Exam OM16042021

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4/19/2021 TU Delft - Online Exams -

Assignment Worksheet
Online Homework System
4/19/21 - 2:42:42 PM CEST
Name: ____________________________ Class:
Class #: ____________________________ Section #: ____________________________
Instructor: Paul Roling Assignment: AE2230-I 16-04-2021 Orbital Mechanics

Question 1: (5 points)

Orbital mechanics 1 (5 points)

1 - Aerodynamic drag is a force which is always to be applied in orbit calculations
(a) True

(b) False

2 - Knowing the values of the semi-major axis, the eccentricity and true anomaly, one can readily compute the position of a spacecraft in its orbit at any moment in time.
(a) True

(b) False

3 - The inclination of an orbit can take on any value between 0 and 360 degrees.
(a) True

(b) False

4 - The net change in inclination caused by the J2 effect, after a spacecraft has completed one revolution around Earth, is zero.
(a) True

(b) False

5 - In a Sun-synchronous orbit, a spacecraft is positioned exactly in between Earth and Sun continuously.
(a) True

(b) False

6 - The inclination of a Sun-synchronous orbit can be anywhere between 0 and 180 degrees.
(a) True

(b) False

7 - When a spacecraft is said to be in umbra, it is exposed to sunlight.

(a) True

(b) False

8 - An inclination change is best done at the apocenter of an orbit.

(a) True

(b) False

9 - Pluto is a planet.
(a) True

(b) False

10- The synodic period of Earth is 2.195 years.

(a) True

(b) False

Question 2: (12 points)

Orbital mechanics 2 (12 points)

The parameters of an Earth-repeat orbit have to sa sfy the following equa on:

j ∣
∣ΔL + ΔL ∣
∣ = k 2 π
1 2


ΔL = − 2 π [rad/rev]

3 π J R cos i
2 e
ΔL = − [rad/rev]
2 2
a (1 − e )

Data: TE = 23h56m4s; TES = 365.25 days = 265.25x24x3600 s; μEarth = 398600.4415 km3/s2; Re = 6378.137 km; J2 = 1082×10-6.

1 - Compute the value for the semi-major axis for a circular orbit that satisfies the conditions for both an Earth-repeat orbit (with (j,k)=(43,3)) and a Sun-synchronous orbit. (7 points)

(a) 7137.82 km

(b) 7021.00 km

(c) 7158.78 km

(d) 7200.94 km

2 - Assume that the proper answer for the previous ques on is 7205 km (which is not the correct answer!). Compute the corresponding orbital inclina on. (5 points)

(a) 99.32°

(b) 98.75°

(c) 98.01°

(d) 97.65°

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Question 3: (11 points)

Orbital Mechanics 3 (11 points)

The gravity potential of Earth is given by the following equation:
∞ n ∞ n n
μ Re Re
U = − [1 − ∑ J n ( ) Pn (sin δ) + ∑ ∑ J n,m ( ) Pn,m (sin δ) cos(m(λ − λn,m ))]
r r
n=2 n=2 m=1

Here, Pn(sinδ) and Pn,m(sinδ) represent the Legendre polynomials and functions, respectively:
n n
1 d 2
Pn (x)= (1 − x )
n n
(−2) n! dx

m m
d Pn (x)
Pn,m (x) = (1 − x ) 2

Data: μEarth = 398600.4415 km3/s2; Re = 6378.137 km; J3 = -2.53×10-6.

1 - What is the radial acceleration due to the central gravity term for a satellite at 500 km altitude, at a latitude of 33° and a longitude of 101°? (4 points)
(a) -8.426 m/s2
(b) 8.426 m/s2
(c) -57951.803 m/s2
(d) -9.798 m/s2

2 - What is the radial acceleration due to J3 for the same satellite at 500 km altitude, at a latitude of 33° and a longitude of 101°? (7 points)
(a) -1.210 x 10-5 m/s2
(b) 4.829 x 10-2 m/s2
(c) -1.700 x 10-4 m/s2
(d) 2.808 x 10-5 m/s2

Question 4: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 4 (5 points)

Consider the problem of Earth, a GPS spacecra and the Sun. The la er is at an infinite distance (i.e., the solar rays are parallel to one another). The GPS orbits Earth at an al tude of 20183.6 km.

Data: Re = 6378.137 km, μearth = 398600.4415 km3/s2.

Assuming that the Sun is in the orbital plane of this GPS satellite, what is the dura on of the eclipse period? (5 points)

(a) 55.4 minutes

(b) 110.8 minutes

(c) 27.7 minutes

(d) 48.7 minutes

Question 5: (6 points)

Orbital Mechanics 5 (6 points)

Consider a situa on where a geosta onary satellite has developed an inclina on of 5°. The operators want to return it to its nominal orbit where i = 0°.

Data: μEarth = 398600.4415 km3/s2; orbital period satellite = 23h56m4s.

What is the ΔV required to make this inclination change?

(a) 0.134 km/s

(b) 0.268 km/s
(c) 2.104 km/s
(d) 3.081 km/s

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Question 6: (13 points)

Orbital Mechanics 6 (13 points)

Consider the minimum-energy Hohmann transfer from Earth to Mars. Both Earth and Mars orbit the Sun in coplanar, circular orbits. A spacecra is in an ini al parking orbit around Earth at an al tude of 185 km, and is to end up in a circular
science orbit around Mars at an al tude of 500 km.

Data: μSun = 1.3271×1011 km3/s2; distance Earth-Sun = 1 AU; distance Mars-Sun = 1.524 AU; 1 AU = 149.6×106 km; Earth radius = 6378.137 km; Mars radius = 3402 km; μEarth = 398600.4415 km3/s2; μMars = 42800 km3/s2.

1 - Compute the semi-major axis of this Hohmann transfer. (4 points)

(a) 1.855 x 108 km

(b) 1.877 x 108 km
(c) 1.888 x 108 km
(d) 1.866 x 108 km

2 - Now assume that the proper answer to the previous question was 1.870 x 108 km (which is not the correct answer!). Compute the hyperbolic excess velocity V∞ when escaping from Earth. (5 points)
(a) 2.843 km/s
(b) 2.863 km/s
(c) 2.833 km/s
(d) 2.853 km/s

3 - Now assume that the proper answer to the previous question was 2.700 km/s (which is not the correct answer!). Compute the ΔV needed for to escape from Earth. (4 points)
(a) 0.454 km/s
(b) 2.700 km/s
(c) 3.554 km/s
(d) 11.347 km/s

Question 7: (8 points)

Orital Mechanics 7 (8 points)

A back-up Starlink satellite is to be reposi oned in its orbit. This is done by temporarily increasing the semi-major axis of its orbit (originally circular) by 20 km, and changing it back to the normal value once the target loca on has been

Data: μ = 398600.4415 km3/s2; radius Earth = 6378.137 km; al tude orbit = 520 km; ini al mass spacecra = 160 kg; Isp = 300 s; g0 = 9.80665 m/s2.

1 - How much ΔV is required for this operation? (4 points)

(a) 5.83 m/s

(b) 21.96 m/s
(c) 10.98 m/s
(d) 16.01 m/s

2 - Now assume that the proper answer of the previous ques on is 12.0 m/s (which is not the case!). How much propellant mass is required for this opera on? (4 points)

(a) 0.65 kg
(b) 0.34 kg
(c) 0.59 kg
(d) 0.48 kg

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