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OBJECTIVE: After learning the subject of health literacy, students should be able to:

1. interpret and understand the basic health information and services and use such infor
mation and services in ways that enhance health.
2. understand preventive physical and mental health measures, such as COVID-19
Disease, stunting problem, and healthy lifestyle.
3. understand national and international public health and safety issues
4. write and present the issues related to health literacy in English correctly




A. Using a Dictionary. Work with a partner. Check (V) the words that you already
know. Use your dictionary to help you with any words you don’t know.

COVID 19 herd immunity physical distancing new normal

Symptoms quarantine PCR vaccine pandemic stay safe

B. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the words from exercise
1. __________ is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus.

2. If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, ________ by taking some simple p

recautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well venti
lated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tis
3. There are several safe and effective _________ that prevent people from getting s
eriously ill or dying from COVID-19.
4. The world is in the midst of a COVID-19 _______.

5. What are the _____of COVID 19

6. _____________ is the most commonly used molecular test.
7. Now that many countries are easing their economic and social restrictions due to t
he Covid-19 pandemic, including Indonesia, there’s a lot of talk about _________
8. _____________ is used for anyone who is a contact of someone infected with the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, whether the infected person has sy
mptoms or not.
9. Some of my friends are not sticking to the rules about _________, what should I d
10. To safely achieve ________ against COVID-19, a substantial proportion of a popu
lation would need to be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to s
pread in the whole population.


1. Self- reflection. Complete the COVID 19 quiz. Give an explanation or example

for each of your answers.

How far do you strive to avoid COVID 19?

1. I try to eat healthy food. Usually sometimes never
Explanation/ Example

2. I take vitamins/ supplement food

Explanation/ example

3. I consume 3-5 servings of fruits

and vegetables every day
Explanation/ example

4. I do exercise thirty minutes every day

Explanation/ example

5. I do sunbathing every morning

Explanation/ example

6. I wash my hands, wear a mask, and face shield

Explanation/ example

7. Everyone in my neighbourhood to stay safe of COVID 19 spreading, they take so

me simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping roo
ms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a be
nt elbow or tissue.
Explanation/ example
8. I do online shopping since COVID 19 pandemic.
Explanation/ example
9. I find out information of COVID 19 through social media
Explanation/ example
10. I think the handling of Covid in my country is quite slow
Explanation/ example

2. GLOSSARY : find the meaning of these words in dictionary and create a

sentence by using the word.

1. Precaution
2. Preventive
3. Outbreak
4. Pandemic
5. Vaccine / vaccinate
6. Lockdown
7. Mask
8. Face shield
9. Gloves
10. Immune

D. Discussion. Critical Thinking. Compare and discuss your answers with your partn
ers and discuss the questions below.

1. What do you know about the new normal after we faced COVID 19 Pandemic?
2. How do people prevent themselves from COVID 19?
3. How did you feel when the first time COVID 19 outbreak engulfed your count
4. Do you think the COVID 19 outbreak will attack the world again?
5. After COVID 19, what more major disease has hit Indonesia

E. Language Function:

1. GIVING OPINION. Students need to know how to give their opinions and ask for
opinions in English. Here are some phrases to help you explain your thoughts. Some
of these phrases are better suited to written English, such as expressing thoughts in an
essay, but others can also be used in spoken English.

 “I think…”
 “I feel that…”
 “In my opinion…”
 “As far as I’m concerned…”
 “In my view…”
 “I tend to think that…”
 “I suppose that…”
 “It seems to me that…”
 “I must admit that I’m not sure…”
Example : In my opinion, we still need to wear a mask, use a hand sanitizer, and do exercise
regularly to keep our bodies healthy

 As far as I’m concerned …
 Would you go along with that?
 What do you think/reckon?
 Do you see what I’m getting at?
 Do you know/see what I mean? Don’t you think (that) …?
 Do you agree with me?
 Would you agree with me that…?
 What are your thoughts on that?

Example: what do you think about stunting issue that is happening in our country?

3. AGREEING WITH AN OPINION. We use these words and phrases to agree

with someone else's point of view:
 Of course.
 You’re absolutely right.
 Yes, I agree.
 I think so too.
 That’s a good point.
 Exactly.
 I don’t think so either.
 So do I.
 I’d go along with that.
 That’s true.
 Neither do I.
 I agree with you entirely.
 That’s just what I was thinking.
 I couldn’t agree more.

4. DISAGREEING WITH AN OPINION. We use these words and phrases to

disagree with someone else's point of view:
 That’s different
 I don’t agree with you.
 However…
 That’s not entirely true
 On the contrary…
 I’m sorry to disagree with you, but…
 Yes, but don’t you think…
 That’s not the same thing at all.
 I’m afraid I have to disagree.
 I’m not so sure about that.
 I must take issue with you on that.

5. Making Suggestions. There are various ways for making polite suggestions.
Depending on the situation and how strongly you feel about your suggestions,
you can be less direct or more direct.
Less direct you could meet the Professor after the class finished
Why don’t you tell her the real situation?
More direct I recommend talking to your academic advisor
I suggest that you talk to your academic advisor
Let’s get together at the coffee shop this afternoon
Although we usually use should to give advice, it can also be used for suggestions.
Maybe you should text him before the meeting
Grammar Note: The verbs recommend and suggest are transitive verbs. Their objects
can be:
1. Nouns I recommend hot chocolate
2. Gerunds I suggest taking political study at UNAS
3. Noun clauses I recommend that we conduct internship program in Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Using Simple Present Tense

We use Simple Present Tense to talk about habitual action or activities that are
carried out repeatedly. The adverbs/time signals used are usually, sometimes, often,
rarely, never, every day, every week, once a week, normally, as a rule, periodically,
now and then, on and off, continually, frequently, twice, once, generally, habitually,
etc. Examples:

 We wash our hands every day by hand sanitizer to avoid COVID 19


 My coach suggests me to go to a gym once in a week.

Present tense can also be used to express something that has a scheduled time either in
the present or in the future. Examples:

 The plane arrives at 19.00 tonight

 Morning news broadcasts at 7.00 to 8.30 AM

The simple present tense is used to state truths that are generally known by everyone.
Examples :

 Indian is an native inhabitants in America

 Indonesian has many ethnics

Below is the pattern of simple present tense.

Childhood Stunting: Context, Causes and Consequences

Children are stunted due to the combined effects of poor nutrition, repeated infecti
on and inadequate psycho-social stimulation. The complementary feeding period, generall
y corresponding to age 6–24 months, represents an important period of sensitivity to stunt
ing with lifelong, possibly irrevocable consequences. Interventions to improve compleme
ntary feeding practices or the nutritional quality of complementary foods must take into c
onsideration the contextual as well as proximal determinants of stunting. This conceptual
framework highlights the role of complementary feeding within the layers of contextual a
nd causal factors that lead to stunted growth and development and the resulting short- and
long-term consequences. Contextual factors are organized into the following groups: polit
ical economy; health and health care systems; education; society and culture; agriculture a
nd food systems; and water, sanitation and environment. Programme and policy interventi
ons aimed at preventing stunting should be informed by careful assessment of these factor
s at all levels.

Sources :

Task I. Reading Comprehension. Read the text above carefully and answer the
questions below correctly.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. What does the childhood stunting mean?
3. What causes the children get stunting?
4. What are the contextual factors have been mentioned?
5. What is stated from the conceptual framework?


A. Before Reading.
Prior knowledge. In offline lesson, you learned about the words related to COVID 19 and C
hildhood Stunting. In this session you will learn comprehensively the issue of Stunted
Growth And Development, Context, Causes, and Consequences. (In order to read the article
please visit the website:
causes-and-consequences-framework.) You are asked to comprehend the reading text, able to
answer the questions critically, able to discuss in class actively, and able to present these
issues namely: Child, Household, and Community/ Nation. Here is the picture of childhood
stunting framework:

B. Grammar. Adjective Caluses

An adjective clause describes or modifies a noun-just as an adjective does. We can form a
complex sentence with an adjective clause from two simple sentences;
I have a patient. She suffers from stunting. = I have a patient who suffers from stunting
noun adjective clause
In this sentence, the adjective clause describes the noun patient.
In subject adjective clauses, the relative pronoun replaces the subject. The relative pronouns
are: who, that, and which.

Bipolar is a kind of mental disorder. Bipolar attacks the psyche. = Bipolar is a type of
mental disorder that attacks the psyche.
In object adjective clauses, the relative pronoun replaces an object. The object relative
pronoun are; that, which, and whom (or who in informal speech).
I studied the International Relationship Introduction course. Professor Aos taught the
International Relationship Introduction course. = I studied the International Relationship
Introduction course that Professor Aos taught.

Note: when the relative pronoun is an object, it can sometimes be omitted.

I studied the course Professor Aos taught.

C. Using Adjective Clauses. Match the sentence beginning to their endings. Pay
attention to the underlined words. Use your dictionary to help you.
1. __WHO is a global organization a. that deals with health issues.
2. __ Poverty, income, and wealth are factors b. that caused by political
3. __ A Sociologist is someone c. who studies societies
and the behaviour
4. __ The government is the party who d. is responsible for
taking care
of the well -being of its people.
5. __A stunting is a disease that e. must be combated.

D. Using a Dictionary. With a partner, fill in each blank with the appropriate words/
phrases from the picture of childhood stunting context-causes-and-consequences
1. Every individual has the right to an , and the state is obligated to provide a
good education for its people.
2. The government must regulate _________________ in order to enable people to live
prosperously ever after.
3. Aside from education, _____________ are significant issues that must be effectively
supported by the government.
4. It is critical for __________ to preserve the health of herself physically, mentally and baby
she is carrying in order to produce healthy, strong, and clever children.
5. ____________ are two things that are inextricably bound together. As a result, it is
important that we support and respect one another.
6. ____________ must also be considered for human occupancy.
7. Food is undeniably the most crucial necessity; consequently, the country must have
excellent ____________
8. Mortality, morbidities, health expenditures, opportunity costs for care of sick child are the
9. While adult stature, reproductive health, school performance, work capacity, work
productivity are _______________.
10. Stunting in children is caused by a variety of factors, one of which being inadequate
___________. settings and conditions.
E. Write each word in blank space from the article of Stunted Growth And
Development, Context, Causes, and Consequences that relevance to its definition on the
right side.
1. (noun) a permanent change in the Earth’s weather conditions.
2. ( noun) the quality or state of being urbanized or the process of becoming urbani
3. (adjective) having very little money and not many possessions
4. ________(noun) something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of con
5. ________(noun) the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterize
d by the absence of mental illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in feelin
g comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the deman
ds of daily life
6. ______ (adjective) having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions
as for an office or employment
7. (noun) efforts made to maintain, restore, or promote someone's physical, ment
al, or emotional well-being especially when performed by trained and licensed professionals
8. (noun) a disease resulting from infection
9. (noun) the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of mo
ney or material possessions
10. ___ (noun) the death of large numbers as of people or animals
F. Self Reflection. See the picture below and answer the questions in your notebook with
your own ideas. Then discuss your answer with a partner.

1. What do you see from the picture above?

2. Have you ever seen a child directly suffering from stunting?
3. Name the countries where stunting in children is still prevalent !
4. Imagine if you were a legislative candidate in an area where there are still many cases of
stunting occurred, what would your work program be to get you elected there?

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