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Basic Productivity Presentation Tool Lesson Idea

Lesson Idea Name: Pollution and Conservation

Grade Level/Content Area: 3rd

Georgia Content Standard(s) or GELDS Addressed: S3L2

ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: What would you like students to know and be
Elements: 1.6.a Creative Communicator 1.6.d able to do by the end of this lesson: I would like
Empowered Learner 1.1d students to be able to define what pollution is
and the 3 ways we can try and prevent it.

What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea?

Students will identify what pollution is and the different types. Students will be able to tell at least 2
ways to reduce/prevent pollution.

Selected Instructional Software Tool: PowerPoint

Description of Software: This is an online software that allows presentations to be made. They can
be used for business, class, or even for fun. They help show information in new, fun designs.

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Type of Instructional Software:

☐ Drill and Practice ☐ Tutorial ☐ Simulation ☐ Instructional Game X e-books/e-references

Features of this software (check all that apply):

☐ Assessment Monitoring/Reporting
X Allows teacher to create customized lessons for students
X Multi-user or collaborative functions with others in the class
X Multi-user or collaborative with others outside the class
X Accessible to students beyond the school day
X Accessible via mobile devices
X Multiple languages
X Safety, security and/or privacy features

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s): (Which level(s) will this lesson meet using this technology tool?)

☐ Remembering X Understanding X Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating X Creating

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:
X Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the teacher's
direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the student and mostly practice based.
Basic Productivity Presentation Tool Lesson Idea
X Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic of learning
and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The teacher facilitates the learning as
the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems and completing authentic/real-world
projects to demonstrate their learning and publish results outside of the classroom. (Note: This objective
could be reached by displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the
classroom blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.)
How will you connect this topic to students’ prior knowledge as you teach? I will ask students what
they think pollution is. Once we come to an idea of what it is, I will go over a lesson with them on
what it is and ways to prevent it. I will also let them go through the book on their own however many
times needed.

Managing the technology: Students will love being able to go through the story on their own and
they will gain a better understanding of the topic. PPT is on an app and can also be used via a web
Lesson idea implementation: I will have students read this story individually at home before the
lesson is taught to build a foundation of what pollution and conservation are. I will go over the goals
and standards at the beginning and then I will go over them again at the end of the lesson if they feel
confident or not and use that to see where there is room for improvement. Students will use their
own devices to access the storybook. I as a teacher will make sure every student has the materials
necessary to watch the storybook. I will conclude the lesson by having the students make their own
storybook about pollution using their own examples and solutions.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflection:

Students will be able to get involved in this activity. They are being engaged into an informational
story. they are then able to express what they’ve learned by making their own book and using their
own examples. I feel this activity would positively benefit a student’s learning. I really look forward to
letting the students make and narrate their own pollution storybooks. I will truly get to see their
understanding of the topic and it is a way for the students to be creative and express themselves.

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