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KCP NAME OF THE CONCEPT Question Tick after

NO. Count Completion

****** Colour Plus One Syllabus (1978-

******Colour Plus Two Syllabbus 2023)
1. Calorimetry and Heat Transfer 53
2. Bohr's Model and the spectra of the Hydrogen 48
3. Photons, Photo Electric Effect, X-rays and Davison and Germer Experiment 48
4. Specific Heat Capacity and Thermodynamical Processes 46
5. Radioactivity 46
6. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Rotational Motion 44
7. Refraction at Curved Surface Lenses and Power of Lens 43
8. Vibration of String and Organ Pipe 40
9. Torque,Couple and Angular Momentum 38
10. Collisions 32
11. Motion of Charged Particle in Magnetic Field 31
12. Capacitors,Grouping of Capacitors and Energy Stored in A Capacitor 30
13. Refraction of Light at Plane Surface and Total Internal Reflection 30
14. Integer Based Problems(IBPs)on Ray Optics 29
15. Dimensions of Physical Quantities 28
16. Integer Based Problems(IBPs)on Kinetic Theory 28
17. Youngs Double Slit Experiment 28
18. Errors in Measurements & Exerimental Physics 27
19. Electric Field and Field Lines 27
20. Electrostatic Potential and Equipotential Surfaces 27
21. Integer Based Problems(IBPs)on Moving Charges & Magnetism 27
22. Integer Based Problems(IBPs)on Current Electricity 27
23. Pressure,Density,Pascal's Law and Archemedes Principle 25
24. Energy 24
25. Motional and Static EMI and Application of EMI 24
26. Time Period, Frequency, Simple Pendulum and Spring Pendulum 23
27. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Waves 23
28. Musical Sound and Doppler's Effect 22
29. Prism and Dispersion of Light 22
30. Integer Based Problems(IBPs)on Atoms 21



31. Friction 20
32. Rolling Motion 19

33. Motion of Satellites, Escape Speed and orbital Velocity 18

34. Magnetic Field Lines, Biot-Savart's Law and Amperes Circuital Law 18
35. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Electromagnetic Induction 18
36. AC Circuit ,LCR Circuit, Quality and Power Factor 17
37. Mass-Energy Equivalence and Nuclear Reactions 16
38. Damped, Forced Oscillations and Resonance 15
39. Magnetic Flux, Faraday’s and Lenz's Law 14
40. Fluid Flow, Reynolds Number and Bernoulli's Principle 13
41. Degree of Freedom, Specific Heat Capacity, Mean Free Path 13
42. Basic of Mechanical Waves, Progressive and Stationary Waves 13
43. Electric Charges and Coulomb's Law 13
44. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Electric Potential and Capacitors 13
45. Centre of Mass, Centre of Gravity, Principle of Moments 12
46. Surface Tension, Surface Energy and Capillarity 12
47. Electric Dipole, Electric Flux and Gauss's Law 12
48. Combination Of Resistors 12
49. Wheatstone bridge and Different Measuring Instruments 12
50. Plane Mirror, Spherical Mirror and Reflection of Light 12
51 Projectile Motion 11
52. Speed of Gas, Pressure and Kinetic Energy 11
53. Electric Potential Energy and work done in Carrying a charge 11
54. Heating Effect of Current 11
55. Moment of Inertia and Rotational KE 10
56. Force and Torque on Current Carrying Conductor 10
57. Motion of Connected Bodies,Pulley&Equilibrium of Forces 9
58. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Fluid Mechanics 9
59. First Law of Thermodynamics 9
60. Kinetic Theory of an Ideal Gas and Gas Laws 9
61. Electric Current, Drift of Electrons, Ohm’s Law ,Resistance and
Resistivity 9
62. Kirchhoff’s laws, Cells, Thermo emf 9
63. Wave front, Interference of Light, Coherent and Incoherent Sources 9
64. Thermometer and Thermal Expansion 8
65. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Electric Charges and Fields 8
66. I,II,III Newtons Laws of Motion 7
67. Circular Motion, Banking of Roads 7
68. Integer Based Problems(IBPs)on Thermal Properties 7
69. Work 6



70. Diffraction, Polarisation of Light and Resolving Power 6

71. Non-Uniform Motion 5
72. Relative Velocity 5
73. Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration 5
74. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Gravitation 5
75. Hooke's Law & Young's Modulus 5
76. Carnot Engine, Refrigerators and Second Law of Thermodynamics 5
77. Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter 5
78. Optical Instruments 5
79. Unit of Physical Quantities 4
80. Distance, Displacements &Uniform Motion 4
81. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Work, Energy Power 4
82. Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion 4
83. Displacement, Phase, Velocity and acceleration in SHM 4
84. Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion 4
85. Beats, Interference and Superposition of Waves 4
86. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Atoms 4
87. Composition and Size of the nuclei 4
88. Matter Waves, Cathod and positive Rays 4
89. Power 3
90. Gravitational Field and Potential Energy 3
91. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Units Measurements 2
92. Vectors 2
93. Motion in a Plane with constant acceleration 2
94. Relative Velocity in two Dimensions &Uniform Circular Motion 2
95. Acceleration due to Gravity 2
96. Viscosity and Terminal Velocity 2
97 Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Wave Optics 2
98. Integer Based Problems (IBPs)on Dual Nature of Matter and
Radiation 2
99. Motion Under Gravity 1
100. Bulk and Rigidity Modulus and Work done in Stretching a wire 1

“Every Concept is Followed by

Problems Discussion”


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