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Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

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Soil moisture retrieval from remote sensing measurements: Current

knowledge and directions for the future
Zhao-Liang Li a, b, Pei Leng a, *, Chenghu Zhou b, Kun-Shan Chen c, Fang-Cheng Zhou d,
Guo-Fei Shang e
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
College of Geomatics and Geoinformation, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 530001, China
National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China
School of Land Science and Space Planning, Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang 050031, China


Keywords: Soil moisture (SM) is an essential parameter for understanding the interactions and feedbacks between the at­
Soil moisture mosphere and the Earth’s surface through energy and water cycles. Knowledge of the spatiotemporal distribution
Remote sensing of land surface SM has long been a challenge in the remote sensing community. Over the past 50 years, elec­
tromagnetic spectra, from the optical/thermal to the microwave regions, have been intensively investigated for
Retrieval methods
SM retrieval, providing a number of algorithms, models and products that are available for actual applications
nowadays. However, certain issues with respect to retrieval accuracy, spatiotemporal resolution, and data
consistency exist and remain unsolved between the state-of-the-art of SM retrieval and readily-used SM datasets
for various domains at field, regional/watershed or global scales. In particular, several new theories and algo­
rithms for SM retrieval proposed in recent years have not been well documented in previous articles. Therefore, a
critical review of the established and emerging SM retrieval methods with respect to their advantages and dis­
advantages is necessary. In present study, future directions for each method are highlighted to address the sci­
entific challenges of SM retrieval in the new era of rapid data expansion.

1. Introduction up only a small percentage (~0.05%) of the total amount of fresh water
on Earth (Shiklomanov, 1993), it is a key variable in the water cycle and
In general, the soil moisture (SM) content refers to the moisture energy budget between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. In the
contained in the unsaturated soil zone with a volumetric or gravimetric global water cycle, SM controls most of the physical processes on Earth,
basis (Seneviratne et al., 2010; AI-Yaari et al., 2014). Although SM takes including rainfall infiltration and terrestrial evapotranspiration

Abbreviations: AIEM, Advanced Integral Equation Model; AMSR2, Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer2; AMSR-E, Advanced Microwave Scanning
Radiometer-Earth Observing System; ASCAT, Advanced SCATterometer; ATI, Apparent Thermal Inertia; AVHRR, Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer; CCI,
Climate Change Initiative; DSMW, Digital Soil Map of the World; FVC, Fractional Vegetation Cover; HWSD, Harmonized World Soil Database; IEM, Integral Equation
Model; ISRIC, International Soil Reference and Information Centre; LAI, Leaf Area Index; L-MEB, L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere; LST, Land Surface
Temperature; MIMICS, Michigan Microwave Canopy Scattering Model; MODIS, MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer; MPDI, Modified Perpendicular
Drought Index; NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; NDWI, Normalized Difference Water Index; NSSR, Net Surface Shortwave Radiation; OPTRAM,
OPtical TRApezoid Model; PDI, Perpendicular Drought Index; RFI, Radio Frequency Interference; RMSE, Root Mean Square Error; RTE, Radiative Transfer Equation;
SAR, Synthetic Aperture Radar; SEE, Soil Evaporative Efficiency; SM, Soil Moisture; SMAP, Soil Moisture Active Passive; SMOS, Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity;
SMSI, Soil Moisture Saturation Index; SSM, Surface Soil Moisture; STR, Shortwave-infrared Transformed Reflectance; SWI, Soil Water Index; TI, Thermal Inertia; TIR,
Thermal-infrared; TN, LST rising rate normalized by the difference in the NSSR during the mid-morning; VI, Vegetation Index; VIS/NIR, Visible/Near-infrared; VOD,
Vegetation Optical Depth; VWC, Vegetation Water Content.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Leng).
Received 2 December 2020; Received in revised form 18 March 2021; Accepted 8 May 2021
Available online 11 May 2021
0012-8252/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

(Anderson et al., 2009; Koster et al., 2004; Tuttle and Salvucci, 2016; challenges, including spatiotemporal gaps between producers and users,
Dorigo et al., 2017; Jiang et al., 2019). Furthermore, SM has long been uncertainty assessment, merging or fusion of multiple data sources, and
recognized as a significant variable in the surface energy budget due to ensuring consistency between different observations remain, preventing
its capacity to decompose surface available energy into sensible and further development.
latent heat flux through evaporation and transpiration processes (Ver­ In recent a few years, several critical review articles such as Babaeian
eecken et al., 2015). In addition, SM has been recognized as one of the et al. (2019), Petropoulos et al. (2015) and Peng et al. (2021) have
essential climate variables for its strong influence on the global climate provided insights on SSM retrieval from satellite observations. A com­
and weather system (Seneviratne et al., 2010). Specifically, accurate SM mon issue of the first two review articles is that they have paid more
information is one of the most significant parameters in agricultural attention on retrieval algorithms and products from microwave remote
applications such as irrigation scheduling, drought monitoring and yield sensing, since microwave remote sensing is still the mainstream for SSM
predication, which can promote water-saving agriculture and ensure retrieval at present and future. However, the two review articles have
food security, especially over arid and semi-arid regions (Martínez- different emphasis. Specifically, Babaeian et al. (2019) have introduced
Fernández et al., 2016; Champagne et al., 2019; Domínguez-Niño et al., ground-based measurements and proximal sensing methods in detail,
2020). Hence, knowledge of SM at various spatiotemporal scales is of along with the potential applications of satellite SSM dataset, whereas
significant importance to both natural environments and human Petropoulos et al. (2015) critically explored most of the widely used SM
activities. retrieval methods in a range of different global ecosystems. Unlike the
Traditionally, SM has been monitored and investigated using first two review articles, Peng et al. (2021) primarily summarized
ground-based point measurements or interpolated lines or grids. The several applications related to satellite SM products, and also identified
most popular form at present is using the network to obtain multiple in- gaps between the characteristics of currently available SSM products
situ SM profiles with the dielectric technique-based SM sensors. The and the application requirements. On these bases, the present review
principle of measuring SM behind such observations is that a significant article aims to present an overview of the state-of-the art in SSM
dielectric contrast exists between liquid water (~80) and dry soil (~4) retrieval algorithms, with a particular emphasis on SSM retrievals from
(Schmugge et al., 1974). Several critical review articles on almost all the visible/near-infrared (VIS/NIR) and thermal-infrared (TIR) observations
currently available SM measurement techniques with respect to their to direct future research towards improving satellite-derived SSM
merits and demerits were recently published (Susha et al., 2014; products at fine spatial resolution. A main motivation for this can be
Babaeian et al., 2019; Bogena et al., 2015; Ochsner et al., 2013), and attributed to the fact that SSM retrieval from VIS/NIR and TIR is easier
although the traditional techniques possess relatively high accuracy, to be used in various applications at regional, watershed or field scales
point-based measurements usually have limited spatial representative­ with a direct manner, rather than indirectly disaggregated from most of
ness (a maximum of a few square meters) (Petropoulos et al., 2013; the currently available microwave SSM products with coarse spatial
Babaeian et al., 2019). In general, SM is most likely to reveal high resolution. Another significant objective of this paper is to summarize
spatiotemporal variations, especially over heterogeneous regions where new concepts and algorithms proposed in recent years for deriving SSM
topography, soil texture, vegetation cover, climate pattern and other primarily from the synergy of VIS/NIR and TIR satellite observations.
relevant factors have strong effects on the spatiotemporal distribution of Specifically, these new concepts and algorithms were originally devel­
SM. Furthermore, in-situ measurements are only available at a few oped based on different perspectives of remotely sensed information in
networks and regions worldwide, which makes it difficult to obtain comparison to the commonly used methods, yet to the best of our
spatially continuous SM with such labor-intensive and time-consuming knowledge, they have not been well documented in previous review
point-based observations. articles as yet. Further, the present paper provides some new insights for
Following the principle of sensing depths for electromagnetic radi­ future research with respect to obtaining ready to use SSM datasets for
ation with different wavelengths, most of the currently available various domains. This study acknowledges that aircraft and airborne
remotely sensed SM is commonly referred to as skin or surface SM (e.g. remote sensing platforms are commonly recognized as possessing
only a few millimeters for optical and thermal band) or near-surface SM limited geographical and/or temporal coverage, and therefore focuses
(e.g. a few centimeters for microwave sensors at X-, C- or L-frequency) on satellite remote sensing.
(Babaeian et al., 2019). For simplicity, the remotely sensed SM is uni­ The article is organized as follows: Section 2 and Section 3 present
formly recognized as surface soil moisture (SSM) hereafter in present the details of basic theories, principal methods, advantages and draw­
study. Although a number of literatures have investigated root-zone SM backs, and future research directions for SSM retrieval from remote
estimation, most of these studies still require SSM as input to establish sensing observations at single-band and multi-band, respectively. Sec­
connections with root-zone SM (Wagner et al., 1999; Albergel., 2008; tion 4 concludes the paper and presents outlooks for future de­
Manfreda et al., 2014). Hence, the present review article primary fo­ velopments of satellite SSM algorithms.
cuses on SSM retrieval from satellite data. In recent a few decades, the
rapid development of remote sensing technology provides an opportu­ 2. SSM retrieval from single-band observation
nity to obtain spatially continuous SSM from space, and a variety of
investigations have highlighted the capacity and potential of deriving 2.1. VIS/NIR
SSM with different electromagnetic spectra, from the optical to the
microwave regions (Babaeian et al., 2019; Petropoulos et al., 2015; 2.1.1. Basic theories and principal methods
Schmugge, 1983; Njoku and Entekhabi, 1996; Carlson, 2007; Wang and Wavelengths of 0.4–2.5 μm (also called the solar domain) represent
Qu, 2009; Zhang and Zhou, 2016). Several global remotely sensed SSM the radiation of the sun reflected from the Earth’s surface, which is
products such as the Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT), Advanced known as reflectance. Within the solar domain, water absorption has
Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E), significant differences between water absorption bands and non-
Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer2 (AMSR2), Soil Moisture absorption bands. The different absorption features are usually used
Active Passive (SMAP), Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and for the establishment of SSM retrieval approaches. Due to the simple
Climate Change Initiative (CCI) HYPERLINK "https://earthdata.nasa. theory and easily available ground and satellite observation data, VIS/
gov/earth-observation-data/near-real-time/download-nrt-data/amsr2- NIR remotely sensed surface reflectance has been widely implemented
nrt", are publicly available at present, allowing for an unprecedented for SSM estimation (Amani et al., 2016; Babaeian et al., 2018; Hassan-
opportunity to apply these data products to various disciplines such as Esfahani et al., 2015; Sadeghi et al., 2015, 2017; Fabre et al., 2015;
agricultural monitoring, hydrological modeling, meteorological fore­ Lesaignoux et al., 2013).
casting and global climate change. However, several major scientific Spectral reflectance differences due to SSM change were first

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

observed nearly a hundred years ago. Experiments on many soils with

different SSM showed that reflectance decreased as SSM increased
(Ångström, 1925). A number of empirical methods were then estab­
lished, based on the relationship between SSM and spectral reflectance,
or their successive derivatives (Muller and Décamps, 2011; Gao et al.,
2013; Nagy et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2003; Haubrock et al., 2008). It is
noteworthy that most of the studies using spectral reflectance to infer
SSM are based on bare soils. Findings demonstrate that a linear rela­
tionship between spectral reflectance and SSM appears widely, while
some studies have also found the presence of a non-linear relationship
(Lobell and Asner, 2002; Liu et al., 2003). Although easy to apply, the
empirical equations between soil reflectance and SSM content are
commonly site-specific because soil texture, surface roughness and the
physical components of soil vary across different study areas. Specif­
ically, most of these methods are developed by means of single statistics,
multivariate analysis or wavelet analysis. In general, such methods can
be summarized as SSM being a function to direct spectral reflectance or
spectral reflectance-based index in the following form:
SSM = f (ρi or index) (1)

where fmeans a function (similarly hereinafter), ρi is spectral reflectance Fig. 1. Sketch of NIR- and red- reflectance based PDI (adapted from Ghulam
at channel i, whereasindexis commonly constituted by spectral reflec­ et al., 2007a, 2007b). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
tance at multiple channels within the VIS/NIR band. figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) (For
Compared to single spectral reflectance, indices constituted by re­ interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
flectances at two or more channels within the VIS/NIR band that capable referred to the web version of this article.)
of referring vegetation conditions, are usually conducted to obtain SSM
indirectly over vegetated areas. The first step for these methods is usu­ whereρv, redand ρv, NIRare vegetation reflectance in the red and NIR
ally to create an appropriate index, and the next is to link the index to channels, respectively. Specifically, ρv, redand ρv, NIR can be determined
SSM. Among these indices, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index as constant for known vegetation (Ghulam et al., 2007a, 2007b).
(NDVI) is a simple but good indicator of SSM, because water stress can Compared to the empirical methods, spectral reflectance-based semi-
lead to spectral variation of the canopy in red and NIR bands. Several empirical and physically-based methods for deriving SSM are used less.
early studies have reported acceptable correlation between annual or The Gaussian model and the relative absorption depth model are two
monthly SSM and NDVI (Adegoke and Carleton, 2002; Engstrom et al., typical semi-empirical methods developed on the basis of the continuum
2008; Schnur et al., 2010; Zribi et al., 2010). However, a time delay of the spectrum (Whiting et al., 2004). Specifically, for the Gaussian
probably exists when directly using NDVI to infer SSM conditions, model, Whiting et al. (2004) fitted an inverted Gaussian function to the
because vegetation has a self-adjustment function to adapt to SSM continuum and calibrated the area below the curve to SSM. With the
change within a short time. With the exception of the NDVI, most of exception of semi-empirical methods, a few physically-based models
these indices were developed for drought monitoring or after drought. have also been developed to obtain SSM such as models based on Fresnel
That notwithstanding, they can reflect SSM conditions to a certain coefficients (Lekner and Dorf, 1988), the Beer-Lambert-Bouguer law
extent. Taking the advantage of band differences between the sensitivity (Bach and Mauser, 1994) and the Kubelka-Munk two-flux radiative
of 1640 nm and 2130 nm for soil and vegetation respectively, the transfer model (Sadeghi et al., 2015). In a recent study, based on a
normalized multi-band drought index proposed by Wang and Qu (2007) multilayer radiative transfer model, the MARMITforSMC was proposed
can be used for both SSM and drought analysis. On the basis of the to derive SSM from soil reflectance spectra (Bablet et al., 2018).
previously proposed Perpendicular Drought Index (PDI) over bare soils Compared to most of the other existing semi-empirical or physically-
(Ghulam et al., 2007a), the Modified Perpendicular Drought Index based methods, it was found that the MARMITforSMC provides lower
(MPDI) was developed by introducing Fractional Vegetation Cover RMSE of approximately 3% if the calibration step is applied soil by soil
(FVC) for the removal of vegetation information from mixed pixels or approximately 5% if the calibration step is implemented within soil
(Ghulam et al., 2007a, 2007b). Similar to using a red and NIR spectral classes. However, most of these aforementioned physically-based
feature space, numerous research was also conducted to investigate models are suitable only for bare soils. In recent years, a novel
empirical exponential relationship between reflectance and SSM over physically-based trapezoidal space which is suitable over vegetated
vegetated areas. In this method, soil reflectances at red and NIR channels areas, namely the OPtical TRApezoid Model (OPTRAM), was initially
were calculated by combining a soil line equation with a developed proposed by Sadeghi et al. (2017) and was further used to map SSM with
empirical relationship between canopy and mixed pixel reflectance in a the MOderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images
red and NIR spectral feature space (Fig. 1) (Gao et al., 2013). The PDI by Babaeian et al. (2018). Results based on Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8
(the actual length between point E and F) can be written as: observations indicated that the OPTRAM can obtain SSM estimates
1 with high accuracy where RMSE was below 0.04 m3/m3 with local
PDI = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (ρred + M⋅ρNIR ) (2) calibration and below 0.05 m3/m3 without calibration (Sadeghi et al.,
M2 + 1
2017). In general, the development of the OPTRAM was based on the
where Mis the slope of the soil line, ρred and ρNIRare reflectance at red idea of replacing Land Surface Temperature (LST) in the traditional TIR
and NIR channels, respectively. To apply the PDI over vegetated areas, and VIS/NIR trapezoid model with a measure of SSM in the optical
the MPDI was later modified as follows: domain. Fig. 2 depicts the sketch of the OPTRAM formed by the spatial
( ) distribution of NDVI versus Shortwave-infrared Transformed Reflec­
ρv,red + M⋅ρNIR − FVC ρv,red + M⋅ρv,NIR
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (3) tance (STR). In this trapezoidal space, STR was determined as:
(1 − FVC) M 2 + 1

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

Error (RMSE) of approximately 3% (Sadeghi et al., 2015; Bablet et al.,

2018; Whiting et al., 2004), which is close to the time domain reflec­
tometry accuracy. Except for these, VIS/NIR can also obtain SSM with
high spatial resolution, which is desirable in agriculture applications.

2.1.3. Future research directions

It notes that empirical methods for SSM retrieval from VIS/NIR ob­
servations seem to be more widely used in recent two decades. However,
the latest achievements with physically-based methods have indicated a
promising research direction. In particular, the recently proposed
OPTRAM shown reliable accuracy when applying to several mainstream
optical data including MODIS, Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 (Sadeghi et al.,
2017; Babaeian et al., 2018; Ambrosone et al., 2020), which has
extended the traditional laboratory analysis to remotely sensed obser­
vations. To this end, future work can focus on strengthening the de­
velopments of physically-based SSM algorithms to better support
Fig. 2. Sketch of the OPTRAM constituted by STR and NDVI (adapted from agricultural managements. Specifically, the methods for universal pa­
Sadeghi et al., 2017). rameterizations and calibration of the physically-based SSM algorithms
should also be investigated. In addition, because the VIS/NIR can reflect
(1 − R)2 SSM with only a few millimeters, it is worthwhile to explore the relations
STR = (4) between VIS/NIR derived SSM estimates and those in deeper soil layers.
Except for these, an increasing number of literatures have highlighted
where R is surface reflectance for the shortwave-infrared electromag­ the feasibility of removing the effects of clouds on VIS/NIR channels and
netic domain. restoring the ground information (Du et al., 2019; Ebel et al., 2020; Lin
Following the space, SSM for a given pixel can be estimated from its et al., 2013; Shen et al., 2014), which seems to be favorable for obtaining
STR as follows: SSM over pixels contaminated by clouds. However, a major issue existed
behind such reconstruction algorithms is that they commonly restore
SSM = θd + × (θw − θd ) (5) cloud-contaminated pixels by employing spatiotemporal information
from neighboring cloud-free pixels. As a consequence, the restored
where θdand θware SM content for the dry and wet edges, respectively; ground information for a cloudy pixel is probably different from its
STRdand STRware STR at dry and wet states, respectively. With the actual information. Specifically, most of the current studies remain in
assumption that STRdand STRw being linear relations to NDVI, the dry the stage of information reconstruction only, further investigations are
and wet edge can be written as: still required to evaluate the accuracy of SSM retrieval with the recon­
structed VIS/NIR data.
STRd = id + sd × NDVI (6)

STRw = iw + sw × NDVI (7) 2.2. TIR

where idand sdare intercept and slope of the dry edge; iwand sware 2.2.1. Basic theories and principal methods
intercept and slope of the wet edge. A wavelength of 3–14 μm is commonly known as the TIR band.
Within this spectral range, radiances from ground surface can be
2.1.2. Advantages and drawbacks detected by sensors onboard satellites. Normally, two surface parame­
As far as we are aware, most of the spectral reflectance-based ters, namely the land surface emissivity and the LST, can be directly
methods for deriving SSM remain at the level of laboratory in­ retrieved from TIR measurements. In general, the Thermal Inertia (TI) is
vestigations or field experiments, and no spectral reflectance-based SSM the most commonly used TIR method for deriving SSM. Estimating SSM
products are presently available for regional or global scale applications. from TI can be summarized into two steps, including obtaining TI from
In general, two main limitations have significantly constrained the TIR observations and estimating SSM from TI.
routine obtaining of SSM content with VIS/NIR observations for actual TI is a bulk property that describes the resistance of a material to LST
applications. The one is that the VIS/NIR measurements have relatively variations (Cracknell and Xue, 1996), which can be defined as:
shallow measurement depth with only a few millimeters, due to the √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
characteristic of the electromagnetic radiation within the VIS/NIR TI = kρc (8)
domain. The other is that VIS/NIR observations are easily affected by
where k is the thermal conductivity (W m− 1 K− 1), ρ is the bulk density
clouds, making the methods only suitable under clear sky conditions. In
(kg m− 3), and c is the specific heat capacity (J kg− 1 K− 1). It is evident
addition, it notes that a large amount of ground SSM measurements are
that TI can be recognized as an SSM proxy, given that the soil thermal
normally required to develop links with remotely sensed reflectance or
conductivity changes with fluctuating moisture level and all other soil
indices in the calibration step for the empirical methods, whereas
properties remain unchanged over space or time (Khle, 1977). However,
physically-based methods commonly require complicated soil-by-soil
because the three parameters are difficult to obtain from remote sensing
calibration step before applying the methods with actual satellite data.
measurements, it is difficult to determine TI directly from remotely
Nevertheless, several recently proposed physically-based methods
sensed observations.
such as that originally developed by Sadeghi et al. (2017) and further
Since the early 1970s, a number of approaches have been developed
modified by Ambrosone et al. (2020) have overcame the limitation of
to estimate TI from TIR remotely sensed observations. Such approaches
complicated calibration process, providing a possibility of a universal
primarily included the diurnal temperature amplitude-based method
parameterization, which has shown potential in agricultural applica­
(Xue and Cracknell, 1995), the night time temperature difference-based
tions (Babaeian et al., 2018; Mananze et al., 2019). Furthermore, most of
method (Verhoef, 2004) and the least squares-based method (Raffy and
the semi-empirical or physically-based methods for estimating SSM from
Becker, 1985; Abdellaoui et al., 1986). Among these methods, the
VIS/NIR observations can reveal good accuracy with Root Mean Square
diurnal temperature amplitude-based method is presently the most

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

widely used approach to estimate TI from TIR measurements. The

2.2.2. Advantages and drawbacks
diurnal temperature amplitude method originates from three general
In summary, TI-based SSM retrieval methods take the advantage of
parameters, which are wind speed, air humidity and surface roughness-
inner physical connection between variations of SSM and soil thermal
based theory for estimating TI from remotely sensed data (Price, 1977).
characteristics. Generally, the physical basis of the TI-based SSM
To overcome these limitations, Xue and Cracknell (1995) proposed a
retrieval algorithms is clear to understand and the actual application is
simple and operational TI model by introducing the use of phase angle
easy to follow. In addition, it also notes that TIR-based methods can
information taken from the diurnal temperature variation. They used a
obtain SSM at fine spatial resolution as VIS/NIR-based approaches.
second-order approximation of the Fourier series for the LST to account
However, similar to the VIS/NIR-based methods, the TIR-based method
for the effects of surface evaporation over the regions with variability in
is also restricted to clear-sky conditions. Furthermore, it is also found
surface moisture and vegetative cover. However, the Xue and Cracknell
that the TI method is of limited use in areas with strong evapotranspi­
(1995) method still required a parameter, namely the time that
ration (Price, 1985), thus making it more feasible over bare or sparsely
maximum LST occurs, which is difficult to obtain from polar-orbit sat­
vegetated areas. Similar to the VIS/NIR methods, a number of TI-based
ellites. A later study by Sobrino and El Kharraz (1999) provided a so­
methods also focus on laboratory investigations or field experiments
lution to this problem from three different satellite passes. The
with significant accuracy with RMSE of approximately 5% (Verstraeten
advantage of the Sobrino and El Kharraz (1999) method is that TI can be
et al., 2006; Van doninck et al., 2011; Nearing et al., 2012; Veroustraete
derived from the remotely sensed images. However, it requires four
et al., 2012; Matsushima et al., 2018). Although the TI-based methods
valid LST measurements per day over nearly cloud-free conditions,
receive more attention compared to VIS/NIR methods, it is difficult to
which has raised the level of difficulty for practical applications, espe­
apply these methods for obtaining SSM in actual applications with
cially for polar-orbit satellites. Conversely, the least squares-based
remotely sensed observations over large regions because of the re­
method is particularly suitable for geostationary satellites. This
quirements of clear-skies, soil-by-soil calibration, bare or sparsely
method introduces multiple observations to fit the diurnal LST cycle and
vegetated conditions, and/or ground SSM measurements.
subsequently to obtain LST variation for any period within a day. An
advantage of the least squares-based method is that it can avoid the
2.2.3. Future research directions
errors induced by the assumptions in the diurnal temperature amplitude
Based on the aforementioned details, it is evident that LST is the most
and night time temperature difference methods, but it suffers from the
pivotal parameter for the TIR-based SSM retrieval methods. However, it
inherent problems of convergence, stability, and excessive computa­
should be noted that the algorithms for LST retrieval from TIR obser­
tional time. For simplicity, some researchers also use Apparent Thermal
vations are only feasible over clear-sky in theory, due to the impene­
Inertia (ATI) to replace TI for SSM retrieval in actual applications (Kang
trability of surface emitted radiation at TIR band through clouds. As a
et al., 2017).
consequence, varying degrees of gap commonly exist for LST retrieval,
After calculating or mapping TI from remote sensing data, the next
especially over large regions or humid areas. Although several ap­
step is to retrieve SSM from models that describe TI as a function of SSM.
proaches have been developed to fill the gaps (Metz et al., 2017; Li et al.,
Following the definition of TI in the previous formula, TI appears to
2018; Pham et al., 2019), a major concern may still exist that the LST
increase with the increment of thermal conductivity, bulk density and
obtained via spatiotemporal interpolation or statistical approaches is not
specific heat capacity. Among these three parameters, with the
an estimate of actual cloudy LST, but an approximation of theoretical
assumption that soil properties at the horizontal and vertical scale are
clear-sky LST over cloudy conditions. As a consequence, it can probably
consistent, SSM plays a significant role in the variation of soil thermal
lead to errors for the determination of SSM with the TIR-based algo­
conductivity and specific heat capacity. Hence, soil TI has a certain
rithms. Hence, the primary focus is to develop feasible methods for
correlation with SSM. This is the physical basis for retrieving SSM from
obtaining LST with high accuracy over cloudy pixels. This can be the
TIR-based TI. Currently, the Ma and Xue (MX) model, the Murray and
prior condition for SSM retrieval using TIR observations over large areas
Verhoef (MV) model and the empirical model are the three typically
in future developments. Another research direction is the developments
used models for modeling the relationships between TI and SSM. The MX
of universal models for estimating SSM from TI, regardless of soil
model is a semi-empirical method to link TI and gravimetric moisture
texture. A primary reason to this is that most of the currently available
content. Hence, soil bulk density is required to obtain soil volumetric
TI-based methods require soil texture or soil texture-derived soil hy­
water content. Similarly, the MV model also requires readily available
draulic properties. Although a number of soil texture digital maps at
soil characteristics such as soil texture and bulk density, making it
global scale such as the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD), the
difficult for extensive applications. In a later study, Lu et al. (2009)
Food and Agriculture Organization Digital Soil Map of the World
improved the MV model to make it a generic model by considering the
(DSMW) and the SoilGrids250m from the International Soil Reference
soil solid phase composition to soil thermal physical properties using the
and Information Centre (ISRIC), are available at present and have been
heat pulse technique. In a recent study, Lu et al. (2018) further improved
widely used for the determination of soil hydraulic properties, they are
the Lu et al. (2009) model by employing a finding that the parameter n
generally derived from limited soil samples worldwide and specifically
of dry soils varies linearly with TI. Among these methods, the empirical
feasible in land surface and hydrologicl modeling at large spatial scales
model requires a large number of ground SSM measurements to estab­
(Shangguan et al., 2014). As for actual applications over watershed,
lish either linear or exponential links with remotely sensed TI. To apply
regional or field scales, a number of studies have highlighted the feasi­
the TI methods over the regions without adequate measurements, Ver­
bility of predicting spatial distribution of soil texture with optical or
straeten et al. (2006) proposed the Soil Moisture Saturation Index
radar data especially using spatial interpretation or machine learing
(SMSI) to link SSM and TI, which can be written as:
methods (Shahriari et al., 2019; Bousbih et al., 2019; Domenech et al.,
SSM = SMSI × (SSM max − SSM min ) + SSM min (9) 2020). However, it is worthnothy that most of these methods are avai­
able over bare soils only, since canopies can significantly affect the
where SSMmaxand SSMmin refer to maximum and minimum SSM occur signial from soils. Hence, to reduce the uncertaties lead by soil texture in
during a long period, which can also be set as field capacity and wilting SSM retreival with TIR-based algorithms, it is suggested to develop soil
point, respectively. The SMSI can be obtained from present TI and its texture-independent algorithms in future developments. In addtion,
maximum (TImax) and minimum (TImin) values over a long period as: because most of the currently available methods use empirical rela­
TI − TI min tionship to link SSM and TIR measurements, it is also very important to
SMSI = (10) develop physical methods to estimate SSM directly from TIR
TI max − TI min

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

2.3. Microwave group of pixels (Choudhury et al., 1987; Teng et al., 1993; Rodríguez-
Fernández et al., 2015). Furthermore, the slopes and intercepts of the
Over the past decades, observations from both passive and active regression lines are then analyzed in terms of land cover variables,
sensors, including the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (Bindlish which can be determined from ancillary data.
et al., 2003; Wen et al., 2003; Gao et al., 2006), the AMSR-E and AMSR2 It notes that empirical methods were primarily used in early stages.
(Jackson, 1993; Njoku and Chan, 2006; Owe et al., 2008; Santi et al., Nowadays, physical approaches based on the Radiative Transfer Equa­
2012; Zeng et al., 2015), the Windsat (Li et al., 2010; Parinussa et al., tion (RTE) have been widely used to determine the contribution of
2012), the Fengyun-3 (Shi et al., 2006a, 2006b; Parinussa et al., 2014), satellite-detected Tb from three major layers, namely atmosphere,
the Aquarius (Bindlish et al., 2015), the SMOS (Wigneron et al., 2007; vegetation and soil, as shown in Fig. 3. For the physical methods, the τ-ω
Kerr et al., 2012), the ASCAT (Wagner et al., 1999; Naeimi et al., 2009), model proposed by Mo et al. (1982) commonly acts as a baseline for
the SMAP (Entekhabi et al., 2010), and the Sentinel-1 (Paloscia et al., almost all the RTE for estimating SSM. Compared to empirical methods,
2013; Das et al., 2019), have been widely used for SSM retrieval, physical approaches are more complicated. In general, there are two
routinely producing a wealth of SSM products. Inferring the geophysical phases to obtain SSM from passive microwave-derived Tb: first to relate
parameters of the land, ocean, and atmosphere from microwave obser­ Tb to soil dielectric constant with the RTE, and subsequently to link soil
vations is one of the most important applications in the microwave dielectric constant with SSM using dielectric mixing models (Karthi­
remote sensing domain, which has benefitted various environmental keyan et al., 2017).
disciplines, including hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, geogra­ For the first phase, efforts towards improving and evaluating the
phy, and so forth. A practical and reliable surface scattering and emis­ emissivity of smooth and rough soil surface for developing relationships
sion model can help us gain physical insights into the interaction of between Tb and soil dielectric constant can date back to the 1970s
microwaves with media bounded by rough interfaces, which in turn can (Stogryn, 1970; Njoku and Kong, 1977). In general, the Fresnel’s
not only expand and improve our understanding of the surface scat­ reflectivity equations can be applied to obtain the emissivities at passive
tering and emission mechanism but also guide the design of appropriate microwave frequencies over homogenous soil with a smooth surface.
sensor configuration for specific applications as well as the development However, the situation may become complicated when the soil surface is
of retrieval algorithm for the parameters of interest. rough. Several studies have highlighted the importance of considering
the effects of roughness for accurate emissivity retrieval from natural
2.3.1. Basic theories and principal methods for passive microwave surfaces (Wegmuller and Matzler, 1999). Although using some statistical
Passive microwave sensors measure the naturally emitted intensity parameters such as height standard deviation and horizontal correlation
of microwave emission (at wavelength λ = 1–30 cm) from the Earth’s length can provide insight into the scattering mechanisms and help to
surface, expressed as the brightness temperature Tb (Mladenova et al., adjust the emissivity over rough soils, these parameters are difficult to
2014; Gao et al., 2020). An increase in frequency normally leads to a obtain in practical applications (Njoku and Li, 1999). For this reason,
reduction in emission originating in soil along with an enhanced effect some semi-empirical models have been developed to calculate the
of atmospheric and vegetation attenuation (Calvet et al., 2011; reflectivity for rough soils. Such models include the Q/h model (Wang
Wigneron et al., 2003). The fundamental basis of microwave (both and Choudhury, 1981) and Q/p model (Shi et al., 2006a, 2006b). For the
passive and active) remote sensing of SSM is the significant contrast second phase, to link SSM to dielectric constant via the dielectric mixing
between the dielectric properties of dry bare soil (~4) and water (~80) models, efforts were primarily focused on semi-empirical models and
(Schmugge et al., 1974), and these changes in dielectric properties can field observations. Such models were developed using underlying
be detected by satellite measured Tb. The commonly used passive mi­ physics and were partly based on several field scale datasets dealing
crowave SSM retrievals are those at L (0.39–1.55 GHz), C (3.9–5.75 with the specific properties of soils. Among these models, the empirical
GHz), and X (5.75–10.9 GHz) frequencies. Commonly, the effective SSM model proposed by Hallikainen et al. (1985) and the semi-empirical
sensing depth at the L-frequency and C/X-frequency is approximately model provided by Dobson et al. (1985) have received most attention.
0–5 cm and 0–1 cm, respectively, which is also depend on SSM condi­ It notes that most of this situation occurs over bare soils where the
tions (Lv et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2019). Moreover, the sensitivity of C/X- contributions of satellite detected Tb are primarily from soil and atmo­
frequency to changes in SSM conditions has been shown to almost cease sphere. Except for these, another noteworthy issue is the neglect of the
at a vegetation water content of approximately 1.5 kg/m2 (Njoku and Li, effects of atmosphere in traditional approaches. However, a recent
1999), whereas the limit of L-band can be up to 5 kg/m2 (Njoku and investigation confirmed that the effects of atmosphere on satellite-
Entekhabi, 1996). As a result, the L-band is widely recognized to be the
most promising for SSM retrieval at present. Methods to estimate SSM
from passive microwave measurements can be broadly cataloged into
two types, including empirical and physically-based approaches.
Notably, the use of other methods, such as the neural network approach,
is not presented in the present section.
Empirical methods are commonly used to develop regression re­
lationships between passive microwaves measured Tb (or microwave
surface emissivity e) and ground SSM over bare soils (Eagleman and Lin,
1976; Newton et al., 1982; Schmugge et al., 1986; Jackson et al., 1999;
Wigneron et al., 2004; Saleh et al., 2006; AI-Yaari et al., 2017). Such
methods can be summarized as:
SSM = f (Tb or e) (11)
To eliminate the polarization difference at a large view angle (>30◦ ),
especially when SSM is at a relatively high level, the microwave polar­
ization difference index can also be used to link SSM using regression
analysis (Owe et al., 2001; De Meesters et al., 2005). For vegetated
surfaces, empirical relationships between Tb (or e) and SSM become Fig. 3. Sketch of the passive microwave RTE, in which satellite-detected Tb are
more complicated. Specifically, linear relationships between Tb (or e) primarily described as from three major layers including atmosphere, vegeta­
and SSM are commonly established for each land cover type/biomes or tion and soil.

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

detected Tb would increase with the increment of frequency (Han et al., proposed to relate the radar backscattering coefficient (σ) to SSM over
2017). bare (or sparsely vegetated) surfaces.
In addition to the effects of roughness surface on SM retrieval, Empirical models mainly relate SSM with the σ directly using sta­
vegetation is also an important influencing factor on relationships be­ tistical regression as follows:
tween Tb and soil dielectric constant. In τ-ω model, ω is the single
SSM = f (σ ) (12)
scattering albedo and may be calculated theoretically or assigned based
on land cover types, whereas τ is Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) that Such empirical relationships are linear (Zribi et al., 2005; Gorrab
commonly assumed to be varied with time and can be estimated from et al., 2014) and non-linear (Zribi and Dechambre, 2002; Baghdadi
either VIS/NIR observations or by using multi-polarization or multi- et al., 2007; Narvekar et al., 2015). However, empirical models appear
angle passive microwave data (Kerr et al., 2012; De Meesters et al., to be generally valid only for the surface conditions and radar param­
2005; Pan et al., 2014; Sawada et al., 2017). Because methods for esti­ eters at experiments time (Petropoulos et al., 2015). Moreover, most of
mating SSM from passive microwave and VIS/NIR synergies is to be the empirical models require that SSM is in medium status and surface
presented in following Section 3.2.2, the present section only includes roughness remains the same (Gorrab et al., 2014). All these limitations
the methods for SSM retrieval with passive microwave measurements make it difficult for mapping SSM over large spatial scales.
only. In general, because there are commonly more unknowns than Physical models possess a solid theoretical basis by the mathematical
observations in the RTE for estimating SSM, two main approaches have inversion of radar backscattering coefficients in the interactions be­
been intensively investigated. The one is to reduce the number of un­ tween soil and microwave radiation. The theoretical models can be
knowns by merging multi-parameters (e.g. surface roughness and VOD) categorized into two principal classes, i.e., the numerical models and the
into a mixing parameter (Pan et al., 2014; Zeng et al., 2015; Parrens analytical models. The former is based on the numerical solution of
et al., 2017); the other is to simultaneously retrieval SSM, VOD and/or Maxwell’s equations for the electromagnetic field (Tsang et al., 2013).
other parameters such as LST and surface roughness (Njoku and Li, Though the numerical models can yield very high accurate simulations,
1999; Owe et al., 2001, 2008; Konings et al., 2016; Parrens et al., 2016; they are too computationally expensive, making their direct application
Karthikeyan et al., 2019). In a recent study, with the assumptions that analyze the microwave satellite data rather tricky. In contrast, the
vegetation changes slowly and VOD remains constant over a time win­ analytical models give the right balance between simulation accuracy
dow (e.g. w), a method to simultaneously estimate SSM, VOD and sur­ and computational efficiency. The analytical models’ allure is that they
face roughness was proposed by Karthikeyan et al. (2019). In this significantly improve the computational efficiency compared with the
method, within the time window of w day, there will be 2w measure­ numerical methods. Simultaneously, they ensure a reasonably high ac­
ments of Tb with dual-polarized observations for a single overpassing per curacy in their application domain, which makes them quickly and
day. As a result, these 2w measurements of Tb correspond to 2w RTEs efficiently employed in numerous microwave remote sensing applica­
and w + 1 unknowns (w SSM retrievals plus one VOD). tions. At present, the small perturbation model (Ulaby et al., 1986), the
Kirchhoff model (Beckmann and Spizzichino, 1963) and the Integral
2.3.2. Basic theories and principal methods for active microwave Equation Model (IEM) or Advanced IEM (AIEM) (Fung et al., 1992,
In contrast to VIS/NIR, TIR and passive remote sensing, active mi­ 1994, Fung and Chen, 2010, Chen et al., 2003) are three typical physical
crowave instruments have built-in illumination to transmit electro­ models. Among the three models, the small perturbation model and
magnetic radiation and receive echo signals. Specifically, the different Kirchhoff model are valid only in a limited range of surface roughness.
energy power between the transmitted and received electromagnetic To this end, based on the two models, the IEM (or AIEM) has extended its
radiation, namely the backscatter coefficient, is used to connect SSM. application for a much wider roughness range. Analysis of the scattering
Similar to passive microwave, the substantial difference between dry and emission predicted by the AIEM by verifying with a rich supply of
bare soil and water is the physical basis for SSM retrieval from active numerical simulations and experimental measurements has been re­
microwave signals. The most common wavelengths for active micro­ ported (Dong et al., 2013; Baghdadi et al., 2011; Zeng et al., 2017).
wave SSM retrievals are at L (0.39–1.55 GHz), C (3.9–5.75 GHz), and X Semi-empirical models are developed from physical models-derived
(5.75–10.9 GHz) frequencies. Although P-band data has also been used simulated or experimental datasets. These models can simplify the
to estimate root-zone SM in several investigations (Boopathi et al., 2018; relationship between backscattering coefficients and SSM conditions,
Etminan et al., 2020; Tabatabaeenejad et al., 2020), because no on-orbit making it easier to apply with fewer input parameters. Compared to
P-band satellites are available at present, they are not included in pre­ empirical models, semi-empirical models are commonly not site-specific
sent review article. and can be used in conditions where little information on surface
It is known that longer wavelengths can penetrate further into roughness is known (Baghdadi et al., 2008). The most popular semi-
vegetation and soil than short wavelengths. Normally, radar signals can empirical models at present are the Oh model (Oh et al., 1992; Oh,
be polarized and observed in both horizontal (H) and vertical (V) 2004) and the Dubois model (Dubois et al., 1995). In recent studies,
fashion, allowing for making co-polarized (HH or VV) or cross-polarized following a previous investigation on the analytic solution to the first-
(HV or VH) backscatters (Kornelsen and Coulibaly, 2013). Low inci­ order interaction contribution for bistatic scattering (Quast and Wag­
dence angles, long wavelengths (L-band) and either HH or HV polari­ ner, 2016), Quast et al. (2019) further explored a novel and promising
zation are the pre-eminent sensor parameters for SSM estimation semi-empirical first-order radiative transfer modeling approach for SSM
(Barrett et al., 2009). In this study, we focus on the commonly used retrieval. Specifically, the model-parameterization in the proposed
imaging sensors, namely the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). There are approach incorporates only two temporally varying parameters (SSM
three general types of modeling approaches, i.e., the empirical models, and VOD). Results of the method with ASCAT data over 158 sites within
the semi-empirical models, and the theoretical models. The empirical France indicate good overall correlation of determination (approxi­
and semi-empirical models often involve several fitted parameters that mately 0.6 to 0.8) between estimated SSM and simulated values.
are derived from limited field observations. Although often working well It should be noted that the models mentioned here are generally
on the same or similar dataset, the models are site-dependent. As a based on bare soils. To obtain SSM over areas covered with vegetation,
result, they are limited, to a certain extent, in the modeling of surface the change detection method is a feasible alternative (Ouellette et al.,
scattering and emission for a variety of surface profiles. Therefore, the 2017). The change detection method assumes that roughness and
site-independent theoretical models rooted in strictly physical laws have vegetation do not change between repeat passes of radar observations,
become an essential and popular tool to help us understand the inter­ thus the difference of backscatter coefficients will come from the SSM
action between electromagnetic fields and natural surfaces. Until now, a status (Barrett et al., 2009). Specifically, the ASCAT SSM product is
number of empirical, physical and semi-empirical methods have been produced on the basis of the change detection method (Brocca et al.,

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

2017). In recent studies, Bauer-Marschallinger et al. (2018, 2019) 2011). An advantage of synergistic use of ASCAT and AMSR-E obser­
developed a method to obtain daily SSM at kilometer-scale from the vations can not only increase the number of available observations, but
fusion of ASCAT and Sentinel-1 data. In this method, the change also has the capacity to minimally change the accuracy of SSM retrieval
detection method was first used to derive each SSM data from ASCAT from single sensor. Following this work, a later study developed a
and Sentinel-1 data, respectively, and the two SSM data were then fused method to merge SSM estimates from six historical and present passive
through temporal filtering at each gridded pixel following the Soil Water and active microwave SSM datasets into a single dataset (Liu et al.,
Index (SWI) approach. Specifically, the fused product, namely 2012). In this merging method, passive and active microwave products
SCATSAR-SWI, is the first operational SSM products at high resolution were used over sparsely and moderately vegetated regions, respectively.
using active microwave data, which is now available in the Copernicus For the areas where active and passive revealed similar results, the
Global Land Monitoring Services ( average values of both products were taken. These ideas are the initial
algorithm of the currently available CCI SSM products whose latest
2.3.3. Basic theories and principal methods for active and passive synergy release covers a long time period over 40 years, from 1978 to 2019.
Due to the inherent characteristics of the coarse spatial resolution of In addition to the two aforementioned algorithms, some authors
passive microwave and the low temporal interval of active microwave, a introduced the neural network for obtaining SSM from the synergy of
main motivation for combining active and passive microwave mea­ active and passive measurements (Rodríguez-Fernández et al., 2015;
surements is to provide SSM estimates with both higher spatial and Kolassa et al., 2016, 2017; Santi et al., 2016). Among these in­
temporal resolution by complementary strengths. A number of studies vestigations, the neural network-based SSM product by Kolassa et al.
have investigated the synergy of active and passive microwave data for (2016, 2017) was developed from the combined use of the ASCAT
estimating SSM (O’Neill et al., 1996; Chauhan, 1997; Lee and Ana­ backscatter observations and AMSR-E brightness temperature. Evalua­
gnostou, 2004; Narayan et al., 2006; Zhan et al., 2006; Piles et al., 2009; tion against other SSM datasets (e.g., CCI product, reanalysis and in-situ
Das et al., 2014, 2018; Dente et al., 2014; Akbar and Moghaddam, 2015; measurements) shows that the neural network-based SSM products can
Das et al., 2019). These methods can be simply summarized into two capture the observed SSM temporal variations with a station-average
categories, namely physical approaches and statistical methods. correlation and anomaly correlation of 0.45 and 0.35, respectively.
Physical approaches usually include two steps. The first step is to
determine surface roughness/vegetation biomass using active mea­ 2.3.4. Advantages and drawbacks
surements, and the second step is to then estimate SSM from the com­ Compared to VIS/NIR and TIR remote sensing, passive microwave
bination of active microwave derived-surface roughness/vegetation remote sensing is independent of solar illumination, and it can obtain
biomass and passive brightness temperature. Specifically, O’Neill et al. surface information under cloudy sky conditions, which is beneficial for
(1996) and Chauhan (1997) were among the pioneers to investigate the SSM retrieval in all-weather conditions. However, because the natural
physical methods for estimating SSM by active and passive synergies. A emission is weak at the frequencies where SSM is sensitive, the micro­
key issue behind the physical approaches is the qualification of the ef­ wave radiometers commonly need to observe a large area to detect such
fects of vegetation on SSM retrieval. To this end, some researchers a weak emission, resulting in a major disadvantage of passive micro­
introduced a parameter σ/(1-e) to decouple soil effects from vegetation wave because the spatial resolution is coarse. Moreover, because
because it was found to increase with vegetation biomass and is scarcely different wavelength signals have different emission depths, the multi-
influenced by SSM (Ferrazzoli and Guerriero, 2010; Guerriero et al., channel algorithm-based SSM is actually an “effective” SSM. Similar to
2012). A number of follow-up studies have also investigated the rela­ passive microwave, active microwave emissions also have the ability to
tionship between the σ and the e over vegetated soil surfaces, indicating penetrate clouds, allowing for SSM retrieval in all-weather conditions.
promising potential to obtain SSM from the synergy of active and passive However, active signals are also likely to be affected by soil surface
microwave (Guerriero et al., 2016; Jagdhuber et al., 2019). roughness and vegetation (Moran et al., 2004). Apart from this, an
In comparison to physical approaches, statistical methods are more advantage of active over passive microwave is the fine spatial resolution,
popular in the retrieval of SSM. Some approaches have served as which is more suitable in actual applications at the field scale.
downscaling methods to obtain intermediate spatial scale SSM data. The Although both active and passive microwave show great potential
assumption behind such statistical methods is that vegetation growth for generating SSM separately, they have their own advantages and
and surface roughness conditions remain relatively stable within a short disadvantages with respect to producing proper SSM products for ready
period, thus SSM is the main factor affecting both the passive use in various domains. It is known that a significant superiority of the
microwave-derived Tb and active microwave-derived σ. For example, active over the passive sensors is their finer spatial resolution, whereas a
Das et al. (2011, 2014) developed a simple statistical method to obtain 9 more frequent revisit period can be commonly found in passive rather
km SSM estimates from the combined use of 3 km radar and 36 km than active missions. However, it notes that satellite constellation
radiometer measurements of the soon to be launched SMAP mission. In constituted by multi-satellite can probably enhance observation in­
this statistical method, a regression slope is firstly determined from time tervals for active sensors. For an instance, the ASCAT SSM product is
series radar co-polarized backscatter and SSM, and subsequently used to currently onboard three satellites with nearly six overpasses per day.
detect high-resolution SSM spatial variability within the coarse- Moreover, due to the coarse passive and finer active signals feature
resolution radiometer. Following these investigations, because the different sensitives to ground features, combining active and passive
SMAP radar malfunctioned and became inoperable since July 2015, Das measurements have the potential to decrease disturbing effects such as
et al. (2019) recently combined Sentinel-1A/1B SAR and SMAP L-band surface roughness and vegetation biomass in SSM retrieval at the in­
passive microwave-detected Tb to obtain a high resolution SSM product termediate spatial scale. Furthermore, it is known that a minimum
with RMSE of approximately 0.05 m3/m3. In another study, Piles et al. period covering 30 years of SSM is usually recognized as an essential
(2009) reported a change detection algorithm for estimating SSM at data record in climate studies. However, any individual microwave
intermediate spatial scales from the optimally merging relatively accu­ sensor cannot meet this requirement at present. To this end, merging
rate 36 km radiometer brightness temperature and relatively noisy 3 km active and passive microwaves can provide complementary information
radar backscatter. In particular, this method has been used as the official and potentially contribute to generating improved SSM datasets. The
algorithm for producing a 9 km SSM product of the SMAP satellite. combined SSM product of CCI is a successful attempt that can provide
Another statistical method for the synergistic use of active and passive global SSM over 40 years from 1978 to 2019 with its latest version.
data is to produce improved SSM estimates at a global scale. With the However, it is worth noting that due to the completely difference
cumulative distribution function matching technique, an improved SSM mechanisms in active/passive microwave, penetration depths between
data was derived from the ASCAT and AMSR-E synergy (Liu et al., the two techniques are probably different even at the same frequency,

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

which may lead to uncertainties in fusion process (Zhou et al., 2016). different sensors can reflect SSM conditions with different soil depths,
In theory, active microwave remote sensing is an efficient and most of the currently available SSM products or estimated SSM content
effective way to fulfill the demand of SSM in various domains due to its probably features different soil depths from pixel to pixel. This incon­
capability of inferring SSM both spatially and temporally at a fine spatial sistency can lead to issues when applying the satellite SSM datasets to
resolution. In this regard, some promising results have been achieved in hydrological or ecological models where SSM at a uniform depth, for
some specific sites. However, decoupling the effects of SSM and surface example the top 5 cm, is commonly required. It is also well known that
roughness from traditional radar backscatter remains very challenging. SSM retrieval algorithms probably exhibit different accuracies under
Numerous studies have shown that surface roughness, particularly the different vegetation conditions. Specifically, increasing vegetation cover
root-mean-square height, exerts significant impacts on radar back­ can usually decrease the accuracy of estimated SSM for either TIR or
scatter, even stronger than that of SSM (Chen, 2020). In addition, the microwave retrievals. This inconsistency may lead to misunderstandings
radar backscatter signal is easy to get saturated in wet soil conditions (i. of the interactions between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surfaces,
e., backscatter no longer increases as SSM increases), resulting in much especially under densely vegetated areas. In summary, these numerous
reduced sensitivity to SSM. Consequently, obtaining high-precision SSM inconsistences have severely limited both the methodological de­
at large extent, even global scale, by using traditional radar backscatter velopments and actual applications of satellite SSM. In particular, the
measurements is still formidable. land use/land cover change can further affect the acquisition of
Currently, passive microwave is more popular than active micro­ consistent SSM over long time series. To make better use of remotely
wave to estimate SSM in practical applications. In general, the accuracy sensed SSM in various actual applications, the investigation of new
of SSM retrieval from microwave depends largely on vegetation condi­ theories to obtain consistent SSM datasets over long time series from
tions. For bare soil, the theoretical accuracy of 1–2% by volume can be satellite data is urgently needed. In a recent study, Fluhrer et al. (2020)
obtained in principle for passive microwave (Njoku and Entekhabi, developed a method to obtain surface roughness parameters (vertical
1996). It is noteworthy that this accuracy is primarily based on labo­ root-mean-square height and horizontal correlation length) simulta­
ratory analysis under ideal conditions. However, such accuracies are neously for bare soils from the active-passive microwave synergy.
difficult to achieve in actual applications due to the effects of vegetation, Although further investigations of the approach over vegetated surfaces
surface roughness and other factors. In general, microwave-based SSM should be more desirable, this study provided insight for obtaining
are commonly validated against ground SSM measurements or net­ surface roughness from the combined use of active and passive micro­
works. Following global validation activities, most of the widely used wave data and more accurate SSM from microwave data, noting that
operational microwave-based SSM products, such as ASCAT, AMSR-E/ most of the currently available microwave SSM products use a static or
AMSR2, SMOS and SMAP, reveal reliable accuracy with most RMSE fixed surface roughness, whereas an accurate and dynamic surface
varying from approximately 0.04 m3/m3 to 0.08 m3/m3 for different roughness is essential for improving the accuracy of SSM retrieval.
ecosystems (Kim et al., 2018; AI-Yaari et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2019). Bistatic (or multistatic) radar offers great potential to tackle these
Specifically, with 600 in-situ data sets from 28 networks worldwide, challenges since the scattering signals acquire enriches, by expanding
unbiased RMSE and triple collocation errors for the multi-microwave the observation limits (both angular and wavenumber), the information
blended CCI SM product show less variation between networks, with content for the parameters of interest. Therefore, inferring geophysical
average values around 0.04 and 0.05 m3/m3, whereas another blended parameters, e.g., SM, crop biomass, and snow depth in a bistatic mode
Soil Moisture Operational Product System product also exhibits similar has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The global navigation
accuracy under the assessments with in-situ and reanalysis SM data satellite signal reflectometry (GNSS-R) is an emerging bistatic radar
(Dorigo et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2020a, 2020b). In addition, the newly technique and provides the only satellite bistatic radar observations for
developed high-resolution SSM product based on active/passive syn­ SM detection. The potential and effectiveness of GNSS-R in SSM esti­
ergies from Sentinel and SMAP data also reveals significant accuracy mation has been extensively investigated in recent years, both theoret­
with RMSE around 0.05 m3/m3 (Das et al., 2019). ically and experimentally. However, these efforts mostly focus on the
specular region due to received power considerations. The optimal
2.3.5. Future research directions bistatic radar configurations (especially geometries outside of the plane
Although various retrieval approaches have been developed to of incidence) for SSM estimation have been rarely explored. Only very
obtain SSM with information at different wavelengths, only a few among limited studies (Pierdicca et al., 2008; Zeng et al., 2016) looked into the
the many remote sensing bands can be used to produce consistent benefit of bistatic measurements for inferring SSM under various geo­
products that fulfill the requirements by Earth system applications at metric configurations. These studies found that bistatic radar signals are
present. Specifically, these requirements include full spatial coverage, more sensitive to SSM than monostatic radar backscatter, highlighting
high spatiotemporal resolution (1–10 km and daily or sub-daily the great potential for SSM retrieval by configuring bistatic radar ob­
observing cycle), reliable accuracy (unbiased RMSE less than 0.04 m3/ servations. Due to the complexity of a bistatic radar system, future ef­
m3) and a long record (≥ 30 years). A major difficulty for fulfilling these forts should focus on examining the technical feasibility of the identified
requirements is that most of the currently available satellite datasets configurations by considering specific receiver sensitivity, dynamic
possess only relatively short record lengths of record compared to range, antenna footprint tracking, and synchronization, among others.
meteorological stations, because few satellite sensors can serve for To this end, extensive indoor and field measurements should be con­
longer than a decade. It is therefore difficult, in theory, to obtain ducted to devise optimal and technically attainable bistatic radar con­
consistent satellite SSM datasets over a long time series. figurations (Zeng and Chen, 2018). In addition, with the upcoming
Combining various single-sensor active and passive microwave SSM subdaily SAR in the next decades, it is promising to obtain vegetation
products, the CCI SSM is one of the very few products that is currently water dynamics with the subdaily SAR observations (Vermunt et al.,
used in many Earth system applications. Although the latest released 2020), which can help to estimate SSM from SAR data. As a conse­
version (v04.5) of the CCI products covers a period over 40 years, from quence, it is possible that SSM retrieval over vegetated regions no longer
1978 to 2019, which can significantly contribute to a number of studies, limits to change detection method or depends on additional VIS/NIR
such as drought monitoring, precipitation and evapotranspiration over observations.
large regions or even at the global scale, measurements from different
microwave sensors are used in the procedure to obtain the CCI products
over different periods, depending on the available microwave missions
over the period. The inconsistent inputs for each period probably make
the SSM products inconsistent and incomparable. Furthermore, because

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

3. SSM retrieval from multi-band observations the increasing of FVC (Petropoulos et al., 2009). Specifically, compared
to the triangular space, the trapezoidal space occurs because LST keeps
3.1. VIS/NIR and TIR synergies increasing when FVC at its maximum value. Fig. 4 depicts a typical
configuration and associated physical interpretations of the LST-FVC
Because most of the aforementioned methods for deriving SSM from trapezoidal feature space or scatterplot in detail. It notes that pixels
single VIS/NIR or TIR data are feasible over bare soils, an important within a same window is commonly regarded to have homogeneous
intention for the synergistic methods is to address and resolve the dif­ meteorological conditions. As a consequence, it is always subjective to
ficulties encountered in discriminating the vegetation effect for SSM apply the spatial information-based LST-FVC feature space for esti­
retrieval (Barrett et al., 2009; Petropoulos et al., 2020). Up to present, a mating SSM, since it is difficult to determine a study area where the
number of studies have been dedicated to investigate SSM retrieval from underlying surfaces and meteorological conditions completely fulfill the
the synergistic use of VIS/NIR and TIR observations (Moran et al., 1994; requirements by a feature space.
Sandholt et al., 2002; Sobrino et al., 2007; Stisen et al., 2008; Zhang
et al., 2015; Przeździecki and Zawadzki, 2020). It should be noted that 3.1.2. Pixel-to-pixel scheme of the LST-FVC feature space
almost all the VIS/NIR and TIR synergetic approaches are based on the The pixel-to-pixel scheme of the LST-FVC feature space is a new
configuration of the spatially distributed FVC and LST, namely the concept assuming that a unique and virtual feature space exist for each
triangular or trapezoidal feature space (denoted as LST-FVC hereafter). satellite pixel, which is different from the original feature space
Several earlier critical review articles such as by Petropoulos et al. constituted by spatially distributed scatterplot of FVC and LST. The
(2009) and Carlson (2007), were specifically designed to present the motivation of the pixel-to-pixel scheme of the LST-FVC feature space is
topic of SSM retrieval from LST-FVC feature space and have well to avoid the rigorous requirements of underlying vegetation/SSM and
documented the issues as comprehensive as possible involved in this meteorological conditions for the traditional spatial information based
method. In recent a few years, several new concepts and algorithms have feature space. As for the traditional LST-FVC scatterplot-based feature
been proposed based on remotely sensed VIS/NIR and TIR observations. space shown in Fig. 4, the image interpretation method is commonly
In particular, the “pixel-to-pixel” scheme of LST-FVC feature space and used to obtain the dry and wet edges. In general, the image interpreta­
the temporal VIS/NIR and TIR based algorithms have overcome some of tion method normally requires uniform atmospheric conditions. More­
the difficulties encountered in previous VIS/NIR and TIR synergetic over, the underlying surface should cover full range vegetation
approaches for SSM retrieval, which have not been well documented in coverages from 0 to 100%, and SSM content from minimum to
previous review articles. The following sub-sections are primarily maximum values should occur over the study areas. Such critical re­
focused on these two newly developed methods for SSM retrievals from quirements make it difficult to apply to large regions. However, a sig­
VIS/NIR observations. nificant advantage of the image interpretation method is that the dry
and wet edges can be obtained from all the satellite observations and
3.1.1. Basic theories and principal methods for spatial information with thus no auxiliary data are needed to derive SSM.
VIS/NIR and TIR synergies Fig. 5 depicts a virtual feature space for a given pixel (e.g. P) in
Up to present, the most popular VIS/NIR and TIR synergetic methods detail. For this virtual feature, LST at the four endpoints (A, B, C, and D)
for SSM retrievals are the so-called triangular or trapezoidal feature are required to form the virtual feature space. Specifically, these four
space, constituted by the two-dimension scatterplots of Vegetation Index theoretical LST values correspond to land surface for dry bare soil, full
(VI) and surface radiant temperature or LST. Since a comprehensive vegetation cover with zero water availability, well-watered full vege­
review on the progress of LST-FVC feature space for SSM retrieval has tation cover and saturated bare soil, respectively. Moran et al. (1994)
been conducted by Petropoulos et al. (2009), readers are encouraged to firstly applied a theoretical procedure via the principle of surface energy
refer to this critical review article for more details. The present sub- balance to determine the theoretical LST values for the endpoints as
section is to simply retrospect the history of traditional spatial follows:
information-based feature space and subsequently to inspire the newly
developed pixel-to-pixel scheme of the feature space in the next sub-
Early in the 1980s, the regular triangular or trapezoidal shape of
scatterplot composed by FVC and LST were successively used in a
number of studies (Carlson et al., 1981; Goward et al., 1985). Carlson
et al. (1981) first highlighted a potentially discernible relationship be­
tween SSM conditions and FVC. Later, it was found that pixels with the
same soil moisture availability (M0) values within the LST-FVC trian­
gular space could be plotted as isopleths (Carlson and Buffum, 1989).
Since then, a number of studies have been proposed to infer SSM status
from the LST-FVC feature space using various spatial data (Moran et al.,
1994; Carlson et al., 1995; Gillies et al., 1997; Goward et al., 2002). A
typical study of these efforts is by Sandholt et al. (2002) who firstly
proposed an interpretation to estimate SSM with the Advanced Very
High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data by linking the triangular
feature space to the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index. With the
exception of the traditional LST-FVC feature space, many other forms of
feature space have also been proposed such as the LST-albedo feature
space (Gómez et al., 2005; Sobrino et al., 2007) and the triangular
feature space constituted by LST variation (e.g., day-night different or
diurnal change) and various VI (Wang et al., 2006; Stisen et al., 2008;
Zhang et al., 2015). Although the emergence of the triangular or trap­
ezoidal shape was initially found simply based on the two-dimension Fig. 4. Summary of the key descriptors and physical interpretations of the LST-
scatterplot of FVC and LST, the physical basis of the feature space can FVC trapezoidal feature space or scatterplot (adapted from Petropoulos
be reasonably explained as the decrease of sensitivity of SSM to LST with et al., 2009).

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

where MPand MN are the lengths between the point M and P and M and
N, respectively, Ts is LST for the given pixel P shown in Fig. 5.
To further convert M0 to SSM with volumetric basis, soil hydraulic
properties are required to interpolate M0 between 0 (e.g. correspond to
wilting point) and 1 (e.g. correspond to field capacity) as follows:
( )
SSM = M0 × θfc − θwt + θwt (15)

where θfc and θwt are field capacity and wilting point, respectively.
In comparison to the traditional spatial information based feature
space, the pixel-to-pixel scheme of the feature space has no strict re­
quirements on underlying surface conditions. Specifically, this pixel-to-
pixel scheme of feature space assumes that a fictitious LST-FVC trape­
zoidal configuration exists for each satellite pixel, thus no longer
depending on the contextual information of spatially distributed scat­
terplots of LST and FVC. Hence, the original demands of full ranges of
Fig. 5. A virtual trapezoid feature space for a given satellite pixel (e.g. P) with
variability in SSM and FVC are no longer needed, making the method
hypothetical FVC (from 0 to 1) and LST conditions. Point A represents dry bare
soil (LST = Ts,max and FVC = 0); point B represents full vegetation cover with capable of deriving SSM at regional scales regardless of the sizes and the
zero water availability (LST = Tv,max and FVC = 1); point C represents well- underlying/meteorological conditions of the study areas. However,
watered full vegetation cover (LST = Tv,min and FVC = 1); and point D repre­ several meteorological elements are required to calculate the endpoints
sents saturated bare soil (LST = Ts,min and FVC = 0). The red and blue solid lines LST. Although a little complicated, the pixel-to-pixel scheme can be
are dry and wet edges, respectively. The black dashed lines are isopleths of the more easily used to map SSM over large areas, particularly with the
soil moisture availability (M0) varying linearly from minimum value (0) at the background that several global gridded meteorological products are
dry edge to maximum value (1) at the wet edge. M0 for the given pixel (e.g. P) is currently available. In recent studies, based on the MODIS images and
determined as the ratio of MP to MN (adapted from Leng et al., 2017). (For the China Meteorological Administration gridded meteorological prod­
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
ucts, Leng et al. (2017, 2019) applied the pixel-to-pixel scheme of the
referred to the web version of this article.) (For interpretation of the references
LST-FVC trapezoidal feature space to map SSM over clear-sky pixels for a
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
province and entire mainland China, respectively.

⎧ ( ) 3.1.3. Basic theories and principal methods for temporal information with

⎪ Ts,max =
ra Rn,s − G
+ Ta VIS/NIR and TIR synergies

⎪ Cv Unlike the commonly used instantaneous polar-orbiting satellite
⎪ ( )

⎪ ra Rn,s − G γ VPD data, geostationary satellites have long been neglected in SSM retrieval.

Ts,min =

Δ+γ Δ+γ
+ Ta Specifically, geostationary satellites are capable of observing the Earth

⎪ ( ) with a much higher temporal resolution (48–96 per day) with the same

⎨ ( ) γ 1 + rcx view angle for a given pixel, allowing for the detection of the diurnal
ra Rn,v − G r VPD (13)
⎪ Tv,max = ( a )− ( ) + Ta evolution of land surface variables. Nevertheless, few studies have
⎪ Cv rcx rcx

⎪ Δ+γ 1+ Δ+γ 1+ investigated the feasibility of deriving SSM content from the temporal
⎪ ra ra

⎪ ( ) information provided by geostationary satellites. Early in the 1980s,

⎪ ( ) γ 1+ r cp Wetzel et al. (1984) implemented a sensitivity test with the data ob­

ra Rn,v − G r
( a )−
( ) + Ta tained from a one-dimensional boundary layer-surface-soil model
⎪ T =
simulation, with the aim of determining the most sensitive Geosta­
⎪ v,min

⎪ Cv rcp rcp
⎪ Δ+γ 1+ Δ+γ 1+
⎩ ra ra tionary Operational Environmental Satellite-derived physical parame­
ters to SSM content. Their results showed that the mid-morning
where Rn, s and Rn, v are surface net radiation over soil and vegetation differential of surface temperature with respect to absorbed solar radi­
components (W m− 2); Gis soil heat flux (W m− 2); Ta is air temperature ation, is optimally sensitive to SSM. On the basis of the work by Wetzel
(K); Cv is the volumetric heat capacity of air (J ◦ C− 1 m− 3); γ is the et al. (1984), Zhao and Li (2013) conducted a sensitivity study for bare
psychrometric constant (kPa ◦ C− 1); Δ is the slope of saturated vapor soils with the data simulated by the Noah land surface model to inves­
pressure versus air temperature (kPa ◦ C− 1); VPD is the vapor pressure tigate the interrelationship between the evolution of LST and SSM. Fig. 6
deficit of the air (kPa); rais aerodynamic resistance (s m− 1); rcx is the depicts the diurnal temperature cycle parameters investigated in the
canopy resistance associated with nearly complete stomatal closure, study by Zhao and Li (2013). It was found that the LST rising rate
whereas rcp is canopy resistance at the well-watered vegetation normalized by the difference in the Net Surface Shortwave Radiation
condition. (NSSR) during the mid-morning (TN) was the parameter most sensitive
It notes that the theoretical LST at these four endpoints correspond to to SSM for a given atmospheric forcing data set. Subsequently, a simple
the meteorological conditions (e.g. solar radiation, air temperature, multi-linear model to estimate bare SSM with TN and td that describes
wind speed and air humidity parameters) for the given satellite pixel the time of the maximum LST occurs, was proposed as follows:
only, independent of other neighboring pixels. Following the definition
SSM = m1 × TN + m2 × td + m0 (16)
of the pixel-to-pixel feature space, M0 at the given pixel with a coordi­
nate of (FVC, LST) can be expressed as: where TN and td are the LST rising rate normalized by the difference in
MP the NSSR during the mid-morning and the time of the maximum LST
M0 =
MN occurs, respectively, and mi (i = 0, 1, 2) are the model coefficients.
[( ) ]
Tv,max − Ts,max × FVC + Ts,max − LST For the model described above, a basic assumption is that the scatters
= [( )
Tv,max − Ts,max × FVC + Ts,max −
] [( )
Tv,min − Ts,min × FVC + Ts,min
] of LST and NSSR in the mid-morning reveal nearly a linear variation.
Compared with the multi-temporal VIS/NIR and TIR measurements in
the mid-morning period, Leng et al. (2014) reported a bare SSM retrieval
model by fully using the daytime LST and NSSR. In this study, an

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

330 Tmax 315
td 12:00
320 Tmean Sunset

310 DT
Sunrise TR Mid-morning
295 Sunset
300 TN
290 Tmin 285
daytime night-time Sunrise
280 280
5 10 15 20 25 30 0 200 400 600 800
Local Solar Time (Hour) 2
NSSR (W/m )
Fig. 6. Sketches of the diurnal evolution of LST (left) and mid-morning variation of LST and NSSR (right), Tmean is the daily mean LST; td is the time when maximum
LST occurs, Tmax and Tmin are daily maximum and minimum LST, DT is the daily amplitude of LST, β is the width of the half-period of the cosine term, TN is the LST
rising rate normalized by the difference in the NSSR during the mid-morning.

elliptical relationship model between diurnal cycles of LST and NSSR are the model coefficients (m3/m3).
was firstly developed based on the observational phenomena that the Although the SSM retrieval model proposed by Zhao and Li (2013)
scatters of the daytime LST and NSSR are nearly an ellipse for a cloud- and Leng et al. (2014) are primarily developed from simulated data over
free day (Fig. 7). Specifically, the only assumption for this ellipse rela­ bare soils, these models are quite different from the previous VIS/NIR
tionship between diurnal cycles of LST and NSSR was that the width of and TIR remote sensing methods to estimate SSM because the co­
the half-period of the cosine term in the diurnal LST cycle and diurnal efficients in these models are not the empirical models linking the SSM
NSSR cycle are equal. Subsequently, the four ellipse parameters (ellipse measurements and remotely sensed land surface variables. In a recent
center horizontal coordinate, ellipse center vertical coordinate, semi- study, the two models were compared over a well-organized soil mois­
major axis, and rotation angle) were determined to estimate SSM with ture network in Spain, named REMEDHUS (Leng et al., 2016a). Evalu­
a step-wise linear regression method using the simulated data from the ation using in situ soil moisture measurements and CCI SM product over
Common Land Model simulation as follows: 72 cloud free days in 2010 indicated that both the models can produce
reasonable SSM estimates, with RMSE approximately 0.050 m3/m3.
SSM = n1 × x0 + n2 × y0 + n3 × a + n4 × θ + n0 (17)

where x0, y0, a, and θ are the ellipse parameters derived from the 3.1.4. Advantages and drawbacks
elliptical relationship between the diurnal LST and NSSR cycles, i.e., the Similar to SSM estimation using single VIS/NIR or TIR observation,
ellipse center horizontal coordinate, ellipse center vertical coordinate, SSM retrieval models from a VIS/NIR and TIR synergies are also feasible
semi-major axis and rotation angle, respectively, and ni (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) only under clear sky conditions. It is also known that the feature space
method can only obtain an SSM proxy (e.g., M0) directly rather than the

Fig. 7. Sketch of the ellipse parameters and elliptical relationship between the diurnal cycles of dimensionless LST and NSSR. x0, y0, a, b, and θ are the ellipse center
horizontal coordinate, ellipse center vertical coordinate, semi-major axis, semi-minor axis, and rotation angle, respectively (adapted from Leng et al., 2016a).

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

quantitative SSM content with unit of m3/m3 (or cm3/cm3). To convert the currently available VIS/NIR and TIR-based SSM retrieval algorithms.
the proxy to soil volumetric water content, some auxiliary data such as Although a number of digital soil texture data such as DSMW, HWSD and
soil texture or ground SSM measurements are commonly required for the SoilGrids250m of the ISRIC, have been released for public uses,
calibration. Except for these, the synergistic VIS/NIR and TIR based especially as essential input for land surface/hydrological modeling and
feature space methods require either rigorous meteorological/underly­ SSM retrieval algorithms over large spatial scale, these digital soil
ing surfaces or several known meteorological elements, which can be a texture data are generally obtained from limited ground soil samples
limitation for practically applying the methods over the data-limited worldwide and other environmental covariates via predication models.
regions. Nevertheless, the feature space method is presently the most As a consequence, most of the currently available digital soil texture
popular algorithm combining VIS/NIR and TIR observations for esti­ data are more feasible for applications over large scale, which can also
mating SSM at present. Due to their simplicity and convenience for use, explain the reason for the increasing investigations of deriving soil
the feature space methods have been widely implemented to estimate texture information using optical/radar observations at regional,
SSM with an RMSE approximately 0.05 m3/m3 via remotely sensed data watershed or even field scales as stated in previous sections. From this
at various spatial scales (Petropoulos et al., 2009). The temporal perspective, it is critical to make soil volumetric water content (rather
information-based methods have at least two advantages compared to than a proxy) retrieval independent of soil texture information. A
traditional methods developed from single VIS/NIR or TIR observations. promising approach towards this target is to introduce additional in­
The one is the feasibility of estimating SSM directly without establishing formation for SSM retrieval. An example of this can be referred to the
empirical relationships between SSM measurements and remotely aforementioned temporal information-based SSM retrieval algorithms
sensed proxies of SSM and the other is the capacity for obtaining presented in Eqs. (16) and (17). Specifically, the temporal information-
quantitative soil volumetric water content without knowledge of soil based algorithms are proven to be independent of soil texture, which
texture. Nevertheless, the models are presently primarily developed suggests significant potential to obtain volumetric water content
using simulated data, which is far from the actual applications with without the knowledge of soil texture in future developments.
satellite images to map regional SSM content. Moreover, a major It is known that VIS/NIR and TIR signals are vulnerable to cloud
drawback of the models is that the coefficients rely on meteorological interruption, which can lead to significant data gaps for deriving SSM.
conditions, leading to difficulties in applications over large areas. One However, spatially complete SSM datasets are commonly required in
essential challenge to make the models practical for routine use with various applications. Otherwise, although microwave can penetrate
geostationary satellite data is to develop appropriate methods for clouds and provide continuous SSM products in theory, several critical
obtaining the model coefficients more conveniently. An approach to issues, such as the effects of radio frequency interference (RFI) and the
determine the model coefficients directly using limited meteorological limitations of the current algorithms under a certain conditions, make it
parameters rather than via the complicated simulation process was re­ difficult to obtain all-weather SSM products (Le Vine and Matthaeis,
ported in a recent study by Leng et al. (2016b), allowing for a significant 2014; Xiao et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2017). Moreover, the inherent
decrease in the dependence of the model coefficients on meteorological coarse spatial resolution (25–50 km) of most currently available passive
measurements. microwave missions is insufficient for practical applications at water­
shed or regional scales, where a fine spatial resolution of 1–10 km is
3.1.5. Future research directions commonly required for various studies (Crow et al., 2012; Peng et al.,
To obtain better SSM, further efforts for estimating SSM from the 2017). Hence, it is difficult to obtain all-weather SSM from satellite data
synergistic use of VIS/NIR and TIR observations can focus on the with most of the currently available algorithms. In a recent study, Leng
following two aspects: Firstly, to develop methods for obtaining soil et al. (2017) proposed a practical approach for deriving all-weather SSM
volumetric water content without the knowledge of soil properties, and using combined satellite and gridded meteorological products. In this
secondly, to estimate all-weather SSM at fine spatial resolutions. approach, SSM over clear-sky pixels are estimated from a pixel-to-pixel
Within the remote sensing discipline, SSM is widely recognized as a scheme of the LST-FVC trapezoid scheme and SSM over cloudy pixel are
variable that cannot be obtained directly from remotely sensed mea­ determined from the meteorological data-derived surface and aero­
surements. Until now, although many algorithms have been proposed to dynamic resistances. Fig. 8 depicts the comparison of SSM retrieval from
estimate SSM, it should be noted that most of the currently available traditional LST-FVC trapezoidal method and all-weather retrieval
algorithms are based on an indirect manner. It is known that most scheme over the Henan province, China, respectively. An overall accu­
commonly used VIS/NIR and TIR instruments can satisfy the re­ racy of approximately 0.060 m3/m3 and 0.080 m3/m3 can be found for
quirements with respect to fine spatial scales for various applications. clear-sky pixels and cloudy pixels, respectively. It is evident that the
However, no VIS/NIR and TIR-based SSM products are available for use latter method can fill the gaps remaining by the VIS/NIR and TIR
at present. Except for the characteristic that susceptible by clouds, method, providing an opportunity to derive spatially complete SM data.
another critical explanation for this is that most traditional VIS/NIR and Another recent study also used satellite data and meteorological prod­
TIR-based SSM retrieval algorithms primarily use polar-orbit satellite- ucts to obtain spatially completed SSM at the regional scale. However,
derived spatial images or spectral information, which can only obtain a random forest models, rather than physics-based methods, were
direct proxy (or index) of SSM. For example, the widely used TI or ATI is implemented to obtain SSM at higher spatial resolutions (Long et al.,
not the quantitative SSM content, and a large amount of ground SSM 2019). Although SSM estimation over cloudy pixels exhibits lower ac­
measurements are theoretically required to develop empirical relation­ curacy than that over clear-sky pixels, these approaches reveal signifi­
ships between TI (or ATI) and ground measurements for regional SSM cant potential to derive all-weather SSM using currently available
retrieval. Specifically, these coefficients of the empirical relationships satellite images and meteorological products at a regional or global scale
are temporally variable and must be calibrated with each scene of at fine spatial resolutions. Nevertheless, meteorological data at the sat­
image, making it difficult, in theory, to generate continuous SSM dataset ellite overpassing time is needed for this approach. Moreover, hydraulic
for routine applications. Furthermore, SSM and soil properties are usu­ parameters that are difficult to determine over large heterogeneous
ally coupled in traditional retrieval algorithms. For example, the areas, are also required to obtain volumetric SSM content. This method,
commonly used universal “triangle method” can only obtain the M0, however, provides a feasible way to obtain all-weather SSM that is
which is defined as the ratio of volumetric water content to field ca­ critically needed in various practical applications. Following these in­
pacity (Carlson, 2007). In addition, the empirical coefficients of the vestigations, future VIS/NIR and TIR synergies algorithms can focus on
relationships between TI (or ATI) and SSM content also vary with soil all-weather SSM estimation, providing that spatially complete LST and
texture (Lu et al., 2009; Matsushima et al., 2012). Knowledge of un­ VI can be determined nowadays. However, a great challenge involved in
derlying soil properties is necessary to obtain SSM when using most of obtaining all-weather SSM from the perspective of VIS/NIR and TIR

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

Fig. 8. SSM derived from the LST-FVC trapezoidal method (a) and the all-weather retrieval (b), the unit of the SSM is m3/m3 (adapted from Leng et al., 2017).

synergies is that actual LST and VI under cloudy pixels should be ac­ backscattering coefficients and SSM according to the previous section.
quired in advance. However, most of the surfaces are covered to some extent by vegetation
Furthermore, several recent studies have investigated the physical in actual applications. The dielectric properties and the physical struc­
explanation of the LST-FVC trapezoidal configuration (Sun, 2016; Tang tures of vegetation are two main factors affecting radar backscattering or
and Li, 2017). A key issue on the LST-FVC trapezoidal configuration is attenuation. Specifically, the stalks, branches and trunks can contribute
that whether SSM within surface and root-zone layers should vary to direct backscattering, trunk-ground double scattering and volume
synchronously or asynchronously. A significant difference of the scattering (Ulaby et al., 1982). The combination of radar and VIS/NIR
asynchronous-assumed trapezoid than the synchronous-assumed one is remote sensing to estimate SSM is an intensely discussed topic in recent
that a critical boundary divides the synchronous-assumed trapezoid into studies (Álvarez-Mozos et al., 2006; Notarnicola et al., 2006; Kumar
two triangles, and the critical boundary is to determine whether the et al., 2015, Xing et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020a, 2020b). A key
root-zone layer begins to be water-stressed (Fig. 9). However, currently advantage from the synergistic use of radar with VIS/NIR data specif­
available studies refer to evapotranspiration retrieval only (Jiang et al., ically, is that it allows for the minimization of vegetation biomass and
2019; Liao et al., 2020). It is obvious that different SSM variation can surface roughness effects on the radar backscatter (Petropoulos et al.,
significantly lead to different SSM retrievals following the trapezoidal 2015).
configurations as shown in Fig. 9 where the ratio of MP to MN is totally Coupling a radar vegetation model with a soil backscattering model
different for the synchronous-assumed and asynchronous-assumed allows for the retrieval of SSM under vegetated canopies and has been
trapezoidal space. Hence, future investigations can also focus on the widely applied to a variety of crop and vegetation types (De Roo et al.,
physical explanation of the LST-FVC for improving the accuracy of SSM 2001; Della Vecchia et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2009; Balenzano et al., 2011;
retrieval. Wu et al., 2020). The Water-Cloud model (Attema and Ulaby, 1978) and
the MIMICS model (Ulaby et al., 1990) are two typical radar vegetation
models that are currently widely used. By assuming that vegetation
3.2. VIS/NIR and microwave synergies
canopy is a cloud containing water droplets randomly distributed within
the canopy, the Water-Cloud model takes the total σ as a function of
3.2.1. Basic theories and principal methods for VIS/NIR and active
SSM, Vegetation Water Content (VWC), and plant height. Specifically,
microwave synergies
the Water-Cloud model adopted a simplified strategy to obtain the total
For bare or sparsely vegetated surfaces, a number of empirical, semi-
σ without the consideration of multiple scattering between canopy and
empirical and physical methods have been developed to link radar

Fig. 9. A sketch of the LST-FVC trapezoid

configuration with two assumptions on SSM
variation (adapted from Liao et al., 2020).
With regarding to Fig. 5 for the virtual
feature space, point A, B, C, and D represent
the conditions of dry bare soil, fully vege­
tated surface with zero water availability,
well-watered full vegetation cover, and
wettest bare soil, respectively. The dotted
lines are isopleths of M0. Specially, the black
dashed line linking point A and C in the
asynchronous-assumed trapezoid is a critical
boundary that determines whether the root-
zone layer begins to be water-stressed.
Namely, in the asynchronous-assumed trap­
ezoid, the SSM should be dried up before the
root-zone layer to be water-stressed, whereas
moisture in both surface and root-zone layer
vary synchronously.

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

soil. The Water-Cloud model has been modified several times since its τ–ω model, the subsequent developed L-band Microwave Emission of the
first version in 1978. The latest update developed by Kweon and Oh Biosphere model assumes that the vegetation contribution to the mi­
(2015), has several new parameters such as average and standard de­ crowave signal can be corrected by the τ and ω (Mo et al., 1982;
viation of leaf angle distribution and has been added into the Water- Wigneron et al., 2007). Specifically, both variables are used to param­
Cloud model to accurately estimate the backscattering coefficients eterize the vegetation attenuation properties and the scattering effects
with the angular effect of scattering particles in a vegetation canopy. The within the canopy. In the τ-ω or heterogenic model, τ is normally
Water-Cloud model retains only the single scattering from vegetation assumed to be proportional to VWC. Moreover, the VIS/NIR
and soil, so it may misrepresent backscatter under dense vegetation measurements-derived vegetation properties such as NDVI or NDWI are
where vegetation-soil multiple scattering has a strong contribution to commonly used to parameterize VWC (Jackson et al., 2004; Burke and
the total backscatter coefficient (Joseph et al., 2008; Pierdicca et al., Simmonds, 2001; Bindlish et al., 2003; Hasan et al., 2014; Grant et al.,
2010). The Michigan Microwave Canopy Scattering (MIMICS) model is 2016; Chaubell et al., 2020). It notes that nearly all these methods to link
originally developed for characterizing forest backscattering. Later τ and VIS/NIR measurements are currently through empirical methods.
studies have extended the model to other common situations such as Some studies show that densely vegetated regions with more SSM and
bare soils, natural vegetation and crops. Compared to the Water-Cloud VWC reveal a smaller diurnal microwave brightness temperature vari­
model, the MIMICS model is more complicated due to the consider­ ation than other regions (Aires et al., 2004; Norouzi et al., 2012), indi­
ation of several different types of scatters. The RTE used in the MIMICS cating that VWC can be potentially derived from diurnal microwave-
model is suitable for medium type vegetation, where scatters have derived Tb. Because canopy structure reveals a strong relationship
discrete configurations and dielectric constants much larger than that of with bands used for SSM retrieval, information on vegetation type will
the air (Touré et al., 1994). However, because numerous complicated most likely be necessary for global applications of the τ-ω model (Le Vine
parameters are required, the MIMICS model is generally difficult to and Karam, 1996; Van de Griend and Wigneron, 2004). Depending on
apply (Dobson et al., 1992). the available polarization/frequency channels or reviewing angles, the
For almost all the radar vegetation models, the VWC is the most single channel algorithm and multi-channel algorithm are presently
commonly used parameter to quantify the effects of vegetation on radar available. The former algorithm can retrieve only SSM with an objective
backscatters. The physical mechanism is that VWC directly relates to the of minimizing the error between observed and modeled Tb in the hori­
depth of the radar penetration, and therefore impacts the quality of SSM zontal or the vertical polarization. However, some ancillary data and
return. To obtain the VWC, VIS/NIR measurements-derived indices, reasonable assumptions are required to determine the necessary pa­
such as the NDVI, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and the Normalized Difference rameters such as surface temperature, VOD and surface roughness
Water Index (NDWI), are commonly used to make empirical regression required in the algorithm. A typical application of the single channel
with in-situ data for VWC inversion (Jackson et al., 2004; Notarnicola algorithm is that used for AMSR-E data to produce SSM product where
et al., 2006; Saradjian and Hosseini, 2011; Chai et al., 2015; Bao et al., NDVI monthly climatology derived using the AVHRR observations from
2018; Ma et al., 2019). In summary, to obtain SSM over vegetated areas, the 1981–1999 time period was used to provide VWC estimates (Jack­
firstly, the VIS/NIR measurements are used to calculate the VWC as son, 1993; Mladenova et al., 2014). Moreover, the single channel algo­
follows: rithm is also taken as the SMAP baseline algorithm where NDVI monthly
climatology is generated from MODIS within a long period. Due to the
VWC = f (ρi ) (18)
capability of measuring multi frequency/angular dual polarization Tb
Subsequently, the VWC is used to eliminate the effects of vegetation for most of the currently available microwave sensors, the multi-channel
on radar backscatter coefficients (σ), and SSM can be finally derived as algorithm can provide more observations for simultaneously retrieving
follows: additional parameters along with SSM. However, an initial guess for the
unknown VOD derived from VIS/NIR based NDVI climatology should
SSM = f (σ, VWC) (19)
also be provided for these algorithms (Owe et al., 2008; Entekhabi et al.,
Except for the physical models, neural network technique has also 2010; Pan et al., 2014; Chaubell et al., 2020; Wigneron et al., 2018;
been applied to obtain SSM from the synergistic use of VIS/NIR and SAR Fernandez-Moran et al., 2017). For an instance, similar to the single
data. For such methods, the neural networks (NNs) are commonly channel algorithm, the SMAP baseline dual channel algorithm also re­
trained by VIS/NIR derived NDVI, SAR derived σ and several other pa­ quires MODIS NDVI derived VWC as an initial guess in the optimization
rameters. A typical study for this was reported by El Hajj et al. (2017) process to obtain final SSM and VOD simultaneously, whereas the
who developed an operational approach to map SSM over agricultural MODIS LAI is used in the SMOS SSM algorithm to obtain SSM and VOD
regions with high spatial resolution from the synergistic use of Sentinel- simultaneously (Kerr et al., 2012).
1 SAR data and Sentinel-2 NDVI images. Specifically, this approach was In summary, the process of estimating SSM from the combination of
further conducted to produce the SM product currently available for VIS/NIR and passive measurements can be cataloged into two steps. The
several regions in Europe as pre-operational product (https://www.thei first step is to obtain vegetation parameters (i.e., τ or VWC) from VIS/ NIR measurements (spectral reflectance based NDVI or LAI) as follows:
τ or VWC = f (ρi ) (20)
3.2.2. Basic theories and principal methods for VIS/NIR and passive
microwave synergies Secondly, with the knowledge of τor VWC, SSM over vegetated areas
Although passive microwave data are currently widely used to pro­ can be derived from passive microwave-derived Tb as follows:
vide global SSM datasets, there are still limitations from the existence of
SSM = f (Tb , τ or VWC) (21)
the vegetation cover which is opaque and blocks the reception of passive
microwave signals from soil (Burke and Simmonds, 2001; Vittucci et al.,
3.2.3. Advantages and drawbacks
2016). Similar to methods based on the synergetic use of VIS/NIR and
Generally, the combination of VIS/NIR and microwave data for SSM
active data, VIS/NIR measurements are also implemented to primarily
estimation is primarily focused on the determination of the essential
eliminate the effects of vegetation on SSM retrieval from passive data
vegetation parameters (τ or VWC) from VIS/NIR measurements. These
over vegetated areas. Compared to SSM estimation over bare soils, the
vegetation parameters can help to eliminate the effects of vegetation on
retrieval of SSM in vegetation covered areas is more complicated.
SSM retrieval from microwave data over vegetated areas, which is the
For the aforementioned physical baseline of τ-ω model, vegetation is
advantage to obtain SSM by VIS/NIR and microwave synergies over
represented as a single-scattering layer above a rough soil, and the τ-ω
such underlying surfaces. A disadvantage of the combination of
model neglects multiple scattering effects. For example, based on the

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

microwave and VIS/NIR data for SSM retrieval is that the VIS/NIR data 3.3.2. Basic theories and principal methods for TIR and passive microwave
is usually limited by clouds and daytime conditions, resulting in failures synergies
of VWC retrieval. Moreover, it is also difficult to synchronously obtain Both TIR and passive microwave bands sense the emitted energy
radar and VIS/NIR data. The inconsistency between radar and VIS/NIR from the Earth’s surface. The TIR and passive microwave reveal similar
data acquisition will create uncertainties for SSM retrievals. To this end, characteristics for SSM retrieval. For example, the TIR-derived LST and
some studies have attempted to estimate VWC by radar data (De Roo passive microwave-derived Tb normally decreases with increasing SSM
et al., 2001; Gherboudj et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2013; Ma et al., 2017; over bare soils. Specifically, with the assumption that TIR-based LST
Vermunt et al., 2020). In addition, the derivations for VWC are usually equals to passive microwave-based LST, e can be derived from the
based on the empirical relationship, which is not unique but has combination of TIR-based LST and microwave-based Tb as follows:
different formulas. Moreover, the empirical relationship also shows
some sensitivity with the spatial resolution change of the passive mi­ e= (22)
crowave data, land cover classes, and the accuracy of estimating vege­
tation parameters from VIS/NIR remote sensing. Subsequently, SSM can be written as a function to e as follows:
SSM = f (e) (23)
3.2.4. Future research directions
Currently, a number of algorithms have been implemented to obtain It is clear that e derived from TIR and passive microwave measure­
SSM products from the combination of primarily passive microwave, ments are beneficial to obtaining SSM, particularly over bare soils.
and VIS/NIR observations. Among these algorithms, the VIS/NIR data However, methods to directly retrieve SSM from the synergetic use of
are commonly used to provide vegetation status for SSM estimations. A TIR and passive microwave are rare at present. Two primary explana­
number of studies have demonstrated that combining multi-source data, tions could be the spatial mismatch and the different penetration ability
including satellite observations, ground survey/measurements and between TIR and passive microwave emissions, which probably make it
reanalysis products, or implementing these multi-source data into difficult to operate in actual applications.
physics-based models, can significantly improve the determination of To the best of our knowledge, most of the currently available
land surface variables (Crow et al., 2017). For example, combining methods for combining TIR and passive microwave missions reveal an
multi-satellite (primarily including the Landsat) and land surface in­ indirect way to contribute to SSM estimation. For the different sensing
formation, the 30 m GlobeLand data developed by the National Geo­ depths of TIR and passive microwave missions, the data assimilation
matics Center of China achieved an overall classification accuracy of approach provides the possibility of improving the accuracy of SSM
over 80%, which is significantly higher than most of the existing auto­ estimates at different soil layers (Hain et al., 2012). Considering the
mated classification methods (Chen et al., 2015). Normally, the high- advantages of different sensing depth of microwave and TIR missions, a
accuracy land cover type can help to better obtain SSM-related vari­ recent study was proposed to obtain SM profiles via the principle of
ables such as LST and NDVI and hence, SSM retrieval can benefit from maximum entropy by coupling passive microwave SSM and TIR-based
the multi-source data combination. As for the VIS/NIR and microwave SSM proxy (Mishra et al., 2018). With respect to the different sensing
synergies for SSM retrieval, VWC is a key parameters to improve the availabilities, some researchers have attempted to obtain all-weather
accuracy of SSM retrieval. Future investigations can focus on two as­ LST from the combination of TIR and passive microwave missions
pects. The one is to reconstruct the temporally continuous VWC datasets (Duan et al., 2017). The derived all-weather LST can be used theoreti­
from VIS/NIR observations, thus to close or narrow the gap between the cally, to obtain SSM at finer spatial resolutions over all-sky conditions,
procurability of VWC and synchronous microwave data. The other is to indicating a certain advantage over using either the single TIR or passive
develop more practical methods for obtaining VWC from physical basis, microwave for SSM retrieval. A study by Piles et al. (2016) investigated a
since most of the currently available algorithms are based on empirical synergistic technique from the passive microwave and thermal obser­
relationships. Specifically, it reveals potential to obtain temporally vations to enhance the spatiotemporal SSM mapping. Specifically, the
continuous VWC from the combined use of VIS/NIR and radar data via temporal information from the geostationary satellite images can pro­
data fusion process, since both the two data have high spatial resolution vide a temporal average daytime SSM product from the instantaneous
and a few studies have investigated the feasibility for deriving VWC from fine-scale (~3 km) SSM estimates acquired every 15 min, allowing for
radar data (Gherboudj et al., 2011; Ma et al., 2017; Vermunt et al., higher coverage in the presence of clouds and representativeness. In a
2020). more recent study, Leng et al. (2019) reported a method to map all-
weather SSM from the combination of TIR and passive microwave
data. In this method, SSM over clear-sky pixels are determined from a
3.3. TIR and microwave synergies TIR-based retrieval algorithm, whereas SSM over cloudy pixels are
derived from a disaggregation of coarse passive microwave based-SSM
3.3.1. Basic theories and principal methods for TIR and active microwave products (Fig. 10). For the different spatial scales of TIR and passive
synergies microwave, a number of researchers have investigated the possibility of
In theory, both TIR and active missions possess fine spatial resolu­ downscaling the coarse spatial resolution microwave-based SSM prod­
tions, which can contribute to better SSM estimation because scale ucts into finer resolution datasets by TIR (or combing both VIS/NIR and
mismatch of the two datasets probably do not exist. However, to the best TIR) observations (Peng et al., 2017).
of our knowledge, thus far, only a few studies have investigated SSM
retrieval from the combined use of TIR and active microwave mea­ 3.3.3. Advantages and drawbacks
surements. In a recent study, Amazirh et al. (2018) proposed a new In general, microwave observations can penetrate through most
approach to retrieval SSM from the Sentinel-1-derived backscatter and cloud cover and provide almost daily coverage of land surface, while TIR
Landsat-7/8 thermal data-derived SSM proxy named Soil Evaporative is obtainable at lower temporal frequencies because it is not possible in
Efficiency (SEE). In their approach, the SEE was used to calibrate the the presence of cloud cover, a number of studies have highlighted the
normalized backscatter coefficient over a two year agricultural season. feasibility of obtaining SSM with either higher spatial resolution of
Evaluation against in-situ measurements revealed that combining TIR improved spatial coverages, especially for the widely used downscaling
and active microwave measurements can obtain better SSM estimates procedure to obtain SSM at high spatial resolution from synergetic use of
than using single active microwave data. Although this method is pri­ TIR and microwave-based SSM products. Nevertheless, there are at least
marily based on bare soils, it does provide an example for obtaining SSM two drawbacks to estimate SSM from the TIR and passive microwave
from the synergetic use of TIR and active microwave data. synergies. The one is that TIR and passive microwave reveal different

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

Fig. 10. All-weather SSM generated by TIR and passive microwave synergies (a), and assimilated SSM product (b) on August 1, 2017 (adapted from Leng
et al., 2019).

sensing depths. Commonly, TIR can be used to define a robust proxy for microwave synergies for estimating SSM, following the study by Ama­
root-zone (top 1 m of the soil column) SM (Crow et al., 2008), while zirh et al. (2018), future research is encouraged to continue to focus on
passive microwave-based SSM retrievals are generally considered at a the connections between TIR-based SSM proxies and SAR-derived
shallow surface (top 1–5 cm of the soil column). Hence, it is difficult to backscatter.
determine the physical definition for a pixel with SSM retrieval from TIR
and passive microwave synergies. The other is that TIR and passive 4. Summary and outlook
microwave reveal different spatial scales. In general, due to the objective
principle for the passive satellite antennae to collect surface emitted Satellite remote sensing observations provide a unique opportunity
energy at long wavelengths, the passive microwave data commonly to obtain spatiotemporal SSM at regional or global scales. Accurately
reveal coarse spatial resolution (≥ 25 km), whereas the TIR observations acquiring SSM content at the regional or global scale is crucial to a
are potentially obtainable at much finer spatial resolutions (~100 m for number of theoretical research and practical applications such as water
polar orbiting imagers to ~5 km for geostationary imagers). Hence, cycle and surface energy balance, global change study, agriculture
estimation of SSM from the synergetic use of TIR and passive microwave management, weather forecasting and drought monitoring. In general,
observations should normally face a downscaling procedure either for significant progress on either theoretical basis or data products for sat­
passive microwave-derived Tb or SSM. However, most of the currently ellite SSM has been achieved in recent decades. Specifically, a number of
available downscaling methods still have great uncertainties in physical satellite-based global SSM products have been developed and are freely
explanation, data requirement and final accuracy (Peng et al., 2017). accessible for applications in many domains associated with the terres­
trial system. This has greatly strengthened the understanding of the
3.3.4. Future research directions interactions between atmosphere and the Earth through the flow of
In the past decades, SSM retrieval from combined TIR and passive water, energy and carbon. Following the present review, we would like
microwave data generally did not attract much attention. Although to summary the state-of-art and outlook of satellite SSM retrieval as
significant progress has been made, there are several challenges that follows:
need to be addressed in the future. A major challenge is the physical
explanation of the depth for the estimated SSM from the combined use of (1) Currently, VIS/NIR, TIR and microwave are three main data
TIR and passive microwave, because TIR and passive microwave mis­ sources for SSM estimation, which can contribute to SSM
sions characterize different sensing depths. The fundamental solution retrieval algorithms from different perspectives. In particular,
for this is to perform the retrieval of the SM profile from the TIR and several satellites dedicated for global SSM monitoring with mi­
passive microwave synergy or to deeply investigate the inner connection crowave bands, have been successfully launched, and almost all
between SM from different layers, since TIR can reveal root-zone SM at the currently available operational SSM products are derived
1 m, whereas microwave-based SSM is generally at a top surface layer at from microwave observations. In the contrast, a major disad­
approximately 5 cm. Another challenge is the spatial scale mismatch vantage of VIS/NIR and TIR data is their inherent weakness that
between TIR and passive microwave. Although a number of researchers easily to be affected by clouds, which is not suitable for the
have investigated the possibility of downscaling coarse spatial resolu­ generation of operational SSM products in regional or global
tion microwave data to fine scales as TIR images, assessments of the scales. Nevertheless, an increasing number of literatures have
results should be further explored. It notes that downscaling methods been focused on the spatiotemporally reconstruction of the key
have been widely used to obtain higher spatial resolution SSM from parameters (e.g. TIR-based LST and VIS/NIR-based vegetation
coarse SSM data, it is better regarded as a “technical process” to obtain properties) for SSM retrieval over the gaps remaining by clouds in
target SSM data from existing SSM products, rather than a “retrieval recent years. In general, these spatially completed VIS/NIR and
method” to estimate SSM from satellite-derived direct observations. In TIR parameters can not only move the SSM retrieval towards
this regard, it is promising that the TIR and active microwave synergies operational stage in future developments, but also capable of
can help to directly retrieve all-weather SM at fine spatial resolution in providing more reliable inputs with the VIS/NIR, TIR and mi­
theory, given that both TIR and active microwave have fine spatial crowave synergy methods. From this perspective, SSM retrieval
resolution. Although few studies have investigated the TIR and active from multi-band synergy should be the mainstream in future.

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

(2) Up to present, considerable achievements have been made in LST few millimeters and a few centimeters, respectively. Moreover,
or SSM retrievals from passive microwave observations. How­ the sensing depth of microwave generally varies with soil surface
ever, an unavoidable objective fact is that these two parameters status, mostly depending on SSM content within the soil column
are mutual dependent, which is difficult to make the retrieval and frequencies used for detecting SSM. A critical contradiction
independent of auxiliary data. As for the passive microwave LST between satellite-derived SSM and the requirements of spatially
retrieval, the surface emissivity is commonly assumed to be a distributed SSM by most of the land surface/hydrological
constant or determined from SSM and auxiliary information such modeling is that the latter should be with fixed layers. Apart from
as soil texture and surface roughness, whereas LST and the the remotely sensed SSM with shallow and varying depths, SM
aforementioned auxiliary information are also required to obtain content within much deeper layers is more desired for various
SSM from most of the currently available passive microwave- applications, especially in most of the agricultural activities
based algorithms. Due to this mutual dependence and the diffi­ where SM within the root-zone layer is required. Although P-
culties for the obtaining of accurate auxiliary information, the band radar is capable of estimating subsurface SM profile with
retrieval accuracy has been greatly constrained. Because SSM deeper layer in theory, the accuracy of SM retrievals generally
retrieval from microwave (especially passive microwave) is still decreases as depth increases. From the perspective of sensing
dominant at present and in near future. It is essential to develop depth, it is difficult to determine an explicit depth for SSM
new algorithms to obtain better SSM estimates from microwave retrieval day-to-day or pixel-to-pixel, and none of the currently
measurements. A promising solution towards this challenge could available satellite SSM estimates can completely satisfy the re­
be the simultaneous retrieval of LST and SSM from passive mi­ quirements by actual applications, let alone other limitations
crowave observations. The primary motivation behind the such as the coarse spatial resolution of passive microwave mis­
simultaneous retrieval is to make the number of unknown pa­ sions, low temporal interval of active microwaves data and the
rameters more close to or fewer than the number of equations in impacts of clouds on the continuous of VIS/NIR and TIR images.
the retrieval process, thus to solve the “ill-posed” retrieval Because it is an inherent characteristic of electromagnetic radi­
problem and make the retrieval independent of auxiliary ation, there is no good way at present to solve the contradiction of
information. sensing depth between the producers and users of satellite SSM
(3) A well-known target accuracy with unbiased RMSE of 0.04 m3/ data, at least at the stage of SSM retrieval algorithm de­
m3 has been criticized by research communities and is still used velopments. However, several post-processing steps such as the
nowadays. However, it is a non-representative target for different assimilation technology and the entropy theory, are beneficial to
soil surface conditions. In theory, most of the SSM algorithms obtain more utility SSM data.
reveal different levels of retrieval accuracy over dry and wet soil (5) An inevitable issue of satellite SSM retrieval is the use of auxiliary
surfaces, due to the non-linear variation of SSM to remotely data. Two typical auxiliary data widely used in either VIR/NIR,
sensed parameters used for SSM retrieval within different SSM TIR or microwave based algorithms are meteorological elements
sections. Moreover, it should be noted that different soil textures (e.g. air temperature, solar radiation and relative humidity) and
generally exhibit different soil water holding capacities, making soil texture. Specifically, meteorological elements are commonly
it unreasonable to evaluate the performance of SSM retrieval over employed to provide essential boundary conditions for SSM
different soil textures using a uniform target accuracy. Except for retrieval, whereas soil texture is used to derive soil hydraulic
these, although most of the currently available SSM retrieval properties that normally coupled with volumetric water content.
methods or products are reported to have already achieved or For the meteorological elements, although a number of algo­
approached the aforementioned target accuracy, most of the rithms have been developed to estimate these elements, most of
validation activities of satellite SSM data are carried out over the present approaches are only feasible over clear-sky condi­
regions or periods with sparse to moderate vegetation coverage. tions, and the retrieval accuracies are significantly lower than
Because vegetation is commonly recognized as a disturbance that obtained from in-situ measurements. With regard to soil
term for separating soil signals from satellite data with most of texture, although several digital soil map data have been pro­
the commonly used wavelengths for SSM retrieval, accurate SSM posed and used in recent decades, it should be noted that most of
retrieval over dense vegetation conditions is still a huge challenge the applications are implemented over large spatial scales such as
in remote sensing community. As a consequence, it is suggested the generation of operational microwave SSM products and land
that distinguished target accuracies should be determined for surface/hydrological modeling and assimilation. In watershed or
different underlying surface conditions. In particular, three filed scales, detailed soil texture information commonly derived
essential surface factors, namely the surface moisture status (e.g. from VIS/NIR or SAR data. Another successful attempt to this is
dry/wet and intermediate moisture soils), soil texture (e.g. clay, the use of geostationary satellite-derived temporal information of
loam or sand) and vegetation coverage (e.g. sparse/dense and land surface parameters to estimate SSM as stated earlier in
intermediate vegetation coverage), should be seriously consid­ previous sections. It is evident that the temporal information can
ered to determine the distinguished target accuracies for different remove the effects of soil texture on SSM retrieval, making it
situations. Except for these, the requirements of actual applica­ capable of obtaining soil volumetric water content directly
tions with satellite SSM data should also be taken into account without the knowledge of underlying soil texture distribution.
when determining the target accuracy of satellite SSM retrieval. Hence, the issue of auxiliary data for SSM retrieval can be
(4) Although a number of algorithms based on different wavelengths addressed from two aspects. The one is to develop more accurate
have been proposed to obtain SSM estimates at present, obvious algorithms for the determination of auxiliary data; the other is to
gaps from other perspectives such as temporal resolution, spatial make SSM retrieval algorithms independent of auxiliary data or
coverages, length of record and physical explanations remain only relying on a few auxiliary data that can be accurately ob­
apart from the consideration of retrieval accuracy, indicating that tained from satellite observations.
it still has unsolved difficulties to close the gaps between the (6) It notes that the methods described in this review article are
producers and users of satellite SSM data. Among these gaps, the primarily for SSM. However, an increasing number of in­
physical explanations of sensing depth for SSM retrieval has been vestigations have been proposed to estimate root-zone SM, since
less discussed. Although ground in-situ SSM measurements with a the volume of soil considered of interest for monitoring and
fixed depth of 5 cm are frequently used to validate remotely forecast applications is much deeper. A main approach for this
sensed SSM, VIS/NIR and microwave can reflect SSM with only a purpose is to estimate root-zone SM from satellite SSM. For an

Z.-L. Li et al. Earth-Science Reviews 218 (2021) 103673

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