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30 Measuring the speed of reflexes

You need:
■ metric rulers

Measure the speed of your reflexes 0.26

1 Work in pairs. One student holds a ruler between 0.25
thumb and forefinger so that the ruler hangs with 0.24
its zero mark at the bottom. The other waits with 0.23
thumb and forefinger of one hand about 2 cm 0.22
apart and level with the zero mark of the ruler. 0.21
2 The student holding the ruler says ‘ready’, then
drops the ruler within five seconds without
further warning. 0.17
The other student must catch the ruler between 0.16
thumb and forefinger. 0.15
Note the number of centimetres the ruler has
Time (s)
dropped by looking at the position of the thumb 0.13
and forefinger on the ruler. 0.12
3 Calculate the average distance over at least
ten ruler drops. Use the graph to convert this 0.09
distance into response time, in seconds. Draw a 0.08
graph showing the range of results for the whole 0.07
class. 0.06
Questions 0.04
a Name all the parts of the nervous system which
impulses travel through as you respond to the
ruler dropping.
b Your result is the time it takes for impulses to 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance (cm)
travel from your eyes to your hand. Measure this
distance and use it to calculate the speed of nerve
impulses, in metres per second.

Your teacher will be looking for:

■ careful collection of data
■ good presentation of results
■ accurate use of the conversion graph
■ successful calculation of the approximate speed of
nerve impulses

The ‘detector’ in the experiment above was the eye. Design an
experiment to measure the speed of reaction when the signal is a
sound detected by the ear.

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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