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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful Project

Assignment title Plan and conduct a small scale research activity

Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Unit Tutor Ho Hai Van

Issue date 03 August 2022 Submission date

Submission Format:

Format: The submission is in the form of an individual written report that shows how you have manage
the project. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing
and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as
appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard
referencing system.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy in PDF posted on corresponding
course of
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference
properly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get fail

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Introduction to theme
The environmental impact of digital transformation
The amount of data created and stored globally is expected to reach 175 Zettabytes by 2025, a six-fold
increase from 2018. This will demand additional hardware and power consumption, which; in turn, will
increase the environmental impact of the digital sector and there is already increasing attention on the
environmental footprint of ICT equipment and services as they become more widespread in all aspects
of human life.
It is the responsibility of everyone to take action in addressing the challenges of climate change, as
professionals we must also seek ways that the digital sector can play its part. While digital technologies
are one of the sectors that has achieved greater efficiency; achieving about 100 times more computation
power from the same amount of energy per decade, it remains unsustainable. The sector must continue
to seek ways in which it can continue to support and drive innovation, while addressing the global
climate emergency for a greener and fairer future.
This unit will enable students to explore the impact of digital endpoint devices and ways to reduce
environmental damages, OR the potential of refurbishing, repairing and reusing digital devices rather
than replacing
As a member of Research and Development department, you have been assigned a mini-project to find
out the impact of digital endpoint devices and ways to reduce environmental damages, OR the potential
of refurbishing, repairing and reusing digital devices rather than replacing.
You need to do primary research (both qualitative and quantitative research) and secondary research to
find out that impact and conduct a report for your research. Even it’s a mini-project, you must apply
project management (PM) techniques such as project charter with aims, objectives, cost etc. As for time
management, you need to produce WBS and Gantt chart with reasonable tasks and time. A project
logbook is required to provide evidence of the project development process and ongoing reflection for
every week. This logbook will be needed later for your reflection and evaluation in Assignment 2. As part
of QA (quality assurance) policy, in the report you also need to critically evaluate the PM process and
appropriate research methodologies applied.
Your report must have an introduction stating the project aims and objectives. This must be followed by
a copy of your project management plan. Your plan should show the milestones when you will review
with your tutor your ongoing progress so far. You will submit your logbook which shows how you have
carried out the project.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on LO1 & LO2
the chosen theme D1. Critically evaluate the
project management
process and appropriate
research methodologies
P1 Devise project aims and M1 Produce a comprehensive
objectives for a chosen project management plan,
scenario. milestone schedule and project
P2 Produce a project schedule for monitoring and
management plan that completing the aims and
covers aspects of cost, scope, objectives of the project.
time, quality, communication,
risk and resources.
P3 Produce a work
breakdown structure and a
Gantt Chart to provide
timeframes and stages for

LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and

data collection to generate knowledge to support the project

P4 Carry out small-scale M2 Evaluate the accuracy and

research by applying reliability of different research
qualitative and quantitative methods applied.
research methods
appropriate for meeting
project aims and objectives
PART 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT...................................................................................1-6
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
II. Project Initialization (P1)............................................................................................1-2
III. Project Management Plan (P2) .................................................................................2-4
1. Scope ........................................................................................................................ 2
2. Time ......................................................................................................................... 2
3. Communication .........................................................................................................3
4. Risks ......................................................................................................................... 3
5. Resources ................................................................................................................. 4
6. Cost estimation ......................................................................................................... 4
IV. Planning (p3) ......................................................................................................5-6
1. WBS .................................................................................................................... 5
2. Gantt chart ................................................................................................................ 6
PART 2: RESEARCH .............................................................................................7-17 (P4)
I. Primary Research ................................................................................................. 7-15
1. Interview .................................................................................................................. 7
2. Result of interview and surveys ...........................................................................8-11
3. Methods of processing survey data .....................................................................11
4. Descriptive statistics ............................................................................................12-13
5. Evaluation about interview and Survey ................................................................14-15
II. Secondary Research .............................................................................................15-17
1. Overview about Secondary research .........................................................................15
2. Digital Wellbeing ................................................................................................. 15
3. Function that limits the time using the phone on the Android operating system . . .15-17

I. Introduction

Digital Wellbeing is about fashioning and maintaining a balanced technical relationship. We

find ourselves spending growing amounts of time online and on our smartphones as
technology plays a major part in our lives. Our wellbeing depends on our mental and
physical health, and our online experiences and the amount of time we spend on our
devices affect our Digital Wellbeing.

I am an employee of Google, which has an operating system called Android. The

Android operating system is installed on mobile devices and it is working very stable and
well received by users. However, recently there is a trend of Digital wellbeing and the
company does not want to miss it, so the company management has assigned me to do a
project so that the Android operating system will not miss that trend. My job is not to
rebuild the entire operating system, but to add a new feature to the operating system that
has to do with Digital Wellbeing.
II. Project Initialization (P1)pr

oject Table 1 - Project Identification

Table 2 - Business reasons for project

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Project Table 3 - Aim and Objectives of project
III. Project Management Plan (P2)
1. Scope

Table 4 - Project Scope

2. Time

Table 5 – Time

Page |2
3. Communication
A. Communication methods

Table 6 - Communication methods

B. Communication frequency

Table 7 - Communication frequency

4. Risks

Table 8 - Risk and Solution

Page |3
5. Resources

Table 9 – Resources
6. Cost estimation

Table 10 - Cost estimation

Page |4
IV. Planning (P3)

1. WBS

Figure 1 – WBS

Page |5
Table 11 - WBS dictionary

2. Gantt chart

Page |6

I. Primary Research
1. Interview

Interviewing is a qualitative method of data collection research and has been a

popular method for ages. Such interviews can be carried out either in person (face-to - face)
or over the internet. Interviews are open-ended methods that require dialogs or exchanges
between interviewer (researcher) and respondent (respondent). It is assumed that carrying
out face-to - face interviews would elicit stronger responses from respondents, since this is
a more intimate approach. The success of face-to - face interviews however depends on the
researcher's ability to ask questions.
Therefore, I will apply interviewing to the primary research for this project and I will
choose tointerview one person:

Table 12 - Information of the interviewer

Surveys are a way that we can gather information from many customers by sending
them a list of questions and letting them answer them. In order to get the maximum
information from the interviewer, we should use questions that are closed with the right
purpose, not lengthy because the person surveyed will lose interest and tend to quit.
I will apply online survey to primary research because it will be able to provide me
with a large data source from clients without spending too much time and effort. In this
online survey I will not limit the audience to survey because I want to collect opinions of all
ages and each type of user about the issues surrounding the project. The minimum number
of online survey participants is 30 people.

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2. Result Of Interview And Surveys
2.1. Result of interview
1. What do you think about our company's Android operating system?
Huynh Duy Khanh
: “Android OS is a very good operating system today. It is always up to date with the
latest technologies, so it is well received by most users including fastidious users.
When using it always gives users the feeling of stable experience without sudden
stops and almost no errors. Above all, people can personalize their phones easily
using the Android operating system. In short, this operating system is extremely
stable and meets all the needs of users.”
2. What do you think when we add a function that helps users manage their phone
Huynh Duy Khanh
“I think it is a very attractive function for users because there are so many users who
are addicted to using phones nowadays. Phone addiction can cause a lot of health
problems especially for the eyes because when they use the phone, they always must
look at the screen of the phone from which they can meet. quite a lot of eye
problems such as nearsightedness or blurred vision. At the same time, they can use
the phone without knowing how long they have used the phone, there are many
using the phone before going to bed and accidentally this will make it difficult for
them to fall asleep. Easily. If the Android operating system has this function, it is a
very effective solution for everyone, they can detox using the phone.”
3. What are you looking forward to in this new feature?
Huynh Duy Khanh: “I think this function will be able to help users set a time limit for
their applications. At the same time, users can set a schedule to remind the time to
go to bed to avoid using the phone too long before going to bed. In addition, it is
recommended to adjust the color of the screen by the hour so that it can reduce the
blue light in the evening because it will minimize the adverse effect on the user's
4. What do you think when there are many opinions that this function can collect user
data and the company sells user data to another company?
Huynh Duy Khanh: “This is a painful problem because every product is encountered. I
think this function should be secure to avoid exposing user information and
encrypting the input and output information to ensure user trust.”
5. Do you think this function will help you?
Huynh Duy Khanh: “I think it will help me a lot because it will help me minimize my
phone time and from there, I can do other things that are more useful than using my
phone. Plus, it can help me protect the health of my eyes.”
6. Who do you think we should apply this feature to, or can we apply it to everyone
using the Android operating system?

Page |8
Huynh Duy Khanh: “I think this function should be given to most users because for
everyone needs to control the use of the phone appropriately and avoid phone use
Analysis: After interviewing, I noticed that users are addicted to using their phones
unconsciously or on purpose. Users have a desire to have something to help them
improve their phone addiction because they spend so much time on it and most of
all, they have suffered from health problems. Using the phone too much. But on the
contrary, users want to be able to secure their information from the disclosure of
their important information.
2.2. Result of survey
a. List of survey question
Link survey:

Figure 3 - Question 1

Figure 4 - Question 2

Figure 5 - Question 3

Page |9
Figure 6 - Question 4

Figure 7 - Question 5

Figure 8 - Question 6

Figure 9 - Question 7
b. Summary about survey
Original data sheet:

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After obtaining data from the user, I will convert that data into a number so that it can be
compatible with the calculation of the correlation between the variables.
The following data table selects the necessary variables and encodes them:
3. Methods Of Processing Survey Data
After collecting information from the survey, I will analyze those data in 3 ways:
descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis between variables.
With the method of analysis according to descriptive statistics: I will base on the total
number of survey results obtained and calculate the percentage of each answer to a
question. Example one asks: 'Do you agree with the ban on dog meat?' and the answer will
be yes or no. I will base on the total number of respondents and calculate the percentage of
each answer: Yes and No. We can base on the ratio of each answer to make conclusions for
the question to be analyzed.
For the method of correlation analysis between variables, I need to encode the
questions that can becoded in the survey results. For my survey results, I have followed the
coding according to the rules in the table above. After coding, I apply the formula to
calculate the correlation coefficient.

Figure 16 - Formula to calculate the correlation coefficient

After calculating, I will get a table of results with the correlation coefficient of each
variable. Correlation coefficient (r) is a statistical indicator that measures the correlation
relationship between two variables. For example, the level of cell phone use affects the
health ofthe users. Correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1. A correlation coefficient of 0
or near 0 means that two variables are not related to
each other and vice versa if the coefficient is -1 or 1 means two the variable has an absolute
relationship. If the value of the correlation coefficient is negative then r <0 means that
when x increases, y decreases and vice versa. If the correlation coefficient r> 0 means that
when x increases, y also increases.

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4. Descriptive Statistics

This is one of the responses we received from a large number of people; through this tool,
we can see how people's responses are visualized as a pie chart inside the percentages of
each answer choice. As we can see, the following graph depicts what many people regard to
be e-waste: Phones are considered electronic waste by 54.5% of respondents, cables, wires,
and batteries by 18.2%, and light bulbs by 9.1%.

As illustrated in the chart, they can either reach or fail to meet the recycling barrier. 9.1%
said it was difficult to get to the recycler, compared to 27.3% who said it was convenient,
18.2% who said it was extremely convenient, and 45.5% who said it was tough to get to the

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As the graph demonstrates, recycling e-waste is inconvenient for them. 36.4% stated they
don't know what can be recycled; 27.3% said it's just easier to toss it away; and 18.2%
claimed the recycling site is never open when it's convenient for them or is too far away
from their home.

As the chart shows, if they knew that the recycled e-waste was going to be made into
something new, 40% said that they didn't know; 20% said that they knew, knew very well,
and didn't know anything.

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5. Evaluation about interview and Survey
5.1. Assessing the suitability of the interviewed and surveyed subjects.
First, I realize that the interviewee is a perfect fit for the project. Because, Pham Ngoc
Tan has something completely different from ordinary users that I can choose them as
interviewees. If I choose a normal user, I will only interview focusing on the question of how
the user uses the phone for what purpose and whether that user has any responses or
suggestions that are useful for the project. In addition, if I were to choose a regular user, I
would only get information about that individual user's mind it would not be relevant
because it was their opinion and the credibility was quite low. If I choose Huynh Duy Khanh,
I will have confidence in his answers and at the same time if I choose him, I can carefully ask
every question that I have listed. Because, Huynh Duy Khanh is a product introduction: he is
a person who meets many technology items and especially many different customers, so he
knows the mentality. as desired by all customers. In addition to that he can provide useful
suggestions for project development.
Next is the relevance of the survey object, I choose the main survey area is Vietnam
and some countries of other regions in the world. Because, in those areas are the places
where smartphone users are the most concentrated and they have a habit of using their
phones when they have hands free. Next, I do not limit the age to participate in the survey
because anyone can be addicted to using the phone regardless of age, the addiction to
using the phone is very easy, we can be addicted to it. stay awake. I do not limit my gender
because all genders are the same, everyone uses the phone and is at risk of phone
addiction. That is why I confirm that the person I choose to participate in the survey is
completely suitable.
5.2. Evaluate the number of people interviewed and surveyed.
First, when I do user interviews, I have two options: interviewing a single person and
interviewing a group of people. I chose to interview a person named Pham Ngoc Tan
because he can answer interview questions with great confidence, and at the same time he
understands the reactions and wishes of all types of users. So, interviewing him is like
interviewing many other normal users. Choosing to interview this one person will help me
focus rather than interview many people on the same question list, as well as I can easily
contact and get information of the interviewee instead. Since there are many people, it will
take me a lot of work, time to contact and gather them for interviews. It can cause delays if
anything unexpected happens. The number of respondents to the survey is completely
consistent with the width of the project. Based on the area I choose to survey; the number
of respondents will be very large, and it ensures the amount of data so that I can perform
correlation analysis between any 2 variables.
5.3. Evaluate the quality of responses to interviews and surveys.
For the interview results, I am completely satisfied with the answers that I have obtained.
The interviewees answered the heart of the question I wanted to ask and at the same time
gave completely helpful suggestions for the project. As for the quality of the survey results, I
find that those results are real, and that the user has no phenomenon of answering yes or

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missing any question. But in terms of the number of survey results, I feel dissatisfied
because the number of results is still limited, not as I expected it to narrow the scope and
audience of users that I want to have results. their answers for analysis.

II. Secondary Research

After doing my primary research, I have read several books and online documents on
issues that interest me. Plus, through that process, I learned more about my project and
digital wellbeing: Android phone time management.
1. Overview about Secondary research
Secondary research is a research method which requires the use of available data
from reliable sources. Scientific studies, books, and blogs released the data available as
research articles. This work should be carried out so that all research questions can be
addressed in the most detailed way possible.
2. Disadvantages of secondary research
 Incomplete Information: Scientists find information that sounds interesting and
enticing in many situations. The researcher could not get the full version of the
analysis to obtain the study's maximum benefit. That is because many research
suppliers give free parts of their work and instead charge their entire reports for high
 Not Timely: When using secondary data, caution should be exercised when using
past dated details. For businesses operating in fast-changing markets, many have
little to no exposure to the current business situation because of obsolete research
3. Digital Wellbeing
3.1. Resource
 When technology becomes more central to everything we
do, it can also distract us from the things that matter to us most. We agree that
technology can improve and not detract from life. We are committed to providing
everyone with the resources to build their own sense of digital well-being. So that life
remains at the forefront and core, not the technology in it.
46223db9f057: Most participants stressed that digital well-being would balance
digital technology usage costs and benefits. Several specifically called for digital well-
being to go beyond mere reducing the harm of (over)use technology.
 Design Thinking for Digital Well-being: Theory and Practice for Educators (1st Edition)
 The Impact of Digital Technologies on Human Wellbeing (Paul Howard-Jones)
 Mobile Health (James M. Rehg)
3.2. Summarize
a. Digital technology impacts on human wellbeing

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According to Howard-Jones: We'll address the effect of emerging technology on human
well-being. Our lives are more and more steeped in technology. Most of our contact is
online now, much of our entertainment and entertainment is delivered by internet and
video games, and many of us find that cell phones have become an important part of our
business. Poor in our everyday relationship and organization. As the lifestyle shifts,
concerns are raised as to what technology can do for us.
 Insomnia: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic
insomnia affects up to 10 per cent of the US population, and more than a quarter of
the population has poor sleeping habits. And sadly, night surfing on Facebook or
other social media sites will not boost your sleep. According to Harvard Medical
University, blue light emitted from a phone or tablet screen will upset your circadian
 Distraction: Distracted driving has become an epidemic that affects not only safety
but also endangers our own and others' lives. Not just texting, annoyance when
driving also involves maps viewing, music change and navigation systems. More than
8 people are killed every day in a traffic accident, according to the National Traffic
Safety Administration, the main cause of which is that drivers lose focus when they
are in traffic.
 Isolated from society: Technology can damage your mental health as well as physical
harm. The American Public Health Association concluded: "The Internet and social
networks can influence behaviors relating to suicide among youth."
 Sitting too much: In 2013, the American Medical Association said it is harmful to our
health to sit for long periods, especially in the work environment. James Levin, an
internal medicine doctor at the Mayo Clinic, told the Los Angeles Times: "The seats
are going to ruin us."
 Bone and joint pain: Frequent use of a computer or telephone makes you more likely
to suffer from joint pain, particularly in wrists and fingers, which can cause irritation
and even leave sequelae in the future. Daily use of computers can increase the
frequency of wrist and finger problems. Above are some of the human health impacts
of emerging technology. Technology product developers are therefore more
interested in users, developing products for digital wellbeing.
b. Intro digital wellbeing
According to Rouse: Digital wellness is a concept used by health practitioners,
academics, and product manufacturers to characterize the notion that this interaction can
help when humans communicate with technology. Mental health and/or physical wellbeing
in a measurable manner the aim of digital health enhancement is to develop technology to
encourage safe use and to proactively assist consumers in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Some companies have developed fewer distracting features or added the ability to turn
off distracting notifications in response to the apps and technology that respects one 's
time. Additionally, businesses have created new digital status monitoring applications to

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monitor items like screen time for different devices. These help consumers minimize
inappropriate forms of screen time or are more careful
about how to use the technology. I can mention several functions that fulfill the main
purpose of the Digital Wellbeing concept:
 Real-time monitoring of the day so phone can adjust screen light color: Blue if in the
morning is yellow for evening time. Adjusting the screen brightness will help limit the
impact of blue light directly on the user's eyes.
 Users often use several applications continuously in a day without them knowing how
long they used that application. That is why we need them to be able to set how long
they can use the app in a day with a maximum possible time set of 8 hours.
 We always have a habit of using our phones while charging, which is very dangerous
because the phone can explode due to overheating. That is why we need a function
that can limit the users from using their phone while it is charging.
 Users often have a habit of using the phone before going to bed and due to
carelessness or intentionally they have used the phone for too long since then
causing insomnia. That is why we need a function that can remind the user when it is
time to sleep. These are solutions that can help you to limit your phone usage, but at
the core of it is whether the users take those functions seriously or not.
c. Find a way to balance your life with technology
According to Google Organization, technology is becoming increasingly central to
everything we do, sometimes it can distract us from the things that matter most to us. We
believe technology will enhance and not disrupt life. We 're committed to providing people
with the resources they need to develop their own understanding of digital welfare. But life
is still at the front and middle, not the technology
therein. To meet your personal digital well-being goals, fine-tune your technology habits.
 Set the usage time of each application inside your phone.
 Do not use the phone continuously for a period.
 Limiting use of the phone in some low-light places because it adversely affects the
user's eyes.
 Limit your cell phone use when going to work and school because it can easily distract
you from the main job you are doing.
 Set a clear bedtime timestamp so you can limit your phone use when it is time to go
to bed because using your phone before bed will cause insomnia.
 When you are at home with loved ones and out with friends, limit your phone usage
and talk to them more.

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1. Anon, 2017. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed February 25, 2023].
2. cthospital, 2019. [Online] Available at:
xanh-anh-huong-xau-den-mat-nhu-the-nao/ [Accessed February 25, 2023]. c
3. Google, 2020. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed February 25, 2023].
4. healthessentials, 2019. [Online] Available at:
before-bed-is-a-bad-habit/ [Accessed 27 February 25, 2023].
5. Howard-Jones, P., 2012. The Impact of Digital Technologies on Human Wellbeing. 1st
ed. s.l.:University of BRISTOL. Istepania, R., 2006. M-Health: Emerging Mobile Health
Systems (Topics in Biomedical Engineering. International Book Series). 1st ed.
s.l.:Better World Books.
6. Khan, M. D., 2020. [Online] Available at:
are-the-effects-from-using-your-phone-too-much [Accessed February 25, 2023].
7. Lukoff, K., Jul 2, 2019. [Online] Available at:
wellbeing-more-than-just-reducing-screen-time-46223db9f057 [Accessed February
25, 2023].
8. Naeem, Z., 2014 Oct. [Online] Available at: [Accessed February 25,

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