IGCSE BIO - TB Practical Activities31

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31 Bones
You need:
■ chicken leg bones ■ dilute hydrochloric acid ■ metre rule
■ safety goggles ■ masses and mass hangers ■ tongs
■ retort stands and clamps ■ Bunsen burner

Investigating bone structure Rabbit skeleton

Bone contains minerals (mainly calcium

compounds) and organic fibres. What is the
function of these parts?
1 Obtain two small bones (e.g. chicken leg
bones). Remove the minerals from one bone
by soaking it in dilute hydrochloric acid for
24 hours. Soak another bone in water for the
same time (the control).
2 Pour away the acid, wash the bone and try Why are backbones arched?
to bend it. Compare it with the bone soaked Look at the skeleton of a rabbit or other
in water. What do your observations tell you four-legged animal and note the shape of its
about the functions of minerals and organic backbone. Is there an advantage in having an
fibres in bones? arched backbone?
3 Remove the organic fibres from another small 1 Support a metre rule (or strip of wood) on
bone by holding it (with tongs) in a hot Bunsen chair backs or clamp stands so that each end
burner flame for a few minutes in a fume overlaps the support by 1 cm. Attach weights
cupboard. to its centre until it bends and falls off the
4 When it is cool, try to crush the burnt end with supports.
a pencil or stick. What do your observations 2 Place a metre rule between two supports in
tell you about the functions of organic fibres in such a way that when the supports are moved
bones? towards each other the rule arches upwards
3 Attach weights to its centre as before. What
do your results tell you about the advantage of
having an arched backbone?


Your teacher will be looking for: Hydrochloric acid is harmful.

Avoid skin contact. WEAR
■ careful and safe use of the apparatus given
■ accurate observation breaking the burnt bones
■ good presentation of results WEAR EYE PROTECTION and
■ sensible conclusions use a safety screen.

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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