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22 Measuring respiration
You need:
■ specimen tubes and bungs with ■ 50 cm3 beakers ■ ink (coloured water)
two holes ■ capillary tubing ■ white card
■ soda lime or potassium hydroxide ■ perforated zinc ■ sticky tape
(0.4% concentration)

Method Screw clip Capillary

Rubber tube tube
1 Prepare the apparatus shown. It is a simple respirometer; that
is, it can be used to measure the rate of respiration. Predict what
will happen to coloured liquid in the capillary tube if you put a
few maggots or other small creatures in the specimen chamber
and close the screw clip. What is the reasoning behind your
prediction? Specimen
2 Carry out this experiment and check your prediction. Aerobic
organisms take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide at about
the same rate. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the soda lime. Use
these facts to explain your result. zinc

How to measure respiration rate in a variety

of small animals
Potassium hydroxide Coloured water
What exactly does this apparatus measure?
or soda lime with a drop of
Design an experiment to measure and compare respiration rate liquid detergent

in small creatures such as woodlice, beetles, spiders, earthworms,

maggots, etc.
Start by thinking about the following:
● What conditions must be kept the same for each creature so that
results can be compared?
● How could you improve your results if you knew the diameter
(bore) of the capillary tube?
● Why is the rubber tube and screw clip essential, and when
should the clip be opened and closed?

Your teacher will be looking for:
■ careful use of the apparatus given Soda lime is CORROSIVE and
can cause severe burns; also
■ suitable treatment of living specimens
dangerous to eyes and skin.
■ accurate observation and measurement AVOID SKIN CONTACT. AVOID
■ good presentation of results CONTACT WITH WATER. WEAR
■ sensible conclusions EYE PROTECTION.

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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