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EVS Learning Outcomes

Teaching Environmental Studies (EVS) to students in Class 1-5 typically aims to

achieve several learning outcomes, focusing on foundational knowledge and skills

related to the environment and their surroundings. Here are some common learning


1. Basic Environmental Awareness: Students should develop a basic

understanding of the environment around them, including nature, animals, plants,
and the elements.
2. Identification of Natural Elements: They should be able to identify common
natural elements like trees, flowers, animals, rivers, mountains, and understand
their significance.
3. Awareness of Seasons: Understanding the concept of seasons, their
characteristics, and the changes in the environment during different seasons.
4. Conservation Ethics: Developing a sense of responsibility and care for the
environment, including concepts like reducing waste, conserving water, and
protecting plants and animals.
5. Cultural and Regional Awareness: Learning about the cultural and regional
significance of the environment, including local festivals and traditions related to
6. Basic Scientific Inquiry: Encouraging curiosity and observation skills, such as
asking questions about the natural world and conducting simple experiments.
7. Interdisciplinary Learning: Integrating EVS with other subjects like language,
math, and art to provide a holistic understanding of the environment.
8. Use of Resources: Developing an understanding of how resources like water,
air, and soil are essential for life and the importance of using them sustainably.
9. Hands-on Learning: Engaging in activities like nature walks, gardening, and
simple environmental projects to apply theoretical knowledge practically.
10. Communication Skills: Developing the ability to express their observations and
thoughts about the environment through drawings, stories, and discussions.
11. Respect for Diversity: Fostering an appreciation for the diversity of life forms
and cultures in the environment.
12. Safety and Health: Learning basic safety rules and health practices related to
the environment.

13.Awareness of the Environment: Students develop a basic understanding of their

natural surroundings, including plants, animals, and their habitats.
14.Environmental Conservation: They learn about the importance of preserving and
protecting the environment, including concepts like recycling and reducing waste.

15.Understanding of Ecosystems: Students gain insight into how different

elements of the environment interact in ecosystems, such as the roles of plants,
animals, and humans.

16.Appreciation of Biodiversity: They learn about the variety of species on Earth

and why it's crucial to maintain biodiversity.

17.Civic Responsibility: EVS can instill a sense of responsibility towards the

environment and an understanding of how individual actions can make a difference.

18.Basic Scientific Inquiry: Introduction to observation, questioning, and basic

scientific methods for understanding the environment.

19.Cultural and Social Perspectives: Learning about how different cultures interact
with and adapt to their environments.

20.Interdisciplinary Learning: EVS often integrates elements of science,

geography, social studies, and even art and literature, promoting a holistic view of the

21.Problem Solving: Encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills when

addressing environmental issues.

22.Communication Skills: Developing the ability to express thoughts and ideas

related to the environment through verbal and written communication.

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