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Transcript x

how did the revolution advance modern

science and scientific thinking at the


so the revolution

alters the science behind why many

things occur as well as what people

believe that actually occurs it allows

people to begin the doubt that what they

are being told by the world is incorrect

and that there is there is a scientific

evidence to prove so

here are the some example of the

contribution of hinduism in buddhism in

the advances of modern science so in

hinduism there is a textbook on

astronomy of asian india that called

surya siddhanta and also they have

sanskrit that consider the mother of all

higher languages it is the most precise

and therefore suitable language for the

computer software and maharishi

father of the surgery he conducts

complicated surgeries so hinduism give

the detailed knowledge of anatomy

physiology theology embryology digestion

metabolism genetics and immunity is also

found in many texts while in buddhism in

scientific studies have found

increasingly concrete proof of

inseparability of body and mind and have

even given us the glimpse of the

biological basis of illusion of self so

buddhism was not built on the basis of

the belief in a supernatural power that



govern the fate of mankind so buddhism

have many and invention in science

aligned with the buddhism teachings

there are conformability alignment or

congruity but not associated in related

by or have much effect so today science

is undergoing a major revolution one

that is both profit and fascinating it

alters or change our world view as well

as our concept of life and awareness of

the world so the revolution this

revolution arrive at convenient time we

recognize that the world we have created

is unsustainable that we require the new

mindset to avoid the downfall and set us

on the new path of sustainable and thriving

society so science may provide

inspiration for new thinking but it's

not the only source for the new

technologies so instead we must see the

science as a source of direction and

guidance as well as a source of reliable

ideas for discovering our relationship

with one another and with the universe

so this this intellectual revolution

provides a paradigm that can meet this


thank you

good day everyone i am brother italia

and i'm going to talk about the

controversies met in asian revolution

first i'm going to give the background

about the hinduism and buddhism

which is hinduism worship brahman the

supreme life force from which atman or

souls and many other gods originate on

the other side buddhism worship

incarnations of one god which is the

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