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Business analytics, or simply analytics, is the use of data, Modern business analytics can be viewed as an

information technology, statistical analysis, quantitative integration of BI/IS, statistics, and modeling and
methods, and mathematical or computer-based models optimization as illustrated in Figure 1.1. While the
to help managers gain improved insight about their core topics are traditional and have been used for
business operations and make better, factbased decades, the uniqueness lies in their intersections.
decisions. Business analytics is “a process of For example, data mining is focused on better
transforming data into actions through analysis and understanding characteristics and patterns among
insights in the context of organizational decision making variables in large databases using a variety of
and problem solving.” statistical and analytical tools. Many standard
statistical tools as well as more advanced ones are
Business analytics is the use of: used extensively in data mining. Simulation and risk
 Data, analysis relies on spreadsheet models and statistical
 Information technology, analysis to examine the impacts of uncertainty in the
 Statistical analysis, estimates and their potential interaction with one
 Quantitative methods, and another on the output variable of interest.
 Mathematical or computer-based models to help Spreadsheets and formal models allow one to
managers gain improved about their business manipulate data to perform what-if analysis—how
operations and make better, fact-based decisions specific combinations of inputs that reflect key
(Evans, 2016). assumptions will affect model outputs. What-if
analysis is also used to assess the sensitivity of
Statistics has a long and rich history, yet only rather optimization models to changes in data inputs and
recently has it been recognized as an important element provide better insight for making good decisions.
of business, driven to a large extent by the massive
growth of data in today’s world. CHALLENGES
 Lack of understanding of how to use analytics
BA Applications  Competing business priorities
1.) Pricing- setting prices for consumer and industrial  Insufficient analytical skills
goods, government contracts, and maintenance  Difficulty in getting good data and sharing
contracts information
2.) Customer Segmentation -identifying and targeting  Not understanding the benefits vs. perceived costs of
key customer groupds in retails, insurance, and credit analytics
card industries
3. Merchandising - determining brands to buy, IMPACTS
quantities, and allocations  Reduced costs
4.) Location - finding the best location for bank branches  Better risk management
and ATMs, or where to service industrial equipment  Faster decisions
5. Social Media - understanding trends and customer  Better productivity
perceptions; assisting marketing managers and product
 Enhanced bottom-line performance
Addressing Challenges of BA
A wide variety of tools are used to support business
 Training and Education
analytics. These include:
 Alignment with Strategy
 Database queries and analysis
 Skill development and Collaboration
 “Dashboards” to report key performance measures
 Data Quality Management
 Data visualization
 Demonstrate ROI
 Statistical methods
 Spreadsheets and predictive models
 Understand past and current business performance
 Scenario and “what-if” analyses
 Simulation Predictive
 Forecasting  Predict the future by examining historical data,
 Data and text mining detecting patterns or relationships, and
 Optimization extrapolating these relationships forward in time
 Social media, Web, and text analytics
 Identify the best alternatives to minimize or
maximize some objective
Most department stores clear seasonal inventory by
reducing prices.
Key question: When to reduce the price and by how
much to maximize revenue?

Apply the scope of BA to approach the scenario.

Applying Descriptive Analytics:

Analyzing historical sales data from previous seasonal What is big data?
inventory clearance events. Identifying trends and Having a big data strategy in place means: capturing,
patterns in terms of when price reductions were storing, twisting, polishing, presenting and apprehending
implemented, how much the prices were reduced, and large amounts of information unique to each
the resulting sales and revenue. organization, in order to make business decisions.
Summarizing this information using data visualization, “Big Data”. IBM data scientists break it into four
charts, and summary statistics to provide a historical dimensions: volume, variety, velocity and veracity.
perspective on how different pricing strategies have
performed in the past. 4V of BIG DATA
Volume - refers to the amount of data a company can
Applying Predictive Analytics: receive from its customers, potential users, indirect
Building predictive models that incorporate historical clients, suppliers, employees, competitors, markets and
sales data as well as relevant external factors (e.g., operations. A large volume of data demands better
economic conditions, competitor pricing, promotional technology to collect, process, store and analyze it.
activities). Running the models to identify the
relationship between past price reductions and resulting Velocity refers to the speed with which multiple sources
revenue/sales changes. Using these models to make produce data, which means how fast a source is
predictions about the potential impact of various price generating data a computer can process instantaneously.
reduction scenarios on future revenue and sales volume
during upcoming clearance events. Variety refers to the type of data an organization may
receive and process. There are three types of data, which
Applying Prescriptive Analytics: include unstructured, semi-structured and structured. A
Data Gathering: Collect historical sales data, external system manages information according to the type of
factors, and constraints (e.g., cost of goods, inventory data is receiving, which means it can apply different
levels, capacity) that influence the clearance process. algorithms and require distinct types of storage based on
Model Development: Develop a prescriptive analytics the data.
model that considers the historical data, predictive
insights, and constraints to identify the optimal pricing Veracity is perhaps the most valuable feature of big data
strategy. because it adds credibility and quality to the information
Optimization: The model would analyze various pricing a company is receiving and processing. If a company uses
scenarios, taking into account different price reduction data with high veracity levels to support several business
timings, levels, and external factors. It would optimize for decisions, may reduce the opportunity for misleading
maximum revenue while adhering to constraints. outcomes. For example, a pharmaceutical company can
decide to launch a new drug based on data obtained
through experiments and trials.

Data Sets and Databases

A data set is simply a collection of data. Marketing survey
responses, a table of historical stock prices, and a collection of
measurements of dimensions of a manufactured item are
examples of data sets. A database is a collection of related files
containing records on people, places, or things. The people, Another classification of data is by the type of
places, or things for which we store and maintain information measurement scale. Data may be classified into four
are called entities.24 A database for an online retailer that sells
instructional fitness books and DVDs, for instance, might
consist of a file for three entities: publishers from which goods • Nominal scale is characterized by data that consist of
are purchased, customer sales transactions, and product names, labels, or categories only.
inventory. A database file is usually organized in a two- Categorical (nominal) data, which are sorted into
dimensional table, where the columns correspond to each categories according to specified characteristics. For
individual element of data (called fields, or attributes), and the example, a firm’s customers might be classified by their
rows represent records of related data elements. A key feature
geographical region (North America, South America,
of computerized databases is the ability to quickly relate one set
of files to another. Databases are important in business analytics Europe, and Pacific); employees might be classified as
for accessing data, making queries, and other data and managers, supervisors, and associates. The categories
information management activities. Software such as Microsoft bear no quantitative relationship to one another, but we
Access provides powerful analytical database capabilities. usually assign an arbitrary number to each category to
However, in this book, we won’t be delving deeply into ease the process of managing the data and computing
databases or database management systems but will work with
statistics. Categorical data are usually counted or
individual database files or simple data sets. Because
spreadsheets are convenient tools for storing and manipulating expressed as proportions or percentages.
data sets and database files, we will use them for all examples
and problems. • Ordinal scale involves data that may be arranged in
some order but differences between data values
Database often used to store large amounts of data that either cannot be determined or meaningless.
need to be queried, analyzed, and updated in complex Ordinal data, which can be ordered or ranked according
ways typically stored on a server and can be accessed by to some relationship to one another. College football or
multiple users simultaneously. basketball rankings are ordinal; a higher ranking signifies
a stronger team but does not specify any numerical
Dataset used for analysis and modeling, and is usually measure of strength. Ordinal data are more meaningful
smaller in size compared to a database can be stored in than categorical data because data can be compared to
various forms such as CSV, Excel, JSON, and other one another. A common example in business is data from
formats survey scales—for example, rating a service as poor,
average, good, very good, or excellent. Such data are
Measures are numerical values associated with a metric. categorical but also have a natural order (excellent is
Metrics can be either discrete or continuous. A discrete metric better than very good) and, consequently, are ordinal.
is one that is derived from counting something. For example, a
delivery is either on time or not; an order is complete or However, ordinal data have no fixed units of
incomplete; or an invoice can have one, two, three, or any measurement, so we cannot make meaningful numerical
number of errors. Some discrete metrics associated with these statements about differences between categories. Thus,
examples would be the proportion of on-time deliveries; the we cannot say that the difference between excellent and
number of incomplete orders each day, and the number of errors very good is the same as between good and average, for
per invoice. Continuous metrics are based on a continuous example. Similarly, a team ranked number 1 may be far
scale of measurement. Any metrics involving dollars, length,
time, volume, or weight, for example, are continuous. superior to the number 2 team, whereas there may be
little difference between teams ranked 9th and 10th.

Discrete • Interval scale is data for which we can determine

• data that only take certain values, can be counted, meaningful amounts of differences between data.
and has a finite number of values However, there is no inherent zero starting point.
• number of students enrolled in the BSBA program which are ordinal but have constant differences between
• number of new teachers in the college observations and have arbitrary zero points. Common
• number of products currently held in inventory examples are time and temperature. Time is relative to
global location, and calendars have arbitrary starting
Continuous dates (compare, for example, the standard Gregorian
• data that can be measured, have values that are not calendar with the Chinese calendar). Both the Fahrenheit
fixed, and have an infinite number of possible values and Celsius scales represent a specified measure of
• height or weight of a person distance—degrees—but have arbitrary zero points. Thus
• daily temperature in your city we cannot take meaningful ratios; for example, we
• amount of time needed to complete a task or project cannot say that 50 degrees is twice as hot as 25 degrees.
However, we can compare differences. Another example
is SAT or GMAT scores. The scores can be used to rank
students, but only differences between scores provide
information on how much better one student performed
over another; ratios make little sense. In contrast to
ordinal data, interval data allow meaningful comparison
of ranges, averages, and other statistics. In business, data
from survey scales, while technically ordinal, are often
treated as interval data when numerical scales are
associated with the categories (for instance, 1 = poor, 2
= average, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent).
Strictly speaking, this is not correct because the
“distance” between categories may not be perceived as
the same (respondents might perceive a larger gap
between poor and average than between good and very
good, for example). Nevertheless, many users of survey
data treat them as interval when analyzing the data,
particularly when only a numerical scale is used without
descriptive labels.

• Ratio scale is the interval scale to include the

inherent zero starting point. For these values,
differences and ratios are both meaningful.
Ratio data, which are continuous and have a natural
zero. Most business and economic data, such as dollars
and time, fall into this category. For example, the
measure dollars has an absolute zero. Ratios of dollar
figures are meaningful. For example, knowing that the
Seattle region sold $12 million in March whereas the
Tampa region sold $6 million means that Seattle sold
twice as much as Tampa.

• Supplier—categorical (nominal)
• Order Number—ordinal
• Item Number—categorical (nominal)
• Item Description—categorical (nominal)
• Item Cost—ratio
• Quantity—ratio
• Cost per Order—ratio
• A/P Terms—ratio
• Order Date—interval
• Arrival Date—interval

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