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Roll no: 812621243003

Dept : B.Tech/Artificial Intelligence

and Data Science

Natural language processing is an

ability of computer program to
understand and process human
language as it is spoken and written.
This is widely used in personal
assistants like google assistant, alexa
and siri, etc.
It deals with interaction between
human and computers.
It works on the speech provided by
the user and breaks it for
understanding and further
The goal of NLP is to make computers
able to interpret and generate human
For example, voice-based systems like Google
Assistant or Alexa need to translate the words
into text.

This is done by HMM (Hidden Markov Models)

system. The HMM utilizes mathematical
models to determine what a person has said
and translate that into text utilizable by the
natural language processing system.

Next step is understanding of context and

language. The system breaks every words
down it's noun, verbs, etc.

Next the further processes taken such as used

in text classification, sentiment analysis, etc.

The final outcome is the ability to categorize

that what a person says in different ways.
Syntactic analysis:

It is the process of analyzing the

structure of sentence or word or phrase
in order to understand it's meaning.
It makes grammatical sense and involves
identifying the categories of words such
as noun, verbs, adjectives, etc.

Syntax technique involves

Parsing :
Grammatical analysis of sentence.
For example: a sentence is provide to nlp
model that, "The dog barked."
This will break the sentence into parts of
speech ="dog"- noun, "barked"- verb
Word segmentation :
This is the act of taking a string of text and
deriving word forms from it.
For example: A person scans a handwritten
The algorithm would be able to analyze the
page and recognize that the words are
divided by white spaces.

Sentence breaking :
This places sentence boundaries in large
For example: A natural language processing
algorithm is fed the text, "The dog barked. I
woke up."
The algorithm can recognize the period that
splits up the sentences using sentence
Morphological segmentation :
This divides the words into smaller parts calle
For example : the word untestably is broken
into "un", "test", "able", "ly".
This divides words with inflection in them to
root forms.
For example " The dog is barked", the
algorithm recognizes the root of word
"barked" is "bark".

Semantic analysis:
It is the process of understanding the
meaning of words and phrases in a
It helps to understand the arrangement
of word in a sentence that computer
ables to easily categorize the words.
Semantic technique involves

Named entity recognition :

It tags ‘named identities’ within text and
extracts them for further analysis.
For example "Google worker adam in queens
got $1000 as salary", here
Google - foundation, adam - name, queens
- location, $1000 - monetary value.
Sentiment Analysis:
Sentiment analysis is an opinion mining
technique used to determine whether
the data is positive, negative or neutral.
Sentiment analysis is often performed on
textual data to help businesses monitor
brand and product sentiment in
customer feedback, and understand
customer needs.

Basic examples of sentiment analysis data

Netflix has the best selection of films

Hulu has a great UI
I dislike like the new crime series
I love having to wait two months for the
next series to come out!
This movie is awesome!
Types :
Aspect Based sentiment analysis :
Analyzing sentiments of texts to know in
which aspect or features people mentioning
in positive, negative or neutral.
this type is used in > Healthcare
>Human Resources.

Fine Grained sentiment analysis :

It helps in identifying more specific
sentiments based on intensity, emotions, and
this type is used in > Political Analysis
>Product reviews
>Customer Feedback
>News and media analysis
Fine Grained sentiment analysis :
The goal is to determine not only whether the
text is positive, negative, or neutral, but also
what the writer or speaker is trying to convey
through their words.
this type is used in > Health care
> Human resources
> Legal
> Marketing and

Emotion Detection :

This type of NLP task involves identifying

information about the emotions expressed in
a given text.
this type is used in >Social media monitoring
>Speech analysis
>Virtual Reality
>Customer feedback
Sentinment Analysis using
movie review(IMDB) dataset :

In this, we have to predict the number of positive and

negative reviews based on sentiments by using different
classification models.
Data pre-processing steps :
Here still we can improve the accuracy of the
models by preprocessing data and by using lexicon
models like Textblob.
Real World Applications of NLP :

Digital Assistants :
we have Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and many
others lined up to assist us in our
everyday processes.
These digital assistants use voice
recognition and natural language
processing to decode the speech, extract
the meaning, and reply with words or
actions as per the needs

Social Media Product Promotions :

Promoting content based on what
consumers want is a trendy way of
business. Business organizations and
online sellers use social media platforms
to carry out these kinds of promotions.
Besides, they use natural language
processing to analyze people’s needs
when they talk or type the content.
Grammar Checkers :
NLP is widely used to check
grammatical errors in the input text. They
help in language learning, text authoring,
and other scenarios. A grammar checker
makes the correction process accurate,
effective, and faster with the help of NLP.
For example, famous writing tools like
Grammarly and ProWritingAid are a
couple of real-world applications of
natural language processing

Email Filters :

Natural language processing is a

magic tool that helps sort spam messages
by uncovering certain words or phrases
that signals them. Email filters are one of
the early adopters of NLP.
Text Analytics
Many organizations use NLP and text
analytics to assist them to turn their
unstructured data into meaningful
They help categorize content based on
names, dates, currency values, and even
phone numbers. Later, they use the
classifications to seek out important

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