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Configuring ONT and MDU on OLT by Using CLI Command

1. Internet Service for ONT (Command on OLT)

 Create a service VLAN and add an upstream port to it.
Vlan 3881 smart
Port vlan 3881 0/19 1

 Configure upstream link aggregation

link-aggregation 0/19 0-1 0/20 0-1 ingress workmode lacp-static

 Configure a DBA profile

dba-profile add profile-id 18 profile-name "PPPoE" type4 max 102400

 Configure an ONT line profile.

ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 3 profile-name "HG8247"
tcont 1 dba-profile-id 18
gem add 10 eth tcont 1
mapping-mode vlan
gem mapping 10 3 vlan 3881

 Configure an ONT service profile.

ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 3 profile-name "HG8247"
ont-port pots 2 eth 4 catv 1

 Add an ONT on the OLT.

Interface gpon 0/1
ont add 1 0 password k00108 always-on omci ont-lineprofile-id 3

Port yg mau ONT

digunakan ID


 Configure a traffic profile.

traffic table ip index 7 name "PPPoE" cir 30720 cbs 985040 pir 30720 pbs 1968080 priority 0
priority-policy tag-in-package

 Create service ports

service-port vlan 3881 gpon 0/1/1 ont 0 gemport 10 multi-service user-vlan 3881 tag-transform
translate rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7

 Save
2. SIP service for ONT (Command on OLT)
 Create a service VLAN and add an upstream port to it.
Vlan 217 smart
Port vlan 217 0/19 1

 Configure upstream link aggregation

(if link aggregation already configure before, we don’t need to configure it anymore)

 Configure a DBA profile

dba-profile add profile-id 19 profile-name "SIP" type4 max 102400

 Configure an ONT line profile.

ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 3 profile-name "HG8247"
tcont 2 dba-profile-id 19
gem add 217 eth tcont 2
mapping-mode vlan
gem mapping 217 4 vlan 217

 Configure an ONT service profile.

(if an ONT service profile already configure before, we don’t need to configure it anymore)

 Add an ONT on the OLT.

(if an ONT already add before, we don’t need to configure it anymore)

 Configure a traffic profile.

traffic table ip index 8 name "SIP" cir 30720 cbs 985040 pir 30720 pbs 1968080 priority 0 priority-
policy tag-in-package

 Create service ports

service-port vlan 217 gpon 0/1/1 ont 0 gemport 217 multi-service user-vlan 217 tag-transform
translate rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8

 Save

3. Command for MDU on OLT

 Configure a DBA profile
dba-profile add profile-id 17 profile-name 2G_8E1 type1 fix 57856 bandwidth_compensate yes

 Configure an ONT line profile.

ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 1 profile-name MA5612_8E1
tcont 1 dba profile-id 17
gem add 1 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 2 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 3 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 4 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 5 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 6 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 7 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem add 8 tdm tcont 1 priority-queue 0
gem mapping 1 0 e1 1
gem mapping 2 0 e1 2
gem mapping 3 0 e1 3
gem mapping 4 0 e1 4
gem mapping 5 0 e1 5
gem mapping 6 0 e1 6
gem mapping 7 0 e1 7
gem mapping 8 0 e1 8

 Add an ONT on the OLT.

interface gpon 0/1
ont add 0 0 password k00107 always-on snmp ont-lineprofile-id 1 desc KUNCI_A
ont snmp-profile 0 0 profile-id 1

4. Command on MDU
interface gponnni 0/0/0
password k00107
clock source 0 0/0/0
clock priority system 0
board confirm 0
interface tdm 0/1
port all udt system

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