Anatomy Midterm Study Guide

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Name _________________________________________________________ Date___________

Anatomy and Physiology Midterm Study Guide

Directions: This packet contains an extensive study guide that will help you prepare for the
upcoming Midterm Exam. Pace yourself and be prepared to work on part of it on your own time.
This study guide covers the majority of the material that will appear on your Midterm Exam.

Organ systems
Cuts of the Body
Body Regions and directions
Body cavities
Cellular transport
Skeletal system
Muscular system

Study Suggestions:
• Create a concept map (or other graphic organizer) to summarize all of the important
information in a chapter. Explain your concept maps to classmates or family members.
• Work in a small study group and assign different study tasks to different people then
share all of the information.
• Write a summary of all of the important information in each Chapter.
• Write a summary of all of the important information in each section of class notes. Do
not just recopy the notes, summarize the information into an easy to understand
paragraph. Include important vocabulary.
• Write a short paragraph to summarize each handout or worksheet you received in class.
• Answer the questions on the chapter assessments at the end of each chapter.

1. Define Anatomy and Physiology-

A. Stat whether each of the following is negative or positive feedback

1. ________________________________ If blood temperature rises too high, specialized
neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain sense the change. These neurons signal other nerve
centers, which in turn send signals to the blood vessels of the skin. As these blood vessels dilate,
more blood flows close to the body surface and excess heat radiates from the body.
2. ________________________________ If the blood temperature falls too low, specialized
neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain sense the change and signals are sent to the cutaneous
arteries (those supplying the skin) to constrict them. Warm blood is then retained deeper in the
body and less heat is lost from the surface.
3. ________________________________ Part of the complex biochemical pathway of blood
clotting is the production of an enzyme that forms the matrix of the blood clot. This has a self-
catalytic, or self-accelerating effect, so that once the clotting process begins, it runs faster and
faster until, ideally, bleeding stops.
4. ________________________________ During childbirth stretching of the uterus triggers the
secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions and speeds up labor.
5. ________________________________ The walls of arteries stretch in the presence of high
blood pressure. Baroreceptors located in these walls also stretch and as a result, a signal is sent to
the brain which in turn slows down the body’s heart rate. This slows the flow of blood through
the arteries causing less pressure. As BP drops the baroreceptors become flaccid and a signal is sent to
speed up the heart rate.

B. Fill in the blanks relating to body directions from the following word list:

anterior inferior posterior medial

distal proximal superior lateral

1. If you can see the face, the body is .

2. If the buttocks are in view it is .
3. The wrist is to the elbow joint.
4. The pelvis is to the heart.
5. The kneecap is to the ankle.
6. The ears are to the nose.
C. Label the body regions
D. Describe how a body would be divided by each of the following types of planes:
1. Frontal (Coronal)
2. Midsagittal
3. Sagittal
4. Transverse

E. Identify the correct directional term to complete the following statements.

1. The liver is ___________ to the diaphragm.
2. Fingers are located_____________ to the wrist bones.
3. The skin on the dorsal surface of your body is said to be located on your________ surface.
4. The great (big) toe is ____________ to the little toe.
5. The skin on your leg is ___________ to the muscle tissue in your leg.
6. When you float face down in a pool, you are lying on your __________ surface.
7. The lungs and the heart are located ____________ to the abdominal organs.
F. Identify which cavity each of the following organs are in:
1. Heart __________________ 7. Lungs __________________
2. Liver __________________ 8. Spleen __________________
3. Intestines __________________ 9. Kidneys __________________
4. Spinal Cord __________________ 10. Stomach __________________
5. Brain __________________ 11. Urinary Bladder ________________
6. Sex Organs __________________ 12. Pancreas __________________

G. Fill in the blank completing the analogy.

1. anterior is to ventral as posterior is to _____________________________
2. superficial is to external as deep is to _____________________________
3. cranial is to caudal as superior is to ______________________________
4. medial is to lateral as proximal is to ______________________________

H. Match the organs with the cavity they are in.

1.____ cranial cavity A. stomach
2.____ spinal cavity B. reproductive organs
3.____ thoracic cavity C. brain
4.____ abdominal cavity D. small intestines
5.____ pelvic cavity E. urinary bladder
F. spinal cord
G. liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen
H. lung
I. Match the following:
Reproductive Nervous Respiratory Integumentary
Digestive Cardiovascular Urinary Skeletal
Endocrine Lymphatic Muscular
a. Transports oxygen, nutrients and carbon dioxide.

b. breaks down and absorbs food.

c. functions in body movement, posture, heat production.

d. controls body activities through hormones.

e. supports and protects the body, blood production.

f. eliminates wastes and regulates water retention.

g. controls body activities through electrical impulses.

h. maintains proper levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

i. returns fluids to circulatory system, immunity.

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

1. If a cell were poisoned so it could not make ATP, osmosis through its membrane
would stop.
2. The Sodium/Potassium Pump is a peripheral protein.
3. Human cells swell or shrink in any solution other than an isotonic solution.
4. A hypertonic solution will cause crenation of a cell.
5. The part of the phospholipid that is attracted to water is the tail.
6. Hydrophilic means that the molecule is attracted to water.
7. Enzymes are amino acids made up of smaller units called proteins.

Please form complete answers in full sentences.

1. Can diffusion occur against the concentration gradient? Explain.

2. Can active transport proceed when there is no energy available? Explain.

3. What is the most plentiful ion in the ICF?

What is the most plentiful ion in the ECF?

Match the following:
a. ATP e. simple diffusion
b. Hypertonic f. active transport
c. Solute g. hypotonic
d. Isotonic h. solvent

24. diffusion directly through the phospholipid bilayer

25. creates a net movement of water into the cell
26. needed for active transport
27. fluid that dissolved something
28. moving materials against the gradient
29. results in no net movement of water
30. creates a net movement of water out of the cell
31. material being dissolved
32. the effect of temperature on an enzyme
33. the effect of pH on an enzyme
34. the effect of substrate concentration on an enzyme

i. j.


Fill in the blank:

Process Movement Proteins needed? Energy required?
(with or against) (yes or no. If yes, what kind?) (yes or no)

Simple diffusion No


Yes: Channel Proteins No

Against conc. gradient















1. The figure below is a lateral view of the head. Label the following bones. After you
have labeled the bones, coloring them using the following chart:

maxilla – yellow parietal bone – light blue

mandible – light green temporal bone – dark blue
nasal bone – purple occipital bone – dark green
frontal bone – red zygomatic bone - orange

2. The figure below is an anterior view of the head. After you have labeled the bone,
color them using the previous color-coding chart.
3. The figure below is an inferior view of the head (with mandible removed). Label the
bones and color-code according to the chart below:

palatine bone – orange occipital bone – dark green

maxilla – yellow

4. The figure below is a lateral view of the vertebral column. Label each of the
following regions and color-code according to the chart below.

thoracic – dark green sacrum - red

coccyx – dark blue cervical – orange
lumbar – yellow
5. The figure below is an anterior view of the thorax. Label the subdivisions of the rib
cage and color-code according to the chart below.

body – purple manubrium – light blue

ribs – red xiphoid process – dark green

How many pairs of ribs do women have? _______ pairs

How many pairs of ribs do men have? _______ pairs

Is the thorax shown above considered to be part of the axial skeleton or appendicular
skeleton? ________________________________

6. The figure below is an anterior view of the pelvis. Label the following parts and
color-code according to the chart below.

ischium – orange ilium – dark blue

pubis – purple sacrum - red
7. The figure below is a diagram of the hand. Identify the following bones and color-
code according to the chart below.

phalanges – light green carpals - purple

radius - orange metacarpals – light blue
ulna - red
Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings:

8. Tibia Ulna Fibula Femur

9. Manubrium Body Xiphoid process Styloid process
1 0. Skull Rib cage Vertebral column Pelvis
11. Ischium Scapula Ilium Pubis
12. Frontal Zygomatic Temporal Occipital
13. Humerus Tarsals Radius Ulna

14. Identify the following bones:

Color the bones of the axial skeleton blue and the bones of the appendicular
skeleton red.
Label the Muscles of the Body

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