Span 1 Revision Ho Ins. 2

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METU/SFL Fall 2022

(Instructor’s Copy)

A. Read the text, and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
The Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) is believed to be the
world's rarest mammal. Today, it is one of Europe's officially protected marine
animals. In the early 1970s, the population of Monk Seals on Turkish coasts (1) was
estimated (estimate) to be around 250, and in the years that followed, their number
(2) decreased (decrease) because of human factors, such as habitat destruction,
disturbance by tourism in summer months, and deliberate killing and overfishing.
Since 1977, when official protection of Monk Seals started in Turkey, numerous projects (3) have been
carried out (carry out) by several organizations to help these animals to survive. One of these organizations
is SAD-AFAG, which (4) was established (establish) by a group of METU students in 1987. Nowadays, SAD-
AFAG needs some support so that it can achieve its aim and become the first student-led organization to
save monk seals.

The organization has a lot of significant projects, and one of its current projects (5) is (be) the Çeşme
Mediterranean Monk Seal Project, which started in May 2015. The members of the organization (6) were going
to complete (complete) the project last year, but they had too many expenses. Unfortunately, some members of
the organization (7) don’t think (think) they will be able to complete it soon because of financial issues. They
believe that if they manage (8) to solve (solve) these problems, it is going to be possible to protect the habitat of
these mammals against destruction by coastal development and pressure by tourism. These days, SAD-AFAG (9)
is running (run) campaigns to raise funds from various governmental and private organizations.

Accidental inventions
Some inventions happen through pure luck. While Swiss inventor George
De Mestral (1a) was walking (walk) through the countryside, he
(1b) noticed (notice) that *burrs from plants stuck to his clothes. These
were really hard (2) to pull (pull) away. That gave him the idea for the
brilliant two-part clothing fastener: VELCRO®.

Another inventor who got lucky was Percy Spencer. He (3) was experimenting (experiment) with a
magnetron, a device that turns electricity into microwave radiation for radar, when he noticed that
a chocolate bar in his pocket (4) had begun (begin) to melt. He realized that the microwave radiation
was generating the heat that (5) had melted/ melted/ was melting (melt) the food—and that gave him
the idea for the microwave oven. The microwave oven is an electric oven that is used to heat and cook
food by (6) exposing (expose) it to electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range.
*burr: a very small, round seed container that sticks to clothes and to animals' fur because it is covered in little hooks

C. Read the text, and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

American television host, actress, and entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey was born
in Kosciusko, Mississippi, in 1954. Her mother was an unwed teenage girl, and
her father was a US Army private. Oprah's mother named her after a character
in the Bible named "Orpah." However, her name was misspelled on the birth
certificate, and people (1)have called (call) her Oprah since then.

Oprah’s parents were very poor, and they separated when Oprah was just a
baby. When Oprah was still young, her mother moved to Wisconsin (2)to find (find) a job, and Oprah
stayed in Mississippi with her grandmother. While she was living with her grandmother, Oprah (3)didn’t
have (have) many friends. However, she didn’t mind (4)being (be) alone.

In fact, she never felt lonely as she had a very imaginative mind. She spent most of her time playing with
the farm animals. Oprah was also a very intelligent child. At the age of four, she (5) knew (know) how to
read and write thanks to her grandmother. Later, she won a speech contest and earned a full
scholarship to college. After her graduation, she started (6)to work/working (work) at a TV station in
Baltimore. Later, she (7)was invited (invite) to host a morning TV show in Chicago, which became the
well-known Oprah Winfrey Show.

With the launch of The Oprah Winfrey Show, which continued until the year 2011, Oprah became a
celebrity in the country. Over 10 million people (8) watched / were watching (watch) her show every
day, and by the end of the 1990s, her $415 million income (9) had made (make) her a very powerful
figure in the TV industry.

Even though most people know her as a talk-show host, Oprah is also a leading actress. Over the years,
she (10) has acted (act) in several films. She was even nominated for an Oscar for her performance in
Steven Spielberg's The Color Purple. Oprah Winfrey now continues her life as an entrepreneur.
Currently, she (11) owns (own) a TV-production facility, Harpo Studios, in addition to The Oprah
Magazine, which has a circulation of more than two million monthly readers. Oprah Winfrey is not on
the little screen anymore; however, it is certain that her achievements as a TV icon will not be forgotten.

D. Read the text below, and fill each gap with the correct form of the verb given in parentheses.

The 12th episode in the first season of How I Met Your Mother, entitled "The Wedding," is about Ted’s
friends Claudia and Stuart's wedding. Ted is worried about (1)not being (be) able to find a date for the
wedding. When Robin announces that she and her boyfriend Derek have broken up, Ted decides (2)to
invite (invite) her to the wedding and she accepts. Ted gets excited because he hopes (3)to have (have)
a romantic evening with Robin. However, two days before the wedding, Claudia calls to say that the
wedding has been cancelled. Ted and his friends want to know the reason for the break-up, and
Marshall and Ted go to talk to Stuart. In the meantime, Lily goes to comfort Claudia because she is really
good at (4)making (make) people feel better. Stuart tells Ted and Marshall that he loves (5)being /to be
(be) single. Ted assures Stuart that everyone may have doubts before getting married, and he advises
him to apologize to Claudia. Because of his words, Stuart apologizes to Claudia and suggests (6)getting
(get) back together. They make up and hold the wedding.

Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily organize their wedding, but they don’t agree about the ceremony.
Marshall wants an indoor wedding with a rock band. However, Lily doesn’t allow that as she has wanted
a romantic wedding since she was a little girl. Finally, at Claudia and Stuart's wedding, Lily manages (7)to
persuade (persuade) Marshall to have a traditional wedding.
E. Read the text below and mark the best choice for each item.
Michelle Cedillo has autism, which her parents believe is the result of her childhood vaccines,
_____(2)_______ they have started a fight against vaccination. The disagreements about vaccination are
not new. Scientific evidence shows that vaccines are safe, and they _____(2)_______ to disorders such
as autism. However, a number of people claim the opposite. Some parents, such as Mr. and Mrs. Cedillo,
and a tiny number of doctors question _____(3)_____ vaccinating children is worth the so-called risks.

1. a) although 2. a) don’t lead 3. a) what

b) so b) led b) that
c) because c) lead c) where
d) yet d) didn’t lead d) whether
There were vaccine controversies almost 80 years before the term vaccination _____(4)_____. Fears
about vaccines were understandable back then; however, present concerns seem to have no logic
behind them at all. The reason why the controversies appeared again in the 21 st century ____(5)_____.
to Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 research.

4. a) is introduced 5. a) can be linked

b) was introducing b) should link
c) was introduced c) mustn’t link
d) introduced d) don’t have to be linked
Dr. Wakefield claimed that the measles and rubella vaccines _________(6)________ autism in some
children, but the problem with Wakefield's study was that it relied on faulty data. Also, later
investigations showed that Wakefield had earned plenty of money from his research. His study was
repeated many times by different scientists. However, _____(7)_____ Dr. Wakefield’s study, no other
medical researcher has discovered a link between vaccines and mental disorders. In fact, a study in the
British Medical Journal found that autism rates continued to rise in areas where the vaccination rates
were actually declining. _____(9)_____this proved that the cause of the increase in autism cases had
nothing to do with the use of vaccines, many parents still have concerns about vaccinating their

6. a) weren’t causing 7. a) after 8. a) Though

b) didn’t cause b) since b) Moreover
c) were caused c) before c) As a result
d) did cause d) until d) Since

_____(9)_____ one of the most successful advances of modern health care? The answer is obvious. They
reduce, and even eliminate, serious infectious diseases. _____(10)_____, measles was one of the leading
causes of death among young children during the beginning of the 20 th century. The wide-spread use of
measles vaccinations, then, enabled many children to survive. It is estimated that the illness
_____(11)_____ almost 100 million people before the scientists came up with a vaccination in the
9. a) Who has made vaccines 10. a) For instance 11. a) has been killed
b) Which vaccines made b) In addition b) had killed
c) What makes vaccines c) However c) was killing
d) Why did vaccines make d) As a result d) was killed

According to statistics, between the years 2007 and 2014, 6,274 people lost their lives to vaccine-
preventable diseases. If the anti-vaccination trend continues like this, the scientists fear that at least
20,000 people will die of preventable diseases like measles in the US in the next three decades.
Therefore, doctors say that parents _____(12)_____ the anti-vaccination campaigners, and insist that
they get their children vaccinated.

12. a) can’t believe

b) shouldn’t believe
c) don’t believe
d) had better believe
F. Read the text below and choose the best answer to complete each blank.
A lot of crimes never get solved such as the case of Dan Cooper. It was an evening in late November in
1971. On a short flight between Portland and Seattle, the flight attendant _____(1)_____ a note by a
mysterious middle-aged man dressed in a dark suit. The flight attendant thought he was making a
romantic advance, _____(2)_____ she slipped the unread note into her pocket. The man leaned closer
to her, saying, "Miss, you ______(3)_______ at that note. I have a bomb." The flight attendant looked
puzzled. He opened his briefcase ______(4)_______ several red cylinders and a lot of wires. The man,
who used the alias "Dan Cooper," was demanding $200,000, four parachutes, and a plane that would fly
him to Mexico.
1. a) handed 2. a) as 3. a) had better look 4. a) in order to see
b) was handed b) then b) can’t look b) in addition to seeing
c) had handed c) so c) don’t have to look c) so that she could see
d) was being handed d) or d) used to look d) whether she saw

The plane proceeded to Seattle with none of the passengers even aware _____(5)_____ someone had
taken control of the plane. The passengers got off the plane, and Cooper got what he was demanding.
He received the $200,000, all in $20 bills that had been photocopied by FBI agents. As soon as the plane
was refueled, it took off for Mexico. A few minutes later, Cooper ordered the flight attendant to go to
the cockpit and stay there. As she was leaving, she noticed him trying to tie something around his waist
― presumably the bag of money. After that, he opened the plane's rear stairway and jumped out of the
plane. The crew felt high pressure in their ears, which was probably caused by Cooper's jumping off the
stairway. When Cooper jumped, the air temperature was seven degrees below zero. _____(6)_____ he
was wearing no survival gear and only light, casual shoes on his feet was a shock for the crew.

5. a) how 6. a) What
b) who b) That
c) that c) Ø
d) what d) While

Cooper has not been seen or heard from since that night. Who was Cooper? Did he get away with his
plan? Or _______(7)______ while he was trying to commit the perfect crime? The authorities speculate
that Cooper landed near Ariel, a small town near the Columbia River north of Portland. Only one real
clue has been discovered so far. Eight and a half years after the incident, an eight-year-old boy who was
digging in a sandbank found $5,800 of Cooper's money. It was only a few inches below the surface of the

earth, but it _____(8)_____ its form in such a way that only the picture and the serial numbers on the
bills were visible.

7. a) did he kill 8. a) had lost

b) was he killed b) has been lost
c) has he killed c) was losing
d) has he been killed d) was lost

Decaying rubber bands were found along with the money, which indicated that the cash was probably
placed there before the bands fell apart. Since then, the area has been searched thoroughly. The police
looked for traces of Cooper’s clothes or remains of his body. They were unable to find any evidence of
_____(9)_____. So, what really happened? Many investigators believe that Cooper might have been
killed by the combination of the weather conditions and the impact of his fall. If this is true, though, why
couldn’t they find any of the man's remains? Is more information known about this case than has been
released? Is Cooper's body in some remote part of the wilderness area into which he jumped, or is he
living a luxurious life under an alias somewhere and driving a Rolls-Royce? Did he ask a friend of his to
bury the $5,800 _____(10)_____ the authorities in another direction? Or did he bury it himself?

9. a) either 10. a) not to lead

b) both b) because it led
c) every c) in order to lead
d) neither d) even though it led

G. Read the text below and choose the best alternative to complete each blank.
People _____(1a)_____ trash ever since they _____(1b)_____ cave men. In fact, archeologists can tell us
a lot about the material wealth of people when they look through their trash. Scientists who study the
people of the 21st century will be particularly lucky because no civilization so far _____(2)_____ out so
much as ours. The amount of trash or garbage that we have is starting to become a
_______(3)________ serious problem, and we should do something to educate people about this; or
else we will have to face an even greater problem in the future. We are all responsible for
_____(4)_____ the amount of waste that we produce.
1. a) had thrown/were 2. a) hasn’t thrown 3. a) hardly 4. a) reduce
b) have thrown/were b) hadn’t thrown b) really b) to reduce
c) threw/have been c) has thrown c) slightly c) reducing
d) threw/had been d) threw d) fairly d) reduction
We _____(5)_____ what we no longer wanted in large dumps at the edge of towns and cities. Then, it
was burned or buried so that it did not smell or become an eyesore. We did not need to worry about
dumps as they were far away from populated areas. _____(6)_____, with the rapid increase in
population and the outward spread of cities, the dumps we used in the past are now found near
residential areas. They _____(7)_____ a threat to our health and to the environment, so we have to
apply more modern methods to handle garbage disposal in big cities or find ways to reduce the amount
of waste we produce.
5. a) didn’t use to throw away 6. a) For instance 7. a) have become
b) are not used to throwing away b) Therefore b) had become

c) get used to throwing away c) However c) haven’t become
d) used to throw away d) Moreover d) hadn’t become
In big cities like London and New York, where thousands of people live, more modern dumps
_______(8)_______ as a new strategy towards refuse. In fact, some cities including Beijing and Osaka
have already started creating modern landfills. These are not just an open hole in the ground but are
specially designed to cause as little harm as possible to the environment. They usually consist of several
different layers. The bottom layer is made of clay and plastic. _______(9)_______ prevent the chemicals
that leak out of the garbage from entering the ground and polluting the ground water near landfills.
8. a) had better build 9. a) Either
b) can’t be built b) Each
c) shouldn’t be built c) Both
d) have to be built
d) Neither

PART H. Rewrite/Combine the following sentences using the clues in brackets. Do not change the
meaning of the sentences, and do not omit information.

1. Will the air-conditioners of the future be more environmentally-friendly? This is not certain. (whether)
Whether (or not) the air-conditioners of the future will be more environmentally-friendly (or not) is not
2. We should choose energy-efficient devices so that we reduce our energy use at home. (in order to)
We should choose energy-efficient devices in order to reduce our energy use at home.
3. When was the first air-conditioner invented? Aida wanted to know this.
Aida wanted to know when the first air-conditioner was invented.
4. The first air-conditioner used ice to keep air cool. People are surprised by this.
People are surprised by the fact that the first air-conditioner used ice to keep air cool / are surprised that
the first air-conditioner used ice to keep air cool.
5. Air-conditioning changed the daily life in the United States. It is a fact.
That air-conditioning changed the daily life in the United States is a fact.
6. The party was so enjoyable that no one wanted to leave. (such)
It was such an enjoyable party that no one wanted to leave.
7. If you want to travel to the US, it is necessary to be fully vaccinated. (need to)
If you want to travel to the US, you need to be fully vaccinated.
8. Travelers are advised to check weather conditions before visiting Hawaii due to the danger of hurricanes.
(had better)

Travelers had better check weather conditions before visiting Hawaii due to the danger of hurricanes.

9. Air passengers in transit at Turkish airports are not required to undergo PCR or antigen tests. (have to)

Air passengers in transit at Turkish airports don’t have to undergo PCR or antigen tests.


A. Read the statements below, and fill in each gap with a suitable item from the box. You can use each
item only ONCE. There are more items than you need.

subtle perceive susceptible attached solutions requires
valid exploits protection diagnosed achieve occasions

• What does Google want in the candidates that it hires? The company looks for employees who can
think outside the box and create innovative 1)solutions to problems. Candidates who have a clear
track record of taking on difficult challenges and mobilizing the efforts of others to 2)achieve goals
will have the greatest appeal.

• Pica is an eating disorder that involves consuming things that are not considered food. Individuals
with pica crave non-food substances such as ice, dirt, soil, chalk, soap, paper, hair, cloth, wool,
laundry detergent or cornstarch. Most frequently, children, pregnant women and individuals with
mental disabilities are 3)susceptible to this illness; that is, they are the ones more likely to suffer from
it. In order for pica to be 4)diagnosed as a medical problem, the eating of non-food substances must
not be a normal part of someone's culture or religion.

• The teacher told the students that some of them made no 5)valid points in their essays because their
arguments were illogical and based on unproven information.

• The challenge for those who want to improve education is to create an educational system that
6)exploits the natural curiosity of children so that they maintain their motivation for learning even
after they graduate from high education institutions. This 7)requires authorities and officials to work
together to make systematic and drastic changes to the education system.

• Each year across the UK, hundreds of children are removed from harmful situations and placed under
police 8)protection. The decision to take a child away from a parent or care-giver should be made by
a court, and this practice should only be used in emergency situations and where it is necessary to
ensure the immediate safety of the child.


lack adopting surface provides consumed

reduces devoted estimating attempt effect

• The moon is hiding water just under its 1)surface. We have known this for a decade now, but we
haven’t been able to figure out much about it.
• Is it strange that many of us these days feel hyperconnected and yet disconnected? This is what Mark
Sisson explores in his new book, The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and
Happiness. It’s a fascinating look at what we do not have as humans, i.e., what we 2)lack in this age of
distractions and speed.
• It’s widely known that optimists live longer. 3)Adopting a positive approach to life has a beneficial
impact on health. It 4)reduces the risk of depression and minimizes the stress that comes from having
a lot of responsibilities.

• Obtaining protein from vegetables may be advantageous because they offer good sources of fiber,
contain healthy poly- and mono-unsaturated fats and lower blood cholesterol when they are
5)consumed regularly.
• Research has shown that being physically active even at age three has a positive 6)effect on children’s
blood vessels and cardiovascular fitness, both of which are key factors in preventing adult heart
disease. While the arteries of the heart stiffen over time, this process is slower in people who
exercised a lot in their childhood.

occasions implications achieve requires avoid
separated enables anxiety variation adopted
• Christmas, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and other annual events are supposed to be times of great
celebration, relaxation and warmth. However, stress and 1)anxiety about finances can make these get-
togethers something to dread, rather than something to treasure. Christmas, in particular, can be a
worrisome time for those on a tight budget. These kinds of special 2)occasions do not have to be about
stretching your wallet to the maximum. There are ways to have enjoyable and memorable celebrations
without overspending.
• In June 2019, the US Federal Communications Commission announced new rules for the amount of
educational and informational programming aimed at children. Currently, the government 3)requires
television stations to broadcast an average of three hours of such programming every week on every
channel. If the new rules are 4)adopted, it will ease some restrictions and perhaps eliminate the three-
hour mandate.
• Reading books 5)enables children to discover new worlds, meet new people and learn about the past.
Books also have the power to transform lives. By sparking growing imaginations, stimulating critical
thinking and helping develop empathy, reading gives children the very skills they need in order to
6)achieve success at school, at work and in life.

• Working towards a zero-waste lifestyle can help you stay within your budget. One way of doing this is
to 7)avoid shopping malls altogether and buy from local shops instead. This practice reduces
consumption, which in turn will lower your costs.

observations terrified surrounded decreased opportunities surviving
• Despite
allow a steady decline in the average
abandoned number of hours
accomplished worked per person
extinct per week, the
exploring share of
the population that reads a daily newspaper has 1) decreased greatly in the past 20 years. In
contrast, the percentage of the population that watches television daily has risen dramatically over
the same period. Clearly, increased television viewing has caused a simultaneous drop in newspaper
• For thousands of years, humanity had limited options for 2) exploring the ocean. In the distant past,
young men dove as deep as they could without breathing devices to reach depths where they could
discover what the waters held.

• Villa Fontane is ideally situated in the countryside, a haven of peace just a few kilometers from the
excitement of Saint-Tropez, on the French Riviera. The wooded grounds are 3) surrounded by
majestic hills, and you can relax in them before and after your excursions.
• Countless species here on Earth are the foundation of a healthy planet. Today, many of them are
going 4) extinct at an alarming rate. Thus, ecosystems are faltering and failing, impacting the entire
planet. Half-Earth offers a solution to this crisis that will 5) allow species and people to live healthily
together into the future. At this point, you can help, too. The more data we have, the better we can
identify endangered species and find ways of protecting them, so take a walk, make 6) observations
and share your knowledge with Half-Earth.
• A typical job interview question is as follows: What is your biggest achievement at work? When you
are answering this, pick something you 7) accomplished that helped the company you worked for,
and even added value to it.

available development threatened previous establish innate
look up to outstanding make use of communities remain subjects

• The difference between just wishing for something and reaching a goal is the action you take to get it.
However, you may have taken steps and still not gotten to your destination. So, how can you achieve
your target when your 1)previous attempts have failed? Here is what you can do: Give yourself a hard
deadline, and, if possible, pay in advance. Sign up for a class, or join the gym; for example, and do it
right now while you’re feeling motivated. Lock yourself in financially while you’re inspired. If you pay
money, you are more likely to keep going and 2)make use of what you have bought. Paying for
something in advance is one of the best motivators in the long run.

• Te Tara Matawaka is a New Zealand organization whose purpose is to ensure that the ethnic
3)communities in the country, such as the Maori and Pakeha, are included in society and that the
benefits of ethnic diversity are realized by all citizens. The scope of this organization covers not only
the indigenous peoples but also immigrants and refugees, who are trying to start a new life in the
country. The Ethnic Communities Development Fund, collected by this organization, provides over
four million dollars a year, which is 4)available for projects that support ethnic communities to grow
their skills, celebrate their culture and take part in society.

• Laguna Province, an agricultural area in the Philippines with an array of natural resources and
valuable manpower, is being 5)threatened with destruction because of a growing population and
climate change.
• The steam engine was crucial to the industrialization of modern civilization. For almost 200 years, it
was the 6)outstanding source of power for industry and transport systems in the West; that is, the
steam engine remained the most important power source for two centuries. It prepared the way for
the development of more sophisticated heat engines and for the large-scale generation of electricity,
which together effectively displaced it from its supremacy in the 20 th century.
• Certain situations such as job interviews, public speaking, and family emergencies can be more
stressful for their lack of familiarity. Learning how to 7)remain calm at such times will not only have
immediate soothing effects; it can also, over time, help you lead a healthier, happier life.
accompanied compete emphasize inherits attached intentions
inventions contains efficient impact labor obsolete

• Almost all swimming pools have certain rules to ensure the safety of the swimmers. One of these
rules is that all children under 12 years of age must be 1)accompanied by an adult in the water.
• Are you suffering from sleep difficulties? From having a bubble bath to reading in bed, there are a
number of things you can do to get a better night's sleep. Even your diet can have a/n 2)impact on
how well you sleep. Sleep specialist Dr. Michael Breus has listed which foods and drinks can help
promote better sleep. Among them is Greek yogurt. It 3)contains probiotics, making it one of the best
dairy products you can eat to promote better sleep.
• From the proto-machine gun to the first robot, many of Leonardo da Vinci’s 4)inventions changed the
course of mankind’s development.
• The advantage of doing a job that includes manual 5)labor is that you burn a high number of calories
every day compared to your office counterparts. Such work means being physically active every day
without the need to go to the gym to stay fit.
• Manufacturing is a main economic activity, and all manufacturers fiercely 6)compete with one
another for a piece of the market. In this environment, digitization is an important means to ensure
that manufacturing operations are more 7)efficient and reliable. Mathematical models that analyze
enormous amounts of data in a short time have made manufacturing into a modern and data-
driven enterprise.

• With technological changes, many traditional skills have become 8)obsolete and that’s why many
people get laid off by the employers.

determine demonstrated regards equippe entrepreneurs simultaneous
d d
residents eliminate resembles estimate memorize innate

• As a country sitting on some of the earth’s most seismically active faults, Myanmar has had to boost
its ability to predict earthquakes. New digital seismographs have been set up in five cities across the
country. These cities are now better 1)equipped to foresee these disastrous occurrences.
• Getting an accurate 2)estimate of the start-up costs is a key skill for prospective business owners who
are looking to get financing. The amount of money that they will have to borrow can be
3)determined in this way, too.
• Gerhard Gruber is an Austrian composer and piano player. As an accompanist for silent movies, he
has been the leading authority in this field since 1988. As a basic principle, he relies on improvisation,
which he 4)regards as the best way of creating a direct dialogue between the events on the screen
and the audience. Therefore, no performance 5)resembles any other one.

• Humans are adept at processing auditory signals. At about one month of age, an infant is capable of
distinguishing between certain speech sounds, such as “p” in the word “pin” and “b” in the word
“bin.” This suggests that our auditory perception is genetically pre-programmed and indicates a/an
6)innate preparedness to learn languages.

• Healthy eating habits can help people 7)eliminate the risk of developing heart disease or diabetes at
later ages.

A. Read the statements below and write the suitable form of the words given in brackets to fill in the
blanks. Be careful about spelling.
1. Sometimes your monitor USB cable may be loose or damaged, and that will affect the signal and make
your monitor blurry. Be sure to check it to see that it is working 1) properly. (proper)

2.You can find a variety of literary genres, such as poetry, romance novels, crime fiction, and the like, on
the Gutenberg Project, a website that offers a great number of e-books in several languages. (various)

3. Nervous Rex is a character in Beano's Dennis the Menace comic strip. He has panphobia and is scared
of everything and everyone, even harmless little creatures, such as butterflies. (harm)

4. The term “sensory experience” refers to perception through the five senses and is not limited to
touching. (perceive)

5. Many of the world’s cities are overcrowded and already stretched to the maximum. They face
enormous challenges as they don’t have enough land, water, clean air, energy, or places to put waste.

6. The accomplishments of Queen Elizabeth I have given her the reputation of being the greatest
monarch in British history. (accomplish)

7. British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who is the inventor of the World Wide Web, is
disappointed by what is happening to the Internet. It is going awry with fake news and is burdened with
problems of privacy, hate speech, and political polarization. (invent)

8. The basis of Montessori practice in the classroom is individual work and uninterrupted concentration
as opposed to group lessons led by an adult. The Montessori curriculum puts the emphasis on the
child’s individuality. (emphasize)

9. The Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw is inviting 11 people from Israel, Germany,
Poland, and Ukraine who are interested in this subject matter to attend its summer school program.
Some of the participants will be selected through an open-recruitment procedure, while the remaining
places will be made available to students of universities that have a relationship with the museum.

10. Generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal
drugs. Most professionals in the field of drug-abuse prevention argue that any use of such kind of
drugs is, by definition, drug abuse. (legal)

11. Self-destructive behavior is any action that is harmful or potentially harmful towards the person
who does it. Such behavior exists on a continuum, with suicide at the far end of the scale. (destroy)

12. Researchers at RMIT in Australia and the University of Toulouse in France have found that bees can
do basic arithmetic. The discovery that they have the ability to add and subtract shows that the busy

little insects are capable of a sophisticated level of cognition and proves once again that brain power
isn't necessarily dependent on brain size. (able)

13. Psychologist Martin Seligman, who has done a lot of research on happiness (happy), provides the
acronym PERMA to summarize his findings: humans feel happy when they have Pleasure (tasty foods,
warm baths, etc.), Engagement (involvement in an enjoyed yet challenging activity), Relationships (social
ties), Meaning (a search for something valuable), and Accomplishments (having realized goals). There
have also been some studies that suggest that belonging to a community affects how happy humans
feel. Why this is the case remains unclear, but community membership (member) seems to give people
a sense of security and make them feel stronger.

B. Read the statements below and fill each gap with a collocating word, such as a preposition, particle
or a verb.
• The Jakarta Health Agency recommends using special masks in the city to be protected
1)_____against/from______ air pollution since this problem is getting worse in the city.

• The Recurrent Neural Network Structure consists 2)______of_______ four layers: input (with 12
neurons), hidden (8 neurons), output (6 neurons) and context layer (6 neurons).

• In what ways has classical Greece had a profound influence 3)______on_______ the culture of the
West? Classical Greece is mainly recognized for its great contributions 4)_______to_______ architecture
and sculpture. It is considered the base culture of Western civilization since it practically gave birth to
philosophy, democracy, science and math, and had a huge impact 5)______on________ art. Also, we
cannot forget the heritage of famous Olympic Games.

• The American Psychological Association presents helpful insights into how to cope
6)_______with__________ problems at work, in the family and even between the mind and body.

• A teacher should have a very friendly attitude 7)______towards_________ his/her students so that they
can learn in a relaxed environment.
• Today, some people continue to devote a lot of time and money 8) ___to____ their appearance.
• The amazing peepers were photographed in close-up to raise awareness 9) ___of____ endangered
• Certain species of plants and animals have been known to have therapeutic advantages, including herbal
remedies. For instance, plants containing Aloe Vera have been found to have extremely useful healing
properties, so all the species containing Aloe Vera are now in high demand. Therefore, society may have
to 10)_____make_______ an attempt to save these species if they become endangered.
• On the road of life, there are signs everywhere, but how well do we 11)_____pay________ attention to
them? Even if we notice them, how well do we follow their advice?
• In Brazil, the world's fourth leading producer of distilled liquor and beer, drinking has recently expanded
rapidly, a trend that can be associated 12)_____with_______ various factors such as advertising, low
prices and widespread availability.
• Historically, people with mental illnesses were isolated 13)______from_________ society. Although
mental-health care has moved from closed to more open forms of care, in many societies it is still
provided in locked wards.

• Most taxis in Phuket do not have meters to measure the distances, so passengers need to negotiate the
price with the driver in advance. Sometimes the taxi drivers take advantage 14)______of_________
arriving passengers who don't know about the system or don't have any other transport options
available due to the location.
• Discrimination 15)_____against______ women starts at birth. Gender lines are drawn early, and
exclusions for females continue throughout adulthood. These constant messages may lead to the false
belief that women do not belong in the corporate world.
• Competitions represent a huge leap in the progress of each athlete. That is why participating
16)_____in_______ competitions is a must for them.
• In serious cases where someone has been charged 17)_____with______ murder, attempted murder,
manslaughter, rape, or attempted rape, the individual will automatically be taken into custody. There is
no possibility of being released on a bail for such crimes.
• Using a simple plastic or paper bag to discard or dispose of pet animals’ waste, which contains
numerous pathogenic bacteria, risks spreading germs in the air and can 18)______do/cause____ harm
to those who come into contact with it such as garbage collectors.
• Contrary 19)____to_____ common belief, Instagram quotes are more than just good “filler
content.” They can be used to achieve specific marketing goals, like driving sales and building brand
• Because bad habits provide some type of satisfaction in your life, it is very difficult to simply eliminate
them. (This is why simplistic advice like “Just stop doing it” rarely works.) Instead, you need to replace a
bad habit 20)_____with______ a new and harmless one that provides a similar pleasure.
• The results are consistent 21)_____with______ the findings of the previous study as they both prove
that babies start to understand another person’s thought process at ten months.
C. Read the statements below, and fill in each gap with a suitable item from the box. You can use each
item only ONCE. There are more items than you need.

funding entrepreneur dramatically unique

depends on manners priority contribution
destructive virtually makes up conveying

1. Those who want to start their business and become a/an _entrepreneur_______ must be passionate,
responsible, eager to take risks and be good problem-solvers in order to succeed.
2. Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Union Commission, said that EU takes
responsibility in helping the world fight COVID 19, and providing access to safe and affordable
vaccines around the world, especially for low and middle-income countries. This is a/an _priority_ for
the European Union.
3. Consumers have more choices than ever before. If companies want customers to choose them over
others, they must provide a/an _unique_ experience for them by personalizing the products and
making them more meaningful for the public.
4. Most start-ups need financing at some point as they have to deal with starting costs. Although bank
loans seem to be the most likely option for _funding_ a new business, banks usually don’t invest in
new businesses due to the potential risks involved.

5. People who do only routine labor are not considered inventors. However, a person who makes an
improvement on an idea that did not work previously may be considered an inventor. The inventors
are those who make a/an __contribution_ to the final form of the invention.
6. In deserts, temperatures are rising faster than the global average. This warming affects deserts
__dramatically__ , beyond simply making them hotter. Increasing temperatures lead to the loss of
nitrogen, which is an important nutrient from the soil, and this reduces the already limited plant life
in deserts.
7. Cell phone etiquette largely ___depends on___ the cultural context and what is accepted as socially
acceptable. For instance, in certain cultures using your cell phone while communicating face to face
with others in a group environment is considered bad _manners_, whereas in other cultures it may
be seen as normal.

D. Read the statements below, and fill in each gap with a suitable item from the box. You can use each
item only ONCE. There are more items than you need.
widely lead to deliberately distract casual
bonds essential avoid allows pattern
repressive secretly summit pressure acquire

1. Today’s nuclear weapons are more powerful even than those that were dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Therefore, a nuclear war involving only a few nuclear weapons could _lead to_ the end of
life on the planet.
2. The Internet is a great tool to use if you have an online business. A website for your business is quite
efficient because it __allows__ you to advertise, market, and promote your business at little or no
3. People who live in English-speaking countries are not learning other languages these days because so
many people speak English across the world. Therefore, native English speakers just don’t feel the
_pressure_ to learn other languages.
4. Babies need a safe and healthy environment where they can develop strong _bonds_ with people
who care for them so that they can build a sense of security and positive self-confidence.
5. A new survey shows that most American teenagers are constantly using social media. More teens
now say they prefer texting to talking to other people in person, and they admit that smartphone
apps _distract_ them from homework and even wake up them up at night when they beep.
6. Forests cover about 30% of the planet and the ecosystems they create play a/an _essential_ role in
supporting life on Earth. However, deforestation is clearing the Earth's forests quickly. Unfortunately,
the world's rainforests can completely disappear within 100 years.
7. It has been suggested that when you're wearing formal clothing, you feel more confident and more
authoritative. On the other hand, when you're wearing _casual_ clothing, you feel friendlier and
more creative, but you may feel less productive.

8. Gangkhar Puensum is an impressive peak on the border of Tibet and Bhutan. It is the 40 th-highest-
mountain in the world, but so far, no human has managed to reach the _summit_. In 1986, a team
from Britain attempted the climb but was forced to turn back.
9. American sportswear designer Nike has one of the most _widely_ recognized brand logos in the
world. The logo was introduced in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student, and it is
called “Swoosh”.

Read the text, and answer the questions.


1 In 1977, Irene Pepperbeg, a recent graduate of Harvard University, did something very unusual. Pepperberg
was interested in learning more about animal intelligence, and the best way to do this, she thought, was to
talk to them. To test her theories, she bought an African gray parrot she named Alex and taught him to
reproduce the sounds of the English language. "I thought if he learned to communicate, I could ask him
questions about how he sees the world," she explains.

2 When Pepperberg began her research with Alex, very few scientists acknowledged that animals were able to
think. How, then, could a scientist demonstrate that animals might, in fact, possess intelligence? "That's why
I started my studies with Alex," Pepperberg says.
3 Alex the parrot was a surprisingly good talker. He learned how to use his voice to imitate almost 100 English
words, including those for foods, colors, shapes, and numbers. Although imitation, that is, copying
the way someone behaves, was once considered a simple skill, in recent years, cognitive scientists have
revealed that this is not true. It requires the imitator to form a mental image of the other person's body and
actions and then adjust his actions or his own body parts into the same position. Therefore, it is a behavior
that shows an awareness of one's self. Because Alex had mastered many English words, Pepperberg could
ask him questions about a bird's basic understanding of the world.

4 Many of Alex's cognitive skills are generally associated with only higher mammals, particularly primates such
as humans and apes. However, parrots, like great apes, live a long time in complex societies. Like primates,
these birds must monitor the changing relationships within the group. This may explain Alex's ability to learn
a human language.

5 Researchers in Germany and Austria have also been studying language ability in dogs. One
named Betsy has shown that she can learn and remember words very quickly. She has an extraordinary
vocabulary of over 340 words. Like Alex, she's pretty smart. This is the larger lesson of animal cognition
research: we are not alone in our ability to communicate, demonstrate emotions, or think about ourselves.
However, a number of critics still underestimate animals' ability to use tools or understand human language.
To them, doing these in the real sense takes more than just simulating, or imitating, human behavior.

6 Yet, many researchers say that creativity and language in animals, like other forms of intelligence, have
evolved. “People were surprised to discover that chimpanzees make tools,” says Alexander Kacelnik, an
animal researcher at Oxford University. “However, many people also thought, ‘Well, they share our ancestry,
or origin — of course they're intelligent.’ Now we're finding these kinds of behaviors in some species of
birds. However, we don't have a recently shared ancestry with birds. It means that evolution can invent
similar forms of advanced intelligence more than once—that it is not something reserved only for primates
or mammals.”

A. Find what the following words refer to in the text.

1. to do this (para.1) : to learn more about animal intelligence

2. it (para. 3) : imitation / copying the way someone behaves

B. Find the word in the text that means the following. Write ONE WORD on the line, and DO
NOT change the form of the word.

1. learned well (para. 3) : mastered

C. Answer the questions and complete the sentences according to the information in the text.
1. What is this text mainly about?
a) Ways of teaching animals to become more intelligent
b) Research that shows intelligence is not limited to humans
c) How human and animal intelligence are different

2. What was the common belief among scientists regarding animal intelligence before Pepperberg began
her study?
(That) animals were not able to / couldn’t think // didn’t possess intelligence.

3. According to Para.4, what two things could explain Alex’s ability to learn a human language?
a. Birds / Parrots live a long time in complex societies.
b. Birds / parrots must monitor the changing relationships within the group.

4. Why do some critics ignore animals’ intellectual abilities?

(Because) to them / they think animals are just simulating / imitating human behavior.

B. Fill in each blank according to the information in the text with NO MORE THAN FIVE words. Do not
change the form of the words.

1. According to para. 1, Pepperberg taught a parrot how to reproduce the English sounds so that she
could test her theories on animal intelligence.

2.The fact that Betsy, the dog, can learn and remember words rapidly shows that humans’ abilities to
communicate, show their feelings or thinking about themselves are not unique.

3. According to Alexander Kacelnik, although human beings have no (recently) shared ancestry with
birds, some species of birds are intelligent. This shows that evolution is not limited to primates and

Text II. Read the following text, and mark the best choice.
A Song on the Brain
1 Everyone knows the situation where you can't get a song out of your head. (I)You hear a pop song on
the radio, and it haunts you for hours, playing over and over in your mind until you are sick of it. This
condition is known as an earworm. (II) It’s a confusing term as it has nothing to do with small creatures
crawling into the ear. Now, it has a medical name - the-song-in-head syndrome-, and (III) it has recently
been the subject of some research.

2 Why does the mind annoy us like this? No one knows for sure, but it's probably because the brain is
better at holding onto information than it is at knowing what information is important. Roger Chaflin, a
psychologist at the University of Connecticut, says, “It's a manifestation of an aspect of memory that is
normally an asset to us, but in this instance it can be an annoyance.”

3 This desire of the brain to retain, or keep, information may have helped our ancestors remember
important information in the past. Today, students use it to learn new material, and musicians depend
on it to memorize complicated pieces. However, when this useful function goes wrong, it can get you
stuck on a tune. Once the unwanted song surfaces, it's hard to put it back down into the subconscious.
This is called the pink elephant phenomenon. Tell the brain not to think about pink elephants, and it's
guaranteed to do so. Almost everyone gets earworms at some point. However, people with non-clinical
levels of obsessive compulsion experience them more often, and for longer periods of time. Moreover,
superficial, repetitive pop tunes are, by their very nature, more likely to stick than something more
inventive. In addition to traits of people and traits of songs, situation comes into play as a third factor. It
appears that earworms are more likely to bite when the victim is tired or stressed.

4 The annoying playback probably originates in the auditory cortex. This region, which is located at the
front of the brain, handles both listening and playback of music. Neuroscientist Robert Zatorre of McGill
University in Montreal proved this some years ago when he asked volunteers to replay the theme from
the TV show Dallas in their heads. Brain-imaging studies showed that this activated the same region of
the auditory cortex as when the people actually heard the song.

5 Researchers claim the best way to stop the phenomenon sometimes is to solve some anagram* puzzles.
This can force the music out of your working memory. However, they also warn people not to try
anything too difficult as those irritating melodies may find their way back into your consciousness. For
those unwilling to carry around a book of anagrams, a good novel may also do the trick. The key is to
find something that will give the right level of challenge because if you are trying something too hard,
then your brain will not be engaged successfully, and, as a result, music can come back.

6 For those not severely afflicted, simply avoiding certain kinds of music can help. “I know certain pieces
that are kind of ‘sticky’ to me, so I will not play them in the early morning for fear that they will run
around in my head all day,” says Steven Brown, who trained as a classical pianist but is now a
neuroscientist at the University of Texas Health Science Center. He says he always has a song in his head,
and, even more annoying, his mind never seems to play it all the way through. “It tends to involve short
fragments between 5 or 15 seconds,” he says. Most listeners have little choice about what parts of the
song they remember. Particular parts, or chunks, may be especially sticky if you hear them often or if
they follow certain predictable patterns, such as the chord progression of rock 'n' roll music. Research
shows that the more a piece of music conforms to these patterns, the easier it is to remember. That's
why you're more likely to be haunted by the tunes of pop music than by those of a classical composer
such as J. S. Bach.

7 This ability can be used for good as well as annoyance. Teachers can reinforce their students’ memories
by setting their lessons to music. For example, in one experiment, students who heard a history text set
as the lyrics to a catchy song remembered the words better than those who simply read them, says
Sandra Calvert, a psychologist in Washington, DC. Moreover, the understanding of earworms could also
help people who are suffering from distressing thoughts or anxiety disorders.
*anagram: a word or phrase that is made by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase

1. Which of the underlined sentences from para. 1 shows writer’s opinion?

a. I
b. II
c. III
2. According to para. 2, “song-in-head” syndrome may occur because the brain __________.
a) cannot decide what information it needs to store
b) has been damaged by harmful input
c) cannot keep all the information it processes
3. The word “asset” in para.2 probably means “something __________.”
a) complicated
b) comprehensive
c) beneficial
4. A tune is more likely to stay in your head if __________.
a) it is inventive
b) you are not tired
c) it is simple and unoriginal
5. The word “this” in para.4 refers to “the fact that __________.”
a) the annoying playback originates in the auditory cortex of the brain
b) both listening and playback of music happen in the auditory cortex
c) the auditory cortex is located at the front of the brain
6. Which of the following may NOT be a proper method to avoid the-song-in-head-syndrome?
a) A person can avoid listening to certain types of songs.
b) A person may try to solve very complex anagrams.
c) A person can concentrate on reading a gripping novel.
7. According to para.6, J.S. Bach’s music may not cause earworms because __________.
a) it doesn’t have predictable note patterns
b) people don’t listen to classical music as much as pop music
c) most people prefer the chord progression of rock ‘n’ roll music
8. In paragraph 7, the writer _____________.
a) criticizes some songwriters for their predictable patterns of notes
b) suggests that earworms might be helpful to people with some disorders
c) claims that it is impossible to get rid of earworms once they are stuck in the brain


1. Why do some people choose NOT to eat food from other cultures?

In a paragraph of about 150 words, write TWO main reasons why some people choose NOT to eat food
from other cultures, and explain your reasons by providing examples or explanations.

In your paragraph, make sure:

 you have a topic sentence and major and minor supporting sentences,
 all your ideas are relevant to the topic,
 you use appropriate conjunctions and transitions.
A concluding sentence is optional.
Pay attention to:
 the content,
 the organization,
 the vocabulary and
 the accuracy of the language.

Sample paragraph:
Some people choose not to eat food from other cultures for two main reasons. The first one is related to
religious beliefs. Certain religions forbid the eating of certain foods or combinations of foods. Islam, for
example, bans the eating of pork and the drinking of alcohol. For this reason, many Chinese restaurants
in Turkey don't have pork on the menu while it can be found in those restaurants in all non-Muslim
countries. Also, some European cooking traditions prepare chicken or beef by leaving it in wine for a
while, so some religious people avoid eating such food. The second reason is related to being unwilling
to try new tastes. Especially people who come from rural areas or different backgrounds might not have
much experience or knowledge of the wider world, which leads to shyness and fear. That is, because
they don’t know anything about foreign foods, such people might be conservative in trying out anything
new. Therefore, they only prefer the food of their own culture.
(167 words)
(For these reasons, some people are doomed to survive on kuru fasulye for the rest of their lives. )

2. Why do some people prefer to read e-books?

In a paragraph of about 150 words, write TWO main reasons why some people prefer to read e-books,
and explain your reasons by providing examples or explanations.

In your paragraph, make sure:

 you have a topic sentence and major and minor supporting sentences,
 all your ideas are relevant to the topic,
 you use appropriate conjunctions and transitions.
A concluding sentence is optional.
Pay attention to:
 the content,
 the organization,
 the vocabulary and
 the accuracy of the language.

Sample paragraph:
Nowadays, some people are giving up on the traditional form of a book and turning to e-books for two
main reasons. First, e-books save on physical space. While print books take up a lot of room on
bookshelves, e-books are kept in one device, such as a Kindle. Moreover, it is possible to carry lots of e-
books during travel. For example, imagine you are going away on vacation. In the past, you would pack
several books, which would make it difficult to carry, but with a Kindle, you can carry hundreds of books
on a single device. Second, some prefer to use e-books because they are environmentally friendly. By
using an e-book, they believe they are doing their part to save the environment, specifically the forests.
To produce many copies of a book, many trees (the source of paper) must be cut down, which
endangers our whole planet. E-books, on the other hand, do not require the use of paper, and this
saves a lot of trees. (167 words)
(To sum up, e-books appear to be the logical choice for these reasons.)


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