Unit 4 Testing of Hypothesis Part II

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“Testing of Varfances — F-test Fitest To fast AypoTfusia about the e5poliby § two Vorjontes- 4 Pull Aypothusig Ho! tea, | a | — bh Greater Variante fe An \ Ermalter VYoriana j | here gi. mst 3 ste zat mf ni-1 a L L L 2 Spe MS ote Se _ (ay ne not * Pa alwoays >I ( Tico fadependant Sample Q ams 9 and 4 From a normal | Population hes the following ‘Values of the vanablut. Gompet (6 18 iQ Is 12 te wb RIS Samp Dw tf 1 Bs Oo te ast huots 9 th Population Aariante aliffer Sank fieantty at Sf Aawel ? Bolution ara Te : a jad er bel tlerins | ny — 129, = Vy 338 = 120 i Is erie ter tye Dah [glare lat ne # = NO = 15-145 5 ore Sab tay” at i) i . i £ Dee Bete : ;|pareiene [ 3333] eT = B-BB4a So = Sas -cmy* na. 4 2 u . ods 5.71 = [woes “ANB aigcttEcalfey (15-143) H ¥ My Bp / : , ¢te nsh a @ 338) 2 3.45) nj-} q-! 2 & L = MOST 5 AHEM _ 8.2876 Pos TA L gos ae \ Step: Hypothens yy) Then & BQnticont Astferenu bho Vern Cot test) (Fe Glepe i- Log and Def pos of ab 5/7. dot = Cryo! no!) = Cé,a) Mopai- Tost ctahshe Fe 65° ae = 13963 Fe Soest = 3.1510 Fa l-39bs Shep 4'- Crakca) Volue Tabulatd Vale § F Fy = 3.58 Slop s > Conclumer p< fe $ colealetl Value < Rabi value => he aceept the null hgpetheris. contlucdke that there U ho Baritiont Wwe Varianter. dateunus bo ther at 57 os with dof (6/8) | Ho! Thera & no Bignitant: ott : T G no Agnificant Aifferente bho Variancoa Cot 034) sporpulalton -Yortante. Solution Gwen rato hala B= Slam) 96 =/0 n-1 if aah Se Zl) = 1o¢ = 9.9/9) na-l uv Abra Be! Hypotheses Ho: Thin i ne signitiiont diferente bho Marrances Copad) He tha G ifeente blo Yatranter Cofdet) Sepa: Los and Dof i | los & ab SY Dof (r-b 3-1) = C9510 | Sees" Tort gtahshe dept Table Value pp Table Vola Pat by, Let with dep (4,11) U Re 2.90 Sleps: Conctum EA Fer Coleutatad ‘Volue < Table Value . We accep) The null hypotheara We tray Condlude Tua tno eymftant ADfferente bo Variances . Prackse Problem'- wo A grup Ft Peop on diet A) and anethor gnu X 8 people on dick B, recorded thal the dollowing Fneweane fn weight. Dea ts ¢ 21 ing 5 4 6] DeB}2 3 6 8 wb 1 a B Find if th Uorants ane Bas Feary ifferent Gokton'- Fs l.oaget gP = 37777; gh tons TVs 3.29 Accopi Ho. ( Th om dample J to observations The sum § saperras 9 daviotions prem ity mean Was leo and fox another ample with 12 ObserValions 4 was SIH. Toy! Shotive thy variants Gre Aigrificantty different ? Sdubion'- Git=1392 | Fe Quy Gis 2es5 oe n | Accapt to. # Uf the Samp atze nd 0 then we apply t-test: * The vanable ‘rorges From —00 be 00. Type di-_b-test Zingle_maan aaah 5 HR — Sample meean . , Ss ten Wie Samp Size [spo Known | Gua) S&— Samp sD ~ | }= Population maan WW f= R-p Se (Im) n—Gamplr size [Esp u not }= Population mean den own'] o-— Population oD Type? 2 :- tebost Difference belweon two maan& 2p. oe : f tem ee ) ge NiS\+ NoSo ; —_—— (qa nyrna—v SOD) na Sts sab ae ny Qe sat (my no 2 ~ den houge Ownere' drawn and the ee ue 4 thay freomes are obbafed » huan | Ry-booo » 2. Rs. 650, “Hest ‘the Aypothonis ‘tha The average | Fatoms A house Ownere g, the down U Rs-5,509. ivan! — n=io [n«s0- opply t-test] = bv00 (Sample meand S= 650 (fample £D) N= 5500 ( Population mann) SB on a Shep! Hypothusys ae Ho: M=550e —— by: Mz 5500 (=) i t= booo-s500 =~ boo = | pepommene = 500 = 2.3) 650 216-64 Stepat-_ Los; Dof Vio-1 lat dos at by IH= 2.3) Dof=n-1= 4 Sp 4! Gitita) Value Degrees 4 dfreedorn = n4 = lo-1= 9 AL 5/ Loe table value ats by = 2-abe Skep 5!— Goneluston : Caltulabed Ualue 3 b =2.2) Tabulakd Value QE saaka | El>te 3 100 hapetheme 1 vejeded, We Conehids Thal averag, Frome & no Cra! Ry.55v0 iE ‘ 2 & VA | Supa: Los 5 dof \ 2)'Ten ofl Has Ore « faken’ at “random “from an auilereHe lung machhe The: mann wolght. Of} the cHhs is 18.8 kel And SD U0. ke Goes The Camp pean chifher f pH cantly from The Pistendad weight of Ib kg ' Golulton Given nzto [mall Sampu] 156g S=05 b= lb Gtep ds typethuss, | He: H= 16 [ The dampl mean not different from Prtended | weight] het bib dep dog ab Has Ys 5 Dofpan-l=10-1=49 SRP! Tent Stabaht t= %-H fs (im tS BA Lay O.5 =) Ik}= 1-2 Shp 4. Oritteal Ualue The Valu of X at Sy, he Q.ab and Dog bas q Alep 5!- Conelunsen IEL< ba SS we aceeps nul) hypothe. We may Concbads Somple weigh U not cider trem intended weighd . | Ve gy. The harghts 10 males Qa, fren Arcaltly ane qouna? ‘po be © o/b |6-2,)68/'61,U8:/T0, bk, 64, bb Trohes, 9s 4h ) Gpatonable te heliae that the average Auighs ge N qnee thon bk thokes 2 GE elution Given!- n=lo H = Totbt+6a+be +6l+68 +70 464464466 to | a = 660 10 To fing Tabulated Malue| > We. reject the null hapothuss toe may Conclude ‘that » The Owerage hatght G @yreater than br frches Emomple- 4 ‘A random ample of lo boys Pod the following 74 L Qa: Jo slap No, 'ls 88, €3,95,98» to7, 100. DP Thane doko’ Guppon the AMtumptin 4 rpopulakion saan TC. g too ? Solutton ' Gyen'- N=le =100 a=? e- ? Te And a= 2% n Ka Tot lao +o +lol+ Be +83F95 +98 HOT H100 lo Ke WA 9 zat a pietadrnd syoleetrtaty as%s 9844 vor’ root ft 10 = 9631-2 SD= S= 2 5 [sz 3-5 | pe i Cth the dota Support the assumption cof population mean} HF toe ( Step? :- hos 5 Dof Los at k= bY, 5 Dof=-n-l= lo-l=4 dep ar. test Molise t= x-H L (ia a QT.a= 100 eine 125) Cia) IE] = 0-62 i | Sep At Critica) Malue The Valu Qt a7] ba = 9.262 e with dof n-t= 49 | Concluson!- (EL < ba Caleulatidl Value < Tabulad Value, We aceopt The nul! hypothesis We may Conclude tha} the data Auppoat the atsumphon 4 Population mean [icloo. | \ Ve to rate fed on dtet A and Anotig YX w A grup of a Aroup of & vale fed on dieh B, vetoreled The fol’ Promease fn weight (gms). i DickA! 5, by Bs ty 1A, My 3, % br lO \ Deb we: 2, 3,6, 8, bo, i a, 8 \ Golutton Does It x few Superior of diet A over det &, | \ Girent- Maio | a= 8 | SIF 2 n=8 | op ae] 2F 2 Te fad a T thd a : ars = 242 ae | = Sebedai ratte a tete = QF D4 btOHOHFIATE Ry = 6h a e to a = AS = Go 8, maF etna si To Ard 2 S=/zar ye So- | zat 2 a ee = | RE ay a Q L Bal = sob ebtndidsiehci) at _ shai delle " a ms eH = 5g | en = 29a - to ar 35.35 | = BIR | Sa= if 3535-52 | 3-2 StL nisP Angad j hyn —2 aL lo (lo-aH)+8 (o-as) lo+@—2, Sra t.5a5 Step 4: thy pothess Ho: Pisa [ Die Aand B are equal] MiMi rhe [diet A i duperor to Det 8] Sp A: Los and dof hog abs #7 5 Dots hana—g = ota =I Step a: Test stohshte t= aa a Cees = let = 0.964 11-535 (e-+E) 1. 6103 lel= 0-869 Slep4 > Critica) value The Value 9 cary be = VIS Lith bf Ib Sep 5: Conclusion Ik < bx We aceph ull -hypothoric. we Cannot Conclude Phat diet A & Aupenor b dit B, 6) The Anerege no: I ‘Pus Ke doo and ASp (Th, SP BP, 8 on the bawe 9 mecords : ard both the mockPnes Sfhally ei Aavel 5 Bgnifteane ent oF 7. SolubPon Gian’ Riz goo | n=ae | g)=40 y= asol ngcas fg es mettness hitha-2 é ce (as) (20) (a5) 5) AStas-% ste 533.854 Sep. thy pothesis Ho! Mi=Na [Both machines ave egually efficient] Hi: Ppa Gepa: Los + Dot hoe at f= 17. 5 Dofz Mitny-2= A5495-A=48 Gepa: Cah eal abie Valu 9 t ab 1%) bya ase with dof 48 Gep 4! fest Stahste t= Qvo- Q50 = — 5O [533-054 ( 45%) Ag 70022 b= E54 ley = 7-657 Steph Contlue an ley > bx we eject the null Aypotheia . we Conelucle that the machines ave nol equally 2fh Uent. ay Practise Pestslame : morn W The following fable gives the Malues aad ee from Mathemaths test and Java Proq ral ‘4 Emamine 2, there lifferentes ove ign hat Mattamolia [7,68 To 4s a4 6@ 22 Marks fo 48 92 Ss To Th 6% 22 Selution:- S*= 500-495 E= 0-173 Accaph He. | | | @ Two fhdtpendant ample ore chosen dlrs hwo Schools A and B ard a Common tes! 4 ghren fr | a Subject. Thr Stores 4 the Student om 63 Hollows, | Cn Bs a6 35 320 Ae AL Sdution!— 62. 109-57 | f= 0.5113 Acteph Ho. | @ Lampls 4 two types oketric Aight bulbs were | ested for Length of Life and The following data Were obtained ‘Typet ‘Type D ample The Sampled Population 4 normal, > The tasatment effects ove addiHve , > The tndividuala have been wanclomliy eloched Poor Th. “pepwlahon, > Fhe Vowantes bro The Samples (3 Conshan| > Rach one % the Samp tu Prdapondark 9 other Zamptes., : 5 Badh one the populations has the Same Qwartonte and jdenihieal means | Tock niques ANnova. The techriques } Anova it cliscurred Unoler three types lb Comple Gly Random xed Aasign (erm or Ong wo Oberinfi cation, ib Randomized Bloor drargn (Red) Ties Woy blaningreatss Wy datin sapere Macigo Clsp) ‘Thres sory alae ten Use Anova. THB Used fest Whether Th meane ) a num bes 9: Populations are esol C Ot it Qatensen 9 4-tat) Ny Notations !- Notations| N Number ; of observations T | Totol_valn al) observat CE | Covrechon foctor Cp = 72 | Tsq | Teta Gom 9 Sqyares Sse | Sumo} kquares ep Column SSR} Cum Of Aquores %} Rows Sse | Sum of Sqnores FY envors i ee een eee A | ‘ Comptctely Randomized Mesign. | # Tha dengn may be cUfinad 04 on th which the tasodmanG Ove Pondomy aevanged Over the Capertmental Linite which ave Aiviclesl Pile Groupe “tn Banden. A Koch grup 41 Gubjeckd ty differnt treatmend do measure the net efpect 9 Various treatment? . R Vncker CRO The Influance of Only one ativibuly ov factor i Considered, * The data owe Classified on te bags g One Cxttenton, On wou Cladsifitation Samples Values ivorkin Hutt \ zs 7 Voorn Protedure -/One w 1 Nutt hy potted (He) There uno mgnifiiont dijtenia blu the Jooatments 2. Aliesnat, typothears ¢ My) There GPNficant chifpene bho the treatments, Step dt- Bfhd nN Step o!- Vind T Step 81 - ind Coarection footer Skep4'- Find Tes Sep St- Caleulak ose slop 6'- Bod cor Step F- Prepare fnlova table 3 Clayifieahion -CRp] So: Se lag Mean * Table Valu es ye of 4 age ee es | FRatio al sge Belwonn ase cl Mégc= cr Sornples Featse | Fel ) Ceolumns ) Msc 7 within | ie ax S- Sraller. Samples Sse N-c paren 9- qresler (error) fee Mse| of) MSe Total | 88 (Calon, Row) | Slepei- Bind Table Value o} Pj caleulatid value QF | Step q!- Conabusion Th Coleulatid Value < Tobulatid Value = Ac Ho x eae valu > Tebulatid Value => Reject be a v Ee ie se Enomplt 4 : ate fs The qfottow?ag ove the numba *4 eee 5 eae loys Q 4 tecknPuand Looe eng ‘photographic Laboratory . Teahrdeisn d | Techrician 9 | echnian | Technicion 6 Me ne F . 4 iD In lo 12 7 . r iS is to | " Vy th ut | Tose te Level 9 Baweyeant X= 0.01 Whether ‘the Arfhors nen among The 4 kample means can bt altrbutd to Chante. Solution! bull Hupetiuas Ho != There @ no Aaniticont dijhoune hetwoon the echnittong Alterna Hypettueis Hit ——— Thine & Bani Heart Aifferonte Letwoen the cfechnitrans.. (e. Smplaly; ANY Hh. Ortain fy lo and ton MES “Prouduva’) v : _ Ts = Total Aum of Agparras L (Sams zots zea zy J—cr cS (Bt+37+ 3910) - bas TSS = NES \ , Y or | ama | ma | aq Torat | WP | me | ae | yt Seba be bot [te -ie fo [a ata fefa] tr ! Ay | 4 afl a. [ns baa ice | oe] Pet 2 | 0 s 0 4 Oo has | 0 1 | 4 ' I 7 ( lene] 0 ! ata ts |o |@r| a7 [a7 | 3q |] lo Step d- To tind N N= Totab no 9 observatrons N= Qo Stop Q'- % tend T Te total Q atl otservabons T= 13 GSlepgi- To Pend Covrection Pastor Cpe © N Che Uy? = Bas 20 Sep4i- fo pisd Tes Shep F:2 Looe Sum 8 ‘fen a gs esp a ‘s SE ape mat § flies 3 Ni doe ; =foe af4 Sag]- Oe Bia 8 5 8 orto t 5-845 See = 12.95 Step s- vad SSE Ggb= Teg-Sea = (1p s8— 2-95 SSE = (016 Stept!- Anova toble 3 Sam rt Aine [ dep Mean siuare | P-Raho Betrogon has : c= 3/Mgo= == Samples Sse= RAS ce $8 | Costumns) san SiMe Mse = PAH aaais'|gebtas e [Nee |uses cee Evrort pies ose =(¢ pte Stetin th find ty and ty Coleatated value= Ist) Tetoulalil 3 Vntuy Cl7- bat and clog ene 5-aq Ss Coltutated Valur < Tabuated Valuy So, we Acceph the pull hypothecia Ho, Hen, Theme te no Marificant abiphoanes between the eohniuian ramp —_— To test the Bg neti tone Q the Veasahone 3 the weteuf Pacos Q the Commodity tr 2 Prsnerpal artes; Bombo, Caleutia and RUN, the four Shops were chosen at Pandom ts ach uby ond Pres observed 4h wupen Mere a4 Yollotod. Bombow 6 8 w oi4 Caleta | te le 10 6 Aethy Bo the daha Proicale Thak the Puus in the three Cotter ore rgnaicanty Arffernp 2 Sobition!— foul) hypotherss Kh : é ; The moan Powers th the three etter are same, Alternate Auspothans. The moan Pres in the three cities are ad otent _ Ong 10) Bombay (4) | Celuuttta (ta) ethe (xa {fetal | xP fat faeat 6 4 -6 4 [36 [te [ae 2 ° 0 -2|4 Oo} 06 8 o ~2 0 4 o}4 ‘ al a2 2/16 | Bb] 4 2 ® ~'0 | @] 6 }aa fay | SUp2te Step al. Step are Step 4!- To find Ni N= Total no. 3 Sbsorvations Ne 12 To find T= Ptad Sum % Byoeres of olsorvatont, t= 0 To dthd Corsecton fotos Ope 72 N Ce= 0 <6 12 Jo dind TSS Tes = Tea) Gum eqpares = [Zar sebasoe —CF = 6otscinyo TSs = 136 A 2 } 6 Gleps!. Te find tse Sse= dum Gy Sqpares Q Calumns = Es + sod + za | cr Ny Na Ns. = [- roh+ Cy"! _o rar = 100 +100 = o5425=50 Alas £8e=50 Stepg1- Te find gee Qee= Tes-o90 = 136-50 GE = 9b Step z!~ Anova Table op Stree 4 ean % Pot Mean Squere -Ratio Voszokon Aqpores Between | ogoaso | C-1=3-+=2] Mgo= S8e Samples sa fer Mee = Ob mse tha QS zz wie pla | coe = eh [Ncaiwz | MEER TS 4.5% [Enor] =4 = 956 | = eee Step @:- — Caleulalid Value Ond Tabu value Caleuleted Value fos 2.6% y\ Tobuloded Value C hoes 5 7 | Dof= (2,9. = Arab Stipa! Gndusen Caleulatid Valus < Tobulated vole . > Th hutl hyporheea As acuopled . Hente, The mean Prices Of all the three Uher Aare Lame, Roche Pro blmat— QD The theeo Aorpter below Aave been otihoinad Yoon the normal poplakion with 29ua) Varian tes: Test the Pypothwes ab 57 Lonel @ ignipleenta thal ‘the opulaion trtans Ome Chua, 4elution'— Caloulated Values 4 Tabulated Value = 3-8& He ab Rejecked. ee ae Emample: 2 The Bowing table qfves The ipiatd on 15 Aarmple tinder Hee Vansehies §, Seeds 8/2. Tash ab By be4 uhuthor The Averoge piel 9, ford under cuippeunt Vaseties Q feed Ahow Aignegicot chfjovne A 8 a do | le | SoluHton! 21 | do | a6 Catuslated value= 8-144 93 [IF | aa Pbulalid Vols = 8-84 1b jas | as Reject Ho. Qo Is 18a Enomple +3 The fottowthg Gable ahows the lures 42> hours 9 four brands} ebetric Borsps. Parfoem an analysis 9 Vawiante fest The homeg enaiby Q thy rasan Life 9 pour brande 4 darops. Brand A 1ato léto lé50 thao |tqoo [irae |e] — foods) wee [tba [to [treo [Fee] = | - |= Brond @ | tago | isso _|ttoo | tb20 | "6x0 | V8b0_ | 1749] Wo Berd D | iSlo | i520 | (s30 | |570 ieoo fiéeo | — | — Soluon Calculated Value = 27087 Deal Tabu value = 8-05 Accept Ho 2 — cinesiFicAtioN Randomized Blocks ant y. Two We gap (0? Manifold clase peatons : oor more adtributes. | | g, RBD 1 WE consider wouping har a u is data ©” auch gd do qh table. dealing jfewat TH analyins “*° thet wrumber 3 Calurons and oe dhe Aum ded Prelude onge will get Qmten Squares dobwenn wee Merfiu_ Q R85 et mo has a imple layout The Onalyas 1 possrble even oth the CHE 4 misting ofservahond- R The davign Gntoole The Vosability The atonental nats and ptves The teoatnan bs eguivaline Ahow ir offects Amato § RED x The durian Ge nol Austable goo forge no: a drreat mente & Ungual number 3 peplicatfone yor e7ual dread ment fe pot posble - # The ARape Q the tempers mantal Matiaial Accept a Caltulatid Value > Table Value Reject Ho, Foample 1 '~ An Crperiment was degioned bo Shidy cts performance 4 au Argpeunk dabergesls sor tka Stnjectors «The following Aledtinese eaclngs were Chtained vith cpesaly cleaiqnad Oguipmant fer lp tonne gas dliststbuted over 2 cefperent models 2 ong tres. Frain 4 lege 2 Engine 8 Debio gant A As tg S ee Debagent RB a Ab oe Debrgent /° Ae ee bs Setergent DI. de ay 49 Perform the AnovA And dest ak | Jos whether trare ont Aponte ah the Okbrgents QO the “% Pres. Datergonts Bnd tne oe Xt | Xo [xs ve | xt [ae ACW [5 | ' =" a5 | 4g ( Bly jaja fa |-e la |e 4 e (ba fo [5 af Ae] Oo [ap D Ory -g J | - 22 | br | Ib } ‘Total “AS | -2y | F C35)_] In| 234 3) v \ Shep 4:- To tind N N= ne. Q observations N) = lay Spar. tnd T T= total 4 alt otsorvations T= -35- Stepa:— To fied Corvecton factor Cee Te = best = \og.09 N ta 2 2 Tose the Zoot Dy Ce = loa¢oay+ 3) 109-0 Tse = 264.92 SS-— qo dnd 80 osc = Zot, Sar yp Fae ~ oF Stpbt- Te fird. Gor ual No Ne | : | = 9” 4 2+ C19) — 109.0% | be + 4 | Gee = lass | | | con = (SYi)”s Ewe Dy Ed — ef Ne nN Ne ie 2 L fe = Cup + cst 4+ We 4 ean” -!0y-08 3 = ar => = ho 334 9-a3t3t 161-33—10a.08° ( SSR = (o-my spa To pind ose SLE = Tas— CoR-S8e 264.92 —!10-9) A135 17 " “Qe = (8 ee Table Botue Moc= See . CH= 2 ct Bris | = tas. 6tse |pe Mee | Fett): Costund) = 109k \ =DGa Bho | gsr “= tan S68 z Trlogets | = tiovay | sa |e MB PCS) = (Rows Se eee a8 SSE C19 Cr-1) | See Err | ig.ey co > lance = 6 WOe=3 + 14 Atep gi Caleutatid and Tabulatid Values UD Coleuleded valur (Cstumns) Fox 252 Terbulatid clus Costumn) folarb)= 10°9% ev + Tv UD Coleulthd Valua (Rows) fealty Poduutolid Volus (Row) Fa(8,6929-78 cv stv Qa beth Cases > ail hyporhecia Bo & Rejoctia . HEN, Thane ie At nificant i fferente the ang Pres Brad bf Debregenle ae Ww fide doctors » each Hest Bde drealmonls For. Cordon, Aideage Ord otyerve the me lous gach patient toteos bp vedover The remit, Ove follows . Given Pecoreny tte by days , Doctors ‘Tesobrrents L 2 | 3 A = Dv. Sothish| © to by M3 19 odo De-Renjan u Is ah tz ay Do. Sumetti] 9 i} ae \s 19 Drs Anu & b It tg ao De Paya} 1a Is lo et 22 Kuss the differen bho W Beches Ui) Teaadmante Solution! =a Column Aceepled Row — Rojectil FR= 3.0) Fe = 44.67 (> Te fallossing Fable aPror monthly cSalir Ch sthousand Gupest? 6 A Gevtako xfrem fn The three Alas by tb bour Aalusmen 0 Gilsrnan ] \ n ayy Ww : x 6)ise| 3a] & B Bel cael | ° wm) a)el gy

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