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Luanda Refinery

Gasoline Production Increase


COMPANY: Issue for

M. De Marco M. Volpe
EX-DE 01 31/10/2019
D. D’Alessandro R. Paiao R. D’Angelo
G. Agabiti L. Vernaschi
M. De Marco M. Volpe
Issue for
EX-DE 00 09/08/2019
D. D’Alessandro R. Paiao R. D’Angelo
G. Agabiti L. Vernaschi
Validity Rev.
Status number Prepared Checked Approved Company Company
Date Description
by by by Checked Approved
Revision Index
Company logo and business name Project name Company Document ID

Luanda Refinery - Gasoline 362100DFPA09082

Production Increase
Eni Angola Exploration B.V.
Job N.
Contractor logo and business name Contractor Document ID

KT – Kinetics Technology SpA
KT – Kinetics Technology Angola (SU), Lda Contract n. 4600038244
Luanda Refinery Owner Facility / Sub Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of Sheets

Luanda Refinery – General Luanda Onshore NA 1 of 86

Document Title Supersedes N.

SITE HSE PLAN Superseded by N.

Plant Area Plant Unit

Software: Microsoft Word File Name: 362100DFPA09082_EXDE01_86.doc

This document is the property of Eni Angola Exploration B.V.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Validity Rev 2 of 86
362100DFPA09082 K356-00-PP-7802 Status Number
Eni Angola Exploration B.V.
EX-DE 01

Project / Initiative name Luanda Refinery - Gasoline Production Increase

Document Title SITE HSE PLAN

Document Verification

Prepared by Unit Signature Date

G. Agabiti 31/10/2019
M. De Marco

Main contributions Unit Signature Date


Checked by Unit Signature Date

D. D’Alessandro 31/10/2019

Approved by Unit Signature Date

M. Volpe 31/10/2019
L. Vernaschi

Verified by Unit Signature Date


Verified by Unit Signature Date


Verified by Unit Signature Date

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Company Checked

R. Paiao 31/10/2019

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Checked by Unit Signature Date

Approved by Unit Signature Date


R. D’Angelo 31/10/2019

This document is the property of Eni Angola Exploration B.V.

It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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EX-DE 00 Issue for review/comments
COMPANY: Issue for approval
EX-DE 01
CONTRACTOR: Issue for execution


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1.0scope .................................................................................................................... 9 

2.0ABBREVIATIONS and definition ............................................................................ 9

2.1 Abbreviation ............................................................................................................... 9
2.2 DEFINItions .............................................................................................................. 10

3.0References .......................................................................................................... 11

3.1 Compliance with Law and Project Regulations .......................................................... 11
3.2 company HSE Procedures ......................................................................................... 12
3.3 CONTRACTOR HSE documents................................................................................... 13

4.0SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................. 13

4.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Site HSE Criticalities ................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Language .................................................................................................................. 15
4.4 Site Working Activities .............................................................................................. 15
4.5 Site Hazard and Environment Analysis ...................................................................... 15
4.6 Working Hours and Construction Schedule ............................................................... 16
4.7 TCF and Working Area .............................................................................................. 17
4.7.1 Working area location ..................................................................................................................... 17
4.7.2 Construction facilities ..................................................................................................................... 18
4.7.3 TCF / Camp HSE management ......................................................................................................... 19

5.0DESIGNATION OF PARTIES ................................................................................. 21

5.1 Client ........................................................................................................................ 21
5.2 CONTRACTOR - CONTRACTOR Head Quarters............................................................ 21
5.3 CONTRACTOR - CONTRACTOR in LUANDA REFINERY................................................. 21

6.0HSE and sa8000 POLICies & TARGET’S ............................................................... 22

6.1 LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT ............................................................................... 22
6.2 Integrated Management System ............................................................................... 22
6.2.1 HSE Policy .................................................................................................................................. 23
6.2.2 SA8000 Policy .............................................................................................................................. 24
6.3 HSE Statement .......................................................................................................... 24
6.4 “safethink” ............................................................................................................... 25
6.5 Site HSE Plan Management and Implementation ...................................................... 25
6.6 HSE Objective ........................................................................................................... 25
6.6.1 Safety Objective ........................................................................................................................... 25
6.6.2 Project KPIs ................................................................................................................................ 26
6.6.3 Environmental Objectives ................................................................................................................ 27

7.0CONTRACTOR SITE HSE ORGANIZATION ............................................................ 27

7.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 27
7.2 Project Level ............................................................................................................. 27
7.2.1 Project Director............................................................................................................................. 27
7.2.2 Project Manager ........................................................................................................................... 27
7.2.3 HSE and Project Quality Head of Department ........................................................................................ 28
7.2.4 Project HSE Manager ..................................................................................................................... 28
7.2.5 Project HSE Engineer ..................................................................................................................... 29
7.2.6 HSE Auditor ................................................................................................................................ 29

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7.2.7 Prevention and Protection Service Coordinator RSPP .............................................................................. 29

7.3 Site Level .................................................................................................................. 29
7.3.1 Site Manager ............................................................................................................................... 29
7.3.2 Construction Manager .................................................................................................................... 30
7.3.3 Pre-Comm./Commissioning/Start Up Manager ....................................................................................... 31
7.3.4 Site HSE Manager ......................................................................................................................... 32
7.3.5 Site HSE Officer ........................................................................................................................... 32
7.3.6 Site Security Coordinator ................................................................................................................. 32
7.3.7 Site SA8000 Worker Representative ................................................................................................... 33
7.3.8 Site Construction Supervisors ........................................................................................................... 33

8.0SUBCONTRACTOR'S SITE ORGANIZATION .......................................................... 33

8.1 mANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................... 33
8.2 SubCONTRACTOR's Workers ..................................................................................... 34
8.3 SubCONTRACTOR's Supervisors ................................................................................ 35
8.4 SubCONTRACTOR's HSE Supervisor .......................................................................... 35
8.5 SubCONTRACTORs Site HSE Plan .............................................................................. 36
8.5.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 36
8.5.2 Site HSE Plan guidelines ................................................................................................................. 36

9.0HSE TRAINING AND ORIENTATION ..................................................................... 37

9.1 HSE Orientation Session ........................................................................................... 37
9.2 CONTRACTOR HSE training session ........................................................................... 37
9.3 SUBCONTRACTORs .................................................................................................... 38
9.4 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ............................................................................ 38
9.5 Records ..................................................................................................................... 38
9.6 COMPANY GOLDEN RULES ......................................................................................... 38

10.0 SECURITY AND DISCIPLINE ...................................................................... 39

10.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 39
10.2 Personnel Passes ...................................................................................................... 39
10.3 Refinery Access badges ............................................................................................ 39
10.4 Vehicle Passes .......................................................................................................... 39
10.5 Material Security ....................................................................................................... 39
10.6 Radios & Mobile Phones ............................................................................................ 39
10.7 Prohibitions .............................................................................................................. 40
10.8 Alcohol & drugs policy .............................................................................................. 41
10.9 CONTRACTOR Discipline Code ................................................................................... 41

11.0 HSE PREVENTIVE PLAN ............................................................................. 41

11.1 Occupational and Health ........................................................................................... 41
11.2 Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................. 42
11.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 42
11.2.2 Additional PPE ............................................................................................................................. 43
11.3 Chemicals and Hazardous Materials .......................................................................... 43
11.3.1 Hazardous material safety data sheets ................................................................................................ 43
11.3.2 Handling, storage and transportation ................................................................................................... 44
11.3.3 Gas cylinders ............................................................................................................................... 44
11.3.4 Hydrogen Sulphide - H2S ................................................................................................................ 44
11.4 Pest and vector control ............................................................................................. 45
11.5 Noise Exposure ......................................................................................................... 46
11.6 Housekeeping ........................................................................................................... 46
11.7 Traffic regulations .................................................................................................... 46
11.8 Atmospheric condition .............................................................................................. 47

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11.9 Night Work ............................................................................................................... 47

12.0 site Communication and monitoring .......................................................... 48

12.1 general ..................................................................................................................... 48
12.2 Communication plan ................................................................................................. 48
12.3 Last Minute Risk Analysis Meetings .......................................................................... 48
12.4 Work activity training meeting ................................................................................. 48
12.5 Tool Box Meetings ..................................................................................................... 49
12.6 Weekly Meetings ....................................................................................................... 49
12.7 Workers Communication ........................................................................................... 49
12.8 CONTRACTOR daily monitoring ................................................................................. 50
12.9 Safety walk around ................................................................................................... 50
12.10 Irregularities ............................................................................................................ 50
12.11 Behavior Based Safety .............................................................................................. 51
12.12 HSE incentive program.............................................................................................. 51

13.0 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION .................................................................... 51

13.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 51
13.2 Waste Management .................................................................................................. 52
13.3 Noise impact ............................................................................................................. 53
13.4 Identification of Environmental Aspects ................................................................... 53
13.5 SubCONTRACTOR’s Environment Plan ....................................................................... 53
13.6 SubCONTRACTOR’s Environment Supervisor ............................................................. 54
13.7 Environment emergency situations ........................................................................... 54

14.0 WORK PERMIT SYSTEM ............................................................................. 54

14.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 54
14.2 CONTRACTOR work permit procedure ....................................................................... 55

15.0 SAFE WORK PRACTISE .............................................................................. 57

15.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 57
15.2 golden HSE rules ....................................................................................................... 57
15.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 57
15.2.2 Driving Safety .............................................................................................................................. 57
15.2.3 Management of Change .................................................................................................................. 58
15.2.4 Lifting Operations .......................................................................................................................... 58
15.2.5 Fire Safety .................................................................................................................................. 59
15.2.6 Working at Height .......................................................................................................................... 60
15.2.7 Energized Systems ........................................................................................................................ 60
15.2.8 Excavation Safety ......................................................................................................................... 61
15.2.9 Permit to Work ............................................................................................................................. 61
15.2.10 Health Management ................................................................................................................... 62
15.2.11 Waste Management ................................................................................................................... 63
15.2.12 Confined Space ........................................................................................................................ 63
15.2.13 Hydrogen Sulphide .................................................................................................................... 64
15.3 Hot workS ................................................................................................................. 65
15.3.1 Cutting and welding ....................................................................................................................... 66
15.4 Non-Destructive Testing ........................................................................................... 66
15.5 Trenches & Excavation .............................................................................................. 66
15.6 Lifting Activities ........................................................................................................ 67
15.6.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 67
15.6.2 Critical lifting activities: .................................................................................................................... 67
15.6.3 Heavy lifting activities ..................................................................................................................... 68
15.6.4 CONTRACTOR Lifting Plan .............................................................................................................. 68
15.6.5 Personnel hired for lifting activities: ..................................................................................................... 68

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15.7 Work in confined areas ............................................................................................. 69

15.7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................... 69
15.7.2 Minimum Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 69
15.8 Floor and wall openings, grating removal ................................................................. 70
15.9 Electrical Safety ........................................................................................................ 70
15.9.1 Electricity .................................................................................................................................... 70
15.9.2 Temporary electric wiring systems ...................................................................................................... 70
15.10 Work at height .......................................................................................................... 71
15.10.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 71
15.10.2 Fall protection system ................................................................................................................. 71
15.11 Scaffolding ................................................................................................................ 71
15.11.1 Calculation note is obliged: ........................................................................................................... 74
15.12 Color Code System .................................................................................................... 74
15.13 Construction equipment and tools ............................................................................ 75
15.14 Non-Destructive Testing ........................................................................................... 75
15.15 Pressure testing ........................................................................................................ 76
15.16 Lockout-Tagout safety precaution ............................................................................ 76

16.0 Precommissioning, Commissioning & Start-Up COORDINATION ............... 77

17.0 FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE-FIGHTING ................................................... 78

17.1 Fire Prevention Plan.................................................................................................. 78
17.2 Fire Fighting Equipment ............................................................................................ 78

18.0 EMERGEnCY RESPONSE ............................................................................. 79

18.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 79
18.2 Activation Alarms...................................................................................................... 79
18.3 Emergency Drills ....................................................................................................... 79
18.4 Emergency NumberS................................................................................................. 80
18.5 Assembly points and weather vanes ......................................................................... 80
18.6 Medical Services and Medical evacuation .................................................................. 80
18.7 Emergency Response/ Emergency Evacuation Procedure ......................................... 80

19.0 INCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION............................................ 80

20.0 HSE REPORTING ........................................................................................ 81

20.1 CONTRACTOR Weekly HSE Report ............................................................................. 81
20.2 CONTRACTOR Monthly HSE Report ............................................................................ 82
20.3 SubCONTRACTOR HSE Report ................................................................................... 82
20.4 Final HSE Report ....................................................................................................... 83

21.0 HSE AUDITS .............................................................................................. 83

22.0 Preventive/Corrective Actions .................................................................. 83

23.0 GUIDELINES FOR SUBCONTRACTOR SITE HSE PLAN ................................. 83

23.1 SUBCONTRACTOR DATA AND SITE ORGANIZATION .................................................. 83
23.2 SITE WORK DATA ...................................................................................................... 83
23.3 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS ......................................................................................... 83
23.4 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES/MATERIAL ...................................................................... 84
23.5 WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 84

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23.6 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS ...................................................................... 84

23.7 RISK ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................... 84
23.8 ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 84
23.9 METHOD STATEMENTS .............................................................................................. 85
23.10 ATTACHMENTS .......................................................................................................... 85

24.0 CONTRACTOR Applicable Company Procedures and Forms ........................ 86

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Site HSE Plan has been developed to establish how the organization of CONTRACTOR HSE and Security
Management System meets Company procedures, regulations, rules and other applicable local HSE and
Security laws, for the construction, pre-commissioning / commissioning and start-up of the new refinery
facilities, located in Luanda – Angola, to increase the gasoline production.
Site HSE Plan defines the project objectives and criticalities, site organization issued, in order to eliminate
injury to humans and damage to facilities, materials and environment, and security issues. It defines the
activities which need to be undertaken to ensure that the Plant is installed and commissioned safely.
Site HSE Plan is a live document that will be subject to review by the CONTRACTOR HSE Home Office
Manager and his team, in strict cooperation with Home Office Construction Department, in order to prevent
any potential dangerous event.


COMPANY ENI Angola Exploration B.V.
Consortium between KT Kinetics Technology SpA and KT Kinetics
Technology Angola Lda
Any construction Company engaged by the EPC CONTRACTOR for the
execution of the construction works, including pre-commissioning and
commissioning, as defined in the construction contract. Under this definition
CAR Corrective actions
DL Project Discipline Leader
EM Engineering Manager
EPC Engineering Procurement & Construction
HO Home Office
HoD Head of Department
HSE Health Safety Environment
LTCR Lost Time Case Rate
LTIR Lost Time Injury Rate
MD Managing Director
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
OHSAS Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series
P&C Precommissioning & Commissioning
PAR Preventive actions
PD Project Director
PE Project Engineer
PED Pressure Equipment Directive
PG Project Group
PHSEE Project HSE Engineer
PM Project Manager
PPE Personal Protection Equipment
HSE Health & Safety, Environment

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RSPP Preventive Protection Service Coordinator

SA Social Accountability
SHSEM Site HSE Manager
SM Site Manager
SU Start-up
SUM Start-up/Commissioning Manager
TBM Tool Box Meeting
TCF Temporary construction facilities
TRIR Total Recordable Incident Rate

 Accident: any event which results in injury and/or damage and/or loss to environment
 Corrective actions: steps that are taken to remove the cause or causes of an existing nonconformity
or another undesirable situation.
 First Aid: a non-exhaustive list of cases considered as first aid is given below:
 The use of over-the-counter medicine at a concentration available without prescription.
 The administration of immunization against tetanus.
 The cleaning, rinsing or bathing of wounds on the skin’s surface.
 The use of dressings in particular bandages, band aid, gauze dressings, etc.; or the use of
butterfly closures or sterile dressings.
 The use of cold and hot therapies.
 The use of non-rigid support means, in particular elasticated bandages, back braces.
 The use of temporary immobilization apparatus during the transportation of a victim of an
accident without after-effect.
 The perforation of a fingernail or a toenail to relieve pressure, or the draining of fluid from a
 The use of an eye patch.
 The removal of foreign bodies from the eyes using only irrigation or a swab.
 The removal of splinters or slivers or foreign bodies by irrigation, with tweezers, swabs or other
simple means.
 The use of a finger-guard.
 Muscle massage
 Taking a drink to relieve heat stress
 First degree burns
 Environment: surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural
resources, flora, fauna, human beings, and their interrelation.
Note: Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to the global system.
 Environmental aspects: element of an organization’s activities, products or services that can interact
with the environment.
 Environmental impact: any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or
partially resulting from an organization’s activities, products or services.
 Incident: a work-related event in which an injury, ill health, or fatality actually occurs, or could have
 Environmental Incident (Minor): any event (small quantity of chemical leak on the ground, small fire…)
that requires an internal cleaning intervention without external company or additional cost;
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 Environmental Incident (Major): any event (chemical leak on the soil, rivers, groundwater…big fire…)
that requires an external reclaiming intervention with relative additional costs.
 Injury: a personal injury is related to an accident where products or activities have caused a work
related personal harm, that required first-aid or other medical treatment. The personal injury can be
applicable to COMPANY personnel, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS or third parties. A
personal injury can, but doesn't necessarily have to, result in a Lost Time Accident (LTA).
 Hazard: any situation, substance, activity, event, or environment that could potentially cause injury or
ill health.
 Injury: physical harm or damage to a person resulting from traumatic contact between body of person
and an outside agency, or from exposure to environmental factors
 Lost Time Case Rate or Lost Time Injury Case: any work-related injury or illness which prevents that
person from doing any work day after
 Medical Treatment: A positive answer will generate the medical treatment classification:
 Is this treatment for an infection?
 Was an antiseptic given following a second visit or subsequent visit by medical personnel?
 Is this treatment for a 2nd or 3rd degree burn?
 Is this the removal of a foreign body from the body, if the manipulation is complicated by the
depth of the wound, its size or its location?
 Is the diagnosis positive following X-rays (fracture, etc.)?
 Has the individual been admitted to a hospital or equivalent establishment for treatment or
observation exceeding 12 hours?
 Has the individual lost consciousness?
 Pollution: pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability,
disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms. Pollution can
take the form of chemical substances, or energy, such as noise, heat, or light.
 Near Miss: an adverse event that did not result in any loss but that could have result in a loss as an
accident if the circumstances were slightly different.
 Hipo Near Miss: a near miss that could have generated high potential accident
 Pollutants: a pollutant is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil. Three factors determine the
severity of a pollutant: its chemical nature, the concentration and the persistence.
 Preventive Actions: steps that are taken to remove the causes of potential nonconformities or other
undesirable situations that have not yet occurred.
 Risk: combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure and the severity
of injury or ill-health that can be caused by the event or exposure.
 Total recordable incident rate (TRIR): total recordable incidents, including fatalities, injuries, illnesses,
lost/restricted work days.
 Waste: unwanted or unusable materials and refers to the materials that are disposed of in a system of
waste management. Waste is an object the holder discards, intends to discard or is required to discard.
Waste is directly linked to human development, both technologically and socially.



SUBCONTRACTORs must be in accordance to the local occupational safety health and environment law and
requirements, such as but not limited to:
 Laws and international regulations
 Laws and national regulations (Angola)
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 Local regulations (Luanda)

SUBCONTRACTORs shall be responsible for informing his employees of the requirements of the plant rules
for safety, health, environment, hours of working and any special rules where appropriate and other conditions
that may encountered at the plant.


Full implementation of Luanda Refinery and COMPANY procedures. Here below a partial list:
 Refinaria de Luanda Plano de Emergencia Interno / Potoes e Pontos de Encontros de
 ENI Opi sg hse 025 ups r01 driving safety
 ENI Opi sg hse 034 ups r01 HSE leadership toolkit for managers
 ENI Opi sg hse 005 ups r03 emergency response strategy
 ENI Opi sg hse 012 e&p r01 noise and vibration management
 ENI Opi sg hse 031 ups r01 management of environmental aspects in operations
 Eni Opi sg hse 021 ups r01 hse golden rules
o H2S
For the implementation of the policy and achieving HSE objectives a proper Organization will be established
with sufficient safety supervisors on site (refer to Field Organization Chart and chapter 8.4).

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SUBCONTRACTORS are responsible for meeting the requirements of this HSE plan, Angolan legislation and
the rules and regulation. Tasks, duties and responsibilities of the parties involved need to be listed in the
organization chart and indicated in the Safety Organisation.


International standards concerning HSE Management System such as:
 ISO 14001:2015 Standard
 OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard
 SA 8000:2014 Standard
Site HSE Plan shall be read in conjunction with the following documents:
 10001-000-PR-7605 Site Heath Safety Environment Procedure
 10001-000-WI-7604 Site HSE Handbook
 K356-000-PP-3000 Site Organization Chart 362100DJST02026
 K356-000-PP-4000 Project Organization Chart 362100DGPG09003
 K356-000-PP-7809 Project HSE Plan 362100DFQR091126
In addition, following HSE procedure will be issued for this project:
 K356-000-PP-7803 Project HSE Leading & Lagging Indicators 362100DFQR0911224
 K356-000-PP-7804 Site Emergency Response Plan 362100DFQR091125
 K356-000-PP-7810 Energy Isolation LoTo Procedure 362100DFQR091127
 K356-000-PP-7812 Permit to Work Procedure 362100DFQR091128
 K356-000-PP-7813 BBS Procedure 362100DFQR091129
 K356-000-PP-7830 Site HSE Training Procedure 362100DFQR091130
 K356-000-PP-7821 Site HSE Incentive Program 362100DFQR091131
 K356-000-PP-7822 Tools & Equipment Inspection 362100DFQR091132
 K356-000-PP-7823 Lifting Procedure 362100DFQR091134
 K356-000-PP-7824 Scaffolding Safety Procedure 362100DFQR091135
 K356-000-PP-7825 Confined Space Entry 362100DFQR091136
 K356-000-PP-7826 Waste Management Plan 362100DFQR091137
 K356-000-PP-7827 Spill prevention and Response Plan 362100DFQR091138
 K356-000-PP-7828 Security Management Plan 362100DFQR091139
 K356-000-PP-7829 Water Management Plan 362100DFQR091140


The Project scope is the execution of detailed engineering, procurement and supply of equipment and
materials, construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning, Start-up of new Naphta HDT, new Naphta Splitter,
new Heavy Naphta Catalytic Reforming in ENI Luanda Refinery, in Angola, including the required tie-ins with
the existing facilities and control, telecommunication and electrical systems. In particular will be installed:
 New Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit
 Naphtha Splitter
 New Platforming Unit
 H2 storage
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 Flare and Blowdown System

 New Cooling Towers
 New N2 generation system
 New Air Production and Drier package
 New Open and Closed Drain System
The objective of this project is to increase the gasoline production of the refinery,


The following project criticalities are identified:
 Heavy equipment lifting and transportation
 Security control
 Emergency Plan
 Personnel communication within various interfaces (SUBCONTRACTORs/COMPANY)
 Working next to other plant in operation
 Working in existing refinery hazards (H2S, Legionella…)
 TCF / Camp management
 Scaffolding
 Site logistic (access, material and personnel transport, training, first aid stations, etc.)

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Any and all documents under the Contract shall be issued in English language, except the documents, which
according to Angolan legislation and Luanda Refinery have to be issued in Portuguese.


The project works will be as follow:
 Site preparation
o Demolition of existing facilities.

 Civil works
 Excavation
 Shoring
 Pilling
 Backfilling
 Cast in situ works
 Pre-cast concrete
 Plastering
 Finishing
 Mechanical works
 Steel works
 Steel Works Erection
 Mechanical Equipment Erection including Heavy lift.
 Piping fabrication and Erection including Heavy lift.
 Electrical
 Cable tray Erection
 Cable pulling
 Electrical connection
 Equipment installation
 Instrumentation works
 Insulation works
 Painting works
 Pre-Commissioning
 Commissioning


Relevant to the above single working activities, refer to:
 Annex A for Job Hazard Analysis
 Annex A.1 for Pre-Commissioning JHA (will follow)

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 Annex A.2 for Site Office JHA (will follow)

 Annex B for Environmental Aspects Analysis


The total construction period is from November 2019 to August 2021
The manpower estimated will be at the peak 1000 direct workers.
Double shifts / night shifts are foreseen.

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4.7.1 Working area location

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Construction areas

4.7.2 Construction facilities

The temporary facilities and material laydown areas will be located inside refinery made available by OWNER.
In TCF areas will be located CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS’s offices, canteen, material /
equipment lay down areas, warehouse and workshops and SUBCONTRACTOR Leaving Camp.
TCF facilities will also include Medical Clinic and Security Organization.
Construction Facilities
All structures shall be of sound construction and of suitable materials to be secure, safe and weatherproof.
Internally, walls and ceilings shall be constructed of durable materials and shall have lightly colored, smooth,
easily cleanable surfaces. The floors of service buildings, shower/toilet blocks, etc. shall have a smooth, but
non-slip durable, impervious easily cleanable surface.
All openings to the outside shall have tight-fitting, self-closing doors and glazed windows, which prevent the
entrance of insects and rodents.
Ventilation and Temperature
The temperature in all habitable and other rooms in which personnel live and work shall be maintained at a
level conducive to the healthy performance of the activity conducted in the area.
Natural ventilation can be utilized as a source of ventilation when outdoor temperatures are not extreme. All
bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms and similar areas shall be provided with a ventilation system connected
directly to the outside.
Water supply
An adequate supply of potable water shall be provided to the camp and must conform to drinking water Quality.
Potable water shall be distributed in a properly designed and constructed closed system.

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Potable water shall be chlorinated to provide a free chlorine residual of at least 0.2 mg/l at the furthest point of
use (WHO, 1996).
Transported water shall be obtained from an acceptable approved source, delivered in a properly designed
water tanker used for no other purposes, stored and distributed in an approved manner, and contain a free
chlorine residual of 0.5 mg/l.
A non-potable water system is permitted only for purposes such as air-conditioning and fire protection. Non-
potable water shall not be used for washing or bathing. Outlets of non-potable water shall be clearly identified
Toilet and Washing Facilities
Toilet and shower rooms shall be conveniently located at a distance of not more than 120 m (130 yds) from
the furthest habitable room and shall be accessible at all times.
The number of wash hand basins required, is one per 10 residents, up to 100 and one per 15 thereafter.
The number of toilets, and showers required is a minimum of one of each per 10 camp residents.
The number of urinals required is one per 25 camp residents.
Hot and cold or a tempered water supply shall be provided to all wash hand basins and showers.
Liquid soap, hand dryers or disposable hand towels should be provided. Mirrors and adequate lighting should
be provided near wash hand basins.
General requirements
Floor space in sleeping rooms shall be not less than 4.5 m2 per occupant.
Cooking (including the boiling of water) shall not be undertaken in habitable rooms.
Floors, hallways, walls, ceilings, etc. shall be maintained in a sanitary condition.
Each room shall be cleaned after each change of occupancy. Common areas shall be cleaned daily.
Hallways, entrances to fire escapes and stairways must be kept free of obstructions.
Accommodation rooms, Kitchen, storage and recreation facilities shall be equipped with smoke detection /
heat detection as appropriate.
A Fire Alarm System shall be provided.
Adequate number of fire extinguishers shall be provided in all above locations. The type and size of fire
extinguishers will depend on the risks and area to be protected.
Garbage/refuse storage rooms, areas or enclosures shall be large enough to store the
garbage/refuse containers that accumulate between disposal periods. The room shall be
insect and rodent-proof and shall be clean and maintained in good repair.
All garbage/refuse containers shall be made of durable, non-absorbent, easily cleanable
materials, which are impervious to insects and rodents. They shall be designed and
constructed so that they do not leak and shall be provided with tight-fitting covers, which
must be kept in the closed position when not in use. Smaller containers shall be lined with
heavy duty plastic bags to minimize cleaning requirements and facilitate easy removal or
Garbage and refuse shall be disposed often enough to prevent the development of odor
and attraction of insects and rodents.

4.7.3 TCF / Camp HSE management

All the prescriptions present in this document shall be considered applicable also in SUBCONTRACTORS
Camp, consequently SUBCONTRACTORS shall ensure adequate HSE organization and implementation even
in the Camp, to guarantee, adequate and compliant:

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 Daily cleaning/ hygiene of common and private spaces

 Ratio of n. of persons per bedrooms and n. of persons per toilets / showers
 Efficient waste management
 Drinking and sanitary water
 Adequate fire-fighting system / emergency plan
 Rooms heating/cooling systems
 Waste water treatment avoiding unauthorized drains
 Houses insulation
 Electrical installations and connections
 ...

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ENI Angola Exploration B.V.


Description Name Contact

Via Castello della Magliana 27

KT Kinetics Technology SpA +39.06.60216.1
, 00148 ROMA

Managing Director Pierroberto Folgiero +39.06.60216.1

Project Director Luca Vernaschi

Project Managerr Andres Munoz

HSE Head of Department Damiano D’Alessandro +39.06.60216.445

Prevention & Protection Service Coordinator

Maurizio De Marco +39.06.60216.335
according Italian law

Representative for Health & Safety of Daniele Sorrenti +39.06.60216.232

CONTRACTOR employees according Italian Alessandro Bartolomeo +39.06.60216.665
law Flavia Grossi +39.06.60216.827

Physician relevant to CONTRACTOR

L. Caniglia +39.06.60216.1
employees according Italian law


CONTRACTOR Project Organization is defined in the Project Procedure K356-000-PP-4000
CONTRACTOR Field Organization will be defined in the Project Procedure K356-000-PP-3000

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CONTRACTOR’s management (Project Director, site and constructions managers, department and functional
managers) is committed to execute the Plant in a manner that is uncompromising on issues of health, safety,
the environment and security.
Senior management of CONTRACTOR will personally practice HSE leadership, demonstrate visible
commitment to the project’s HSE policy and strategic objectives, and provide resources to foster the project
HSE culture.
The management is committed to execute the construction activities with an emphasis on the necessary care
to protect the environment, to prevent pollution and promote the continual improvement of the project
environmental performance.
CONTRACTOR management is committed to never, for whatsoever reason, let that cost, schedule, and any
other possible concerns could prevail over HSE requirements of the Project.


CONTRACTOR has established, implemented, monitored and continually improved an integrated a HSE
Management System, in compliance with the requirements of following standards:
 ISO 9001:2008
 OHSAS 18001:2007
 ISO 14001:2015
 SA 8000: 2014
CONTRACTOR HSE Policy and SA8000 Policy, signed by the MD are totally shared by PD and SM.

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6.2.1 HSE Policy

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6.2.2 SA8000 Policy


CONTRACTOR HSE statements are summarized as follows:
 compliance with Angolan Laws and Statutes
 promotion of positive human behaviour
 promotion of positive HSE action
 prevention of incidents by means of information and indoctrination
 direct participation of all involved parties in the actions aiming to a safer working environment

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 promotion of the concept working safely, safety first and environment protection
 continuous vigilance in order that safety measures and precautions are actually taken in the field, at
the right time and following the established procedures.
 immediate and constructive suppression/correction of facts/behaviors which determine or tend to
determine unsafe working conditions.
 Motivation and primarily the behavior of management with visibility, approachability and responsibility
are primordial to prevent accidents from happening.

CONTRACTOR will implement and promote a HSE communication campaign called “SAFETHINK” aimed to
maximizing the safety culture and spread to every company the value of HSE. Several initiatives to boost this
commitment during all execution of projects will follow.


Site HSE Plan is prepared by Project HSE Engineer, verified by CONTRACTOR HSE HoD, approved by
CONTRACTOR Construction Department Manager and issued under the care and responsibility of the MD.
During construction phase, SM will be the main person, responsible for the implementation of the Site HSE
Management System herein described.
For this activity, he is assisted by the Site HSE Manager who monitors on its correct implementation in close
cooperation with the CONTRACTOR Project HSE Manager.
The requirements for the HSE Management System are defined in:
 contract documentation
 applicable Statutory Rules and Regulations
 project objectives and expectation
 CONTRACTOR Company Procedure as applicable.


6.6.1 Safety Objective

CONTRACTOR and Sub-CONTRACTORs have to achieve the following safety objectives:
 TRIR (Total Recorded Incident Rate) (*) = 0
 LTIF (Lost Time Injury Frequency) (**) = 0
 SIR (Severity Incident Rate) (***) = 0

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No. of cases with lost workd ays x 1.000.000

(**) LTIF =
Exposure time of employees, hours

6.6.2 Project KPIs

 LTIF (Lost Time Incident Frequency) = n. accidents with lost days x 1.000.000 / worked hours
 TRIR (Total Recorded Incident Rate) = n. of total accidents recorded x 1.000.000 / worked hours
 HIPO Near misses / n. worked hours
 HSE Irregularities
 Environmental Incident / worked hours
 Project Audits Executed / Planned

Total recordable Incident = Lost time injury + injury without lost time but restricted work + medical treatment
 No fatalities

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 No LOST TIME injuries

 Installation damage = 0
 No work interruption due to bad Housekeeping

6.6.3 Environmental Objectives

CONTRACTOR and Sub-CONTRACTORs have to achieve the following environmental objectives:
 EIR (Environment Incident Rate) (*)= 0
 EGR (Environment Gravity Rate) (**)= 0

No. of recorded environmen t incidents x 200.000

(*) EIR =
Exposure time of employees, hours

Lost Work Day due Environmen t Incident

(**) EGR =
Environmen t Incident

 Pro-active waste management

 No Internal or External Environmental complaints
 No exceeding of legal limits
 No pollution
 No incident with radiographic source


The staff and resources in the organization, responsible for managing and reviewing HSE strategies, policies
and performance, is reported in the project organization chart (K356-000-PP-4000) and in the field organization
chart (K356-000-PP-3000).
In particular the duties of key positions, with specific regard to HSE issues, are descript as follow.


7.2.1 Project Director

CONTRACTOR’s responsibilities of Project implementation are assigned to the appointed PD by MD. PD
represents CONTRACTOR from the start of the project up to completion of all contractual obligations; he
coordinates all activities, taking all necessary decisions for executing the project within the time and cost, and
the assignment of all field resources, including safety.
Since the HSE fulfilment is a line management responsibility, PD is responsible to ensure the application of all
applicable legal requirements, procedures and regulations relevant to COMPANY or End User of the plant, in
compliance with CONTRACTOR’s Policy.
PD's task terminates once the final acceptance of the plant is obtained from the COMPANY. In performing his
tasks, the PD is assisted by a specific Project Group.
He reports functionally and hierarchically to Operations Vice President.

7.2.2 Project Manager

As delegate of the PD, he is responsible for coordinating the interface between the different Technical
Department in accordance with contractual commitments (design data, codes, classes, etc.) and schedule.

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He is responsible for the correct and effective flow of information between departments and all other parties
involved in the project (COMPANY, partners etc.)
He is also responsible for ensuring that field requirement, in terms of documentation, supplies and assistance
are correctly understood and processed by the company sectors involved.
He reports functionally to EM and hierarchically to the Head of Production.

7.2.3 HSE and Project Quality Head of Department

The HSEPQ HoD, duly delegated by MD, is responsible to develop and maintain HSE Std and to pursue the
health of all employees and all interested parties and the safety of industrial plants which come within the
CONTRACTOR’s fields of activity.
The HSEPQ HoD is responsible to:
 monitor the development and maintaining of the HSE
 report on the CONTRACTOR HSE Management System status and all improvement needs to the MD
 manage the Prevention & Protection Service Coordinator
 execute the selection of Field Safety Coordinator and Field Safety Supervisor
 review the System status with the MD and the other Top Management members
 ensure that the Top Management Review results are pursued and applied as established
 ensure that the COMPANY requirements are clearly understood and satisfied
 diffuse the HSE principles and information throughout the Company
 develop the HSE Management System and organize all pertinent documents in a manner that is
controlled efficiently
 ensure the conformity of the System with standards and regulations, performing all necessary updating
according to standard evolution
 verify and approve the Manual and the procedures relevant to the HSE
 ensure that all CONTRACTOR departments are involved and that they cooperate in HSE application
and development
 supervise the System applications in continuation and perform control checks on system activities,
providing written reports on the activities in question
 develop and actuate control check methods on the System at Company level and on proposed projects
 organize the non-conformity system and corrective action to eliminate the causes and to prevent their
 promote preventive action
 set up interfacing between COMPANY and Authorities for all aspects of HSE Management System
 organize and coordinate reports with the HSE Management System certifying body
 provide support for the PM for project HSE management activities.
The HSEPQ HoD is authorized to stop the activity in case of unplanned event or chain of events which has or
could have caused injury or illness at home office and/or at field.

7.2.4 Project HSE Manager

PHSEM, as delegate of the HSEPQ HoD, assist the PM ensuring that the IMS applied to the project is put into
effect by the project group and by the involved departments during all implementation phases.
PHSEM is responsible for:
 Assisting the PM in the Project and Site HSE Plans preparation, guaranteeing the integration of
contractual requirements with the CONTRACTOR HSE System and the compliance with applicable
regulations and local normative/laws;

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 monitoring and verifying the effectiveness of the implementation and execution of the Project HSE
Plan for its own competences;
 coordinating the preparation of the HSE Management System requirements for suppliers and sub-
 close cooperation with the Site HSE Manager/Supervisors from the design stage to the execution.
PHSEM, in general, cover also the HSE Auditor function.
PHSEM reports hierarchically to HSEPQ HoD and functionally to PM.

7.2.5 Project HSE Engineer

He assists PHSEM. He can perform HSE Audits.

7.2.6 HSE Auditor

He is responsible for:
 performing the project scheduled audits and relevant reports
 expediting the timely close-out of any Corrective Action Request (CAR) or Non-Conformity Report
 performing external audits on CONTRACTOR’s supplier/partners/sub-CONTRACTORs where

7.2.7 Prevention and Protection Service Coordinator RSPP

The RSPP is an HSE engineer nominated by the MD according to the Italian law 81/2008, who reports
hierarchically and functionally to the CONTRACTOR HSEPQ HoD. His duty and responsibilities at the project
level is to verify the “Site HSE Plan”, in order:
 to define the HSE project objectives and criticalities
 to establish how the organization of CONTRACTOR HSE Management System meets COMPANY
safety procedures, regulations, rules and other applicable safety legal acts
 to identify job hazards at field
 to identify preventive and protection measures required for the safety and health of work, in compliance
with regulations in force.


7.3.1 Site Manager

As the PM's delegate, the Site Manager is responsible for managing plant construction activities in accordance
with the schedule, cost, quality and safety terms established by contract and by project targets.
He manages relations with local authorities concerning all operational requirements connected with Site
management, including the Owner's Site representative. He guarantees the correct application of standards
and procedures concerning HSE.
In particular:
 Establish and maintain HSE Awareness by actively demonstrating HSE ownership, leadership and
commitment to ALL Parties involved, by implementing and obeying all safety and environmental
regulations and promoting safe behaviours.
 Ensure that adequate safety work processes (Method Statement, JSA, PTW and Tool-box Talks) are
operating at site.
 Ensure that Emergency Plan is in place, covering the specific role of Emergency Team Leader.
 Ensure that adequate means and correct process are in place regarding: Site Health Requirement

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Respect, Medical services, Security Management, Traffic Plan, Vehicle authorization, Firefighting
 Review periodically HSE statistical data, Objectives, Goals, Indicators e Targets, performances, Site
HSE system and matter chairing the monthly Site Steering Committee toward performance continuous
 Evaluate and propose the resources needed for HSE implementation and control, providing also
needed PPE.
 Participate in Site HSE Selection, Organization and personnel evaluation.
 Participate at Site Kick off meetings and Coordinate HSE Steering Committee, maintaining also
together with the Site HSE Manager open communication with HSEPQ HoD.
 Address HSE in all planning/coordination meeting and site communication, involving as much as
possible the Site HSE Manager in these processes.
 Promote and participate at incentive initiatives and respect of discipline scheme, managing the budget.
 Ensure that adequate training sessions will be executed for all personnel involved in the activities
performed as part of scope of work.
 Actively participate in BBS system and site inspection and audit definition and execution, intervening
to correct unsafe behaviours and conditions, leading by example.
 Promote HSE Final Report as part of final construction (site) report
He reports functionally to the PD and hierarchically to the Construction HoD.

7.3.2 Construction Manager

Construction Manager supports and assists the Site Manager, for the managing plant construction activities in
accordance with the contract and project HSE requirements.
CM reports to SM and he is responsible for:
 Follow up the SUBCONTRACTORS’ implementation of the HSE prescriptions as stated in the
contractual documents, starting from the site kick off meeting
 Lead by example, involving his line, the SUBCONTRACTORS’ line and the HSE Staff in an effective
team working for the HSE management
 Participate at following HSE activities: weekly HSE talks, incentive and discipline scheme application,
walk around, etc.
 Participate to the implementation of traffic, fire-fighting, environmental, security and health provisions
as stated in this document
 Require and participate in the Method Statement and SEW process to determine the necessary
precautions to be implemented, addressing the PTW process when requested by site procedures
 Follow-up any HSE issue/recommendations made to see that they are implemented
 Assist in the development of HSE rules, HSE job procedures and the implementation of the SITE HSE
PLAN and related activities
 Participate in BBS system and site inspection and audit and actively intervene to correct unsafe
behaviours and conditions. Stop work when there is an imminent danger
 Report to SUBCONTRACTORS’ Supervisor/Foremen and to Site HSE Manager any foreseen unsafe
 Make sure that incidents (including Near Misses) are correctly reported and participate to ensure that
a proper analysis is made
 Participate at Emergency Plan application/drill accordingly with the role foreseen

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 Participate in HSE performance and periodical review also during HSE Steering Committee

7.3.3 Pre-Comm./Commissioning/Start Up Manager

As the PM's delegate, Start-up Manager is responsible for managing plant pre-commissioning, commissioning
and start-up activities in accordance with the schedule, cost, quality and safety terms established by contract
and by project targets.
SUM is responsible for activities such as:
 coordination activities at the jobsite with construction personnel regarding construction progress, with
COMPANY plant personnel regarding inspection and testing and with Supplier representatives
regarding installation and testing of their equipment.
 preparation plant for guarantee test run as per process performance test procedure and arrange for
the necessary personnel to perform test runs and provide assistance to Process for evaluation of
SUM responsibility is to:
 define in full detail:
 SU sequence of the plant
 subdivision of units into systems
 detailed P&C project procedures
 P&C schedule
 plan, and coordinate with Construction Manager the sequence of completion for construction as per
priority system basis, P&C activities to ensure safe, efficient and economical SU of plant
 organize daily activities of SU team and assign equipment or systems to be inspected and tested
 determine sequence of testing and SU and develop with the SM an optimum construction completion
schedule over the last twenty percent of mechanical completion
 recommend field changes beneficial to plant operations or necessary for efficient commissioning
 coordinate activities at the jobsite with construction personnel regarding construction progress, with
COMPANY plant personnel regarding inspection and testing and with Supplier representatives
regarding installation and testing of their equipment
 identify need for engineering, licensor, Supplier or SUBCONTRACTOR specialists to solve technical
and mechanical problems which cannot be solved by field teams and arrange for their timely arrival in
 prepare plant for guarantee test run as per process performance test procedure and arrange for the
necessary personnel to perform test runs and provide assistance to Process for evaluation of results
 prepare weekly/monthly progress reports of activities performed by SU team and highlight any
negative events such as delays, design/erection errors, missing spares, on proper forms
 prepare final SU report highlighting problem areas, recommended engineering changes,
improvements in organizational efficiency and personnel performance evaluations to ensure that
experience gained from each SU is fed back to CONTRACTOR organization
 check that safe procedures are followed during operation sequences and in use of equipment and
 maintain a relationship of maximum co-operation with COMPANY and his appointed representatives
and with Supplier specialists and process licensor SU teams, to assure mutual satisfaction and
 establish and maintain effective communication between the field SU group and HO support groups.
 initiate the preparation of lessons learned captured during all the phases of field activities as per
pertinent procedure and expedite the transmission of the relevant documentation to the HO
 initiate the preparation of the “Non-Conformities” reports as per pertinent procedure and expedite the
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transmission of the relevant documentation to the HO

 prepare the documentation and material necessary for the SU final report
 fill the evaluation forms regarding the performance of the selected specialists.
SUM reports hierarchically to Start-Up Department Manager and functionally to PD.

7.3.4 Site HSE Manager

As the SM's delegate, SHSEM has to ensure that all activities are executed in compliance with applicable laws
and regulations, COMPANY or End User plant rules and project HSE plan in order to avoid any injuries during
construction activities.
He is responsible to:
 coordination SUBCONTRACTORS HSE supervisors
 review the HSE plan prepared by each SUBCONTRACTOR
 assures adequate training to the staff in the use of fire protection equipment
 assures adequate training to the staff in the environment protection
 control if the sub-contracts carry out safety requirements (i.e. use of personal protective equipment,
 checks the training of the SUBCONTRACTOR personnel
 conduct risk assessment for the operation that requires a work permit
 report site recordable incident cases
 perform HSE inspections
 investigate incidents and accidents
 conduct weekly HSE meetings with SUBCONTRACTORs
 attend to meetings with the Company, when requested
 issue site observation reports which require corrective action
 cooperate with Site Office Manager and Security Coordinator for security issue ON-Site and OFF-Site
He reports functionally to SM and hierarchically to HSEPQ HoD.

7.3.5 Site HSE Officer

The Site HSE Officer assists and supports the Site HSE Manager for ensuring that all Site activities are
executed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

7.3.6 Site Security Coordinator

Security Coordinator is the assigned staff person who, because of qualifications and experiences, specific
training, use of protective systems and requirements of the standard, he has the skills necessary to perform
adequate Security program.
He reports directly to the CONTRACTOR Site Manager and functionally to SECUR Corporate for all security
He shall:
 Coordinate and supervise all Security Guards.
 Maintain the details of all personnel “Project ID - Site Security Badge” holders in a database, which
shall identify those persons who have previously been refused access to the work site.
 Monitor the activities, the implementation and adherence to this Plan.
 Collaborating with CONTRACTOR HSE Manager in implementation and adherence to the Site
Security Plan and report all violations and/or noncompliance issues to for immediate corrective action.

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 Maintain a filing system for all required control documentation.

 Maintains filing systems on all Security incidents.
 Maintains a liaison with COMPANY Security entities and local authorities.
 Report to CONTRACTOR HSE Manager and CONTRACTOR Site Manager of all security issues.
 Report any security breach to COMPANY and/or competent local authorities, if necessary.
 Assist the SUBCONTRACTOR to plan and coordinate the security activities in order to effectively
implement the requirements of this plan.
 Prepare a Security Emergency Plan if the situation makes it necessary, as per SECUR standards.

7.3.7 Site SA8000 Worker Representative

The site representative of workers is elected by the site CONTRACTOR workers in order to facilitate
communication with the management representative and senior management on matters related to SA8000.
He is responsible for:
 ensure that all site workers have the right to represent and to facilitate communication with
management about SA8000 issues.
 managing the site reports with the Site HSE Manager, with the home office Sustainability & Social
Accountability (SSA) function and with home office SA8000 Worker’s Representative.
 conducting monthly SA8000 meetings with SSA function about site workers
 implementing of social initiatives through interface with SSA function

7.3.8 Site Construction Supervisors

They are responsible to verify the compliance with the requirements of works executed by construction
In particular, they are responsible for:
 Actively demonstrate HSE ownership, leadership and awareness particularly leading by example
toward a constant safe behaviour, supporting incentive and discipline initiatives
 Directly participate to initial HSE kick off meeting and coordination meeting
 Assure that they and personnel in areas of their concern receive the appropriate HSE information and
training that has been designated for the job execution, particularly they participate at the continuous
site HSE training activities (weekly HSE talks)
 Assure that safety process and specific JHA are done and implemented in areas of their concern and
that Daily Toolbox Meetings are conducted regularly. Participate also at PTW process when applicable
as requested in site procedure
 Continuously monitor their areas and work to correct any HSE discrepancy from JHA/PTW process.
Participate as request at weekly walk around and equipment inspection
 Participate at emergency response procedures accordingly with the role their assigned and monitoring
that areas/staff under their concern are always ready for suitable response
 Participate in the HSE activities, as needed (incident investigation, hazard analysis, BBS, etc.) and at
the development of HSE rules and practices.



Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall comply with Plant HSE rules and requirements, including all applicable laws
and statutes, and is responsible, both legally and by contract for the safety and environment activities of its
own employees.
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For this reason, its Managers and persons in charge, who direct and superintend activities at site, shall, within
the sphere of their respective attributions and competence:
 carry out the HSE measures prescribed by law, by CONTRACTOR Construction Management and by
 forbid any asbestos material and products
 make its workers fully aware of the specific risks to which they are exposed
 conduct risk assessment for any job tasks and determine, in cooperation with the Site HSE Manager,
the necessary precautions to be implemented
 provide personal protection equipment to the workers
 enforce the environment and waste management plans
 execute the surveillance, providing resource information on safety and analysing injury patterns
 arrange for and insist that every individual worker observes the safety regulations
 ensure all workers use the personal protective equipment
 communicate and support to investigate incidents and accidents.
 respect and apply PTW process acting as requester, issuer and receiver, according with specific
 ensure inspection and maintenance program are in place for its equipment, tools and material
 participate at the Site HSE inspections and walks around, implementing and following corrective action
plan, pushing for the completion within due time
 actively participate in HSE Program, Incentive Plans and site HSE audits, intervening to correct unsafe
behaviours/conditions, leading by example
 interrupt the work when they do not respect the coordination plan, the operating modes or the HSE
 immediate cessation of its activity in the event of an alert from the Platform, and the evacuation of the
site after putting it safe.


All workers at site, also in their own interest, shall:
 adhere to the measures within the CONTRACTOR site HSE Plan and follow all safety regulations and
procedures required to safely execute the construction and pre-commissioning works.
 observe the measures prescribed by the managers responsible for individual and collective safety,
and comply with the environmental plan
 wear and use with care all safety devices and other protective means provided or appointed by their
 participate at the tool box meeting and every training planned for the project and requested from
 report immediately to their direct superior any deficiencies in safety and protective devices and
equipment as well as any other dangerous condition which may come to their attention as well as any
accident/incident. They shall take immediate actions directly in case of emergency, according to their
competence and abilities, to eliminate or reduce such deficiencies or dangers;
 shall not remove or alter any safety, protective or other device without having obtained the relative
 shall not carry out, on their own initiative, operations or activities which are not within their competence

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and which could endanger themselves or other persons;

 contribute to mitigate environment impacts.
All workers shall avoid:
 to break the established safety rules for fire prevention.
 to work without work permits
 to leave electrical appliances and electronic devices turned on after working hours.
 to move furniture, technical appliances and equipment from one room into another without prior
consent from the responsible person in charge.
 to stay needlessly or without permission after working hours.
 to perform construction or repair works without prior permission and concurrence with the respective
structural units.
 to carry and store at the work place poisonous, combustible or easily flammable materials and
radioactive substances, in discrepancy with the established rules order for storing such hazardous
materials with production purposes.
 smoke in the offices, corridors and other places that are not explicitly fitted out for this purpose.
 to take out property of the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR ready-made products, materials, raw materials,
tools, consumables, recyclable materials, etc./ without the necessary document, as well as hiding,
moving and storing such property both inside and outside the territory of the OWNER.
 passing through zones of chemical production units, categorized as fire-hazardous, with mobile
phones switched on and without the required working clothes and personal protection means pointed
out in the work permits.


SUBCONTRACTOR’s supervisors and foreman shall know and observe the HSE requirements requested in
the CONTRACTOR site HSE plan and in force in the Plant, and shall:
 Ensure all workers observe HSE&SA rules during working activities
 Ensure all workers wear personal protective equipment
 Identify any unsafe situations and/or acts
 Collaborate and coordinate with CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager.
 Dictate daily tool box meeting to the workers, grouped by construction disciplines and tasks
 Actively participate in HSE Programs and Incentive plans and site inspections/audit definition and
 Identify and promptly correct any unsafe behaviour and/or acts, leading by example
 Collaborate and coordinate with all safety aspects and matters related to the works execution.
A detailed list of all supervisors, including information about experience and training certificates, must be
communicated to CONTRACTOR and to COMPANY


All SUBCONTRACTORs shall designate an officer to coordinate the enforcement of the Site HSE Plan. This
coordination includes:
 site inspections
 attending HSE meetings as member of the HSE Staff
 coordination with CONTRACTOR to assure an effective HSE Plan
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 acting in compliance with the instructions of Site HSE Manager.

 PPE supply and use from the workers
 hazardous substances/material management
 waste disposal and management
 proper housekeeping
 incident investigation and report
 near-miss incident report
 loss and damage report
 monthly statistics
Each SUBCONTRACTOR must have at site Safety Management fully and only dedicated to HSE duties,
training in spoken language and technical language and English. SUBCONTRACTOR shall employ:
 Site HSE Manager with minimum experience documented 5 (five) years in equivalent position in
medium/big size construction sites;
 HSE Supervisors with minimum experience documented 3 years in equivalent position in medium/big
size construction sites;
SUBCONTRACTOR Safety Supervision shall have a minimum HSE qualification as follows: technical/national
diploma, with at least two years of experience in industry field HSE activities, knowledge of HSE standards
and work practices, communications and persuasion skills, English speaking.
SUBCONTRACTORS shall submit detailed CVs of the proposed HSE Supervisor(s) and HSE Officer(s) before
the mobilization to site for CONTRACTOR approval.
Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide
 n.1 Site HSE supervisor each 45 direct workers. It means that in case direct workers are more than
45, another HSE supervisor is immediately necessary.
 n. 1 HSE supervisor each 30 workers during Night Shift.
 n. 1 HSE supervisor each 15 workers during High Risks activity
CONTRACTOR reserves the right to remove and oblige to find and adequate substitute in case any
HSE personnel is retained not skilled enough.


8.5.1 General
Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall prepare a site HSE plan according with Plant HSE rules and requirements,
including all applicable laws and statutes, and specific CONTRACTOR requirements requested on the present
document. Copy of the HSE Plan will be transmitted also to COMPANY.
The document shall be in English language and in the spoken language of the SUBCONTRACTOR.
Any and all other documents under the Contract shall be issued in English language, except the documents,
which according Angolan legislation have to be issued in Portuguese language.

8.5.2 Site HSE Plan guidelines

To comply with HSE management system, all SUBCONTRACTORS must prepare their site HSE plan based
on the guidelines in § 23.
Before starting any activities in the field, Site HSE plan must be signed from SUBCONTRACTOR legal
responsible and approved by CONTRACTOR.

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Everyone entering the refinery must follow the OWNER safety induction. Validity is 12 months. If no access is
effective for 3 months and more, the induction shall be repeated.
All CONTRACTOR representatives, SUBCONTRACTOR and any other group or persons related to work
activities within the refinery shall possess appropriate knowledge of safety regulations and applicable laws and
regulations concerning safety, health and environment and security.
Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure that its workers attend such HSE trainings.
CONTRACTOR/ SUBCONTRACTOR employees shall have documents confirming the training and permit to
work by occupation, as well as documents confirming the pass of medical examination and medical fitness to
perform the work. CONTRACTOR s' employees, while staying on the territory of the Company, shall have on
hand the documents confirming the successful HSE training and knowledge assessment. Evidences will be
forwarded to COMPANY also.
HSE orientation and fire safety briefing shall be conducted to familiarize them, for instance, with:
 Company HSE policy
 general safety rules and standards;
 behavioral safety rules on the territory of the Company;
 fire safety rules on the territory of the Company;
 characteristics of the main industrial health and safety hazards at Refinery;
 Security rules


Before starting any activities into the CONTRACTOR area, all the construction employees shall attend a
Training HSE Orientation Session. Evidence of the training will be forwarded to COMPANY as well.
CONTRACTOR HSE Orientation Session is a meeting to instruct all SUBCONTRACTOR’s management,
workers, vendors and visitors on such topics as:
 HSE golden rules
 HSE policies and targets in the Plant
 Recall of regulation texts
 Access and movement inside the Plant
 Work Permits
 Personal Protection Equipment
 Emergency and evacuation Plans
 Alarm codes
 Work Organization
 Environment protection.
 Social accountability
 Security procedures
Each worker shall receive a sticker to attach to own helmet, as proof of HSE training orientation performed.
CONTRACTOR will maintain HSE training records for those persons accessing the site and/or working under
CONTRACTOR supervision or its SUBCONTRACTORs. These records shall be made present when
requested by a refinery representative. The records must be available also for COMPANY checks.

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CONTRACTOR Training meeting shall be held by CONTRACTOR HSE Manager, to CONTRACTOR

personnel to refresh their knowledge and stimulate safety and environment awareness in connection with the
phase of work and specific activities. The frequency of meetings has to define by SHSEM
A specific Project Training plan has to be prepared and issued by SHSEM together with PHSEM.

SUBCONTRACTOR shall train their own employees according to their internal procedures, CONTRACTOR
and COMPANY procedures. Evidence of this activity shall be kept and supplied to SHSEM.
New personnel are the most exposed to incidents. Special training aimed to this category of workers shall be
done prior to engaging with direct work activities.


All functions listed in the register of high-risk tasks must provide an acknowledged certificate of training verified
and approved by CONTRACTOR. Furthermore, an obligatory medical certificate approved by an occupational
physician must be presented regarding medical examination for medical suitability. Examples of these
functions are (non-limitative list):
 Use of breathing air
 Forklift driver
 Operator of cranes, riggers, attaching loads
 Operator of elevation trucks or scissor lifts
 Manhole guard
 Fire guard
 Drivers transporting dangerous materials (ADR)
 Working with radio-active sources
 Working on height
 Safety harness
 Confined space
 welding
 Working in ATEX environment
All mentioned certificates must be available on site for inspection by the safety coordinator or Project
responsible persons or COMPANY.

CONTRACTOR will maintain HSE training records for those persons accessing the site and/or working under
CONTRACTOR supervision or its SUBCONTRACTORS. These records shall be made present when
requested by a refinery representative.
SHSEM has to ensure that the Training Register (MOD-RK-7801) is filled in.
Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall keep own training registers constantly updated and available under request


CONTRACTOR organizes training session with special attention to the COMPANY HSE golden rules to
internal managers and supervisors and all SUBCONTRACTOR.

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The general security rules to access to, and egress from the site and the preventive measure to avoid
unwanted events, must be in accordance to the existing OWNER. Security Plan and Procedures
SUBCONTRACTOR shall observe security rules in force in the plant, regarding personnel admittance and
control, materials and vehicles control at gate entrance, and all security procedures.
 SUBCONTRACTOR is fully responsible for the conduct of its personnel, its own SUBCONTRACTOR
and visitors.
 SUBCONTRACTOR personnel whose behavior might prejudice the name of CONTRACTOR or
COMPANY shall be refused further access to the field.
In general, it is forbidden:


All personnel shall be identified, registered and obtained a laminated pass given from Security of the refinery.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall use gate entrance and access route to the site as indicated by OWNER plant.


In order to get an access badge to execute work activities, the following conditions must be fulfilled by EPC
and (sub) CONTRACTOR:
 Must be approved by the purchase and safety dept. and the internal client (mentioned on the gate list),
 Employee must at least be 18 years old and must be able to present a valid identity card,
 Employer must at least be able to provide a document stating the following:
 Name and address of the employer
Visitors must always be accompanied by a person in possession of a permanent access badge. In case of an
emergency, the latter must safely accompany the visitor to the gathering point.
In case of leaks (gas/liquid): interrupt the work activity and shut off all engines immediately. The operator must
be notified immediately.
Evacuation (fire) exercises will be held in compliance with the HSE requirements or after consultation of the
HSE department. The programme of the evacuation/ emergency exercises will be followed. All work permits
related to Construction scope of works are retracted in the event of an alarm and require being reactivated
post alarm.


Only vehicles with a temporary or permanent vehicle pass issued by OWNER or CONTRACTOR Security will
be allowed on the plant. Passes shall only be issued for vehicles necessary to work performance.
Tank trucks which do not meet the requirements of the international agreement for transporting dangerous
loads are not allowed access.


All material entering and/or leaving the job-field and TCF area for any purpose shall be accompanied by an
ingoing/outgoing material pass. All passes shall be approved by CONTRACTOR.


Mobile radios (if required) shall be used for communication during construction. All the radio equipment shall
be assigned to nominated persons and managed with the utmost care.
Only EX Mobile phones or EX Walkie-Talkie has to be used in construction areas (“Process area”, “Utilities

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area”, Refinery Live Plant, Hazardous areas, Confined Spaces, etc.). ONLY IN TCF AREA IS ALLOWED TO
USE mobile phones.

During the performance of construction duties and connected activities, it is strictly forbidden:
 to smoke in area not dedicated (electronic cigarettes also included)
 to enter alcohol, drugs, weapons, knifes…
 to take picture/ make photographs without authorization
 to eat or drink in the construction site and production units, due to healthy reasons
 to run in any parts of the plant unit
 cause any disorder
 break any Plant security regulation and/or any local law. Referring to Regulations on the organization
and control of admittance and internal order here below some prohibitions, but not limited to:
 break the established rules for fire safety.
 to leaved electrical appliances and electronic devices on after working hours.
 to move furniture, technical appliances and equipment from one room into another without prior
consent from the responsible person in charge.
 to stay needlessly or without permission after working hours.
 to perform construction or repair works without prior permission and concurrence with the
respective structural units.
 to carry and store at the work place poisonous, combustible or easily flammable materials and
radioactive substances, in discrepancy with the established order for storing such materials with
production purposes.
 smoke in the offices, corridors and other places that are not explicitly fitted out for this purpose.
 to leave open doors and windows after working hours.
 to leave keys for rooms, cabinets and safes in places other than the specifically appointed for this
 to bring in photo, video, radio, recording and transmitting devices, unless ones especially
dedicated to production needs.
 for persons to enter the territory of the Company wearing shorts and/or under vests etc.
 to come to work in an intoxicated state, bringing in and using during working hours of alcohol or
other intoxicating substances. A refusal to be checked for alcohol with a portable device is
considered a breach of work discipline.
 to take out property of the Company /ready-made produce, materials, raw materials, tools,
consumables, recyclable materials, etc./ without the necessary document, as well as hiding,
moving and storing such property both inside and outside the territory of the Company.
 damage property of the Company and waste materials, raw materials, energy and other
 passing through zones of chemical production units, categorized as fire-hazardous, with mobile
phones switched on and without the appointed by the Employer special working clothes and
personal protection means.
 All the rules of the highway code must be respected, in particular, the maximum speed must never
exceed 30 km / h on main roads or 10 km / h on access roads. Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory.
 Emergency exits, and fire-fighting equipment must never be congested or unhindered usable.
 Mobile phones must be turned off at all site installations, even on non-ATEX such as semi-
enclosed sites and prefabrication or storage areas. It is forbidden to call while driving.

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Each SUBCONTRACTOR organization is responsible for the health of his employees/workers and the
employees/workers of its SUBCONTRACTOR.
The use, possession, distribution or sale of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. Every worker at site has a
responsibility to work in both physical and mental condition to perform his designated duties.
Each suspicion of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will immediately lead to the following measures.
The person will be:
 removed from the Construction Site immediately,
 accompanied to her/his locker,
 put under the supervision of his supervisor, who will decide on the necessary measures.


Discipline measures for persons violating safety measures are actuated, depending on the severity of the
violation / irregularity.
CONTRACTOR SM shall notify with written letter, the irregularity on basis of following criteria:
description Irregularity/violation serious irregularity/violation
1st offence verbal warning written irregularity report with
temporary suspension/ dismiss from
the project
2nd offence written irregularity report dismissal from the project
3rd offence written irregularity report with
temporary suspension
4th offence dismissal from the project

In case of any violation and infringement of CONTRACTOR and COMPANY regulation and
requirements, SUBCONTRACTORS shall be liable to pay penalties as per contractual documents.
In case of violation or rule infringement, detected by COMPANY HSE supervisors, a written report
will be sent to Main Contractors for relevant follow up.



SUBCONTRACTOR shall maintain the highest standards of safety, occupational health and environmental
Workers have to be in good health and follow a sanitary surveillance.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure adequacy hygiene for the personnel (i.e. water supply next to TCF area),
and a medical service for first aid.
Employees in charge of first aid service or emergency shall have sticker on helmet with text: "First Aid" or
"Emergency person".
One first aid worker per 20 employees (one is the minimum without regard to the manpower) must be appointed
to provide first aid. The training certificates of the first aid workers must be given to Project team before starting
the work on site. All first aid workers must have a sticker on their hard hats, in order to be quickly recognized
if needed.
All SUBCONTRACTORS, prior to starting any activity on site, shall produce

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 a medical examination certificate stating no contradictions for working at specific job position.
 occupational risk assessment document for specific job position
 Organization of food and hygiene at leaving camp
 Water management plan
 Waste management plan
 Driving risks assessment
 All any further certifications requested from OWNER/CONTRACTOR.
The medical certificate must be available and spot checks can be done in order to make sure they are suitable
to do the work and suitable to work in the presented environment.
The following documents must be available on site:
 The telephone number list with emergency numbers will be hung in the construction site offices next
to the phone.
 An updated list of all first aid workers.
 An updated list of the first aid kit and/or the medical equipment available at the construction site.
Copy of records must be available for COMPANY as well.
Each SUBCONTRACTOR will make sure that all personnel know where the emergency devices and other
medical material are located on site. The presence of dangerous products is also communicated.


11.2.1 General
Each Site organization is responsible to provide its personnel with any Personal or Collective Protective
Equipment needed to perform the job according with hazard identification analysis or deemed necessary to
control hazards caused by general site conditions or simultaneous execution of activities, even if not under its
direct control.
PPE must be in conformity with international standards requirements (“CE” marked or equivalent).
SUBCONTRACTOR has to ensure his personnel always wears the PPE required for the type of work being
carried out, and has to ensure his personnel understand the need for PPE with instructions as necessary in its
Complete records of PPE distribution with workers acceptance must be available for CONTRACTOR and
Basically, PPE to be use within the site are listed below:
 Overalls (jacket + trousers), fire retardant and anti-static (no short sleeves)
 Hard hat/safety helmet in compliance with EN397 (with a sticker stating the name of the employer).
 Safety Shoes (high model) in conformity with EN344-B and EN 345-S3 (antistatic).
 Safety glasses/goggles with plastic protection sides in conformity with EN 166 (a).
 Safety gloves (depends on the work activity).
 Escape mask (ABEK)
SUBCONTRACTOR has to clearly define in the site HSE plan the reference certification of PPE utilized (PPE
matrix shall be provided). CONTRACTOR SHSEM verifies the suitable of PPE defined by SUBCONTRACTOR
site HSE plan.
A list of PPE must be kept updated on site, including at least:

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 PPE life-save
 Detectors
 Emergency showers with eyewash locations
 Fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting system
 Lifting devices
 CPE (collective protection equipment)
 First aid kit
It is highlighted PPE is the last step of the management of risk. All (sub) CONTRACTORs having to remove
collective protective means before executing a work activity, must:
 Inform the foreman and the Project safety coordinator,
 Define the planned work activities and the collective or personal protective means that must be used
when removing the collective protective means,
Inform the owner of the unit when requesting a work permit so that they can start

11.2.2 Additional PPE

For specific activities according to work permit, additional PPE are to be used, as:
 Ear plugs
 Anti dust mask
 Personal H2S detectors.
 Personal multi-gas detectors (O2, H2S, H2S, Ex)
 Escape masks.
 Respiratory mask with proper filter protection
 Safety harness equipment
 coverall with long sleeves, that shall be flame retardant and antistatic type for works to be performed
in live process unit
 High Visibility Vest (it shall be used by those workers involved in construction site congested areas -
e.g. traffic, flagmen, fire/manhole-watchmen, rigger etc. or whenever requested in case of dangerous
situation and/or condition including but not limited to activities during winter time, night, fog, low
visibility, etc.)
 Full facial mask during grinding.


11.3.1 Hazardous material safety data sheets

 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are data sheets to provide vital information on health and physical
hazards of all processed materials and chemicals on the project facilities. Copies must be available
 Contents of the MSDS are:
 Full physical and chemical data on the substance
 Average or range of composition, in the case of the mixture
 Toxicological (i.e., physiological effects)
 Flammability data
 Internationally recognized exposure limits for the substance
 Precautions to be taken when storing and handling the substance
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 First aid and medical treatment to be undertaken in an emergency.

MSDS will be provided as basic information to fire-fighting, emergency response personnel and people
who work in the plant and/or site.
 SUBCONTRACTOR must have available copies of the MSDS about each hazardous or no hazardous
material/substances present or utilized.
 Workers shall be trained about content and meaning of each MSDS. Personal protective equipment
shall be in compliance with MSDS.
 SUBCONTRACTOR shall apply proper measures to limit its workers chemical exposure.
Before starting the work, each (sub) CONTRACTOR will inform CONTRACTOR Project organization of all
activities using dangerous chemical products with a possible toxic gas or vapor release. The Project
organization will notify the COMPANY about these products: approval HSE is necessary. Specific work permit
will be issued.

Asbestos is strictly forbidden. No asbestos / chrysotile construction products can enter the site. In
case SUBCONTRACTOR notes any asbestos in construction area, is obliged to inform immediately

11.3.2 Handling, storage and transportation

 Handling, storage and transportation of chemicals and/or hazardous materials must be in accordance
with legal standard and plant regulations.
 No hazardous substance/material must be brought onto site without plant approval and without the
material safety data sheet (MSDS) in English version.
 SUBCONTRACTOR has to note the requirements for labelling and handling chemicals and hazardous
materials and waste management set out in applicable laws and regulations.
 Any handling and storage of chemical products shall take place within a separated area or in a confined
storage room as directed by the contact person. Vessels and containers shall always be labelled with
contents and any applicable warning symbols.
 Chemicals and hazardous materials transportation shall be in compliance with ADR code (dangerous
good transport international code).

11.3.3 Gas cylinders

Gas cylinders shall:
 be clearly labelled relevant to material inside
 be secure against fall and valves damage by the use of protective caps
 have accessories in correct status (valves, pressure reductions system, hoses...)
 be moved to a safe location with their own caps, at the end of the work day.

11.3.4 Hydrogen Sulphide - H2S

Hydrogen Sulphide is an extremely toxic colorless gas with a typical rotten-egg smell. All workers must be
specifically informed on this issued.
The offensive odour, however, is unreliable as a warning signal, because olfactory fatigue occurs at 150 ppm.
Exposure occurs through inhalation. Exposure to moderate concentrations of H2S rapidly causes respiratory
paralysis while exposure to concentrations above 700 ppm is fatal.
Fire and explosion hazards: H2S is a flammable gas. It burns in contact with air, yielding sulphur dioxide and
water. In concentrations from 4.3 to 46 volume % in air, it explodes upon ignition.
The gas is heavier than air and may therefore exist in wells and pits.
 Hazard Classification according CLP Regulation:

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 Tolerances

1ppm Can be smelled
5 ppm MAC - Maximum Allowable Concentration
10 ppm Eyes begin to be irritated (this is the Pacer exposure limit without SCBA)
20 ppm Ceiling occupational exposure limit
50-100 ppm Slight respiratory tract irritation after one hour exposure
100 ppm Coughing, eye irritation, loss of sense of smell after 2 to 15 minutes. Altered
respiration, pain and burning in the eyes, and drowsiness after 15 to 30
minutes, followed by burning of the throat after one hour. Headache and
nausea may also occur. Several hours’ exposure at this level may be fatal,
with death occurring within 48 hours
200 ppm Sense of smell is rapidly lost. Marked respiratory tract irritation after one-hour
exposure. Eyes and throat burn
500 ppm Loss of reasoning and balance. Respiratory disturbances in 2 to 15 minutes.
Prompt resuscitation required or death will follow
700 ppm Rapid unconsciousness, seizures and loss of bladder/bowel control may
occur. Cessation of respiration and death will occur if not rescued promptly
1000 ppm Immediate collapse and unconsciousness, with respiratory arrest and death
in a few minutes. Death or permanent brain damage will result unless
rescued promptly and may still result even if the individual is immediately
moved to an oxygen atmosphere


The work site and living areas will be designed, constructed, equipped, maintained and operated in such a
manner as to prevent the entry and/or harbourage of insects, rodents, and other vermin.
Effective measures such as exclusion, housekeeping and extermination shall be used to minimize the entry,
presence and propagation of pests, in all areas of the jobsite.
Buildings and associated structures and facilities shall be free of vermin prior to occupancy and shall be
maintained insect and rodent-free.
All sewer or drain openings shall be closed with a properly secured perforated metal cover.
There shall be no openings in exterior walls that admit insects, rodents or other vermin. Openings for pipes,
conduits and other utility services in foundations or exterior walls, floors or roofs shall be closed solidly and
completely by metal sheeting, concrete or other impervious material.
No SUBCONTRACTOR, employee, operator or user shall place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate any
garbage or trash in any building, or on any premises, worksite or otherwise that will afford food or harborage
for insects, rodents or other vermin.
Accumulation or storage of building materials such as lumber, pipes, boxes, masonry, etc. shall be
accomplished in a manner that discourages pest harborage. Materials should be elevated and provide access
for visual inspection.
Standing water shall not be allowed to accumulate on the project site.

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All practicable methods shall be used to reduce noise levels, but when these remain excessive and harmful,
ear protectors must be worn. Ear protectors are not a substitute for other methods of noise control. Control of
noise at source should be priority.
Where and when noise at source cannot avoid, it may reduce, or the effects minimized by:
 Providing ear protectors - plugs and ear muffs - on an individual basis
 Educating the personnel in the use and care of ear protection
 Training the personnel on noise risk.
If in any area of the workplace an employee is likely to be exposed to noise at or above an upper exposure
action value (85 dB), SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure that:
 the area is designated a hearing protection zone,
 no workers enter that area unless wearing personal hearing protection.
Personnel are to wear hearing protection in designated areas, even if they are only passing through and do
not work all the time in noisy areas.

Good housekeeping is an essential condition for the safe, orderly and productive implementation of field
activities. Housekeeping is an integral part of SUBCONTRACTOR's contractual duties. All necessary steps
shall be taken to ensure that job-site and premises occupied by personnel are maintained in healthy, clean
and sanitary conditions.
Housekeeping requirements cannot be defined in terms of separate physical areas pertaining to each
SUBCONTRACTOR; all SUBCONTRACTORS are therefore required to establish a pool of persons to be
dedicated to housekeeping activities, under the coordination/direction of CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager.
If necessary, CONTRACTOR SM shall stop work activities until housekeeping conditions return to a
"satisfactory level".
Cables will be stored at a height by using S-hooks and must never impede the access to stairways, ladders or
the free entry to passage and evacuation ways. The risk of stumbling must be avoided at all times.
A “White tornado” will be organized periodically from CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS. A “white
tornado” consists of a housekeeping action in the complete unit by all personnel involved in the project on all
hierarchic levels, so the unit is completely cleaned up after the action.


To reach the workplace, pedestrians must walk on sidewalks, the side of the road and never go through the
manufacturing units or restricted areas. It is forbidden to walk on pipes and pipeways. Specific walk ways
will be defined to access all areas.
The use of lighting on bicycles is prohibited on the roads to free circulation.
No vehicle is allowed to enter the platform without first having a pass issued by the post guarding (under cover
of the VCT service). Driving of vehicles is prohibited to any person who is not the holder of driver's license
corresponding to the vehicle.
The rules of the road and the road signs put in place in the platform must be respected.
The speed is limited to 30 km / h.
Parking in reverse is mandatory inside the customs enclosure.
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Only vehicles and machines having the following equipment: engine diesel, spark arrestor on the muffler,
emergency stop outside and fire extinguisher, verified by the Security Service, can access the zones ATEX
(manufacturing unit, roads delimited by ATEX barriers, post loading, storage of liquefied gases, etc.). The
Security Service or the security personnel at the south gate affixes, next to the order emergency stop of the
vehicle or the vehicle, a red sticker to validate this provision. For access to these areas, a work permit remains
mandatory, and the vehicles are preceded by a walker equipped with a detector of explosimeter.
Construction vehicles must be equipped with appropriate fire extinguishers.
It is forbidden to fill the fuel tank with a motor running.
It is strictly forbidden:
 Clutter the roads and level crossing, i.e. during parking, or when unloading materials or equipment.
 to park within 10 meters of the fire and tubing poles at foam.
 park along the roads (use the car parks).
 to abandon, even for a short time, a parked vehicle engine running.
 to stand on the running board of a moving vehicle, to use the vehicles of lifting as a means of transport,
to jump from a vehicle or to market.
It is imperatively required that, as soon as an alert is trigger, intersections are immediately cleared, and traffic
interrupted. Vehicles will be parked without obstructing traffic lanes, engine shut off and keys left on the contact.
Any truck, crane or other vehicle maneuver that may interfere with traffic on a traffic lane, shall be directed by
a person in charge of the undertaking concerned which will clearly indicate the obstruction of the vehicles that
may occur.


In case of very severe climate, SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit to CONTRACTOR adequate plan for on-
going activities.
During Cold or Hot seasons specific breaks will be established for the needed rest of the workers in accordance
with Local Law, considering heat stroke and dehydration. Hot/Cold drinks will be supplied by the
SUBCONTRACTOR organization and shelters for wind, rain and sun repairing shall be installed.
In the event of a lightning strike, it will be stopped
 Crane lifts,
 Erection and dismantling of scaffolding,
 Work on high platforms in the open air,
 Work in cramped conductive capacities


In case of SUBCONTRACTOR executes night work shift, it is necessary to:
 revise safety documentation according to local law clearly giving the risk analysis and mitigation
measures for the night-shift activity
 prepare CONTRACTOR work permit form, defining a clearly job description to be done and the suitable
prevention and protection measures (i.e. Emergency organization and equipment),
 define a proper work organization for the night-shift activities (Number of workers, full-time supervisor
on duty, HSE supervisor on duty, Superintendent/Manager in charge…)
 communicate list of all workers to CONTRACTOR and COMPANY
Before starting any night work shift, SUBCONTRACTOR has to request and obtain CONTRACTOR Work
Permit and has to obtain all required authorization from Plant security.

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SUBCONTRACTORS shall undertake all necessary actions to assure the communication between all levels
and all disciplines in which they are involved.
Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide relevant personnel (minimum a safety supervisor and a foreman)
English and Portuguese language speaking.
The foreman must understand and speak the language of the employees performing the work activities.
If the SUBCONTRACTOR works with foreign speaking employees, this communication must be described in
the communication plan that is included in the Site HSE Plans.
The CONTRACTOR is responsible for the translation of all documents to be given to the workmen in their
language and that are necessary for the safe and correct execution of the work activities (e.g. risk analysis,
work descriptions, toolbox meetings, etc.).


SUBCONTRACTOR shall define and issue own Communication plan with purpose of
 safe and professional execution of work activities:
 Project HSE objectives are known to all personnel involved.
 At any time avoid misunderstandings as a result of communication.
Communication plan is a list or a chart with key figures with indication of spoken language and phone numbers
as well.
According to the communication plan it is mandatory attach stickers on the helmet with the national flag of the
language spoken.

Each Helmet shall be provided by

 Subcontractor Name
 Worker Name
 Training Stickers
 Role
 Flag of Language Spoken


Last Minute Risk Analysis (LMRA) is means to communicate the hazards, risk and controls that have been
identified for a particular task.
This meeting takes place between a Supervisors/Foreman and his Team of personnel who will perform the
work and is conducted near the actual location of the work.


The first time that a task is performed, the following must be covered in the specific training (for instance in
case of explanation of a step by step specific method statement/work permit):

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 The hazards, risks and control identified

 Environment impact due the job task to be done
 The work Methodology to be used
 Special Training that may be need
 Applicable safe work permits
 Concerns, comments of personnel
The meeting shall be documented with all participants acknowledging by signing they have understood the
topic and discussions (MOD RK 7800 can be used).


SUBCONTRACTORs have to organize daily meeting “Tool Box Meeting” (see form MOD-RK-7801) for own
workers in cooperation with CONTRACTOR and the company, in order to refresh and/or detail deeply
important HSE topics. Evidence must be sent to CONTRACTOR.
COMPANY will be also invited to participate.


On a weekly basis, an official HSE Meeting takes place with the aim of increase HSE awareness, address
HSE issues and assess the overall effectiveness of the Site HSE Plan.
Typical topics would be:
 Care and use of personal protection equipment as respiratory protection;
 Fire prevention and firefighting equipment;
 Incident investigation;
 Scaffolding;
 Lifting plan;
 Housekeeping;
 Environment protection;
 Job Hazard Analysis;
 Hazardous Materials and substances;
 Work hazards in the week ahead.
 Security issues
The meeting is attended by:
 Contractro SHSEM
 COMPANY will be also invited to participate
A conference note shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR HSE and distributed to all presents.
During weekly progress review meeting . HSE will be first argument with related issues and evidences.


To facilitate and promote the dialogue with employees, as required by the SA8000 standard, there are specific
communication channels through which people can send in their suggestions or reports (“Raise Your Voice”).
A specific box for use by the CONTRACTOR supervisor for site personnel and another box for use by workers

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and SUBCONTRACTOR are installed at construction sites to collect reports and suggestions.
Additionally, a dedicated SA8000 Workers’ Representative is also appointed for facilitate suggestions or
Complaints are always managed through interface with the SSA function of the office and the SA8000 Workers’


Daily inspections of the construction areas and work procedures shall be made by CONTRACTOR jointly with
SUBCONTRACTOR's HSE Supervisor (HSE Inspection Report MOD-RK-7804). An Improvement Action Plan
(MOD-RK-7805) shall be made by the Site HSE manager and brought to the SUBCONTRACTOR HSE
Supervisor, if HSE observation have been pointed out, to be solved in the proper way.
HSE deficiencies could be
 when the requirement isn’t applied (non-conformities or dangerous occurrences)
 when the requirement is applied, but according to the risk assessment, the circumstance could become
a nonconformity (i.e.: uncompleted housekeeping, a work permit uncorrected filled in, etc)
Deficiencies to be solved shall be handled by the SHSEM. Any HSE Supervisor observing work being
performed in an unsafe manner which could lead to an injury or incident, has to stop the work and has to inform
immediately SHSEM.
The file records for all inspections shall be made available to the SHSEM. Copy of records/documentation
must be transmitted or available for COMPANY.
COMPANY will make safety walks and inspections in all areas including TCF without any restriction or advise.
CONTRACTOR SM / SHSEM will be invited to participate.


Periodic safety walk around are performed by the CONTRACTOR SM, SHSEM and SUBCONTRACTOR CM
and HSE Supervisors. COMPANY will be also invited. In this meeting management will give more attention to
positive human behaviour, safe practices against accidents, HIPO’s.
COMPANY will make safety walks and inspections in all areas including TCF without any restriction or advise.

It is the SUBCONTRACTOR's duty and responsibility to detect HSE violations and unsafe situations and
provide the necessary correction. Whenever HSE violation or and unsafe situation is detected by
CONTRACTOR / company Representative, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall carry out the required corrective
measures upon simple verbal request. In the case of situations implying immediate incident hazard, work shall
be stopped until the said hazard is eliminated.
In case of repeated or serious violations, SHSEM shall issue a “HSE Irregularity Report” – MOD-RK-7806 to
the SUBCONTRACTOR. This report has to be signed by SM for approval and by SUBCONTRACTOR CM for
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall give a written reply to CONTRACTOR within 24 hours, specifying the corrective
measures taken.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall immediately carry out corrective action upon the simple verbal request of
CONTRACTOR's representative, whether the report is issued or not.
Should the SUBCONTRACTOR or its personnel not fulfil HSE prescriptions, SM shall take the following
 a written memo to the SUBCONTRACTOR concerning the request to eliminate the causes of danger,
or to suspend work immediately

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 request SUBCONTRACTOR to expel any individual guilty of infraction

 request SUBCONTRACTOR to suspend any representative who has not enforced SM safety
 withhold the monthly payment to SUBCONTRACTOR until the situation is corrected
 request that the SUBCONTRACTOR be dismissed and removed from the list of SUBCONTRACTORS
to be called upon for future bids.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall give written assurance of the corrective measures, after which the proposed
measures shall become effective.
The file records for all inspections shall be made available to the SHSEM. Copy of records/documentation
must be transmitted or available for COMPANY.


Behaviour Based Safety Program or Safety Visits are all similar practices, built on HSE philosophy that
encourages and expects each member of line management to participate in the program to intervene to stop
and correct unsafe acts and conditions.
CONTRACTOR Site Construction Organization applies BBS philosophy. Discipline supervisors will help Safety
team to promote safety culture and to detect and correct safety observations. When construction supervisors
perform their Site technical inspection, first they have to consider how the task is well organized according to
The observation will be noted in the specific card by the supervisor and will be corrected immediately on site.
In case of serious non-conformity, the activity must be suspended by the supervisors who will call immediately
safety team.
HSE team will collect all the cards to make statistics and analyse together with construction during the weekly
The specific procedure will be implemented on site by CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager in accordance with
CONTRACTOR Site Manager.
SUBCONTRACTOR Site Supervisors and Management shall implement the system under the coordination of
the CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager.


SUBCONTRACTORS shall motivate their employees by appropriate publicity, by encouraging a proper
attitude, and by personal contact, recognition and HSE programs.
An HSE incentive program will be developed and implemented in order to promote positive, proactive HSE
behaviour amongst the personnel working at the site.
SHSEM will review and approve the incentive programs.


All measures, in accordance with COMPANY’s requirements and local laws, shall be taken to preserve and
protect the environment from the effects of construction activities.
In particular SUBCONTRACTORS shall observe the following main guidelines:
 maintain all work areas, TFS areas and the interiors of its own buildings in a clean and orderly condition
 store material and equipment only in designated areas approved by CONTRACTOR
 all chemicals and lubricants shall be properly stored to avoid leakage into the soil
 no asbestos products shall enter the project areas
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 spillage from transport vehicles shall be avoided

 sanitary effluents shall be collected in a septic tank or equivalent system or available sewage system
 SUBCONTRACTOR shall install sanitary facilities for its personnel, who shall maintain these facilities
in a clean and orderly condition, including septic tanks
 at the end of activities, all TFS shall be dismantled and removed (unless otherwise agreed upon with
the COMPANY) and the field shall be left free of scrap.
 actuate air, water, soil pollution prevention and precaution (i.e. wet dust soil, cover deposit of dust
material to limit dispersion…)
 use equipment and machineries in good maintenance and with low noise impact
 keep and disseminate material safety data sheets MSDS for chemicals and materials with environment
SUBCONTRACTORS shall appoint a competent Environment Supervisor, who will be coordinated by the
CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager. COMPANY will be kept informed.
Refer to Annex B Environment Aspect Analysis for control measures to be adopted.


SUBCONTRACTORS must store hazardous waste properly, removed as soon as possible and no discharge
onto the ground or into water drains.
CONTRACTOR ensures a correct use and collecting of waste in order to prevent environmental incident and,
at the same time, to maintain in safe condition the work area.
Trash and debris shall be removed daily from the vicinity of the work and premises occupied by personnel.
Waste shall be deposited in bins provided for this purpose.
Office and site waste collection (ink toner, cable, wooden, metal, plastic, packing, paper etc.) shall be
managed, re-use and recycling as much as possible.
All CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTORS shall perform the following actions:
 provide bins for its own trash and debris and shall dump scrap material from the bins in duly authorized
areas as indicated by local authorities or by COMPANY
 separate and deposit scrap from materials provided by CONTRACTOR in bins provided for such
 dispose of all scrap lumber, waste material, etc., including spoil resulting from its own excavations, in
locations specified by COMPANY / CONTRACTOR.
 identification separated area for hazardous waste temporary storage
 application of warning and labels
 promotion of material recycled to store in adequate segregate and labelled areas (wood, metal, paper,
glass, plastic, oil…).
 maintain canteen hygiene standards in conformity with local regulations.
 for the disposal of any construction activity wastes with possible negative environmental impact, only
specially licensed SUBCONTRACTORS may be utilized in accordance with local and COMPANY's
regulations. Whenever appropriate and required, a specific "waste handling procedure" shall be
adopted as prescribed by CONTRACTOR / COMPANY.
SUBCONTRACTOR has to include also all the authorizations/certificates necessary to evidence that waste
management is in compliance with the local law and with this site HSE plan. For example:
 SubCONTRACTOR / waste disposal company contract
 waste disposal company authorizations
 vehicles to waste transport authorizations

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 final disposal facilities authorizations.

The waste management shall comply with the following Hierarchy


All practicable methods shall be used to reduce noise impact or the effects minimized by:
 Sitting or Location of Noise Sources
 Removing noise sources to a distance whenever possible;
 Screening noise sources with a barrier or locating behind an existing screen;
 Orientating plants to direct noise away from living/working areas.
Control of Noise at Source
 Installing mufflers, acoustic shields, exhaust silencers for equipment
 Not using noisy equipment where alternatives are available
 Regular inspection and maintenance.


CONTRACTOR identifies direct and indirect environmental aspects relevant to Construction and pre-
commissioning/commissioning, under normal, abnormal and emergency circumstances.
Minimum set of environmental aspects include:
 Controlled and uncontrolled discharges to water;
 Solid and other wastes management;
 Noise, dust and visual impact;
 Soil contamination;
 Water, energy, fuel, raw material consumptions;
 Sewer system TCF area: direct connection to river/dock without water treatment.
Environmental Aspects Analysis is prepared by HSE function and included in Annex B of the present


SUBCONTRACTORS shall prepare and include in the Site HSE Plan a Environment Analysis, following the
guideline in the paragraph 23, including
 Identification of environment aspects and impacts
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 Classification of relevant significance environment impacts

 Description of the control measures adopted.


SUBCONTRACTOR shall designate its own Environment Supervisor who cooperates with CONTRACTOR
Site HSE Manager, in order to control / reduce environment impacts.
SUBCONTRACTOR’s Environment Supervisor will be the principal referent and promoter for:
 correct waste management (temporary storage, labels identification, collection, transport, final
 waste management authorizations provided by local law
 correct storage of hazardous substances / materials and their warning labels and MSDS
 waste recycling and re-use promotion
 respect of prohibition of hazardous / no hazardous waste mixing
 prevention of any spill/emission of liquid/air pollution
 correct management of sanitary facilities
 respect and actuation of all environment local law.


SUBCONTRACTOR shall adopt all measures to prevent and/or mitigate any environment emergency
situations, such as
 Spillage of liquids on the soil,
 Leakage of gas/liquid
 Air Emission
 Unnecessary and serious damages to flora and fauna.
Measures adopted shall be reported in the SUBCONTRACTOR Site HSE Plan and shall be approved from
All generators must be installed on a retention basin (during filling for oil leaks).


Along the project, possible systems of Permit to Work will be applied at site:
 CONTRACTOR Permit to Work System, inside the Main Construction Area and inside all those areas
handed over to CONTRACTOR (TCF, Lay-down, etc.).
 Refinery Permit to Work shall be applied out-side the Main Construction Area fence and in the Refinery
Plant Areas.
Permit to works will be randomly daily monitored will be object of periodic audit.

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Contractor permit to work system will be applied in all fenced green areas. In case a proper fence in the Utility
area cannot be installed, such area will be treated as brownfield using Owner / Company permit to work
In any case, daily coordination between Owner / Company & Contractor is needed to review and coordinate
permit to work and special activities, even in the green field areas. Daily communication among the HSE teams
(Owner/Company/Contractor) to smooth and properly coordinate the permit to work application and the
emergencies (Refinery to construction areas and vice versa).
Every day, before starting any construction activities the SUBCONTRACTOR has to prepare, subscribe and
deliver to CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager a Work Permit (see form MOD-RK-7802) available in manpower
spoken language, where there must be reported:
 Work Permit Number
 Validity date and hour
 Construction area and items interested
 SUBCONTRACTOR name and number of workers
 Typology of work (generic or specific)
 Description of the work to be performed and tools to be used
 Working conditions
 Hazards identification
 Risk assessment on risk matrix calculation basis, and prevention and protection measures

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 Personal protection equipments

 Starting/endings works.
CONTRACTOR SHSEM shall indicate further HSE requirements of execution of the work, if any, and sign for
approval the Wok Permit form.
Generic Work Permit is allowed for typical mechanical, civil, electrical or instrumentation activities.
Specific Work Permit has to prepare whenever high-risk activity will be performed and when are going to
 Lifting exceeding 20 tons or all tandem lifts or more than two cranes operating
 Confined space works
 Radiographies
 Test Pressure
 Other activities not included in generic and requested from CONTRACTOR.
Work Permit has been prepared and signed by the pertinent SUBCONTRACTOR supervisor and by
Each SUBCONTRACTOR has to define in the Work Permit the area where the construction activities had to
be executed.
After receiving the work permit, the CONTRACTOR representative signs in order to authorize the beginning of
the work.
The work permit, during the execution of the activities, has to be kept by SUBCONTRACTOR team leader.
It must be always present at site during activities. During the execution of the activities, if some constraints
invalidate the proposed sequence, the SUBCONTRACTOR has to prepare and submit a new procedure, in
according with the SHSEM.
Original copy of work permit with relevant attachments has been kept by the SUBCONTRACTOR safety
supervisor, and a copy of Work Permit shall be stored by CONTRACTOR SHSEM.
The documents mentioned above have to be written in English.
The following activities are considered high-risk activities:
 Transport and heavy lifting (above the installations);
 Lifting with 2 cranes
 Confined space work
 Works on installations in service
 Work with radioactive source (during non-destructive testing)
 Works with special tools or techniques
 Work with toxic or dangerous products
 Hot work in ATEX zone
 Excavations / pile placement near buried lines
 Work on several levels
 Simultaneous execution of construction work, pre-commissioning and commissioning
 Erection, dismantling and modification of scaffolding
 Tie-ins (non-profit)
 Any other activity identified by the parties
For all these high-risk activities, a specific risk analysis/method statement must be issued and provided to the
project. CONTRACTOR Work permit will be issue attaching/referring the relative risk analysis/method
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Site Safe Execution of Work process mainly is composed of the following step:
 Initial evaluation by the Hazard Identification Plan(s);
 Site specific emission of Method Statement & Job Hazard Analysis, taking into account Health, Safety
and Environmental Hazards;
 Permit to Work, when and/or where required;
 Communication by Tool Box Meeting to all involved personnel of Work Permit and Safe Work Practices
 Last Minute Risk Assessment done by the direct Supervisor/Foreman;
 Supervision periodical inspection to maintain conditions defined.
The above-mentioned process shall be always applied.
Each Site organization is responsible for the full implementation of the Safe Execution of Work Process for all
the activities under its control and for the direct safety of its personnel.
For Site Safe Work Practices reference is to be made to the CONTRACTOR procedure 10001-000-WI-7504
“Site HSE Handbook”. In case of conflict the more stringent requirements will be applied.
Before the start of any activity in the unit, it is imperative to know the location of the different following safety
 Evacuation routes,
 the direction of the wind (observation of the nearest windsocks and in the absence of plumes of
 steam / smoke)
 the assembly points (at least two),
 safety showers and rinses,
 fire-fighting means: extinguishers, reels, etc.
 the emergency telephones.
Knowledge of the location of this equipment may be verified during safety audits.


15.2.1 General
The HSE Golden Rules provide minimum expectation with regard to the key Health, Safety and Environmental
requirements in order to achieve the main goal of: NO HARM TO PEOPLE AND NO ENVIRONMENTAL

15.2.2 Driving Safety

Driving is a high-risk activity to drivers, passengers, members of the public and assets.
The Driving Safety Golden Rule requires that:
 vehicles shall be driven only by authorized driver;
 vehicle shall be in good conditions and maintenance shall be done regularly;
 seat belts shall be installed and fastened by all occupants;
 daily driving maximum hours and rest periods shall be respected;

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 speed shall be within the formally established limits and adjusted depending on road conditions,
weather conditions and presence of pedestrians;
 driver shall adopt a defensive behaviour in respect of other road users and environmental condition;
 driver shall be physically qualified by a medical Certificate of Fitness to Drive;
 driver is not allowed to use mobile phone, drive with any unfit shoe or barefoot;
 driving shall not be done under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
 drivers shall have enough experience to operate the class of vehicle and have the appropriate
certificate with them;
 any load shall be secured, and its mass known and within the capacity of the vehicle.

15.2.3 Management of Change

Unplanned changes or deviations to design, asset/process, work procedures and practices can create
additional and unacceptable Health and Safety risks.
Any proposed change or deviation shall be assessed, documented and approved to ensure risk control is
The Management of Change Golden Rule requires that any change or deviation to design, asset/process,
work procedure or practices:
 shall be accurately identified, reported and assessed;
 are dealt with by competent and trained personnel;
 shall refer to specific risk assessment requirements;
 shall be subjected to a structured and documented approval process;
 changes from mandatory requirement shall be approved in writing by Company authorised and
competent person;
 shall be recorded and tracked in a dedicated (and possibly centralized) system;
 changes shall be properly communicated to all concerned personnel;
 in particular, no overriding or disabling of safety critical equipment is allowed without a risk assessment
been completed and appropriate authorization obtained.

15.2.4 Lifting Operations

Lifting Operations using cranes, hoists or any other type of mechanical lifting device, pose a significant risk to
personnel and assets from dropped loads, crane or hoist failure.
The Lifting Operations Golden Rule requires that:
 all lifting operations shall be risk assessed;

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 a specific risk assessment and a lifting plan shall be performed (at least) for non-routine lifts;
 lifting equipment shall be marked with the Safe Working Load (SWL) and have unique identification;
 lifting equipment shall be certified by a third party in accordance with relevant Local Legislation or
International Standards;
 lifting devices shall be colour coded;
 periodical inspection and maintenance schedules shall be established and documented locally for all
lifting equipment;
 all persons engaged in lifting and hoisting operations shall be competent for that role and supervised
at all time;
 a signal man shall be present during the entire lifting operation;
 the lifting area shall be marked out to prohibit unauthorised access and nobody is allowed working
under suspended loads;
 crane operator in the cab shall be at the controls of the crane without undertaking any other activity
during the entire lift operation;
 personnel lifts shall only be done with man-rated equipment and under a Permit To Work;
Personal Protective Equipment shall be worn, as required by the task, and in be good condition.

15.2.5 Fire Safety

Fire is a serious risk to the safety of personnel both at workplace and in accommodation areas.
The Fire Safety Golden Rule requires:
 a fire risk assessment shall be performed by a competent person for each site;
 fire protections measures shall be provided according to the fire risk assessment outcomes. Their
maintenance and regular inspection shall be documented;
 means of fire detection and alarm shall be fitted in all offices and accommodation;
 sources of ignition shall be controlled (e.g., smoking, “hot works”), removing those that are
unnecessary from workplace;
 flammable materials shall be properly handled and stored;
 all areas should be kept as clean and tidy as possible;
 escape routes and muster points shall be clearly indicated and kept accessible at all time;
 a sufficient number of workers shall be trained in the proper use of firefighting equipment;
 fire emergency response plan shall be developed and all personnel be trained;
 fire emergency drills shall be periodically executed.

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15.2.6 Working at Height

Working at height provides the potential for a fall to occur or for materials to be dropped.
The Working at Height Golden Rule requires that:
 working at height shall be avoided wherever a practical alternative option is available;
 a risk assessment shall be performed for each work at height and a Permit To Work shall be in place
prior to begin the work;
 fall prevention systems shall be preferred to fall protection systems;
 fall protection systems can be used as a backup to fall prevention system or when fall prevention
systems are not feasible;
 fall protection systems (e.g., full body safety harness, shock absorbing lanyards) shall be regularly
inspected by a competent person;
 work surfaces and holes shall be adequately protected from fall of personnel and objects;
 working on a scaffold can only be done after it has been inspected by a competent person and a valid
tag is present;
 all personnel shall be trained in working at height and fall protection prior to work on elevated surfaces;
 emergency rescue at height arrangement shall be in place and regularly practiced;
 Personal Protective Equipment shall be worn, as required by the task, and in good condition.

15.2.7 Energized Systems

Work on energized system such as electrically powered equipment and machinery or pressurized equipment
is a risk to personnel.
The Energized Systems Golden Rule requires that:
 an evaluation of hazardous energy shall be conducted before performing work on equipment;
 all works on energized systems shall be risk assessed and carried out only by competent personnel;
 energy isolation procedures shall be developed and implemented;
 energy isolations shall be carried out only by authorized Isolation Authority persons as appointed by
Company Management;
 energy isolation certificate shall be completed in conjunction with and referred to in the Permit To Work
 prior to start the work shall be verified that no stored energy or other hazards remained;
 lockout and tagout devices shall be used to inform of isolation and prevent non authorized operations;

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 portable appliances and equipment which work under energy shall be regularly inspected and results
 no work or equipment movement can be allowed under or near an overhead power line unless
precautions have been taken, including the definition of the minimum clearance distance;
 Personal Protective Equipment shall be worn, as required by the task, and in be good condition.

15.2.8 Excavation Safety

Excavation works expose to risk of trench collapse or excavated material, confined space, hitting energised
equipment, being struck by equipment, dropped objects.
The Excavation Golden Rule requires that:
 an appropriate excavation risk assessment shall be completed and signed by authorized personnel;
 a survey of soil characterization and stability shall be conducted by a competent person prior to start
the excavation and after adverse weather conditions;
 buried services in area shall be identified, prominently marked and if necessary isolated before the
commencement of excavation;
 all excavations shall be inspected by a competent person prior to any entry and before work starts;
 excavation clearance certificate and permit to work shall be in place as required;
 all excavations shall be effectively, shored, sloped, or benched, barricaded and signed;
 when workers are in trenches, suitable entry and exit point shall be provided taking in consideration
also possible emergency situations;
 workers shall not be in the excavations while plants and machineries are operating;
 all personnel involved in excavation work shall be trained;
Personal Protective Equipment shall be worn, as required by the task, and in be good condition.

15.2.9 Permit to Work

The Permit to Work [PTW] System is an essential and mandatory management tool to enable safe systems of
work to be implemented for hazardous activities.
The Permit to Work Golden Rule requires:
 a PTW system with the relevant supporting procedures shall be in place and systematically
 non-routine or high-risk activities shall be subjected to risk assessment and Permit to Work Controls;
 PTW system relevant authorities (e.g. issuing, performing…) and other authorized/competent persons
responsibilities shall be defined, understood and implemented;
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 personnel signing PTW shall be trained and be accountable for the implementation of conditions on
the PTW;
 all work activities requiring permits shall be planned and coordinated in order to control risks caused
by simultaneous activities;
 all personnel working under a PTW shall have received the necessary information about its contents;
 a work can only start after all controls specified in the permit have been put in place and verified. The
work shall be suspended and reassessed if a change occurs to the scope of work, tools, equipment,
personnel or any other condition of the PTW.

15.2.10 Health Management

The Health and Safety impacts from exposure to hazardous agent may result in a significant risk to personnel.
hazardous agents include: noise, vibration, chemicals, gasses, vapours, radioactive or toxic materials,
contaminated food or water, smoking, alcohol abuse and the misuse of drugs or other substances.
The Health Management related documents provide minimum requirements and guidelines in terms of risk
assessment activities to be carried out, control of potential releases of hazardous substances where
appropriate, use of suitable PPE and prevention of exposure to contaminated water or food, smoking risk
reduction and alcohol or drugs at work prohibition.
The Health Management Golden Rule require that:
 a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), shall be conducted for work and living areas;
 workers who work with hazardous agents shall be trained on their risks and protection measures;
equipped with the correct PPE and trained in its use;
 hazardous substances shall be accompanied with relative Material Safety Data Sheets written at least
in local language;
 Material Safety Data Sheets shall be kept in a location accessible to all workers;
 all workers shall have a valid Fit to Work Medical certificate;
 Catering and Water hygiene program and regular Food Safety and Sanitary Hygiene inspections shall
be carried out on site by competent person;
 Alcohol and Drugs policy shall be available, displayed and enforced;
 a First aid team shall be present;
 first aid kits shall be available and monitored;
 personnel shall know the Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) and the Medical contacts in the
event of an emergency;
 work areas shall be provided with welfare facilities (like toilets and rest areas) sufficient, suitable and
compliant with the relevant regulations.

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15.2.11 Waste Management

Waste Management includes the generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling,
reuse and residual disposition of wastes.
The Waste Management Golden Rule requires that:
 wastes shall be classified with respect to their hazardousness;
 wastes shall be stored in dedicated areas, differentiated on the basis of waste characteristics;
 a dedicated layout reporting the location of all waste storage areas shall be prepared;
 waste storage areas shall be inspected regularly;
 wastes shall be collected in proper containers that meet the minimum requirements in order to prevent
any environmental contamination;
 each waste storage container shall be labelled;
 waste shall be logged;
 wastes shall be transported accompanied by waste manifest;
 transporters shall be appropriately licensed for specific waste transportation.

15.2.12 Confined Space

Confined spaces often present, or have the potential to present, hazards related to conditions such as, but not
limited to, the following: toxicity, flammability, asphyxiation, engulfment or entrapment, physical hazards,
biological hazards, radiation hazards.
The Confined Space Golden Rule requires that:
 entry into confined spaces shall not be permitted until a risk assessment has been carried out and all
hazards and appropriate controls identified and implemented;
 confined space works require a Permit to Work;
 atmosphere inside a confined space shall be tested by qualified and authorized personnel prior to
each entry and thereafter as designated on the permit/confined space entry certificate;
 confined spaces shall be positively isolated from all possible sources of hazards prior to personnel
 means of communication with the people in the confined space shall be available and a qualified
attendant shall always be present when people are in a confined space;
 a confined space Emergency Response and Rescue Plan shall be prepared and tested before the
work start;
 all persons engaged in confined spaces activities shall receive adequate training;
 Personal Protective Equipment shall be worn, as required by the task, and be in good condition.
A manager, before issuing the work permit for activities within a confined space, will schedule an information
session, for the company and the workers concerned, on the type and characteristics of the confined
environment in which they will have to intervene. The information will be intended to provide the information
and information necessary to make a more accurate risk assessment, so as to be able to adopt appropriate
methods, PPE and equipment, which will allow it to operate in the safest way possible.
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Subsequently it will draw up an emergency procedure that will report:

1. company data;
2. description of the activity to be performed;
3. identification of the internal and external geometries of the confined space
4. access to the confined space if I can be a man, doors etc ... if through scaffolding, from a grilled floor or if it
has an altitude of 0 etc ...;
5. Identification of hazardous atmospheres and the measures taken to manage risks;
6. Identification of the substances and preparations that were / are contained in the ITEM;
7. Planned environmental analysis and sampling;
8. Identification of the risks of falling;
9. Risk of noise and measures taken
10. Identification of microclimatic aspects and related measures;
11. Identification of machinery, equipment to be used;
12. Identification of the subjects involved and of the specific tasks (name and number of those working inside
and those working outside;
13. Identification of substances and preparations to be used in processing;
14. Systems that prevent falling into the void;
15. Any ventilation and lighting systems;
16. Communication system adopted eg via radio, at sight etc.
17. Working hours with established breaks and shifts;
18. Extraction methods for any injured person and specific emergency procedures;
19. Identification of emergency workers;
20. First aid facilities;
21. Fire-fighting facilities;
22. Health suitability of staff valid to operate in environments suspected of pollution;
23. Reference to the internal emergency plan.
24. Name and surname and signature of the workers involved and informed
25. Entry and exit register for workers
Subsequently, following verification and acceptance of the aforementioned procedure by the site HSE,
authorization will be given to issue the work permit to which the same procedure must be attached

15.2.13 Hydrogen Sulphide

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is a highly toxic gas, even in very low concentrations. It can be naturally present in
a soluble form in crude oil, water, mud and other liquids and when actively disturbed or agitated is released
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from the solution as toxic H2S gas.

The Hydrogen Sulphide Golden Rule requires that:
 a Hydrogen Sulphide procedure shall be developed and implemented in all locations where there is or
it could be the presence of Hydrogen Sulphide;
 personal detection devices shall always be used when working in an area where there is or it could be
the presence of Hydrogen Sulphide;
 safety signs shall be posted warning of the potential presence of Hydrogen Sulphide;
 nobody shall enter a Hydrogen Sulphide classified areas without authorization;
 anybody shall be trained prior to entering or operating in proximity of a Hydrogen Sulphide area;
 specific Hydrogen Sulphide Emergency Response Plans shall be prepared;
 anybody who may be required to wear a respiratory protection means for work or for emergency
reasons shall be trained on its use.


Executing hot work is only allowed if a valid permit has been given for this. Prior to this, a gas test will be
executed in accordance with Project specifications.
When hot work is allowed, always take in account following basic principles:
 Remove all flammable material from the work environment.
 Cover up the area with certified fire retarding covers and/or blankets. Make sure no sparks can go out
of the area (cover up the floor and the sides). Never use covers which are not fire resistant or fire
 If there are sewer covers in the environment, cover them up with fire blankets, so no sparks can
penetrate inside.
 If required, a continuous gas detection must be put in place on the work area.
 During executing hot work, a standby person should be present with an approved fire extinguisher.
This person is not a fire guard, but a colleague of the person executing the hot work.
 Make sure that the executors (and the helpers) use the required PPE for the specific hot work which
is executed.
 Make sure there is sufficient ventilation and/or a local aspiration of the welding vapors if required.
 All sewer manholes within a radius of 20 m from the place where works are performed must be secured
by a person indicated in the permit. Protection of manholes consists in covering them with a fire blanket
or other elastic material resistant to sparks and covering the blanket/material with a layer of sand in a
tight way.
 All inflammable materials must be removed from the place of performance of the above mentioned
works; if it is impossible, they shall be protected against ignition.
 All cables, electric wires ad installations with flammable insulation must also be protected against
sparks and mechanical damage.
 Management personnel of external companies is obliged to equip the place of performed fi re hazard
works with a minimal fire-fighting equipment set, i.e. with a dry powder extinguisher ABC 12 kg and a
fire blanket or other, as required by the person who issued the work permit.
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 In case of hot works in brownfield area (live units), a certified fire exinguisher may be required to assist
the job, equiped with fire extinguisher and gas detectors (LEL %).

15.3.1 Cutting and welding

Workers shall be specifically protected for their activities, including but not limited to:
 Face shield and welding hoods with suitable goggles;
 Electric welding shall be screened to prevent nearby personnel from harmful radiation. Screens shall
be fire resistant, designed and placed as not to restrict the air ventilation;
 For metal fume sometimes might be used filter-type respirators or fume aspirators;
 Before starting to cut or weld, inspect the work area to ensure that sparks or molten metal will not fall
on combustible materials;
 Remove all containers that have held flammable liquids from open flame areas;
 Welders/cutters shall utilize fire resistant blanket or shield to avoid sparks falling from height or sparks
damage to person or others equipment;
 Ensure that suitable fire-extinguishing equipment is available in the work area;
 For certain areas a fire watch is required during all welding/cutting operations;
 Temporary power lines to portable arc welding machines shall be carried overhead whenever practical,
or laid on the floor or ground suitably protected so that they cannot be damaged or interfere with safe
 Ensure that all arc welding/cutting cables are of complete insulated, flexible type;
 Welding machine ground connections must be connected as close as possible to the object of the
work, to ensure the ground and to prevent damage to other equipment;
 Collect the used electrodes and grinding discs in proper box, in order to waste disposal.


Radiographic non-destructive research of materials (e.g. shooting RX photos) will be done on safe predefined
locations. Company, procedure and location will be reviewed and authorised by CONTRACTOR and
Radiographic non-destructive research will be done in preference outside Luanda Refinery (minimum
occupation people). In the cases radiographic non-destructive research has to be done:


Before excavation begins, locate and identify utility services such as electrical, gas, steam, water, and sewer
in the area and it's necessary to have a work permit excavation with the "Refinery utilities services Layout
Excavations and open holes shall be barricaded or covered. Warning signs shall be used to warn personnel
of a possible hazard.
A Competent Person shall do daily inspections of open trenches and excavations to ensure they are safe to
enter. Superintendents shall obtain authorization from the Competent Person assigned to inspect excavation
prior to placing employees in an excavation.
Regular inspections must be implemented to insure that shoring are adequately provided and are in a safe
condition. Deep excavations shall be sloped or shored.
Robust barriers with warning signs must be in place around excavations. An access ladder must be used for
all excavations deeper than 1.2 mt. Gas test will be required to enter a pit or excavation deeper than 1.2m.
Dig manually until the responsible person gives permission after a check on site to dig further mechanically.
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In case digging must be done mechanically, the Project responsible person must make sure that there are no
cables present by:
All excavation activities must be demarcated:
 Demarcation tape on not asphalted areas.
 Fixed fences on roads and passage ways, hard terrain or pits deeper than 1.2 m (fixed fence or a
fence in a scaffold pipe at 1.20 m and a second pipe at 0.6 m)
All open trenches and excavations must be delineated and marked so as to take into account has an exclusion
zone to prevent deterioration or collapse of the edges of the excavation. It is of even for the storage of materials
and equipment on the construction site. Materials stored at the roadside must be placed so that they create
the minimum of nuisance. Use fixed unloading areas for most materials and only enter the site at a minimum
necessary. Removal of disassembled material must be done quickly but steadily to avoid storage on the site.
Equipment left at night must be provided with adequate lighting (mobile lighting type) and signaling.
The radiography specialists operating at night must ensure that their access is secure and Complementary
portable lighting.


15.6.1 General
 Ensure all crane and hoist have a valid 3rd party certificate
 Ensure all crane and hoist Are tested by a 3rd party before starting lifting on site
 Realize a visual inspection on all entering lifting equipment and crane, and allow them to work only if
the inspection is successful.
 appoint and communicate to SHSEM a competent Lifting supervisor.
 train his personnel to realize his task safely, before starting lifting activities (ref. MOD-7801 Tool Box
According to local legislation, lifting equipment and accessories are subject to a periodic inspection obligation
by third party. The following documents must be available for lifting equipment:
 A ‘first taken into service’ report, performed by a third party acknowledged by Angolan law
 A valid periodic test report, executed by third party
 Company lifting procedure will be followed strict.
This inspection must be organized every three months.
All lifting activity shall not execute when:
 Exceed 85% of the maximum working load of the crane
 the wind speed excesses 10 m/s
 at bad visibility, fog, night if jobs do not have lighting required.

15.6.2 Critical lifting activities:

Definition of Critical lifting:
 > 5 tons (including lifting accessories that must be ordered jointly: e.g. Bundle gripper) above the
 > 10 tons not above installations, but the lifting maneuver has potentially important implications for the
surrounding installations.
 Performing hoisting maneuvers with a construction crane, tower crane, 2 or more cranes manipulating
the same load.

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 Hoisting maneuvers with passengers (basket, ...).

 Load weight and gravity are difficult to estimate.
 Risky lifting in a confined space, with or without persons in the confined space (e.g. replacing furnace
pipes in furnaces, replacing regenerator cyclones...).
If the supervisor or the person employed by considers before hoisting that the lifting maneuver does not fall
under any of the conditions for a lifting plan – critical lifting maneuver - but still deems that a lifting analysis,
lifting plan and rigger is necessary, he may impose these measures. This is also possible after advice from
safety department or after consulting an authorized person. The following rule is obliged for a critical lifting:
 Lifting plan, rigger and check lists
 Rigger must wear a specific fire-resistant retro reflective vest.

15.6.3 Heavy lifting activities

Lifting manoeuvre above installations:
 load > 50 ton or
 load > 20 ton and load covers more than 90% of the lifting capacity or multiple cranes simultaneously
in use during the manipulation of the load.
 Heavy lifting has to be discussed and agreed on a case by case method by COMPANY representative.

15.6.4 CONTRACTOR Lifting Plan

All critical and heavy liftings shall be covered by a Lifting Plan attached to a specific work permit form, to be
prepared prior to proceeding with the lift.
SUBCONTRACTOR has to prepare lifting plan which shall be composed of the following documents:
 COVER: (Lifting plan for equipment/structure/vessel)
 DRAWING: of the equipment/structure etc .to be lifted
 LIFTING SKETCH: Plan showing position of the crane / equipment used / position of the crane/ rigging
detail / number and position of sling / belts, technical data sheet of equipment/ type and capacity of
shackles. Ground load must be also included
 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS of the crane and relevant certifications.
 LIFTING DIAGRAM of crane (Radius-boom/length-lifting capacity) with marked working point.
 CERTIFICATIONS OF: slings/belts-shackle-crane operator-riggers.
Lifting plan shall be duly signed from SUBCONTRACTOR responsible and submitted to CONTRACTOR site
for review in advance of the foreseen lifting day.

15.6.5 Personnel hired for lifting activities:

Crane and roller bridge operators must have followed training, given by a certified person based on the
evaluation of his technical and practical knowledge. The employer will state that his employee (crane operator)
is suited to operate the crane he will manoeuvre based on this evaluation, his experience (work hours) and
specific training/knowledge of that specific crane. The confirmation of the employer with notification of the type
of crane will explicitly be described in the safety passport and will be checked during audits on site. The crane
operator training is logged in the database of the training department for COMPANY personnel.
Personnel that must attach and/or rigger loads, belongs to personnel subject to the ‘high risk tasks’ Register
according to local regulation. In view of the high risk during these activities, they are subject to a 100 % check
of the necessary training certificates and they are visible on the unit via a specific sticker on their hard hats. If
they also rigger loads, they must wear a green fluorescent jacket with RIGGER printed on it.
There are two levels defined for attaching a load:

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 Basic knowledge attaching loads (identification with black imprinted sticker):

 Qualifications :
Standard assembly activities with chain shackles (simple rigging activities in pipe racks, hoists on
structure, rigging of valves, etc.)
Attach a load and accompany lifting manoeuvre with an auto loading crane or a roller bridge.
Attach (not rigger) a load for a mobile crane, mounted crane, tower crane, etc.
Accompany a lifting manoeuvre with one or more mobile cranes, mounted cranes, tower cranes,
etc. under the supervision of a ‘RIGGER’.
 Recognized training according to Local regulation:
 Rigger (identification via a red printed sticker + green fluorescent jacket with the label “RIGGER”):
 Qualifications:
All activities that are defined as basic activities when attaching loads
Execute, check, guide complex lifting activities
Rigger loads with one or more mobile cranes, mounted cranes, tower cranes, etc.
 Recognized training according to local regulation


15.7.1 General
Confined areas may give rise to a risk of a lack of oxygen and hence a risk of asphyxia and/or explosion. Site
personnel shall comply with all regulatory and site requirements when entering a confined space. A confined
space is defined as any location that is large enough and configured such that an individual can enter and
perform work, has limited openings for entry and egress, and is not intended for continuous employee
occupancy. Examples of confined spaces include: manholes, stacks, pipes, storage tanks, trailers, tank cars,
pits, sumps, hoppers, ventilation ducts, electrical vaults and boilers.

15.7.2 Minimum Procedure

Before entry, SUBCONTRACTOR shall prepare and deliver to SHSEM a specific Work Permit, where there
must be observed the following minimum basic rules:
 ensure that no inflammable and/or poisonous gases are present
 ensure/checked regularly and continuously oxygen level
 ventilation / force air ventilation
 prepare and communicate date, hour and list of personnel who enter in confined areas
 ensure someone outside (hatch guard) who watches the operation and can get help if necessary.
At each manhole of the confined space a label is hung which indicates the condition of it:
 Red label: confined space not viable, entering strictly forbidden.
 Green label: confined space is declared healthy, entering is allowed if a valid permit has been given
and with the application of the standard PPE (unless the permit indicates otherwise).
Before each manhole of the confined space, a cross pictogram is installed, indicating you may not enter the
confined space. Entering only is allowed when a valid permit is given and when a manhole guard is present
as long as personnel is entering. The manhole guard together with the personnel that will enter will do the start
work discussion about the permit and they determine a way of communication between each other during the
entry. The manhole guard will remove the cross pictogram from the manhole when the entry starts and will
place it back when the entry is finished.
At all time he registers all personnel which is present in the confined space and guards over the well-being of
the personnel. In case a problem occurs in the confined space, he alerts the emergency services and he will
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execute a first line intervention if applicable.


SUBCONTRACTORS shall barricade all floor openings, or install secured, properly labelled and substantial
All floor opening covers shall be painted with this statement: "OPEN HOLE - DANGER, DO NOT REMOVE.
Standard rail systems shall be erected as a primary means for preventing fall or other injuries associated with
floor and roof openings.
At the entrance of a permanent steel structure, SUBCONTRACTOR shall install a warning tag based on the
CONTRACTOR instruction and depending on the safe completion
 Red: permanent structure not completed or grating removed – danger – do not access without specific
 Green: permanent structure completed and safe.
Any grating removal activity must be approved according to a specific work permit system. Workers shall pass
dedicated CONTRACTOR grating removal training and receive sticker to be placed on helmet.


15.9.1 Electricity
All repair or modernizing works and activities on electric conduits shall be conducted
 with all machines and devices stopped,
 with all sources of power supply cut off,
 basing on written orders.
It is forbidden to carry out any activities and works on the electric power supply devices, installations and
networks by the SUBCONTRACTORs without approval from a shift master of OWNER electrical control
department in charge of operation of these devices, installations and networks

15.9.2 Temporary electric wiring systems

Temporary electric wiring systems include, among others, electric appliances along with their power supply
system, connected in other places than fixed repair sockets installed on technological installations.
The repair CONTRACTOR shall supply an electric device for connection (construction switchgear, etc.) along
with a feeder cable with an appropriate cross-section and a length sufficient for connection at the planned
places of use (up to 50 m at most).
 Switchgears shall be equipped with power switches and differential current circuit breakers that protect
receiver sockets.
 An electric device must be in good technical condition and be operated in accordance with the
regulations in force. An operator of the device is responsible for correct operation.
 A date of the next technical examination must be clearly marked on the casing of the device
Detailed requirements are specified in the
 Instructions of the organization of safe work at the electrical power supply equipment and devices in
 Performance of temporary electric wiring systems for supply mobile electric appliances at OWNER

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15.10.1 General
 Work at height above 2 meters must not take place without the appropriate protection against falls.
 Where personnel fall protection equipment is used 100% tie off is required.
 Workers must always be fully protected by using safety harness equipped with lanyard.
 Regarding working on high heights, SUBCONTRACTOR must observe following requirements:
 Primarily an approved scaffold shall be used.
 Working from an approved sky lift or work basket in an elevation device may be an alternative to
consider. In that case the persons working in sky lift or work basket need to wear safety harness and
is strictly forbidden to exit from the basket or climbing the handrail
 Secured ladders may be used in connection with lighter tasks.
 The final solution that sometimes must be used is a lifeline with a body harness. The lifeline must be
adjusted to the actual working height and have satisfactory attachment devices.
Itis not allowed to perform works at height:
- in the open area at the speed of air flow (wind) of 15 m/s and more;
- in case of thunder-storm or fog, preventing the visibility within the work area, as well
as in case of ice-up on ice-covered structures and in cases of growth of ice wall on wires, equipment,
engineering structures (including power transmission line supports), trees;
- in case of installation (dismantle) of structures with a high windage at the wind speed of 10 m/s or more.

15.10.2 Fall protection system

Fall protection system shall be used by all personnel who are working at height (as per definition).
If traversing at an elevation or in any needed case in order to maintain the 100% tide off approach, employees
must be tied off at all times, which require utilizing either two independent safety lanyards.
Where two lanyards are required, one safety lanyard shall stay attached to the original anchor point or Site tie-
off point; a second lanyard shall be attached to the next anchor point or Site tie-off point. Having completed
the attachment of the personal fall arrest system to the new anchor point or Site tie-off point, the first lanyard
may be removed from the original anchor point or Site tie-off point.

Working at elevated locations or while using fall-arresting equipment:

 workers must avoid climbing on equipment such as pumps, exchangers, valve hand wheels,
transformers, electric motors, handrails, structures, or any other facilities not specifically designed for
 climbing on conduit, cable trays, or other similar equipment is not permitted. Climbing of vertical beams
is not permitted.

Specific project procedure will be developed covering installation, management and authorization of scaffolds.
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Erection, exploitation and dismantling of scaffolding shall take place in accordance with the producer’s
instructions or with an individual design prepared by a person with the required authority.
Prior to authorization for use, any scaffold is subject to acceptance by authorized and certified inspector with
minimum 5 years’ experience in industries and scaffold system.
Daily check of the scaffolding can be performed by foreman or team leader of the user. This person shall pass
a dedicated training for this activity organized by his company.
Prior to starting works on the scaffold, a person who supervises works on the CONTRACTOR’s side is obliged
to conduct its survey and check, whether the scaffold is in good working condition and is fi t for use.
Scaffolding that is constructed in a correct way and ready for use shall be equipped with:
• a suspended plate informing of the admissible load of platforms and structure, along with a name of
the company that erected the scaffold, the first and last name of the CONTRACTOR of the scaffold, along with
a phone number,
 platforms of appropriate strength, with working surface sufficient for workers and for storage of the
necessary amount of tools and materials,
• safe vertical and horizontal circulation routes to facilitate circulation of employees. The maximal
distance between the circulation routes is 20 m,
• access to each level of the scaffold, equipped with a hatch to protect the employees from falling,
• railings to protect from falling, composed of a protective hand-rail at a height of 1,1 m from the platform
and 15-cm-high edge board to protect the objects from falling. Halfway through the distance between
the hand-rail and the board there shall be a cross-bar or this space shall be filled in a way that prevents
persons from falling.
A scaffold shall be placed on the stable ground, profiled in a way allowing for runoff water evacuation
Poles of the scaffold must have appropriate footing, allowing for scaffold levelling. When the scaffold is situated
on unstable ground, ground beams shall be applied.
In case of detached scaffolding, it must be characterized with appropriate rigidity, obtained with diagonal
reinforcements in accordance with the operation and maintenance manual of the scaffold.
In case of snowfall, scaffold shall be cleaned by the user before to start the work.
It is forbidden to erect, operate and dismantle the scaffold:
 when no lighting is ensured after dark for good visibility,
 in case of thick fog, rainfall, snowfall and black ice,
 in case of storm or wind velocity exceeding 10 m/s.
Scaffolding installation will be performed according to european standards
 Scaffolds and platforms are to be erected, moved, altered and dismantled by competent and
experienced personnel (scaffold erector supervisor appointed), following the manufacturer’s
 No scaffold shall be erected, moved, dismantled or altered except under the supervision of a
Competent Person.
 Scaffold and platforms with 2 meters or more above the ground or floor shall have guardrails, mid rails
and toe boards installed.
 All scaffolding will be designed and erected to support itself and four times intended load.

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 Scaff-Tag: after the inspection, the SUBCONTRACTOR Foreman responsible completes and attaches
one of the following tags as appropriate:
Red : do not use - danger
Green: scaffold passed inspection safe for use.
Access on scaffolding is prohibited if no tag at all is attached on it.
All scaffolding must satisfy the requirements set up by the regulations of the local law and the manufacturer’s
Assembly, disassembly and change of scaffolding may only be carried out by certified scaffolding fitters. All
scaffolding materials must be in accordance with the recognized standard and free from any damage or

15.11.1 Calculation note is obliged:

Calculation note is mandatory when:
 Class 3 scaffoldings are made to support max 200 kg/m2. Any time extra load is needed, an approved
calculation note is mandatory (class 5 or 6 respectively 450 kg/m2 or 600 kg/m2)
 The scaffolding is higher than 24 m (working platform)
 The scaffolding is higher than 8 m and is fitted with tarpaulins.
 Scaffolding with tarpaulin surface > 200 m2
 Hanging scaffoldings or extensions to scaffolding with a load class 3,4,5 or 6 > 150 kg/m2
 in case the elevated crossing is > 6 m length (open-web girder)
 Scaffolding against which a construction site- or personnel lift is fitted.
All calculation notes will provide supplementary information concerning the maximum load on the anchor points
and the allowable wind speed before opening tarpaulins. Under no circumstances scaffolds can be attached
to pipelines or disassembled constructions. Only fixed structures can be used.
Only the appointed scaffolding company is allowed to modify scaffolds.
When installing / modifying scaffolding or at least once a week, scaffoldings must be inspected by a certified
person. The inspector will be trained in view of the specific Project requirements. All possible access ways on
scaffolding will get an entry label stating that the scaffold was checked and approved (date and signature).
manufacturers, standards and requirements of the Site.


SUBCONTRACTOR shall apply a quarterly colour code system (each three months, a specific colour) and it
shall be agreed and implemented at site to allow an immediate check of the last control on electrical cords and
tools, slings, lifting gear, firefighting equipment, etc.
Fire-fighting equipment are not included in colour code system.
It is obliged to quarterly survey of all extension cords, electric equipment and slings.

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Log-book of equipment shall be implemented.

It is also obliged to mark them with appropriate colour for a given quarter:
 Red colour – quarter I (January – March)
 Yellow colour – quarter II (April – June)
 Blue colour - quarter III (July – September)
 White colour – quarter IV (October – December).


All the machines and technical equipment used by SUBCONTRACTORS and made available to the employees
shall be:
 used solely for the works for which they are intended,
 maintained in the condition that ensures their efficiency,
 operated by trained persons in accordance with the operation manual,
 checked on account of their technical efficiency and safe operation (each time before starting works
and in case of change of operation personnel).
Construction equipment includes cranes, earth-moving machinery, handling, skylift, generators, compressors,
vehicles trays and dumpsters. This equipment inside the units will be:
 compliant with the security rules of the platform
 with diesel engine,
 equipped with an emergency stop (circuit breaker), a flame arrestor and a fire extinguisher,
 equipped with an anti-spark device,
 equipped with a reversing beep and a beacon (for self-propelled equipment),
 equipped with earthing (for all fixed equipment).
 The age of the nacelles will be less than 5 years.
 The age of the cranes will be less than 10 years.
A list of tools and equipment that are forbidden has been defined as follow:
 log saw,
 cutter with non-retractable blade,
 mobile scaffold outside paved areas and if height greater than 6 m,
 wood chainsaw,
 established a fortune,
 unsecured keys,
 soil slicer
 grinder with no safety button


Radiographic non-destructive research of materials (e.g. shooting RX photos) will be done on safe predefined
Prior to starting works connected with exposure to ionizing radiation it is obliged:

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 to notify correctly the Radiation Protection Inspector and strictly observe his recommendations,
 to present to the Radiation Protection Inspector of Refinery the permits of the Chairman of the National
Agency for Atomistic for pursuing activity using the sources of ionizing radiation and/or the devices
that are the sources of such radiation, as well as the documentation of the applied devices (e.g.
certificates or radioactive sources, technical data of the applied devices supplied by their producer),
 to report the fact that it is necessary to carry out works with the application of ionizing radiation to the
host of the object (on whose area works will be carried out), who shall issue the appropriate permit for
their performance after having specified safe conditions of work.
Works with the application of devices with radioactive sources or being the source of ionizing radiation may
only be performed after having obtained the applied written permit for performance of this type of works
During performance of radiological works:
 the boundaries of their area shall be fenced with a yellow tape with an inscription: RADIATION,
 before entering the controlled area it is necessary to put up warning signs at a distance not exceeding
10 m from one another and the yellow flasher lamps, placed on circulation routes,
 lead screens or other screens to shield the beam of radiation going outside of the inspected objects
are obligatory
In case of works at height it is recommended that a third party participates in them, to safeguard and supervise
the works from the zero level and to take care of protecting of the controlled zone against unauthorized access,
particularly from the side of the main circulation route near the examined object.
The CONTRACTOR of works shall carry a valid permit for their performance and present it on demand of
employees of OWNER, Radiation Protection Inspector and the occupational health and safety service.
Only the employees authorized to perform works on the controlled area have access to such an area. Each
entrance is registered. Radiation intensity must be measured during performance of works.
The persons who work with the application of ionizing radiation in the evening or at night are obliged to wear
reflective vests.


Precautions are required to ensure that activities requiring the introduction or removal of pressurised fluids in
a system are clearly defined, and personnel are made aware of the hazards associated with compressed air,
gas cylinders, nitrogen, etc. Material Safety Data Sheet shall be consulted, and suitable precaution taken as
Personnel involved in pressure testing and blanketing shall be competent in these duties and trained for that
purpose, including demonstration of the safe system installation.
MS with JSA shall be performed with all technical and safety precautions.
Further to the standard PPE, for personnel exposed to pressurised water/gas or reflected materials, are
recommended reinforced clothes, such as rubber pants, boots, and raincoat, even if shall be said that PPE
does not provide full protection from accidental jet.
A specific operative procedure shall be prepared for this kind of task job.
Before releasing pressure that may cause high noise, the spray-horn signal shall be used three times before
the pressure will be released in order to worn nearby workers about the event.


Any isolation of energy systems, mechanical, electrical, process, hydraulic and others, cannot proceed unless:
 energy hazardous analysis has been done;
 the method of isolation and discharge of stored energy are agreed and executed by a competent
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 any stored energy is discharged;
 a system of locks and/or tags is utilized at isolation points;
 a test is conducted to ensure the isolation is effective;
 fluid systems require installation of blinds, the closure and locking of valves, the removal of
fluid/pressure/temperature from the system or the physical removal of piping;
 electrical systems, switches, circuit breakers or other isolating devices shall be removed, locked in the
safe position, or power supplies disconnected;
 utilized individually keyed locks, numbered and/or colour-coded for easier detection and identification;
 utilized chain or cable if necessary to complete a lockout on some valves or controls that cannot be
locked easily;
 if device, valve, switch, control or piece of equipment is locked out, a danger tag shall be attached too;
 utilized standardized danger tags: "DANGER DO NOT USE" "DANGER DO NOT OPERATE"
(generally in black on yellow background);
 lockout/tagout checklists indicating the total number of devices and their location shall be developed
and maintained for each system/equipment;
 check the area around the system (machine or equipment) to ensure that all employees have been
safely positioned or removed.
A specific operative procedure shall be prepared for this kind of task job.
The tags will be used to lock the valves/switches
In general, all the pre-commissioning activities will be labelled/fenced using yellow/black colours.


Proper and timely execution of the pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up is a direct responsibility of
the SUM.
SUM and SM/Discipline Supervisors shall have to meet each other to co-ordinate the next day activities. This
will serve as communication means between the two teams in order that work groups are not inadvertently
putting other work groups at risk by competing in the same space.
These meetings may be held in the frame of previous construction meetings with a frequency that may vary
according to site activities progress.
It will be essential to check and co-ordinate the temporary and permanent transfer of systems from the
Construction team to the Start-Up team, to address construction completion, pre-commissioning and
commissioning work.
All pending construction activities shall be authorized by SUM during commissioning phase.
Dedicated job hazard analysis for each pre-commissioning /commissioning activity will be prepared.
a) Pre-commissioning and commissioning activities are performed by a dedicated team led by a
Commissioning Manager:
A Pre-commissioning organization is established at site to achieve the ready for start-up of the Plant (RFSU).
Commissioning team will then continue the assistance to Owner for Commissioning, Start-up to the
Performance Test.
b) All personnel in the Pre-commissioning teams are provided with the required information and
knowledge of the Pre-commissioning and Commissioning safety rules prior to starting work on any

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01

c) These include the following:

Lock out/Tag out procedures for isolation of potentially hazardous electrical, mechanical and process energy,
Permit-to-Work procedures,
Procedures or Operating Instructions for identification of process and utility sections in operation,
Procedures or Operating Instruction for systems blind and tagging record management (Blind management
Policies on displays of advice to workforce of work site safety & SA8000 information, activities in progress and
d) Proper and timely execution of the pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up is a direct
responsibility of the SUM.
e) SUM and SM/CM/Discipline Supervisors shall have to meet each other to co-ordinate the next day
activities. This will serve as communication means between the two teams in order that work groups
are not inadvertently putting other work groups at risk by competing in the same space.
f) These meetings may be held in the frame of previous construction meetings with a frequency that may
vary according to site activities progress.
g) It will be essential to check and co-ordinate the temporary and permanent transfer of systems from the
Construction team to the Start-Up team, to address construction completion, pre-commissioning and
commissioning work.
h) All pending construction activities shall be authorized by SUM during commissioning phase.
i) Job hazard analysis relating to pre-commissioning tasks



Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall prepare a specific fire prevention section to be included in the Site HSE Plan.
This fire prevention section shall define at minimum:
 an analysis for all major fire risks and the method of protection
 schedules and checklists for prevention inspections.
SUBCONTRACTOR’s workers must use only designated smoking areas and keep sources of ignition clear
from combustible/flammable materials remove or protect all combustible or flammable materials from sparks.
Fire extinguishers or other fire-fighting facilities should be provided. Workers should know how to properly use
fire-fighting facilities.


The SUBCONTRACTOR shall co-ordinate with CONTRACTOR SHSEM the type of fire extinguishers to be
Locations of extinguishers shall be clearly marked and free access maintained. Extinguishers shall be located
as follows:
 Extinguishers shall be available in the work area when the work involves welding, burning or use of
open flames.
 At least one permanent mounted extinguisher shall be provided in each building, preferably near a
door, and additional extinguishers mounted as required to have one within 30 meters of any point
inside a building.
 A CO2 Extinguisher shall be mounted at each large electrical installation such as a substation,
transformer, generator or motor control center.

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01

Firefighting activities will be performed by the OWNER fire department under the coordination of the fire
superintendent. (Sub) CONTRACTOR personnel working in operational areas on site will be subject to the
safety and fire regulations issued by COMPANY. In case of an emergency the OWNER fire department will be
notified via emergency number 18. At arrival of the OWNER fire department, the (Sub) CONTRACTORs will
hand over control to the OWNER fire brigade using professional fire-fighting equipment.
In case of smouldering fires caused by the activities of the CONTRACTORs, a trained member of personnel
of the CONTRACTOR will use the fire-fighting equipment available on site. After having extinguished the fire,
the production department must always be informed. When available fire-fighting equipment is used, the
necessary steps must be taken to have them replaced as quickly as possible. Company fire fighting dept
must be advised before to intervene.


The scope of the evacuation plan is to provide in the event of a fire, explosion, gas/toxic releases or any other
emergencies a comprehensive prearranged plan for the orderly evacuation of the site personnel.
All personnel must be aware of the emergency procedures governing the COMPANY plant and the relevant
evacuation plan.
CONTRACTOR Site Management will define the escape routes in the working area and one or more temporary
assembly point close to the workplace in order to simplify the evacuation and the headcount in case of
Periodical evacuation drills will be organized at site and TCF area. At least one per year shall be ensured.
CONTRACTOR/ SUBCONTRACTOR must have an ambulance available for any emergency.


In the event of an emergency within CONTRACTOR area, the person discovering the emergency must involve
immediately CONTRACTOR and COMPANY management in order to define the level of emergency.
CONTRACTOR site manager with the cooperation of the SHSEM will assess the emergency condition and
will evaluate the evacuation of the site.
The following actions should be taken at the work site after any alarm activation.
All personnel must:
 Cease all work and shut off all mechanical equipment
 Walk (do not run or jump from elevated positions) to the designated assembly points
 Upon arriving at your designated assembly area, report to your immediate supervisor
 The Senior SUBCONTRACTOR Representative will report on anyone missing and their last known
location to the Assembly Area Coordinator
 Remain in your group and be prepared to follow directions of the Assembly Area Coordinator
 Do not return to your work area until the all clear signal has been sounded.
Any work being performed under a permit at the time of the alarm is cancelled and will require a new permit
before the work may be resumed.


Upon arrival, all CONTRACTOR and sub-contract workers have to be informed about the way to recognize
the signs of alarm and the behaviour to follow in case of emergency. The frequency of emergency drills will be
in compliance with the plant internal rule.
All on-site personnel shall be required to participate in evacuation drills. The drill will involve the alarm
sequences and evacuation procedures.

This document is the property of Eni Angola Exploration B.V.

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01


Emergency Numbers (Medical clinic, Hospital, Fire Brigade, First Aiders…) shall be present in any office and
site location. Numbers shall be updated constantly. Refinery Number is 226697777.


CONTRACTOR shall define their own muster points directly on site for each new units area.
SUBCONTRACTORS shall cooperate in the definition and signalization of the assembly points and training
own personnel in the localization of them.
In case of any alarm, personnel must evacuate to an assembly point defined. If no point is specified, one must
evacuate in the direction perpendicular to the direction of wind (across the wind.


CONTRACTOR will provide and organize adequate medical and emergency services in accordance with the
local requirement and contractual specification, taking in consideration the following parameters:
 Project dimension
 Number of employees and risk assessment
 Distance and reliability of local public and private hospitals
CONTRACTOR will issue a specific MEDEVAC procedure to define strategy and services in case of serious
medical case.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide site medical clinic inside their assigned temporary facilities provided by
sufficient qualified doctors and nurses and equipped by medical staff and ambulance always available on the
plant according to the local legislation and international standard and shall define and issue own MEDEVAC
Procedure and submit to CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR will regularly inspect the SUBCONTRACTOR’s clinic to ensure that they adhere to the local
legislation and contractual requirements.
Workers requiring hospital care or treatment of chronic illnesses will be referred to local medical facilities.


CONTRACTOR will issue an “Emergency Response Plan” according to and consistent with OWNER
Emergency Response/Emergency Evacuation Plan for the surrounding operative Plants.
The plan will address emergency evacuation, medical emergencies, others.
The plan will include emergency alarm systems, assembly and evacuation points, an employee head count
process, and provisions for employee training before entering the Jobsite and any specific worksite as a part
of CONTRACTOR’s New Employee HSE Induction.
SUBCONTRACTORS will provide sufficient trained personnel as Emergency Response Team (ERT).
SUBCONTRACTORS shall provide all emergency equipment and supplies needed to support the work and
each work location.
CONTRACTOR plan will include procedures for severe weather conditions and specific no work criteria.


All incidents, including near miss and first aid cases, shall be identified and reported to the attention of the
SHSEM for the relevant analysis.
Note that objectives (zero Recordable cases with days away of work, LTIR = 0) shall mean that all participants
to the construction are committed to not have any recordable case in field; consequently, it is of the utmost
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362100DFPA09082 K356-00-PP-7802 Status Number
Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01

importance that CONTRACTOR SHSEM is informed on the minor incident/near miss situations to prevent the
In case of an accident, you must:
 protect yourself and then protect the area and the injured to avoid over-accident,
 notify the infirmary, security guards or call / call for help: 18 from an internal fixed telephone:
 speak calmly,
 specify the exact location of the accident (call box number),
 specify the nature of the accident and the injuries,
 specify the number of victims,
 never hang up first.
 bring first aid to the victim
 never give food and drink to an injured person,
 stay with the victim until help arrives;
 Never carry a casualty in private cars or construction vehicles.
When an injury case has occurred, an Incident Report (MOD-RK-7807) shall be prepared and issued to the
CONTRACTOR SHSEM, CONTRACTOR SM and the COMPANY Representative. A first investigation of the
incident shall be performed immediately after its occurrence.
A report is mandatory for any HSE incident on site,
 Immediate verbal report to the SHSEM.
 Within 24 hours, first written report sent to the CONTRACTOR.
 Lessons learned can be learned from each accident or incident.
In any case, before any work activity starts again in the area where the incident took place, CONTRACTOR
SHSEM and CONTRACTOR SM have to verify that the causes of the incident have been eliminated.
COMPANY and OWNER shall be informed as soon as possible in case of any injury.
After any incident a deep analysis shall be done searching and defining the root causes. Consequently Tool
Box Meetings will be organize to share the details in order to train and instruct personnel, avoiding the



A Weekly HSE report shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR SHSEM. Copy of that will be transmitted to
COMPANY also. It will include highlights and problems relating to health safety and environment encountered
during the past week.
The report shall include the following information:
 the results of the HSE statistics (Weekly HSE Report MOD-RK 7808)
 a list of weekly safety activities - meetings, inspections, etc.
 unusual problems, incidents, investigations, major accomplishments, rule infractions, etc.
Indicators in HSE statistics are at least:
 Death (FAT)
 Accidents with stoppage (LTI)

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01

 Developed substation (RWC)

 Medical Treatment (MT)
 First Aid (FA),
 Almost High Potential Accidents (HIPO)
 almost accidents (Near Miss),
 Number of Visits Security
 Number of Security receptions
 Number of site evacuation drills
 Number of HSE Steering Committees
 Positive HSE observations issued
 HSE Negative Observations
 Percentage of deviations lifted
 Site stops
 Number of housekeeping made
 Number of bins refused for non-selective waste collection
 …
All of these indicators should be analysed in HSE meetings (see above) to feed the loop permanent


A monthly HSE report shall be prepared by CONTRACTOR SHSEM. A copy will be transmitted also to
COMPANY.It will include highlights and problems relating to health safety and environment encountered during
the past month.
The report shall include the following information:
 the results of the HSE statistics (Monthly HSE Report MOD-RK 7809)
 Within five working days from the end of each month, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide
CONTRACTOR with a report showing the man-hours worked on Owner's job during the previous
month and the cumulative total, together with the number of injuries and illnesses.
 a list of monthly HSE activities - meetings, inspections, etc.
 unusual problems, incidents, investigations, major accomplishments, rule infractions, etc.
The report shall be included with the monthly Progress Report, providing CONTRACTOR Management and
staff, at site as well as at Head Office, with an overall view of HSE during the construction period.


Each SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide to CONTRACTOR a Monthly HSE Report within second day of the
month, including follows data as:
 total man-hours and man-days
 irregularities or dangerous occurrences, highlights, rule infractions, etc.
 incidents
 SUBCONTRACTOR performances (weekly reports indicators)
In case of shut-down period SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide to CONTRACTOR a daily report, on a daily
basis, including HSE data as described above.
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362100DFPA09082 K356-00-PP-7802 Status Number
Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01


A final HSE report shall be prepared at the end of the project by CONTRACTOR SHSEM and approved by the


Project activities shall be subject to planned internal HSE audits, as per pertinent CONTRACTOR Company
The objectives of the project HSE auditing are primarily to:
 determine the adequacy and effectiveness of Site HSE Plan
 adopt a constructive approach to look for areas of improvement in order to achieve the continual
improvements in the HSE Management System
CONTRACTOR HSE Audits shall be conducted by the Project Quality & HSE Engineer or by a team leader
appointed by CONTRACTOR Quality & HSE Manager. The audit results of CONTRACTOR will be reported to
PM, who could request the performance of additional audits.
The management of CONTRACTOR HSE Audits shall be ruled by the STDGR – 806 Social Accountability,
Health, Safety, Environment Audit Management Standard. Follow-up verification shall always be performed
when first audit has identified findings such as Non-conformity Report, Corrective/ Preventive Action request.
COMPANY can conduct audit to CONTRACTOR and Supplier/SUBCONTRACTORs, at any time after
signing general permit to work.


Preventive/Corrective actions (CAR / PAR) will be initiated and taken by the CONTRACTOR HSE Manager
whenever the Project Integrated Management System will need to be changed or improved for the
achievement of project objectives and/or for the solving of project criticality.
The management of Corrective/Preventive Actions shall be ruled by the CONTRACTOR STDRG – 807 Health,
Safety , Environment and Social Accountability Corrective and Preventive Action Standard.


SUBCONTRACTOR site HSE plan has to include as minimum the following items/data.


 Legal responsible,
 Project manager, Tel, mail
 Site Manager, Tel, mail
 HSE Supervisor, Tel, mail, curriculum vitae and HSE attestations
 Organization chart
 List of the workers in force in the site and their qualification


 Work and operation to be performed in the site
 Work activities assigned to SUBCONTRACTOR, if any:
 SUBCONTRACTOR name, site manager and description of the activity


Tools, equipment, machine Certification Periodic checks/ tests

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01


Substance/ Material Scope of Work Quantity Hazard label MSDS revision/date


Waste Hazardous Work Label Quantity Storage area Final

name (Y/N) activity disposal


PPE description Work Activity PPE norm reference

o Coverall
o Head protection
o Feet protection
o Hands and arms protection
o Eyes/face protection
o Ear protection
o Respiratory protection
o Protection falling from height


 Description of the Risk assessment criteria
 Work activity description
 Identification of hazard and cause
 Description of the prevention and protection measures adopted


 Identification of environment aspects and impacts
 Description of the control measures adopted

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01

 Example of Risk assessment / Environment analysis criteria is


Slight Serious Relevant
HIGH serious



Slightly likely - Unlikely 1 1 2 3 4

Likely 2 2 4 6 8

Slightly likely - Unlikely 3 3 6 9 12

Likely 4 8 12 16


 Indicate instruction/procedure/method statement when requested for specific activity (for
example: Lifting Plan exceeding 20 tons or tandem lifts).

 Material safety data sheet MSDS
 Personal protective equipments certifications
 Tool/Machine/tool/equipment certification
 Training attestation
 Hazardous material / Waste storage area map
 Declaration of Sanitary surveillance for all the workers

This document is the property of Eni Angola Exploration B.V.

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Eni Angola Exploration B.V. EX-DE 01


Item Description

10001-000-PR-4001 Project Management Procedure
STDRG-806 Social Accountability, Health, Safety, Environment Audit
Management Standard.
STDRG-807 Health, Safety , Environment and Social Accountability Corrective
and Preventive Action Standard
10001-000-PR-7605 Site HSE Procedure
10001-000-WI-7504 Site HSE Handbook

MOD – RK 7800 HSE Training Register
MOD – RK 7801 Tool Box Meeting
MOD – RK 7802 Work Permit
MOD – RK 7803 Field Data Collection
MOD – RK 7804 HSE inspection Report
MOD – RK 7805 Improvement Action Plan
MOD – RK 7806 HSE Irregularity Report
MOD – RK 7807 Incident Report
MOD – RK 7808 Weekly HSE Register
MOD – RK 7809 Monthly HSE Register

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