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2021 after EVE Trace search Goldberg for POC

March 14, 2014 AG establishes Revocable Trust likely at PNC

Unit 815 August 30, 2016: Deed recorded at BK 16159, PG. 482. On paper, AG paid $400K in cash for
the Unit from the beneficiary sons of the Owner Saudra Goldberg. The realtor is my neighbor at Unit ___.
She confirms the above. $400k is at least twice as much as what the unit. 1 Upon info and belief, AG and
sons came up with a scam with a cash-back component for tax avoidance.
February 7, 2017: AG executes and has notarized a OPEN END Mortgage Loan in the amount
$250,000 k using non-existent property. Not recorded until 2019. Loan No. . 2624016

-March 10, 2017 - Unit 815 AG obtains a mortgage loan on unit 815 n in the amouint of $250,000K,
also loan No. 26240616, see pg. 2 of Instrument 2017-1847 recorded at Bk M vl 47645 PG 418

records mortgage at Loan No. 2624016 at

The Real Property parcel identification number is 0086-P-00150-0815-00. cited as recorded on
08.30.2016 at BK. 16519, P. 482.

July 30, 2019: AG Executes wiht Roger E. Roberts of PNC mortgage on property 7-year open ended
loan conveying all interests in 5600 Munall which is recorded on August 3019 Copy and paste
description below: Note that recording date of this Parcel ID is August 30, 2016 at Deed Book No. and
page number which cannot be traced to any particular book. And in fact the Parcel ID is also inaccurate
given it omits multiple digits “. 0000” seeC opy and paste from Alleghy RE Portal US Land.

See Real Estate Portal | Search | Allegheny County viewed multiple times and 2/2/2021. Type in the
Tax Parcel No. and search by full parcell ID no. Copied and pasted below:

CI witnessed coversation with OWNER’s realtor who is innocent party.
February 7, 2017: AG executes and has notarized a OPEN END Mortgage Loan in the amount
$250,000 k using non-existent property. Not recorded until 2019. Loan No. . 2624016

Hit Search: Result viewed and copy and pasted below.
See Exh. ___ 1977 alleged Sale Date, $4Million Dollars for a 1100 sq foot apt not identified and see
chrono not factually psosible on this datee. Deed Book is 5892 at p. 456. Not accessible online because
1977 copied off on 2/2/2021

Pg. 1 Note c/o A and N 425 Craig


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