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How to Pick a Graduate Advisor

Ben A. Barres1,*
1Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Neurobiology, Fairchild Building Room D235, 299 Campus Drive, Stanford,

CA 94305-5125, USA

In this NeuroView, I provide a guide for young scientists on how to select a graduate advisor or postdoctoral
advisor. Good mentorship is not only pivotal for career success, but it is pivotal for driving innovation and for
the health of our universities. Universities need to do much more to teach faculty how to mentor and to ensure
mentoring quality. I propose an M-index to measure mentoring quality. I also call here for better studies of
what great mentorship entails, better reward for great mentors, and more consideration of mentoring quality
when awarding prizes and grants.

Introduction wisely. Through sheer dumb luck, I worked on in an undergraduate lab). In

When I was a student, I often imagined happened to pick a wonderful mentor. It my experience, this is exactly what nearly
what fun it would be to someday have is in that spirit that I write this guide about every graduate student does! Keep in
my own lab. There I would be able to how to pick a graduate advisor. It is the mind that if you like solving puzzles, as
follow my curiosity, studying whatever guide that I wish someone had handed all scientists do, there will be many
questions happened to interest me. By to me the day I entered graduate school. different puzzles that you will find equally
great good fortune, this dream was ful- I write this with some trepidation, as I am rewarding to work on. Although I study
filled and I have been able to study the certainly not a Nobel Laureate as were the brain, I am certain that I would be
mysterious roles of glial cells in health Medawar and Ramón y Cajal. But, as I just as happy working on the kidney
and disease in my own lab at Stanford always tell my students, the real Prize is (some would argue that glia are the
for the past 20 years. I cannot tell you enjoying doing science. This is a Prize kidneys of the brain). Begin your search
how rewarding this quest has been and that I have won. I want my students— for an advisor by casting as broad of a
how incredibly lucky I feel to have had and every aspiring young scientist—to net as possible. Neuroscience these
this opportunity. I never imagined as a win it too. days spans many areas from molecular,
student, however, that it would be just So why do some talented students cellular, and developmental neurobiology,
as much fun and just as rewarding to succeed as scientists whereas others do to physiology and biophysics, to systems,
mentor students as to do experiments not? This is a question that has long behavioral, and computational neuro-
myself. It has been a tremendous privilege intrigued me. I see it around me every biology. Try lab rotations in different
to mentor so many talented graduate day. Students who have always loved sci- areas, which is increasingly important in
students and postdoctoral fellows. But it ence from a young age enter graduate an interdisciplinary world. So as your first
seems to me that we don’t talk a lot about school, but some of these students leave step in finding a good mentor, create a list
what being a great mentor entails. That’s not enabled to be a successful scientist of possible advisors in your general field
what I’d like to talk about here. What is a and/or demoralized, having somehow of interest, broadly defined rather than
good mentor and how can you find one? lost their passion for science. I will argue focused on a highly specific research
As a student, I loved to read books with here that for most students, selecting a topic.
advice to young scientists (Ramón y Cajal, good research mentor is the key. To be If not based on exact research topic,
1897; Medawar, 1979). These wonderful sure, many students realize in graduate then how else can one select a good
books focused on how to do excellent sci- school that another career choice appeals mentor? There are only two criteria of
ence but did not talk much, if at all, about more to them and happily divert to a any importance: scientific ability and
the importance of selecting an excellent new goal. But here I address my com- mentorship ability. If your advisor does
mentor. The importance of mentorship ments to the large group of graduate not know how to be a good scientist or
has sometimes been written about (Ka- students whose goal is to be a successful does not know how to train you to be a
nige, 1993; Lee et al., 2007), though this researcher, whether in academia or in good scientist, you are unlikely to become
did not occur to me when I was young. industry or another setting. a good scientist. Perhaps I would add
Now that I am older, I often reflect on my First, let me mention what a student passion for science to that list as well. I
good fortune to have been one of the should never ever do. An advisor should was lucky enough to be an undergraduate
half of the entering students in my PhD not be selected solely because he or she at MIT (back in the good old days when
class at Harvard who was successful in is the one researcher at your university they selected 50% of applicants). It has
science. I now realize that all of us that happens to work on the precise been 37 years since I graduated, and I
selected our graduate mentors amateur- focused topic that you think you are have long forgotten all of thermo-
ishly, almost randomly, and certainly not most interested in (usually whatever you dynamics, physics, calculus, and almost

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everything else they taught me. What papers in good to top journals. Even of Health (NIH) (or other) grant support. If
remains are memories of the incredible though you are just beginning your this information is not listed on his or her
passion for science that nearly all of my training, you should read some of these CV, it can easily be checked by going to
professors exuded, including that of papers to see if they are well written, the NIH grant database (http://www.
Professor Hans Lukas-Teuber, whose rigorous, and interesting to you. Care Unless your prospective
powerful course diverted me from my should be taken to distinguish research advisor is in his first several years of start-
interests in chemistry and computer sci- papers from reviews, which although ing his or her own lab, lack of NIH support
ence to neurobiology and medicine. important are not signs by themselves in the form of one or more R01 grants
of research accomplishment. Although would be a sign that he or she has not
Pick an Advisor Who Is a Good quality of the research papers is para- been sufficiently productive to merit
Scientist mount, number is also important, keeping further support. That said, without doubt
First, how can you identify advisors who in mind that large labs should obviously obtaining grant funding is highly competi-
are good scientists? Okay, here is where be publishing more papers per year than tive these days, and this means that many
I am going to start to get into some touchy a small lab, so some normalization for good scientists may sometimes fail to
opinions, and no doubt this is why prac- that factor is important. If your prospec- obtain or renew a highly deserving grant
tical advice articles are rare to come by. tive advisor has not published a good application. Nonetheless, it is important
But let me proceed with honesty into a research paper in over 5 years, this is a for your training that you select an advisor
field of land mines. First and very impor- serious warning sign (what is the chance who has sufficient funds to support your
tantly, never assume just because a fac- you will just happen to be the one student graduate research.
ulty member has a job at a good university in that lab to publish?). When in doubt, a very important source
that he or she is therefore a good scientist. Another measure of the overall produc- of helpful information is to ask senior
For one thing, many faculty members that tivity and impact of a scientist’s work as a faculty, such as your graduate program
appeal most to young graduate students whole is known as the H-index, which is advisor or your undergraduate thesis
are assistant professors. That is, they do a single number that rates a scientist’s advisor, for their candid thoughts about
not have tenure yet and only some of most cited papers and the number of cita- particular faculty members of interest. A
them will make it to tenure. As I will tions that they have received (http://en. student would do well to listen carefully
discuss later, however, young faculty are Any scien- to the responses, as a senior faculty
often superb choices for graduate men- tist’s H-index can be found at the Web member is unlikely to torch another fac-
tors. Second, many faculty are not tenure of Science ( ulty member (after all, they have to work
track. This does not mean that they are web-of-science). Keep in mind that older with them for the rest of their careers)
not good scientists, but it does add to scientists will have higher H-indexes but might make gentle comments meant
the risk. Third, some faculty who are not than younger scientists. Second, a stu- to steer you away from one candidate in
good scientists make it to tenure any dent can learn much about a potential favor of others.
way. Tenure is by no means a perfect advisor’s research productivity and ac- Doing all this research to select a good
process, and there are good scientists complishments by simply reading the advisor may seem over the top, but as
who are not tenured and vice versa. Fortu- advisor’s curriculum vitae. You should selecting a good advisor is one of the
nately, every single university has many not be shy to ask for a prospective advi- most important factors in determining
great scientists who are also great men- sor’s CV. This does not reflect poorly on whether you will be successful in your
tors. Your job is to pick one of them. you but rather shows unusual maturity career, I think it goes without saying
So how can you, a mere first year and that you are being careful about that you should carefully research what
graduate student, possibly decide which how you select your thesis advisor. In lab you will train in at least as thoroughly
advisors are good scientists? After all, some cases, the candidate advisor may as you research what cell phone or car
the whole point of earning a PhD is to be a Nobel Laureate, National Academy to buy (or in my case what espresso
learn the difference between good and member, HHMI investigator, or have machine).
bad science and you haven’t learned won some other distinguished scientific
how to do that yet! Fortunately, there are award or prize, such as an NIH Pioneer Pick an Advisor Who Is Also a Good
some simple things that a first year grad- Award, which is generally an excellent Mentor
uate student can and should do. The hall- sign that they are a good scientist. Most Selecting an advisor based on scientific
mark of a good scientist is generally that good scientists, however, lack these abilities alone is not sufficient. Having
he or she asks important questions and awards and this should not be considered narrowed your list of potential advisors
makes mechanistic or conceptual steps a negative factor. Indeed, working with a to those that are good scientists, next
forward in answering them. Because young faculty member who is skilled in you must determine which are also good
most students are not yet prepared at the latest techniques, still has a small mentors. One of the most important tasks
the start of their PhD study to evaluate lab, and therefore much time to mentor of an advisor is to help his or her student
the quality of a scientist’s research, a you, can often be an excellent choice. to formulate a good and tractable ques-
simple thing that a student can do is a Another objective measure of the qual- tion and then to gently guide a student
PubMed search and make sure that their ity of science a lab is doing is whether to formulate good experiments to address
potential advisor is publishing research they have established National Institutes this question while encouraging the

276 Neuron 80, October 16, 2013 ª2013 Elsevier Inc.



student to be increasingly independent Lastly, and most importantly, it is crit- I have previously written about the chal-
over time. A good mentor does not put ical that you determine the faculty lenges that talented women still all too
his student on a scientifically trivial ques- member’s track record of mentoring often face in their careers (Barres, 2006).
tion. If a student does not address an success. One way to begin to address Sometimes, female graduate students
important question and take it a step for- this question is to obtain a copy of his or preferentially seek out female graduate
ward during their thesis or fellowship her ‘‘trainees list’’ (this will of course not advisors in order to obtain a role model
years, they will not have the confidence be helpful in vetting junior faculty who do for how to balance career and family.
that they can do this in their own lab, not yet have a long track record of While this is understandable, increasingly
and likely they never will. training). This trainees list, which is male faculty also serve as important role
Good mentors spend enormous required to be submitted for each faculty models for work-life balance. I would
amounts of time with each of their participating in an NIH training grant, is a strongly suggest to women students that
students discussing science, how to simple list of all of the graduate students as they evaluate potential graduate advi-
design good experiments and interpret and postdoctoral fellows a faculty mem- sors, male or female, they examine to
and analyze data, how to write research ber has ever had and what job they are what extent prospective mentors have a
papers and grants, how to review papers doing today. Asking potential advisors good track record of having trained suc-
for journals, practicing talks, and pro- for their trainees list might be a tad cessful women scientists.
viding career guidance. They also allow awkward, so graduate program offices As you gauge the mentoring environ-
and encourage their trainees to take time should keep up-to-date copies of these ment of a prospective lab, make sure to
away from their research to do other lists on file for their students, and I believe ask whether the students are generally
activities that will enhance their training that the information contained in these happy. If not, this is a warning sign. I
such as TAing graduate courses, attend- trainees lists is so important that the NIH strongly believe that when a talented
ing conferences, and taking special sum- should post this information electronically student is in the right lab, with a good
mer courses. Sometimes trainees will in a publically accessible database. It is mentor, that going to lab every day should
need some time away from lab for parental not uncommon when looking at trainees feel almost like being in summer camp.
leave. A good mentor will be supportive of lists for all of the faculty in the same Someone once told me with great
this for male as well as female trainees; department or program to find widely sincerity that he felt that you had not
a few months away are irrelevant in the varying ‘‘success’’ rates, with some done a real PhD until you hated your
lifetime of a typical multiyear project. mentors having 70% of their students advisor and he or she hated you. This is
So how can a student tell whether a attain academic positions and others a tragic way of thinking! I have heard of
prospective advisor is a good mentor? sometimes only 10% or even fewer. Not many cases in which a student has been
First, talk with some of his or her current every student ends up having their own told that they are not working long enough
and previous trainees. Ask them whether lab, whether because of choice or ability, hours in a lab and that the advisor expects
this faculty member is a good mentor in and so even the very best advisors rarely the student to work 60+ hours per week.
terms of spending sufficient time with have more than 50% of their graduates In 20 years, I have never said or implied
each student. Ask these trainees whether going on to have their own labs. But if such a thing to any student. I feel that
they enjoyed being in that lab, and espe- only a very small percentage of trainees the advisor’s job is to provide a fun and
cially whether there is a team spirit in the go on to have their own labs (whether in exciting environment, to set a good
lab, with everyone helping each other academia, industry, or government), this example, and the rest must come from
rather than being pitted against each is a warning sign that little successful the heart of a student. Henry Ford once
other. Are lab meetings group discussions mentoring is happening. Some scientists said, ‘‘Hire good people, and then get
in which everyone contributes their are simply better mentors than others the hell out of their way.’’ What great
thoughts and ideas, or is it primarily a (just as some models of cars and advice! If all is well, doing science will
time where the faculty member dictates espresso machines are better than feel like play, and students will freely
to presenters what they should do next? others). Some don’t enjoy mentoring, choose to work long hours because it is
(Helpful suggestions are one thing; micro- some don’t want to be bothered, and fun and exciting (that does not mean there
management is another.) Second, deter- some plain don’t know how. The output will be frustrating times when your exper-
mine what percentage of trainees in the of a truly great lab is not measured only iments are not working, of course). More-
lab are postdocs versus graduate and in Nobel prizes and research articles but over, if trained well, there should be no
undergraduate students. A lab that is just as importantly in how many suc- problem being successful in science while
nearly all postdoctoral fellows may sug- cessful scientists it trains. I certainly do leading a happy and balanced life (okay, I
gest that the lab head does not enjoy, or not mean to discount in any way the am not a great example of this—but most
wishes to minimize, time spent mentoring. value and importance of training young of my previous students have accom-
Good mentoring takes much time and scientists to go into other excellent sci- plished a balanced life in their own labs
devotion. Therefore, graduate students ence careers including teaching, science despite my poor example. And I am living
should be very cautious about selecting writing, scientific journals, consulting, the life I love, just as I hope for my
unusually large labs. Your lab rotation etc. In any case, quality mentoring will of students.)
will give you an additional chance to course greatly enable your performance Here are some signs that a prospective
assess all these questions. in all of these alternative careers as well. advisor is thinking more about his own

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career and less about your career: he (or few years in the wrong lab, does not delay Mentorship is a tremendous responsi-
she) never mentions his students’ names a student’s graduation. Just think of your bility. Great mentorship does not end
when he presents their work in a talk or time in the first lab as a long rotation that when a student leaves the lab. For
only mentions them in a long list in small beneficially added to your training. instance, a good mentor must make sure
print at the end of the talk, he does not Once you have selected a great lab, it is the student selects a good next lab or
practice the students’ talks with them, time to get to work. How to be successful job (and not compete with him on the
he puts two students in the lab on the in that lab is the subject of another essay. same set of experiments), allow him to
same project so that they must compete But I would advise you to remember a few take his project, reagents, and mice with
with each other, he tells you what experi- things. First, do pick an important ques- him, write strong letters of recommen-
ments you must do, he insists on writing tion but don’t pick the same topic that dation for fellowship applications and
the research papers rather than allowing everyone else is working on. It will be jobs, suggest his previous students as
the student to write it and then editing it more fun and less competitive to go your speakers for meetings and authoring re-
with the student, he allows the students’ own way. For every trendy topic now, view articles, and he should actively credit
papers to sit on his desk (sometimes for there are 100 other topics just as impor- his student fairly for his accomplishments
years, sometimes never even submitting tant and hardly studied yet. Second, there when giving seminars and bring his stu-
them), and he refuses to allow students is no need to write more than one paper; dent’s name to the attention of appro-
to take their projects or reagents with just make it a good one. It probably will priate job searches. A great mentor is
them (or fails to make sure they have take you about 6 years (counting course very generous and gives till it hurts.
lots of good starting points for projects work). If you can work on an important I am concerned that as competition for
in their own labs). Although most faculty question as a PhD student (or postdoc) funding increases in science, some good
do not behave this way, I have seen these and take it a step forward, you will have mentoring practices will increasingly be
things happen to many students over the the confidence and enthusiasm to do put into jeopardy. In the rush to make
years. Most students who fall victim to this for the rest of your life. And students, sure that they are successful in renewing
these kinds of harmful, selfish practices please, do not skip your postdoctoral their grant funding, lab heads may commit
do not survive in science as a result. fellowship no matter how successful the cardinal sin of becoming microman-
This is among the reasons why I believe your PhD thesis work has been. It seems agers, dictating to their students exactly
it is vital that measures be taken to better to be all the rage these days to shorten what experiments to do. Young scientists
identify great mentors and to reward sci- training time. NIH is even providing who are not allowed to be independent as
entists as much for mentoring ability as special fellowships for those who want students and fellows are generally not
for scientific accomplishments. to move directly to independent positions able to successfully achieve this in their
If the day arrives when you are in grad- after their PhD training. But I have noticed own labs. Often these days, talented
uate school when you wake up and do that people who skip their postdoc may young scientists observe the stress that
not wish to jump out of bed and head off do okay in their own labs, but they gener- their highly accomplished PhD advisors
to lab, it is time to consider whether it ally fail to broaden as scientists or to experience after a failed grant application
is time to switch to another lab. I have achieve the versatility and fearlessness and become concerned, quite reason-
encountered many students who realized to enter new fields that they might other- ably, that they will not be able to success-
midway during their PhD that they were wise have achieved. That is a large price fully compete for grants when they have
not happy in their lab, only to decide to to pay for skipping what could otherwise their own labs. It is fortunate that NIH
stick it out rather than discuss the situa- be a marvelously fun and rewarding final has put measures into place to make
tion with their advisors and try to resolve period of training. sure that a fair percentage of young scien-
the problem. My advice is to have a tists get funded.
heart-to-heart chat with your advisor, Some Challenges of Mentorship It’s a tremendous art to keep a lab
giving him or her a chance to help you and the Path Forward highly productive while at the same time
resolve the issue. If your advisor is not Anyone who has had a lab knows that by optimally nurturing one’s trainees. How
sympathetic, then it is time for you to having great trainees with diverse back- can we better recognize who the great
switch to another lab. If you cannot find grounds and perspectives immersed in mentors actually are? The H-index is an
a lab that you are happy in, then it is an environment of genuine respect for established tool for quickly evaluating a
possible that science is not the right their thoughts, creative new ideas are scientist’s impact. To be sure, it is not
career for you. But all too often, the prob- constantly bubbling forth in lab discus- perfect, but it is simple and widely felt
lem is simply poor mentoring or a mis- sions—ideas that the lab head would to be pretty good. I propose that we
matched lab for whatever reason. I have never have had by himself or herself. I consider developing an M-index to
seen all too many students feel that they have heard scientists talk about the plea- provide a similar measure of mentoring
must please their advisors and complete sure of scientific discovery—that moment ability. The M-index would simply consist
their projects. But always remember that when you know something amazing that of an average of the H-indexes of a
your PhD training is about YOU and your no one else in the world knows. But there given scientist’s mentees, that is of their
success. Most productivity occurs in the is no moment more mind blowing to me average scientific productivity and im-
last 1 or 2 years of a PhD thesis and usu- than when one of my students makes pact. Because both H- and M-indexes
ally switching to a new lab, even after a the leap to thinking like a real scientist. become more meaningful later in a career,

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they would not be helpful in evaluating the most effective teaching. Perhaps aca- treating them generously and fairly, is an
young scientists. The M-index could be demic science should do the same to un- important sign of our integrity as
calculated from data already on PubMed derstand what great mentorship consists scientists. So let’s create more awards
by including only first authors of the men- of. Then we could start to actually teach for great mentoring. And let’s take men-
tor’s papers in the analysis and assuming this to our students. toring effectiveness into consideration,
that these first authors are the graduate I have argued that the greatness of a when considering promotions and even
students and postdocs. Because excel- university may well depend on high quality in awarding NIH grants. After all, much
lent mentors often beget scientists who of mentoring; happy and well-mentored of NIH grant funding is used to support
themselves are excellent mentors, when trainees to a large extent drive great inno- the salaries of trainees to create the next
evaluating a young scientist, it would vation. Effective mentoring should be an generation of scientists. If we do all this,
make sense to take a look at the M- expectation that is not only talked about then we will be affirming as a community
indexes of his or her mentors. but actually ensured. Universities have that quality mentorship really matters
But identifying great mentors is only a an obligation to better track the experi- and is vital to the sustained success of
first step. Whenever I meet a great ences of trainees in each laboratory, so science.
mentor, I always ask them what they do that pertinent data can be collected (in a
that has the highest training impact. I confidential system that protects trainees’ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
rarely get the same answer, yet everyone careers). I suspect that some mentors
thinks they know what matters. I have might well be surprised to learn that their B.A.B. gratefully acknowledges that he was most
fortunate to have had the world’s very best men-
made some guesses in this essay, but trainees are unhappy and would be grate- tors for his graduate and postdoctoral training:
data are lacking. We need to investigate ful for and responsive to any feedback. If, David P. Corey and Martin C. Raff. David and Mar-
what practices great mentors have that despite counseling, a faculty member tin spent countless hours training and advising me,
allowed me to be as independent as possible,
have the most impact in training success- continues to routinely take advantage of
providing gentle guidance when needed, always
ful young scientists. Recently, it has been their graduate students, harass them, or exhibited the highest integrity, and both helped
increasingly realized that the teaching fail to mentor them effectively, then I me to love science even more than I ever imagined
ability of K–12 public school teachers strongly believe that privilege should be possible. Many thanks also to my current and pre-
vious trainees for their many helpful comments on
varies dramatically. The Gates Founda- revoked. this manuscript.
tion funded the ‘‘Measures of Effective Once we can identify great mentorship,
Teaching (MET)’’ project, designed to we should much better reward it. This is REFERENCES
determine how to best identify and more important than ever. When awarding
promote great teaching. The project prizes, let us not consider only those who Barres, B.A. (2006). Nature 442, 133–136.
demonstrated that it is possible to identify made a great discovery but rather those Kanige, R. (1993). Apprentice to Genius: The
great teaching by combining classroom who made a great discovery while at the Making of a Scientific Dynasty Paperback. (Balti-
observations, student surveys, and stu- same time effectively mentoring their more: Johns Hopkins University Press), p. 304.

dent achievement gains (http://www. students. Doing great science should be Lee, A., Dennis, C., and Campbell, P. (2007). necessary but not sufficient. The honor Nature 447, 791–797.
releases/2013/01/measures-of-effective- of top prizes can only be enhanced by Medawar, P.B. (1979). Advice to a Young Scientist.
teaching-project-releases-final-research- giving them to great scientists who are (New York: Harper Collins Publishers), p. 132.
report). They are now doing detailed also great human beings. Honoring Ramón y Cajal, S. (1897). Advice for a Young Inves-
studies to identify what practices underlie one’s commitment to our young, and tigator. (Cambridge: MIT Press), p. 176.

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