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H.E. Mr.

Darmansjah DJUMALA (Indonesia)

President of the Industrial Development Board, forty-eighth session

The Industrial Development Board comprises 53 members elected for a four-year term
to review the implementation of the work programme, the regular and operational
budgets, and make recommendations to the General Conference on policy matters,
including the appointment of the Director General. The Board meets once a year.

H.E. Mr. Darmansjah Djumala, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Austria

and Slovenia as well as Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the
United Nations and Other International Organizations in Vienna, serves as President
of the forty-eighth session of the Board.

H.E. Mr. Djumala previously served as Chairman of Board of Governors of the

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). As a career diplomat, he was also
assigned as Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Poland.

Prior to his assignment in Vienna, H.E. Mr. Djumala held the position of Secretary to
the President of the Republic of Indonesia/Chief of President’s Office. He previously
served as Director General/Head of Policy Analysis and Development Agency of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

Contact Details:
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to UNIDO
Gustav-Tschermak-Gasse 5-7, 1180 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 476230

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