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Jose Rizal during his Homecoming and his 2nd Travel abroad

Glen Joshua Agravio



(July 1887)

Governor General Emilio Terrero - Rizal was being summoned of the Governor General
because of his novel. He went to Malacañang and answer allthe questions regarding of
his novel and he denied that he was spy from Germany. He just explained that the novel
is just based on how society of the Philippines have. As a resultof that the Governor is
satisfied on his answer and he asked for the copy of his novel since he still not readthe
novel. Later on he assigned a body guard for Rizal to protect him from any danger since
his novel was being accused to have subversive ideas against the church and the
Spanish government. The Governor sent the novel for further assessment to the
Permanent Commission on Censorship composed of priest sand laymen because of
that the book should totally banned and the circulation of it in islands is should stopped.
No arrests were made, thanks to the liberal-minded governor. August 1887Teodora
Alonso Realonda- after he arrived at Calamba he turned the ground floor of their house
as his clinic and his very first patient was his Mother that has a problem in her eyesight
to the point that she could hardly see. He restored the eyesight of her mother and
because of that it spread like a wild as many sick people came to his house to seek for
medical health February 1888.

(August 1887)

Teodora Alonso Realonda- after he arrived at Calamba he turned the

Ground floor of their house as his clinic and his very first patient was his
Mother that has a problem in her eyesight to the point that she could hardly
See. He restored the eyesight of her mother and because of that it spread like
Wild as many sick people came to his house to seek for medical health.

Febuary 1888

O-Sei-San - She is a Japanese and she has an affair with Jose Rizal and
Rizal thought she was the best affair he have and he is ready to settle in
Japan with O-Sei-San but Rizal’s love for his country is more important to
Him and by that he leave O-Sei -San and she understand Rizal that’s why she let him

(April 1888)

Tetcho Suehiro - is a politician, journalist, and novelist and the man

Who first brought nationalist movement of the Philippines to the Notice
Of the Japanese public. Jose Rizal and Tetcho Suehiro happened to meet
On a voyage by ship going to the United States. Both of their novel;
Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and Suehiro’s Nanyo no daiharan reveal the
Influence of democratic and nationalistic teachings and prevailing in the
Western World. It was also revealed that Suehiro’s novel helped the
Filipinos to fight for their independence.

(May 1888)
Dr. Reinhold Rost- the librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
An authority on Malayan languages and customs. He called Rizal “ pearl
Of man” (una perla de hombre) as he was impressed by his learning and
Character. Discussed problems on Philippine affairs with Dr. Regidor, he
Learned even more and had recreations in Dr. Rost’s company.

Fr. Vicente Garcia- He is the greatest defender of Noli a Filipino Priest
Of a Catholic theologian of the Manila Cathedral, in Father Vicente Garcia.
Under the pen-name Justo Desiderio Magalang. Father Garcia wrote a very
Scholarly defense of the Noli, claiming among other things that Rizal
Cannot be an ignorant man, being the product of Spanish officials and corrupt friars; he
himself who had
Warned the people of committing mortal sin if they read the novel had therefore
committed such sin for he
Has read the novel
Marcelo H. Del Pilar- He is one of the allies of Jose Rizal and Del
Pilar, cleverly writing under an assumed name Dolores Manapat,
successfully circulated a publication that negated the effect of Father
Rodriguez' Caiingat Cayo.
Jose Maria Basa- José Ma, known as the "smuggler of the
Filipino Revolution" and a pillar of thepropaganda movement,
assisted in the distribution of copies of the journal
LaSolidaridad, which was published by Jose Rizal, Marcelo H.
del Pilar and others.
Antonio de Morga- He was a soldier and a lawyer, an
explosive combination, especially if one was also a high-ranking
colonial bureaucrat. Rizal felt Morga to be more “objective” than
the religious writers whose accounts included many miracle
stories. Morga, compared to religious chroniclers, was more
sympathetic to the indios; and finally, Morga was not only an
eyewitness but a major actor in the events he narrates.

Indios Bravos- He formed Los Indios Bravos, an association of Filipino writers whose
poems, stories, and
Newspaper articles demonstrated the current condition of the Philippines at the hands
of the Spanish. Their
Goal was to raise awareness of their cruel and unjust treatment of Filipinos.

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