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Проверено _________ зам.

директора по УР

Краткосрочный план урока

Module: Module 1. Our class
Teacher name: Rakhimova D.T
ФИО педагога

Date: 09.09.2021
Class: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Класс: Количество присутствующих: Количество отсутствующих:
Theme of the lesson: Use of English. Adverbs of frequency/ the comparative forms
Тема урока p.8-9
Learning objectives(s) that this understand more complex supported questions which ask for
personal information;
lesson is contributing to: understand most specific information and detail of supported,
Цели обучения в соответствии с extended talk on a range general and curricular topics
учебной программой provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse
level on a range of general topics;

Lesson objectives : All learners will be able to

Цели урока write an informal email about school and classroom
use some target language correctly in response to speaking and
writing task prompts

Most learners will be able to

give personal information, ask for/give directions
use a range of target language correctly in response to speaking
and writing task prompts

Some learners will be able to

use a range of target language correctly in response to a wider
range of speaking and writing task prompts

Planned timings: The teacher’s activity The students’ Assessment Resourc

Этап урока/ Время Действия педагога activities Оценивание es
Действия ученика Ресурсы
Org. moment Students greet the PPT
Beginning the lesson GREETING LEARNERS teacher
5 min The teacher sets the
lesson objectives, letting
students know what to
SB Excel
anticipate from the
lesson. Ss to suggest what they
1 point
Warm up: think it means. Go
Read the title of the through the topic list and
module Our class and ask stimulate a discussion to
Ss to suggest what they print Ss' interest in the
think it means. Go module
through the topic list and
stimulate a discussion to
print Ss' interest in the

To present school Ex.2, p. 8. 2 points

Main part
30 min Play the recording. So
listen and repeat chorally
and/or individually.
Get answers from 2 points
students in the classroom

Consolidation of the Listen to and complete 3 points

material the gaps. Ex.3, p. 8
In pairs, ask and answer
the questions below,
make notes.
Homework W/B EX:1-4.P:6

Asks students to reflect: Students reflect:

What did we learn? -сегодня я узнал…
What was the most было интересно…
difficult thing in this -было трудно… я
lesson? выполнял задания…
-today I found out... it -я понял, что… теперь
5 min
was interesting… я могу…
-it was difficult… I
performed the tasks…
-I realized that... now I

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