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Department Nautical studies Class 4th

Course title – Course Cargo Handling/MT 251 Lecturers Capt. Mhd. Kahilah
Start time 09 00 Exam time 2.0 Hrs.

Date 14-01-2016 Marks 40

Final exam

Available Actual


Total 40

Lecturer Name : Signature :


Student Name :

MPC 6/1-3
Registration No. :

Course - Code

Answer the following Questions:

1ST Question:
What are the reasons that effect in change of temperature during the voyage (4 items) ? ( 2 Marks) .1
Type of cargo. .1
Season of the year. .1
Weather during (arrival, departure & berthing time ). .2
Ship speed. .3
Sea temp. .4
Dew point. .5
What are the Necessary Precautions will be taken when loading Cotton (4 items) ? ( 2 Marks) .2
All bales should be perfectly dry, clean and free from any stains. .1
Reject any loosely packed bales or any with broken bands. .2
Do not load cotton into any space which has recently been painted. .3
Strict rules must be enforced against smoking in the Cargo Holds and around .4
Ship’s Deck; all fire fighting equipment must be ready for immediate use. .5
All ventilator cowls (Inlets) must be covered with (Spark arrestor). .6

2ndQuestion ( 15 Marks)

Fill the spaces with the right words

Bulk Cargo Handling Equipment
dry bulk cargoes are concerned, handling facilities may be in the form of power-propelled conveyor .1
belts, or grabs.
In the case of bulk sugar or when the grab is also used, the sugar would be discharged into a hopper .2
feeding by gravity a railway wagon or road vehicle below.
Elevators (US) or silos are normally associated with grain. .3
They may be operated by pneumatic suction which sucks the grain out of the ship's hold .4

MPC 6/1-3
Oil Tankers

The vessel is provided with 2 cargo derricks (cranes to carry the loading /discharging hoses. .5
The vessel is provided with high capacity pumps to discharge the vessel’s liquid cargo. .6
If these washing machines use crude oil in washing, then the system is called“ Crude Oil Washing ” . .7
Some of the vessel’s tanks are assigned to load only ballast water. And thus they are not connected with .8
cargo tanks and they are called “ Segregated Ballast Tanks “.
Inert Gas (IG) is pumped into tanks while cargo is being discharged to reduce the risk of fire or .9
Inert Gas System (IGS) -Mechanical method of introducing inert gas into a vessel’s tanks(instead of .10
the air) during discharging.
Segregated ballast –that ballast water introduced into a tank which is completely separated from the .11
cargo oil and fuel oil system.
Slop tank A tank specifically designated for the collection of tank draining, tank washings and other .12
oily mixtures.

Outage (Ullage) The depth of the space in a tank not occupied by oil. .13

Slops A mixture of petroleum and water normally arising from tank washings. .14

Sludge A mixture of petroleum and water, usually semi-solid, containing sand and scale .15
Bulk liquefied gas cargoes

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is often confused with ((LNG))and vice versa. .16

LPG consists mainly of propane (C3H8 ) (up to 95%) and smaller quantities of butane (C4H10). .17

LPG is kept liquid by confining it under a high pressure. .18

LNG is natural gas that has been turned into a liquid at atmospheric pressure but at a very low .19
temperature (approx. 162 degrees Celsius ).

LNG consists mainly of methane (usually at least 90%) but may also contain very small amounts of .20
ethane, propane

MPC 6/1-3
LNG is lighter than air so that it rapidly disperses and becomes diluted in air, in contrast to the .21
components of LPG which are heavier than air.

The storage of LPG under pressure, in contrast to the storage of LNG at a very low temperature .22
Timber deck cargo Stability consideration:
The stability should be calculated having regard to:

The increased weight of the timber deck cargo due to: .23

Variations in consumables. .24

The free surface effect of liquid in tanks. .25

The Master should:
Stop all loading operations if a list develops for which there is no satisfactory explanation. .26
Before proceeding to sea, ensure that:
The ship is upright. .27
The ship has an adequate GM. .28
The ship meets the required stability criterion . .29
3rdQuestion ( 13 Marks )
Choose the correct answer
Dead Weight Tonnage(D.W.T): .1
Total weight of a cargo ,stores , fuel & water needed to submerge a ship from her light draught to her (a
Maxim permitted draught(summer load draught) .
Ratio of a cargo's cubic measurement to its weight, expressed in cubic feet to the ton or cubic metres (b
To the tonne.
Is a common measurement of the total internal volume of a ship(holds , tanks , stores , E/R ,bridge & (c
Accommodation & any close areas.
All of the above (d
Stowage Factor: (S.F.) .2
The total quantity of cargo, which can be loaded in a certain space. ☑ (a
Any empty space in a vessel or container not occupied by cargo, and is expressed as percentage (b
% of The total volume of the hold.
It is a term used to measure the weight of water displacement by the ship when she is fully loaded. (c
All of the above (d
IMDG Code consist from: .3
Two Volumes + One Supplement) ☑ (a
Three Volumes + One Supplement) (b
MPC 6/1-3
One Volume + 2 Supplements ). (c
All the above. (d

Final Stowage Plan In some trades it is called : .4

cargo plane ☑ (a
voyage Plan. (b
Sea voyage. (c
All the above. (d

The space available for cargo May be given by: .5

gross tonnage (a
cubic meter ☑ (b
net tonnage (c
All the above. (d
The person sending the goods is the: .6
Shipper ☑ (a
Carrier (b
Consignee (c
All the above. (d
Stevedore is the: .7
The person or company working on the Terminal, loading, stowing, discharging vessels, etc ☑ (a
The company or agent transporting the goods . (b
The person sending the goods . (c
All the above. (d
Bulk carriers equipped with Top Side Tanks and when filled reduce: .8
GM ☑ (a
Trim . (b
List . (c
All the above. (d
Container .9
An item of equipment as defined by the (ISO) for transport purposes. (a
It must be of: a permanent character and strong enough to be suitable for repeated use. (b
specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one or more modes of transport without (c
intermediate reloading.
All the above. ☑ (d
Container Ships .10

MPC 6/1-3
The hull is designed into cells to help in loading and discharging. ☑ (a
have cargo gear. (b
have tween-decks (c
All the above. (d
The following data of the loaded containers are recorded in the bay plans:- .11
Container Alpha prefix and numbers (a

Container Size Code. (e

Container Stack. (f
All the above. (g
Container Number .12
Identification number of a container consisting of prefix and serial number and check digit. (a
A four letter code that forms the first part of a container identification number indicating (b
the owner of a container.
An indication of 2 digits of the nominal length and nominal height. (c
All the above. ☑ (d
Payload" or "P" means .13
The difference between maximum operating gross weight or rating and tare weight. Rating. ☑ (a
The maximum allowable combined weight of the container and its cargo. (b
The weight of the empty container including permanently affixed ancillary equipment. (c
All the above. (d
Ventilation rules .14
Ventilate if the dew-point of the air inside the hold is higher than the dew-point of the air (a
outside the hold
.Do Not Ventilate if the dew-point of the air inside the hold is lower than the dew-point (b
of the air outside the hold.
Ventilate if the R.H of the air inside the hold is higher than the R.H of the air outside the hold (c
All the above. ☑ (d
Gross Tonnage (G.T) .15
Is the total internal volume of a ship(holds , tanks , stores , E/R ,bridge & accommodation& any (a
close areas ☑
The space available for cargo (b
Total weight of a cargo , stores , fuel & water needed to (summer load draught) (c
All the above. (d
Contents of the (IMDG) Code .16
Emergency Procedures (EmS). (a

MPC 6/1-3
Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG). (b
Reporting Procedures (c
All the above. ☑ (d
Classification Of Dangerous Goods According To the (IMO) .17
Class No 1
Explosive ☑ (a
Flammable Gases (b
Flammable liquids (c
All the above (d
Classification Of Dangerous Goods According To the (IMO) .18
Class No 2
Flammable Gases (a
Non-Flammable Non-Toxic Gases (b
Toxic Gases (c
All the above ☑ (d
Classification Of Dangerous Goods According To the (IMO) .19
Class No 4-1
Flammable solids ☑ (a
Flammable Gases (b
Flammable liquids (c
All the above (d
Classification Of Dangerous Goods According To the (IMO) .20
Class No 6-1
Toxic Gases (a
Toxic substances ☑ (b
Infectious substances (c
All the above (d

Classification Of Dangerous Goods According To the (IMO) .21

Class No 8
Corrosive substances ☑ (a
Miscellaneous dangerous substance (b
Radioactive substances (c
All the above (d

Dangerous Goods Handling Precautions .22

MPC 6/1-3
The OOW should make familiarize himself with the IMDG code. ☑ (a

The OOW should ask the master for clarification of any point he does not understand. (b

Dangerous goods should be accepted onboard without “Dangerous Goods Declaration” (c

All the above (d

CSC (International Convention For Safe Containers) .23

The Convention includes two Annexes (a

Annex I includes Regulations for the testing, inspection, approval and maintenance of containers (b
Annex II covers structural safety requirements and tests, (c
All the above ☑ (d
The (IMSBC) Code details the requirements including the following: .24
The ship should be suitably fitted and carry onboard appropriate instruments for measuring gases (a
without requiring entry in the cargo space.
These instruments should be regularly serviced and calibrated. (b
Ship personnel should be trained in the use of such instruments. (c
All the above ☑ (d
special precautions relate to coals emitting methane and self-heating coals. .25

Maintain adequate surface ventilation without directing air into the body of the coal. (a
Venting any gases prior to opening the hatch covers or other openings. (b
Enclosed working spaces should be adequately ventilated with equipment safe for use in a (c
flammable atmosphere.
All the above ☑ (d

General Requirement For All Coals .26

The hatches should be closed immediately after completion of loading in each cargo space. (a
Forced ventilation should not be used. (b
Water should not be used for cooling, but may be used for cooling the boundaries of the cargo (c
All the above ☑ (d
MPC 6/1-3
Hold with a capacity 4400 m3 to be loaded with 1200 Ton cargo with (3 Marks) (1
S.F. = 2 m3/Ton and B.S. = 5%.
Calculate Remaining space after loading.

Total volume of cargo = 1200 x 2 = 2400 m3

Broken stowage = 2400 x 5/100 = 120 m3
Volume of Cargo = 2400 + 120 = 2520 m3
Remaining space after loading = 4400 – 2520 = 1880 m3

Ship with deadweight of 6207 Ton, onboard is (330 Ton's Bunker + 22 Ton's (5 Marks) (2
Fresh Water + 25 Ton's supplies), is required to load Coal in Bulk in its three holds.
Hold no (1) 1753 m3, Hold no. (2) 3675 m3 and Hold no. (3) 2734 m3
Calculate amount of coal to be loaded.
Calculate amount of coal in every hold.

Total coal to be loaded = 6207 – ( 330 + 22 + 25 ) = 5830 Ton's

Cargo Hold Volumes = 1753 + 3675 + 2734 = 8162 m3
Coal to be loaded in Hold No 1 =5830 x ( 1753 ÷ 8162 ) = 1252.14 Ton's
Coal to be loaded in Hold No 2 =5830 x ( 3675 ÷ 8162 ) = 2625.00 Ton's
Coal to be loaded in Hold No 3 =5830 x ( 2734 ÷ 8162 ) = 1952.85 Ton's

MPC 6/1-3

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