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Entrepreneur Mindset

I. Summary of the Episode

The summary of this Great video and very powerful voice, of Marcus! The
entrepreneurial mindset is about a certain way of thinking -- it is about the way in
which you approach challenges and mistakes.The entrepreneurial mindset
motivational video of Marcus Taylor is a compilation of his speeches that aim to
inspire and empower people who want to pursue their dreams and goals. The video
covers topics such as:The importance of having a clear vision and purpose for your
life. The power of positive thinking and affirmations. The need to overcome fear,
doubt, and procrastination. The value of learning, growing, and adapting to
change.The benefits of taking action, being consistent, and working hard. And then
lastly The keys to success, such as passion, discipline, resilience, and gratitude.

II. Lessons Learned

The lesson that I have learned after i watched from the motivational video of Marcus
Taylor is that:

We need to have a positive mindset and believe in ourselves. Marcus says that “the
most powerful force in the universe is not gravity, it’s not electricity, it’s not
magnetism, it’s your mind” . He encourages us to use our mind to create our reality
and overcome any obstacles or challenges that we face.

We need to set ambitious goals and work hard to achieve them. Marcus says that “if
your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough” . He urges us to dream big and
pursue our passions with dedication and discipline. He also says that “success is not
something that happens overnight, it’s something that happens over time” . He
reminds us that we need to be patient and persistent in our journey and not give up on
our vision.

We need to develop the necessary habits for self-impatient and personal

growth. Marcus says that “the difference between who you are and who you want to
be is what you do” . He advises us to adopt the habits of high achievers, such as
reading, learning, meditating, exercising, and networking. He also says that “the only
way to grow is to get out of your comfort zone” . He challenges us to try new things,
take risks, and learn from our failures.

We need to be creative and innovative in our thinking and actions. Marcus says that
“the world belongs to the innovators, the creators, the disruptors” . He inspires us to
think differently and challenge the status quo. He also says that “the best way to
predict the future is to create it” . He empowers us to use our imagination and skills
to solve problems and make a positive impact on the world.

III. Proof/Evidence

Here is my favorite part of the video it is because according to Marcus Taylor

there are two sides to the coin of entrepreneurship there's heads and there's tails and
most people fail to see tails, they see heads,the face of it they lives on the surface, the
cameras , the lights, the action, the yachts, the fame, but they don’t see the blood , the
sweat, the tears and anybody that is willing to make the sacrifices. This part of a
video by Marcus Taylor, who is a motivational speaker and entrepreneur. For me He
is talking about the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur. He is saying that
there are two aspects of entrepreneurship: the positive and the negative. The positive
aspect is what most people see and admire, such as the success, the fame, the wealth,
and the lifestyle. The negative aspect is what most people ignore or underestimate,
such as the hard work, the risk, the failure, and the sacrifice. He is saying that anyone
who wants to be an entrepreneur must be willing to face both aspects and make the
necessary sacrifices. He is trying to inspire and educate his audience about the reality
of entrepreneurship.

Name: Castor, Mayflor C. Course&section: BSBA-MM B2022

Activity No. 1

Student No. : 20-01957 Submiited By: Prof. Danica P. Jalimao

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