Answers Physics Force

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Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 249 Unit 5: Answers Section Read & Write Publications DE eh) 1. O/N 18/P22/Q2 (a) ampere kelvin {allow mole, candela) any two correct answers, 1 mark each (©) (i) frictional (force)/friction (i) Weos31* x 3.0 or 906.0 Weos31° x 3.0 = 90x 6.0 W=210N (ii), X= 90sin31° =46N 2. Mid 18/P22105 (a) p=miv (560/9.81)/(1.2 x 0.018) 600 kgm (b) (A)p = 940 x 9.81 x 1.2 (upthrust =) 940 x 9.81 x 1.2 x 0.018 = 200N (©) (tension = 560-200 = 360N (i) P=Fv 360 x 0.020 .2W (4) (i) upthrust decreases tension (in wire) increases power (output of motor) increases (i) there is work done (on the cylinder) by the upthrust or GPE of oil decreases (as it fils the space left by cylinder and VS ‘Say is conserved) 3. Mid 18/P23/02 (a) (i) (work =) force x distance moved in the direction of the 15868? (b) (i) P =miv acini atealial 0.16") =120kgm* (i) the pressure on the lower surface (of sphere) _gfeater than the pressure on the upper surface (of sphere) NS? (i) @ =(170-20)/(20/9.81) =74ms? Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 250 Unit 5: Answers Section FRead & Write Publications (iv) D=170-20 (= 150) 810 x (0.16?) x V = 150 v=2.7ms* (v) 4870 = (4850 x v)/(v—6.30) v=1530ms™ 4. OIN 17/P22102 (@) force x perpendicular distance (of line of action of force) toffrom a point (b) (@) 24ror (1.2 x 27) oF (1.2r-+1.2r) (i) (anticlockwise moment =) 6.0 x r/2 x sind 6.0x r/2 x sind = 2.4r 0=53° (i) 6.0N 5. OIN 17/P23/Q2 (a) p=miVorp=ml/Ah FIA orp=WIA P= [pAhg]/A or p = [pVg]/[V/h] (so) p = pgh (b) (i) 4. weight/gravitational (force) upthrust (force)/buoyancy (force) drag/viscous/frictional (force)/fluid resistance/resistance 2. weight = upthrust + viscous (force) (ii) * decrease in (gravitational) potential energy (of sphere) due to decrease in height (since E, = mgh) ‘+ increase in thermal energy due to work done against viscous force/drag ‘+ loss/change of (total) E, equal to gain/change in thermal energy Any 2 points. (©) (i) atmospheric pressure = 9.1(0) x 10° Pa (il) (Ap = pgla)h (9.15 ~9.10) x 10° = px 9.81 x (0.17 - 0.10) p= 730 (728) kg m? 6. Mi 17/P21/03 fa) mv nL14 oF nL weight = 2.7 x 10° m (1.2 10)? x 5.0 x 10 x 9.8; (b) (i) the point from where (all) the weight (of a body)s (i) wx12 go (0.25 x8) + (0.6 x 38) W =(2+22.8)/12 .1 (2.07)N Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 25) Unit 5: Answers Section FRead & Write Publications (©) (pressure changes with depth (in water) or pressure on bottom (of cylinder) different from pressure on top pressure on bottom of cylinder greater than pressure on top or force (up) on bottom of cylinder greater than force (down) on top (li) anticlockwise moment reduced and reducing the weight of X reduces clockwise moment or anticlockwise moment reduced so clockwise moment now greater than (total) anticlockwise moment 7. OIN 16/P22/03 (a) resultant force (in any direction) is zero resultant moment/torque (about any point) is zero 2] (b) (i) force = 33 sin 52° or 33 cos 38° =26N (1) 260.30 or Wx0.20 or 12x 0.40 26 « 0,30 = (W x 0.20) + (12 x 0.40) W=15N 3) (c) (i) E=AclAc or E=ale 0 x 10" x 7.5 x 104 ‘5x 10° Pa 2 (li) Ao=AFIA or o=FIA A=78/1.5x10° (= 5.2 x 107m?) 5.2 x107 = nd 7/4 d=8.1x104m BI 8. M/J 16/P22/Q2 (a) p= FIA use of m = pV and use of V= Ah and use of F = mg correct substitution to obtain p = pgh BI (b) (i) (when his zero the pressure is not zero due to) pressure from the airlatmosphere oN (ii) gradient = pg or P-1.0 x 10° = pgh e.g. pg = 1.0 x 10°/0.75 (= 133333) p = 133333/9.81 4.000 (13592) kgm a 9. MJ 16/P23/04 {a) (resultant force = 0) (equilibrium) @ therefore: weight - upthrust = force from thin wire;fallow tension in wire) or 5.3 (N) — upthrust = 4.8 (N) i) Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 252 10. 11. 12. FReead & Write Publications (b) difference in weight = upthrust or upthrust = 0.5 (N) 0.5 = pghA or m = 0.5/9.81 and V= 5.0 x 13 x 10°°(m*) p= 0.5/ (9.81 x 5.0 x 13 x 10%) = 780 (784) kgm? OIN 15/P22/04 {a) product of the force and the perpendicular distance to/from a point/pivot (b) (i) 4000 x 2.8 x sin 30° or 500 x 1.4 x sin 30° or Tx 2.8 or 4000 x 1.4 or 500 x 0.7 4000 x 2.8 x sin 30° + 500 x 1.4 x sin 30°= Tx2.8 hence T= 2100 (2125)N (T,= 2100 cos 60° =) 1100 (1050)N there is an upward (vertical component of) force at A upward force at A + T, = sum of downward forces/weight+load/4500N OIN 15/P21/04 (a) density = mass/volume mass = 7900 x 4.6 x 24 x 10 = 0.85 (0.853)kg (b) pressure = force/area force = Weos40° pressure = (0.85 x 9.81 00s 40°)/24 x 104 = 27 (2.66) x 10°Pa () F = ma Wsin40° -f=ma 0.85 x 9.81 x sin40° - f= 0.85 x 3.8 #(= 5.36 3.23) = 2.1N [5.38 - 3.242 if 0.8532kg is used for the mass] MiJ 15/P22/03 (a) (i) (vertical component = 44 sin 30° =) 22N (il) (horizontal component = 44 cos 30° =) 38(.1)N (b) Wx 0.64 = 22 x 1.60 (W=)55N (c) Fhas a horizontal component (not balanced by W) or F has 38N acting horizontally or 38N acts on wall or vertical component of F does not balance W Unit 5: Answers Section (1) ica) [1] (2) Bl Bl 1 i 2) 1 a} Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 253 Unit 5: Answers Section FRead & Write Publications 13. OIN 14/P23/03 {a) displacement/ velocity /acceleration/ momentum/etc. three correct (none wrong) 2, two correct (none or one wrong) 1 fl {b) (i) Y = 70N [allow 71N as +% small square on graph] 1] (i), = 90° (for equilibrium) the direction of ¥ must be opposite to Z or using Y sin 8= Z, hence sin @= 70/70 = 1, 6= 90° (iii) 4. cos 4= 160 and Y sin 0= 70 tan 0 = 70/160 hence 9= 23.6° (24°) 2. Y = 160/ cos 23.6° or 70/sin 23.6° }74.6 or 175 or 170N 2 or. 1607 + 70° = ¥* Y= 174.6 or 175 or 170N {c) (equilibrium not possible as) there is no vertical component from ¥ to balance Z iO] 14, Mid 14/P21/03 (a) (i) resultant force is zero weight of plank + weight of man = Fa + Fe or 200(N) + 880(N) or 1080 = Fa + Fo 2 (i) principle of moments used (anticlockwise moments) Fa x 5.0 (clockwise moments) 880 x 0.5 + 200 x 2.5 Fe = (440 + 500)/5.0 = 188N 14] (b) straight line with positive gradient (allow freehand) start point (0, 100) finish point (5, 980) 8) 15. OIN13/P21/04 (a) torque of a couple = one of the forces / a force x distance multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the forces I {b) (i) weight at P (vertically) down a normal reaction OR contact force at (point of contact with ae os (vertically) up NO) 2 (ii) torque = 35 x 0.25 (or 25) x 2 “ = 18 (17.5) Nm 2 2) (ili) the two 35N forces are equal and opposite and the eer afdtn the upward / contact / reaction force are equal and opposite io (iv) not in equilibrium as the (resultant) torque is ni i 16. M/J 13/P22/03 $ (a) the point where (all) the weight (of the body) vs is considered / seems to act S ic (b) (i) vertical component of T (= 30cos 40°) = 23N Ol Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 256 Unit 5: Answers Section FRead & Write Publications ) the sum of the clockwise moments about a point equals the sum of the anticlockwise moments (about the same point) i (iii) (moments about A): 23 « 1.2 (27.58) 8.5 * 0.60+1.2*W 19 or answer of 18.73 (N) [3] (iv) (M=W1g = 18.73 / 9.81 =) 1.9(09) kg iO} (©) (for equilibrium) resultant force (and moment) = 0 upward force does not equal downward force / horizontal component of T not balanced by forces shown 2 working to show 17. Mid 13/P21102 (a) mass is the property of a body resisting changes in motion / quantity of matter in a body / measure of inertia to changes in motion weight is the force due to the gravitational field/force due to gravity or gravitational force 2 Allow 1/2 for ‘mass is scalar weight is vector’ (b) (i) arrow vertically down through O tension forces in correct direction on rope fl (li) 4. weight = mg = 4.9 x 9.81 (= 48.07) 69 sin 0= mg 0= 44.(1) scale drawing allow + 2° 3) use of cos or tan 1/3 only 2.T =6900s 0 = 49.6 /50N scale drawing 50 +2 (2/2) 5044 (1/2) ira] correct answers obtained using scale diagram or triangle of forces will score full marks: cos in 1. then sin in 2. (2/2) 18. OIN 12/P21/03 (a) pressure = force / area tt] {b) molecules collide with object / surface and rebound molecules have change in momentum hence force acts fewer molecules per unit volume on top of mountain / temperature is less <> hence lower speed of molecules C hence less pressure 1 p=mlV W= Vog = 0.25 x 0.45 x 9.81 x 13600 = 15000 (15009)N 3] 5009 / 0.45 =3.3x 10‘ Pa (ili) pressure will be greater due to the air pressu (il) p= W/A (or using p = pgh) mM tt] 19. Mid 12/P23/01 @ {a) displacement is a vector, distance is a scalar © displacement is straight line between two points / distance is sum of lengths moved / example showing difference re (either one of the definitions for the second mark) Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 255 Unit 5: Answers Section FReead & Write Publications {b) a body continues at rest or at constant velocity unless acted on by a resultant (external) force tl {c) (i) sum of T; and 7; equals frictional force these two forces are in opposite directions 2] (allow for 1/2 for travelling in straight line hence no rotation / no resultant torque) (ii) 1. scale vector triangle with correct orientation / vector triangle with correct orientation both with arrows scale given or mathematical analysis for tensions 2] 2. T,= 10.1 x 10° (+ 0.5 x 109)N Tp = 16.4 x 10° (+ 0.5 x 10°)N 2 20. M/J 12/P23/Q3 (a) V=hxA m=Vxp P= hog Pis proportional to h if p is constant (and g) 14] (b) density changes with height hence density is not constant with link to formula 2 21. O/N 11/P21/Q1 (a) density = mass / volume [4] (b) density of liquids and solids same order as spacing similar / to about 2x density of gases much less as spacing much more or density of gases much lower hence spacing much more iP] (c) (i) density = 68 / [50 x 600 x 900 x 10°] 520 (allow 2500)kgm™> 2] (i) P=FIA 68 x 9.81 / [50 x 600 x 10%] = 2.2% 10'Pa BI) 22. OIN 11/P21/02 the perpendicular distance between the forces So a 2 (b) (i) torque = 8 x 1.5 = 12Nm ro there is a resultant torque / sum of the moments is not 28 (the rod rotates) and is not in equilibrium 2 Bx 1.2=24% 0.45 B =0.9(0)N se @ A= 24-09 =1.5N/moments calculation?) 9 uy Ss 23. Mid 11/P21/03 {a) point where the weight of an object / gravitational force may be considered to act 2 Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 256 Unit 5: Answers Section FRead & Write Publications (b) product of the force and the perpendicular distance (to the pivot) ] (c) (i) 1. sum/net /resultant force is zero 2. net / resultant moment is zero sum of clockwise moments = sum of anticlockwise moments 2 (i) Wxo2 w BI (allow 2/8 for one error in distance but 0/3 if two errors) (iii) move pivot to left gives greater clockwise moment / smaller anticlockwise moment or move W to right gives smaller anticlockwise moment 2 24, Mid 11/P23/02 (a) resultant moment = zero / sum of clockwise moments = sum of anticlockwise moments resultant force = 0 a (b) shape and orientation correct and forces labelled and arrows correct angles correct / labelled a (©) (i) Toos18° = Ww Scale diagram: T= 520/cost8°=547N +20N 2 sint8° £20N i (d) @ is larger hence cos @ is smaller, T= W/ cos @ hence Tis larger tl 25. OIN 10/P22/03 (@) point at which (whole) weight (of body) (allow mass for weight) appears / seems to act... for mass need ‘appears to be concentrated’) 2 {b) (i) point C shown at centre of rectangle + 5mm. OY fy (ii) arrow vertically downwards, from C with arrow starting from the same margin of error as in (b)(i) (¢) (i) reaction / upwards / supporting / normal reaction force friction ( force(s) at the rod a comes to rest with (line of action of) weight acting thro allow C vertically below the rod ‘so that weight does not have a moment about the. pivot. iv 26. OIN 10/P21/Q3 ef (a) force =rate of change of momentum _(all¢ymbls if defined) 1] (b) (i) Ap = 140 10° x (5.5 + 4.0) SS 33 kgms" g ral force = 1.33 / 0.04 =33.3N ul Physics A-Level P-2 Workbook 257 FRead & Write Publications (c) (i) taking moments about B (83 * 75) + (0.45 x g * 25) = Fa x 20 Fa=129N (ll) Fa= 33+ 129+ 0.459 =166N 27. Mid 10/P23/Q2 (a) no resultant force/sum of forces zero no resultant moment/torque/sum of moments/torques zero (b) (i) each force is represented by the side of a triangle/by an arrow in magnitude and direction arrows joined, head to tail (could be shown on a sketch diagram) (ii) if the triangle is ‘closed’ (then the forces are in equilibrium) (c) triangle drawn with correct shape (incorrect arrows loses this mark) T,=5.44£0.2N T,=4.0£0.2N (d) forces in strings would be horizontal (s0) no vertical force to support the weight 28, M/J 09/P22/Q3, M/J 09/P21/Q3 {a) product of (magnitude of one) force and distance between forces reference to either perpendicular distance between forces. orline of action of forces & perpendicular distance (b) (I) 90° (ii) 130 = Fx0.45 (allow e.c.f. for angle in (i)) F = 290N (allow 1 mark only if angle stated in (i) is not used in (i) Unit 5: Answers Section Bl al Bl Mm Bl fl (1

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