Review Paper LoadBalancing

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A Review of Load Balancing Algorithms and Strategies in

Cloud Computing

Kanjula Shanmukeshwar Reddy (19103325),

Karrotu Venkat Sai (19103326),

Mattagunja Nikhil (19103338),

Gogada Taraka Rama Rajesh Naidu (19103316)

Under the guidance of Dr. Suraj Sharma (Assistant professor in SOSET, GGV, Bilaspur)


With the advent of Web 3.0 and various cloud computing technologies it has added a new trend
in users by accessing various services on the basis of pay as you use at any time and any
geographical location. With the increase in rapid resources provisioning of these cloud services
various business entities and organizations are shifting to this technology. As there was a huge
demand for these services there was a situation of under and over utilization of resources. For the
effective utilization of resources there has to be a balance of load among the various computing
resources. This technique of load balancing is a major challenge found almost in every cloud
environment where it can resolve multi-variant, multi-constant problem that enhances
performance and efficiency of cloud platform resources. These drawbacks in cloud resource
utilization can be resolved by various cloud load balancing techniques such as some existing
algorithms, nature inspired algorithms, machine learning based techniques and some other
services provided by the cloud itself. Further the factors caused unbalancing load problem weren’t
studied in this literature. This paper will compare some existing models with some analytic metrics
and analyses the advantages and shortcomings of them.

INDEX TERMS Cloud load balancing, load balancing techniques, load balancing metrics.
I. INTRODUCTION techniques such as round-robin, random, and least-
connection algorithms which are static methods have
The first use of virtual computers became popular in been widely used in the industry to distribute the
the 1990s, leading to the development of the modern workload. These techniques are relatively simple to
cloud computing infrastructure. By the last year of 20th implement and require minimal computational
century, Salesforce became an emerging example of overhead, making them a popular choice for load
using Cloud Computing successfully. In 2002, Amazon balancing in many systems. However, they may not
introduced its web-based retail services and in 2006 it always be effective in handling complex and dynamic
launched web services namely EC2, which offers workloads, which require more sophisticated load
online services to clients or other websites on rent balancing techniques.
basis. In the same year there was introduction of
Google Docs services by Google and later by it and However, the dynamic methodologies are capable of
other tech-giants like Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Alibaba adapting to changing workloads and can optimize the
etc. As there was a huge surge in Cloud Computing system's performance more efficiently than traditional
technologies the demand for their services too load balancing techniques. In this research paper, we
increased for an extent. Thereby, the pressure or present a comprehensive review of load balancing
workload on the servers is increased and this pressure techniques with a focus on traditional and natural
situation has to be handled by distributing the workload inspired algorithms. We shall discuss the strengths and
among them equally or uniformly or in an efficient weaknesses of each technique, their suitability for
manner. Based on this problem the concept of load different types of workloads, and their performance in
balancing is introduced which revolves around the real-world scenarios. We have also evaluated the
mitigation of workload in various Cloud Computing effectiveness of these techniques in different
Technologies. The main schema around this load environments and highlight the current trends in load
balancing concept is to optimize the performance of a balancing research.
system by preventing bottlenecks and overloading of
resources, thereby improving the overall efficiency and II. LITERATURE REVIEW
reliability of the system. Over the years, researchers
have developed various load balancing techniques There are various accounts and studies on different
using both traditional and natural inspired algorithms algorithms up to the current knowledge, because of pall
which were classified into static and dynamic grounded service computing is still evolving. In [4] authors
compared in terms of outturn, response time, reversal time,
methodologies based on their type of resource
staying time in different types of Round Robin algorithms
scheduling involved in them for achieving the goal of
similar as Modified Round Robin, Time Slice Priority Based
effective resource utilization [1]. Static and dynamic Round Robin, Round Robin and stated that in terms of high
scheduling are the methods based on which the tasks outturn and lower response time, TSPBRR gives better
are scheduled and in these two the former methodology results. In [5] it proposed a new system called elastic pall
expects the earlier information about the structure and maximum- min algorithm (ECMM). Which is bettered on
different parameters like time, memory etc.., They base of maximum- min algorithm. In [6] it mentions the
don't have information about present condition of configuring storehouse services in pall as a structure as a
framework. So, it may lead uneven distribution of load, Service model. In [7] the author proposed an algorithm for a
particularly when the framework changes into dynamic cargo balancing in tasks that was grounded on honey freak
geste. Authors proposed a scheduling algorithm which
environment [2]. Though dynamic algorithms work
supports cargo balancing in pall with respect to colorful
better when compared to static algorithms, it is difficult
criteria of quality services grounded on coffers [8]. In [9] it
to design and develop an algorithm for dynamic cloud bandied about inheritable algorithms used for dynamic cargo
environment [3]. The balancing of the load is the main balancing in the type of distributed terrain. In [10] authors
objective of any load balancing algorithm. However, apply a mongrel fashion grounded on flyspeck mass
there are some parameters such as turnaround time, Optimization (PSO) for enhancing resource application and
response time which need to be considered when reducing makespan time. It mentions that inheritable
designing any algorithms. Traditional load balancing Algorithm (GA) was employed by the traditional models to
attain the result in an optimal way for the issues in scheduling
of tasks in the type of distributed surroundings like pall and components then the ability to retrieve the data which
grid computing [11]. In [12] it states that there are colorful was stored in the system is crucial part.
meta- heuristic and heuristic algorithms proposed for task 4) Administrative Capabilities
scheduling and cargo balancing in pall resource operation. As there were many cloud services are available, the
The authors bandy the significance of cargo balancing in first step is infrastructure management,
Cloud Computing, colorful types of loads in pall and the transformation of network. There is a huge potential
significance of effective application of the coffers [13]. It for enriching the robustness and functioning of Load
[14] plans an enhanced ant colony fashion for resolving the balancing that has given to date. [21]
scheduling issue. In [15] it proposes a task scheduling 5) Performance
scheme grounded on the sharing medium and optimization The performance of any cloud services can be
algorithms of mass intelligence. By combining Ant Colony affected by numerous factors such as bandwidth,
Optimization, inheritable Algorithm and Artificial Bee processing power, network latency. For ensuring
Colony, a sharing module was being enforced to partake the better performance, business entities need to carefully
result in an optimal way. In [16] the author notes that the consider their needs of infrastructure and select the
extensively used dynamic cargo balancing algorithm for pall required cloud services to meet their needs.
terrain is the Honey Bee rustling algorithm, it performs with 6) Integration
lower response time than compared to other being Cloud services integration with the existing systems
algorithms. They in [17] proposed an algorithm for cargo can be challenging. Business entities need to ensure
balancing with the use of inheritable algorithm which was that their cloud services can integrate with the
designed for minimization of task in pall computing terrain. previous systems for avoiding the problem of data
In [18] they've made a probabilistic approach for distribution collision and compatibility issues.
of dynamic cargo in pall on the base of distributed ranges 7) Cost
that were being apprehensive of QoS (Quality of Services). Many of the cloud services are cost-effective but they
This approach had employed various ants as a ranking can be expensive too if they aren’t managed properly.
inorder for distinguish it from the mortal coffers (HRs). [19] Organizations need to carefully examine and evaluate
introduced an algorithm to allocate cipher coffers at colorful their usage patterns and pick the appropriate pricing
spots under the defined access of total network coffers, by services or models to mitigate overarching expenses.
this system it can resolve network cargo using resource
allocation. [20] Effective task scheduling and cargo
balancing in pall structure can be achieved by new approach IV. LOAD BALANCING
called MHO (Meta- Heuristic Optimization). It's a mongrel
optimization fashion which combines the advantage of Load balancing is a technique used in computer networks to
Firefly Algorithm (FA) and Particle Swarm Optimization distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, resources,
(PSO) algorithm. The main end of this algorithm is used to or instances to optimize resource utilization, improve
reduce prosecution time & deadline. scalability, and ensure high availability of services [22].

III. CHALLENGES IN LOAD BALANCING The goal of load balancing is to ensure that no single server
or resource is overwhelmed with traffic while others remain
The various challenges that are usually occurs in Cloud idle. Load balancing algorithms distribute traffic based on
Computing are briefly summarized in this paper up to some predefined rules, real-time information about server capacity
extent based on their impact [28]. and load, or a combination of both.

1) Security Load balancing can be implemented at different layers of the

The primary concern in Cloud Computing is security network infrastructure, including the network, application,
as they were managed by third party or service and database layers. Network load balancing (NLB)
providers such that they can manage our data. distributes traffic at the network layer, while application load
2) Data Migration balancing (ALB) distributes traffic at the application layer,
Whatever the data we are storing in the cloud it can providing more granular control over traffic distribution.
be easily migrated such that the process ensures data Database load balancing (DLB) distributes traffic across
compatibility, and test the system before its multiple database servers to improve performance and
deployment have been taken place. availability [23].
3) Fault tolerance
It is the most important parameter due to resource may
be lost at any time due to the failure of any
A. BASED ON INITIATION PROCESS Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms:

In load balancing, sender-initated, receiver-initiated, and Dynamic load balancing algorithms use real-time
symmetric communication can be used to distribute information about server capacities and traffic loads to make
incoming network traffic across multiple servers or resources decisions about traffic distribution. These algorithms can
[24]. adjust quickly to changes in traffic patterns and server
capacities, ensuring that resources are utilized optimally.
Initiated sender load balancing: In this approach, the load Dynamic load balancing can be more complex and require
balancer distributes traffic to the servers based on the more computational resources but can provide better
requests initiated by the sender. The sender sends all the performance and scalability [24].
requests to the load balancer, which then distributes the
traffic to the servers based on predefined rules or algorithms. Nature-Inspired Load Balancing Algorithms:
This approach is commonly used in streaming applications
where the sender continuously sends data to the receivers. Nature-inspired load balancing algorithms use principles
derived from natural systems, such as genetic algorithms, ant
Receiver-initiated load balancing: In this approach, the load colony optimization, or swarm intelligence, to distribute
balancer distributes traffic to the servers based on the traffic across servers. These algorithms can adapt to changes
requests initiated by the receiver. The receiver sends a in traffic patterns and server capacities and can provide
request to the load balancer, which then distributes the traffic optimal solutions that are difficult to achieve with traditional
to the servers based on predefined rules or algorithms. This algorithms. Nature-inspired load balancing algorithms can
approach is commonly used in web applications where the be computationally intensive but can provide superior
receiver requests specific data from the server. performance and scalability.

Symmetric load balancing: In this approach, the load Overall, choosing the appropriate load balancing algorithm
balancer distributes traffic to the servers based on a depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the
symmetric or bidirectional communication model. Both the system. Static algorithms can be simple and efficient but may
sender and receiver can initiate communication with the load not adapt well to changes, while dynamic and nature-inspired
balancer, and the load balancer distributes traffic to the algorithms can provide better performance and scalability
servers based on predefined rules or algorithms. but may require more computational resources.

Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages and Load balancing aims at: -
is suited for different types of applications. The choice of 1) Enhance the throughput of the network
load balancing approach depends on factors such as the type 2) Fault Tolerance
of application, the network environment, and the 3) Scalability of the system
performance requirements. 4) Efficient resource utilization
5) Reliability in the service
B. BASED ON STATE OF RESOURCE 6) Minimize the system overhead
Round robin algorithm In cloud computing, Round Robin
Load balancing algorithms can be classified into different is a load balancing algorithm used to distribute incoming
categories based on their approach to distributing traffic. traffic or requests among a group of servers or virtual
Some of the most common categories include [24]: machines (VMs) that are part of a server cluster. The
Round Robin algorithm works by rotating the incoming
Static Load Balancing Algorithms: requests or traffic through a predefined list of servers or
VMs in a circular order. Each server or VM in the list is
Static load balancing algorithms use fixed rules to distribute given an equal chance to handle a request or traffic,
traffic across servers or resources. These algorithms do not regardless of its current workload or resource utilization
take into account the current state or capacity of the servers, [25].
and the rules are defined in advance. Static load balancing
Weighted Round Robin (WRR) is a load balancing
can be simple and efficient but may not adapt well to changes
algorithm used in cloud computing to distribute incoming
in traffic patterns or server capacities [24].
traffic or requests among a group of servers or virtual the dissimilarity between them. One key feature of active
machines (VMs) that are part of a server cluster. Unlike the clustering is that it allows the clusters to evolve and adapt
standard Round Robin algorithm, where each server or VM to changes in the data over time [24].
is given an equal chance to handle a request, the WRR
algorithm assigns a weight to each server or VM in the Throttled Load Balancing Algorithm
cluster [24]. According to this algorithm, the total number of VMs are
maintained in the form of a table by the load balancer and
The Min-Max algorithm is a recursive algorithm that is their states (BUSY/AVAILABLE) [26, 27].
commonly used in game theory to determine the optimal
move for a player assuming that the other player is also Algorithm Pros Cons
playing optimally. It is also known as the Minimax
algorithm. The Min-Max algorithm works by building a
game tree that represents all possible moves and counter-
Round Robin Equal distribution Process is not
moves that can be made by both players. The algorithm Algorithm of work load known in
alternates between two types of nodes in the game tree: [25] advance. For a
Max nodes and Min nodes. A Max node represents the larger task
player's turn, and the algorithm selects the move that context switching
maximizes the score. A Min node represents the opponent's increases
turn, and the algorithm assumes that the opponent will
select the move that minimizes the score [25].

The VM (Virtual Machine) assignment load balancing Processing time

algorithm is used to distribute incoming network traffic Weighted Optimal resource not taken into
across multiple virtual machines in a cloud computing Round Robin utilization consideration
environment. The goal of this algorithm is to enhance [24]
processors utilization and ensure that no VM’s are given
more tasks than they can handle. One common VM
assignment load balancing algorithm is the Round Robin Min Max Shorter makes pan Shorter jobs have
algorithm. In this algorithm, incoming requests are Algorithm as compared to to wait
distributed in a circular manner to each virtual machine in [25] Min- Min
the pool [23].

Opportunistic Load Balancing Algorithm is a dynamic VM Assign Proper VM VM processing

load balancing algorithm that takes advantage of available LB utilization power is not
resources to distribute incoming traffic across multiple Algorithm considered
servers. This algorithm is used to improve the overall [23]
performance and scalability of a server cluster. In Opportunistic Keeps all available Does take into
opportunistic load balancing, the incoming traffic is Load VM busy account the
dynamically routed to the server that has the least amount Balancing previous load
of workload at that moment. The algorithm also monitors (OLB) [25]
the performance of the servers and dynamically adjusts the
traffic distribution to maintain optimal performance [25].
Overall, the opportunistic load balancing algorithm is a Active Existing load is VM processing
clustering taken into power is not
powerful tool for improving the performance and
algorithm consideration considered
scalability of server clusters, particularly in environments [24]
where the workload is unpredictable or varies significantly
over time.
Throttled Utilization of Current workload
Active clustering algorithm is a clustering technique Load resources of VM isn’t
which used to partition data into groups or clusters based on Balancing effectively considered
their similarity. In active clustering, the algorithm starts [26, 27]
with an initial set of clusters and then iteratively merges or
splits them based on certain criteria. The goal is to TABLE 1. Comparison of various Existing Load balancing
maximize the similarity within the clusters and minimize algorithms.
Nature Inspired algorithms Nature
Pros Cons
These Load Balancing algorithms are influenced by natural
phenomena or biological behaviour. Some of them are: GAs is often There is no
robust to changes guarantee that a
Genetic algorithm: In [1, 29] it states that these type of in the problem or GA will find the
algorithm follows natural behavior of travelling in the best solution to a
chromosomes from the older to younger generations. The Genetic environment, problem,
chromosomes shall be developed by using some standard [1,29] which means they particularly if the
measures in an iterative way successively. can continue to problem is poorly
work well even if defined or
Ant Colony Optimization: It follows the natural behavior the problem has many variables.
of ants which is attributed to their process of searching the changes.
food. Usually, they leave a chemical named pheromone
while in search of food. If the food source was found, they ACO is often ACO can require
will take the food and then in their path leaves that robust to changes careful parameter
in the problem or tuning to achieve
pheromone. The intensity of the chemical is based on the
in the good performance,
size of the food source [1, 30]. Ant Colony environment, which can be time-
Optimization which means it consuming and
Particle Swarm Optimization: This algorithm follows the
[1, 30] can continue to difficult.
natural behavior of flocking of birds. Generally, they will
work well even if
flock when there are abundant food resources are available. the problem
This type of behavior of birds is applied to find the optimal changes.
path in virtual machine for handling the workload [1].
PSO can be used PSO can be
Water Wave Algorithm: This algorithm is based on the to solve a wide computationally
natural behavior of water wave flow and its theory is based Particle range of expensive,
on shallow wave theory. It is developed for 3D space of Swarm problems, particularly for
seabed for optimization of a problem but initially it was Optimization including large problems or
used to schedule high speed trains [1]. optimization, problems with
[1] feature selection, many variables.
Honey Bee Foraging: The author in [31] suggested this and machine
algorithm which was focused on optimization in bee colony learning.
and the behavior of honey bees, which will be optimizing
the food or nectar which was collected by them to reach the The WWA is a The convergence
simple algorithm rate of the WWA
maximum levels of production.
that is easy to can be slow,
Other Techniques implement and especially for
can be easily complex problems.
The cloud load balancing is also can be done by an AWS Water Wave modified to solve
service that is EC2 by using VM wares [1] various
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) EC2 by AWS problems.
is a well-known cloud computing service that allows users
to launch and manage virtual machines, called instances,
It has a good ability The convergence
on-demand, and provides resizable compute capacity in the to search for global rate of the HBFA
cloud. Load balancing is an essential component of the optima, as it uses can be slow,
AWS infrastructure, and EC2 offers several load balancing the concept of especially for
options to distribute traffic across multiple instances and Honey Bee swarm intelligence
and the recruitment
complex problems.
enhance application scalability, performance, and Foraging
process of honey
availability in the cloud [32]. The Elastic Load Balancer bee foraging to
[30, 31]
(ELB) is the most commonly used load balancing model for converge to the best
EC2 instances. Choosing the right load balancing model for solution.
an application depends on the specific needs, traffic
TABLE 2. Comparison of various Nature Inspired Algorithms.
volume, and level of control and customization required.
The cloud load balancing also can be done by using Deep
Learning by using the keras library V. LOAD BALANCING METRICS FOR
Cloud load balancing using deep learning techniques VARIOUS ALGORITHMS
involves training a deep neural network on historical data to
predict the optimal distribution of incoming traffic across 1) Performance: The overall system efficiency can be
multiple servers or instances. Keras is a popular deep calculated using this metric, which should be improved at
learning library that provides a high-level interface for an optimal cost [34-36].
building and training neural networks. Here's a high-level
2) Resource Utilization: This metric is useful in verifying
overview of how cloud load balancing using deep learning
whether a system's resources are being utilized effectively
with Keras could work [33]:
or not. Ideally, resource utilization should be at optimal
Collect and pre-process data: The first step is to collect and levels.
pre-process historical data on traffic patterns, resource
3) Response time: It is defined as the time period between
usage, and server availability. This data can be obtained
the sender’s request and the receiver’s response. It shall be
from server logs, monitoring tools, or other sources. The
reduced for enhancing the performance of a system.
data should be pre-processed to remove any noise or
outliers, and normalized to ensure consistent scaling. 4) Overhead: The overhead associated with executing a
load balancing algorithm encompasses additional expenses,
Define the neural network architecture: The next step is to
inter-processor and inter-process communication, and task
define the neural network architecture using Keras. The
migration. To optimize the efficiency of an algorithm, this
architecture will depend on the specific requirements of the
overhead must be minimized.
load balancing problem, but could include multiple layers
of fully connected or convolutional neural networks. 5) Fault tolerance: Fault tolerance refers to a system's
ability to continue processing uninterrupted even if one or
Train the neural network: Once the neural network
more system elements fail. To ensure effective load
architecture is defined, it needs to be trained on the pre-
balancing, a system should have a high level of fault
processed historical data. This involves splitting the data
into training and validation sets, and using an optimizer and
loss function to update the network weights and biases 6) Scalability: Scalability refers to a system's capability to
during backpropagation. Keras provides a range of built-in increase or expand the number of nodes while maintaining
optimizers and loss functions, or users can define custom the same level of Quality of Service (QoS) in the event of
ones. an increase in the number of users.
Deploy the trained model: After the neural network is 7) Migration time: The "task migration time" metric is
trained, the next step is to deploy the model to the cloud defined as the duration taken to transfer tasks or resources
infrastructure. This could involve using Keras with a cloud from one node to another. To achieve better performance,
platform such as AWS, GCP, or Azure to manage the task migration time should be minimized.
instances and distribute traffic based on the predictions
from the model. 8) Throughput: Throughput is a metric that measures the
total number of jobs completed by a system. To achieve
Monitor and update the model: Finally, the trained model optimal system performance, the throughput should be
needs to be continuously monitored and updated as traffic high.
patterns change or new instances are added or removed.
This may involve using real-time monitoring tools and
retraining the model periodically on updated data to ensure VI. SUMMARIZATION
optimal load balancing performance. In summary, cloud
load balancing using deep learning techniques with Keras After examining load balancing techniques in resource
involves collecting and pre-processing data, defining and scheduling, including nature-inspired and cloud-based
training a neural network model, deploying the model to the methods such as deep learning, we analyzed their
cloud infrastructure, and continuously monitoring and
updating the model to optimize load
balancing performance.
Algorithm Overhead Resource Response Performan Fault Scalability Migration Throughput
Utilization time ce tolerance time

Round ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓  ✓

Min-Max ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    ✓

OLB    ✓    ✓

ACO ✓ ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓

Throttled  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Active ✓ ✓     ✓ ✓

Honey Bee  ✓      

TABLE 3. Comparison of various Load balancing

algorithms based on the 8 metrics

Balancing is a technique employed to evenly distribute the

advantages and disadvantages. The findings were organized workload among nodes to optimize resource utilization and
in Table 1 and Table 2, which specifically focused on nature- system performance. This research paper emphasizes the
inspired algorithms. By comparing the techniques based on significance of Load Balancing, its benefits, and various
8 metrics, we evaluated their performance and ability to types. The study conducts a survey of different Load
demonstrate the properties outlined in Table 3. Balancing algorithms proposed by researchers, analyzing
each algorithm's pros and cons. To compare these
algorithms, various performance parameters such as
scalability, throughput, performance and others were
VII. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS considered. Based on the analysis of various algorithms, it is
Although there is a wealth of literature on this subject, observed that the Throttled load balancing algorithm and Ant
this study has identified specific aspects that warrant further Colony Optimization algorithm exhibit superior
investigation. performance in the metrics.

The authors express their gratitude to all individuals who
The IT industry is witnessing a rising trend in Cloud
contributed to the enhancement of this paper's content.
Computing that demands high infrastructure, resources, and
storage. Among the numerous challenges posed by Cloud
Computing, Load Balancing plays a crucial role. Load

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