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for  Technology  Solutions,  

      Solicitation  Number:  11-­15    

Lenovo,  the  Most  Complete  Vision  for  IT  (Gartner,  November  2014)  
“Lenovo's  focus  is  on  continuing  improvement  of  its  global  capabilities  and  market  understanding.    This  
has  produced  market  share  gains  in  the  enterprise  and  consumer  markets.    Lenovo  still  invests  heavily  in  
product  innovation,  while  keeping  prices  highly  competitive—both  of  which  contributed  to  its  growth  ...  
Lenovo  is  a  leading  option  for  organizations  requiring  global  PC  deployments,  and  a  strong,  viable  
supplier  for  all  business  notebook  and  desktop  requirements.”  
Lenovo’s  Strengths:  
•   Strong  product  design,  and  
continued  investment  in  
development  capabilities  
•   Well-­established  ThinkPad  brand  
•   Continuous  improvements  in  its  
sales  strategy,  channel  and  supply  
chain,  combined  with  an  aggressive  
competitive  approach  to  the  
corporate  market  
•   Continuing  geographic  expansion  in  
emerging  markets  
•   Improved  service  offerings  as  a  
result  of  bringing  coordination  and  
control  in-­house  
•   Expansion  into  adjacent  markets  
with  strong  tablet  offerings  

We  Are  Winning  Around  the  World  (SOURCE:  IDC,  2015)  


Revenue   **
Market  share   *  
$  46.3  B   20.3%    
      60M   Smartphones  &  Tablets  WW**  
1Q   2Q   #3   WW  Smartphone  share  (8.7%)  
2015   2015   #3   Tablet  share  
    #3   WW  server  share  WW  (14%)  
     1Q   1Q    
2009   2009  
    55M  PCs  Sold  Worldwide**  
$14.9B   8.1%    
*Source:  IDC  Worldwide  Quarterly  PC  Tracker,  July    2015  (Preliminary)  
**Annual  results  for  2015  calendar  year  

Lenovo  (United  States)  Inc.   Page  5  
Use  or  disclosure  of  data  contained  on  this  page  is  subject  to  the  restriction  on  the  last  page  of  this  document.  
RFP  for  Technology  Solutions,  
      Solicitation  Number:  11-­15    

Lenovo  #1  in  Global  Large  Business,  Education  and  Government  Notebooks  
Leading  Global  LBEG  notebook  market  with  19.6%  share  

Large Business, Education and Government Market Share


10 19.6 18.6
5 10.2 9.4
5.4 4.9 3.7
0 2 1.7
Lenovo HP Dell Acer Apple Samsung Toshiba Canaima Positivo ASUS

Passing  10  Mil  Specs  Means  ThinkPads  are  Tough  


Lenovo  (United  States)  Inc.   Page  6  
Use  or  disclosure  of  data  contained  on  this  page  is  subject  to  the  restriction  on  the  last  page  of  this  document.  

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