IM1011 Sem231 Topic 00 Course Intro

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Computer in Business


Course introduction
Course Lecturer

• Full name: Nguyen Vu Quang

• Contacts:, Room 105 B10 Bld.
Course objectives

• Students will have generic and basic knowledge of:

• why study information systems and IT
• how a computer works and
• how businesses can be more successful with computer-based systems
• Be able to identify various components of a computer and make
use of them in business
• Be able to sense the trends in digital age, and their impacts on
business and individual context.
• Learn practical skills of Microsoft Office package for personal work
Course materials

• Presentation slides

• Text books:
[1] Misty E. Vermaat, M.E., Sebok, S.L., Freund S.M., Campbell, J.T., and
Frydenberg M. (2017), Discovering Computers 2018, Cengage Learning.

[2] Kroenke D., Boyle R. (2019). Using MIS 9th Edition, Pearson.
Course materials (cont.)
Course assessment

• Quizzes and homework (20%):

– MS Word, MS Excel, SPSS - 10%, in group
- 4 quizzes (every 2 weeks) – 10%, in individual
• Group Assignment (20%): topics about IT trends in business
• Final exam (60% - CLOSE BOOK) - multiple choice & writing-answer questions.
• Failed course if any component having score less than 3.0
How to study

• Review lessons using a combination of:

• Lecture slides (BKel)
• Textbook chapters
• Students self summary/notes
• Ask/discuss questions in class/BKel system/Email

• Note: to attend the final test

- be present at least 75% of class time (11 sessions/15 weeks)
- complete all homework and group assignment
Tentative schedule
Group assignment (1)

• In this week:
• Form groups, max 5 students each group
• The lecturer will assign randomly
• What is the assignment?
• What is group homework?
Group assignment (2)
Course introduction

Part 1: Introduction to computers and computer-based information


Part 2: Hardware and software

Part 3: Network, Internet, and Web

Course Part 4: MS Word, MS PowerPoint

Contents Part 5: MS Excel, SPSS

Part 6: Database management

Part 7: E-commerce, Supply chain, and Web 2.0

Topics on technology trends, group presentations


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