English Unit3

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Task 1. Read the text and try to guess the meaning of the words in italics.

Check your
variants in the dictionary and copy them out.
threats - a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen
computer virus - a computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the
way a computer operates and is designed to spread from one computer to another
reproduces - to produce a copy of something, or to be copied in a production process
spreads - to affect more and more places or things
malicious - intended to harm
invades - to attack
unleashed - to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled
infected - to pass harmful programs from one computer to another, or within files in the
same computer
executed - to make a computer program or instruction work:
boot - A boot sector virus is a type of virus that infects the boot sector of floppy disks or the
Master Boot Record (MBR) of hard disks
damage - to harm or spoil something
macro virus - A macro virus is a computer virus written in the same macro language as the
software it infects
legitimate - allowed by law
payload - is the part of transmitted data that is the actual intended message
corrupting - When information on a computer becomes corrupt, it cannot be used because it
has changed and become wrong:
keylogger - A keylogger is an insidious form of spyware. Keyloggers are activity-monitoring
software programs that give hackers access to your personal data. The passwords and
credit card numbers you type, the webpages you visit – all by logging your keyboard strokes
botnet - a group of computers that are controlled by software containing harmful programs,
without their users' knowledge
suspicious - making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong
increases - to (make something) become larger in amount or size:
examined - to look at or consider a person or thing carefully and in detail in order to discover
something about them:
checksum - a number that is obtained by adding all the numbers in a piece of electronic
data, used in order to check that the data is correct
virus signature - is the fingerprint of a virus. It is a set of unique data, or bits of code, that
allow it to be identified

Task 2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into your language.
Learn them. Make up your own sentences with them.
To refer to, file-sharing networks, malicious code, to execute an infected program, in addition
to, to deliver a payload, to unleash viruses, to be available for, to run the program, to view a
document, to infect the program.

To refer to - to look at a book or similar record in order to find information and help:
You should refer to license before using this software

file-sharing - act of the sharing some files from one computer to another
To upload a file and file sharing is actually quite common.
networks - the place on the internet where people could messaging and shares photos or
I Haven't checked my networks since Monday

malicious code - is code inserted in a software system or web script intended to cause
undesired effects, security breaches, or damage to a system
It's malicious code that completely takes over their system.

to execute an infected program - to run some program with virus

Configure the properties used to execute a Web method using an HTTP connection.

in addition to - something that has been added to something else

We have had several new additions to our widget

to deliver a payload - to deliver transmitted data that is the actual intended message
Attackers must first find a method to deliver the malicious payload onto the victim's computer

to unleash viruses - to let happen or begin virus, cannot be controlled

We invent them, and the world pays us not to unleash them.

to be available for - have access to something

This data should not be available for a wide range of users

to run the program - open the uploader of the program

We run the program and start waiting

to view a document - to open the document in specific program for viewing it

We view a document with Adobe

to infect the program - upload a virus to the program

We infected his program because of his rude

Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word-
Заражені файли, завантажити програмне забезпечення, вкла- дення електронної
пошти, розширення, включати комп’ютер, при- кладні програми, відобразити
повідомлення, натиснення клавіш на клавіатурі комп’ютера, знищувати віруси,
кишенькові комп’ютери, перелік (набір) інструкцій.

Заражені файли - an infected programs

завантажити програмне забезпечення - to download software
вкладення електронної пошти - email attachments
розширення - extension
включати комп’ютер - turn on the computer
прикладні програми - applications
відобразити повідомлення - display message / show the notification
натиснення клавіш на клавіатурі комп’ютера - keystrokes on a computer keyboard
знищувати віруси - to execute virus
кишенькові комп’ютери - laptops
перелік (набір) інструкцій - list (set) of instructions

Task 4. Choose the ending for each sentence from the two given versions.

1. Any program designed to enter a computer and disrupt its normal operations is
a) malicious code;
b) utility.

2. Many types of malicious codes are created by…….

a) the computer itself;
b) individuals referred to as “hackers”.

3. A boot sector virus infects the system files your computer uses………..
a) every time you turn it on;
b) when you are connected to the Internet.

4. A change in the length of a program from one computing session to the next ………...
a) indicated the possible presence of a virus;
b) is a result of operation system work.

5. A checksum is ……….
a) a number calculated by combining the binary values of all bytes in a file;
b) the cost of an antivirus program.

Task 5. Which word does not belong to the group?

a) virus, worm, Trojan horse, bot, file, botnet;
b) distribute, download, automate, infect, view, execute;
c) duplicates, instructions, infects, invades, behaves, spreads;
d) spider, programmer, hacker, user, server, developer;
e) individual, general, normal, personal, analytical, digital.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps choosing the word from the given variants.
1. Does the term computer virus refer to any malicious code that (makes up / invades) a
computer system?
2. When your computer executes an infected program it (executes / deletes) the attached
virus instructions.
3. A trigger event, such as a specific date, can (kill / destroy/ unleash) some viruses.
4. Love letter is one of the (slowest / fastest) spreading mass-mailing worms of all time.
5. Hackers created viruses that insert themselves into (used/unused) portions of a program
file without changing its length.
Task 7. Transform the given sentences using the word(s) in brackets without any
change in meaning.
1. A computer virus is a set of programs that attaches itself to a file (connecting).
A computer virus is a set of programs that connecting itself to a file

2. If a document contains an infected macro, the macro virus duplicates itself into the
general macro pool, where it is picked up by other documents (doubles, selected).
If a document contains an infected macro, the macro virus doubles itself into the general
macro pool, where it is selected by other documents

3. A virus might deliver a payload which could be both harmless and devastating (do no
harm, corrupt).
A virus might deliver a payload which could do no harm and corrupt

4. Software that can automate a task when commanded to do so is called an intelligent

agent (is able, is instructed).
Software that is able automate a task when commanded to do so is instructed an intelligent

5. A trigger event, such as a specific date, can unleash some viruses (particular, release).
A trigger event, particular a specific date, can release some viruses

6. Trojan horses are notorious for stealing passwords using a keylogger – a type of
program that records your key-strokes (known, a sort).
Trojan horses are notorious for known passwords using a keylogger – a sort of program that
records your key-strokes

Task 8. Read the passage about a computer virus and fill in the gaps in the text with
suitable words.
macro itself antivirus sector passwords file

A computer virus is a set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces
itself, and spreads to the other files. You might encounter several types of viruses. A virus
that attaches itself to an application program, such as a game utility, is known as a …macro
.virus. A boot file virus infects the system files your computer uses
every time you turn it on. A sector virus infects a set of instructions
that automates document and worksheet production.

A Trojan horse is a computer program that seems to perform one function while actually
doing something else. Such programs are notorious for stealing passwords , although
some delete files and cause other problems. Antivirus software can help to prevent viruses
from invading your computer system and can root out viruses that take up residence. This
software typically scans for a virus itself and is sometimes referred to as virus scanning

Task 9. Read the text again and find the answers to the following

1. What is a computer virus?

A computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the way a computer
operates and is designed to spread from one computer to another

2. How do viruses spread?

Viruses spread when people distribute infected files by exchanging disks and CDs, sending
e-mail attachments, exchanging music on file- sharing networks, and downloading software
from the Web.

3. Are there different kinds of viruses?

Many computer viruses infect files executed by your computer – files with extensions such
as .exe, .com. or .vbs. When your computer executes an infected program, it also executes
the attached virus instructions.

4. How can a virus be classified?

A virus can be classified as a file virus, boot sector virus, or macro virus.

5. Who designed software that examines the bytes in an uninfected application program and
calculates a checksum?
A hackers

6. What is a Trojan horse? What is a bot?

A boot sector virus infects the system files your computer uses every time you turn it on.
These viruses can cause widespread damage to your computer files and recurring problems.
A Trojan horse (sometimes simply called a “Trojan”) is a computer program that seems to
perform one function while actually doing something else. Trojan horses are notorious for
stealing passwords using a keylogger – a type of program that records your key-stroke.

7. What is a botnet?
Any software that can automate a task or autonomously execute a task when commanded to
do so is called an intelligent agent. Because an intelligent agent behaves like a robot, it is
often called a bot. Like a spider in its web, the person who controls many bot-infested
computers can link them together into a network called a botnet.

8. How can you avoid viruses and worms?

These are the top three steps you can take to prevent your computer from becoming
– Use antivirus software on every computing device you own.
– Keep software patches and operating system service packs up to date.
– Do not open suspicious e-mail attachments.

9. What is antivirus software? How does it work?

Antivirus software is a type of utility software that can look for and eradicate viruses, Trojan
horses, bots, and worms. This software is available for handheld computers, personal
computers, and servers.
10.What indicates the possible presence of a virus?
A virus signature is a section of program code, such as a unique series of instructions, that
can be used to identify a known malicious program, much as a fingerprint is used to identify
an individual.

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