RDL Final Output (Qualitative)

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Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina

98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

A Qualitative Research about

The Impact of Deliberative Political Campaigns on Young Voters


A Research Presented

to the Faculty of the Nuestra Señora De Guia

Academy of Marikina

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Research in Daily Life 1, Research Project and Capstone

Submitted by:

Aclan, Vekeena Ainah

Lacandazo, Cyrille Jay

Perez, Janzhy Mae

Torres, Marc Jeevan

Tresvalles, James

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


Approval Sheet.......................................................................................................v
Introduction 1
Review of the Related Literature 3
Synthesis of the review of related literature and studies 8
Theoretical Framework 10
Conceptual Framework of the study 11
Statement of the Problem 12
Significance of the study 14
Scope and Limitation 15
Definition of terms 16

Research Design 18
Sources of data 18
Data Gathering Instruments 19
Data Gathering Procedure 29
Statistical Treatment of Data 21
Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


At general elections across the Philippines, turnout among young people

tends to be significantly lower than among older voters. Therefore, this research

focuses on the deliberative campaigns, such as digital or political marketing

campaigns that were targeted at young voters in this year's election. More

specifically, this research aims to provide insights that evaluate the effect of

deliberative campaigns on voter turnout and vote shares. In addition, the ideas

put forth herein can certainly help advertising professionals to plan political

marketing campaigns that engage young people in future elections and therefore

aid candidates in their quest to achieve electoral success. This research was

conducted due to the observation of the researcher that many youths are

participating in this year's elections. Finally, communication between political

parties and constituents—may improve the ultimate efficacy of the political


This research uses a Qualitative method to find the details of the

intervention of evaluating the impact of deliberative political campaigns on young

voters. The purpose of this research is to find out whether deliberative political

campaigns correspond to the young voters' decisions.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Research in Daily Life 1 for
this Research Proposal entitled: “A Qualitative Research about
The Impact of Deliberative Political Campaigns on Young Voters” has been

prepared by Group 2, who is hereby recommended for the corresponding Oral



October 15, 2021

Approved in partial fulfilment of the requirement for [insert your current

status] by the Oral Examination Committee.



(Panel) (Panel 2)
Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Research in Daily Life 1,

Research Project and Capstone


Principal, NSDGA
October 15, 2021
Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


The Researcher is overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to

acknowledge my depth to all those who have helped the researcher to put these

ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete. The

researcher would like to deeply thank our principal Engr. Patrick Gene Urrutia for

giving me this opportunity to do this wonderful research entitled as “A Qualitative

Research about The Impact of Deliberative Political Campaigns on Young Voters”

. The Researcher would also like to express the researcher’s deepest

gratitude to his research adviser Mr. Anthony Eder for making this research

possible and for helping the researcher on the way of making this project. The

researcher would like to also express gratitude to all the panels who helped the

researcher improve the research. The researcher would also like to thank all the

individuals who participated in the survey that helped the researcher a lot in

gathering data. The researcher also expresses deepest gratitude also to his

parents and friends who supported the researcher in the making of this research.

The researcher could not express gratitude more to all the help and

support given to the researcher despite all their busy schedules. The researcher

thanks everyone mentioned above for making this project a success.

Thanking you, Group 2

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com



In today’s generation, political campaigns are rapidly spreading. What is a

political campaign? Election campaigns are conducted to have a free and open

discussion about who is a better representative and in turn, which party will make

a better government. In the Philippines 90 days for Presidential and

Vice-presidential elections. Election of Members of the Batasang Pambansa and

Local Election lasts as long as 45 days, as for barangay election this only lasts

for 15 days. Young voters are expected to carry out all our hopes and aspirations

for a better world clean of corruption, poverty, disease and conflict. It is up to

them to bring us into that bright future. They are underrepresented in the voting

population. Persons under the age of 30 vote a lot less than older ones. This

might be due to difficulties in getting to polling places; more often this is a result

of apathy and cynicism, which in turn come from feeling little influence in the

outcome and yet, if more young people could participate in major elections their

concern would have to be addressed more by the candidates, meaning they

would hold more influence. More young people nowadays are eager to contribute

their talents and efforts to make something happen, but they need opportunities

and they also need roles within organisations to make a difference. They need to

be given a chance to participate in the country's development. Youths are active

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

participants in both local and national development of the Philippines, whether

through traditional means like campaigning for clean elections or less-traditional

means like making technology that allows people within their communities to

access information about what's happening around them. This study was carried

out to assess and analyze the impact of deliberative political campaigns on

young voters.

Here we are at the time of our lives, the time where we, “the voters'' have

the power to choose who among our government officials are worthy to become

our president, since before the elections began there were several conflicts in

which we fellow Filipinos continue to argue, who among them are the real

enemies, the real thieves that stole our hard earned money, those who stripped

us away from our freedom. To be specific this research aims to provide insights

on how youth’s vote are important as well as how the youth’s choice may affect

the well being of the Philippines in the future. We live in a generation where we

are free to do as we please, say whatever we want but that doesn't mean the

masses would listen to our opinions. Many youths are participating in this year's

elections. Finally, results suggest that they were effective in increasing vote

shares by changing voters’ attitudes and making the party’s platform more

persuasive among specific societal groups.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


The purpose of this Review related literature particular to the Researchers

topic is to broaden the researchers knowledge about the The Impact of

Deliberative Political Campaigns on Young voters. This Literature Review will

also help to determine what are the possible conflicts and solutions regarding the

topic. It also provides prior ideas to help the researchers improve their study. In

addition it also helps the future researchers and reader to properly understand

this learning.

1. Importance of Political Campaigns to Politicians

Based on (Farrell and Schmitt-Beck, 2003) One of the effective procedures of

persuading the citizen is to conduct Election Campaigns. It is more essential

because Politicians are gaining more interaction between them and the citizens.

They can elaborate more about their political stands and advocacies and

because of that, voters are persuaded about what the politicians have said.
Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

According to (Benoit, 2007) Candidates spend so much that it costs more than a

million to introduce themselves to the citizens. One of the platforms that they

have used are television for advertisements and Websites to tackle themselves

and produce their speech. (Lau and Pomper, 2004) note that “It is not just money

but how candidates choose to spend their campaign funds that influences the

outcome of an election” in other words money is just quite important because the

outcome of the campaign is more significant.

2. Deliberative Political Campaigns

Moctezuma et al. revealed that Deliberative Political Campaigns can increase

voters because voters can be informed about what are their political stands,

platforms and advocacies. It also helps the Parties and Politicians to spread

awareness and share information about what is going to happen about their

plans and to persuade voters and affect their behavior. According to (Lipsitz et

al., 2005) Voters have different points of view about the Politicians Political

Campaigns and voters care more about the political processes and voters

criticizes what they see. Voters want to be informed and involved about the

Candidates campaigns.
Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

3. Efficiency of Young Voters

As stated by (Noordin et al., 2010) Young Generation has a voice to influence

their fellow generation or even to their acquaintance. The Young Generation use

many platforms to voice out what they like and not. This Generation votes a

specific candidate based on their Backgrounds, Political stands, Profile and

importantly their ‘clean’ aspects. The study also shows that Young Voters made

up at least half of the total voters among all the citizens who voted.

According to (Walker, 2006) Young Voters increased and it turned out that the

Young voters effectively divided public engagement into two parts, the Civic and

the Political. This study shows that the Young ones are paying more attention to

the issues that the society is facing.

In conclusion, this Review Related Literature shows the Importance of the

Political campaign to the voters especially to the young ones and the Efficiency

of the Young Voters in the society. It also shows that this study has a lot of

related Literature that can help the Researchers, Future Researchers and the

readers to broaden their knowledge.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


In experiences and studies of possible conflicts and solutions regarding the

study between the political campaigns on young voters, the study advanced the

learning efficacy.

In recent decades political actors of all sorts - parties and candidates,

governments and other political institutions, lobby groups, social movements and

other kinds of citizens' associations - have increasingly come to view political

campaigning as an essential supplement to their engagement in the process of

policy making. By investing ever more efforts and resources into political

campaigns they seek to mobilize support among the mass public, to persuade

citizens of their causes, and to inform the citizenry about public policies and

political activities. Those waging campaigns firmly believe that these efforts help

them to achieve their political goals and thus count in the political process. There

is also a large body of literature in the area of communications studies,

examining the effects of the news media's political reporting on the opinions and

attitudes of their audiences during campaign periods. (Farrell, 2005).

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

Campaigning is a core feature of the political process in contemporary

democracies. Election campaigns see parties and their candidates wage battles

for voters and political office. Issue-based campaigns see government agencies

or interest groups attempting to have an issue or policy placed high on the

political agenda, and to have it favourably framed in public debate. Furthermore,

the study of campaign effects has been predominantly focused on a small

number of national contexts. (Schmitt-Beck, 2006).

While inquiries into the effects of political campaigns cannot ignore the

mediating role of mass communication, equally they cannot restrict themselves to

looking only at the media. (LeDuc, 2008). To be sure, recent years have seen an

increased effort to go beyond the limitations of these strands of research with the

aim of producing firmer conclusions about whether and how political campaigns

affect. We start, in the first section, by outlining the field of study of campaign

effects, setting out a definition of campaigning, and reviewing the types of

campaigns that can be included in this area of research. Finally, we provide a

short progress reviewing the main trends in the study of political campaign

effects, before concluding with a process of the framework.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


The focus of the study was undertaken by the following examination shown

in analysis that provides as a guide or gives direction of the research in

regulating this study, which has a three part procedure: the input, process and


Input Process Output

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


This research targets the Impact of Deliberative Political Campaigns on

Young Voters to the political performances of the elections given that it is widely

news these days to do various observations to the campaigns. Therefore, the

researchers seek answers to the following questions :

1. What are the challenges of developing and implementing a deliberative

political campaign targeted at young voters?

2. What kind of role practitioners may have in a creative planning process

of a political campaign targeted at a young audience?

3. How would it express the opinions in this day of age without starting a

major conflict between political and apolitical students?

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


This study will be undertaken to find qualitative research about the impact of

deliberative political campaigns on young voters to measure its effectiveness

through the masses and how they respond through elections. Benefiting the

study are the various sectors as follow:

The Young Voters

The center of our spotlight today is our young voters. Today we live in a

digital generation in which we look up certain information on the internet, it will

completely appear without any work. This is also why young voters tend to take

matters into their own hands as they did some “digging” as well as found some

new information about the government of today’s age.

The Adults

Today, our adults are easily persuaded through sweet words and money

bargains. From what our researchers can see, the adults based their votes

through popularity among the masses and judged based on how they act in the

media and not keep track of their record in their career as a government official.
Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

The Researchers

The researchers have gathered an abundant amount of information,

considering how the youth's vote may benefit the Philippine's well being in the

future, the adults had also concluded who they'll vote for in the upcoming election

this 2022. Furthermore, it is important for our society to consider all information,

facts and opinions regarding the knowledge of the Philippines.


This study focuses on finding out the Impact of Deliberative Political

Campaign on Young Voters. Recent studies and researchers will be used as

reference to determine the deliberation that could be used to persuade young

voters to mobilize in favor of a given platform.

This study will be conducted in this year's election 2021-2022. Any changes

or progress in details and updated information beyond the said point are not

covered by the election campaign strategies.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com


Deliberate - to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully.

Campaign - a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities

that are intended to achieve a particular aim.

Politics - the activities associated with the governance of a country or other

area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or

hoping to achieve power.

Voters - a person who votes or has the right to vote at an election.

Youths - the period between childhood and maturity, the early period of

existence, growth, or development.

Target - a goal to be achieved, something or someone to be affected by an

action or development.

Development - a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or the

addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic


Election- a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office

or other position.
Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com



The researchers will use Qualitative Research design to characterize the

Impact of Deliberative Political Campaigns on Young Voters and besides to have

knowledge or opinions about the matter of political campaigns to young voters. A

qualitative research design is used concerned with setting up the answers to the

whys and hows of the defining questions.


1.1 Primary Data

We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in

experimental research but in case we do research of the descriptive or qualitative

type of surveys, then we can obtain primary data either through observation or

through direct communication with respondents in one form or another through

google form interviews. This in other words, means that there are several

methods of collecting primary data, particularly in surveys. Important ones are;

observation, interview and questionnaires.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

1.2 Primary Data Methods

● Data Collection through Interview

In this method, there are two groups: one is the researcher who will send

messages through any messaging apps to the respondents or the

interviewer and the other group is the people answering to the questions

or interviewee. An interview can be either telephonic interview

conversation or direct (face-to-face) interview, but because of the

pandemic we can't do that. The benefits of the interview method are that

the information is clear and deep, and missing data can be easily

identified and we can control the size of the sample. The limitations of this

method are it involves longer time to complete, manual mistakes while

recording or coding data and cost incurred is high (Pochiraju & Seshadri,


● Questionnaires and Surveys

In this case, the researchers frame a set of questions to be asked to the

respondents and collect the data by circulating them. Mostly, a pilot study

should be conducted when we make use of this data collection method.

These data can be collected either offline mode (direct survey like a

census) or online mode (google forum, email, etc).

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

The benefits of this data collection are that the respondent gets enough

time to answer the questions, and the cost of conducting this method is

comparatively low. The limitation of this is once the question is framed, we

cannot alter in the middle and it requires more time.

1.3 Secondary Data

In secondary data, we are already collected by and readily available from other

sources. When we use a collection method with primary data from another

purpose for our purpose we refer it to this secondary data. These secondary data

may be obtained from many sources, including literature, industry survey,

compilations from computerized databases and information systems, and

computerized or mathematical models of environmental processes.

1.4 Secondary Data Methods

Government Agencies. Evidence from the post-electoral survey provides support

that increases in vote share stemmed from the town hall deliberations by

strengthening citizens’ attitudes towards the hosting party’s platform. (Fujiwara,

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

Journals. Party representatives encouraged attendees to suggest amendments,

as well as additional proposals for potential inclusion. Upon conclusion,

representatives committed to summarizing suggestions and proposals for

party-list leaders. (Rubenson, 2014)

Websites. This year's election marked electors for the first time participating on

the party-list, and they concentrated their campaign towards the perceived needs

of the urban poor and informal workers. (Wantchekon, 2013)


The researchers used a survey and interview questionnaire instrument to

gather specific data. It allows the respondents to answer the researcher interview

and survey based on their point of view and on their own understanding and also

to not put pressure on the respondents side and they can easily answer the

researchers survey and questionnaire about the researchers research project,

The Impact of Deliberative Campaign on Young Voters.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

The researchers acknowledge and use the survey/interview type of

instrument and to create their own kind of questions based on the researchers'

achievements. With the help of the young voters aged 17 years old to 19 years

old. The researchers made the survey/interview easy to answer in such a matter


a) It will not consume a long time to the respondents' privacy.

b) Researchers will avoid giving pressure to the respondents.

c) Respondents can express their answer in more of their own way.


The researchers conduct the study about The Impact of Deliberative

Political Campaigns on Young Voters aged 17 to 19 years old to gather

information. The researchers distributed an open survey and questionnaires to

the youths who registered and set out background knowledge about the

research. The researchers chose 40 respondents from young voters aged 17 to

19 years old randomly filled with answers to the survey questionnaire.

Nuestra Señora de Guia Academy of Marikina
98 Soliven St., Greenheights Subd., Ph.3, Nangka, Marikina City 1808 Tel:
535-4384 / 899-3795; E-mail: nsdga.gh@gmail.com

After collecting all data with the help of a statistician that tabulated and tallied

the survey, the result would hopefully be a basis for enhanced review. The

respondents were requested to sign a consent from the start that they

understood what the study was all about.

The paper of the respondents survey questionnaires presented to them,

they will answer the survey questionnaires in a google form. The researchers

provided questionnaires that the participants answered the questions in the


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