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ANSWER SHEET Self Checks 1.1.

1 Communication Information About Workplace Processes

Name: Ubalde, Jody Anne R. Date: 09\12\2023 Score: ______________

A. ESSAY: (15 points) How important is effective communication in the workplace?

Effective communication in the workplace is critical for the accomplishment of organizational

objectives and the establishment of a cohesive team. Communication is the process of exchanging
information, ideas, and opinions between individuals, and it plays a vital role in the day-to-day
operations of any organization. Whether it is between managers and employees, between team
members, or between departments, good communication is essential, and a lack of it can lead to poor
performance, decreased morale, and a hostile work environment. In addition, Effective communication
fosters collaboration, productivity, and optimal teamwork. When team members are on the same page,
they can work together cohesively to achieve common objectives. Clear communication can prevent
misunderstandings, provide context and clarity, and ensure everyone is on the same wavelength.
Communication skills are particularly vital in group settings, where multiple individuals are working
together in close proximity. Each member must communicate their needs, ideas, and goals to ensure
that everyone is on the same side. Also, good communication can build trust among coworkers.
Transparency, openness, and honesty demonstrate that everyone is committed to a shared goal and
willing to work together. Miscommunication can sow mistrust, and frequent misunderstandings can
erode relationships between team members. Trust is vital for effective teamwork, and effective
communication is the key to building it. When issues arise, communication helps resolve conflicts before
they escalate. When team members communicate with one another, they can identify the root cause of
an issue and come to a resolution before the situation becomes too contentious. This can help avoid
larger problems down the road. Another benefit of effective communication is the maximization of time.
When team members communicate effectively, everyone can work more efficiently to achieve common
goals. Individuals can prioritize their work better, plan and strategize, and develop more effective
workflows. This saves crucial time, helps boost productivity, and can generate positive outcomes that
serve the interests of both the organization and the employees.

In conclusion, effective communication is essential in the workplace, positively influencing a

range of organizational factors, including productivity, teamwork, conflict resolution, mutual trust and
time management. Organizations should foster a culture of openness and transparent communication to
encourage the development of these essential skills among team members. It is critical for workers to
concentrate on developing communication skills to contribute to the success of their team and
organization. By placing importance on effective communication, organizations can differentiate
themselves from their competitors and boost productivity, recruitment, and retention.

B. Explain each 5 good communication skills (15 points)

The five good communication skills are:

1. Active Listening: This is the process of actively engaging and understanding a message from others by
paying attention to non-verbal cues such as tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions. Active
listening allows individuals to avoid misinterpretation and respond effectively.

2. Clarity: Clarity is the ability to articulate a message effectively. A clear message eliminates ambiguity,
simplifies complex ideas, and avoids confusion.

3. Empathy: Empathy involves understanding and respecting the feelings, perspectives, and emotions of
others. By showing empathy, individuals can connect with others and build a sense of mutual trust and

4. Feedback: Feedback is critical to communication, and it helps individuals gain insight into their
communication style and how others perceive them. Constructive feedback is an effective tool for self-
improvement and open communication.

5. Non-Verbal Skills: Non-verbal communication involves the use of body language, tone of voice, and
facial expressions to convey meaning. The ability to match verbal communication with non-verbal cues
is essential to establish rapport and trust and promote effective communication.

C. Create a situation or scenario of effective communication in a workplace area (20 points)

In a salon context, a hairstylist, Michael, has a new client, Susan, who wants a complete hair
makeover. Michael listens actively to her requests by asking open-ended questions, such as "would you
prefer a bold hairstyle or something more natural?" He also empathizes with her by understanding her
hair's limitations and making appropriate suggestions. Susan expresses her concerns regarding her hair's
condition, and Michael offers his expertise on how to improve the overall health of her hair. He is clear
and concise in his explanations and uses non-verbal cues, such as eye contact and facial expressions, to
convey his sincerity. Michael gives her a thorough consultation and listens attentively to her responses,
building trust and a rapport by responding positively to her requests. Susan leaves impressed and owing
to the effective communication and the trust established, she schedules a series of full makeovers with
Michael later on.

Another is, In a nail salon, a customer arrives and books an appointment for a complex nail art
design. The receptionist, Maya, explains the salon's policies, the time required to complete the design,
and the cost associated with it. The customer eagerly agrees and sets a time for their appointment.

Maya makes sure to explain everything clearly, making use of her non-verbal communication
skills to ensure that the customer understands what she is saying. She also empathizes with the
customer by showing a genuine interest in their requirements. Sensing the customer's excitement for
the design, Maya offers suggestions and tips, demonstrating her expertise in the field. The customer is
impressed by her knowledge and professionalism.

When the customer arrives for their appointment, the technician, Lily, introduces herself and
reconfirms the design with the customer. Lily also nods and listens actively, acknowledging any issues
and concerns raised by the customer. She takes the time to clarify any misunderstandings and ensures
that the customer is aware of every stage of the process.

Lily pays close attention to the customer's feedback while working on the design, using her
feedback effectively to alter the design and make it more accurate. Throughout the appointment, she is
clear and concise, explaining each step and answering the customer's questions. This shows that she
values the customer's input and is committed to delivering the best possible service.

When the customer's appointment is over, Lily provides aftercare instructions, emphasizing the
importance of proper nail care after the appointment. The customer thanks Lily for her excellent service
and leaves happy, amazed by the final result. The customer feels pleased with the entire experience,
and they leave a positive review of the salon, emphasizing the efforts of the staff in understanding and
fulfilling her requirements efficiently.

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