CN Exp No-8

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Exp-NO : 08 (DHCP)

To experiment on Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) using CISCO packet Tracer
Details of the design to simulate
Students are expected to design a network having following nodes
• 03 Generic Desktop
• 02 Laptop
• 01 Switch to connect all machines
• 01 Generic server for DHCP processing
1: Use copper straight cable to connect all 05 machines and want for AUTO SENSING
process to boot a switch.
2: Configure DHCP server with IP address and give suitable GATEWAY
3: Now give suitable commands from all 05 desktop/Laptop to get IP address
automatically from DHCP server.
4: Note all IP address of all 05 desktop, and use ping command to verify its working.

5: Answer the following:

Q1: Why do we use DHCP? And what are the advantages?
Q2: What was the range of IP addresses available in DHCP server in your design?
Q3: Which port does DHCP used?
Q4: What is a default time to assign new IP address to a client in DHCP?
Q5: What information a DHCP server give to the host?

Reference :
Packet Tracer DHCP experiment

DHCP general concept

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