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Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 8

Name _______________________ Score _____________

A Choose the best word a, b, or c to complete 1–7.

(1) I’m trying to make a phone call. Are you connected __________ the internet?
a) on b) to c) at

(2) You’ve been in this internet café for hours. Will you log __________, please!
a) off b) on c) out

(3) People will never live on the moon. That’s just __________ fiction!
a) scientist b) science c) impossible

(4) Do you think scientists will ever find a __________ for cancer?
a) cure b) disease c) medicine

(5) When I was nineteen, I was a __________ on a game show.

a) competitor b) highlight c) contestant

(6) I worked a fifteen __________ yesterday.

a) hours b) hour day c) hours day

(7) Move the __________ to the ‘copy’ icon and click on it.
a) undo b) cursor c) tools

B What are the opposites of these adjectives?

(8) possible _____________

(9) safe _____________
(10) usual _____________
(11) healthy _____________
(12) legal _____________

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 8 p1

C Complete sentences 13–17 with the best adjective from 8–12 and the correct
form of the verb in brackets.

(13) It is _________ _________ (drive) on the right-hand side of the road in Britain.
(14) It is _________ for humans _________ (live) on Mars at the moment.
(15) It is _________ _________ (smoke) too many cigarettes.
(16) It is _________ _________ (walk) home alone at 2 a.m.
(17) It is _________ _________ (find) students who like doing homework!

D Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences.

(18) Peter says it rain tomorrow. (will)

(19) If you go now, you be late. (won’t)
(20) After they arrive in space they repair the shuttle. (will)
(21) The rocket will blast off a day later than planned. (perhaps)
(22) You will need to take your coat with you. (definitely)
(23) They won’t arrive before midnight. (probably)
(24) Before you go, you call Julie, please? (will)
(25) They will be able to come to the party, they have permission. (if)

E Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

(26) Jane may be feel a bit lonely here on her own.

(27) I’ll never going into space in a rocket.
(28) In one year time I will have more work and less free time.
(29) When everything will be ready for the meeting, please call me on my mobile.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 8 p2

(30) John says he mayn’t be able to fix the computer.

F Match a phrase in column A with a response in column B.

(31) Do you think John will go to the party? We may do!
(32) Will a rocket land on Mars in the near future? It might do.
(33) Please hurry up, Peter! A little bit, yes.
(34) We won’t win the football match next weekend. He may do.
(35) Are you unhappy at the moment, Jill? I won’t be long!

G Choose the correct verb form to complete 36–40. Are they plans or

(36) I’m going to / I will get married next week.

(37) I’m going to / I will cook a wonderful meal for my wife tonight. It’s our wedding anniversary!
(38) You’re never going to / You will never be rich and famous John, admit it!
(39) I think I’m going to / I will retire at 50, if I can!
(40) Are you going to / Will you play tennis with us on Saturday, Jim?

Functional language
H Translate this instruction into your language.

(41)You highlight the word, (42) then you click the spell check icon.

I Look at these instructions. Correct the mistake in each sentence. Sometimes

the wrong word or grammatical structure is used. Sometimes a word is

(43) First of, connect to the internet.

(44) Then, when you will be connected, you double click on the email icon.
(45) After then, click on ‘Write Mail’.
(46) Afterwards, type the address of the person you are writing.
(47) The address goes next to the address book cursor.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 8 p3

(48) Then, write your message in the bigger space.
(49) Next, click on ‘Insert’ or ‘Attach’ to attach your document the message.
(50) Finally, when the message be ready, click on ‘Send’ to send it.

Straightforward Pre-intermediate Unit Test 8 p4

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