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Goma, Khate Coleen P.


Do you agree with Kant's Ethics? Why?

• No, I do not agree with Kant’s ethics. Kant's ethics cannot give humans any reason
to be moral. Kant’s Categorical Imperative and its formulations shows that our
decisions weigh the possibility whether we see it as morally right or wrong.
“Categorical imperatives are what commands you that must be followed
regardless of your desires. Moral obligations are derived from pure reason. You
don’t need religion to determine what that law is, because what is right and wrong
is totally knowable just by using your intellect”. By having our reason and will, we
can choose to say that what we are doing or what decision we make is morally
right and yes, we are all rational beings with individual outlooks, perspectives,
and beliefs and yet having the difference by what each of us chooses could be
entirely wrong for others. For example, someone killed a person and, in their
defense, they killed that someone due to him being caught cheating. the suspect
was consumed with anger thus the intellect sends a signal that their choice was
right and if that happens then what the suspect did could be right because of
what he did, then it would become a natural event wherein it is legal to kill due to
anger. People have a duty to do the right thing, even if it produces a bad result.
Actions are made with reasons that are acceptable to many and not for the benefit
of own desires.

Would you rather suppress your own desire to help other people even by doing the
wrong means? Why?

• Yes, In line with Kant’s. Helping someone is right but doing the wrong means in
order to help that person is what makes it morally wrong. Helping others is the
first step in making the world a better place and improving the lives of those who
aren't as lucky as you. But it's also shown to bring about a wealth of benefits for
those who choose to help and might just be the key to happiness. Someone
asked for help for their benefit or they are in a bind that they cannot get off to
without the help of another person. Helping others will make us feel needed and
a sense of fulfillment. But when helping it should be of the right choice without
breaking the moral law. For example, I saw someone stealing money from the
fund-raising charity and it was the organizer. I could choose to report the
organizer but then I would be a target for revenge. I could also choose to be quiet
about it and let it slip but my conscience would guilt me up. If I choose the first
option then I would be responsible for the organizers’ imprisonment, So a person

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is doing something good if they are doing a morally right action. Making it my
responsibility for it was my wrong means that caused him to end up that way.

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