Aladdin Script For Billabong

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Opening dance emotion- Greed


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Grade & Grade &
Student Name Div Student Name Div
Peddler- Zoeb Dhven Dalal 3D Drihan parmar 3F
Peddler- Akim Advait Sharma 3B Kabir Mehta 2C
Peddler- Wajida Ridhaan Vaya 4A Prachi Shah 3E
Peddler- Aalaam Manveer Thukral 2G Vihaan Jalan 3E
Peddler- Kajal Adamya Arya 1G Nihira Pandya 3E
Peddler- Fatima Shatakshi Mohan 3B Suveer Shetty 1A
Peddler- Akbar Kiyaansh Shinde 2G Kanavpreet Singh 1B
Peddler- Imraan Manchanda 3D Adit Yadav 1A
Peddler- Saheba Ayeza Mujawar 3B Pranshi Patel 3G
Peddler- Zara Anika Tawde 2G Nivan Bhodia 2A
Rehana/Rahim Xane Banat 2G Praneya Shah 1B
Zaahira Hitika Sagar 3D Anaya Pereira 2C
Peddler- Farah Swaroopal Rathi 2G Angela Dsouza 2C
Peddler- Faisal Shlok Arvind 3D Hiyaan Sheth 2D
Peddler- Adil Myrah Patel 3D Ivaan Singh 2C
Amina- Fortune
Teller Viara Jain 2G Aparna Santosh 2C

Location: Settlements/Tents in the vast Arabian Desert. Night scene with



Travelers from far away meet in a small village before they reach agrabah.
Arabian citizens and families enter intermittently. Some enter the stage with
scarves wrapped around to indicate a cold night. They all gather around the

Zoeb: It’s very cold Akim, I'm shivering (shivers)

Akim: Come here little Zoeb, sit close to the fire. You will feel better.

Wajida: Rest the night, and tomorrow we will reach our beloved Agrabah.

Zoeb: But why must we always come back to Agrabah? When the world is full of
infinite places!

Aalam: Because that’s our ancestor’s place and we need to ensure it flourishes.

Akim: Aalam, please tell me the Agrabah story again.

Wajida: (over dramatic) Oh! the story of the great Agrabah !

Zoeb: The story of Sultans and mysterious powers hidden on this land!

Akim: of Prince and princesses---

Zoeb: And fortune tellers and folk tales---

Aalam: Of the beautiful Jordan river.

Farah: Yes, Agrabah, the city of mystery and enchantment, of genie’s and
fantastical people.

Amina: Of amazing riches and beautiful palaces, an oasis in the barren desert.

Kajal: Of beautiful persian carpets and best scarves of baghdad, of beautiful

paintings and delicacies found nowhere else in the world.

Zahira: The only place to have caravan camels!

(Everyone reacts with affirmative adlib!)

Zoeb: (holding up a scarf) Is this from Agrabah too? I haven’t seen such intricate
weaving before!

Rehana: Absolutely, it's the best one can have, with golden thread woven throughout.

Imran: I have heard about the sugar-like dates from Agrabah. Which shop has the
best ones?

Faisal: That has to be ‘Agrabah Dates’ - I always find their dates to be the best. It's
the biggest shop in agrabah market. (Aadil laughs loudly)

Adil: (To Faisal) My grandfather’s shop is the best date shop in Agrabah. You must
come to ‘Sultanate dates’ my friend, you would not have eaten dates like ours ! In fact,
you are all welcome to our shop for free tasting!

Saheba: Sure? Can I get dates for free ??

Adil: Oh no habibi.. Just tasting is free! Anything more you need to buy!

(All Laugh)

Amina: Agrabah has a history of fair and just Sultans ruling and helping its

Kajal: Yes Amina, we have been fortunate enough to have this, civilizations
perish if the leaders are not right.

Zara: Agrabah has been blessed by its ancestors who are always watching
over us Kajal.

Zahira: We are all safe under these beautiful skies of our homeland !

Imraan: And that is why we always come back here little Zoeb!

Zoeb: Something is happening to the sky! LOOK!

(LED shows a meteor in the sky. Zoeb takes everyone’s attention to the meteor
in the sky. All gasp and show fear)

Farah: Look! Fire in the night sky !! The tides are changing.

Zahira: I have never seen the sky this red… maybe our ancestors are trying to
warn us?

Saheba: Yes, It's surely a bad omen, and danger is upon the kingdom of

Akbar: Amina, you must look at your crystal ball and find what is this!!

(Arabian music in the background, LED displays the great palace of Agrabah)
(Amina starts looking at her crystal)

Amina: (looking at the Crystal Ball in a daze) the times will change and
Agrabah will lose all that it holds dear, I see a dark force on the horizon.

Rehana: Oh no, (looking at the crystal and getting scared) what does this

Imran: (Practical) Nothing, it just means that we should all leave for home,
the fire is running out. Amina, stop being so dramatic!
MUSIC EFFECT – Footsteps

Wajida: (Scared) What do I hear? Who’s there---

Aalam: I can’t see anything, but I hear footsteps.

Wajida: It feels like a dark spirit!

LED to play video of storm with strobe light and thunder sound effect.

Adil: Look at the sky! The dark clouds are creating a storm!

Amina: We must rush back home NOW!!!

Peddlers run helter skelter on stage with dramatic music. Spot light on Jafar
(covering his face with his cape) walking from amidst the audience. Jafar’s face
is not seen by the audience and he stands on the CL facing the LED as he laughs

Location: Rocky Desert

Characters: Cave, Jafar, Iago, Gazeem, Guards

Faizu/Guard 1 Ishaan Apte 1E Dhyey Vora 1D

Hatim/Guard 2 Kavir Shah 1E Mayank Raut 1D
Hamiz/Guard 3 Ivaan Makwana 1F Maisha Asher 1D
Firoz/Guard 4 Sahit Soni 1E Myra Bhatkar 1D
yusuf/Guard5 Anaisha Shetty 3A Mayra Choudhary 1D
Aadil/Guard6 Kiyaan Naidu 3A Tapsee Modi 1D
Gubbar/Guard7 Sonawane 3A Vivaan Pattani 1D
Vimza/Guard8 Raynav Shah 1F Aarya Singh 1C
Arbaz/Guard9 Inaya Bindra 1G Vanshika Chibber 1B
Kareem/Guard1 Rushank
0 Sachdeva 1G Jervaine D'lima 1B
Jafar Sharma 4B Nishma Dey 4A

Iago/ Cave Prisha Jain 2G Advay Dwivedi 4G

Gazeem Carran Shharma 3A Ayaansh Pal 1D

Sound cue for Jafar’s entry. Appropriate Adlibs from the people as they see two
shadows lurking on the stage searching for something, when one shadow
moves, the other hides from upstage left to right. These are dressed like Jafar
to show a build-up before the lights come on and we see the third one, who is
the lead Jafar. As the third Jafar is seen, lights show the cave and the people
slink backwards into the wings, with only Jafar on the stage standing in front
of the cave. The cave covers the LED.

Hatim: (shouting from the wings) IAGO!!! Come back here! I am not
going to spare you this time

Faizu: IAGO!!!! You come back right now!! Enough is Enough

Iago, Guards and Gazeem enter from stage left. Guards are chasing Iago.

Iago: Awk! Awk! Catch me if you can!! Awk!Awk!

Hamiz: You scheming little bird! You always get us into trouble!

Firoz: You’re a total troublemaker Iago.

Yusuf: Yes, you keep stealing behind our backs and Jafar thinks we did it.

Aadil: And he’s always telling Jafar everything about us. Just fly
away from here you little IAGO!!!

Gubbar: Let Jafar be the sultan , then we’ll see you Iago.

Vimza: Yes, soon Jafar will be the Sultan and then, we will kick you out
of Agrabah!

IAGO: (Mimics Vimza) Kick you out of Agrabah. Awk Awk!

Arbaz: Come, let’s not waste our time with this bird…

Kareem: I agree with you. Let's keep a look out or Jaffar will kick us out

Iago: Awk Awk !! look who’s scared now..Awk Awk !!

Faizu: (Angry) Now, you are a “dead” parrot !!

Hatim: Attention everyone !! Jaffar is coming here !

Iago notices Jafar and rushes to him. Guards and Gazeem follow as well.

Jafar: At last, after all my years of searching, the cave of wonders!

Iago: Awk, Awk, cave of wonders! cave of wonders!

Jafar: (towards the cave) Now remember Gazeem, bring me the

lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!

Gazeem: (scared and shuttering) y..y…yes Jafar, a..a..a..But this cave

looks scary..Do I really have to go in. c..c..c..Can we do this tomorrow

Iago: (Mimicking Gazeem) Awk, this cave looks scary. Jeez Jafar,
where’d you dig up this bozo?

Aadil (with anger): Stop it Iago! or we will throw you inside the cave

Gubbar: Yes!! Jafar let us throw Iago into the cave!

Noisy adlib as all start planning various ways Iago should be thrown.
Jafar gives the guards a cold stare and all of them stop pestering Iago
and freeze

Vimza: (pleasing Jafar) Jafar, Don't you worry I will handle

these misfits! (to the rest of the guards) Keep quiet everyone! We are here to
get Jafar what he seeks!

All guards react to Vimza who ends up pleasing Jafar at every step.

Firoz: (Hushed voice) We have to stay quiet and quickly finish

our work before anyone sees us here.

Arbaaz: (authoritative) Gazeem, quick, either go inside or be ready to


will you choose ?

Gazeem: o..o…o..Ok !! Ok !! I am going inside..

Gazeem goes near the cave, puts his first step in. Others huddle and
anxiously look towards him, at different angles and levels. Suddenly, a
loud roar-like sound is heard. The floor begins to shake.

Cave: (rumbling sound) Who disturbs my slumber?

Shocked reactions

Gazeem: (Trembling but trying to be brave) It is I, Gazeem, a..a…

humble thief.

Cave: (Laughs loudly) But, know this. Only one may enter, one
whose worth lies far within – a diamond in the rough (Ends with a cackle laughter)

Jafar: What are you waiting for? Go on!

Gazeem: I am very scared of this cave now.. What if I never come back.

Hamiz: Cowards can never become rich..

Jaffar (Laughing): Think about all the gold and diamonds … They will make you

Firoz: (Laughing) decide, (mimics Jaffar) do you want to be Brave or

you want to be Dead?

(JAFAR pushes GAZEEM forward into THE CAVE. Acceleration of rumbling

and finally THE CAVE throws out GAZEEM)

Cave: Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough. A boy with a heart of

Iago: Awk! Can’t believe it, We’ll never get a hold of that stupid lamp.

Jafar: Patience Iago, patience. We’ll soon find the one who will get me
my lamp! I know how to find him!

Jafar walks to the chorus line and laughs maniacally. IAGO joins in as well

Jafar Aanya Sawant 3A Ronan Smith 2A

Sultan Lavith Bhatia 3C Jainil Vajani 2D

Wajida /Handmaiden 1 Tisha Kakkad 3D Abigail Chand 3F

Zahira/Handmaiden 2 Misri Lavti 3A Navya Jariwala 2D

Rehana/Handmaiden 3 Anvi Tibrewala 3C Tavisha Jain 4G

Saheba/Handmaiden 4 Leher Parikh 2E Swara Vasavada 2D

Jasmine Vikram 5B IG Paraa Futane 4H
Iago Maheshwari 3A Drea Sheth 1C
Razoul Navisha Kabra 3C Rudra Waghela 4E
Faizu/Guard 1 Aaliya Nagpal 2E Aashvi Aadya 2A
Hatim/Guard 2 Samaira Sharma 3C Joshua Rodrigues 2A
Hamiz/Guard 3 Deion Misquith 2E Myrah Gupta 2A
Firoz/Guard 4 Shivansh Shetty 3B Kavya Shivhare 3G
Yusuf/Guard 5 Moh Gandhi 2E Diyan Shah 2A

Samrat Dushyant/Indian Prayaan Sharma 3B Aabir Mukherjee 3E

Bubbar/African Atharv Gupta 4B Kabir Odak 3F
Alexander/Greece Aarav Hinduja 4B Zayden Fernandes 2A

Location: Palace.

Characters: Sultan, Jafar, Iago, Jasmine, Razoul, Handmaidens, Suitors, Guards

and Townspeople LIGHTS FADE IN.
Scene opens with guards marching on stage, they look left and right and feel
relaxed as there is no one in the kingdom yet.

Faizu: What is happening in the palace today?

All guards: You don't know?

Faizu looks puzzled

Hatim: It is the most precious day for all!

All guards - Yes, it is!

Hamiz: It is the day that we all have been waiting for!

All guards: (Melodramatic) Waiting for so long!

Firoz: (Over dramatic crying) It is making me very happy! And I have

happy tears in my eyes!

(Iagoo enters)

Iago: awk! Awk! Why are you crying Bozo?

(Guards try to shoo him away)

Iago: how dare you talk to me like that? I will never accept this! I am the royal bird of
the palace!

Guard 1 - (mockingly) Ohhh forgive us the great Royal bird!

All guards laugh

Jaffar enters, guards quickly goes on their respective positions,

Townspeople enter with a lot of chatter about who Princess Jasmine will
choose today. Jafar, Iago, Guards, Townspeople on the stage. Townspeople are
placed in different groups and levels along both the diagonals. Jafar walks to
the CL from the Rostrum)

Razoul: All of you, be seated. Listen to the rules carefully; Do not eat or
drink in the palace, do not interrupt when the authorities are talking. Do not talk to the
suitors. And now the royal Vazir Jafar will address everyone.

Jafar: Thank you Razoul. (to townspeople) Welcome everyone! Bow

down to the Sultan of Agrabah!

SULTAN, JASMINE and HANDMAIDENS enter from stage right. Jasmine and
Handmaidens on the Rostrum and Sultan walks to the CL next to Jafar.
Sultan: People of Agrabah, my loyal subjects! Today is a great day in our history!

All: Yay!

Sultan: Today is the day Princess Jasmine will choose a prince to marry!

All: Yay!

(Suitors enter.)

Sultan: These candidates have journeyed through the desert from afar...
(pointing at a string of suitors who are showing off) for the privilege of winning
her hand. Razoul, start the introductions!

Razoul: Yes sultan, presenting to you the first suitor, who has travelled all the
way from Africa!

Prince Bubbar: From the land of forests and trees, with amazing health and also
wealth, to seek thy hand of princess jasmine, prince bubbar at your service.

(Handmaidens cheer up for him, Jasmine isn’t bothered.)

Zahira: Jasmine, I think we shouldn’t look at the rest, he is perfect.

Rehana: No way, he is far from perfect!

Jasmine: I am not interested!

Townspeople react and adlib

Razoul: Now presenting, the most intelligent of them all, prince of Greece.

Prince Alexander: (In Greece) Iia su! se ói ti diadromí apó tin Elláda.

All: What?

Prince Alexander: (repeats) se ói ti diadromí apó tin Elláda!

(All laugh)

Hamiz: Silence all of you, He wants to say he is all the way from greece.

All: Ohhh!
Prince Alexander: prinkípissa, tha me pan tref teís?

Saheba: (excited) He said, will you marry me?

Jasmine: Oshi.

All Guards: (disappointed) And again she says no.

(All of them laugh.)

Samrat Dushyant: Namaste! I'm Samrat Dushyant, from the land of beautiful rivers
and mountains. All the way from india.

Zahira: He is the perfect prince.

Jasmine: (thinks) Noo!

The new set of suitors do a sequence as if they are ramp walking. The
TOWNSPEOPLE applaud and react to the different suitors and appropriate
reactions and adlibs to be added.

(He has brought a painting of Jasmine as a gift.)

Rehana: Oh! Princess, he is a great artist. I am mesmerized by

his paintings.

Saheba: Look at this archer; he looks very agile and fit ! A

perfect marksman.

Jasmine: (marching to the CL) What kind of world do I live in? Where,
all my decisions being made for me?

Sultan: (to the CL) (Trying to be authoritative) You are no ordinary

princess, Jasmine. That’s the price you pay for being princess, dear me.

Jasmine: I will revolt!

Sultan: (To the CL) You will not! Have I revolted till now? We are all
bound to the rules, dear me!
Iago: (fluttering around - mimics sultan) Dear me, dear me, dear

Sultan: (speaks and retreats) Bring on the next suitors, you silly bird!

Suitors come and show off as if on a ramp like models. One of the suitors shows
off his sword-fighting skills.

Jafar: (Sarcastically) He is wonderful, Jasmine. Please accept his suit,

won’t you?

Sultan: Well Princess, the law is very clear, if you are not wed by the
time you are eighteen, you will lose the rights to the kingdom!

Jasmine: Please! You wouldn't make me...Can't you just be my father for

once, instead of Sultan?

Jafar: No, he cannot, he is the Sultan and he will need to respect the

law first! (to jasmine) you, my dear, will always come second.

Sultan: Jasmine, the law is the law. It's been the law for a thousand years.

Jaffar: A princess cannot rule without a husband!

Jasmine: But the law's unfair! I should be able to marry when I want and with
whom I want. I want my freedom, Father. Just like everybody else.

Sultan: Jasmine, don't be so dramatic. Now, come inside the Palace.

Sultan starts walking towards the rostrum followed by Iago and Jafar. Jasmine
marches away from the stage left. The guards see her leave but dare not stop
her. She only makes sure that Sultan, Jafar and Iago don’t see her leave.

Jafar: Jasmine? Where is Princess Jasmine? The Princess is missing!

Razoul: She was right here. Wasn't she?

Faizu: Yes! She was standing right here, where could she have gone?

Hatim: Has she vanished somewhere?

Iago: Well, she's not here now!

Sultan: (Mimics IAGO) Well, she's not here now!

(Turns to Jafar) Jafar! Do something!

Jafar: (to Razoul) Find the Princess, you fool! Immediately!

Razoul: (to Guards) Find the Princess, you fools! Immediately!

IAGO: (Mimics Razoul) Find the Princess, you fools!

Hamiz: Hey birdie, didn’t you see her leave?

Firoz: Why can't you fly and follow her!

Yusuf: Oh! Yes, find her before it's too late.


Guards dash off, followed by Razoul. Sultan, Jafar and Iago exit from stage
right and the scene ends with the townspeople moving out with adlibs about
the Princess running away.

Location; Bazaar
Characters: Aladdin, Abu, Razoul, Proprietor, Baker, Peddlars, Guards

The scene opens in the Bazaar with intermittent entries as the Bazaar is
getting populated. Vendors, peddlars, etc. This needs to be done in a
creative and vibrant manner. Colorful props must be used.

ALADDIN slides in from stage right, along with ABU, his monkey and they go
towards the stall of a baker with various breads. Abu goes near the baker
and does cute little stunts.

Fruitseller Pearl Ajera 4C Zvisha Hathi 2A

Dry Fruit seller Aiyana Aley 4C Adithhi Juvekar 4G
Jewelry Seller Nihira Kheeche 2F Nia Savla 1A
Flower Seller Jiyaansh Jain 4C Sahaj Shrishrimal 2C
Pot seller Aaditya Sandanshiv 2G Myrah Vyas 3F
Perfume seller Prisa Jain 4A Zayden Mendes 3F
Scarf seller Sarah Gonsalves 4C Dhanush Oza 2B
baker-seller Annika Dharmarajan 4C Divyanshu Yadav 4F
Aladdin RJ Sharma 4D Shaurya Singh 4F
Faizu/Guard 1 Sashio Kavyungal 4A Kiyaan Ruparelia 1A
Hatim/Guard 2 Saumya Bhaydhe 2E Nathan Devdas 1A
Abu Ojasvi Wagh 1E Kiyansh Sanghavi 1B
Jasmine Eva Ghelani 5A IG Mahira Kanan 4E
Amina- Fortune
Teller Jasmeet Kaur 2F Kaya Jha 2B
Razoul Mahial Purba 3B Nahush Maniar 4G
Hamiz/Guard 3 Yash Kasla 1G Kritvi Bharadwaj 2B

Fruit sellers: Fresh fruits! Fresh fruits! Juicy apples and sweet cherries.

Dry fruits sellers: Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs! Sugar dates and almonds

Jewelry sellers: Would you like to try this beautiful necklace, it’s got a pure ruby

Flower sellers: Beautiful flowers... Rose, Lotus, Jasmine and lily. Buy a bouquet
for your loved ones.

Pot seller: Beautiful girls buy a pot. No finer pot in brass and silver.

Perfume seller: A varied range of aroma fragrance! The beauty of the

fragrance is that it reaches your heart.

Scarf seller: The softest scarf in the city, most elegant attire a
woman could wear.

Baker: Baker - Soft and fluffy bread… yummy delicious

bread. What a cute little monkey!

(Aladdin hiding behind a pillar)

Aladdin( whispers) - Keep him busy Abu.

ABU distracts the BAKER with a dance, ALADDIN steals a loaf of bread and
starts walking, Abu stops and follows Aladdin. The baker notices and chases

Baker: Hey, come back. Give me back that loaf of bread. Hey you thief !

He chases Aladdin and Abu. All exit from stage right. The Stalls and the people
can change their positions to show a different part of the Bazaar while Abu
and Aladdin re-enter from the stage left.

Aladdin: You were brilliant Abu. And now we eat, at least for today.

Baker: There he is. Guards!! please help me and catch that thief

(Razoul and guards enters from wing)

Razoul: Stop, thief!

Guard Hamiz: Hey, stop! He’s running there.

Razoul: You can’t get away from here!

Guard Jahangir is little chubby and Guard Akbar is old , he sits down and is

Guard faizu: Oh I am so tired from running

Guard faizu: (Breathing very fast ) - We have to catch him.

Guard Hatim: (Old person voice) : Escaping us is impossible.

Guard Akbar is running very slow as he is old

Aladdin(YAWNING) - Time to take a nap, abu

Guard Hamiz: He is hiding behind the bread cart …catch him

Abu: Uh-OH!

Aladdin: Run Abu! Run!

Baker - (Shout) Guards come here , I have my eyes on him.

Razoul- Now you are dead… street rat!

Guard Hatim- Let's give him good beating first

Guard Faizu - Yess !! I have been waiting from a long time

All the guards, baker and sellers encircles aladdin and abu ,they are beating
but aladdin and abu comes out from under their legs

Aladdin - Close call abu … Lets run from here

Aladdin and Abu run and exit from stage

Razoul (shouts) - Stop !! Let's take him to jaffar

When they stop ,instead of aladdin it's baker who was beaten

Razoul - It's the baker .Where is that street rat, Aladdin?

Baker (in pain ) - I don't know

Flower seller - I know , I know he’s gone this way

Scarf seller - No no he’s gone that way

(Now all the sellers are talking simultaneously and confusing

the guards)

Razoul - (Shouts) Stop !! Guards! Half of you go that way and half of you

come with me

Razoul and guards go off stage .



Jasmine (wearing a scarf/cloak to hide her identity) enters and is looking at

the bazaar, all colorful and lively and is amazed by every vendor. Jasmine
moves from one vendor to the other, unsure about her being there at times
and anxious as she keeps avoiding making eye contact with people, thinking
that someone may recognize her.

Fruit sellers: Fresh fruits! Fresh fruits! Juicy pineapple and sweet


Flower sellers: Beautiful flowers.. Tulips, Lotus, Jasmine, lily. Buy a bouquet

for your loved ones.

Perfume seller: A varied range of aromatic perfumes! The beauty of the

fragrance, it reaches your heart.

Scarf seller: The softest scarf in the city, most elegant attire a woman could

She is now near Downstage left, where she bumps into a fortune-teller.

Fortune-Teller: I know your secrets! You are in a place where you don't belong…
I know who you really are…

She gets startled by the fortune teller and starts walking backwards, towards
the Centre Stage. Meanwhile, Aladdin enters from stage right and is walking
backwards, making sure nobody is following him anymore. They bump into
each other.

Aladdin, Jasmine: Sorry.

Both: They're after me! They're after you?

ALADDIN grabs JASMINE by the wrist.

Aladdin: Come on! We need to run

Jasmine - But i don't know you

Aladdin - You have to trust me on this … Come on

Jasmine - Ok.. I trust you.

Aladdin, Jasmine and Abu hide under a stall and the guards leave the stage
searching for them. They come out and start roaming around the market.

Pot seller: Pretty lady, buy a pot. No finer pot in brass or silver.

Aladdin - No thanks

Dry Fruits sellers: Dear lady, please buy Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs!
Sugar dates and pistachios! They are good for your health

Aladdin - I Don't need them

Jewelry Seller : Would the woman like a necklace? A pretty necklace for a
pretty lady. (To aladdin) Sir it is the best gift for your loved ones

Aladdin( LOOKING AT JASMINE) - I wish !!

Jasmine - What

Aladdin - Nothing !

JASMINE stops at the fruit stand - off center. She picks one apple up.
Aladdin and Abu miming and moving ahead, unaware that Jasmine has

Jasmine: Oh, I am hungry from all the running.

The proprietor catches Jasmine picking up the fruit and eating.

Guard Faizu: Thief!

Adlib of the crowd reacting to “thief” while ABU starts picking up stuff,
Aladdin drags him, and the trio run off.
Baker : Come back here. You little thieves!

Baker, Razoul and guards enter from stage right and hear this. The proprietor
also joins them and all start chasing the three.


Bazaar song plays and a dance troupe enters while Aladdin and Jasmine are
being chased. At the end of the song, the dance troupe exits, only Aladdin,
Jasmine, Abu, Razoul and Guards are on the stage. Aladdin is caught by
Razoul and the guards while Jasmine and Abu hide behind a stall.

(GUARDS quickly apprehend ALADDIN.)

Razoul: So we just keep running into each other, don’t we, street
rat! It’s the palace dungeon for you now!

Aladdin: Hey, get off me.

Razoul: My orders come from Jafar. You better come

with us. And don’t argue or fight.

Jasmine: (pulling her cloak down) Leave him Razoul.

All Guards: Princess Jasmine!

Aladdin: Princess??

Razoul: But Princess, He is a street rat, a thief and Jafar has…

Jasmine: Jafar has what? I command you to leave him now!

(RAZOUL nods to GUARDS, who throw ALADDIN to the ground.)

Jasmine: (To Aladdin) I have to go now, I hope I see you again.

ALADDIN reacts stupidly and tries to talk but can’t form words. Abu bonks his


Guard Hatim: So long, street rat

Guard Hamiz: Hmmm! So long…

rostrum. ALADDIN and ABU on the ground.


Location: Palace room

Characters: Jafar, Iago, Sultan

Sultan is seen sitting on the throne, looking worried, talking to himself.

Jafar enters from Stage left with Iago. Sultan looks at Jafar hopelessly.

Sultan Anay Rastogi 4B PRAKHAR SHARMA 4H

Jafar Atharv Agrawal 4D Kiara 3G
Faizu/Guard 1 Jashay Java 3B RUDRA SHAH 4H
Hatim/Guard 2 Yashas Sanjit. 2F HITANSH LALAN 4H
Ghriti Umang
Hamiz/Guard 3 Agarwal 6E PRADYUN SETH 4H
Firoz/Guard 4 Rivansh Kothari 4D GANGOPADHYAY 4F
yusuf/Guard5 Uditi Oza 6D PRATHAM TADANI 4F
Aadil/Guard6 Ayan Shaikh 6E Arnav Tiwari 3G
Gubbar/Guard7 Shaurya Tiwari 3A Jash Gohil 3G

Sultan: (to Jafar) Jafar, my trusted advisor, I am in desperate need

of your wisdom.

Jafar: My life is to serve you-- oh great one.

Iago(Laughs) : You’ve got to be kidding—Awk!

(JAFAR back hand IAGO to shut up)

Sultan: It’s this suitor business. Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I’m at
my wit’s end, and today she ran away from the Palace!

Jafar: Now perhaps I can divine a solution to this thorny problem.

Sultan: If anyone can help it’s you.

Iago: If anyone can help it’s you. (mimics Sultan)

Jafar: It would require the use of the mystic blue diamond.

Sultan: My ring, but it’s been in my family for generations.

Sultan hides his hand under the coat to protect the ring.

Jafar goes closer to Sultan. The eyes of his staff begin to glow. JAFAR's voice
slows down and deepens. The SULTAN's eyes get a hypnotized look.

Jafar: Everything will be fine.

Sultan: Everything – will – be – fine…2

Guards together move forward in a semicircle

Guards (together) - Everything will be fine

Jafar: The diamond!

Sultan: Yes Jafar, whatever you need… will be fine. Everything

….will… …..fine. (The SULTAN removes the ring from his finger and

hands it to Jafar.)

Jafar: You are most gracious my liege. And now my mystic jewel, by the
sands of time. Reveal to me the one who can enter the cave!

The ring begins to glow. Both JAFAR and IAGO peer closer. There is a flash
of lightning and IAGO goes squawking to the floor.

ALADDIN’S image appears before them. We show ALADDIN with ABU

in one corner of the stage.

Jafar: Yes, yes, there he is, my diamond in the rough!

Guard Faizu: He seems familiar!

Guard Hatim: Do we know him? (Guard looking at each other and discussing)

Guard Hamiz: I think we are making a mistake! We don’t know him! How can

we know someone who this ring is showing!

Guard Firoz: I remember! That’s him, that’s the clown we saw in the market.

This is Aladdin.

Guard Yusuf: Is it ? I don’t think so!

Guard Aadil: Oh! Yes, this is.. This is… his name is Aladdin!

Guard Gubbar: We definitely saw him in the market stealing bread!

Guard (Yusuf,Aadil,Gubbar): It’s that Street Rat!! I saw him first .

Guard Yusuf,4,6 are shouting “ I saw him first “ and fighting with each other

Jaffar - Stop you fools !!

Iago - Fools .. All the guards are fools.. Awk Awk

Jafar - Aladdin !! You will be the key of my success

Guard Faizu- oh ,Jafar the great , How can this useless street rat achieve what
most powerful warriors failed to?

Guard Hatim- Yes my liege, He is just ordinary!

Jaffar( Shouts) - Are you doubting my magical powers ?

Iago: Fools! You cannot doubt the great Jafar! Awk Awk!

Guard Hamiz- No sir … only fools can doubt you .. Jafar our future sultan

Jaffar suddenly laughs

Jafar: I know. I just love it when a plan comes together.

Guard Firoz: Now all your plans will be successful.(looking at Jafar)

Jafar: (Speaking over IAGO.) Soon, I will be sultan


Location: Market

Characters: Aladdin, Jafar, Abu, Iago and Guards

Aladdin Gatik Datta 5A IG Siddhant desai 4G

Abu Nishwa sarve 1G Prehaan Ajmera 3E
Iago Aarna shah 4D Sarika ghartak 1A
Old Man Samar Chibar 6D Chrisann Sachin 4F
Faizu/Guard 1 Advait G. 6A IG Aaarna gupta 4G
Hatim/Guard 2 Ashita goli 4D Annika 4G
Sumer Singh
Hamiz/Guard 3 Mohata 4B Meher thakkar 3E
Firoz/Guard 4 Dre Nevis 6B IG Ivaan Shetty 5A
yusuf/Guard5 Alisha Shaikh 2F Jiah java 3E
Aadil/Guard6 Aryav Virkar 2F Aarika nath 3F
Gubbar/Guard7 Agastya M. 3D Angella Sheth 3A

Aladdin: (Day-dreaming) she was the princess. I don’t believe it. I

must have sounded so stupid to her.

Abu: (Trying to get his attention) Yoo-hoo! Aladdin? Hello!

Jafar ENTERS disguised as an old man, with guards also dressed in rags.
Abu notices Jafar and feels uncomfortable.
Abu: There’s something fishy about this guy and it

isn’t just the smell---

IAGO: Awk..Awk.. Wolf in sheep’s clothing

Aladdin: Who are you?

Old man: A lonely person, like yourself. But together perhaps we can be

Abu: He is not to be trusted.

Aladdin: I'm listening.

Old man: There is a cave, boy.

Guard Faizu: A cave of wonders.

Guard Hatim: It is filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.

Guard Hamiz: Jewels which you have never seen before.

Guard Firoz: A large amount of treasure. Gold, diamonds, Rubies….

Old Man: Treasure enough to impress even your princess, I'd wager.

Abu : No treasure can help him. stop messing with his mind

Aladdin - Abu is right … it's all because of that law … the law which says
that only a prince can marry a princess.

Old Man: You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you boy?

Guard Yusuf: Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

Abu: But all that glitters is not gold.

Guard Aadil (To abu) - Quite ! you little devil .. what you know about Gold and diamonds

Guard Gubbar - With this treasure .. You will never have to work again

Guard Faizu- You will be your own master

Abu - We already are our own masters .. We are free to go wherever

we want

(Guards laugh at them)

Guards Hatim- Do you call this freedom … Stealing , running away from the
guards and always scared

Guard Siraj,Jehangir,Amaal wills say the lines while rest of the soldiers will

Guard Hamiz- No, Real freedom means to eat most delicious food

Guard Firozl- To wear the most expensive scarves

Guard Yusuf: (acting as women) - To marry the most beautiful woman

Aladdin is getting mesmerized by all these dreams but suddenly comes back to

Aladdin: (suspiciously) But why would you share all of this wonderful
treasure with me?

Old Man: I need a young man with strong legs and a strong back to go in
after it. So, do we have a deal?

ALADDIN looks at ABU, who is seen signaling “NO”

Aladdin: Yes, show me where this cave is.

Iago: You’ve got him now boss. He is the boy with the Golden heart.

The cave comes down from the bars. Aladdin, Abu, Jafar dressed as old man,
Guards and Iago are standing outside the cave.

Old Man: Remember, boy---first fetch me the lamp, and then you

shall have your reward.

Guard Aadil: Diamonds….Find the Diamonds.

Guard Gubbar: And, rubies, pearls and gold!

Guard Faizu: A world made of all kinds of treasures!

Iago: Silly guards! Always behind the treasure!

Aladdin: Come on, Abu.

Abu: How did I get roped into this?

Lights dim and Flicker with strobe as Aladdin and Abu move into the cave.
Jafar, Iago and Guards wait in anticipation.


Aladdin Dhiaan Patil 5F Zubin Mehta 3G

Abu Nishiket Sharma 1F Jeana Mehta 1B
Genie 1 Malay Sheth 4B Harshiv Jha 4H
Kaleen Rua Patel 1F Tvisha Singh 4G
Cash Genie (Genie 2) Kavish Chawla 5B IG Shiv Misra 5B
Camel Genie (Genie 3) Lakshay Pillai 5B IG Jeremy dsouza 4G
Jewel Genie (Genie 4) Manveer Mehta 5B IG Nivya Piyush Kakkad 5C CB
Food Genie (Genie 5) Ranvijay Nath 5B IG Nirbhay Thakkur 5D
Clothes Genie (Genie 6) Arth Goel 5F Jash 6A

Location: Inside the cave. Cave has many riches, treasure chests on the LED

as well as props on stage. Characters: Aladdin, Abu, Kaleen, Genies

Aladdin and Abu look around the riches and treasures. Abu keeps trying to pick
up precious things and Aladdin stops him every time. Kaleen, who has been
trapped in the cave and was hiding, is sneakily following them everywhere.

Treasure box girls: (Excites abu to touch it) Treasures! Treasures! Treasures!

Pot gold coin girls: (Excites abu to collect it) Gold coins! Gold coins! Gold coins!

Aladdin: We need to find that Lamp first Abu!

Abu: (mimics sarcastically) We need to find that Lamp first Abu!

Aladdin finally spots the lamp on the rostrum.

Aladdin: There it is Abu!

Abu : There it is Abu!! ( again mimicking )

Hush!! We found it, I was so tired walking for so long.

I want water.

Aladdin asks Abu to be quiet and then Aladdin and Abu walk to the Lamp and
Aladdin picks it up and starts analyzing it.

Aladdin: Why, this looks like such a worthless piece of junk. Hey, I
think there's something written here, but it's hard to make out.

Aladdin rubs the lamp with his sleeve.

Smoke fills the air. Lights snap to black. When lights are restored, Genie
stands before Aladdin. (Many Genies can stand one behind other and split
with each line from the front Genie)
Genie: Oy! Ten thousand years in a tin can will give you such a crick in the
neck! (Cracks his neck, Aladdin grimaces)Hey, do I have lamp
breath? Hey! Kaleen! There you are! You have not aged a day! And
look at you, so fit! What is the secret umm, umm, umm? Now then
(looking at Aladdin) "Your wish is my command," yadda yadda
yadda, you know the drill, so shoot...

ALADDIN is too astonished to speak. He looks from GENIE to the lamp and back
Genie: Hey Kaleen! (to Aladdin) Where are my manners? Let me introduce
Kaleen : Hey Genie!! You look cool, good to see you after so long.
Have you been working on a diet plan or something ?

(KALEEN shows off)

Aladdin: Uhh.. What?

Genie: Yeah! C'mon, kid, what is it going to be? Cash, camels, jewelries,

Cash Genie (Genie 2): Cash! Cash! Cash! I am the cash guy, the ambani of this cave.(Will
stand with the props behind the main genie) The cool genie!!
( And takes a cool stance )

Camel Genie(Genie 3): Camels! Camels! Camels! I own more camels than the cars ronaldo
must be owning. (Will stand with the props behind main genie) The smart genie
( Takes another cool stance)

Jewel Genie (Genie 4): Jewels! Jewels! Jewels! Every piece of gold and silver here is
owned by me only.(Will stand with the props behind main genie) The rich genie
( Takes another stance)

Food Genie (Genie 5): Food! Food! Food! Nobody will ever go hungry in this cave(Will
stand with the props behind main genie) The Kind Genie
( Takes a stance )
(to abu) do you want burgers and fries

Abu : Yes! I am so hungry.

Clothes Genie ( Genie 6 ): Wait,wait,wait!!!! I think you forgot me. Hello everyone I am
the clothes genie.I give you all the most beautiful clothes.The stylish genie (he also
takes a stance)

(ALADDIN still can't form words.)

Abu: Caaassshh! Aladdin snap out! He is going to make us rich!

Genie: Hahaha…I like this monkey! He is funny! (to Ali) You must
want something...(GENIE claps his hands in ALADDIN's face.) Hey! What'd you
say your name was?

Aladdin: Huh.. uhh… I.. I… am..Aladdin.

Genie: "Aladdin." He speaks! Okay! May I call you "Al?" You know, Al, you're a lot
smaller than my last master. Either that, or I'm getting bigger. Do
these harem pants make me look fat?

Aladdin: Woaah..W…Wait a minute – I'm your "master?"

Genie: That's right! And I am Genie! Of! The Lamp! Right here for your
wish fulfillment. Thank youuuuu!

Aladdin: Whoa! Wish fulfillment?

Genie: Yes, Three wishes to be exact.

Aladdin: (To Abu) Now I know I'm dreaming.

(Abu pinches him)

Aladdin: OOUUCHH!

Genie: monkey! So….What would you wish of me?

And starts showing different things using his magic. He multiplies into
multiple GENIES who surround Aladdin in a circle.

(Bring many Genies on stage to sing and dance to this song)

Aladdin: For my first wish, get me out of here. Back to Agrabah.

Genie: Very well then, Kaleen are you ready?

Kaleen swooshes in and stands on center stage as if about to fly a plane.

Kaleen: Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet Airlines at your service
(The CARPET whirls about the stage with Aladdin and Abu behind it. Smoke and
Light Flickers. LED to also have magical effects playing at this time and then
changes to the backdrop of a secluded street with houses in Agrabah. Kaleen,
Aladdin and Abu fly to centre stage and are greeted by Genie.

Genie: That was quick and easy!

Kaleen : It feels so good flying so high after so long. Thank You

Aladdin for this opportunity my Highness!

(Kaleen do a Salaam to Aladdin)

Aladdin: Great, now my other two wishes. Well, there's this girl—

Genie: Eehhh! (Buzzer sound) Wrong! I can't make anybody fall

in love.

Aladdin: But Genie. She's smart and fun and...

Abu: And she is a Princess! Who can only marry a Prince!

Aladdin thinks and has a sparkle in his eye. Turns to Genie who is playing with


Aladdin: Hey, can you make me a prince?

Genie: That I can do! Let's see here. Say the words!

Aladdin: Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince!

Genie: All right!

(GENIE waves his hands at ALADDIN. Lights flicker and snap to black. When
lights are restored, ALADDIN has been transformed into a prince, but with a
turban that's too large, covering his face.)

Abu: What happened to Aladdin? How does this happen ?

(Abu touches Prince Ali and try to figure out is he dreaming) Wait am I dreaming, is this
real ?

Genie: Hahaha.. My dear Abu.. Say goodbye to Aladdin and

welcome Prince Ali! "All hail, Prince Ali!"

GENIE salaams to ALADDIN. Kaleen takes the position of flying.


Amir Paak Mohammad

(Gatekeeper) Ansari 6D Dhrihaan Bhandari 4F
Jasmine Urvi Joglekar 5A IG Kamya srinivasan 4E
Sultan Ishaan Panda 5E Manvith 5D
Jafar Aarav Ajmera 6A IG Mudita 4H
Razoul Veer gupta 6B Jihaan Mody 4E
Yehaan Bhavin
Prince Ali Thakkar 6E VIHAAN SHARMA 4H
ens 1) Viviana Joshi 1G RAASHI SONI 4G
dens 3) Aanya Menon 2F NISHITA RAI 4G
Faizu (Guard 1) Sumukh Shetty 4C Khavya kirtee 1D
Hatim (Guard 2) Siddhant Joshi 3B Hriday Kamdar 4G
Genie To be taken from Scene 7
Kaleen to be taken from scene 7

Location: Outdoor area in the Palace

Characters; Sultan, Jasmine, Jafar, Iago, Prince Ali, Genie, Kaleen, Abu,

Razoul, Guards and Handmaidens. JASMINE and SULTAN are arguing on

stage as the Guards and Handmaidens watch.

Jasmine: Father, please just listen— I don’t want to marry like

this! I should be given the opportunity to choose what I want.

Sultan: Jasmine! You have to! The Law….

Jasmine: Enough with the Law father! I do not like this law, that
stops me from doing what I want for myself.

JAFAR and IAGO enter. There is a lot of chatter coming from far. Jafar on CL
looking out trying to figure out what is happening. Iago is also fluttering

Jafar: What's that commotion at the gate?

Iago: Yes! Is that a procession? I have never heard this kind of

commotion ever.

Gatekeeper walks in from the front stairs hurriedly towards Sultan.

Amir (Gatekeeper): Does Your Majesty know a certain Prince Ali Bababa? There
is a king who says that he is Prince Ali of Bababab

Faizu (Guard 1): What Aaawwaaabbaa? Have you gone mad ? There is no
one like this in the Kingdom.

Razoul: What are you saying bababa? Have you ever heard of this
place, some bababa?

Hatim (Guard 2): Never heard of this place!

Amir (Gatekeeper): Not bababa you fool! It is Prince Ababwa! He is very

charming though.

Sultan: Who cares? Show him in! His timing is perfect.

Jasmine looks at Sultan exasperated and is disheartened. Jasmine goes to the

rostrum and sits defiantly with her handmaidens.

Jafar: (to Sultan) But we don't even know him, Sire! How can
we let them in?

Iago: They don’t even know you Jafar and they let you in!

Sultan: We'll know him when we meet him. Show him in. Now!

Razoul: Let him in now! Sultan wants to see who is this Bababab


Both Guards: Yes, let him in now!

Amir (Gatekeeper): Yes! Of course your highness!

Guards: Here comes the mysterious prince! (Mumbling to each

other) I have never seen him earlier but it is said that he is very brave and everyone

fears him.

Jafar: Something is not right here Iago. Find out who this

Ababwa is! I do not like his presence at all.

Iago: (mimicking Jafar) Something is not right here Iago. Find out who this
Ababwa is! I do not like his presence at all. (To the audience) I
do all the hard work around here! And this guy gets all the perks!

Genie rushes in from the left stairs and stands on CL. All are amazed.

Genie: Ladies and Gentlemen…presenting to you Prince Ali Ababwa.

A group of DRUMMERS enter at the head of a parade which will cross past the
ROYAL PARTY. At least 20-25 children should be a part of this parade. They
can come forward for some lines during the song. Ali and his procession enter
from the audience from the center, walking over the ramp. Show elephants and
camels, puppets can be made which characters can carry on stage.


Genie: I present to you Prince Ali Ababwa!

Wajida (Handmaidens 1): Ooooh! He is sooooo rich. I would marry him in a giffy and would
run away with him.

Zahira (Handmaidens 2): Look at his face, so charming. Like a flower blossoming in a sunny

Rehana (Handmaidens 3) : I wish I could have such a suitor who will make me the queen of this world.

Iago: eehh! Where have I seen him?

Razoul: He does seem familiar. I think I have also seen him somewhere

Iago: He does, right? I thought I was going crazy.

Jasmine gives them an angry look, they stand quietly.

Aladdin: Your Majesty. (In a deeper voice) Prince Ali Ababwa at your service.

Sultan: "Ali Ababwa." Let's see, I must know some of your people. Don't
they come from somewhere near Abu Dhabi?

Jafar: (skeptical) Abu Dhabi Ababwas?

Aladdin: Distant cousins. Your Majesty, I have journeyed from a-hand to

seek your daughter's far—(GENIE elbows ALADDIN) I mean, I
have journeyed from afar to seek your
daughter's hand.

Sultan: Of course you have, and we're delighted.

Sultan: (to Jafar) Aren't we, Jafar?

Sultan: (to Aladdin) Meet my Royal Vizier. And Iago.

Aladdin: Greetings, Royal Vizier. And Iago.

The Sultan moves to the rostrum to where Jasmine is sitting. He brings

her along to the Centre Stage.

Sultan: And this is my daughter, Princess Jasmine.

Jafar: Uh… I'm afraid, Prince Abooboo...

Faizu (Guard 1): Ababwa! It is the right pronunciation I guess

Jafar: Whatever. I'm afraid there are a few questions that I must—

Sultan: (to Jafar) What questions? He's young! He's rich! (Points at the
Kaleen) And he certainly knows how to travel.

Sultan: (to ALADDIN) Young man, I'm quite certain my

daughter will like you. Aladdin: And I'm certain that I'll like her.

(The SULTAN puts his hand on ALADDIN's shoulder.)

Sultan: I think I’ve found my son-in-law!

Faizu (Guard 1): Sultan is so happy! We are also happy then

Hatim (Guard 2): We have found the one for Princess Jasmine! (Happy tears)

Jasmine: (unable to keep silent any longer) I can't believe this! All of
you are deciding my future! I am not a prize to be won!

All Handmaidens: Princess, give him a chance, he is so handsome!

Jasmine : No!! I should have the power to decide, I don’t even know him.

Jasmine turns on her heel and strides out with her handmaidens in tow

Aladdin: Princess, wait!

Sultan: (to ALADDIN) Don't despair, young man. In fact, come and join
me for tea. We'll wait for Jasmine to cool down a little.

Aladdin’s lamp falls down from his coat as Sultan pats his back. Ali quickly
puts it back in place. All exit except Jafar and Iago.

Iago: There's something about that guy. Jafar. I just can’t put my
feather on it!

Jafar: You fool! Did you not see that lamp? He is Aladdin.. That street
rat.. He got the lamp! He has the Genie!

Iago: A genie, of course!

Jafar: All right, we'll forget about arresting Prince Ali. We'll simply
have to get the lamp.. Because where there's a lamp.

Iago: There's a Genie!

Jafar: And I shall have it! And once I do, I won't ever have to

bow to anyone again! Jafar laughs his wicked laugh then disappears

with Iago.


Faizu (Guard 1) Suhani Kakkad 5F Joshua Das 6B CB
Hatim (Guard 2) Ark Das Gupta 6D Yashvi Badai 6B
Hamiz (Guard 3) Pratyush Raj Purohit 6E Ditvi Shah 5C
Firoz (Guard 4) Gazi Abbas 6E Saanvi ram 5B
Yusuf (Guard 5) Arhaan Khan 5F Akira Ajmera 5D CB
n 1) Altagracia 4D Smahi Patel 4E
(Handmaiden 2) Tejvi Bhatt 5E Naisha Vora 6B CB
Abu Karan Ballapally 5F Shlok Agrakar 5D
Genie Prajwal 5F Shreya Zaveri 6B
Aladdin Arvachin 5E Achint Janwar 5A CB
Jasmine Rida Vora 5A IG Shayna Asher 5B
Kaleen to be taken from scene 7

Location: Jasmine’s Balcony

Characters: Jasmine, Aladdin, Handmaidens

Jasmine on the balcony and wondering...with handmaidens around her.

Zahira (Handmaiden 1): The princess looks so upset! We should do

something to make her happy! Maybe a garland for her.

Wajida (Handmaiden 2): Yes, Let’s make a garland for her! That sounds

about right.

Zahira (Handmaiden 1): I’ll give you some fresh flowers for the garland. I have
picked a few this morning.

Wajida (Handmaiden 2): I’ll bring some fresh fruits! Those are her favorites.

(Guards are taking rounds, 2 each side and one guard is standing in the

Aladdin enters from Stage right and stands on the corner of the stage and looks
at all guards patrolling. Genie, Abu and Kaleen are peeping from the corner.

Faizu (Guard 1): Hey, this Prince Ali Babawwa? Something is not right about

Hatim (Guard 2): I do not know, I am still not able to pronounce his name
properly. Who in this world has given him this name.

Hamiz (Guard 3): No talking there. If we are caught talking, Jafar will kill us!

Firoz (Guard 4): Why is he always so rude? We have not eaten anything
since the morning. I feel so hungry.

Yusuf (Guard 5): But Jafar has been really angry since this Babawwa Prince
came to the palace.

Genie and Abu come to Aladdin

Genie: Al! you should go and talk to the princess. After all, you
wished to be with her always and this is the moment, you need to go

Abu: Yes, Ali, you need to be there for her. I agree with what
Genie says.

Genie: Think positive, Abu... Al! You should just go and share

your feelings with the princess..

Abu: uuuufffff! But what should we do about these guards?

Genie: I have a solution.

(Genie throws many apples in front of guards and they eat it and faint)

Aladdin goes to Jasmine

Aladdin: Princess.

Jasmine: Aladdin? Is that you?

Aladdin: Yeah... uh, no. It's me, Prince Ali... (Lowering

his voice)... Prince Ali Ababwa.

Jasmine: You have no right to come here!

Aladdin: Please, Princess, just give me a chance to—

Jasmine: Leave me alone, or I'll call the Guard.

Aladdin: No, wait! Don't do that!

Genie & Abu (Together): Wait!! Just listen to what he has to say.

Wajida (Handmaiden 1): Mistress, please listen to the Prince.

Zahira (Handmaiden 2): Yes, he is sooo handsome!

Jasmine: (thinking) Do I know you? You remind me of someone I met in the


(Aladdin strikes a casual pose. Genie and Abu look at each other
hopelessly on the corner as they see Aladdin making a bad impression)

Aladdin: "The marketplace?" That is impossible. I have servants who go

to the marketplace for me.

Jasmine: Oh, you're just like all the others! Go... go fly a Carpet!

Aladdin: (in his own voice) princess, please listen I know how you feel..

Jasmine: Really? And how do I feel?

Aladdin: (genuinely) Trapped.

Jasmine: That’s true, I want to fly like a free bird

Aladdin: Would you like to go for a ride? You'd be away from the
palace for a while. See the world a bit. You know, just be......... Free

Jasmine: Free. I'd love to!

Aladdin takes Jasmine's hand and pulls her onto the Magic Carpet. Magic
Carpet will be near the Stage right on the CL.

Jasmine: Where are we going?

Aladdin: Where would you like to go?

Jasmine: Anywhere. Everywhere!

Aladdin: Funny, that's exactly what I had in mind. A Whole New World

Aladdin and Jasmine will be standing on it as the Carpet moves along the CL
from Stage right to Stage left and then back to Stage right during the song
that follows. Only Aladdin and Jasmine on the stage. All others exit and the
LED shows clouds and different landscapes like Scotland, Ocean, and Savanah.
Smoke fills the stage to have illusion of clouds.

Jasmine: Yes, yes Prince I have never seen such wonders before.

Aladdin: I have many more fascinating places to show you.

Jasmine: Goodnight, Prince Ali!

(She exits stage left)

Aladdin: Goodnight… princess…


Jafar Vedika Basu 6E Aleeza Mitha 4H

Aladdin Ayan Ahmed 4A Sarthaj Seth 6B CB
Razoul Nirvan Gajjar 6E Lay Mehta 6C
1 Moh Uzzair 5F Kiara P. 6C
2 Shlok M 4B Pahi Shaikh 6C
3 Hanna K 6D Siddhant OZa 6C
Firoz/Guard 4 Dhriti C 6D Vanshika P 6C
yusuf/Guard5 Avyukt B 4D Bhavya 6C
Aadil/Guard6 Divyam A 6D Vihan S 5A
d7 Diyan M 5E Vedika 6C
Abu Evana Burma 1G Avyukt p[arasar 1C
Iago Harnidh Singh 5B IG Adbvantika Tekte 1C
Genie Arav Ahuja 6E Kanishk Lahoti 6C
to be taken from
Kaleen scene 7

Genie - Hey Al my bro, Now you have become the Prince and soon will marry
the princess . I hope you will not forget your promise.

Aladdin - What promise ?

Genie - haahaa! Very funny . Remember You promised me that Once you marry
the princess you will grant me freedom..

Aladdin - genie , I want to … But I am not sure whether I can remain a prince without
you… I need you Genie

Genie gets sad

Genie - Lier , Dont talk to me … I am going

Abu - Liar !!

Aladdin - oh genie , Don't go.. ( To abu ) abu !! You too

Genie starts to leave with sad face

Aladdin ( with anger) - Alright, i dont need any friends

JAFAR enters with RAZOUL and GUARDs .

Jafar: Good evening, street rat.

Aladdin: Oh Jafar..

Jafar: (whispering to Razoul) Now this time, don't let him get away. Take care of him
once and for all and get me the lamp.

Razoul: (to Guards) You heard what he said! Get to it!

Guard Faizu: Get right to it!

Abu: Stop! I don’t want to die so soon!

Aladdin: Stop Abu! (Winks and points at the lamp hidden in

his cloak) Razoul watches as Guard grabs Aladdin and

moves him upstage.

Guard Hatim: Okay Prince Ali, you're going on a little trip...

Guard Hamiz: (laughing) Yeah, over the cliff!

Guard Firoz: Finally, he is in our hands.

Guard Yusuf: We finally caught you.

Guard Aadil: Now! You can’t escape from us.

Guard Gubbar: This is the last time you make us look stupid.

Abu: You do look stupid all the time!

Guard Faizu: You are going to regret this little monkey!

Abu runs as the Guard chases him off the stage from stage left.

Guards Hatim(To Aladdin): We got you this time street rat!

Guards celebrate with high-fives. As they let go of Aladdin, he grabs the lamp
from his vest and before he can rub it.

We show a tussle for the lamp between Jafar and Aladdin. Jafar gives him a
big blow and Iago Snatches the Lamp. Iago gives the Lamp to Jafar.

Iago: [mimics Jafar]"Good job, Iago!" "Way to go, Iago." "Thanks for finding the
lamp!" Nothing. I get no thank you, nothing!

Jafar: At last, the lamp is mine! (to Guards) Tie him here, let him watch as I

rule now! Aladdin is tied and held captive by the Guards.


Jafar: Soon all the world will scrape and bow to me

Guards & Iago: Go Jafar, go Jafar, go Jafar, go Jafar!

Jafar: Sing it boys!

Guard Firoz: You’ll be powerful

Guard Yusuf: The most powerful sultan.

Razoul: With a genie and sheer magic by your side you will rule the


Guard Aadil: You’ll be the greatest ruler.

(Jafar, Iago, Razoul and Guards laugh malevolently. All exit except Aladdin.
Abu sneaks in as Aladdin is seen getting disheartened.

Abu: Need help?

Aladdin: Abu! Quick…Untie me! Jafar has the lamp..

Abu -( With sarcasm ) Anything for a friend

Aladdin - I am so sorry Abu.

Abu unties him. Spotlight on the two.

Aladdin: Abu, We need to stop him…cleverly.. I have an Idea… Listen Abu… I

want you to… Aladdin and Abu mime with louder music suggesting they

have a plan.

Location: Secluded Palace room.

Characters: Jafar, Iago, Aladdin, Abu, Razoul and Guards.

Scene opens with ALADDIN sitting looking in space with a smile on his face.


Location: Sultan’s Court in the Palace

Characters: Sultan, Jasmine, Jafar, Iago, Genie, Kaleen, Abu, Razoul,

Handmaidens, Guards.

Character Show 1 Show 2

Jihaan Rinkesh Shah
Jafar Naila 5A IG (in choir) 6C
Genie Viraaj Parab 6E Zian Kably 6C
Sultan Naisha Radia 5A IG Rishima Dholakia 6B CB
Jasmine Saachi Sarah Mapsekar 6B
Wajida Raisha Karia 6E Tisha Gandhi 5B
Aladdin Naman Jain 6E Samar Gosalia 4E
Razoul Sonya Lilani 6E Aaradhya Savla (in choir) 6A
Iago Daksh Mehta 1E Nitya S 1C
Vimza Suha Mohmmade Shaikh 6E Mahi Kanakia 6A

Jafar: (Evil laughter) And the time has come, all my hardwork and

patience will be paid off today. I thank myself for believing in me, for reminding

myself all the time, to keep going.

Iago: Yes, finally I’ve achieved it, finally my dreams will come true

(emotionally) I’ve been there with you in difficult times, I welcome you for your


Jaffar: (Hits iago with his stick) I’m not thankful for you, stupid bird. I
thank myself, because I love myself more than anyone else in this world. At last, the

kingdom will be mine! (He rubs the lamp and the Lights black out and come

back on with Genie on the rostrum)

Genie: Finally I'm out again Al, could you scrub my left shoulder blade? It gets so
cramped in here.

Jafar: I believe you owe me three wishes.

Genie looks at Jafar and then the lamp in his hand.

Genie: How did you… where is Ali? (Calls out) ALI! Master! Where are you? I can’t listen
to you Ali is my master.

Iago: Whoever holds the lamp controls the genie. It's in the genie rule


Genie: and where did you find this rubbish book?

Jafar: Enough, Iago is right, I’m holding the lamp, I rubbed it, I have

enslaved sultan and jasmine, So now tell me Genie, who is your Master?

Genie: It is you, Jafar.

(The Guards enter with Jasmine, Handmaiden and the Sultan)

Jasmine: Let us go! (The Guards throw them to the ground) How dare you treat
the sultan this way?

Guard : I'm helpless, princess. Jaffar has all the powers now, and sadly he will also
become the sultan.

Sultan: (still startled by Jafar’s behavior) No! That is impossible,

Jafar! You are my trusted advisor, please tell me What is happening


Jasmine: He has taken over the Palace Father.

Wajida: I'm afraid we've got even bigger problems, we are going to be in huge trouble.

Jasmine: What do you mean?

Wajida: (scared) Jasmine, look at Jafar. He has a Genie! Now he will become the sultan

Jafar: Yes! Thanks to your Prince Ali..oh sorry… Aladdin.. I have found the


Iago: huh! that stupid Aladdin was faking to be Prince Ali till now, he and his

pet monkey will be forever trapped in the bunker now. (evil laugh)

Jasmine: Aladdin is Prince Ali? I knew it! (to handmaiden) see I’ve told you

I’ve seen him somewhere.

Wajida: (Sadly) But what is the point in remembering that now, he will

probably be dead.

Jasmine: No! This cannot happen (crying) What have you done to him?

Jafar: Your little prince is tied up in chains, and that is how he will remain… Now,
Genie, For my first wish, I wish to rule the kingdom! Make me the sultan.

(Genie grants the wish. The Sultan clutches his chest)

Genie: Poof. You're the sultan. We're all very impressed… Are we through yet?

Jafar: No! We're just getting started! Being the sultan isn't enough. For my second
wish, I want you to make me the most powerful sorcerer on Earth!

Genie grants his wish, and Jafar’s staff starts glowing with strobe and lights
flickering. Aladdin and Abu enter from stage right and stand on the CL. Abu
sneaks and goes towards Genie who is upstage off center and is seen
whispering to him and then to Jasmine after that.

Aladdin: Jafar! Are you done playing with the lamp?

(Jafar uses his power to knock Aladdin to the ground)

Jafar: You stay out of this, street rat! And how are you not in chains?

Aladdin: That's not important, The fact is, Jafar, you're not really all that

powerful. I mean, look at you. Jafar: Have you seen my staff?

Aladdin: (sarcastically) Big deal that you got a glowing staff now! (Pointing to
GENIE) He's the one with the real power.

Razoul: You street rat! What are you saying?

Guard: Hey, Jaffar is the most powerful of them all.

Razoul: How dare you challenge our master?

Aladdin: It is true Jafar! Whether you agree or not.. You need the Genie to grant
your wishes. Without him, you're nothing.

Jafar: Thank you, street rat, for telling me exactly what to wish for!

Iago: Let's think this through for a second, okay?

Jafar: Stop you silly bird!

Iago: Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Jafar: (to Genie) Here's my wish, slave! I wish to be the most powerful genie of all

Genie: But if I do that, you'll—(looks at Abu and then Aladdin and Aladdin winks
at him) Oh, I get it! You're good (To Jafar) Master, your wish is my command.

Jafar: At last! Absolute power is... mine!

(As lights begin to flicker, JAFAR is seized by violent tremors. Original Genie

is seen on one half of the LED) Iago: I have a very bad feeling about this, cawk,


Jafar: What! What is happening?

(JAFAR drops the lamp. We see another lamp glowing on the rostrum and Jafar
is drawn towards it. We see One more Genie on the LED as Jafar jumps behind
the rostrum)

Iago: A very, very bad feeling. One of my all-time worst feelings!

The Genie that signifies Jafar, is seen evaporating into the lamp.

ALADDIN picks up the lamp. Jafar: Get me out! I don’t want to be in this


Aladdin: Hey, Jafar! There's no place like home. Well, Jafar, buddy, you got
your wish: phenomenal cosmic powers, itty-bitty living space.

Jasmine: We better bury this lamp a thousand miles underground, so no one can
release Jafar back into the world.

Guard: Sultan, we are sorry, Jafar had us hypnotized. We wouldn’t do any of this

intentionally. Guard: We are extremely sorry, your highness

Vimza: We blindly followed Jafar.

Vimza: Please forgive us, sultan.

Sultan: I know all of that, now, take this lamp away!

Guards carry the lamp and take it off-stage.

Genie: And now for that annoying bird…Parrot Pie anyone?

Iago: I’m a good guy now! I’m a whole new bird… (Singing)

Genie: Two words…Chicken, nuggets.

Abu and Kaleen chase Iago out of the stage. Aladdin, Jasmine and Sultan on CL.
Aladdin: Princess, I have nothing to offer you. No money, no jewels, no lands. No
special powers. But I will stand by you, and with you, no matter
what. That's the only offer I can make.

Sultan: Young man, that's the best offer any father could ask for.(To JASMINE) It's
time for me to be a better father... and a better ruler.

Jasmine: Oh Father!

Sultan: (to the audience) From this day forth, the Princess of Agrabah shall marry
whomever she chooses, whenever she chooses!
(JASMINE hugs the SULTAN.)

Jasmine: I choose you, Aladdin.

Aladdin: Call me "Al."

Jasmine: (chuckles) "Al"!

Aladdin: Genie! Do I still have one more wish?

Genie: Yeah Al. My wedding gift to you! What shall it be?

Aladdin: I wish for your freedom Genie!

Genie: Really..I..I… I can’t believe it! I’m finally FREE! Come on Carpie, we’re off to
Disneyland! This is amazing, I’m free! I’ve got a plane to catch, Goodbye everyone!


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