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Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21 st century Philippine literature from the regions.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st Century Philippine literature from the regions through:
B. Performance Standards 1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; and
2. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
C. Learning
Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Ask students to briefly summarize what Recall the previous lesson.
Begin the lesson by discussing the they learned in the previous lesson.
previous lesson on literary elements and
Ask the students to recall the previous
how they contribute to the meaning of a Introduce the new lesson on how
lesson that we had about the discourse
text. linguistic contexts can enrich the reader's
1. Reviewing previous lesson or community in the text they have read.
understanding of a text.
presenting the new lesson
Introduce the new lesson by explaining
Introduce the new lesson: Context and
that today, we will focus on the linguistic Explain the importance of language in
the Text’s Meaning.
features of a text and how they contribute literature and how different linguistic
to its meaning. contexts shape the meaning and
interpretation of a text.
Explain that understanding the linguistic Tell the students that they will be given a
Provide the students with the objectives
features of a text is important because it test to assess their learnings.
of the lesson:
allows us to better understand and State the purpose of the lesson: to
• To identify and explain the
appreciate the author's style and message. understand how the use of different
relationship of context with the
2. Establishing the purpose of the languages and dialects in literary texts
text’s meaning.
lesson Tell students that by the end of the can provide layers of meaning and
• To develop critical thinking skills in
lesson, they will be able to identify enhance the reader's understanding of the
understanding texts.
linguistic features and articulate how they text.
• To analyze the relevancy of the
contribute to the overall meaning of a
context to the meaning of the text.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Use a PowerPoint presentation to provide Provide examples of texts from different Show a short video clip of a news report Let the students give examples of the
the new lesson examples of linguistic features such as linguistic contexts. or a speech from a politician. topics that were discussed for the whole
Display an excerpt from a Filipino poem
and discuss how the use of Filipino
language adds depth and cultural nuances
to the poem.

Show a passage from a novel written in

English but with occasional Spanish
diction, syntax, and figurative language.
Show examples of each feature in various
Discuss how the incorporation of Spanish Ask the students to identify the topic and
texts from the Philippines and across the
words enriches the reader's experience by the central message of the video. Then,
conveying the historical and colonial ask them to identify the context of the
influence on the characters and setting. video.
Explain how each feature contributes to
the overall meaning of the text.
Share a short story written in a regional
dialect and discuss how the inclusion of
the dialect reflects the distinctiveness and
local flavor of the story.

Encourage students to share any

experiences they've had with reading
texts from different linguistic contexts.
Distribute a handout with a passage from Explain the concept of linguistic contexts Give a short time for the learners to
Define context and its significance in
a 21st century literary text. and how they can shape the reader's review their notes ready for the test.
understanding the text.
understanding of a text.
In small groups, students identify the
Provide examples of how context can
4. Discussing new concepts and linguistic features present in the passage. Discuss the impact of using different
shape the meaning of the text.
practicing new skills #1 languages, dialects, or styles in literature.
Once students have identified various
Ask the students to list down the
features, have them discuss how each Engage the students in a brief discussion
context/s that are important in
feature contributes to the overall meaning about their observations regarding the
understanding the text.
of the passage. examples shared earlier.
5. Discussing new concepts and After group discussion, have each group Divide the class into small groups and Provide a text passage from a literary
practicing new skills #2 share their findings with the class. provide each group with a different piece and ask the students to identify the
literary text in a specific linguistic context/s and how it influences the
As a class, discuss the identified context. meaning of the text.
linguistic features and how they
Instruct the groups to analyze the text, Form small groups and ask them to
contribute to the overall meaning of the
paying close attention to the linguistic discuss and analyze a text assigned to
passage. choices made by the author and how they them. They should identify the context/s
contribute to the overall meaning and present in the text and is essential in
understanding. understanding the meaning.

Provide guiding questions to help

students analyze the texts, such as:
 How does the use of language in
the text influence your
 What cultural or historical
information can you glean from
the language used?
 How does the use of language
contribute to the tone or
atmosphere of the text?

Allow groups time to discuss and analyze

their assigned texts.

Afterward, ask each group to share their

findings and insights with the rest of the
Engaging activity: Language in Action

Divide the class into pairs or small

Distribute a different short literary text
written in a language or dialect
unfamiliar to the students.
Divide students into pairs.
Instruct each group to read and discuss
Distribute markers and chart paper.
the text, and then create a short skit or
Assign each pair of students a different
dialogue that showcases their
linguistic feature (diction, syntax,
understanding of the linguistic context The students will create a mind map or a
figurative language).
and its impact on the text. visual representation of the text assigned
to them. The mind map should show the
6. Developing Mastery Have them create a poster that includes a
Encourage students to be creative in their central message of the text, its context/s,
definition of their assigned feature, an
interpretation while staying true to the and how it shapes or influences the
example from a 21st century literary text,
linguistic and cultural elements of the meaning of the text.
and an explanation of how the feature
contributes to the meaning of the text.
After preparation time, have each group
Have each pair present their poster to the
present their skits or dialogues to the

Facilitate a brief discussion after each

presentation, highlighting the linguistic
choices made and the impact they had on
the audience's interpretation and
understanding of the text.
7. Finding practical applications of Lead a class discussion on how Lead a class discussion on the practical Ask the students to apply the concept of
concepts and skills in daily living understanding linguistic features applications of understanding linguistic context and its significance in
contexts in daily life, beyond just understanding the text to their daily lives.
enhances our daily communication and Ask them to provide an example of how
Encourage students to share examples
writing abilities. context influenced the meaning of a
where understanding different languages
or dialects enhanced their understanding conversation they had with someone.
of a situation, context, or cultural event.
Summarize the key learnings from the
lesson, emphasizing the importance of
Ask students to explain how linguistic contexts in enriching the Summarize the lesson and ask the
8. Generalizing and abstractions understanding linguistic features can lead reader's understanding of a text. students to provide a generalization or
about the lesson to a deeper understanding and abstraction of the significance of context
appreciation of literature. Encourage students to apply this in understanding the text they read.
knowledge when reading literature from
different linguistic contexts in the future.
Assess students' understanding and The teacher will create a quiz to assess
learning through a short written the learnings of the students. Make sure
9. Evaluating Learning reflection, asking them to explain how that the quiz covers all the topics that
linguistic contexts influence the reader's were discussed for the whole week.
interpretation of a text.
For remediation, the students can do
additional mind maps or visual
For remediation, provide extra practice representations of a text assigned to them
Provide additional literary texts from
identifying and analyzing linguistic but with a different or more specific
various linguistic contexts for students to
features through passages from texts at a focus on context.
practice analyzing and interpreting.
lower reading level.
10. Additional Activities for
For application, the students can look for
Application or Remediation Encourage students to explore and read
For extension, have students analyze a texts in social media or online platforms
literature from different countries and
longer passage or a whole short story and and identify the context/s present in them
cultures to further develop their
identify and explain the linguistic that shapes the meaning of the post. They
understanding of linguistic contexts.
features. can discuss in class how the netizen’s
backgrounds and experiences influence
the context of their posts.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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