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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 4, July-August 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Homoeopathic Management of Hemoptysis

Dr. Jinal Malani, Dr. Anjali R Gupta
PG Scholar (MD-1), Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
Rajkot Homoeopathic Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Jinal Malani

Coughing up blood, irrespective of the amount, is an alarming | Dr. Anjali R Gupta "Homoeopathic
symptom and patients nearly always seek medical advice. Care Management of Hemoptysis" Published
should be taken to establish that it is true hemoptysis and not in International
hematemesis, or gum or nose bleeding. Coughing out of blood Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
includes both blood-stained sputum and frank hemoptysis. Massive and Development
hemoptysis is defined as 600–800 mL of blood in 24 hours. (ijtsrd), ISSN:
Many episodes of hemoptysis remain unexplained, even after full 2456-6470,
investigation, and are likely to be due to simple bronchial infection. Volume-7 | Issue-4, IJTSRD59805
A history of repeated small hemoptysis, or blood streaking of August 2023,
pp.866-868, URL:
sputum, is highly suggestive of lung cancer. Fever, night sweats and
weight loss suggest tuberculosis. Pneumococcal pneumonia often
causes ‘rusty’-colored sputum but can cause frank hemoptysis, as can Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
all suppurative pneumonic infections, including lung abscess. International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Bronchiectasis and intracavitary mycetoma can cause catastrophic
Journal. This is an
bronchial hemorrhage, and in these patients there may be a history of Open Access article
previous tuberculosis or pneumonia in early life. Finally, pulmonary distributed under the
thromboembolism is a common cause of hemoptysis and should terms of the Creative Commons
always be considered. Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
KEYWORDS: Hemoptysis, Thromboembolism, Leukemia, Cancer etc

Pulmonary causes: TB, Lung abscess, Pneumonia, Rashes, hematuria and digital infarcts point to an
Bronchiectasis underlying systemic disease, such as a vasculitis,
Pulmonary Tumor: Bronchial carcinoma, Bronchial which may Be associated with hemoptysis.
adenoma Investigation:
Pulmonary hemorrhage: Idiopathic pulmonary 1. Sputum – For tubercle bacilli and malignant
cells. Rarely spirochetes, or ova of lung fluke.
hemosiderosis, good pasture syndrome, Microscopic
polyangiitis and SLE 2. X-ray chest – For diagnosis of pulmonary T.B.,
hilar mass suggestive of carcinoma, pneumonia or
Other causes: Trauma, Blood disorders, Cardiac
pulmonary infarct.
vascular disease, Vascular abnormality
Clinical feature: Hemoptysis is a symptom of many 3. Blood – Red blood cell count and haemoglobin,
bleeding, coagulation and prothrombin time.
Measurement of plasma fibrinogen. Precipitating
Sign: Physical examination may reveal additional antibodies in Aspergillus fumigatus.
clues. Finger clubbing suggests lung cancer or
Renal function tests and urinalysis is done in
bronchiectasis; other signs of malignancy, such as
suspected patients with pulmonary-renal syndrome. If
cachexia, hepatomegaly, and lymphadenopathy,
should also be sought. urinalysis shows red blood cells or casts testing of
patient serum for antiglomerular basement membrane
Fever, pleural rub and signs of consolidation occur in antibody, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody and
pneumonia or pulmonary infarction; a minority of antinuclear antibody should be considered.
patients with pulmonary infarction also have
unilateral leg swelling or pain suggestive of deep 4. Examination of the larynx – For evidence of
venous thrombosis. ulceration.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59805 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 866
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
5. Bronchoscopy – To exclude foreign body and Arnica-Mechanical injuries, overstraining; after a fall
malignant growth and for diagnosis of or blow; constant tickling cough, starting in larynx or
Bronchiectasis. under sternum; sore bruised feeling through chest;
6. Bronchography – To establish presence of blood profuse, dark-red and clotted, coming with little
localized bronchiectasis if sputum repeatedly effort, or bright-red, frothy. mixed with mucus;
negative and plain X-ray inconclusive. laborious breathing, and contusive pain in head, chest
and back, when coughing.
7. Needle aspiration biopsy – If chest X-ray shows
localized intrapulmonary lesion. Cactus-grand-PNEUMORRHAGIA, accompanied
with convulsive cough and profuse expectoration of
8. Pulmonary angiography – May show anomaly blood; marked arterial excitement with strong
of vascular structure of lung, e.g. hemangioma, or throbbing of heart and sensation as if constriction of
distribution of aberrant vessels to pulmonary A-V an iron hand prevented its normal motions; (<) from
fistula. lying in bed; continued oppression and weariness;
9. CT scan – Useful in diagnosis of pulmonary little anxiety or fever.
infarction, lung carcinoma, cavitary diseases like Carbo-veg- Burning in chest as from glowing coals;
tuberculosis, bronchiectasis. DARK OR LIGHT HAEMORRHAGE with
10. Exploratory thoracotomy – If investigations fail PERFECT INDIFFERENCE ABOUT IT;
to reveal cause of bleeding and chest X-ray is emphysema or asthma pulmonum with violent cough
normal, a diagnosis of idiopathic hemoptysis is in paroxysms and hoarseness;
justified. If X-ray lesion is present, exploratory BRONCHORRHAGIA; far advances cases of lung
thoracotomy is indicated. degeneration.
Homoeopathic management: Conium- Especially after masturbation; dry,
Acalypha-ind- Obstinate cases of arterial spasmodic, nightly, almost continual titillating cough,
hemorrhage, preceded by burning in chest and with violent oppression of chest and evening fever,
accompanied by emaciation, slow fever and small, suffocating cough in scrofulous patients; wants of
depressed pulse; blood is PURE BRIGHT RED IN breath on taking the least exercise, and copious in
THE MORNING OR DARK AND CLOTTED IN scrofulous patients; want of breath on taking the least
THE EVENING; spitting of blood, brought on by exercise and copious cough, with mucous discharge.
violent dry cough; cough violent and in fits at night; Dulcamara- Constant titillation in the larynx, with
(<) morning, (>) evening. desire to cough; expectoration of bright-red blood,
Antimonium-crud-HAEMOPTOE AFTER with aggravation during rest; the bleeding is caused
BATHING, more in the evening; burning and sticking by a cold, or a loose cough; which had existed
in chest and during cough, which shakes the body. previously; (<) during repose.
Aconite- Orgasmus sanguinis in chest with feeling of Elaps- In advanced stages of phthisis, hemoptysis
fulness and burning pain, beating of heart and a from right lung (Lachesis, left); taste of blood in
sensation as if the blood were boiling in chest, and mouth; feeling of laceration in cardiac region; blood
followed by burning feeling under the sternum; of dark color, almost black.
anguish, restlessness fright, fear of death; blood hot, Conflict of Interest: Not available
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discharge, (>) in recumbent position; (<) from wine, Financial support: Not available
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