CamScanner 09 13 2023 16.24

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Ramon Magsaysay was the Philippine president best loved by the
common tao. He regarded the Presidency as a sacred trust which
must never be tainted by the slightest shadow of suspicion or scandal.
Once he found out that one of his brothers was making monkey
business; he didn't even give his brother a chance to deny it, he
promptly socked him. He expected his close relations to be
incorruptible or else. .. He fired his executive secretary for endorsing
the promotion of his brother-in-law as an attachéto the Washington
Embassy. He cancelled the governments contract with a shipping
magnate who was his cousin even though that contract had been
signed long before Magsaysay came into power. His brother Jesus had
to go to Indonesia to do his business lest he arouse suspicion here.His
brother Genaro had to lie low during his term of office.
Magsaysay was best remembered as“the man who broke the
backbone of communism in the Philippines.”He was a man oflively
temperament,quick in speech, in movement, and in decision. One of
his marked characteristics was his great indignation against any form
of injustice and oppression. He was much at home with people from
all walks of life with the great as well as the lowly, with the wealthy as
well as the poorest man on the street. He had identified himself with
the masses-the common tao. He was always friendly and frank.
As president,Magsaysay opened the gates of Malacañang to the
common people. He also went out to all parts of the islands, even to
the remotest barrios to find out for himself what the people needed
and to solve theirproblem as best as he distances just to be with the
people he wished to serve. But his term as president was short-
lived.He died in a plane crash and the entire nation mourned his

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