Practical Reasearch 1

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March 2023

Chapter 1


Background of the study

Over a billion students are at risk of falling behind academically as a result of school closures intended to contain
the spread on Covid-19 (UNICEF, 2020). To slow the spread of the virus and prevent infections, most countries have
temporarily closed educational facilities (Tria, 2020). As a result, learners and educators, who are on the front lines of this
educational crisis, bear and great amount of responsibility for taking purposeful actions and ensuring that both of them
continue to receive a high-quality, inclusive, and equitable education despite the pandemic (UNESCO, 2020). It has been
more than a year since Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte issued Proclamation No. 929, which declared the whole
Philippines under a State of Calamity for a period of six (6) months beginning March 16, 2020, and imposed an Enhanced
Community Quarantine (ECQ) throughout the island of Luzon, which includes Metro Manila, from 12:00 AM on March
17, 2020, to 12:00 AM on April 13, 2020, both effective unless earlier lifted or extended as the circumstances may
warrant. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest impacts of this global crisis is on education, affecting the delivery of instruction
and teaching modalities despite the pandemic (UNESCO, 2020).
According to the government’s declaration, no one has ever thought that this faceless enemy will drag the
educational system down, resulting in the suspension of classes and the cancellation of planned activities. With its vision
to provide a significant avenue for learners and to ensure the continuity of education in the wake of a health emergency,
the Department implemented an Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) known as DepEd Commons, which is said to be
useful. DepEd Commons is an online learning delivery platform that is primarily developed for public and private school
learners. It is an online-based alternative learning modality that aims to be receptive and beneficial to learners amidst the
enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) period. While our government is stressing that the most effective way to combat
the devastating virus is by staying home, this online platform serves as a learning vehicle for students to continue learning
without compromising their health and safety.

Modular learning is the most common method of distance learning in the Philippines, (Bernardo,2020)
assets that all public schools used modular learning since studying through printed and digital modules has
become the most popular distance learning technique among parents. The new normal of face-to-face learning
involves the educators teaching their learners through school. There will be immediate communication, social
and emotional development, and the activeness of a student with their educators because the physical
communication of a student with the educators has been eliminated since the advent of online and modular
distance learning. Modular distance learning on the other hand has several difficulties, particularly in the
Philippines. Many learners in basic education, According to Tibon (2020) are not capable of independent
learning. The development and production of high-quality modules to meet the diverse demand's of learners
necessities considerate thought. It's possible that the learner's overall growth will be harmed. There maybe a
minimal opportunities for students to engage and mingle. This can be a problem for pupils who are unable to
cope with the abrupt changes in the educational environment.
As the Covid-19 spread so fast in the country and many people affected by it, it's really hard to adjust
honestly from face to face class to the new normal adjustment and when government and DepEd declared
enhanced community quarantine (ECQ)the life cycle of many students change that they did not expected going
to school and studied like they used to, is not going to happen anymore, everything are in a mess when covid-19
appeared but for the seek of all learners, the DepEd decide to change the educational system into online class
and modular modality. According to Itorralba(2022), the learners has a difficulties during the COVID-19 that

includes the inability to submit on time their answered activities on modules on the time frame or specified
period given for submission, difficulty in reading and comprehension, personal teenage problems that some of
the students could not submit modules on time because of personal teenage problems, peer pressure, and
personal things like family problems which are a part of growing up stage of the teens. The road to a never-
ending poor network connection is a path that students The findings of this study can provide insights for
educators and policymakers in addresing the changes that grade 11 accountancy, business, and management
(ABM) learners may face during the transition of modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face
modalities. Additionally, it can contribute to the existing literature on the impacts of changes and adjustments of
the covid-19 pandemic on the educational system and the adjustments that learners need to make in adapting the
new changes of modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face modalities. As the country moves towards
the new normal, the Department of Education (DepEd) has introduced face-to-face learning modalities with
strict health protocols to ensure the safety of learners and teachers. This shift in modality poses challenges for
both teachers and learners, particularly in terms of adjustments to new learning environments, teaching
strategies, and instructional materials.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to know the adjustment of Grade 11 Accountancy Business and Management
(ABM) learners from modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face modalities is a significant challenge
that needs to be addressed. The sudden shift in learning modalities can imfact learners academic performance,
social and emotional well-being and overall adjustment to the new normal.
This research aims to know the adjustment from modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face
modalities of Grade 11 Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) student of (TUBAO) as their
(Specifically), this study aims to answer the following questions:

1.What is the (demographic) profile of the respondents in terms.

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Religion
2.What can you say about the new normal environmental system?
3.Why learning face-to-face classes is better than modular distance learning?

Scope and Delimination


The coverage of this study is the adjustments of learners in Grade 11 accountancy, Business, and
Management learners from modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face modalities. The primary
subjects of this research study consist of the senior high school students through interview. The respondents
were limited to ten (10) respondents with are in the accountancy, business, and management (ABM) Strand of
senior high school OF (TUBAO). This study will be conducted from the last week of april up to first week of
may 2023.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that knowing the adjustments of grade 11 abm learners from modular distance
learning to new normal face-to-face modalities of (TUBAO) as their guide to adjust will benefit the following
Learners: These students are the primary beneficiaries of the study because it will assist them in
transitioning from modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face learning. The study will provide
insights to learners on the differences between modular distance learning and face-to-face learning modalities
and help them adapt to the new normal learning environment.
Parents: The result of the study will guide the parents of the learners on how they can adjust on the
changes in their studies from modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face.
Teachers: The results of this study will help teachers in designing and implementing appropriate
teaching strategies and instructional materials that can aid the adjustment of learners to face-to-face learning
modalities. Curriculum Developers: The study will contribute to the development of a more responsive and
flexible curriculum that considers the changing educational landscape.
Policy-makers: The results of this study can inform policy-makers in making decisions related to the
implementation of modular distance learning and face-to-face learning modalities.
Future Researchers: The study's findings will be used as a reference and a guide for future
researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or any other study involving the transition of
grade 11 abm learners from modular distance learning to new normal face-to-face modalities.

Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework
The shift from modular distance learning to face-to-face modalities can have both positive and
negative impacts on the adjustments of Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) learners. To
analyze this phenomenon we can use the social cognitive theory.
This study is anchored on Social Cognitive theory. Constructivism as cited by Bandura (2021)
emphasizes the importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, emotional reactions
of others, and provides a framework for understanding how individuals learn, develop, and change over time.
The Social Cognitive theory is learners acquire new behavior and skills by observing and imitating the
behaviors of others. A major theme in the theoretical framework of Bandura (2021) is that human behavior is a
result of the reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors. In the context of
the adjustments of Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management Learners may need to observe and learn
from their peers or teachers to adapt to the new face-to-face modalities. Cognitive structure (schema) provides
meaning and organization to experiences and allows the individual to go beyond the information given. In other
words, the teacher should try and encourage learner to discover principles by themselves. With the use of
adjusting Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) learners from modular distance learning
to new normal face-to-face modalities is to provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience that
fosters socialization and collaboration among students. While distance learning has its benefits, such as
flexibility and convenience, it can also be isolating and lacks the social interaction that face-to-face learning
provides. With the shift face-to-face modalities, students can benefit from a more structured learning
environment that allows them to interact with their peers and teachers. They can also receive immediate
feedback and support, which can help them better understand complex concepts and develop critical thinking
skills. Moreover, face-to-face learning provides students with opportunities to develop important social and
emotional skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. These skills are essential in the
world of business and management, where collaboration and effective communication are crucial for success.

Conceptual Framework
The framework shows the Independent Variable illustration. Modular Learning and Face-to-face will
be brought five different variables in order to achieve the result of the study which is to determine several
factors that can influence the adjustment of learners, such as their prior experiences with face-to-face learning,
their technology skills, their motivation, their support systems, their academic performance, the challenges that
learners may face during the transition period and the strategies that can help them cope with these
challenges. Figure 1 shows the framework of studying interrelationships of the variables of the study.

Prior experience with


Specific changes in learning

practices, coping strategies, and
Transition from modular
motivation made by grade 11
distance learning to new
accounting, business, and
normal face-to-face modalities
management learners

Quality of teaching
Socio-emotional and cognitive materials and resources
processes of learners

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study showing

the interrelationships of the variables

Definition of Terms

These definitions serve as a reference to ensure clarity and consistency in the usage of key terms
throughout the qualitative research study:

1. Adjustments. Refers to the changes, adaptations, and modifications made by Grade 11 Accountancy,
Business, and Management (ABM) learners in response to the transition from modular distance learning to face-
to-face classes. It encompasses the cognitive, emotional, social, and practical modifications undertaken by the
learners to adapt to the new learning modalities.

2. Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) learners. Refers to students enrolled in the
Grade 11 level pursuing the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand of the senior high school
curriculum. These learners specialize in subjects related to accounting, business, economics, and management.

3. Modular Distance Learning. Refers to an educational approach that utilizes modules or self-contained
learning materials as the primary mode of instruction. Learners engage in independent study, completing
assignments and activities at their own pace, often with limited direct interaction with teachers or peers.

4. New Normal Face-to-Face Modalities. Refers to the post-pandemic educational setup where learners attend
physical classes in a traditional classroom setting, following health and safety protocols and adapting to the
changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. It involves in-person interactions between learners,
teachers, and peers while incorporating necessary adjustments to ensure a safe learning environment.

5. Transition. Refers to the process of moving from one learning modality (modular distance learning) to
another (new normal face-to-face modalities). It involves the adjustment and adaptation of learners to the
changes in instructional methods, classroom dynamics, social interactions, and learning environments.

6. Cognitive Adjustments. Refers to the mental and intellectual modifications made by learners to
accommodate new learning modalities. It includes changes in learning strategies, study habits, information
processing, and problem-solving approaches.

7. Emotional Adjustments. Refers to the psychological and emotional changes experienced by learners during
the transition process. It encompasses coping with feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, excitement, and other
emotional responses associated with the shift in learning modalities.

8. Social Adjustments. Refers to the modifications in learners' social interactions and relationships during the
transition. It includes adjustments in peer interactions, group work dynamics, collaborative learning, and
building new social connections in the face-to-face learning environment.

9. Learning Environment. Refers to the physical, social, and psychological context in which learning takes
place. It includes the classroom setting, school facilities, teaching methods, interactions with teachers and peers,
and overall educational atmosphere.

10. Inclusive Education. Refers to an approach that ensures all learners, including those with diverse abilities
and backgrounds, are provided with equitable opportunities and support to participate in and benefit from the
educational process. It promotes access, participation, and achievement for all learners, regardless of their
individual characteristics.
Review of Related Literature
This chapter shows a retrospective presentation of previously written material; research literature and
conceptual that has relevance and significance. The definition of terms to the research under considered. It is
done with citation of articles and crediting of owners of such that are employed for profound evaluation of the
information inquired for this study.

Local Study

According to Cano (2022) with the current stance of the educational system in the COVID-19
pandemic period, it is imperative for any academic institution to have a nuanced perspective of the academic
performance of its learners. This ensures that the educational system remains attuned to the institution’s vision
and mission amid the global health crisis. Although a considerable study had been conducted in an online
distance learning setup during the pre-pandemic period, there is a dearth of literature comparing the academic
performance of senior high school (SHS) learners in traditional face-to-face and online distance learning
modalities. Hence, this study compared the academic performance of SHS learners in the traditional face-to-
face and online distance learning modalities. The average final grades of 1,913 enrolled in the traditional face-
to-face, and 1,449 enrolled in the online distance learning modality were used to determine which instructional
modality improved learners’ academic performance.

COVID-2019 pandemic has changed the educational scenario and forced to develop abrupt changes in
the areas of education in India. Majority of the educational institutions have to adopt online education for the
benefits of students learning and internal assessments. The developing country like India where still the
classroom teaching is the most favorable medium of education and online education is in the childhood stage.
Due to the availability of infrastructure, mindset of various stakeholders, it is the biggest challenge for various
stakeholders to switch from traditional teaching to online education. (Chevdra 2021) Smartphones and mobile
applications were the most utilized educational tool and e-learning resources. Google classroom was the most
widely used as online learning system during asynchronous class, while Google Meet as a meeting platform
during synchronous scheduled classes. It was found that students’ skills towards online learning systems and
meeting platforms were proficient. During flexible learning, Facebook was on top of the most convenient,
followed by Google and Zoom as perceived by students as accessible, equitable, communicative, monitorable
and sustainable to use. Consequently, it was found that students strongly agreed on preparedness as the most
vital to engagement in online learning. Accordingly, findings suggest that strengthening online teaching and
delivery of methods by creating contents tailored to the needs of the students during flexible learning will
propel to ensuring the efficacy of teaching and learning processes (Santiago 2021).
In additional, according to Pingol, K.F.G (2022) found that low access to the Internet and gadgets has
been a great cause of worry for them. Despite the physical distance, students like to interact and maintain
communication with teachers and peers and receive feedback about their work. However, learners are
ambivalent about the conduct of regular synchronous classes. The majority also believe that distance learning is
more difficult than the pre-pandemic setup. It is suggested that relevant educational stakeholders find ways to
help students who struggled during this sudden shift in education.
Accordingly Best, (2020) on Time-Management with flexibility comes the need for students to
prioritize their time. ODL promotes student’s responsiveness when it comes to managing their time for future
purposes too. Students’ schedules are flexible, giving them the accountability for their time. It molds the
student’s ability to organize what they need to do next to efficiently make use of their allotted time. They are
free from the obligations of studying at a specific time, but this raises their awareness of doing their
responsibility as a student naturally. TVL Student C: “I do not need to wake myself early just to prepare stuff
and go to school, I only need to prepare myself and my device for online class. I can freely manage my time as
well because there is allotted time for online classes. I can spend my remaining time doing household chores
and other things. I can also synchronize doing household chores and attend my class too.” TVL Student E: “I
can do house chores after my classes online, sometimes I am able to do my house chores and online classes at
once. I can manage my time more effectively unlike in the face-to-face classes.” Because of ODL, some
students can even multitask. Learners are allocating specific time to study based on their own preferences,
making their performance better. HUMSS Student A: “Now that I can control my own time when it comes to
studying and doing household chores, it is much easier for me to move and decide what I should do next.” With
ODL as a learning modality, students systematically decide what they will do for a single day, making them
more progressive and efficient.

Foreign Literature
The modular distance learning is the most common method of distance learning and implemented in
the Philippines during covid-19 pandemic. As of Southeast Asian neighbors have responded creatively to
similar challenges and have begun to pivot to a new era of education. As early as May 2020, Indonesia,

Thailand, and Vietnam have started some type of distance learning. Thailand's Education Ministry had intended
to use a Distance Learning Television (DLTV) platform to implement a learning program. Educational courses,
vocational education, non-formal and informal education were broadcast on seventeen television
channels(Praphornkul, 2020).Indonesia's Education and Culture Ministry launched their own distance learning
program named "Learning from Home" (Jakarta Globe, 2020).Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training
(MOET) organized a national online conference with 300 live meeting hubs to find ways to improve online
learning (Nguyen and Pham,2020).Therefore, the learners in every countries have similarities and differences
adjustment regarding from distance learning to face to face classes modalities cause by covid-19
pandemic(PER, 2022).
According to UNICEF Thailand (2022), after a prolonged period of learning at home during school
closures, learners in Thailand are back in the physical classroom since July 1 (2021-2022) and the learners
adjusting to the new normal. Like many others, Learners at Thai Raj Kiri school in the Mae Sot district of Tak
province were very excited at the first day of school reopening. They are eager to rebuild a daily routine of
learning, while trying to adjust to an unprecedented school year amid COVID-19.
The first day of school started with pouring rain in the early morning. Learners commuted on a school
bus, which picked them up from their villages. Due to COVID-19, the bus needs to make up to six rounds and
pick up a limited number of learners at a time to ensure it is not too packed to abide by physical distancing
measures. All learners are required to have their temperature checked before getting on the bus, register with
their teachers and clean their hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizers at the school’s screening point. Some
teachers stand by with hand-held thermometers to check the temperatures of learners.The learners then clean
their hands with hand sanitizer and receive a stamp reading “PASS” on their wrist, after which they are allowed
to enter classrooms. Generally, the new normal of going to school during COVID-19 may not remain unfamiliar
to learners for too long. No matter where they looked, they saw posters and information related to COVID-19
everywhere. They wore masks while studying, desks were set further apart, and morning activities were
cancelled to prevent large gatherings. All of these practices were implemented in line with the safe school
guidelines and teacher manuals developed by UNICEF, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public
Health, with assistance from the Government of Japan.
According also to SAGE (2022), the United States (US)had intended to used remote learning to
continued the studies of learners during pandemic. Abrupt shifts to remote learning over the past two school
years (2020-2021) have affected the learners, negatively impacting their social, emotional, and mental well-
being and academic achievement. The United states (US)learners adjustment from remote learning to face to
face modalities has been difficult at first. Getting back to a normal routine, learners are consistently focusing on
how been able to adapt to new situations and conditions. Learners are facing the reality to be able to ride all the
new changes occur. Enhancing their skills and keep moving forward into the adjustment phase. However, the
learners adjustment from remote learning to face to face modalities are quiet hard but it become easy and made
slowly when learners deal the obstacles in adjusting the new things. More precisely, the new learning styles are
suitable to learners in the face to face classes during the pandemic to gain more knowledge and learn new
things. Learners thus be able to learn effectively, healthily, and safely.
The researchers gathered data necessary in the adjustments of learners from distance learning to new
normal face- to- face classes modalities, on the study in knowing there are changes from the problem and
providing information directly and conveniently.

Chapter 3
This chapter presents the methods and procedures of research employed by the researchers to gather
necessary information. The methodology also includes the discussions of the research design that was used, the
duration and the locale of the study and the population and participants. Furthermore, this chapter shows the
data gathering instrument and the tools used for the interpretation and analysis of data.

Research Design

According to Neubaeur et al. (2019), phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that focuses
on examining people's lived experiences within their respective realities. Phenomenology aims to understand
the essence and characteristics of a specific phenomenon under investigation. It delves into the subjective
experiences and perspectives of individuals to gain a deep understanding of their lived realities. In line with
this, the researchers selected the phenomenology design for this study as they believed it to be the most suitable
and logical approach to gather information or data considering the unique experiences of the participants. By
employing phenomenology, the researchers sought to capture the richness and depth of the participants'
experiences and shed light on the central phenomenon being explored.
The phenomenology design was additionally selected because it is the best method for enabling the researchers
to vividly and intimately delve into the many perspectives and living experiences concerning the difficulties and
measures that the participants had taken during the semester and which will contribute responses to the
research's central phenomenon.
Duration and Local of the Study
This study was conducted from the last week of April up to the first week of May 2023 at
(TUBAO).TUBAO was founded in 1905 to give better educational opportunities to its students and was once
known as San Carlos Farm School. It was a secondary school named after the late and former Speaker of the
House of Representatives of the Philippines, , who happened to be a native of then the town of LA UNION.
During the latter part of 1975, the Department of Education and the Department of Culture extended
the authority to TUBAO to offer a four-year Teacher Education Course leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture Education (BSAED).In 1985, the school was chosen as a national pilot school for the
new Secondary Education Curriculum and was also chosen as the Division Leader School in 1993.
However, year (2020-2021) covid-19 virus occurred that makes the government implemented the
method of distance learning in the Philippines during covid-19 pandemic to continued the studies of learners
over the past two school years. In fact, At the onset of the K to 12 Curriculum, TUBAO continues to offer
quality education after and during pandemic to both Academic and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)
Tracks. The academic track offered includes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), whereas the
TVL Track consists of Animal Production NCII, Animation NCII, Bread and Pastry Production NCII,
Computer System Servicing (CSS) NCII, Cookery NCII, Crop Production NCII, Food and Beverage Service

NCII, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) NCII, Programming Net Technology NCII, Shielded Metal Arc
Welding (SMAW) NCII and Tailoring NCII.
At present, TUBAO stands in Roxas Boulevard with a total land area of approximately 35 hectares. In
terms of personnel, TUBAO boasts of its 217 individuals comprising the teaching and non-teaching staff. More
than 4000 Junior High School (JHS) learners and about 2000 Senior High School (SHS) students are currently
enrolled in this learning institution, making it the biggest and largest public school of LA UNION Division in
terms of population and land area. As of now, learners continue to excel and adjust in both academic and non-
academic aspects such as sociocultural and athletic competitions from the division level up to the national. It
remains as the epitome of excellence in terms of management and the students making it one of the most
outstanding schools in the country. On this regard, the researchers are in full conviction that the locale perfectly
fits to gather data from the learners adjustments by conducting the actual interview.
Population and Participants
Criterion sampling involves selecting cases that meet some predetermined criterion of importance
(Patton, 2001). This is a form of purposeful sampling in which a researcher picks all cases only if they qualify
on the predefined series of criteria set. The point of criterion sampling is to be sure to understand cases that are
likely to be information-rich because they may reveal major system weaknesses that become targets of
opportunity for program or system improvement. In qualitative studies, sample size should be determined based
on informational needs. In fact, a guiding principle in sampling is data saturation- that is, sampling to the point
at which no new information is obtained and redundancy is achieved (Polit & Beck, 2004).
There are about 124 learners in the three sections of Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)
grade 11 enrolled in TUBAO. These learners are now adjusting to the new normal classes from modular
learning, thus making them the ideal participants of this study.
The population and the participants in this study are students who have had a new experience with
Modular Distance Learning towards modern conventional teaching. The respondents consist of twenty-one (21)
students in the 11th grade, specializing in Accountancy and Business Management (ABM). Seven (7) students
will be taken from each of the three (3) classrooms of grade 11 ABM to be participants in the conducted
research. This is to gather the perspectives of the said respondents regarding this research or study. To protect
the confidentiality of the informants, each of them were assigned with a code name.

Prospective participants must possess all of the following criteria set to be considered by the researchers for
recruitment as sources of data:
1. A Senior High School (SHS) student of TUBAO who is currently enrolled under the Academic track;
2. A Grade 11 ABM learners;
3. Either male or female;
4. Learners who are presently adjusting and adapting the new environment system;
5.With sound mind which will be assessed by the researchers through observation and asking questions which
can evaluate their orientation time, place, and person. This includes asking the informant’s name and age, the
place where he/she lives, and the approximate time and date of the interview (Snyderman & Rovner, 2009).

There are no specific age, gender, and position requirements in selecting the respondents. Only the strand of the
respondents will be primarily considered.
Data Analysis
Data from the actual interview of the learners were transcribed in verbatim to facilitate the analysis of textual
data. Each line of transcribed data (segments) was assigned a meaningful code based on the meaning or context
of each segment, and in keeping with the study’s research sub-problems. Field notes during the actual interview
were incorporated in the analysis of data for validation of responses as non-verbal cues can signal messages that
often go unnoticed, which is important relative to the interpretation of data.

Furthermore, the researchers used thematic analysis in the treatment of data. The process of thematic analysis
by Braun and Clarke (2006) which follows a six-step framework was utilized in this inquiry.

1. Familiarization. This step involved the familiarization of the researchers by reading and rereading the
transcripts for a couple of times. Through familiarization, the researchers were sought to engage with the data
and begin to think about prevalent topics discussed by participants which were noted on a sheet of paper.
2. Generating the initial codes. In this phase, the researchers began coding the data to organize them in a
meaningful and systematic way.
3. Search for themes. Using inductive method, the codes were grouped into relevant categories that were
aligned to the purposes of this study. The categories were exhaustive, mutually exclusive, sensitizing and
conceptually relevant.
4. Review of themes. During this step, the researchers reviewed, developed and tried to modify the preliminary
themes to get the meaningful aspects of data without missing any important details. Once the themes were
confirmed to represent the group of data, the researchers moved on to the fifth step.
5. Definition of themes. This was the final refinement of the themes and the aim was to identify the essence of
what each theme was about. What is the theme saying? If there are subthemes, how do they interact and relate
to the main theme? How do the themes relate to each other? (Braun & Clarke, 2006, p.92)
6. Writing up. Writing up was the final stage which involved writing a final report outlining the meanings
inherent to the informants’ responses. This stage revolved in the translation of themes into a narrative account.
Here, the analyses of the data collected became expansive as the themes generated were explained and

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