OUM Physica Exam

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Question 1 a)

i. Fahrenheit and Celsius are the two scales that are used for measuring temperature.
While the unit of measure for heat is either joules or calories.
ii. Temperature is not a kind of energy; nevertheless, heat is a form of energy that is
connected to kinetic energy. Temperature is a measure of heat.
iii. The temperature of a substance is a measurement of both its hotness and its coolness.
On the other hand, heat cannot be confined within a substance.

Question 1 b)

The energy gained by the milk

Qmilk = mmilk × cmilk × ΔTmilk

The energy gained by the cup

Qcup = mcup × ccup × ΔTcup

The energy lost by the steam (used for heating the milk and the cup)

Qsteam =msteam ×Lvaporization +msteam ×csteam ×ΔTsteam

mmilk: mass of the milk (220 grams)
mcup: mass of the cup (100 grams)
msteam: mass of the steam (unknown)
cmilk: specific heat of milk (1 kcal/(kg°C))
ccup: specific heat of cup (0.2 kcal/(kg°C))
csteam: specific heat of steam (0.48 kcal/(kg°C))
Lvaporization: heat of vaporization of water (540 kcal/kg)
ΔTmilk: change in temperature for milk (50°C - 30°C = 20°C)
ΔTcup: change in temperature for cup (50°C - 30°C = 20°C)

ΔTsteam: change in temperature for steam (140°C - initial temperature of steam)

When the milk and cup have the same temperature change and specific heat, we can combine
their energy equations:

Qmilk + Qcup

= mmilk × cmilk × ΔTmilk + mcup × ccup × ΔTcup

Then the equation will be:

mmilk × cmilk × ΔTmilk + mcup × ccup × ΔTcup = msteam ×Lvaporization +msteam ×csteam ×ΔTsteam

Substitute the given values and solve for msteam :

220 × 1 × 20 × 100 × 0.2 × 20 = m steam × 540 + msteam × 0.48 × (140 – initial temperature of

4400 + 400 = msteam × 540 + msteam × 0.48 × 140

4800 = msteam × (540 + 0.48 × 140)

Solve for msteam:

msteam= 4800/(540 + 0.48 × 140)

= 7.947 kg

Question 1 c)


W = 400 N

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s2

Mass of gold = w / g

= 400 / 9.8

= 40.82 kg

Volume = mass / density

Density of gold = 19320 kg/m3

Volume of gold = mass / density

Volume = 40.82 / 19320

= 0.002 m3

a3 = 0.002

a = 3 √ 0.002

= 0.128m

Question 3 a)

The phenomena showed in the figure is the diffraction phenomena. This phenomenon, this is
a change in direction of the waves as they pass through and opening or around a barrier in
their path. When the ‘a’ is smaller than the wavelength, the diffraction rate will be higher.
Whereas, if the ‘a’ bigger the diffraction will be smaller. The diffraction rate can we
determined through the bent of the wave in the ripple tank. When the wave is highly bent,
that indicated higher diffraction.

Question 3 b)

Amplitude = 2/2

= 1m

Wave speed = distance/ time

Wave Speed = 6m / 1.5s

= 4 m/s

The wave's speed may be determined independently of its amplitude, which in this case is 1
meter. However, the speed of a wave is defined purely by the distance it travels in a given
amount of time, and not by the amplitude, which reflects the greatest displacement of
particles from their equilibrium position as the wave passes through.

Question 3 c)

The formula

Speed = wavelength x frequency

The wavelength given is 20 cm

Frequency is 460Hz

20cm x 460
= 9200 cm/s

= 9.2 m/s

L= v

Length of the tube

L = v / 4f

= 9.2 / (4 x 460)

= 10 cm

Question 1 a)

P = p x v2

= kg/ m s2

Question 1 b.i)

From 0s to 5s the velocity is increasing. The acceleration is constant as the gradient along 0s
to 5s. Further, after the 5s to 10s, velocity is decreasing. The acceleration is constant but it
has negative value. Thus, that is decelerating. From 10s to 15s, the velocity is constant. The
acceleration is zero as the gradient along 10s to 15s is zero.

Question 1 b.ii)

0 to 5 seconds= Change in displacement/ time taken

= (4-0)/5

=0.8 m/s

5 to 10 seconds

= (-4 -4)/ (10-5)

= -1.6

Total = 0.8 + (-1.6)

= -0.8

Question 1 b iii)
Question 1 c)

a = 4.142 m/s2 (magnitude of acceleration)

Direction θ

45 degree from the positive x-axis in a counterclockwise direction

Question 2 a.i)


PEA = m x g x h

m given that mass = 50 g converted into kg = 0.05 kg

g given that the acceleration due to gravity = approximately = 9.81 m/s2

h given that height pendulum at point A = 1 m


PEA = 0.05 kg x 9.81 m/s2 x 1 m

= 0.4905J at point B.

Question 2 a.ii)

H = 1 – Cos θ

= 1 – 1 x 30 degree

= 0.13 m

Question 2 a.iii)

What Albert thinks is not true. Assuming air resistance and other variables are negligible, the
greatest height the bob will gain above point B is independent of the bob's mass and the
length of the string. Depending on the pendulum's height and the acceleration caused by
gravity, the maximum height is established by the initial potential energy at point A.

Question 2 b)
The total work done is 200 J and the speed of the object after 20 m can be found using

where, u is the speed at s=0

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