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Partner Assignments:

Algeria Eygpt Morocco Nigeria

Mohamed Amine Mohamed Yasmine Tyler
Jetle Ann Selam Sedik

Links to help us do research:

Global Edge
World Fact Book
Country Commercial Guides
Expert Solutions
Economic Complexity
World Bank Countries and Economies
World Bank Ease of Doing Business
Factors Sub-factors


International relations

Political/ Legal
Worldwide economy


Geographic strategy

Economy status

Dominated sector

African economy

Economic score

Natural ressources


Socio-cultural Language


cellular data

relations with Europe

Internet usage

Penetration rate

Land and weather


Desertification limitation

Algeria is located on the north coast of Africa. It is also the largest country physically o
Algeria stretches southward into the heart of the Sahara, a threatening desert that make
population lives. Algeria was once controlled by France, but had gained independence
country is ruled by a semi-presidential republic, with the President of Algeria being hea
class in a modern market economy as generate a lot of their revenue from tourism and
tourism market is also expanding in Algeria since Algerians are very welcoming towar
have negatives for the welfare of it's citizens. Negatives such as strict patriarchal autho
Outcome (Mohamed
country. In addition, even having one of the largest markets in Africa, according to the
amine and Jetley)
nations, placing it alongside Lebanon and Iraq as one of the most difficult markets in N
here, along side the shaky regulatory environment to the influence of state-owned enter
Positive (+) Sub-factors

Algeria follows a multi-party republic Government

Algeria had established a diplomatic relation with the US Rights

when Algeria gained independence

Has good bilateral economic relations with other countries Gender descrimination

Algeria has a stable and prospering governemnt

International relations
Largest country in Africa, giving more locations for
The Algerian economy is considered to be an upper-
middle-class income, peaceful, and modern market Exchange revenue
The country benefits from its industrial sector dominated
by the hydro-carbon sector and a stable and profitable Environmental consequences
manufacturing sector.
Algeria has the fourth largest economy in Africa. Being
able to bring in revenue from tourism and natural
Algeria has an economic score of 49.7, giving good
opportunites for investments. Inflation rate

Algeria produces large amounts of hydrocarbon resources ;

also gasoline and electricity are comparatively cheap.

Algerians are very welcoming. They consider guests as Religion

VIPS and will bend over backward to please.

Algeria's second language that is used in companies and for

formal speaking is french which is favorable for europeen Culture

Algeria introduce to the world some good poets like Assia Gender descrimination
The country's infrastructure primarily relies on 3G and 4G
LTE for mobile telecommunications and fiber for fixed Internet speed
Algeria is connected to Europe using four fiber optic under
sea cables to transfer data and information.

Internet usage increased from 27.8% to almost double to
49.2% from 2015 to 2018.
Algeria has a mature mobile segment with a penetration
rate of around 47.04% in 2016
Algeria is the largest African country and has a lot to offer in
terms of sightseeing. It currently snows in the mountains, rains Traveling
in the cities in the north, and is very hot in the desert

They tend to have a Mediterranean climate, with warm winters,

hot summers and, rainy winters.

Natural disasters
implemented a number of programs to fight desertification, such
as the green dam

ocated on the north coast of Africa. It is also the largest country physically on the continent and has a market ranked 4th among o
tches southward into the heart of the Sahara, a threatening desert that makes up more than four-fifths of the country's area and alo
ives. Algeria was once controlled by France, but had gained independence in 1962. The national language that is used is Arabic
uled by a semi-presidential republic, with the President of Algeria being head of state and Prime Minister head of government. A
odern market economy as generate a lot of their revenue from tourism and natural resources. One resource that they excel in prod
rket is also expanding in Algeria since Algerians are very welcoming towards foreigners and treat them with upmost respect. How
ves for the welfare of it's citizens. Negatives such as strict patriarchal authority, limited freedoms of speech and assembly, and a
addition, even having one of the largest markets in Africa, according to the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business ranking, Alger
cing it alongside Lebanon and Iraq as one of the most difficult markets in North Africa and the Middle East. There are fewcompe
side the shaky regulatory environment to the influence of state-owned enterprises. Algeria is not the best option for a firm to do i
Negative (-)

Algeria has been experiencing large sustained anti-

governance demonstrations since gaining independence in
Algeria has limited freedoms of assembly and speech.
Peaceful protesters have been arrested and sentenced due to
the fact they were going against the governement.

Little freedom for women

Algeria faces some political crises with morocco

The country's high dependence on the hydrocarbon sector,

which accounts for 95% of foreign exchange revenue,
makes the country vulnerable to economic shocks.
Algeria's poor business environment also poses a huge
challenge for the economy as many businesses are

In 2021, Algeria's inflation rate was very high at 7.2%

compared to the United States at 4.7%

Since the majority of Algerians are muslims, there are

barriers for international businesses that highlight other

Algeria has strict traditions related to their culture that

should be respected by foreigners;

Algeria is based on a patriarchal authortiy, so women have

less freedom than men.

The internet speed average in Algeria is really slow,

clocking in at a 1mbps average.

Algeria is behind in the development of telecommunications

compared to the United States.
Algeria is behind in the development of telecommunications
compared to the United States.

Road travel is particularly difficult, and flights are prone to delays

due to sandstorms.

The northern part of the country is similar to that of typical

Mediterranean countries, but more arid and arid than the
southern regions.
Algeria may experience earthquakes, mudslides, floods, and
droughts more often than other countries in the area.
Air pollution in major cities. Mediterranean Sea, in particular,
becoming polluted from oil wastes, soil erosion, and fertilizer
ent and has a market ranked 4th among other countries in Africa.
an four-fifths of the country's area and along which the majority of its
national language that is used is Arabic and Algerian Berber. The
d Prime Minister head of government. Algeria is considered middle
rces. One resource that they excel in producing is hydrocarbon. The
and treat them with upmost respect. However, Algeria does however
freedoms of speech and assembly, and a high inflation rate within the
's Ease of Doing Business ranking, Algeria is ranked 157 out of 190
and the Middle East. There are fewcompelling reasons to run a firm
ria is not the best option for a firm to do international business in.
Factors Sub-factors


Political/ Legal
international relations

Political Economy

Poverty rate

Dominated sector

GDP growth rate


Socio-cultural religion

Life expectancy
Digital programs





going green
Egypt, or officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt, is situated in the Northeaster
practiced are Islam and Christianity. The country is huge on producing and exporting: o
majority of its GDP is produced. Egypt is working to improve its economy, placing gre
is also working to expand its technological presence, investing in improvements in tele
launched its NCCS (2050), working to improve environmental conditions. While the co
environnment, there are currently quite a few issues. In recent years, the country has un
President al-Sisi. Due to terrorism threats, military operations have occurred in Egypt,
Outcome (Mohamed and
increasing become militarized, placing great government control over all aspects of life
economic sectors, and limited action from social/environmental organizations. Water in
high, terrorism lurks in the desert, and the economy is being negatively affected by the
and/or detained.
Positive (+) Sub-factors

Egypt has a Republic form of government. That makes it easier

for businesses to operate.

Protesting restrictions


Egypt is the United States' number one export partner in Africa, Terrorism
and the two nations share a peaceful diplomatic relationship.

NGO restrictions

International conflicts
Egyptian Intellectual Copyright Law 82 of 2002 (Art. 147)
protects copyright holders from unconsented claims, production,
Military interactions
and distribution of intellectual property.

The government is working to recover its economic situation,

putting emphasis on: tourism, infrastructure, global investment, Import
economic policy, and private sector investment.
Poverty rate declined by 2.8% during the years 2019-2020
despite the effects of the pandemic. Inflation rate

GDP is densely produced from the nation's service sector

GDP is growing at a rate of 3.3% per annum Poverty rate
In Egypt, the official language is Arabic. Other languages
spoken are English and French. Gender descrimination

Religions practiced are mainly Islam (Sunni) and Christianity

(Coptic Orthodox, Catholic. etc.). It is favorable for brands that
carry other religions than islam.
Population growth
People in Egypt have a life expectancy of 72 years
Government-funded "Our Future is Digital" program that trains
Egyptians in ICT areas of high market demand (web design,
data analysis, digital marketing) Internet



Government is investing in improvements on telecommunication

(internet speed, mobile networks, etc.) Resources

lack of developement

The Prime Minister launched Egypt's National Climate Change

Strategy (NCCS) 2050. It will focus on adaptation and mitigation
programs surrounding energy, transportation, agriculture, and NGO policy

Water scarcity

Egypt recently signed a memorandum of understanding with a

Norwegian firm to build a plant for producing green ammonia (a
carbon-free molecule) in the Suez Canal area. It is expected to Pollution
go live in 2025.

ficially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt, is situated in the Northeastern tip of Africa. The nation's official language is Arab
e Islam and Christianity. The country is huge on producing and exporting: oil, stones, and metal. It is also very focused on its ser
its GDP is produced. Egypt is working to improve its economy, placing great emphasis on tourism, infrastructure, economic poli
king to expand its technological presence, investing in improvements in telecommunication and funding ICT training programs. T
NCCS (2050), working to improve environmental conditions. While the country is putting in much effort to improve its econom
nt, there are currently quite a few issues. In recent years, the country has unfortunately been experiencing political unrest due to
-Sisi. Due to terrorism threats, military operations have occurred in Egypt, resulting in demolition of homes and commercial stru
become militarized, placing great government control over all aspects of life. This includes censorship, restrictions to protests, go
ectors, and limited action from social/environmental organizations. Water insecurity, droughts, and air pollution are persisting co
sm lurks in the desert, and the economy is being negatively affected by the war in Ukraine. Citizens who speak out about their d
Negative (-)

In recent years, there has been military operations occurring in

Egypt under the command of President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. This
resulted in the demolition of homes, agricultural land, and
commercial buildings.

The government is limiting citizens' ability to protest -- affecting

all factors beyond political/legal environment.

Political instability has been implemented since the milatery is

ruling because democracy was and still banned

Terrorism threats lurk in the Western desert.

A recently approved NGO law hinders nongovernment

organization activity in the nation. The law imposed restrictions
such as: prohibiting opinion polls and conducting research
without approval. The government may terminate organizations
on the basis of a wide range of violations.

Egypt and Ethiopia are still in a big conflict about the river Nile
The militarization of the government is threatening private
sectors, with government bodies dominating markets and driving
out private firms.

Egypt is a largely import-reliant nation. Due to the effects of the

Ukraine War, Egypt is currently suffering from soaring prices for
wheat and oil.
Rising inflation rate increased class differences and made it
difficult for poor to survive

Tourism is at an all-time-low (some of its largest markets are

Ukraine and Russia)
Poverty rate is pretty high in Egypt, at 29.7%

In recent years, authorities are hindering women's ability to

express themselves online. From stories concerning rape/sexual
assault to TikTok videos involving song and dance, authorities
are shutting them down. Content creators are being charged.

Egypt is suffering from rapid population growth/overpopulation.

There are no strong population control initiatives.
The government is regulating access to the Internet (ex:

The militarization of the government affects private companies,

effectively also interfering with their production.

Power shortage has hampered productivity of all fields

The government is using resources to develop megaprojects (like

a new administrative capital and commerical buildings) and
strengthing the military. At least for the latter, it is partly for
national security. However, this improper usage of resources is
mostly for posturing.

Unfortunately, all the glory and achievements are now gone, and
modern Egypt does not contribute anything to the development
of science and technology due to the lack of dedicated and
honest leadership.

NGO restrictions and the limitation to protest hinders

environmental activists' ability to carry out policy.

Water is a highly scarce resource in Egypt as percipitation is low

in its hot, arid climate. The country is highly made up of desert,
and there is little to no permanent surface water. While there are
investments made to desalinate and treat waste water, much
water is wasted on ineffective irrigation and evaporation.

Egypt is ranked 27 out of 118 countries for air pollution in the

2021 AQI Country Ranking. Cairo, specifically, is densely
polluted. Most of the causes for the bad air quality involve vehicle
emissions and burning of waste products. Dust from the desert
also plays a part in the air conditions.

Egypt failed to submit its updated NDC (nationally determined

contribution) in 2021, and the following years' update will not
include any information on CO2 conditions. In terms of its 2030
Pledge under the Paris Agreement, Egypt did not annouce any
long-term decarbonization plans.
ca. The nation's official language is Arabic, and religions most
nd metal. It is also very focused on its service sector, where the
on tourism, infrastructure, economic policy, and global investment. It
ion and funding ICT training programs. The country also recently
ing in much effort to improve its economy, technology, and
been experiencing political unrest due to the authoritative control of its
demolition of homes and commercial structures. The government has
es censorship, restrictions to protests, government domination of
oughts, and air pollution are persisting concerns. Poverty is consistently
ine. Citizens who speak out about their dissatisfaction are silenced
Factors Sub-factors

Government system

Political/ Legal


GDP growth


Economy rank


Socio-cultural Democracy

International relations

bank sector

Mobile money gain


Mobile money gain

Forest sector reduction

economic sustainibility

Petroleum industry

natural resources

Nigeria is a fascinating country to attempt international business with because it has its
evaluate. Politically speaking, Nigeria's government operates much like the United Sta
Nigeria is on the right track, it suffers from many concurrent issues such as corruption,
investor from pulling the trigger. Additionally, Nigeria suffers from overwhelming int

However, from the economic side of things, Nigeria has the fastest-growing economy i
around 43% next year. To add to this, Nigeria has recorded over 4.8 billion transaction
neighboring countries, Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa and is the largest prod
inflation rate, which is 16.5%. Additionally, there are extreme economic disparities be
from 29% to 34% recently in 2019.

In terms of diversity and human rights, Nigeria is home to many different ethnicities an
framework to guarantee human rights within its constitution. Some negatives are that c
Outcome (Tyler and Sedik) for modern slavery victims in the UK.
Although Nigeria hasn't evolved much in the technological space, it has improved its b
technology which allows over 50 million new mobile money accounts. Sadly, Nigeria
digital skills for most of the population.

Sadly there aren't many good things to speak about the Nigerian environment because i
massive oil spills. Additionally, Nigeria suffers from high traffic congestion in many U

Although Nigeria is attempting to improve as a country, I would consider it a risky inv

intellectual property, and poor environment.
Positive (+) Sub-factors

Nigeria operates an Executive Presidential system of

government. It is also a democratic republic


Exchange rate


Fast growing economies in West Africa with a GDP of 510

Inflation arte
Billion in 2015

GDP is expected to rise around 43% Taxes

Western Africa led by Nigeria recorded about 4.8 billion

transaction volume and an impressive 130 billion in transaction
economic inequality

Ranked as the largest economy in Africa

Home to many ethnicities, religions and cultures; Christian,

Child labor
Muslim, etc.

Nigeria has a democratic framework and guarentees human

rights within its constitution


Europe is one region that is well poise to benefit from Nigerian

Digital skills
tech talent.
Nigeria has significantly improved their banking over the years.
It is now at a stage where their banking is fueled entirely by Innovation index

Training infrastructure
Sub Saharan Africa was projected to gain 50 million new
mobile money accounts in 2020
Sub Saharan Africa was projected to gain 50 million new
mobile money accounts in 2020
lack of professionals
Nigeria launched its national reducing emissions from
deforestation and degradtion strategy with the aim to reduce Pollution
forest sector emissions by 20% by 2050
In response to covid, Nigeria adopted short term economic
Sustainability plan that installed solar power for over 5 million
The nigerian government approved a Petroleum industry bill to Traffic
reform the oil and gas sector

Nigeria is the largest producer of gas and oil

fascinating country to attempt international business with because it has its very own set of unique problems that entrepreneurs a
olitically speaking, Nigeria's government operates much like the United States, like a democratic republic with an executive pres
n the right track, it suffers from many concurrent issues such as corruption, bribery, terrorism, and kidnappings that would deter
m pulling the trigger. Additionally, Nigeria suffers from overwhelming intellectual property rights violations that are inadequate

rom the economic side of things, Nigeria has the fastest-growing economy in west Africa, with a GDP of 510 billion in 2015. Th
% next year. To add to this, Nigeria has recorded over 4.8 billion transactions that are worth an impressive 130 billion dollars in v
g countries, Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa and is the largest producer of gas and oil. Some downside to this insane gr
e, which is 16.5%. Additionally, there are extreme economic disparities between North and south Nigerians. And lastly, the pub
o 34% recently in 2019.

diversity and human rights, Nigeria is home to many different ethnicities and religions, such as Christianity and Islam, as well as
to guarantee human rights within its constitution. Some negatives are that child labor laws are inconsistent, and Nigeria is in the
slavery victims in the UK.
igeria hasn't evolved much in the technological space, it has improved its banking over the years. Currently, its banking system
which allows over 50 million new mobile money accounts. Sadly, Nigeria is still ranked the lowest for global innovation due to
s for most of the population.

aren't many good things to speak about the Nigerian environment because it suffers from high air and water pollution, deforestat
spills. Additionally, Nigeria suffers from high traffic congestion in many Urban areas, which could hurt many brick-and-mortar

igeria is attempting to improve as a country, I would consider it a risky investment due to the poor innovation of technology, hig
property, and poor environment.
Negative (-)

Concurrent issues of corruption such as bribery

There is a high threat from terrorism in Nigeria

Central Bank of Nigeria has imposed exchange controls on a

number of product categories and continues to intervene in the
market to keep theofficial naira rate from depreciating
Kidnappings remain a huge security concern in the country

Enforcement of intellectual property rights remains a problem in

nigeria. It continues to be a large widespread probably due to
inadequate enforcement

16.5% inflation rate

Several types of federal taxes and 500 state taxes that apply for

Extreme inequality and significant economic disparities between

North and South

Child labor laws are inconsistent

Nigeria is in the top three countries of origin for modern slavery

victims in the UK

There are over 500 indigenous languages spoken in nigeria

The technological prowess is still abysmally low, most of the

population lacks digital skills
Ranked the lowest for the global innovation index

The techn training infastructure is not adequately set up

There is a vast need for teach professionals within Nigeria

Suffers from air pollution, water pollution, solid waste, urban

poverty, deforestation, wind erosion, oil spilles and flooding

Nigeria suffers from high traffic congestion in urban areas

t of unique problems that entrepreneurs and corporations must

mocratic republic with an executive presidential system. Although
orism, and kidnappings that would deter any rational international
perty rights violations that are inadequately enforced.

a, with a GDP of 510 billion in 2015. The GDP is still expected to rise
orth an impressive 130 billion dollars in value. Compared to its
and oil. Some downside to this insane growth is the exceptionally high
and south Nigerians. And lastly, the public debt has increased sharply

such as Christianity and Islam, as well as having a solid democratic

ws are inconsistent, and Nigeria is in the top three countries of origin

the years. Currently, its banking system is fueled entirely by

d the lowest for global innovation due to an abysmally low lack of

m high air and water pollution, deforestation, wind erosion, and

which could hurt many brick-and-mortar businesses.

to the poor innovation of technology, high crime rates, lack of

Factors Sub-factors



Political/ Legal
International relations


Real GDP

GDP per capita


Inflation rate

Labor force/Unemployement

Life expectancy at birth

Age structure

Fertility rate

Cellular data

State of the art technologies


inetrnational relations

Climate change index

Environmental Sustainibility

Renewable energy

.The Kingdom of Morocco is the most westerly of the North African countries known a
mountain interior and a history of independence not shared by its neighbors. Morocco
of the government. Morocco has become a major player in African economic affairs. T
the digital transition. The greatest barriers to doing business in Morocco are a lack of tr
procedures. The legal system is based on a combination of French, Spanish, and Islami

Outcome (Yasmine and

Selam )
Positive (+) Sub-factors

The politics of Morocco takes place in a framework of a constitutional and

Political system
parliamentary system.

There are multiple competitive political parties, ranging from extreme left
to radical conservatives.

The country is a long-time partner of the US in counter-terrorism and EU

African union
in curbing illegal immigration.

Morocco has followed a policy off privatization and decentralization of

certain sectors which used to be under full government control.

Real GDP: A small yet considerable real GDP growth rate increase (2.5%
in 2019) led to a stronger economy.
The purchasing power parity went from $272.53 billion in 2018 to $279.3 Budget
billion in 2019.

GDP per capita: Real GDP per capita went from $7,400 to $7,500 in 2019.
Even though it is a small amount of standard living of residents, it is still debt
an increase in the economic output of Morocco per person.

Inflation rate: A decrease in inflation rate (from 2% in 2018 to 0.2% in

trade balance
2019), resulted in a considerable increase in discretionary income.

Labor/Unemployment: Morocco has the 49th place in labor force with Exchange rate
10.399 million workers in 2020, Unemployment rate decreased by 42%
going from 9.65% in 2018 to 9.23% in 2019.

Life Expectancy: The average number of years to live has been increasing
and reached 73 years in 2020

Age Structure: A youthful population with a structure of 40.64% between

the ages of 25-54 and 27.04% between the ages of 0-14 in 2020

Urbanization: A high urbanization rate of 63% of total population.

3.716 million in Casablanca
1.865 million in Rabat
1.204 million in Fes Literacy rate
1.157 million in Tangier
0.989 million in Marrakech
Fertility Rate: A decent fertility rate of 2.31 children born per woman in
2020, that helps the population increase and the to become a youthful religion/culture
Morocco was the first African country to install the 3G network and in
constant transformation and advancement in the information technology Cyper protection
Casablanca is a hub for state-of-the-art technologies that are attracting
multinational corporations. Education

The communications sector already accounts for more than half of the
foreign direct investments in morocco. research sectors

Its population's language skills and its proximity to France and other
European countries made the offshoring of businesses using technology Innovation
Climate Change Performance Index: Morocco gets the 2nd ranking in the
Pollution index
world in climate performance and protection in 2019
Sustainability: Morocco planned a controlled process of minimizing waste
Biocapacity deficit
and of getting rid of it in an ecofriendly way
Renewable Energy: Renewable energy had a production of 3264
Water resources
megawatts in 2019

m of Morocco is the most westerly of the North African countries known as the Maghreb - the "Arab West". It has Atlantic and M
erior and a history of independence not shared by its neighbors. Morocco has followed a policy of privatization of certain econom
ment. Morocco has become a major player in African economic affairs. The Kingdom's ICTs have boosted employment in the re
nsition. The greatest barriers to doing business in Morocco are a lack of transparency in government procurement, slow bureaucr
The legal system is based on a combination of French, Spanish, and Islamic laws, and can often be complex for international com
Negative (-)

The Kingdom of Morocco's political system is a hereditary

constitutional monarchy.

The laws of the country mandates and practice Islamic (Sharia)

laws which could be an obstacle to some international firms.

Morocco is not a member of the African Union since leaving the

organization in 1984.

There's a presence of active ISIS and Al-Qaida operatives in the


Budget: Morocco has a budget deficit where the revenues

(22.81billion) do not cover its expenditures (5 26.75 billion).

Debt: An internal public debt of 65.1% of GDP and an external

debt of $52.957 billion.

Trade Balance: Export: $27702724.58

Imports: $44526432.15
Resulted in a negative trade balance of -16823707.56 in
thousands of US$.

Exchange Rate: A low currency exchange rate where 1 Moroccan

dirham is equal to 9.0065 US dollars in 2020.

Population: A growing population but the rate is declining at


GPI: A small yet considerable decrease in GPI from 1 in 2017 to

0.99 from 2018 to present, meaning boys are slightly more
privileged than girls.

Literacy Rate: An above average literacy rate of 68.5%.

However, male literacy rate is 78.6% while female rate is 58.8%
which means female education is not given the importance it
Religion/Culture: A domination of Muslim-Arabs (99% of
population) which makes it hard for international businesses with
different cultures to settle in Morocco and be profitable.

There aren't enough laws protecting online personal data and

privacy in the country exposing it to hackers.

The country suffers from a lack of technological means in

schools for about 75% of the students.
Government control of various research and development sectors
hinders the speedy growth of this industry.

The presence of an unwelcoming market to innovations and

technological entrepreneurship is a significant hurdle.

Pollution Index: Morocco takes the 40th place in the world in

pollution with a pollution index of 69.15
Biocapacity deficit: Ecological footprint exceeds Biocapacity by
Water Resources: An expected decrease of 10% to 20% in water
resources because of climate change

rab West". It has Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines, a rugged

privatization of certain economic sectors which used to be in the hands
e boosted employment in the region and businesses are benefiting from
ent procurement, slow bureaucratic decision-making process and
complex for international companies to navigate.
Factors Sub-factors


Political Right index:

Political/ Legal

Democracy Index

Civil liberties

Competitiveness index

Economic system

GDP growth


Economic freedom

Democracy Index
Gender Issue:



Education system


Social media


technology access

Internet freedom

Gas emissions

Carbon Footprint



Going green

Electricity production
Due to its development after the 2011 uprising, Tunisia is now a crucial democratic par
threatened by a lingering economic crisis, political discontent, and the inherent challen
Tunisia has been engaged in a genuine process of fixing its environmental issues, yet fu

Outcome Israa and Kazi)

Positive (+) Sub-factors

26 political rights and 38 civil liberties make up the Tunisian

Corruption index
Global Freedom Score of 64.

• According to the Freedom House, The political rights

index for Tunisia is two, indicating that the country's citizens
have access to both political rights and civil liberties. These Political Stability
liberties include the right to vote, free speech, and equality
before the law.

• Tunisia was rated 75th out of 167 nations in the world in

2021. It came in second place to Israel in the Middle East and
North Africa (7.97).
The democratic index in Tunisia was 5.99.
Tunisia has an interesting score of 0.24 for voice
accountability Government effectiveness

Tunisia is ranked 45th worldwide for civil liberties with score

equals to 3.

Tunisia is one of the top 10top African countries with the

highest global competitiveness index.

Tunisia has a mixed economic system with a combination of

private freedom and centrealized economic planning and Unemployement rate
government regulation.
Tunisia's GDP has grown by an estimated 2.9% in 2021. Inflation rate

Tunisia is ranked 10th among 14 countries in the Middle East

and North Africa region. It scores overall below the region and Poverty rate
the world average.

55.4 is the Index of Economic Freedom in Tunisia. Lack of resources

• Tunisia is the only democratic state in the Arab World.

Public sector
• Women's rights in the Arab world are generally credited to
Tunisia as being at the forefront of this movement.
• In the MENA area, the nation is ranked fourth for gender
equality. Women make up 42% of students in higher education Lifestyle:
in Tunisia, have a literacy rate of 72%, and hold 36% of the
seats in parliament.

• All Tunisians can receive free medical care at state-owned

hospitals and health centers.
• The "Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie" oversees
managing health insurance. In Tunisia, everyone must
participate in the assistance program. Depending on the socio-
professional category, it varies.
• If the insured visits one of the following three tiers of
infrastructure within the public system, the fees incurred inside
the public health centers are reimbursed: University hospitals, -
district and regional hospitals.
• Health insurance may provide coverage for several
private-sector services.
Gini Index
• Compared to the rest of the African countries, health
spending per capita in Tunisia is 233.06
• Safety and Security
• In a list of the safest cities, Tunis is ranked 104 out of 266
Teleport Cities based on its overall crime rate.
• About 56.4% of the population has received the COVID-
19 vaccine.
• The countrywide Covid-19 immunization program, which
started in March 2021, includes immigrants, refugees, and
asylum seekers.

•Tunisia offers a free education system Human rights:

Tunisia's most significant exports are textiles, leather products,

Cyber risks
electrical machinery, and refined petroleum.
Censorship is uncommon in the country. Popular social media
such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and international services
are freely available.

Tunisia's information and communication technology

infrastructure is very solid and robust. Continuing to improve as
Cyber problems
the years have passed. It's access is relatively affordable, and
there is a push to make access avaiable outside of major cities.

Tunisia's overall score for internet freedom is 63 out of 100. It

has a relatively low percentage of access barriers, human rights
violations, and access restrictions.

• In an effort to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Tunisia has been engaged in a
genuine process of lowering its carbon-based economy for a
number of years. A set of comprehensive, long-term proactive climate change results
energy control methods is needed for this. This procedure needs
to be strengthened and further consolidated, nevertheless.
However, a number of issues put this trend's viability at risk.

• By the year 2030, Tunisia plans to significantly cut its

carbon footprint by 13%. By 2020 and up to 30% by 2030,
renewable energy is predicted to make up a larger portion of the
electricity generated. The efforts to keep the increase in the water scarcity
world average temperature to far below 2 °C above pre-
industrial levels and to pursue measures to restrict the
temperature increase even further to 1.5 °C are greatly aided by
these ambitious indications.
• With climate change at the top of its political and
economic agenda, Tunisia is the fourth Arab nation to publish
its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for a
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It is also the first nation
lack of recycling
in the area to recognize climate change in its new constitution,
which states that "a sound and balanced environment while
contributing to the safety of the climate by all available means"
is required.

• Startups, small firms, and new companies are following the

green business strategy n their management, having a significant
impact on the ecological health of a country.
financial deficit

• Tunisia is ranked 7th among the rest of African countries

for electricity production from renewable energy with an
amount of 489 Million kwh.
evelopment after the 2011 uprising, Tunisia is now a crucial democratic partner in an unstable area. However, the country's polit
by a lingering economic crisis, political discontent, and the inherent challenges of significant political and social change.
been engaged in a genuine process of fixing its environmental issues, yet funding and awareness are still lacking.
Negative (-)

• The Corruption Perceptions Index for Tunisia in 2021 is

44, indicating that political corruption there is high.
A low control corruption index of -0.02 in 2020 is also present.

• The most recent value from 2020 is -0.63 points,

demonstrating the political instability of Tunisia.

• In 2020, Tunisia's average value was 0.2, indicating that the

government was ineffective.

High unemployment rate reaching 18.4% in 2021. Being

extremely high in the west of Tunisia. Also high with the
younger generation and women in the country.
The annual inflation rate has risen to 8.6% in 2022.

The poverty rate has reached 3.4% in 2022.

Tunisia is a poor country which hasn't been blessed with many


• Tunisia is ranked 69th out of 78 countries for best places to

live in 2021.
• The public sector in Tunisia provides subpar services with
outdated technology and a lack of innovation.
• Extreme poverty, as defined by the international poverty
line of $1.90 per day in living expenses, nevertheless fell below
1% in Tunisia in 2020; but poverty as defined by the US$3.20
per day range was expected to have risen from 2.9% to 3.7%.
• The Tunisian National Institute of Consumption (INC)
reported that the country's e-commerce sales in 2017 were 63
million dollars, which is still quite low compared to more
developed African e-commerce marketplaces.

• According to the World Bank's collection of development

indicators, the Gini Index was 32.8 in 2013, indicating extreme
income inequality.

• Security authorities continued to employ violence in 2022 to

put an end to socioeconomic protests across the nation.
• Refugees and asylum seekers in Tunisia did not have a
formal legal status due to the ongoing absence of a national legal
framework on asylum, which restricted their access to some

There is individual risk when it comes to content that's published

online that is critical of the security forces or the governement.
There is a lack of a legal framework that regulates the process of
surveillance on content.
Content removal happens occansionally in Tunisia. The process
is transparent to users.

• Due to its high vulnerabilty to climate change, Tunisia is

anticipated to suffer negative effects from increasing sea levels,
decreasing precipitation, greater aridity, and higher temperatures.
environmental implications will particularly affect water
resources, the agricultural and livestock, ecosystems, coastal
zones, health, and tourism sectors.

• The amount of waste produced in Tunisia rises by an

average of 3% per day, totaling more than 2.5 million tons
annually. Numerous municipal dumps do not adhere to sanitary
standards: The sole managed dump in the Tunis region and the
largest in Tunisia, Borj Chakir, receives an estimated 3,000 tons
of solid trash daily, far more than the 44 tons that are allowed in
landfills in the EU.

•At Present Only 4-7% of Tunisia's garbage is recycled

In addition to a glaring lack of environmental awareness,

education, knowledge, and proper management among the
general population as well as among decision-makers, Tunisia
lacks the financing necessary to modernize its energy producing
stable area. However, the country's political stability continues to be
cant political and social change.
wareness are still lacking.
Our Final Verdict: The Best Country of the 5 to Do Business In


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