burden for
many societies A) are not very surprising for anyone
14. According to the passage during the 1 7. We understand from the passage that -- --. B) the travel industry has been in competition B) are of no use to the researchers
with the medical industry C) have enabled the researchers to solve the
wedding ceremony ----.
A) Dolby already knew George was coming to C) elderly population isn't happy with the way flowers' mysterious way of keeping time
Toronto for Christmas companies view them O) are similar to the researchers' predictions
A) the groom sings a song for all the guests B) Dolby's parents were expecting to see D) many industries make changes to keep up E) are not what one might expect
B) the bride takes off her kimono and wears a George at Christmas with the changes in societies
white dress C) both George and Dolby had secretly planned E) developments in most industries have
C) only the bride and the groom dance and sing to surprise each other focused merely on the elderly
D) the newly married couple is given money as D) Dolby's parents were shocked because
wedding gifts George had bought a wedding ring
E) the newly married couple open their presents E) Dolby was not expecting George to marry her

21. The passage is mainly about --- -. 24. it can be inferred from the passage that - - - -.

1 5. The passage mainly aims to - - --. A) the advances in medical industry to meet A) a kind of "biological clock" allows flowers
people's changing needs to open and close at certain times
B) how companies neglect the needs of the B) flowers don't need any sunlight in order to
A) compare and contrast traditional Japanese 18. The best title for this passage would be- ---. elderly population survive
weddings with western weddings C) the factors that contribute to the increase in C) scientists have a long way to go before they
B) describe the important religious events in A) A cruel joke life expectancy in developed countries can fully understand how flowers reproduce
Japan B) An unlucky coincidence D) the new products and services that are D) flowers always need sunlight to be able to
C) explain the practices and teachings of Shinto C) The power of love developed for the elderly population open and close at particular times
religion O) Flight across the globe E) the effects of the aging population on E) almost all flowers open when it is dark
D) describe the present day Japanese wedding E) A bricklayer's misery societies
E) criticize the modern Japanese weddings

24 25
Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. in some poor countries, over twenty percent of the
children die in their first year of life. üne reason for 3 1. - 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
Whales are the largest sea animals. These two huge
this is the lack of medioal care and medicines. Many parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
animals may, in fact, be related. Biologists now Q�tirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
believe that the ancestors of elephants once lived in children die from dis'r"ses that could easily be
the sea. There is plenty of evidence to support this prevented with the right medicines or the right care.
idea. For example, the shape of an elephant's head is Another cause of death among children is the food. it '31. The Bluetooth now exists in many devices, 3 3 . The cacao bean, the basic ingredient used in
similar to a whale's. Also, elephants are excellent often is not clean or fresh and can make children very such as phones, printers, modems, making chocolate, grows on tropical cacao
swimmers. Some have chosen to swim for food to sick. Getting enough food is another problem. When fıeadsets and cameras. it has many practical trees. in the old times, the Aztecs used
islands up to 300 miles from shore. Like the whale, children are weak from lack of food, they die more · uses. And in the very near future, it will be cacao beans to prepare a hot, foamy
the elephant, too, uses sounds to show anger or for easily from diseases. And finally, dirty water also kills · even more useful for our lives. ----. lnstead, beverage with stimulating and healing
other kinds of communication. Finally, in certain ways, many children every year. Because of water there will be an opening device that properties. Cacao, considered a source of
female elephants behave much like female whales. shortages, people are often forced to drink water from confirms each person's identity. A chip in wisdom and vitality, was reserved for the
When an elephant or a whale baby is bom, a female dirty rivers or lakes. This water may carry serious this device will recognize our fingerprints Aztec nobility, warriors and priests. in
friend stays nearby to help the mother. diseases, or it may contain harmful chemicals from and open the door for us automatically. addition, the Aztecs used the fermented
pollution. cacao drink in religious ceremonies. ----. For
A) For example, we will not need front door keys example, taxes were collected in cacao beans
anymore and 100 cacao beans could buy a slave.
B) in other words, we can communicate
2 5. One can conclude from the wording of the 28. it is pointed out in the passage that ----. electronically
A) Cacao beans were also used as money
passage that ----. C) it basically provides a way to exchange B) The dried cacao seeds are carefully
A) what children in poor countries need most information between many digital devices shipped from their country of origin to the
A) it would be ridiculous to claim that whales is clean and fresh water D) it is developed by the Swedish telecom chocolate manufacturing countries
and elephants are related B) the diseases that children suffer from in company, Ericsson
C) Religious ceremonies were held in temples
B) it is stili not certain whether elephants and poor countries are hard to cure E) This means that in the future, machines will which they called teocalli
whales are related C) over twenty percent of those who die in be able to 'talk' with each other D) They worshipped about 1,000 gods and
C) ali elephants have to swim long distances poor countries are children in their first year their religion was based on the belief in
in search of food of life afterlife
D) whales are certainly the ancestors of D) people in poor countries usually do not care E) Apart from chocolate, the primary industrial
elephants much about the water they drink E: product from the cacao tree is cocoa butter
E) it is quite unlikely that there is a relation E: E) if there were the right medicines and care, o
between whales and elephants the lives of many children in poor countries

could be saved

Oı -�

� .Q
.Q ::ı
::ı Q.
Q. (/}
(/} "O
"O ::,..,
2 6. The examples given in the passage ----. ::,.., 29. The passage clearly tells us that in some poor ?!:
?!: countries - ---. 3:
A) serve to support the belief held by 3:
biologists regarding elephants and whales A) it is usually the small children who suffer
B) contradict the suggestion that elephants most from water shortages 32 . People who feel extremely sleepy during the 34. Air travel has made it possible for people to
and whales can be related B) people cannot drink water even from rivers daytime may be suffering from a condition travel almost anywhere in the world. Flying
C) are mainly used to present the recent or lakes called 'narcolepsy'. - ---. However, if people is certainly faster and more convenient than
discoveries about whales and elephants C) less than eighty percent of children survive fall asleep at unusual times, they are any other kind of travel. Moreover, air travel
D) draw a clear picture of the lives of land and in their fırst year of life definitely narcoleptic. This means that they has also broken many barriers and allowed
sea animals D) parents neglect their children so much that may doze while eating, talking, working, families to live in different countries and still
E) aim to demonstrate why whales are the they don't provide them even with clean taking a shower, or even driving a car. Most keep in touch. Air travel is also often the
largest sea animals water narcoleptics have several sleeping periods cheapest way to travel from one country to
E) govemments do very little to improve the every day with alert periods between them. A another. ----. Yet, it often seems as if there
conditions in their countries few others feel sleepy almost all the time are more fatalities from plane crashes
and are awake for only short periods. because plane crashes are much more highly
publicized than car crashes.
A) it is very normal for healthy people to feel
27. it is pointed out in the passage that both 30. We can understand from the passage that sleepy after a heavy meal or while watching A) Another cheap way to travel is by travel
female elephants and female whales -- --. TV trailer and it's possible to rent one quite
B) That's because the cause of this illness has easily
A) have hard times when a baby is bom A) the reasons for the child deaths in poor not been determined yet B) Moreover, air travel insurance includes
B) swim for food to islands up to 300 miles countries are varied C) Unfortunately, there is no cure for this illness health insurance and insurance on valuable
from shore B) it is usually the parents who are responsible at present possessions
C) are left alone by their friends after their for the death of their children D) That's why some people refuse to go to C) Another benefit of air travel is that it's one of
babies are bom C) children often die in their first year of life as therapy sessions the safest modes of travel
D) use sounds to show their anxiety during they don't want to take the right medicines E) People are usually more energetic and D) However, flight insurance is usually offered
birth giving D) people in poor countries get enough food active during summer, when they're exposed by the airline
E) are accompanied by a female friend while but not enough water to more daylight E) However, some people are afraid of flying
they are giving birth E) water shortages are the leading cause of and they prefer to travel on land
child deaths in poor countries

26 27
38 _ {I) The Lord of the Rings is a fantasy novel, which
35. Fashion, by definition, changes con� tantly.
has been quite popu�ar since 2?00. {il) lt has
There are different views about fas� ıon. F�r _ _
some modern fast-paced changes ın fashıon inspired artwork, music, televısıon, and vıdeo
games.(111) lts imp,ıct is so great that the Oxford
embody many of the negative aspects of
capitalism. - - --. On the other hand, o�her Oictionary has recorded some terms from th_e TEST S
people, especially young pe? ple, enJOY the novel. {iV) ıts popularity has made many of ıts
diversity that changing fashıon can apparently fans set up fan clubs and websit� s on the net. The •history of Scouts in Britain began with a trip for a As a British person l'm embarrassed by how poor a lot
provide, seeing the constant chang� as a {V) The film stars Elijah Wood, Vıggo Mortensen, grou'p of about 20 British boys to a small island off the of us are at speaking foreign languages. in the last
way to satisfy their desire to experıence Orlando Bloom and many others. sot,Jth coast of England in the summer of 1907. The year l've been on holiday to Spain and ltaly, and in
"new" and "interesting" things. trip was also used as a way of encouraging teamwork both countries I saw British tourists not even trying to
and breaking down barriers between boys from say 'hello', 'please' or 'thahk you' in the loca!
A) They claim it results in waste and A) 1 B) 1 1 C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V different social backgrounds. The idea spread like language, which I think is really rude. My guess is that
encourages people to buy things they don't wildfire. Scout groupş rapidly multiplied throughout most native speakers of English are lazy when it
really need Britain, and within three years the movement had comes to foreign languages. We know English is the
B) Practically every aspect of appearance that reached other countries all over the world. in 1908 main language of international business, and that in
can be changed has been changed at some Sco uting tor Boys became the fourth best-selling book most of the world's tourist destinations the locals are
time of the 20 centu ry. Despite what the title of the book able to speak at least a bit of English, so the attitude

. might suggest, the Scouts did not remain an all-male

C) Fashion houses and their associated fashıon seems to be 'why bother?' l've never lived in a foreign
designers, appear to have �om� role in organization for long, as in 1909 the first group for country and l'm not great at languages, though I can
determining the rates and dırectıons of
// girls was set up. The movement stili encourages what get by in Spanish, French and ltalian. l'm not fluent in
fashion change it sees as a healthy outdoor lifestyle, involving various any of them, but I do think it's important to make an
O) Everyone in this world wants to look physical activities, but also emphasizes the effort with them when you're travelling abroad.
fashionable whether they are young and old importance of citizenship, which includes
E) The terms "fashionable" and "unfashionable" trustworthiness and a sense of responsibility towards 4. The author's main purpose in writing this
are employed to describe whether someone other people. passage is -- - -.
or something fıts in with the current popular
mode of expression 39. (1) A popular children's song compa_res a star to A) to express how embarrassed he is because
a "diamond in the sky". {il) And the ıdea that 1. The author implies the fact that the Scouts - - - -. he doesn't know any foreign languages
stars ıook like diamonds is not new. (111) But E B) to explain his disappointment in why British
now scientists are saying that there may be real A) usually come from similar social backgrounds o
36 -40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla o people normally do not learn a language
diamonds among stars. {iV) While these B) made their first trip abroad to encourage other than their own

ok�nduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü

diamonds are certainly interesting for the cooperation between nations

� cümleyi bulunuz.

.:: .::
C) to warn the reader not to go abroad unless
..c: scientists, they are not going to m� ke anyone C) were unique to Britain in the first decade of

rich. {V) The formation of natura� ? ıamon�s
underground requires very specıfıc condıtıons .
the 20 century

O) from Britain travelled to many foreign

they are fluent in at least one foreign
3 6. (1) CT scanning is a painless medical test that ::ı o.. O) to insult British people by saying how lazy
_ o.. countries in three years
helps physicians diagnose and treat � edıcal ı::, they are when it comes to learning languages
ı::, E) doubled in number throughout Britain very

conditions. {il) CT imaging uses specıaı �-ray ::,., E) to teli the reader that being able to speak

_ ::,.,
equipment to produce pictures of the ın�ıde of the s: A) 1 B) il C) ili O) iV E) V soon s:
English is enough as it is an international
body. (111) However, there is always a slıght s: s: language
chance of cancer from radiation. {IV)Then, a s:
computer joins them together to be examined 5. The author suggests that when you are
and printed. {V) CT can scan ınternal organs, travelling abroad, you should ----.
bones, sofi tissues and blood vessels more 2. According to the passage, the first scout
clearly than x-rays. group for girls was formed ----. A) not bother to learn the language of that
particular country since you are there on
A) to protest the book called Scouts far Boys holiday
A) 1 B) il C) ili O) iV E) V B) after the idea was supported by boy scouts in B) at least learn the most useful phrases to get
Britain by and not to look rude
C) because boy scouts didn't want to continue C) be fluent in that particular country's language
their mission with all male groups O) remember that it is very rude to forget to say
O) not many years after the first boy scouts 'hello' and 'thank you'
began E) always speak in English as everyone will
E) although the writer of Scouts for Boys implied most probably understand what you are
in his book that scouting was a boyish activity saying
40. (1) Plot, or storyline, is one of the fundamental
37. (1) Porcupines, animals known for th_eir needle like elements of fiction. {il) The memorable
hair, are strict vegetarians. {ll)ln sprıng the� feed characters in fiction come alive while we read
6. Which of the following is TRUE about the
on leaves, twigs and green plants. (111) Theır and live on the page and in our hearts and author of this passage?
needle like hair hardens within an hour after _
minds. (111) it can be defined as th� renderıng 3. According to the description given in the A) He can communicate in French, ltalian and
birth. {iV) in winter, they chew through the outer and ordering of the events and actıons of a Spanish very well
bark of trees to eat the tender layer of tissue passage, scouting does NOT require -- - -.
story. {iV) On a micro level, plot consists ?f B) He avoids travelling abroad as he is not
below. {V) They may also gnaw used axe action and reaction, also referred to as stımulus that great at languages
handles, canoe paddles and other items for the A) being honest
and response. {V) On a macro level, plot has a B) caring for others C) He is ashamed because British people do not
salt and oil they contain. beginning, a middle, and an ending. find it necessary to learn a foreign language
C) being a nationalist
O) doing physical activities O) He believes English is an easy language to
B) il C) ili O) iV E) V learn
A) 1 B) 1 1 C) 1 1 1 O) iV E) V
A) 1 E) surviving outdoors
E) He thinks people who work in tourist
destinations don't bother to learn English
28 29
A charity organization in Canada is sending trained l live in Mexico City. T o me, it is the most exciting city Saladino Gonzales takes advantage of the Brazilian Most homes are full of dangers for small children.
dogs and their trainers to schools to help children in the world but I have to admit that life here can be ıaw which allows people to keep lions at home. "Our Many of these dangers are obvious. Stairs, for
learn to read. The program is especially helpful for very uncomfortable and' stressful. it is the oldest city in nom13s need protection from thieves," says Mr. example, can be dangerous, and so can the sharp
students who are shy and not very good readers. Both North America and WJS built on the re� ains of the old Gonzales. 'With a lion for a guard, a thief may enter, corners of a table. Another well-known danger is fire
the dogs and handlers are volunteers and there is no Aztec capital. it is also a very modern cıty wıth new but h·e won't leave!" He started with three lions ten and parents are usually careful about matches and
cost to participants or schools. The children choose buildings and new roads being constructed all the years ago, and at the moment, he manages to _breed candles. But other dangers may be less obvious to a
the book which they want to read to the dog. They time. This makes the districts that I knew well look three lion cubs a year. But he would like to expand the parent. Many children die from poisoning in their
usually try to pick stories that they think the dog will unfamiliar! Whenever I get tired of the urban sight, 1 busiriess. "I don't remember ever having trouble homes. in fact, all kinds of things in the house could
like. The children enjoy reading to a dog because raise my eyes and look at the mountains which sellin g oh e," he says. He advises owners to let their be poison to a child. Medicine, for example, may not
dogs make great audiences. When the dog comes to surround the city. To the south of the city, there are lion run freely in their back yards at night. Owners like be harmful for an adult, but may make a child
a class, the children read to it taking turns. They sit two volcanoes, which are always covered with snow. to hear their lion walking up and down the garden seriously ili. The same is true of alcohol and
beside the dog, usually holding a book in one hand lf fewer people had cars in New Mexico, we'd be able when they are in bed. it helps them sleep more cigarettes. Finally, soaps and chemicals used for
and patting the dog with the other one. The dog to enjoy the graceful sight of the city more. But, the soundly and the neighbours feel secure, too. "A lion is cleaning are often extremely poisonous. AII these
listens quietly and attentively. The children say that pollution prevents us from seeing very far. New no problem with children as long as the animal is things should be kept far aut of the reach of young
reading to a dog does not embarrass them as much comers, even young ones, look as if they are old and bought when it is young and you remember to feed it children.
as reading in front of their friends in a classroom. So, sick because the altitude (2,240 meters) can make regularly," he says. üne of Gonzales' customers,
they feel good about themselves and become more breathing difficult for them. Despite all this, 1 wouldn't Maria Oliveira is very satisfied with her purchase. She
confıdent. want to be living anywhere else in the world! says that her little children enjoy playing with Mikey,
their pet lion. She only regrets not having bought 1 6. The passage makes it clear that ----.
another cub that could keep Mikey company.
A) the most dangerous things in homes are
7. it can be inferred from the passage that, ----. 10. According to the passage, Mexico City ----. stairs and sharp corners of tables
B) parents are usually ignorant of the dangers
A) the purpose of the program is to help A) is surrounded by mountains 1 3 . Which of the following can we infer about in their houses
children who are afraid of dogs 8) is never visited by young tourists Mr. Gonzales from the passage? C) alcohol and cigarettes are equally harmful
8) reading to a dog increases children's C) always offers a comfortable and peaceful life A) He is the only person in Brazil who keeps for adults and children
confıdence E
o D) has a very ugly sight lions at home. D) while some of the dangers at homes are
C) the dogs don't like the children who are shy E) is a very old city with no modern buildings 8) He breeds lion cubs for his children to play apparent, others are not

or who can't read very well Oı

with. o E) no matter how careful parents are, young
D) children with problems at school don't like .::
.ı:: C) He is running a successful business.
children will always find a way to reach the
to read to a dog D) He gives lion cubs to his neighbours or things that are dangerous for them

� ı::
E) some children try hard to teach the dogs to .Q friends for free. .ı::
o.. E) He has never sold any of the cubs he has �

� -o

s: ::,.,
s: � 1 7. The author of the passage seems to be of
s: the opinion that ----.
8. We understand from the passage that the 11. it is clear in the passage that some people 14. According to the passage, Mr. Gonzales ----. A) parents should be particularly careful about
children ----. seem to be ill because ----. matches and candles
A) believes that lions that run freely will sleep B) children shouldn't be given any medicines
A) have to pay some money to be able to read A) the city is located in a very high place soundly at night, without disturbing anyone under any circumstances
to a dog 8) there is too much pollution B) breeds three cubs a year now, but he wants C) everything in a house has the potential to
8) feel more relaxed when they are reading to C) the two volcanoes emit gasses to breed fewer lions in the future be dangerous for a child
their classmates D) of the cold climate C) warns owners to keep their young lions away D) alcohol and cigarettes aren't as harmful to
C) read silently while they are patting the dogs E) of the constantly changing districts from their children adults as they are thought
D) are free to choose the story or the book they D) is angry with the neighbours who are afraid of E) parents are usually careless about what
want to read his cubs and want him to lock them up at their children do in the house
E) do not care if the dog likes the story or not night
E) suggests that a hungry lion in the house may
be dangerous for the children

18. The aim of the passage is to ----.

9. According to the passage, the dogs ---- when 12. We understand from the passage that ----. 1 5. We understand that Maria Oliveira ----. A) present statistics of children dying from
the children read to them. poisoning in their homes each year
A) few people in Mexico City have cars B) inform the reader of the probable dangers
8) the writer is unfamiliar with the city A) helps Gonzales breed and raise lions
A) usually make a lot of noise at home for small children
C) the constant snow causes many problems B) bought a lion cub from Gonzales C) warn parents about certain medicines that
B) are bored and pay no attention
D) Mexico city is not a very healthy place to live C) is angry with Gonzales for charging her a lot may make children ili
C) don't want to listen if they are not patted
D) sit in a far corner of the room in of money for the purchase D) show the unpleasant impact of cleaning
E) the writer is very unhappy about living in D) is now sorry for having bought Mikey chemicals on children
E) listen carefully
Mexico City E) has just bought another cub that can play E) discourage the consumption of alcohol and
with Mikey cigarettes by adults

30 31
ın some industrialized countries, people are retiring The "idea box" is a useful concept in management. it Freckles are clusters of pigment-producing cells,
from work at an early age. This is especially true in was first introduced in the early 20th century by Kodak Like obesity and cancer, sleeplessness i s likely to
called melanocytes. Besides heredity (they are most become a great problem for the modern man in the
Europe, where many workers retire at age 55. in in the United States and" Michelin in France. The
comrn on in light-skinned , red- or fair-haired people), near future. in modern life, people reserve ıess time
1 970, about half the men aged 55 continued to work. managers of these companies used idea boxes to
the bjg gest cause of freckles is sun exposure, which for sleeping because of their growing i nterest in
Now, only about 1 0-30% of that age group continue to collect suggestions tfom employees about improving
stimulates the hormones of pigment production. in working, having entertainment, travelling and
work. The reason for this trend is economic. Some production. Today the idea box is not used much in
'fact, doctors advise those who freckle and bum easily shopping. Low-quality sleep is similar to sleeping
European governments wanted people to retire early the United States or Europe. However, it is used a lot
to be especially careful to avoid sunlight, as they are disorders. lf you get up feeli ng tired in the morning
so that their jobs could go to younger people. But in Japan. Japanese managers have found it to be a
at a ıigher risk of skin cancer. Melanocytes are the
very valuable resource. Employees often know more after an eight-hour-long sleep or have difficulty falli ng
early retirement has created new economic problems. cells that produce melanin, the pigment that gives skin
than managers about the details of production. in the asleep at night, it means that sleeping has become a
Governments are having trouble paying the pensions its .colour; again, the exact colour depends on genes. problem for you. You have probably noticed the TV
and health costs for all the additional retired people. long run, their suggestions can make a real difference Ultraviolet light darkens freckles and stimulates more
to the company and employees who offer useful ideas advertisements showing high-technology beds that
melanin to form. The safest way to diminish freckles is promise a good night's sleep. Aircraft companies are
may receive extra money i n their pay checks. to avoid UV radiation_ by staying out of the sun and designing aircraft seats for a better sleep and some
usin g a sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Japanese companies are giving their workers
Factor)of 1 5 or higher. afternoon breaks for naps. Sleeping centres and
19. The passage tells us that ----. 22 . The passage tells us that ----.
salons are quite popular in many modern cities now.
A) people are forced to retire from work at an A) the 'idea box' had existed in Japan even Moreover, luxury holiday resorts promise a quiet and
before it was introduced in France relaxing atmosphere instead of entertainment. Ali of
M� �e ,. 25. We learn from the passage that freckles - --- . these show that sleep is being taken very seriously as
8) Europe is the only continent where people / B) managers have to respond to their
retire from work at an early age employees' demands if they want to be an important need for modern people.
A) are less common in dark-skinned people than
C) about 1 0-30% of the men in Europe stop successful in fair-skinned people
working when they are 55 C) Kodak and Michelin were the pioneers of the 8) stimulate the hormones of pigment production
D) many workers in Europe now stop working 'idea box' concept 2 8. The passage says that in modern life, people
when they are 55 D) managers usually have very little information
C) do not appear unless one is exposed to
extreme sunlight
E) in Europe more men than women aged 55 about the products of their companies D) only appear in red-haired or fair-haired people A) fall asleep very quickly at night because they
continue to work E) the concept of 'idea box' has been completely E) appear when the skin lacks pigment-producing work hard during the day
E forgotten in the United States and Europe cells B) do not get enough sleep since they spend a
o E
u today o lot of time for work, travel, fun and shopping
Oı C) sleep too much and get up very late
..c: -�

D) spend too much time watching TV
..c: advertisements
� �
-O E) cannot sleep when they travel on airplanes
because of the uncomfortable seats
o.. ::ı
20. According to passage, in the last four C/) 2 3. it is pointed out in the passage that, a good o..
decades, ---- . suggestion by an employee --- -.
:::... "tJ
s:s :::...
A) many industrialized countries have had to A) usually makes little difference to the products s
introduce new economic policies
s of a company s
26. According to the passage, melanocytes ----.
B) male workers in Europe have been reluctant B) shows how competent an employee is 2 9. Which of the following statements is NOT
to retire at age 55 C) can make an employee the manager of a A) are pigments that give the skin its colour true according to the passage?
C) the number of workers older than 55 company B) are clusters of freckles
D) can benefit both the company and the A) lt's possible to buy high technology beds
decreased significantly in Europe C) are skin cells which produce pigments called
D) there have been great changes in the way employee which help us to sleep well.
melanin B) Some modern cities have sleeping centres
governments treat old people E) is usually considered by managers as D) are hormones which determine skin colour
E) some European governments have worthless and salons.
E) can be a sign of skin cancer C) Most TV programs have started to highlight
compelled most of their male workers to retire
the importance of sleep.
D) Companies in Japan are allowing their
workers to take an afternoon nap.
E) Holiday resorts are aiming to help their
guests to relax and rest.
2 1. As it is pointed out in the passage, workers 24. From the information given in the passage,
retiring at an early age - ---. one can infer that - - --.

A) have contributed a lot to the development A) the concept of 'idea box' has been introduced
of industrialized countries to Japanese managers by the French 27. We can NOT infer from the passage that ---­
B) the 'idea box' can only be used in 30. The passage is concerned with ----.
8) have both good and bad effects on the can increase the risk of skin cancer.
economies of countries management A) problems of the modern man, such as obesity
C) are mostly dissatisfıed with their current C) Japanese managers value their employees' A) genetic factors and cancer
conditions ideas more than the managers in the US or in B) exposure to UV radiation B) effects of sleeplessness on our health
D) now wish that they hadn't decided to stop Europe C) getting sunburned C) various types of sleep disorders
working at such an early age D) employees in Europe usually suggest neW D) using a sunscreen with a high SPF D) the importance of sleep in modern life
E) are demanding an increase in their pensions ideas in order to get a promotion E) increased melanin production E) advantages of high-quality sleep
from the governments E) managers in the United States and Europe
never disregard their employees'

32 33

35. Ph ysical a�tivity does not have to be vigorous 38. (1) Coconut palms live on sandy .
3 1 . - 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
• ly tolerant of salin soı 1s and are
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için /' or d one tor long periods in order to improve hıgh ity. (il) The only two
_ . ,
�ne � health. O �e example is walking, which is · the u . s . where coconut palms can
ın states
�etirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. be grown
a suıtable ph rsıcal activity tor most people. and r�produce outdoors without irrigation
Regular walkıng can help you lose body tat Hawaıı �nd Florida. (111) in general, they prefe
areas wıth abundant sunlight and regular rainfa
3 1 . The Earth is surrounded by an ocean of gases 33. According to many people, superstitions are im_p rove your fitness and reduce your risk �f
beliefs and practices that do not make sense. ll
which we call the atmosphere. The -� eveloping conditions such as heart di�ease (iV� Coconuts also need high humidity for
optım � m growth. (V) That's why they are rarely
atmosphere is important because it contains However, some people believe that an unseen 'and !ome �a� cers. Walking is low impact and
the air most living things breathe. it also and unknown torce can influence the outcome _
see � ın areas wıth low humidity, like the
requıres mmımal equi pment. it can be done at
of some events. in most superstitions, they
�edıterranean, where temperatures are indeed
absorbs heat energy and dangerous rays from any time of day and at your own pace. ----.
hıgh enough.
the sun. ----. So it is clear that, without the expect something bad to happen. For
atmosphere, life as we know it today, could example, they believe that breaking a mirror A) Some people, though, walk with a friend to
not exist on Earth. will bring seven years of bad luck. There combine socializing with physical activity
are good superstitions, too. ----. in fact, 8) So, the best way to warm up before any form
A) Scientists have discovered it is divided into some people are so superstitious that they of exercise is to walk slowly B) il
A)1 C) 1 1 1 D ) iV E) V
layers, just like a layer cake usually carry a good luck charm, such as a C) Dressi � g too warmly can increase sweating
8) However, the layer of the atmosphere we live horseshoe or a rabbits' toot. and �uıld up body temperature during any
in is called the Troposphere /,·' p �ysıcal activity including walking
C) it even recycles water / A) They also go to fortune-tellers or read the D) it s a perfect form of physical activity for
D) The weight of the Earth's atmosphere is astrology columns in newspapers to learn people who are overweight, elderly or those
about 500 million tones about their future who �aven't exercised in a long time
E) When the Earth was forming, water and 8) üne of these is that if you find a four-leaf E) :hysıcal activity built into a daily lifestyle plan
gases trapped beneath the planet's surface clover, you will have good luck ıs one of the most effective ways to assist
slowly escaped to create our oceans and C) Therefore, a lot of superstitions go back to with weight loss
atmosphere the Middle Ages
D) For example, a black cat crossing your path
will bring bad luck
E E) This is one of the many superstitions that
o concern certain animals 39. (1) lf you want to travel in central Australia take a
E camel safari. (ll)This is the best way to s�e the

desert. (111) You can enjoy the beautiful colours of

-� 36. - 40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla

.c:: Oı
the desert more from the high seat on the camel's

okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü -�
.c:: hump. (I�) �nd you can walk to the top of Ayers
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
::ı � R ? ck, whıch ıs 1 ,000 feet high, in about 50
o. mınutes. (V) in fact, many tourists who want to
36. (1) Antarctica is the southernmost land of ice
"O o. see the desert prefer travelling on camels to

:::... and snow, where for part of the year the sun
"O travelling on comfortable, air conditioned buses.

� doesn't rise and for another part, never sets. (il) :::...
3: To some ıt becomes a way of life and they �
may go back south many times over the years 3:
B) il
A)1 C) 1 1 1 D ) iV E) V
(111) Therefore, no human has ever made a
perm�ne�t home in Antarctica. (iV) But people
32. Ludwig van Beethoven is remembered as one 34. ----. Gather a crowd of people and put them do vısıt thıs area: mostly scientists, support
of the most famous composers in history. He into a ferryboat. By the time the boat has personnel, and tourists. (V) And there is only
lived only fifty-seven years. ----. This swung into the river, you will find that a one living being that never leaves the Antarctic
confirmed that Beethoven had died of severe certain proportion have taken the trouble to continent-the emperor penguin.
lead poisoning. Genetic tests also showed climb upstairs, in order to be out on deck
that the bones came from Beethoven. The and see what is to be .seen as the boat
researchers also examined bones from crosses over. The rest have settled indoors, A) 1 8) il C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V
someone else who lived during the same to think about what they will do upon
period. The bones from Beethoven had more reaching the other side, or perhaps lose
lead than those from the other person. themselves in apathy and tobacco smoke.

A) Beethoven visited many doctors throughout A) Human nature is one of those things that
his life to find a cure for his health problems everybody talks about but no one can
8) He urged researchers to examine his body define precisely
8) Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour are 40. (1) There are a lot of advantages of supermarkets,
after he died 37. (1) Nurses are a necessary part of health care.
produced partly by what happened to our but have you ever wondered what they take away
C) Recently, a team of scientists that examined (il) Lıke doctors, they heal sick people and take
ancestors millions of years ago from us? (il) Life without supermarkets would be
pieces of bone belonging to Beethoven found care of patients. (111) Most nurses work in
C) There are different types of ferryboats for a total disaster. (111) A checkout girl in a
a large amount of lead in his bones hospitals as general duty nurses. (iV) Nursing
transportation on the river and on the sea supermarket does not offer the social contact and
D) Technology has improved so much that it is career opportunities are greater and more varied
D) The branches of science associated with conversation that can be found in a local shop.
possible to find out what exactly has led to a than ever before. (V) However, there are also
the study of human nature include (iV) You can't find in supermarkets the fresh local
person's death ma � y nurses who work in other places, such as
sociology, sociobiology and psychology _ produce that you can find in local markets. (V)
E) Beethoven experienced a change of clınıcs, schools, factories, and private homes.
E) A simple experiment will easily distinguish Moreover, they harm local food economies that
personality when he was around twenty sustain villages.
two types of human nature
A) 1 8) il C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V
A) 1 8) 1 1 C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V
34 35
· partly because of two world wars, aircraft technology The Grimm Brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm
in the first half of the 20 century developed extremely
were German academics who published
/' qüickly. A irplanes made mostly of wood and canvas popular German folk tales and fairy tales.
collecti�ns of
They are
took pşrt in the First World War, but by the start of the among the best known teliers of stories or tales
./ from
second World War most aircraft were made from Europe. They aliowed the widespread knowledge
aluminium. Almost ali the planes in the Second World many tales such as Snow White, Rapunzel,
TEST 6 war l:lsed propellers to push them through the air, but Cinderella, and Hansel and Gretel. However, neither
before the end of the war, Germany managed to Jacob nor Wilhelm Grimm had planned on becoming
proôuce the first jet aircraft. The jet engine was storytellers for children. The two brothers were
Tennis has got to be one of the most boring sports in considered to be a breakthrough as it meant planes patriots who tried to preserve Germanic folktales and
Charlie Chaplin is believed to have been bom in 1 889. the world. Watching a little bali go backwards and could fly much faster, travelling large distances in culture and they became storytellers by chance. The
Charlie first took to the stage when, ag� d f! ve, he forwards for two hours, while the players make
. . . short periods of time. in the 1 950s and 60s, flying stories that they collected in the early 1 800s often
performed in Music Hali in 1 894, standıng ın for hıs
_ ridiculous grunting noises - you cali tha� � nt� rtaınıng.? thousands of miles for a holiday or a business showed the unpredictable and cruel side of life. When
mother when she was ill and couldn't act. As a c� ıld, Also I can't stand the exaggerated publıcıty ın the meeting became affordable for millions of people they saw how the tales fascinated young readers, the
he was confined to a bed for weeks due to a serıous media whenever one of the top players has a ch�nce
_ around the world, and by the 1970s there were very brothers and their editors started to change them a
iliness, and at night, his mother would sıt at �he of winning an important tournament. They sometım� s big jet airliners such as the Boeing 747 or 'jumbo jet', little. So, the tales gradually got softer, sweeter, and
window and act out what was going on outsıde. At the lose in the end. Why can't they jus� a��ept that they re which can carry more than 400 passengers. An even more ethical. Their stories are now read and loved in
age of 1 1 , his brother helped � et him the role of a not very good? As for p/aying t� nnıs, ıt s even wo�se bigger plane, the Airbus A380, with room for at least more than 1 60 languages.
comic cat in the pantomime Cınderella at the London than watching. 1 tried it for a whıle �hen 1 was a kıd, 550 passengers, started flying before the end of 2007.
Hippodrome. in 1 903 he appeared in 'Jim, A Romance/ _
_ and it was one of the most frustratıng �hıng� 1 had
of Cockayne', foliowed by his first regular ıob, as the ever done. Hitting the bali and seeing ıt go ı nto the net
, 10. Which of the following statements is true
newspaper boy Billy in ' Sher/ock Hofme� , a pa� he almost every time is enough to put anyone ın � bad
played into 1 906. This was foliowed by Court Cırcus according to the passage?
mood. 1 remember my dad said I sh�uld practı� e by 7. We learn from the passage that - - - -.
variety show, and the foliowing year, he became a _
hitting a bali against a wali. Weli, ı_ trıed ıt, and ıt was a A) Children in the early 1 800s had no interest
clown in Fred Karno's Fun Factory comedy c?mpany. disaster. The wall beat me every tıme.
_ A) planes used in the First World War were in the stories they heard.
According to immigration records, h� arrıved ın the
mostly made from aluminium B) The old fairy tales and folk tales of Germany
U nited States with the Karno troupe ın 1 9 1 2,
B) only a few of the planes used propellers became widespread thanks to the Grimm
accompanied by her mother. She died two years after
_ during the Second World War Brothers.
coming to the States to live with Chaplın, who was by or
E 4. From the passage, it is clear that the auth C) the major development in aircraft technology C) The Grimm Brothers had always wanted to
then a commercial success. o ----. took place when the jet engine was invented E
o become storytellers for children.
O) the first jet engine was not produced until

D) The Grimm Brothers made no changes in


1. According to the passage, Charlie Chaplin -� A) admires successful tennis players after the Second World War Oı
the original versions of the stories they
----. B) has a strong dislike for tennis E) Airbus A380 is a much faster plane than
-� C) is encouraging the reader to take up tennıs Boeing 747

-� E) The Grimm Brothers tried to draw children's
first performed on stage after he arrived in ::ı O) thinks tennis is an easy sport t? le�rn

A) ::ı
attention to the cruelty and unpredictability
U nited States E) prefers watching tennis to playıng ıt of life.

became interested in acting at the age of

(/) Q.
::,... ""O
eleven . � �
C) was first seen on stage acting together wıth s: 8. it is pointed out in the passage that in the s: 11. We can understand from the passage that
his mother .
s: middle of the twentieth century - ---. s: the Grimm Brothers --- -.
D) might have been bom so_me years earlıer or 5_ i n the passage it is implied that --- -.
ıater than is currently belıeved A) planes with propeliers were not used A) were not loyal to their culture or folklore
E) could n't walk when he was a child A) tenni s players shout when hitting a bali anymore B) wrote new stories because they didn't like
because of its weight B) planes became a means of transport for the ones they coliected
B) a tenni s game always lasts two hours many people C) added cruel characters to the stories they
C) the spectators always ge� overexcited C) very few people could afford to travel by collected
whenever there is a tennı s match plane D) tried to make the tales softer and sweeter
2. Charlie Chaplin's first steady job was - - --. O) the media does not support the players
who D) planes were used only for very long distances E) translated popular German stories into 1 60
lose . E) planes could carry more than 500 passengers foreign languages
A) the part he performed in Music Hali E) playing tenni s can be very frustratıng
B) with the Karno troupe
C) the role of a comic cat in Cinderella
O) the part he played in Sherlock Holmes
E) delivering newspapers 9. One can understand from the passage that 12. The passage mainly -- - -.
6. The author tells us that he played tennis
against a wall ----. A) compares the original versions of some fairy
A) the two world wars gave way to the quick tales with their modern versions
3. We can infer from the passage that Chaplin's advance of aircraft B introduces the popular folk stories of
mother - ---. A) when he had no one to practise with B) people can travel in separate rooms on an
bali Germany
B) and even then he wasn't able to hit the A380
properly C) introduces the Grimm Brothers and their
A) came to the States after Chaplin had lived C) people won't be able to manufacture a plane contribution to literature
there for two years C) because he hated to see that his bali got
caught in the net each time he played in a bigger than the airbus D) discusses why some old fairy tales are stil!
B) had an influence on his son wanting to D) the invention of the jet engine caused popular
regular court .
become an actor plane ticket prices to go up E) criticizes the cruel characters in famous tales
C) died before her son was successful D) because his father didn't let him play ın a
regular court E) a "jumbo jet" carries more people than a
O) helped Charlie to find a job at the hippodrome . . Boeing 747"
E) was a member of the Karno troupe E) and ended up damaging the wall wıth hıs

36 37
From the window of my room, 1 could see the grey, A friendly dog, whether a real one or a robot, can The ltalian police discovered a new kind of
make older people feel less lonely, according to a A three-wheeled car, also cal�ed a tricar o r tri-car, has
ever restless ocean. An old retired couple who owned craftsmanship and cunning. They broke up a gang
research. Researchers �tudied 38 elderly people who been demonstrated at the Unıversity of Bath Eng Ian d·
the house lived in two rooms on the ground floor. Mr. sellii'lg false Ferrari cars for only a tenth of the real
were staying in a nur�ng home. They compared their The prototype on show in Bath is just a met�ı
Wayne was in his eighties and I remember h im going . curre,nt price. They accused 1 5 people of buildin g the
reactions to a real dog and a dog-like robot. skeleton, but the complete car will have a roof tha t
for his nightly walk with his walking stick. His bent red sports cars and selling them to car fanatics who
Researcher Dr. Banks says, "We were surprised prot�cts both the driver and the passenger sitting
figure would challenge the village's rough weather and • could not afford very high prices. Most of these _
when the elderly people showed the same reaction to beh ınd, ın the event of a crash. it is hoped that this
rain as he walked along the sea front. 1 never saw the cu$toniers knew they were buying a counterfeıt _
both dogs. They found them both very comforting." He vehıcle could help solve city road congestion. The
old man at any other time. And when I was studying in cıassic. Car body workers who the police thought
thinks the reason is that old people really miss having prototype car is less than one meter wide and has a
my room at night, 1 sometimes heard him in his own w�re "very skilled" put together mostly fake parts and
a pet. They are too weak to look after a dög and some top �peed of 1 O� kmph and can carry two people. The
room. in the evenings, his wife sat quietly in the added a few original components. They used body _
had to give up their own pets when they went to the desıgn ıs a marrıage of the small size and efficiency of
kitchen beside the fire constantly knitting. She would parts from other makes of automobiles, such as
nursing home. The researchers divided the elderly a motor�ycle with the comfort and safety of a car,
offer us tea whenever we came back from the school chassis, roofs, hoods, trunks and doors. They
people into three groups. üne group got regular visits �long wıth a real reduction in the amount of pollutants
or library. She was always friendly and had a cup of changed the body parts to look like Ferrari classics.
from a real dog named Sparky and another got visits ıt produces.
tea with those of us who would sit and chat with her. Some of the cars sold for about 20,000 euros. Police
Mr. Wayne became ill suddenly. it didn't surprise us from a robot dog. The third group got no visits from took hold of 2 1 cars. 1 4 of these cars had already
as age could be cruel. But what affected me most was either one. Banks had been sure that Sparky would been sold, and seven of them were stili in production
his quick worsening. And I never again saw him have the advantage, but to his surprise, both dogs in Sicilian garages.
walking bent against the wind. gave equal comfort after seven weeks of visits to the
nursing home.

19. According to the passage, the false Ferrari 22. The passage states that the three-wheeled car
1 3. We can understand from the passage that 1 6. The passage says that ----. cars - ---. ----.
A) 38 people participated in the research A) cost almost as much as the real ones A) will be very popular with commuters
A) the house was near the mountains B) the dogs visited the nursing home seven B) were not appeali ng to Ferrari lovers, includin g B) �as not been produced for sale yet
B) the writer was writing his first book at the time times during the research those who couldn't buy them C) ıs bıg enough to carry two passengers besides
C) the writer and his friends enjoyed Mrs. C) the researchers studied the elderly people C) had no original parts at all the driver
Wayne's company in three different nursing homes D) had some parts that were taken from other D) the pa�seng�rs in the car can sit side by side
D) the writer saw Mr. Wayne walking several D) some of the old people did not like dogs at brands of cars E) whıch ıs on dısplay at the University of Bath
times after his illness o all E) were built and sold by different groups of E: now is made up of a metal body and a roof
E) Mrs. Wayne always waited for her tenants
E) a few old people kept their own pets in the men o
nursing home

to come back home to offer them something

to eat .:;

..Q �
:::ı ..Q
c:ı.. :::ı

20. From the passage, we can understand that c:ı..

:,,., -o
23. One can infer from the passage that ----.
i :,,.,
s: i
14. We understand that the writer of the passage s: 17. According to the results of the study, ----. A) all the customers thought they were buying s: A) the new vehicle will increase the air pollution in
----. original Ferraris s: the cities
A) both Sparky and the robot visited all of the B) the fake Ferraris were products of B) the new car may be dangerous because of its
A) did not care about the old man's illness old people during the research great craftsmanship, according to the police size
B) was staying in the house with his family B) the old people liked being with Sparky more C) some parts of the cars were made by the C) the designers are hoping to find a solution to
C) was not the only tenant in the house C) the robot dog was as comforting as the real gang members themselves urban traffic jams
D) did not like Mr. Wayne at all one D) the gang members who made the fake cars D) the tricar is not as safe a motorcycle
E) often spent time with Mr. Wayne D) the results did not surprise the researchers so skilfully had no connection to car E) the new car is much smaller than a motorcycle
E) Sparky sometimes visited the third group, making
too E) the police were able to get hold of only the
cars that have been sold

1 5. From the passage, we can infer that ----. 18. The research has shown that - -- -.
21. The passage mainly focuses on the -- --. 24. According to the passage the new vehicle ----.
A) the old couple rented their rooms to students A) robot dogs can be helpful for old people, who
B) Mr. Wayne went out for walks in the evenings feel lonely A) differences between the false Ferraris and A) is the brainchild of a famous physics professor
so that he wouldn't run into the writer B) old people cannot take care of dogs or original ones from the University of Bath
C) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne usually spent the other pets B) characteristics and prices of the classic B) can travel faster than an ordinary, four­
evenings sitting by the fire together C) robots cannot act like real dogs Ferraris wheeled car
D) Mr. Wayne's condition seemed to improve D) old people must always stay with their C) dis�overy of a cunning craftsmanship by the C) is not expected to crash at all, even in the
quickly families polıce heaviest traffic
E) the old man went for a walk only in good E) the elderly people never feel lonely at D) current car prices in ltaly and other European D) combines the advantages of a regular car with
weather nursing homes countries that of a motorcycle
E) theft of 14 classic Ferraris by a group of E) may release more pollutants than a four­
professional car body workers wheeled car

38 39
� f

The 20 century art has been dominated by two men:

th Basketbali, like other sports, is big business in the
3 1 . · 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. Both are artists of United States. The teams pı-e owned by people who -parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
classical greatness, and their art has changed our view them as a financial investment. Each owner tries ı:ıefirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
understanding of the world. Matisse met Pablo to make his team as prmitable as possible. Winning is
Picasso around 1904. The two became life-long important because it will bring attention to the team.
friends as weli as rivals and are often compared. Then many companies wili want to advertise their 31 . . A ı>anic shook Europe when Halley's Comet 3 3. Fire fighters help protect people and th 1
Matisse was a born leader. He taught and encouraged products on television during basketball games. When was expected to appear in 1910. it seemed propert� from injury and damage durin: �r
a team is profitable, the players profit as weli. Some . that whenever this comet had appeared in _
young painters, while Picasso repressed them with his after a fıre. Whıle on duty, fire fighters must b
power: he was a natura! tyrant. Another key difference basketbali players, tor example, are paid more than a . the past, devastating events had taken place. ready to respond in a matter of minutes to jus�
miliion doliars a year. And this business is becoming ----. So, the people of the twentieth century
between them is that Matisse drew and painted from �bout any disaster that may occur. At every
nature, while Picasso usualiy tended to work from bigger and bigger with each year. feared another catastrophe. They were so fıre scene, a superior fire officer takes
imagination. Both artists frequently used women and frightened that they even bought anti-comet command and dictates the jobs of ali the
motionless lives as their subjects. in his studio, pills and protect themselves from personnel at the scene. ----. Others manuall y
Matisse produced pictures that reflected comfort and deadly fumes. operate the pumps to send water to these
satisfaction. in them, one cannot find any sign of 28. One can understand from the passage that hoses. Teams of fire fighters also operate
isolation and conflict which Picasso so often reflected ----. A) However, the comet made a relatively close
l� dders used to reach distances high in the
in his paintings. Henry Matisse was not just a painter aır.
A) people are critical of those people who view approach, making it a spectacular sight
but also a book iliustrator, printmaker, stage and
basketbali teams as financial investments B) But intelligent and knowledgeable people are
costume designer. But what made Matisse a leading A) World history is fuli of stories that blame great
B) many companies advertise their products rarely known to be superstitious
figure in art was his mastery in the use of colour. fıres for the destruction of vast areas
on television as they want to support C) in A.D. 66, for example, its appearance had
coincided with the fail of Jerusalem B) The Great Chicago fire is probably the most
basketball in the States famous fire that occurred within the past
C) many basketbali players earn at least a D) Haley's comet is known to be named after an
English astronomer, Edmond Haley hundred years
miliion doliars a year C) Everybody must know how to fight a fire and
D) there are some other sports that are viewed E) Earthq�akes are devastating and largely
2 5. The passage telis us that Henri Matisse ----. when not to
as financial investments in the United States unpredıctable events, with low probability but
high impact D) Some workers hold the hoses
A) is more famous than Picasso E) basketbali is the biggest sports business in E) 1:he 9 ?0d n_ews �s that the number of people
B) emphasized the importance of imagination the United States kılied ın resıdentıal fıres is dropping
in art E
C) spent ali his energy in teaching art to young (.) E
people Oı

D) was the master of colour ..c: Oı

E) always tried to imitate Picasso's paintings �
::ı 29. As it is pointed out in the passage, team �
Q. .Q
owners ----. ::ı

� A) often complain about the number of :,,...

s: advertisements on television during �
s: s:
basketbali games
B) are always proud of their teams even when
they lose a game
2 6. According to the passage, Matisse ----.
C) want their teams to win because it will allow 34. Cervantes, author of Don Quixote died in
them to earn more M ?�rid on April 2 3, 1616. Coincid�ntally,
A) had no other occupation besides painting D) are jealous of those basketbali players who Wıllıam Shakespeare also died on that date.
pictures 32. The Yukon River begins in Canada's Yukon
earn more than a million doliars a year ----. However, the Encyclopedia Hispanica
B) seldom painted nature and women, u nlike E) try to discover young talent from among high­ Territory. Many other rivers flow into it as it
runs from East to West across central claims that the date on Cervantes'
Picasso school basketbali teams tombstone, namely April 2 3 , would be his
C) was always very jealous of Picasso Ala_ska. ----. T_his gives the Yukon its strange
_ date of burial according to the traditions at
D) reflected chaos and conflict in his work whıtısh, _ or mılky colour. The river generally
freeze� ın October and melts again in May. the time, and not his date of death.
E) supported young artists
Large ıce dams sometimes form and cause
large-scale flooding. A) Little is known of Cervantes' early years
and education, but it seems that he spent
A) The river is 3,700 km long and empties into much of his childhood moving from town to
30. it is indicated in the passage that ----. town with his family
the Bering Sea
B) Over halt of the river lies in the U .S. state of B) For the world in general, interest in
27. We understand from the passage that A) basketball players used to earn more than Cervantes centres particularly around Don
Picasso ----. they do now Alaska
C) Some of these rivers are fed by melting Qu x i ote
B) it is usualiy the team owner who gets the C) it is stated again and again that he wrote
A) disliked Matisse ali his life biggest share from the profit a team makes glaciers
D) As the :ukon nears the Bering Sea, again it Don Qu ixote in order to ridicule the
B) discouraged young artists C) the United States is the only country where romances of chivalry
C) produced paintings that were very similar to people earn money from sports breaks ınto many smaller rivers, forming a
delta D) Shakespeare died at the age of 52 and was
Matisse's D) team owners are not the only ones who buried in Stratford
D) was not as successful as Matisse profit from a money-making team E) So the Yukon River is a major watercourse of
E) in honour of this coincidence, U NESCO
E) used nature as the basis of his paintings E) investing in basketball has lost its popularity northwestern North America
established April 23 as the lnternational Day
in recent years of the Book

40 41

35. Solar energy is one of the most resourceful 38. (1) Mushrooms pop up in fields and forests on the
sources of energy for the future. One of the damper and cooler days of spring and fail. (il)
reasons for this is that the total energy we Cultivated mushroorfıs are grown in dark cellars
receive each year from the sun is around on soil that contai�s plenty _ of rotting organic
35 000 times the total energy used by man. matter. (111) Since most varıetıes appear and then TEST 7
- -- �. Solar energy is presently being used disappear quickly, finding them is oft�n a � atter
only to heat homes and swimming pools of timing and luck.(IV) You should waıt untıl
although on a larger scale, it could serve to spring or fail and look in shaded, damp areas and
run cars, power plants, and space ships. on or near dead and dying trees, and
decomposing leaves. (V) However, once you fı� d
one mushroom, finding more will be much easıer. Children are using and owning consumer electronics it was only minus 28 degrees Celsius when we landed
A) However, although this energy resource is from a younger age than ever before according to US in lrkutsk, Siberia. However, that was cold enough to
completely clean and renewable, it is stili market researcher NPD. lts research shows the make breathing an effort - the air felt like ice as it
significantly underused A) 1 B) il C) I I I D) iV E) V average age at whicli children begin using computers,
. scraped the back of my throat. Five minutes later, 1
B) So there is no possibility that wood wıll games and other electronic gadgets has declined from needed the second pair of gloves and pulled my scarf
ev�r supply more than a small fraction of 8. 1 years in 2005 to 6.7 years in 2007. The report tight over my nose and mouth. 1 was obviously a
our rising energy needs says the youngest consumers are also getting choosy beginner at this. At the petrol station, Mikhail, the
C) in addition, as wood burning is a dirty about what they buy. More and more young children
attendant, laughed when we asked if he wasn't
process, it can't be used extensively in now own a DVD player, portable video game, digital
freezing. He'd spent the whole day outside with no
central cities camera or celi phone. They appear to have no fear of
more than his fur hat and a sheepskin coat for
D) On the contrary, tidal power is more technology and adopt it easily and they make these
warmth. it was mid-afternoon and icicles were
predictable than solar power, although not devices a part of their everyday lives. Surprisingly,
hanging from his moustache like Dracula's fangs. He
yet widely used many of the families surveyed were not regular
said he never drank to stay warm - unlike many
E) Consequently, we can trust neither solar consumer electronics buyers. Almost 25 percent of
others. There's a belief in Siberia that enough vodka
energy nor wind energy for our ever­ parents surveyed said they had made no electronics
will insulate you from the cold. However, it's been
increasing energy needs purchases during the previous 12 months.
proved tragically wrong in the past few weeks.
Dozens of bodies of the homeless or men walking
3 9. (1) Bees are the major type of pollinators in
36. -40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla drunkenly back from the pub were hauled out of the
o ecosystems that contain flowering plants. (il) 1. According to the author the outstanding
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü snowdrifts, frozen or so badly frost-bitten that many
They may focus on gathering either nectar or result of the survey is that ----.
� cümleyi bulunuz. will never walk again.

Oı pollen depending on their greater need at the

.:: time. c'III) To a large extent, pollination is A) the electronic devices are too expensive E
accomplished by the bees that gather pollen. (iV) o
36. (1) "ünce in a blue moon" is a very popular � B) the average age of children involved with 4 We learn from the passage that the author
phrase used to mean "impossible". (il) The nectar they collect from flowers is used in electronics has declined ----
.Q ciı
making honey. (V) However, it may also be
Scientifically, a blue moon refers to the second Q. C) it is becoming impossible to satisfy children ·==
ful! moon that occurs in any calendar month. (111) accomplished by those that are deliberately D) children easily become fanatics and can't
vı .ı:::
� A) arrived in lrkutsk by bus
By this calculation, blue moon appears once ::,., gathering nectar. live without computers B)
every two-and-a-half years. (iV) People are saıd
. s:s: E) most children own a celi phone at the age
wasn't accustomed to very cold weather
wished he had had two pairs of gloves
E) V
to change behaviour when there is ful! moo�. (V) s: A) 1 B) il C) 1 1 1 D ) iV of 8 vı
-o D) ate some ice cream when he arrived
Therefore, the phrase originated as somethıng ::,., E) couldn't breathe because he had his scarf
that was impossible; only later did it come to 2. in the passage it is clear that ----. s:
s: over his mouth and nose
mean rarely. s:
A) more and more kids are designing and 5. According to the passage, the local belief
selling computer software about vodka is that ----.
A) 1 B) 11 C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V B) kids are drawn to the latest and greatest
digital devices just as their parents are A) if you drink too much of it, you may never
C) the average age at which kids start using walk again
gadgets has risen B) if you don't drink it, you definitely get
D) young consumers really don't care what frostbitten
kind of electronic device they buy C) if you drink it, you may suffer less from cold
E) kids today have no problems using new D) you shouldn't drink it if you are old
technology E) you should avoid drinking it in very cold
40. (1) How to !ive longer is a topi� that has 3. One can conclude from the passage that - - - -.
3 7. (1) Tea has caffeine in it, which could c� use fascinated mankind for centurıes. (il) Early
_ 6. it can be inferred from the passage that - - - - .
side effects such as nervousness, dızzıness, or studies indicated that the more friends and A) nearly a quarter of parents surveyed don't
irritability, especially when drunk black. (il) relatives you had, the longer you lived. (111) buy gadgets regularly A) minus 28 degrees is not considered very cold
Green tea comes from a large shrub with Today scientists are beginni� g to separate the B) the data were collected from among many in Siberia
evergreen leaves. (111) The shrub is native to facts from fallacies surroundıng the agıng uneducated American adults B) the petrol attendant wasn't freezing
eastern Asia. (iV) it has leathery, dark green process. (iV) Between 1997 and 2001, life C) by the year 2010 the average age of because he had drunk vodka to keep warm
ıeaves and fragrant, white flowers. (V) The dried, expectancy in England and Wales was 75.5 for children using electronics will go down to 4 C) homeless people always spend the night in
cured leaves have been used to prepare brewed men and 80.2 for women. (V) They have found D) it takes a considerable amount of time for a pub when it is too cold
drinks for more than 4000 years. that although several factors influencing young children to learn to use electronic D) the author was frightened by the
longevity are set at birth, surprisingly, many devices appearance of the petrol attendant
others are elements that can be changed. E) children usually take after their family E) the petrol attendant set a good example
A) 1 B) 11 C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V members when they begin to show interest because he stayed away from vodka
A) 1 B) i l C) 1 1 1 D ) iV E) V in electronic gadgets

42 43
it is probably true to say that the majority of literate Women are experts at g ossipin g , and they always talk The most beautiful plant of the North American Kotoen in the Edog awa district
about trivial thin g s, or at least that's what men have d�s_erts _is the barrel cactus, which can be easily of Tok o .ıs home for
people around the world read a newspaper almost the elde rly , so you · mig ht expect ı· t t0 y
every day of their lives. As well as the hundreds of always thoug ht. Howeve'r , some new research dısttng uıshed from_ot her cacti because of its cylinder- Pı ace. H owever, ıts residents are be a g loomy
su ggests that when w.,ı;ımen talk to women, their . shap,ed body. lts pıneapple-shaped fruit can easil always brig ht and
millions who buy a daily paper, there must be at least y be cheerful. The reason for this is the v .
conversations are far from frivolous, and cover many picked and tastes similar to lemon s. The cactus . . oıces of the
as man y who g et the chance to read a paper boug ht c h ıldre n_ atten dın g the Edog awa Nursery Schooı
by someone else, or who just g lance at the headlines more important topics than when men talk to other • usually reaches from around five to eleven feet tali located ın the same build in g. The scho
men. Women's conversations ran g e from health to and. is one of �he larg est cacti in the North American ol is on the
as they walk past a newspaper stand. Of course there g ro�n d floor and has 80 pre-schoo l child ren
their houses, from politics to fashion, from films to deserts. The rıdg es of this cactus are topped with aged two
are many different kinds of newspaper, from those to sıx. On the first and second floors is the
family, from education to relationship problems. dan gerously sharp 3-4 in�h spines that are lon g and home for
that only contain serious news to tabloids, that is, ab�ut 1 00 elderly people. Man of the elderl
those that fili their pag es with scandals and g ossip, Football is notabl y absent. Women also tend to move yell_o�. The barrel cactus ıs also a flowerin g plant. it _ y
resı?e�ts lıve there by choice, but the stili y
quickly from one subject to another in conversation, has rıng s of yellow-g reen or red blossoms at its lon for
eften involvin g the personal lives of celebrities. famıly lıfe. They have the Opportunit to visit g

whereas men usually stick to one subject for leng er · crown. Li�e many ?ther plants, this cactus has several the
However, most newspapers contain some political
n ursery scho ol wh � never the wish. And the
periods of time. At work, this difference can be an uses. Natıve Amerıcans who lived in the desert found childr en
and economic news, alon g with a section g iving
can often 9? upstaırs _to play _with them . Both
advantag e for men , where they can put other matters the barrel cactus very useful in the vast wild land and groups
opinions on recent events. Of course, the difference g ath �r o�tsıde for theır morn ın exercise every day.
between fact and opinion is not always clear, as the aside and concentrate fully on the topic bein g the �eat. The_y cooked it to make food. They ot water g
Specıal tımes such as Christmas and sports
�o drı� k from ıts pulp and they made fish hooks from days are
choice of which stories to include and how to report discussed. On the other hand, it also means that they celebrated tog ether. "We find that the childr en
find it hard to concentrate when several thin gs have to ıts spınes. learn
them eften reflects the true perspective of the how to care _for oth �rs by talkin g and bein with
be discussed at the same time. in social situations, , their
newspaper in question. older co-resıdents, expla ins Kotoen's director.

women use conversation to solve problems and "As for

�he elderl y, they become more alive and their health
reduce stress while men chat with each other to have ımproves throug h their association with the childr
7. it is stated in the passage that ----. a lau g h or to swap opinions. en."
1 3. Which of the following statements is true
A) most people who buy newspapers only about the barrel cactus according to the
g lance at the headlines 1 O. According to the author of the passage, men passage?
1 6. Kotoen is an unusual home for the elder
B) those who cannot afford to buy a newspaper ----. because its residents ----.
just g lance at the headlines as they walk past A) lts fruit canno t be eaten althou h it can be
a newspaper stand A) tend to have a more limited ran g e of subjects picked easily.
A) have chosen to live there
C) some people have stopped buyin g in their conversations B) it looks the same as the other cacti that
B) never g et ill
newspapers sayin g that they only contain E: B) can chang e the topic of conversation easil y grow in the deserts of North America. E:
o C) The tallest barrel cactus is about five C) don:t want to live with their own families
scandals and g ossip C) and women chat for similar reasons o
t.ı t.ı D) are ın close contact with children
D) there is a considerable number of people D) are able to discuss various issues at the meters in heig ht.
E) look forward to a family life
Oı Oı
who do not pay to read the newspaper .:: same time D) it �as yellow-g reen or red flowers at the top.
E) tabloids always seli more because people ..c:::
E) always g et into serious conversation with E) it ıs a very dang erous plant because it's ..c:::
are interested in the personal lives of the � other men poisonous. �
celebrities more than political and economic
.Q .Q
::ı ::ı
Q. Q.
s: 14. The barrel cactus was a very useful plant s: 17. The passage makes it clear that - ---.
8. it is clearly stated in the passage that the 1 1. The word 'frivolous' in the passage probably Native Americans because ----.
A) being a home for old people, Kotoen is a
attitude and point of view of a newspaper is means ----.
g loomy place
revealed by - -- -. A) it provided food and water and was used in
B) the children are not always allowed to visit
A) very funny makin g fishing hooks
B) it was the only plant they could find in the the elderly people upstairs
A) the way their reporters work when they are B) unimportant and silly C) the elderl y people spend time with the
on duty C) serious dese rt
C) it cou!d be_ used as a barrel to carr water childr�n on special days only
B) the news items they choose to print and the O) irrelevant _ D) the chıldre_n are supervised b the elderl
D) they lıked ıts fruıt,
style of lang uag e they use E) sig nificant which looked like lemons y
people whıle they are playing outside

C) whether or not the most recent events are E) the other kinds of cacti could not survive
E) the childr en's compan y helps the elderly to
reported the heat of the desert
have better health
D) the n umber of interestin g stories they include
E) the number of readers they have

12. it is mentioned in the passage that when

women talk to their friends from the same 18. The passage tells us that ----.
gender ----. 15. The passage mainly deals with the
---- of the
barrel cact us.
9. in the passage one cannot find any A) the childre n's noise disturbs some of the
A) football is a part of their conversation to a residents of Kotoen
information on ----. A) flowers and fruit
g reat deg ree B) small childre n and old people do exercise
B) at work, they completely forget about what B) various uses
A) where newspapers are sold tog ether outside every morning
B) different kinds of newspapers they should be concentratin g on C) g eneral characteristics
D) C) some of the elderly people have their own
C) the n umber of people who read C) all they do is g ossiping peculiar shape
E) size and colour g randchildre n in the nursery school
newspapers O) they don't usually listen to one another as
D) the building in which Kotoen is located is
D) the content of some newspapers they frequentl y chan g e subjects
too crowded to be a health y environment
E) how newspapers are printed E) they can find solutions to their problems and E) the children cannot benefit from bein g
feel relaxed
around old people all the time
44 45

Richard Jackson is a wildlife photographer and one of The "octopus card" is a recharg� able smart ca�d used · The beloved toy y,ıe've come to know today as the
. Throughout history, philosophers and writers have
those ıucky people who have had the chance to see to transfer electronic pay.,ments ın onlıne or � fflıne "Teddy Bear" was named after the 26th President of noted the benefits of humour on the sick. Arnold
_ systems in Hong Kong. Originally launched ın ıtie USA, Theodore Roosevelt. According to one
the country's biggest torests. in addition to travellıng Glasow called laughter "a tranquilizer with no side
to new locations, he revisits some places because September 1997 to collect fares tor the city's m�ss ıegen.d, Roosevelt was settling a border dispute effects." And Voltaire wrote, "The art of medicine
they need to be photographed in different se�sons . transit system, the "octopus card" system has �ınce �etweeri Louisiana and Mississippi in 1902. During consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the
. grown into a widely used payment system tor vırtually this trip,_ he attended a bear hunt where a fello�
Photography became a serious passion tor Rıchard ın disease". And we now have laboratory evidence that
1999. He recalls spending nine nights in �n ali public transport in Hong Kong. it ıs also used tor hunter captured an injured bear, tied it to a tree and joyful laughter stimulates most of the major
observation tower where he observed anımals through payment at convenience stores, supermarkets, fast­ asked Roosevelt to shoot it. But Roosevelt didn't have physiologic systems of the body. Doctors believe that
a small hole in the wall. "I watched many vultures, tood restaurants, on-street parking meters, car p�rks, the :heart to kili the defenceless bear. The Washington laughter not only improves your state of mind, but
_ and other point-of-sale applications s�ch as servıc: post ran an editorial cartoon created by a cartoonist
wolves, eagles and toxes, which came to the anımal . actually affects your entire physical well-being.
carcasses we had laid out 30 meters from our tower. it stations and vending machines. The octopus card ı_s that illustrated the event. The cartoon became popular William Fry, a psychiatrist from Calitornia, studied the
was as if ı had rented out a huge theatre tor myself different from many other smart cards in t �at it can and was published in newspapers all over the country. effects of laughter on the body. He got his patients to
alone tor a play that would not be r�pe� ted." Although hold pre-knowledge. That is, tor example, ıt store owners Morris cınd Rose Michtom in New York watch Laurel and Hardy films, and monitored their
wildlife occupies a significant place ın hıs career, he remembers in which station you entered the subway saw the cartoon. Rose made some small stuffed blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tone. He tound
also works on 'human' and 'nature' themes." He and it charges you accordingly at your final bears to seli in their store. Morris wrote to Roosevelt that laughter has a similar effect to physical exercise
photographs torest fires, capt� ring the moments when destination. The "octopus card", though unıque to requesting his permission to cali the bears "Teddy in that it speeds up the heart rate, increases blood
blazes are rising to the sky. Hıs camera �aptures the Hong Kong, has been internationally recognızed, Bears". President Roosevelt granted them the usage pressure and quickens breathing. it also makes our
critical moments as fire brigades and helıcopters work . winning the 2006 Global iT Excellence Aw� rd tor of his nickname, but added that he did not think using facial and stomach muscles work. Fry also tound that
/ being the world's leading complex automatıc fare his name would help seli the bears. The bears proved
desperately to extinguish the flames and prevent them . laughter is a pain killer because it produces
from spreading. collection and smartcard payment system, and tor ıts to be a hit and rest is history. endorphin, a chemical in the body that relieves pain.
innovative use of technologies.

19. According to the passage, Richard Jackson 22. The purpose of the writer tor writing this 25. According to the passage President Roosevelt 2 8. One generalisation we can make from the
----. passage is ----. couldn't kill the injured bear because ----. passage is that ----.

A) has a career that involves a lot of travelling A) to intorm the reader how much he can A) he was not a good shooter
benefıt by using the "octopus card" B) he pitied the bear which was not able to A) those who laugh often very rarely go down
B) has just recently developed an interest in . with illnesses in their lifetime
photography B) to compare the "octopus card" to a credıt defend itself
card C) he had a special liking tor bears B) people who laugh often live much longer
C) rented a huge theatre tor himself once E
than those who laugh rarely
D) is only a wildlife photographer
o C) to highlight the importance of Global iT D) his rifle was not loaded
. Excellence Award E) the bear was fası enough to run away C) laughing is as useful tor health as taking

E) thinks it is difficult to photograph bırds as they Oı

physical exercise
move rapidly .:: D) to give the reader general intormation
D) laughter is the only way to treat diseases
- about the "octopus card"
that cannot be cured by using medicine
E) to explain the various payment systems tor
:::ı ali public transport in Hong Kong E) there can be no serious connection
eı, between � umour and physical well-being
:ı:s 26. We understand from the passage that the
2 0. The passage suggests that Richard Jackson story of President Roosevelt and the bear
----. 2 3. According to the passage, one important
feature that distinguishes the 'octopus card
became known through ----. 29. The people studied by Fry ----.
from other smart cards is that ----. A) a newspaper article
A) never takes pictures of people B) two shop owners A) were usually in an unhappy mood
B) has a special interest in taking pictures of A) it has a memory C) a cartoon in a newspaper B) suffered from painful health problems
torest fires B) no commission is charged on this card D) a legend C) were ali using tranquilizers as a part of their
C) has once helped fire brigades to put out C) you can use it anywhere in the world E) his fellow hunters treatment
torest fires D) it is smaller than a credit card D) were made to watch comedy films while
D) spent several days in a tower together with E) it can be used only in offline systems being observed
wild birds to observe them closely E) were observed tor a month to measure how
E) may need to go to the same place twice often they laughed
only if the photographs are not good

27. According to the passage President

Roosevelt allowed his name to be used tor a 30. it is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
toy bear, ----.
2 4. We understand from the passage that the A) laughing lengthens people's lifetime
21. in the passage, we can find information 'octopus card' ----. A) but the shop owners gave the toy another B) laughing decreases the heart rate, making
about Richard Jackson related to ----. name you feel relaxed
A) gives you a discount if used tor public B) because he was proud of himself C) people should laugh at least once a day to
A) the themes of his photographs transport C) because he wanted to be remembered keep their feeling of well-being
B) the kinds of wild animals that he hasn't been B) is valid only with your credit card torever D) people who can't do physical exercise
able to capture C) uses a very primitive technology D) however, he thought it would not improve should attend laughing sessions
C) the specific places he has been to D) has a very wide range of uses the sales E) endorphins are chemicals whose function is
D) the kinds of cameras he uses E) was initially devised to be used tor payments E) because he owned a toy store in New York to relieve pain in the body
E) the factors that led him to become a wildlife at the supermarkets

46 47

31. - 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere 3 5 _ The huma�izing and broadening effects of 38. (1) For the tourist in ıtaly, Bologna has many
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için � the study of foreign language and culture advantages over the more popular city f
çıetirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
I ;,c_annot be ignored. Firstly, learning a foreign Flor�nce. (11) First of afi, there are far fe�er
I Janguage makes one familiar with the tourısts there. (111) This means that museums and
mentality of a foreign country and gives him monuments are much less crowded. (iV) Since
31. Plants provide the world with powerful 3 3. Teaching is a demanding, exhausting, but an_ insight into the nature of the language there �re few foreigners, you can also get a much
medicines. Native peoples have known this rewarding job. Few jobs provide a similar ·}tself. --- -. Furthermore, it makes foreign
setting for a wide range of human ?etter ıdea of how ltalians !ive. (V) This is due to
for centuries and doctors who practice high­ -travel more pleasant by allowing the ıts physical positi?n--located at the crossing of the
tech western medicine are beginning to interactions that take place in a classroom. individual to have social interaction easily. most ımportant hıghways and railways in the
learn it, too. Today, research is focusing on - - - -. For example, a teacher must develop
plants from the rain forests of Brazil and supporting relationships between the school
and the student's family. it is also the A) it also allows the individual to enjoy the
Southeast Asia. ----. Perhaps the cures for literature, music and movies of a foreign
AIDS and cancer lie in the other 99 per cent. responsibility of a teacher to observe A) 1 B)i l C )111 D)iV E) V
students and pay attention to their individual country more
differences. B) Language is defineci as written symbols
A) Scientists have examined only one per cent organized into combinations and patterns to
of these plants for their medicinal value express and communicate thoughts and
B) lnformation on plant medicines has been A) However, experienced teachers usually
help those who don't have much feelings
handed down over the centuries C) However, learning new vocabulary, word
C) The buyers must be informed on the specifY' experience in teaching
origins, and the linguistic features is not
use of the plant B) There are a number of roles that a teacher
plays in this setting very easy
D) A controversy surrounds the sale of products D) Some jobs, however, do not require the
containing natural sources C) However, most teachers are usually women
O) in most countries, teachers do not earn knowledge of a foreign language
E) it is a belief that nature provides plants for E) The earlier you start to study a foreign
medicinal purposes much money
language, the easier it is to learn it
E) Nursery school teachers should be able to
invent new games and activities for their
students 39. (1) Traditional Native American music is almost
E entirely monophonic, with a single melodic !ine.
E o (il) it often includes drumming but little other
o u
u instrumentation. (111) And Native American Arts
36. -40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla Oı

okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
-� include pottery, paintings, jewellery, weavings,
..::: sculptures, basketry, carvings and pipes. (iV)
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. � Flutes and whistles made of wood, cane, or bone
� .Q
::ı are sometimes used. (V)The tuning of these
::ı Q.
instruments is not precise and depends on the
Q. 36. (1) Jana Schneider, who is in her early forties, C/)
has an unusual job for a woman. (il) She is a
length of the wood used and the hand span of the
ı::, :::...

war photographer. (111) She has travefled afi over player.


the world and earned worldwide recognition

s A) 1 B)il C)111 D) iV E)V
s with her war photographs. (iV) But some
photographers specialize in different subjects
such as street and fashion photography. (V)
34. The first guitarist to become known She loves the excitement of her job although
32 . Everybody knows that cigarette smoking is she has faced death several times.
harmful to one's health. However, many worldwide was Andres Segovia. Before the
parents who are smokers may not be aware 20th century, the guitar was not taken
A)I B)il C)III D) iV E)V
that it is also bad for their children Cigarette seriously as a classical instrument. -- - -. So it
smoke can have harmful effects not just on was never included in classical concerts.
the smoker, but also on people who live with However, Segovia changed all this. He
the smoker. --- -. in fact, studies have shown believed in the guitar as a classical
that children of smokers get sick more .often instrument and used his genius to prove
than children of non- smokers. that the guitar could produce beautiful
classical music.
A) About 106,000 people in the UK die each 37 . (1) The first Haydarpaşa Train Station was built in 40. (1) September 22 is international car free day,
year due to smoking A) Segovia is considered to be the father of 1872 when the railroad was opened to Gebze. (il) which is celebrated worldwide by over 1 00 million
B) Nevertheless, it is never too late to stop the modern classical guitar movement people in about 1 ,500 cities. (il) This global event
However, as the !ine was extended, a new and
smoking to greatly benefit your health B) As Segovia travelled the world, he and the larger building was needed. (111) Two German is a day for people to leave their cars at home.
C) Children, naturally, are more easily affected guitar became more and more popular (111) it is estimated that every single day around
architects started the new building construction in
than adults C) Segovia's quest to elevate the guitar to 1 906. (iV) They designed a larger building, much 1 000 new cars are added to the roads of any big
a prominent position in the music world, _ city. (iV) Therefore, anyone who wants to
D) Chronic conditions and deaths due to ın accordance with the demands of the German
smoking are largely preventable began at an early age commute to work on this day either has to use
inv�stors who were building the lstanbul-Baghdad
E) Canadians overwhelmingly believe that D) Most people thought that the guitar was Raılway then. (V) At that time both Baghdad and public transport or walk, as afi cities wifl close off
cigarette smoke is harmful to the non-smoker suitable only for popular music afi roads to cars. (V) The event also shows that
Mecca were Ottoman cities.
E) Many feel that without his efforts, the car drivers can help reduce global warming
classical guitar would stili be considered a and perhaps get some exercise instead.
lowly bar instrument A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V
A) 1 B)il C)111 D)iV E)V

48 49
The word 'perfu�e· comes from the Latin 'per fumus' Lake Malawi in Africa is the th·ı
' largest lak e there
ıt which means 'by smoke '. That's b ecause ancient and the ninth largest in the wo��. _
peo�le noticed that s mok e rising from their fires had a _ . _ Scottısh explore r
Davıd Lıvın gs tone was the first Eur�pe
TEST S I sweet smell. Up till that tim e, people could s m e li the lak e in 1859, so it has som eti s hı
a_n to reach the
s orı caliy be en
sc ents of flowers and trees. But the y couldn't preserve ı
called "Livings tone 's Lake " by �r;, � o ea
them. A fl�wer that sm elled nice after rainfall did not fact, when Livings tone arrived at ;: a�e p ns. in

1 s shores , he
do s9 at nıght. Eventually, m en discovered that som e nam ed it "Lak e Nyasa" and the country was
woocls gave off swee t sm ells and by burning the m named
Surfing is one of the oldest practiced sports in the N yas aıand. When the country b ecam e indepen .
A psychology professor at the University of California the y could s meli these scents when ever they want�d · dent ın
world. The act of riding waves with a woo_de n board 1964, the new republıc chose the name of Ma1awı
carried out a s tudy into the 43 facia! muscles used üne of the oldest uses of perfumes com es from the · the fake was gıven .ıts current nam e. Lake Malawi
originated in W est ern Polynesia over 3, 000 years ago,
when making a s mile. Having inspected the s miles of burn_ing of incense and aromatic h erbs in religious ·
long before the famous Hawaiian form of surfing �overs nearly 24, 000 square kilom etres, about one
various nationalitie s , one of his conclusions was that servıces. These herbs were eften the arom a tic gums
emerged. in fact, Polynesian fisherm en discovered fıfth of the co�ntry's total area. The water is fresh and
the s mile of British people is more sincere and gathered from trees. The Egyptians were the firs t to
riding waves as an efficient m ethod of getting to shore the:e are no tıdes or currents. it contains over 220
g enuine than the s mile of Am ericans . The professor add perfum e into the ir culture. The n, the Chines e,
_ _
with their catch. So, they are considered the first varıetıes of fısh, mos t of which are not found
was very successful in identifying a British or deve loped Hindus, Arabs, Greeks, and Romans followed them
s urfers of the world. Gradualiy, surfing anywhere else in the world. There are alsa crocodil es,
Am erican smile when asked to identify which side of The _Egyptians used pe rfum e abundantly and made ·
from being part of e veryday work to b eing a pas time but these usualiy k eep away from inhabited areas .
the Atlantic someone was from, just by looking at a the fırst perfum e bottles after they invented glass
activity. The first Polynesians who settled in Hawaii in The lake has a changing characte r, based on the time
photograph. He identified the correct nationality nine arou�d 1 000 BC. The early perfum es were very spicy.
about 400 A.D. were skili ed in surfing, using beliy of the day, the weather and the season. üne moment
tim es out of ten. A g enuine Britis h s mil e m eans puliiny· The fırst cheap scents were made in Roman times
boards. Then, surfers in Hawaii began riding long the water may be as s mooth as silk, and then
the lips backwards and upwards to re veal the bottom and Neron's wife, Poppa ea, made a s ce nted face
boards while standing, probably as early as 10 00 A.D. s uddenly ther e may b e waves as high as 7 m
t eeth. The cheeks are raised and the crow's feet cream for the rich upper class women of the Em pire. eters .
Yet, there is no exact record of when stand-up surfing
wrinkle to the side of the eyes show. The ave rage
became a sport. it is just known that during the 15th
Am erican s mil e is less expressive because the eye
century, the kings and queens of the Sandwich
muscles are not part of the s mile. He lik ened it to a
l slands, known as Hawaii now, were already 7. The passage is mainly about the ----.
Botox inj ection, which l eaves the upper half of the
10. The passage indicates that ----.
practicing the sport of "he'enalu", which m eant wave ­
face motionless. He also said s miling means you have s urfing appear in A) me thods used in p erfume production
sliding. But early historical r e cords of A) a few European explorers discovered Lake
a more successful life. an and Hawaiians made B) early history of p erfum e
the !ate 1700s, when Europe Malawi before the 1850s
C) role of pe rfume in the modern world
1. The passage informs the reader that the first contac t in Tahiti. B) David Livings tone gave his own nam e to
psychology professor ----. D) s� e�I of smoke from burning wood E: the lak e in 1859
E) relıgıous cere monies in the old tim es o
C) �alawi was alre ady a republic whe n
A) can teli whether the person in a photograph is

Oı Lıvıngs tone firs t arrived there

British or Am erican just from their smil e
o 4. According to the passage, riding waves with
..c: D) Lake Malawi was originaliy known as Lake
B) is an expert who specialises in cultural a wooden board was ---- when it originated Nyasa

tiı �
differences .::; about 3 ,000 years ago. ..Q E) the country was given the name Malawi in
C) has been teaching an uncommon form of
A) part of everyday work 1964 be cause it was the name of the lake
s cie nce at the Univers ity of California
� B) a pastime activity ı::ı
D) has the ability to teli whether a person is
8. According to the passage, ----. ::...
a popular sport
::ı C) s:
lying or not just by looking at his face Q.
D) fun for king s and queens A) people burned incense and som e herbs �
E) carried out his research on British and ı::ı
fishermen's hobby

::... E) during their religious cere monies

American p eople only s:� B) Chinese people us ed p erfume be fore the
Egyptians did
2. it is stated in the passage that the reason �
5. The passage tells us that - -- -. C) the Egyptians used pe rfume in very small
11. We understand from the passage that ----.
why the American smile is not as expressive
as the British smile is that ----. A) the first surfers of the world were the kings amounts A) people often see crocodiles near Lake
and queens of the Sandwich lslands D) ancient p eople were not aware that flowers Malawi
B) in about 400 A.D., Europeans taught and trees had nice s me ll s
A) the Americans don't want the skin around B) the lake is the biggest lake in Africa
Hawaiian surfers to use long boards to E) there were som e flowers that sm elled s weet
their eyes to become wrinkl ed C) most of the fish species of the lake are rare ly
stand up on both after rainfall and at night
B) mos t Americans have motionless faces due found in other lakes
to frequent u se of Botox injections C) Polynesian fish erm en carried their fish D) the water of the lake contains a lot of salt
to the shore by surfing, using woode n
C) the Americans do not s mile with their e yes E) the lake is always calm in every s eason
D) the Am ericans don't like showing their teeth not familiar with surfing
when they s mile D) Hawaiians were
until the 1 i century
E) the y use very few of their tip muscles to

contribute to their smil es E) Polynesians discovered the act of surfing 9· The passage suggests that ----.
only a fter they settled in Hawaii
A) the Egyptians kept their p erfum es in wooden
3. According to the passage which of the
following statements is TRUE? B) spices were rarely added to pe rfum es in the
6. The purpose of the passage is mainly to 12. in the passage, we can't find any information
very old days
A) The professor had a 1 00% success rate in
introduce ----. about ----.
C) Roman women who used scented face
identifying a smile as British or Am erican A) the his tory of surfboards
B) the fishing m ethods used in West ern cre ams be longed to the lower class
B) W e use forty-three of the many different facia! D) ancient people discovered burning wood as a
A) which part of the world the lake is
muscles when we s mile Polynesia B) how large the lake is
C) the origins of surfing me thod of producing scents
C) Am erican p eople have more g enuine E) ancient people collected aromatic gum s from
C) the characteris tics of the lak e
s miles than British pe opl e D) the famous Hawaiian form of surfing today D) the his tory of the lake
s om e tree s to make herbal m edicines
D) Only successful people have g enuine s mil es E) the famous 15 century sport calied E) how deep the lake is

E) Alt British peopl e have warm smiles 'he'enalu'

50 51
Th e Gran ts are trave llin g round th e world by ho�se- Mum flung open the sitting-room d oor and , The "Mos quito". is an el ectron i c d evi ce whi ch emit s
in Born eo, people and orangutans have b een living
announced , ' Mornı' n g, ~·• A� n a , time for your tablets . ıoud , high-frequency sou nds resembli n g those of a
togeth er far thousand s of years . Howeve r th e
drawn caravan . They have just r e ach ed the capıtal of
Sh e tried to march i n brı skly, like nurses sh e bu�ing insect. B ecause th e ability to h ear high-
d s� en
Mongolia, more than 12,000 kilometres away from furnıt ure re lationship be tween orangutans and people has
on hospital d ramas, 9ut th r wa s o much . frequency sou nds deteriorates as peopl e grow older, cha � ged d ramati cally ove r th e pa st 1 00 y e ars. Th e
e e s
th eir starti n g point in Scotland . Four y ears ago, they i t a h ha to wr estl � h er way the ultra-so n ic tones produced by th e "Mos quito" are
in the room that n s e d s e d
tropıcal raı nfarest s are u nder i ncreasi ng pressure from
fetch ed the ir caravan to Holland where th ey bought week s
th eir first horse, Offy. Th e caravan i s large e nough for towards me . When l'd arrived in lre land eıght • most likely to b e h eard by child ren , t een agers a nd loggers , farmers, and large agri culture compani es . As
't climb th tair b cau of my you�ger ad ults , g�ner_ally an yone u nder th e age of 25.
e arlie r I coul d
people use more a nd more land , l ess i s left as wild
n e s s e
David , Kathy, hi s wife, an d three child ren as well as ed a bed
their b elongin gs. Offy man aged to pull th em as far a s di sloc�ted kneecap, s o my pare nts had mov When the "Mosquıto" ıs turned o n , old er ad ults will tropical rainfarest, which orangutans must have to
Fro t Room . Mak no usUally only h ear a fai n t buzz, but younger peopl e and
France , where Traceur, a much stronger horse, had to down stairs i n to the Goo d n e
survive . Poachi n g of orangutans for th e ille gal pet
thi wa a hug hono ur: u nde r normal children s hould h ear a very a nnoyi n g n oise. in a n
take over. The journey has not alway s turned out to mi stak e s s e
trade is another serious problem. Th e ill e gal pet trade
cir cumsta nces we we re o n ly
l et into this roo� at effort to combat the an ti-s ocial behaviour associat ed i n orangutans a nd man y oth er types of wild life i s,
b e as the Grants had planned . i n some plac� s, they r t of th e y e � r, all famılıar with groups of youth s i n publi c places, man y
_ Christmas tim e . Th e es
u n fartunately, very common throughout South eas t
were caught up i n unple asa n t w e ather cond ıtı� ns a nd olate­
thus spent lon ger than they had intended _to. Lıfe ın
_ lei sure activities - tel evision -watch ın g, choc shopkeepers have chosen to install th e "Mos quito" As ia. Every year, hu nd reds of ad ult female
e ati n g, bi cke ring - took pla i th e c ramp ed
_ outside th e ir premi ses. Gangs of teenagers hanging orangutans are killed and th eir babi es are sold i n to
ce n
th e open air has not alway s been easy, eıther. They by th e grand tıtle of
co n verted garage , whi ch wen t about i n s hop en trance ways and oth er public places th e ille gal pet trad e. Many baby oran gs d i e b efare
have suffered extreme cold i n Kazakhstan a�d
Te levis ion Room. can sometimes cause serious probl ems lik e phys i cal th ey become pets . Stress and di sease kills as many
e xtre me h e at in Mo n golia's grass lands. Luck ı ly, th ey
assault. Man y retailers who have i ns tall ed th e as faur aut of five baby orangs i n the first fe w month s
have all r emai ned in co n si derably good h e alth. Soon
__ " Mosquito" devi ce are reporti n g a d ramati c red u ction after be i ng caught.
they will h ead for Be iji ng a nd th e n th e Pacıfıc, wh ere
in such problems as a result.
they will catch a boat to Can ad a. it will b e another two/
y ears before the family arrives back home . ----.
16. it is clear from the passage that Anna
nd after
A) returned to h er parents' home in lrela 19. According to the passage the "Mosquito" is a 22 . it is pointed out in the passage that
grad uati n g from coll e ge
. . device invented to - - --. orangutans in Borneo ----.
1 3. According to the passage, ----. ed ın
B) had s ome ki nd of injury b efore sh e arrıv
to lre land A) keep away thi eves from shops
A) the Gran ts first travelled from Holland ce s h e
A) are like ly to b ecome exti nct very soon due to
C) has been stayin g with h er paren ts sın B) protect old people from the viol ence of gangs en viro n m ental pollution
Scotland . had a car accident C) h e lp old peopl e to h ear b ett er B) have been the favourite pets of th e local
B) Traceur started to pull the caravan_ ı n Fra� D) got serious ly s i ck s oon after s h e came
to h er
D) provide peace in publi c places people for thous ands of years
C) the only problem the Grants have ı s the E parents' house . . E) help moth ers fi nd their lost child ren E
of the caravan o C) are i ncreas i n gly hunted by loggers and
s ıt h er
E) came from lreland two mon ths ago to vı
far farmers
D) th e Grants have never had any delays s o


mother D) are los i n g th eir n atural habitat d ue to th e
E) the children have suff e red se riou s esses .:: Oı
.:: destruction of rai n farests
due to extreme we ath er cond itions
E) are protected by stri ct laws


20. One can understand from the passage that old ::ı
people ----. Q.
:,,... "O
s 1 7. it can be inferred from the passage that
- -- -. A) are more sens itive to high frequen cy sou nds s:
s s
14. We understand from the passage that the s than youn gsters
s 2 3 . Which of the following is NOT true according
A) Anna' s mother was a nurse when s h e wa B) are usually d isturbed by the n oise mad e by
Grants ----. to the passage?
young th e Mosquito
B) Anna used to watch TV in h er bedroom C) have d ifficulty h earing high-frequen cy s ounds A) Large areas of tropi cal rainfarest are
A) will have travelled for six ye ars in total wh
before s h e was moved to th e Front Room D) often speak in a low voi ce which is hard to destroyed far wood a nd to create farm s.
the journey i s over .
trıes C) th e T el evi sion Room u sed to be a garage h ear
B) stayed at camp sites in most of th e coun D) Anna' s parents are d ivorced E) suffer from serious heari n g problems
B) Orangutans are not th e o n ly animal s hunted
th ey went to h er far the ille gal pet trade .
E) A n n a thi nk s it was a mistake to return to
C) are going to fly to Can ad a at the end of th C) Poachi n g and habitat destruction threaten th e
parents' house oran guta ns .
D) have been away from home for two years D) Most of th e orangutan babi es d i e b efore th e y
oow , b ecome pets .
E) are e xpecti n g to arrive in Beijin g ı n two d ays 21. it can be inferred from the passage that
E) Forest fires kill large numbe rs of orangutans
eve ry y e ar.
time installing the "Mosquito" device ----.

i the
18. One point the author does NOT me�tio� � A) has greatly h e lped d i scourage th e gan gs of
t the room she is stayı ng ın ıs teenagers from gath eri n g i n front of th e
passage abou
that ---- . retailer' s shops 24. According to the passage, many baby
B) is quite costly despite its many ad vantages orangutans ----.
1 S. The passage is mainly about ----. A ) i t has too much furn iture , so i t is d iffi cult to C) i n public places is not recommended because
move around th e room it may lead to some h earing problems A) are killed by poach ers
A) th e d ifficulty of travelli n g i n a caravan B) it is on the grou nd floor of th e house D) has farced man y retailer s hops to close their B) d i e from stress and d i sease
B) the advantages of vis iting many places ın th .
C) it was rarely used when Ann a was a chıld doors s o that th e ir custome rs won't b e C) are treated badly as pets
worl d e xcept on sp ecial o ccas ions affected by the annoying sound
C) a stran ge hobby an d its results D) ca nnot find faod to eat
D) it i s th e room wh ere th e family used to spend E) is cons idered to b e a s ign of anti-social E) are hunted far food
D) a u n ique way to see the worl? most of the ir time together be haviour because its buzzing sound irritates
E) rai sing child ren i n a horse-drıven caravan E) it is re ferred to as the Good Fron t Room mos t peopl e

52 53
- ►

"Mice can retrace their steps because they arrange The Yukon River begins in Canada's Yukon Territory.
With a total length of 1,979 miles, it is the fourth 3 1. - 35. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
objects to help them remember where they have
longest on the continent. Many other rivers flow into it .. parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
been" say researchers. These rodent 'road signs' -
piles of seed shells, leaves and other small objects - as it runs from East to West across central Alaska. Qetirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
could be the first evidence of such sophisticated Some of the rivers are fed by melting glaciers. This
behaviour in any mammal apart from humans. The gives the Yukon its strange whitish, or milky colour. j1 . ----
. . The landscape, first of all, is bare and
The river generally freezes in October and melts 33. A thesaurus is an indexed compilation of
phenomenon was discovered by researchers at strange. Then, the far northern climate is not
words with similar, related, and opposite
Oxford University, UK, who noticed that wood mice again in May. Large ice dams sometimes form and iöeal tor tourism, either. The winter weather
meanings. ----. However, these should not be
tended to move piles of small objects, and then return cause large-scale flooding. As the Yukon nears the · is extremely severe and summers are short taken as a list. The entries are also
to them frequently. Researchers developed the theory Bering Sea, it breaks into many smaller rivers, forming and cool. The remote location also means designed for drawing distinctions between
that these were primitive signs that helped mice to find a delta. This fact makes it impossible for large ships to that many products have to be imported and similar words and assisting in choosing
their food easily. To test this idea, the researchers travel up the river. so they are expensive. exactly the right word. A thesaurus entry
brought eight wild mice into a controlled environment does not define words. That work is left to
inside a laboratory and left them to explore the place. A) lceland is closer than you think - and more the dictionary.
There were small white discs left scattered around this fun than you've ever dreamt of
new landscape. A video camera recorded exactly how B) lceland is very attentive towards sustainable A) A user may not be able to distinguish
the mice acted. The mice seemed to wander tourism between the different meanings of the
randomly around the nesting box. However, further C) lceland is not a place for the ordinary tourist
28. As it is pointed out in the passage, the Yukon same word unless each is presented in
away, the mice tended to collect the white discs, and D) Make your dreams of an action and context
move them to more interesting areas. The mice would River - -- -.
adventure trip to lceland come true B) Yet, the term itself is derived from an
then explore the area around the disc, continually E) Tourism has in the last few decades ancient Greek word which means
returning to it - perhaps to familiarize themselves with A) is an important tourist attraction due to its
increased in value for the lcelandic economy "storehouse" or "treasury"
it. whitish colour
B) remains frozen for more than ten months in C) That's why users may need guidance in
using a thesaurus correctly
a year
C) can hold several small ships but only a few D) The entries in a thesaurus usually include
2 5. The passage makes it clear that researchers synonyms and antonyms
large ships at a time
have found proof that mice --- -. D) is fed by only a few rivers that run from E) Adjectives and adverbs, however, seldom
convey any meaning useful for indexing
East to West
A) generally live in nests full of white objects E E) has a milky colour because of the waters
B) leave signs to help them remember places o
(.) coming from melting glaciers
C) think any white object is food Oı
D) are as sophisticated as humans .::
E) easily get lost, just like humans


:,,., 29. According to the passage, someone who

:!: goes to the Yukon River in March ----.
2 6. it can be understood from the passage that :ı:
mice ----. :ı:
A) should witness the melting of the Yukon 32. People who work in large office buildings 34. The city of Naples happens to be built on
River get sick more often than what would be one of the most beautiful horseshoe bays in
A) use 'road signs' to find their neighbours' nest B) might see a large ship travelling up the considered normal. They may have the world. On the roundest part of the
B) can never adapt to a new environment Yukon river headaches, stomachaches, or sore, red skin. horseshoe is the volcano Vesuvius, which
C) have some behaviour patterns that C) is most likely to encounter a frozen river The reason for this lies in the buildings used to light the night sky with a wine-red
researchers have not been able to D) can easily travel up the Yukon River on a themselves. These large buildings usually glow. Below it is the ruined city of Pompeii.
understand ship
have windows that cannot be opened. The ----. On the other arm is Naples, the dream of
D) use 'road signs' to mark the place where they E) will probably suffer from a flood caused by same air stays in the building for a long time painters, poets, as well as lovers of music,
hide food melting ice and becomes unhealthy. ----. beauty and architecture.
E) can't survive in laboratory environments
A) On the other hand, looking at a computer A) Naples can be described as a beautiful,
screen ali day can be hard on your eyes attractive but mysterious city
B) in addition, smoking is usualiy banned in B) Naples is a city of temptation for everyone,
such office buildings with its castles, vilias, churches, walis,
2 7. The passage clearly states that the behaviour 30. The passage tells us that ----. C) in conclusion, we can say that indoor air gates, palaces, parks, fountains and
of the eight mice in the experiment was ----. quality problems are not limited to homes museums
A) there are three other rivers that are longer
D) As a result, it may be fuli of chemicals that C) Pompeii was destroyed in A.D. 79 by the
A) greatly astonishing for the researches since than the Yukon River in North America
come from the furniture, the rugs, or the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which kilied
they never expected such behaviour B) it is quite usual for large-scale floods to
photocopy machines thousands of people
B) was recorded by the researchers by means occur in the Yukon Territory due to heavy E) in fact, an air conditioning system provides D) üne arm of the horseshoe is the peninsula of
of a video camera cooling, ventilation, and humidity control for Sorrento, famous for its oranges, lemons and
C) what gave early humans the idea to make C) the Yukon river is slowly getting dry ali parts of an office building chestnuts
'road signs' D) large ships used to travel up the Yukon
E) Famous artists from ali over the world
D) considered to be the result of their fear of the river in the past
visited Naples as part of their training and
laboratory E) the Yukon River is the main transportation
feli in love with it
E) evidence that the mice are scared to leave means for the Yukon Territory
their nesting places
54 55
3 5. Oespite serious attempts of many statesmen 38. (1) You can make life more difficult for thieves by
and despite the existence of anti­ carrying your wallet)n an inside pocket instead
discrimination laws, men and women are of a back pocket. (11) The inside pocket is safer
still not equal. So it's not surprising that as it is easier to feel a hand dip into it than · TEST 9
many advocates of the Women's Liberation either of your back pockets. (111) Because most
Movement around the world decided to go on pickpockets are very skilful, it would be a good
strike several months ago and are refusing to idea to wear jackets with zipped or buttoned
work until their demands are met. - -- -. The inside pockets. (iV) And if you have the habit of
movement also launched a campaign to taking off your jacket during lunch or other sit­
encourage all women workers around the down stops, keep an eye on your jacket. (V) zoos have been around for centuries and they've Have you ever wondered why a word means what it
world to join them. However, bank robberies are more commonly changed a lot over the years. in the Middle Ages, means? lf so, you might consider a career as a
seen on busy streets. wealthy people kept exotic animals in their gardens. linguist. Linguists study the nature and structure of
A) However, women were given greater rights Public animal parks appeared in European cities in human speech. Linguistics is the scientific study of
in marriage, divorce and inheritance A) 1 B) il C) I I I D ) iV E) V the late 1700s and early 1800s. The Philadelphia Zoo, language. Doesn't sound like a science? Well it is!
B) The reason for withdrawing labour is their the first in the United States, opened in 1 874. U ntil a Linguists gather data and test out ideas to make
belief that they don't receive equal pay for few decades ago, most zoos were organized by conclusions about language. So, like other scientists,
equal work creature-primates in one area, cats in another, birds they use the scientific method to answer questions.
C) The term women's rights refers to the somewhere else. in recent years, zoos have instead For example, scholars discovered a mysterious
freedoms inherently possessed by women begun grouping animals that would normally interact language written in caves and books found in western
D) Women are also looking for the right to vote in the wild. Moreover, instead of confining animals China. When linguists decoded this ancient language,
and participate in government and law behind bars, designers are creating landscapes that called Tocharian, they found that it was unlike any of
making in many countries resemble the environments in which these creatures the languages spoken by the neighbouring people
E) That men are superior to women is stili a would naturally be found. Nearby signs provide who live there today or who used to live there long
debatable topic information about the animals, their habitats, and ago. This provides linguistic evidence that the
threats to the environment in parts of the world where Tocharian-speaking people probably came from far
they normally live. away to settle in what is now China.

1. The passage is mainly about --- -.

4. Much of the passage is devoted to ----.
E A) the changes related to the grouping of
o 39. (1) Teenagers today have more educational
36. -40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
opportunities than their grandparents did. (il) To animals and the layout of the zoos over the A) explaining why words mean what they mean
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü

begin with, more and better schools with modern years E B) discussing the nature and structure of human
.:: B) the first zoo which opened in 1874 in the
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. .ı:: facilities are being built ali over the country. (111) o speech
Scholarships are available in greater numbers for United States C) giving advice to people who want to become

.Q C) exotic animals which rich people used to

:ı many deserving students. (iV) Moreover, modern ·== linguists
36. (1) People wanted to be able to fly long before Q.. colleges serve fast food in their students' keep in their gardens .ı:: D) describing how linguists decede ancient
there were airplanes. (il) The Chinese are -o cafeterias. (V) Thus, compared to the adolescent D) the cruelty of keeping animals in cages in �
.Q languages

::,... the zoos :ı

generally credited with the discovery of the kite :si of 60 years ago, today's adolescent has a much E) supportiİıg the idea that linguistics is a
E) the public animal parks of the late 1700s Q..
that could fly in the air. (111) Early scientists ;s: better chance to get a weli-rounded ecjucation. science
;s: and early 1800s -o

studied birds' wings to see how they worked. (iV) ::,...

Then they tried to build wings of feathers to attach A) 1 B) il C) 1 1 1 D) i V / E) V :si
to their bodies. (V) But when they actually tried to ;s:
fly, they never managed to stay up in the air for 2. it is pointed out in the passage that in most 5. it is clear from the passage that the
too long. zoos today - ---. scientific method ----.

A) 1 B) il C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V A) animals belonging to different species are A) applies to natural sciences but not to social
always kept in separate cages sciences
B) animals are kept in environments which look B) requires gathering data, testing out ideas and
like their natural environments as much as making conclusions
possible C) was first introduced by the ancient Chinese
C) certain animals such as cats and birds are D) can not be used in linguistics in the same
not kept in cages anymore way it is used in other sciences
40. (1) There is strong debate over the issue of where D) only the dangerous animals are put behind E) is based on predictions, beliefs and
gunpowder first originated and how it spread the bars and the rest can wander around interpretations of scientists
3 7. (1) it is possible that some form of life has existed throughout the world, (il) While no definite freely
or continues to exist on the planet Mars. (il) consensus has been reached, most scholars E) primates and cats share the same habitat
Astronomers have discovered dozens of planets would agree that gunpowder was discovered in 6. We learn from the passage that the Tocharian
around nearby stars during the past decade. (111) China. (111) When burnt, gunpowder produces hot language - -- - .
They have managed this by studying how an solids and gases which act as a propellant in 3. The word "confining" in the passage probably
object's gravity affects the orbit of the parent star. firearms and fireworks.(IV) lndeed, the first means - - --. A ) was different from any other language
(iV) Practicaliy ali of the discovered planets are references to gunpowder in Chinese literature spoken in China
big ones; gas giants like Jupiter, which are occur in a Daoist text that dates to the 800s AD. A) feeding B) was an ancient Chinese dialect spoken in
presumed to be inhospitable to life. (V) (V) However, many of its early applications and B) providing western China
Meanwhile, hints of smalier, rocky planets like our uses were probably discovered in lndia. C) creating C) is only spoken by a small group of people
Earth have also been found. D) finding today
A) 1 B) il C) 1 1 1 D ) iV E) V E) restricting D) stili remains to be a mystery for linguists
A) 1 B) il C) I I I D ) iV E) V E) was a spoken language with no alphabet

56 57

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