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Financial Accounting, Management and Analysis {Paper V)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 3OO

deouos dt-& odrdel ilq agedd (dgt v)

ido$ : 3 rlo8dS rlo{ eoddtb : 3OO

OAFdLJ i.rae,rdddc

/i/ Candidates have to attempt all questions.

qrddQrrld) acD
4,r{ilertJo EDgoirJcrc

fty' Marks carried by each question are indicated at its end.

2 d.doJc
J.t *ado$O oddt ocdeDrird eotrlddc.( ddrJnaieDRd.

1. What are the various sources available to Indian businessmen for raising funds?
Explain. (Not more than 250 words)

epodgeob dbdou3cmdoii OQ egeaedoner oql6Add AAd dcc)rledd? &dor,.

(25O ddrlgfi $eddod erDdo$) [1s]

2. What is Personal Financial Planning? Explain the process of Personal

Financial Planning. (Not more than 25O words)

ddo$Ed drodolD o3oeegd oodde$? dro$ld dcorolo o3oexdodr Sgo$o$&4 ador,.

(25o ddderl aoeddod erudoA) [15]

396/Firsrcial Accoulthg, ilaaagerf,elt ard Aaalysis (Paper v) (1) P.T.O.

3. Evaluate the practical applications of Marginal Costing Technique. (Not more than
5(X) words)

ercxd e!{dg (Marginaf Costing) gogd eoiJoeRd to*o)rlDadd)d)4 dfrOdedor,.

(5OO ddrlgii eoeddog erudo$) I30l

4. What is the need for accounting of brands (brand equity)? Explain. And also evaluate
the Approaches and models for valuation of self-generated brands. (Not more tha-n
5(X) words)

dDdrl$ erdddg (oo$ dfooyerand equrty) doSDoSd erld,de$? Ad0rl. SO Aod

dl^l}Eoid dDS eddo to{it$ delr$odd &deD !6d aad aFd a$q &doild$d
age&:]. (soo ddrigri eoeddod uuqoA) t30l

5. Explain various methods of investing surplus cash. What criteria should a firm
use while investing in marketable securities? (Not more than 5OO words)

erDeE drtddbd dJaa8 a$od)d aad d+erts$d adotu. dDuoLr dDdeJdd d.raairtdg
dJoad 6$Dd)EJorl %od) XoBo$D odDd dDddodrl$$4 c$ioi?,3e@rbqd? (5(x) ddrted
Aoeddod ej!go,t)) [30]

6. Elaborate the need and scope of socia-l accounting. (Not more than 5OO words)

D&dd e,{d$ erddrdd daf D6qo6d)d alddon edo$. (5oo ddiled ooeddod
EDqon) t30l

7. Explain tJ:e features of insurance. Discuss the steps in risk management plan.
(Not more than S(Xl words)

Ad:o$ elcorldd\ AdO:). oa"o$ OdFdtra o3oeado$ (risk management plan)

dodrt$&* deiF,l. (5OO ddded creddog erudo:,) [30]

396/rhaacial lceouEtiDg, Marsgemeat and Aralysts (Paper vl (2) P.T.O.

8. From the following information you are required to estimate the net working
capital :
dr ESdod .)ddrtgod -D*9 u$Eo3r:d zJoda-o$" coooao dloa.
Particualrs Cost per unit in Rs.
eddi'lst) {,e oilootll. d?* do. rlCg
Raw materials 400
dzrg xod>lrlsto
Direct labour 150
ded roarrdd:
Overheads (excluding 300
dreend9d dzidq)
(Bdd9o$$a d;addrdB,tu)
Total Cost/ c,q d{ 850
Additioaal laformation :
------1|r- &EoE:
Selling price Rs. 1,O00/- per unit
dnuoul dd d,8 od}oot,trrl dra. 1000/-
Output Rs. 52,000 l- p. a.
eruodd a?A,rFd dra. 52,000/- odlJao8trrl$
Raw materials in stock Average 4 weeks
erugd dae:iad:!,rlSc ,oio 4 aadrls;,r
Joq) eru@6$:
(Assume 5O%o completion stage Average 2 weeks
with full material consumption) iuoio 2 anddq;,c
(doeorxod:g uddoloood de.50
ddg wodd d.omrdoC3d dod
dor.ld aod> 4ro.!rr)
Finished goods in stock Average 4 weeks
JoAi ieodood iddrrlst) Euoio 4 6?drlst)
Credit allowed by suppliers Average 4 weeks
dodrdcodood 0ede.:l,.l EDe BooBO 4 aodzist
Credit allowed to debtors Average 8 weeks
xoorrodofi Oederod wq iuoro 8 o?drl$)
Cash at bank is expected to be Rs. 5O,OO0/-
z'o6otrdgd ooc$ ?Io.)ierod drld) dJa. 50,000/-
Assume that production is sustained at an even pace during the 52 weeks of the year. All
sales are on credit basis. State any other assumption that you might have made while
etDaoddo$D ddrd 52 aodrlg doe Bd)don dd0d Doc$ Foet:). ae4 dooor,srlst Foed d)eeJ
e:n6dd. dd* oa&aort oeg doduodrood add o3o{mddo eruadrlg$d ge,$. I30l

396/financial Accouating, Maaagement aad Analysis (paper Vf (3) P.T.O.

9. Compute the net monetaqr result of ?' Ltd, as on 31"1 March 2016, from the
information given below :

* t$d 0eG&d dobgo$$4 erdoA 3lde doa,trr 2016 doc$ 'a{od, ?' OAodGrd

0{9 uQrd fiOaodd$o e3d*aoE : [3Ol

Particulars o1-04-2015 31-03-2016
&ddil€c Rs. (do.) Rs. (do.)

Cash 25,000 30,000

Book debts 51,000 60,000
dDnd c$tdrlst)

Creditors 55,OOO 65,000

G) C^lJ U) I \J \.\,

Loan 40,000 45,000


Retail Price Index Numbers:

zsod dd ioz3 Bodrt$:

r-4-2015 250

31-03-2016 350

Average for the year 300

ddrd iuoio 300

10. Discuss the various factors which are responsible for the slow growth of the venture
capital industry in India. (Not more than 5OO words)

qDdddg dozSo" Doda?$ erDq&o$ CIaaddeo$ aSgdsdliii rodeouod el&d codrte$d

zizirxr. (5(X) ddrted &oeddod erudotr) I3ol

396/finaacial Accounting, Management and Analysls (Paper Vf (4) P.T.O.

11. A company has three warehouses A, B, C and four stores W, X, Y, Z. T}re
warehouses have altogether have a surplus of 15O units of a given commodity as
A-50, e60, c-40
z"od) dodoo$g A, B, Caosr d),od) erurtssoi'l9d- d)q w, x, Y, Z aozr 04
ioddrtoeoJor(gd. wrgrodgQ 150 o$Jaol,tr dr-ii--ro ro$0 dr SdRdoSd :
A-50, &60, C-40

The four stores need the following amounts :

w-20, x-70, Y-50, zro

610e))+ iolidFoeo$rlgii 6l ESnd doqd9 oddrcd :

w-20, x-70, Y-50, z-10

Cost (in Rs.) of shipping one unit from warehouses to different stores is as
follows :
s.ocb o$oo[.fd rorid datr (dro. rISOJ ttDrgtoaod osd noaid.6oeo$i19d dB
E$fldo3d :
Store s (fio1jd aaoon,t$)
w x Y Z

A 50 150 70 60
3E B 80 70 90 10
sg C 15 87 79 81

Work out the transportation schedule by t}re following methods and compare
the transportation cost :

ronorEEo$ ddJa6$c&{ dddod .)Aodr(9od eid* 6oa d)$ soozi dzfl doeO:i : [30]

lal NWCM (North West Corner Method)

NWCM (oDQ'F dt 6odFd AaDiJ)

(b) LCM (l,east Cost Method)

LCM (Oe{ @{ DODd)

396/fioaaciat Accourthg, Uaroagemert attd Arallnis (Paper vl (5) UU2O

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